What can be prepared from wild pears. How to make pear jam for the winter? Simple recipe for thick pear jam. The most delicious jam with pears and poppy seeds - a perfect recipe with pictures of the finished strain

That couple - three jars of fragrant lasoschiv can be found on the shelves of komori skin thrifty gentlemen.

If on the gillous pear tree in the middle of the leaves one can see the rum'yany juice sides of the fruit, the trochs are summarily. Summer is coming and it's golden-zhovta autumn time! Tse best hour for brown fruit preparations, you can cook burshtin pear varennya. On the other side, I present to you 5 simple recipes for pear jam for the winter under a single sticker on the jars: "Lick your fingers!"

Recipe for a simple pear jam for the winter

Let's start with the simplest recipe. Make a boil with pears and roll up yoga for the winter so easily that a young cook will turn around, start.

Prepare products:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 1, 200 kg;
  • water - 1 bottle;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Pour the bottle into the bloody sand and put the basin on the fire to prepare the syrup. Mix with a spatula or with a great spoon, so that the zukor does not grow.
  2. Pears are cut into chastochki, sparing us the fruit and the fruit.
  3. In boiling syrup, pour 1 teaspoon of citric acid and mix well.
  4. Usled ​​zavantazhuemo sliced ​​pears.
  5. Check, if the boil is boiled, pick up the kick and cook savory salmon for about 30 hvilin
  6. If you are cooking trohi okholone, you can put it in a sterilized jar and close it with sterilized lids.

Shvidke pear brew is ready! As if in the evening at the cold sіchnі you can rule with savory family tea!

Burshtinov varennya with pear parts

Boiled in sucrose syrup, pear chalks transform on the gaps of burshtin malt. The recipe for cooking is even simpler and is suitable for all lovers of winter preparations.

Ingredients for jam:

  • scuffed pears - 1 kg;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 1 kg;
  • cold water - 200 g.


  1. Fruits are cleanly in the skin, vizhemo on the inside and on the same thin chasms.
  2. Tsukrovy pіsok rozchinniy vodi that put on povіlniy fire. Sumish is brought to a boil, so that the syrup becomes burshtinovim and napіvprozorim.
  3. We warmly cut the pears in a warm way, remoulding and re-putting them on a regular vognik.
  4. Let it boil for 5-6 minutes and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times after reaching the end.

For lovers of thick malts, boil the lasagna for 4 times.

Fruits will become more transparent, and the jam will become thicker after cooling. Now you can arrange yogo in jars and serve it to the table to evaluate the savory flavors!

Pear jam for the winter "P'yatikhvilinka" - a simple recipe

For gospodarok-kvashinok pіdіyde a simple recipe for pear stew, for yakim burshtin's dessert to cook 3 times for 5 quills. That is why they called this original way of preparing p'yatikhvilinka.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • fruit - 2 kg;
  • tsukor / pіsok - 2 kg.


  1. Fruits are washed under running water, relatively drier and cut into thin particles. We sip everything with a bloody squeak and mix it up.
  2. After seeing a sufficient amount of juice, the workpiece is put on fire and from the moment of boiling the boil, it is good to boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Once the procedure is completed again, the procedure is repeated again. For the sake of the malt, it is necessary to chill again!

You can already serve thick lasso from pears on the table for the joy of the lasuns, and take a jar of jam for holy tea for the family!

To prepare a thicker pear brew, to boil the syrup to a viscous honey. The recipe is not foldable, but if you happen to have a little trouble, then the result will be reversed.

Prepared Ingredients:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • water.


  1. Stigli, but the hard fruits of the pear need to be remembered and cut into pieces. Rozmir Shmatochkiv is appointed by the master herself!
  2. Fruits are transferred to a saucepan and filled with water. Motherland can cover beautiful chastices approximately on the width of one finger. There you can add fresh lemon juice. Now you need to close the container with a lid and cook 10 - 15 quills.
  3. If the syrup is more sour, put it through a sieve, and carefully transfer the pears to another bowl.
  4. Motherland is poured back at the pot, add zukor and boil for about 30 quills, stirring occasionally.
  5. In a fresh syrup, we add pears and boil for 7 strands. After reaching, repeat the procedure 3 more times.

When the jam is ready, you can arrange it in sterilized jars and clean it up for the winter.

You can check the readiness of the boil in different ways: Syrup, having reached it, weddle the trochs onto a plate and pass it along with a new finger or a spoon. The furrow is not guilty of reeling!

Pear jam recipe with lemon

Veresen and Zhovten - hot time for autumn preparations! For recipes, you can make homemade gifts Burshtin's Varennia pears, and a citrus note of lemon gives you a unique aroma of that summer freshness.

Prepared ingredients:

  • pears - 2 kg of cleansers;
  • lemon - half;
  • zukor - 1,200 kg;
  • water - 1 bottle.


  1. Purified from the zayvogo pear, it is detailed on thin chastices. It’s not necessary to take the skin, save the pear shmatochki and the beautiful ones.
  2. Lemon is peeled from the brush and cut into thin slices.
  3. At the saucepan with non-stick coating, tsukor hangs, we add a bottle of water and put it on a small vault. Mix with a spatula until the sour piss is completely broken and the transparent syrup is made. We know pink!
  4. We fill it with hot pear syrup and put the basin on a full fire. It’s checkable that the future cooking has warmed up, but it hasn’t boiled. It’s not important with a spatula, so as not to damage the chastochki, you can periodically scroll and shake the basin. Chekaєmo 20 khvilin, garni pear troch sit down and give sik.
  5. We present a basin and check for 6 years of tincture for fragrant jam. The syrup will become rich, and the color of the pears will change if it is possible to cook 2 times. Zachekaєmo boil and boil the sausages with a stretch of 10 strands. We know pink!
  6. I’ll make a new brew for 6 years and repeat the brew 2 more times.

After the 4th varіnnya on full fire, we will change the varіnnya for readiness. Droplets of syrup are not guilty of roses on a saucer!

Beautifully grown pear jams are laid out in clean jars and closed for the winter. Good tea to all motherland!


Away blanks and up to new recipes!

For the preparation of natural juice, it is better than wild pear, because in the cultivars of stench, more acids and tannins can be removed, which gives a tart taste to the juice. Pears bleed, remove the core from them, cut into small pieces and soak sik with additional juicers and meat grinders. This process needs to be carried out more clearly, in order to avoid ruining vitamin C. Once the juice is cured, it can be preserved with hot bottling: bring to a boil, then pour it into clean, dry jars, cork with lids and turn the jars upside down until reaching.


The pears are miyut, they see into the chamber, they are cut into pieces. In order to avoid the darkening of the pulp prepared for canning pears in the world, they are cleaned and cut at acidification of roses (5 g of citric acid per 2 l of water). Let’s blanch 5…6 quills near the sprinkles, cool them down, put them near the jar and fill them with marinade. Sumish boil, cool, process, add 9% est.
Filling jars are covered with lids and sterilized with a stretch of 3 fibers.
For marinade pouring for 1 liter of water - 160 g of octa 9%, 250 g of zucru, spices.

  • pear jam

For brewing, take pears with soft pulp, so that the juice of that lower pulp is boiled.
Pears are washed, peeled from the skin, removed from the nests, cut into small pieces with a thickness of 2 cm, blanched in boiling water 10...15 quills and cooled by the water. Cook for 3…4 take.
For 1 kg of pears - 1.2 ... 1.3 kg of zucru, 2 ... 3 bottles of water.


Dry pears pierce, not water-creaming the fruit, large - cut in small pieces. Prepare pears blanched 3 ... 5 quills, after which you should chill cold water and dip in boiling syrup, de-wet for 5-6 years, after boiling the syrup with pears again boil 5-8 whilins and re-winter for 10-12 years. So repeat 3-4 times until the pears become clear.
For example, varinnya add citric acid abo sіk іz one lemon. Then put the pears on a crusher for a glass of syrup and dry them in an oven with open doors at a temperature of 60°C. Pears, designated for thriving savings, can be taken from syrup.
For 1 kg of pears - 1 kg of zucru, 2.5 bottles of water, 3 g of citric acid.


Sorting a bunch of pears, weeding them and worms, then we mute and cut them into halves or quarters, dry them again. More yakіsny product comes out of peeled fruits. To hide the darkening of the m'yakoti after cleaning and cutting them, give a short-hour blanching. Dry in the oven at a normal temperature of 65...75°C.

bathing usim!
A hundred thousand times I’ve started posting and stilki and times - less than once: either children bark, or succumbs rapt to succumb to me with an “important” novelty, then borscht-porridge on the stove guess about themselves and so to the point of indistinctness. .And for others, I don’t drink anything like that.
Axis for example. varennia guilty bula sche rosepovisti, as a minimum, in the middle of the sickle. Vityagyu yogo from the storerooms, otherwise perish. And I wouldn't want to. You know, it’s not just a brew - it’s a miracle brew, cooked from such small wild pears (maybe the stink can be called another name, but I don’t know yoga)

Pears themselves, on their own, appeared to be practically not appendages for eating "live bait". Even more stink mmm ... how to say, viscous and zovsim not licorice. The nutrition of their utilization, virilos itself: tse will be cooked. Wild pear jam.

There is a lot of people to cook tse varennya at Tbilisi. Nevkursі, naskіlki won't be "Georgian", but with the recipe of cym, my other "mother" and "tato" were cured until this day.

For 1 kg of wild pears 1-1.2 kg - zukor(like the stink of licorice, the smaller zukor)

Promit the pears and carefully take out the ponytails, so very carefully (not messing up the plaid) virіzat the core (go out, the pear itself is whole, but with a scratchy dirkoy)

We lower them into the enamel pelvis (I have special wines, indications for cooking) and fill cold water.Even laying, so that the motherland covered all the fruits. We put it on the fire, like boiling water, we immediately change and trim until the moment when the pears become soft. Tse hvilin 10 in full fire.

Have the fruits become soft? Todіyaguєmo kozhen shumіvkoy і on a clean dry vessel is shifted.

Varimo okremo syrup: 1 - 1.5 tbsp water and sour pisok.Zukor is guilty of re-opening.

When the syrup is ready, transfer the pears, start cooking.

First take: 20-25 whilin.Switched off.
We marvel at the coming day, we take a test. Like pears, it’s almost soaked (and it’s watery - licorice) + thick syrup, which means you don’t need to start cooking.

But my pears were oaky on the cob and to that, our mascara ball was continued at the stage of cooking. Tse new 20-25 hvilin.

The result: thick garnish syrup and savory pears. Slightly chilled the brew, transferred to sterilized jars.

All the rajas prepare a brew.

Krim varennya, churned up more deshcho:

dried up basil(purple)

І nagolovnіshe (vpershe) "Imeretinsky saffron"(oxamitzes were brought from Kakheti, de had a chance to visit spring on the cob)

All for today.
And I vvazhu days ... It's three ... only THREE days and my son is a schoolboy :))))

All the best mood.

The master's skin is enriched in the summer season, and there are more preparations for the winter. To please and surprise your relatives, you won't experiment with different products that recipes.

For the preparation of blanks, a wild pear is often used. By themselves, they are the fruits of evil, but you can please the taste of any gourmet with your gusto. How to cook yoga? We'll tell you now.

First recipe

Come out more fragrant wild. It takes about one hour to cook yoga. The number of components is insured with one liter jar.

For cooking you need:

  • kilogram of wild pears;
  • 1 kg zucru;
  • one small lemon;
  • 200 milliliters of water.

Cooking technology

To prepare such a brew, you need to eat less fruits. Oskelki everyone knows that varieties of wild fruits are brewing more richly, before that, as you start the cooking process, you should look at them once again. As soon as the trochs are taken, and with darkening, then the stench does not come, more zipsu old look dessert.

If the pears are picked, then it is good to wash them with water and hang them on a paper towel.

So that if it were better to feast on these salmons, you can not see the tails - just shorten the troch.

The fruits themselves need to be pierced at rich places. Tse to fight in order to make the syrup more quickly getting into the pear.

Having grown all these manipulations, the fruits should be washed in boiling water for about seven hvilins. Why move them to a sprat of whilin from a vessel with cold water.

Syrup vibrates in an okremіy єmnostі. And that is brought to a boil. Then we need to bud, until the rest of the crystals are separated.

At the hot syrup, pears are cooked. Let's deprive them for 24 years.

After the end of the hour, the infusion of fruit at once from the syrup breaks on the stove, brought to a boil. After that, 5 more quills are boiled in a povіlny fire.

Potim z stove znіmaєsya future varennya. Then I break again for 12 years. Such a process needs to be worked out three times, and all through those who have a thick skin of fruits.

When the dessert is boiled the last time, then you need to increase the lemon juice and add to the capacity with it.

Ready to make pear jam, then curl it in a hot looking, sterilized jar ahead of time.

It is cold outside at the inverted look, wrapped up in warmth, close to finish.

Tsya conservation miraculously takes care of the room temperature.

In this recipe, to give the dessert more relish, you can add different ingredients, for example, such as: cinnamon, wine, lemon zest, cloves.

Duzhe licorice varennya

Everyone knows that the wild pear itself is no more than a juice. To that, the won is more suitable for cooking. For relish, it’s out of the way to go troch sour, ale, take it.

If you want to make a pear jam for the winter, it will become malter, then you need:

  • kilogram of fruits;
  • 1500 g of chicken pisku;
  • 500 milliliters of water.

Tsіlі ta neshkodzhenі prolific relativity washed and narіzuyutsya in small parts. The stinks are placed in boiling water and there they rest until quiet feast, until they become soft. We sweat the pears out of the water. Give them a little chill. Z tsієї zhіdini, having added tsukrovy pisok there, boil the syrup.

The syrup is already ready, ale in a boiling look, add chilled pears and boil 15 quills.

If anyone is deprived of napolyagati for 24 years. So robiti slid three times.

Hotter the brew is poured into the prepared jar, it curls up and breaks down.

3 apples

You can cook the wild game (pears) in a different way. The recipe is simple. For cooking you need:

  • wild pear-kilogram;
  • apple - 1 kg;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - that kіlkіst itself.

Preparing a jam

The fruits are resolutely picked up and washed under streaming water. After that, they are cut into small particles and folded into a deep container, with which they sip with a bloody squeak. Then we need to deprive them for a year and a year, so that they will show up.

After that, put it on a hot surface, boil it for 24 years. So work trichi.

When ready, the jam is poured at a sterile jar. Let's wrap up and get wrapped up in such a look to the full extent.

And how else is the brew prepared, where is the main ingredient pear wild? Recipes for the winter can be the most addictive. Although, at first glance, the stench is all the same, but really the leather itself is unique.

Pear jam


  • kilogram of wild pears;
  • 1000-1200 grams of sucrose pisku (be sure to lay it down if you can buti brew - sour or licorice);
  • 250-375 milliliters of water.

Pear kindly promit that visushiti. Carefully take the ponytails out of them and cut the middle. At the result, it may be the same - the plaid itself is celery, and in the middle there is a scruffy dirochka.

In the enamel container, the one where the boil is made, the fruits are prepared and filled with water. Motherland can cover them all over.

Then put it on the stove and boil. Reduce the fire to a minimum and trim it until the pears become a little soft. Tse trivatime is close to 10-15 whilins.

Let's sweat for the help of skimming the fruit in a clean and dry dish.

Until the pears are boiled, it is necessary to boil the syrup. Okremo zmіshati water and tsukrovy pіsok. Trimati on the fire until the rest of the povnistyu not open up.

If the syrup is ready, the pears are shifted at the new one. We sweat everything on the stove and cook for about 25 minutes. Mistkіst znіmaєtsya and zalishaєtsya until the final achievement. Let's repeat the cooking process next time, and then cool it down for 12 years.

After the end of the hour, it is necessary to review the brew. Like a soft pear, then the jam is ready, if you can twist it. If it’s a fruit of a zhorstka, then boil it again 25 times. Then let's give the guts to cool down the brews. Let's pick up the product from the jar.

A wild pear has been prepared for the winter with savory flavors that may not be spicy. Therefore, in the cold season, you can pamper yourself with brown fruits.

Varennya with pear vodvar

Let's take a look at one more recipe for jam from that fruit. For cooking you need:

  • wild pear - kilogram;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 1.5 kg;
  • brew from pear - 500 ml

Vіdіbrаnі fecundity relatively promit pіd running water. Let's take the skin from them and remove the core. Cut them into small cubes and put them in a saucepan. Pour cold water on top and boil the dots, the pear will not become soft.

Zverenі fruit vіdkinuti on drushlyak, and vikoristovuvat water like

Syrup is prepared from 500 ml of water and sucrose. If the animal came to the new one, a kick appeared, it was necessary to give a pear.

Fruit boil 15 khvilin. Then let them cool down.

So it is necessary to work three dobi sleep, cooking the brew two or three times in 24 years. During the first hour of the cooking process, it can be cooled at room temperature and covered with a lid.

After the rest of the time it is boiled, the product can be sealed in sterile jars, so treat your household.

"Tsukrove" brew


  • pear - 2 kg (peeled);
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

Goodbye pears. Special attachments for the removal of the core are removed її. If you don’t know, then you can just cut it in pieces, with which you can see the middle with a knife.

Fruit should be put in a saucepan and poured with water so that the fruit would be attached under it. After that, it is necessary to boil the pears to softness.

Let's pour water into one container. Put fruit in another dish.

Take a container with water and a great kitchen, pour a liter of motherland into the rest. Let's add some zukor to it and mix it up. Pour on a hot surface to make syrup. As long as the crystals do not differ and the kick does not appear, it is necessary to keep calm.

In the hot syrup, transfer the prepared pears and boil the quill 10. After that, it is necessary to leave the product alone for three years. At the next hour I will boil 10 chills again.

At the sterilized jar, it is necessary to put hot pears on the cob, and then fill them with syrup.

Now you can curl up with caps.

With wine

Fans of experimentation are clearly up to the next recipe.

For cooking you need:

  • wild pear - 1 kg;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 1 kg;
  • white wine - 200 ml;
  • one lemon (for juice).


Reluctantly wash the pears and beat them with a fork at rich places. Throw in boiling water and there wipe about seven strands. It is necessary to cool the fruit in cold water, after which it should be transferred to a dry bowl.

At the same time, the syrup is being boiled, the wine is being poured and the zukor is being boiled. Let's mix it up and put it on the stove. If the syrup boils, pour it over the pears and leave them for 24 years for seepage.

To cook such a brew at the kіlka priyomіv, intermittent between them to become 12-24 years old.

If the brew is ready to rise, lemon juice is added.


Now you know why the wild pear is victorious. We looked at the recipes of various options for cooking from this fruit in the article. I’m guessing, why should you dare to cook such a thing I’ll prepare for the winter at my home.

Good day friends!

I especially start my milk, if I’m running pear stew in front of me. To that, it may even have a garn of a uniform consistency, and it will be thicker. And the color of the new one is chic, the wine is burshtinovy, but at the same time it is clear, so you will start scooping with spoons and adding toppings for pirіzhkіv or just crush it. Fallow in the variety of fruits, such sweets can be and emeralds.

Without a doubt, to cook pear varennia and properly close it for the winter in jars, you need to know the rules. I follow the orders and recommendations of the cooks or experts in the culinary field. Start, like a zavzhd, like a novice with the simplest recipes and collapse step by step to the tricky ones.

Boiling such a marvel or in small parts, so that the fruits are cut into little pieces, and from what you have is a simple wild animal, then it’s not obov’yazkovo. Because the fruits are small and even you can beat them whole. And what, remember, how we robbed, there, right out of their tails, they threw dances at the glass.

Vzagali choose and chakluyte, even if I am enthralled that guests at your booth come often and you have fun gatherings. Then why shouldn't they be treated like this? I think everyone went for only a few.

For starters, you can take this short instruction and taste the slightly sour and aromatic grass even today. In this option, there will be a twisted lemon, which acts as a powerful preservative, it won’t let the wine splash or let the banks swell. For spice and originality, you can add vanilla sticks to the bajans.

I think you will like this recipe right away, the secret of yoga is in the variant. Honestly, it seems like I’m guessing a five-corner, but only to fight in 3 come in.

It’s even more smutty that all the little things seep through with the bloody syrup and look even more gorgeous Christmas table or at the bank. One is satisfied. I recommend to try.

You can remember that the pear brew will be baguette-like, as I said on the very cob, but it will not help the chalks to boil and be devoid of qilimi and neushkodzhenimi.

We need:

  • Pear conference - 0.5 kg
  • Zukor - 0.5 kg
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 sticks or melena for wet bajan
  • Lemon, yogo sik - 2 tbsp.


1. Take pears; Rosemary is often made by yourself, you can chop it into pivkiltsya.

2. Sip the fruit with a sip of rich juice. If you have a lot of pears, then stink after that, as you will begin to trim them, begin to darken, as you can watch over apples.

For this purpose, mark, after having cut a couple of fruits, drizzle with fresh lemon juice, then sprinkle with zucr. They gave me fruit again, sik and tsukor. Such a rank of shmatochki does not overtake darkening.

3. After a few years, if possible, fill in the whole nothing and fix the brew. The whole tsukor tsey hour mayzhe roztane. You will be deprived of the mass of boiling on a povіlny fire. Boil 5 khvilin in such licorice syrup. They let the brew cool down and boil it again after 6 years. It’s possible for 12 years to bud, a smut, so it’s already cold.

Please! You can work this way, you can cook for an hour for close to 1 year, so that you don’t have to work a little when you come in. When the kicks are done, take it with a tablespoon.

4. And as 6 years have passed, I will again bring the mass to an active boil and cook 5 quills with a cinnamon stick and a peel of lemon (15-20 g).

5. Pour it yourself in a hot look into clean and dry sterile jars, more likely, if your stench will be liter or pivlitrovimi. So zruchnіshe is more practical. Take a special key and light up the metal cap. Put on a towel and reach the age of 24.

Take it from the lohu or in a cold place. Savory!

How to make a thicker pear brew

That is true, as if you were telling me. Even though you haven’t figured out the dos yet, I think I’ll show you one more simple way to prepare such a blank.

The process of cooking itself will be fundamentally different from the front, if you just look at the products, you will absolutely know the stench. So why do you have authority? Read below and see for yourself.

Mіzh іnhim, the best way to get out of the wild pear. All the same, it’s not like that, you can’t beat store-bought fruits or bring them.

We need:

  • Pears - 2 kg
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Tsukrovy pіsok - 2 kg
  • Water - 2 tbsp. or 500 ml


1. I drink lemons this time and pour them on napkins, and wash a bunch of them together with pears in running water.

Before the speech, if there was no presence in the finished one, looking rough, then the lemons were trimming the quill in the sprinkling, not yet cut, so that the okrip was doused with the scruff of the neck.

From the fruits of viynyat nasіnnya and vikinuti їх.

2. Peel the pears from the skin, it’s bigger, as you see, it’s wrinkled and ugly. Move to the later segments.

3. Now make syrup from the addition of lemons. Put sliced ​​lemon slices into a saucepan, pour water from a boiling kettle and cook for 5 strands. And let all the chastochki viymіt with pure noise.

Yakshcho vydvar viyshov kalamutny or with particles, take a sieve and protsidit. After what add | add | bloody pisok and stir. Boil on a moderate fire until boiling, so that the zucor will open up.

4. Now take the dishes, for which varitimete is frequent. Lay a handful of pears, and then we’ll put a bunch of lemons on them. Pour boiling prepared syrup. Close the lid and keep it for one year.

5. All the fruits have leaked out in such a way, and the pears have left their own sik, now they are overflowing with a new mass of boiling and cooking after boiling in the region of one day or the second year. It is recommended to stir during the cooking process.

Wow! So, as in this dessert, lemons are vinaigretted, then you can make sure that for the rahunka of this syrup you can see the structure, and help the mass thicken more, and the fruit of the amber color itself, if you start arranging them in jars.

6. Pour into sterilized jars as hot as possible. Clog with lids and let cool at room temperature under inappropriate speeches, turn the jars upside down.

Tsikavo! Pear brew, prepared in this way, lasts for a long time and it’s time for a river. Obviously, you won’t get to it earlier).

P'yatikhvilinka with pears - the best recipe for the winter

Distant offensive vidavnichego culinary masterpiece. About whom you want to say so, your friends take and work. If you want to save as much vitamins as possible brown speeches, then those that you need.

In such options, the fruits themselves are treated with heat less.

The color of the lasagne comes out of the burshtin, and the syrup itself, after all the cooking procedures, we can’t see through the skeltse, but on the sun it shines. One thing, the nuance here is, take the necessary fruit without overreaching, otherwise the stench will transform into jam chi jam. Of course, it’s even more delicious, but at the same time we need another effect.

Ale, again, if you take over the greens and didn’t reach the pears, then the relish will not be so pronounced. So to seize the necessary moment. Surprise that m'yakush was strengthened, and not soft, and just like that we see it on the vіdmіnno.

We need:

  • pear reached or did not reach - 1 kg
  • zukor - 1 kg
  • water - 180 ml


1. Get the dishes ready, pick up some zukor and add water. Mix it up. Put on the fire and cook on a weak fire, so that the caramel does not come out. As the grains expand, add the prepared fruit.

2. Wash the pears far ahead and clean them with a vegetable, which will be crispier, lower with a knife at this stage. She herself sees the skin in the thinnest way. Cut the skin of the fruit on the back of the head, and then hit it again.

3. Weide 4 red. Fork out the box, see the tail.

4. Such a work should be done with the help of other pears. Next, chop with a kitchen knife on pіvmіsyatsі. The skin of such a thing is to be no more than 4 mm thick.

6. At the end of the hour, finish cooking on the stove in the middle mode. Extinguish after active burinnya 5-6 quills, then let it cool down to room temperature. And then repeat the procedure a total of 3 times (boil, cool, boil, and so on). Syrup on the eyes of Zhovtіtime and turn into a garniy color.

7. After that, after boiling the boil for three 5 quills, do not boil the fire, but continue cooking 30-40 more quills, to the desired consistency. Let them take glass bottles and pack ready-made parts in sterile jars. Weide two small jars.

Close it with lids and cool, and then you will be healthy, and especially if you get sick with viruses at the same time. Let's accept it!

See the pear jam with citric acid in small portions - you will lick your fingers!

Well, now we'll try to make sweets from purchased fruits. Vono will be richly malted, yakbees would cook zі svechaynoї wild. Well, I understood it, here I can’t explain anything to the sense. To that, for the reception of sourness, we bring in a lemon, and before that, you won’t ferment the brew. What are the same, not a little important.

We need:

  • Pears - 1.8-2 kg
  • Zukor - 1.8-2 kg
  • Pitna water - 160 ml
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp


1. Later, rinse the fruits in running water, and then cut them into quarters with a knife, removing the brushes.

Respectfully, cut on the shmatochki thinly, no more than 4-5 mm.

2. Dali behind the plan to prepare the syrup of wines to fight more quickly. Place a bunch of zucchini near a saucepan and pour in water, bring to a boil over medium heat. And then bring in cut fruit. The syrup is guilty of seeping through all the pear pieces. Help me with a spoon.

Vykoristovyte only garni and yakіsniy utensils, for example, enamel basin or stainless steel container. Bazhano shche, sob the saucepan is small for the bottom of the triball.

Boil the first time 20-30 quills, and then cool and repeat the procedure after 3-4 years, to boil again and simmer again for an hour. As soon as I sum up the oholone again, boil it again and add | add | citric acid, shob | abi | she closed the color and did not let the flowers unfurl when taken. Boil again 20 quills.

3. The rest and head crochet is left - layout on clean cans.

4. Cover with lids or cover with parchment paper and tie with threads, as our grandmothers or great-grandmothers used to do. Such a pear brew will often give you side effects and licorice tea in the amount of friends and relatives.

Varennya with wilds - a simple recipe from a whole pear

Let me tell you that this royal dessert was not in any way skasovuvav. Even so, in Russia, all the queens were honored, but then they became rіzati shmatochki, or rob confiture and jami. So you only have to repeat and guess the whole recipe.

And if you look like it, it will be chic, just sloppy. Home minds have such a marvelous stock of majestic practice. Before that, there is a recipe that has been revised, which is one of the best in the Internet.

Pears rotten, lemons, or forest beauty and other small varieties are wonderfully suitable here. The very same look just enchanting in a jar, and then already at the vase.

Wow! You yavlyaєte, why are chupachupsiki on fingers. Aje ponytails are not shaped. Take a look at everyone for health.

I believe that yours didn’t look rare, but on the contrary, slightly jelly-like. In the morning, a lasunka was given to go out with marmalade, and also a mint at the warehouse of ingredients to create a refreshing effect. You can add anything, and work assorted summer and autumn fruits.

I know that the recipe is original, but at the same time it is even more delicious. I think that you want to make such a harvest from a 3 liter jar.

Remember! Proportions of pears, sour piss and water 1 to 1.

We need:

  • lemon pear - 2 kg
  • zukor - 2 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • citric acid - 1 year.
  • mint - bunch
  • positive attitude


1. Take a basin from the head storerooms, pierce the skin pear with a fork in a few places. Otherwise, you can sit and tick with a toothpick, as there is no tableware. Where would you go, ah-ha.

2. Wash the mint and put it in the pan, and then pure fruit. Boil water in an okremu utensil and add citric acid after the squash, until the grains are fine. And immediately, fill such zills with pears and mint. Let the fruit seep through and cool down to room temperature.

Bazhano grow gnat on pears, so take a jar of water and put it on a plate, so that the fruits bathe in syrup.

After that, put a saucepan and let all the masses boil, or not actively. As soon as you drink mikhuri, then immediately vimic the stove. Cool down again to room temperature. Do not mix it up at the same time, it smells even more fragrant.

3. After 6-8 years, I repeat the procedure 2 times. Come out, that the chotiri is boiled, the pear is not boiled, but leaked, the color is marmurous.

4. Sterilize the jars ahead of time, and then pack them with a spoon. Throw away the m'yati.

5. Take the car from your hand and screw on the metal cover. It’s good that the recipe is long after an hour, and ale gra varta candles. Viyshlo miraculous, try zrobiti!

Pear jam recipe with lemon

Let's take a look at another masterpiece, but I'll show you a video from the YouTube channel for more detailed and detailed viewing. Take hard varieties of pears and work for health. And the author will help you with some help and bring an orange and a lemon here.

Savory brew from a whole pear for the winter

If you want to throw yourself into childishness again, then they’ll throw you into the river. Todi prepare qi licorice and savory savory salmon from pears, overflowing with tsoma on the fruits of sticks. Let the fruit languish in syrup, and then eat it straight into the jar.

Having treated such a slinky enchantment, so beat it with luck, so treat yourself to such an attractive proposition. And the smell will be charming, so that the judges from the lower surfaces will go in. The secret here is in one more secret ingredient, and yoga juice itself. It's fantastic to go out, try robiti and vi!

We need:

  • licorice pears - 1.5 kg
  • zukor - 1.5 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • vanilla sticks - 1-2 pcs.
  • water - 250 ml


1. Remold the fruit, but don’t see the fruit, so that your children can sweat and crunch like a chain on a finger.

2. Prepare syrup, mix water from zukrom and cook after boiling 1.5 hvilin. Let's put down the mustache pears and cinnamon sticks, boil 5 quills after active boiling. Let it cool down in a cold place, but not in the refrigerator. And then we’ll bring it up again and boil five quills after boiling. In this rank, you need to rob 3 come in.

3. And if the axis is boiled, and actively drink the mikhuri in the third, pour in the sik of one orange. Extinguish 5 more chills.

4. Axis yak marvelous. Take clean jars and lids and pack them in jars. Vykoristovyte special key. Receive vouchers!

Video about those, how to cook jam with pears and plums

And if you want it to blow, I think it’s an hour at once, even if in the garden they’ve caught more than a few pears, and, for example, drain. Or maybe an apple. In the wake of the day, it’s cicavo, in any weather it smells delicious, and the relish is sweet and licorice-sour.

I think that if the fruit is on fire, then you can try it, take a sprat in a single salmon. Aja vzimku often wants something extraordinary. You know, yak boo, at once bi poїv chogos, that axis I don’t know what. Axis, be kind, take note of yourself.

Varennya with whole pears with ponytails for sucrose syrup for the winter

Ax and one more recipe, which can also be spent with your treasury, because wine is not laborious for a time interval. And the result will make you happy. Until then, if you know a Severyanka, then you will stagnate even more in this grass. That is why such a pear itself has a taste with a slight sourness, and the malt also has enough quantity.

Often you can learn options, if pears begin to be combined with hairy peas or berries.

I will prepare such a pear to love my ditlahi, to that which I can easily eat. Grab by the tail and pull at the mouth. Sit and sweat and lick your fingers. What else is needed for happiness for children. Pamper yourself, well, here you can do it right).

We need:

  • pears - 3 kg
  • zukor - 2.7 kg
  • water - 6 tbsp. 200 ml
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp


1. Pierce all the pears with a fork, beat them farther by the running water. If the fruits got rotten, or with a hat, look out for them.

2. Get the boiled sand and water, boil and add prepared fruit. Boil on a medium fire, without stopping, trochs pushing with a spoon on the fruit, so that the stench bathed in syrup 5-10 quills.

3. Let it cool down to a temperature of 20-30 degrees. I boil it again and add citric acid at the time of 0.5 tsp at the very end right before the boil. In this order, the licorice rose will be brightened and will not be dark.

It’s only enough to lay out on clean jars such a frequent twist with metal lids. Turn over on the next bed and put on a carpet. Cool it down and let it go down to the lioh or comoros.

The recipe for a pear dessert in a slow cooker with poppy seeds and lemon is delicious!

If you want to reach the maximum density, then make chi jam from pears. Well, I don’t know, maybe you call such a consistency confiture. In principle, there is no particular difference. Golovne, scho vyhodit dosit deliciously.

Be potim at the supermarket or bake yourself, buns or other malt and scoop pear jam with a spoon and enjoy teas at your native country.

I’ll exchange it right away, it’s possible, that victorious multipic, otherwise, if you don’t have a lot of electrical equipment, take a great enameled or stainless steel pan and work. Just practicing in a multivarce and right on the dacha’s dilyantsi you can already weld such an accessory.

We need:

  • Peeled pears with skins and skins - 750 g
  • zukor - 200 g
  • poppy - 1 tbsp
  • lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp
  • vanilin - pinch (for bazhannyam)


1. Also, chop the pears into small pieces and pierce with a squash at the multicooker bowl. Plus add lemon juice. Check out a sprat of years to see the juice.

2. Let's increase the Lubrication mode in Redmond or Polaris and stew the masa for 25 minutes after boiling at a temperature of 120 degrees. And then take a blender and refine it to a thin, homogeneous consistency. Wow, such mashed potatoes are like a child's meal. United. Let me chill.

3. Spread poppy seeds in a frying pan and rose with a wine glass at the hub. І add 10 quills in the warmth, stir and cook again 10 quills, then let stand again. Repeat 2 more times, boil, cool.

4. In principle, you can cook not 3 times, but chotiri or 2 times, marveling at the consistency you follow. As soon as you get what you need, throw in the vanilla, mix it up and you can take it and pour it into jars.

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