Peter's Day is a fierce Orthodox calendar. Day of Sim'ї, love and fidelity in Russia. History of St. Peter and Fevronia

Christian saints - these are the famous signs, and the family is holy. Such is the day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, which marks the 8th lime.

Petro and Fevronia of Murom is a symbol of love and faith in the Orthodox world. 8 lime is not just a day, but a holy kohannya of that family well-being. Earlier we wroteabout the sound of that tradition 8 lime . Familiarize yourself with them, to know more about those, as it is customary to sanctify the memory of these patron saints of this family.

History of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Tsі saints were not martyrs, wanting to live forever in prayer and fasting. This is the most beautiful example of the ideal Orthodox symbolism. The stench went through difficulties at once, for which I was honored to die in one day.

Wandering stories about Peter and Fevronia, the stench lived in the 13th century in the Murom land. The story itself was written later, in the 16th century. People need a bula іstorіya about the quiet, who was a good butt for them.

The story is about those who are the elder brother of Peter, Pavlo, having taken off a marvelous twin, a kind of buv similar to a new one, like two drops of water. Well, Petro, full of richness and courage, dared to beat the impostor. Truly tse buv Serpent chi Devil. Having hammered in yoga, Petro ate the blood of the Snake on the skin, through which Petro became very ill.

Knowing that the ailment is in yoga, Petro, violating the jokes of people, as if she could help you. Winning Fevronia, Yaka was famous for her healings. At the time of the sound, Petro might collapse for a moment, but still be in his mind. The girl urged Peter to make friends, but he did not wait long. Vіn not knowing that I love the health of the Lord. On the way home, it became bad for him again, after which he turned back to Fevronia and took him for his squad.

After the death of Peter's brother, Pavel, the people were thirsty, so that Fevronia left the prince's family, for she herself was a commoner. Podruzhzhya flooded the place, like in his own house, flooded the vbivs and the struggle for the place on the throne. A few hours later, Peter and Fevronia were still recognized and already called back with honors.

The stench lived a day of life, after which they cut their hair at the chentsi, they died in one day. Itself with їhnoy death po'yazane one wonder. The laws of the church are not allowed to put a man and that squad at once into a thrall. When they were gone, they laid them down, the stink of the next day lay at once.

Svyato 8 Lipnya

The 8th lime was established as a day of remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, for example, the 16th century, if they were canonized. Until this day, this date means a lot for all Orthodox Christians. Dehto calls 8 lime an analogue good day died on the 14th of the fierce.

People all over the country readprayers for the protection of the family , about the well-being and health of my loved ones. Those who choose to get married can see the Holy Trinity Monastery near Murom. The whole place is permeated with love, light and kindness. You can bow to the relics of the saints if you can.

Faithful wonderworkers and majestic saints of the Lord, intercessor of the city of Murom and dreams about the souls of our prayers, holy blessings to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! Bring praise to you, we pray and diligently: for you, that you can pray to the Lord, with your intercession for all the rest of us, and the fall of the Kingdom of Heaven to break us, let us cry out to you: Rejoice, holy and glorious miracle workers Peter and Fevronia.

Rejoice in life, love yourself and your loved ones. Let 8 limes show you the way to the light of God. We wish you success in all that militant faith in God.

Christian saints - these are the famous signs, and the family is holy. Such is the day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, which marks the 8th lime.

Petro and Fevronia of Murom is a symbol of love and faith in the Orthodox world. 8 lime is not just a day, but a holy kohannya of that family well-being. Previously, we wrote about the sound of that tradition of the 8th lime. Familiarize yourself with them, to know more about those, as it is customary to sanctify the memory of these patron saints of this family.

History of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Tsі saints were not martyrs, wanting to live forever in prayer and fasting. This is the most beautiful example of the ideal Orthodox symbolism. The stench went through difficulties at once, for which I was honored to die in one day.

Wandering stories about Peter and Fevronia, the stench lived in the 13th century in the Murom land. The story itself was written later, in the 16th century. People need a bula іstorіya about the quiet, who was a good butt for them.

The story is about those who are the elder brother of Peter, Pavlo, having taken off a marvelous twin, a kind of buv similar to a new one, like two drops of water. Well, Petro, full of richness and courage, dared to beat the impostor. Truly tse buv Serpent chi Devil. Having hammered in yoga, Petro ate the blood of the Snake on the skin, through which Petro became very ill.

Knowing that the ailment is in yoga, Petro, violating the jokes of people, as if she could help you. Winning Fevronia, Yaka was famous for her healings. At the time of the sound, Petro might collapse for a moment, but still be in his mind. The girl urged Peter to make friends, but he did not wait long. Vіn not knowing that I love the health of the Lord. On the way home, it became bad for him again, after which he turned back to Fevronia and took him for his squad.

After the death of Peter's brother, Pavel, the people were thirsty, so that Fevronia left the prince's family, for she herself was a commoner. Podruzhzhya flooded the place, like in his own house, flooded the vbivs and the struggle for the place on the throne. A few hours later, Peter and Fevronia were still recognized and already called back with honors.

The stench lived a day of life, after which they cut their hair at the chentsi, they died in one day. Itself with їhnoy death po'yazane one wonder. The laws of the church are not allowed to put a man and that squad at once into a thrall. When they were gone, they laid them down, the stink of the next day lay at once.

Svyato 8 Lipnya

The 8th lime was established as a day of remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, for example, the 16th century, if they were canonized. Until this day, this date means a lot for all Orthodox Christians. Dehto calls 8 limes an analogue of the dead Day of all deaths on the 14th fierce.

People all over the country read prayers for the protection of their families, for the well-being and health of their loved ones. Those who choose to get married can see the Holy Trinity Monastery near Murom. The whole place is permeated with love, light and kindness. You can bow to the relics of the saints if you can.

Faithful wonderworkers and majestic saints of the Lord, intercessor of the city of Murom and dreams about the souls of our prayers, holy blessings to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! Bring praise to you, we pray and diligently: for you, that you can pray to the Lord, with your intercession for all the rest of us, and the fall of the Kingdom of Heaven to break us, let us cry out to you: Rejoice, holy and glorious miracle workers Peter and Fevronia.

Rejoice in life, love yourself and your loved ones. Let 8 limes show you the way to the light of God. We wish you success in all that militant faith in God.

You can also read the article about the 12 main Orthodox saints, so that you keep up to date with the most important church dates. Good luck, and don't forget to hit the buttons

07.07.2016 02:12

In skin sim's, negativity and discord can be blamed. However, prayer is wide to protect you, as it were...

On the cob a lime is once holy Ivan Kupali one more date is celebrated, tied both with folk-Christian, and with new - secular traditions. Tse stands for the Orthodox Day of Peter and Fevronia, which since 2008 has become official saint, which otrimav name Day of Sim'ї, love and fidelity.

When the Day of Peter and Fevronia and the Day of Sim's are celebrated, love and fidelity

Oskіlki Day of Peter and Fevronia according to the Orthodox calendar is 25 worms and for the so-called "new style" falls on 8 limes, obviously, insults are sacred Episode 8.

Memorial Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia

Russian Orthodox Church Petro and Fevronia- Orthodox patrons of this family, canonized in 1547. The history of Peter and Fevronia is told by historians to people who they really believed: Prince of Murom David Yuriyovich that yogo retinue princess Euphrosyne. David Yuryovich ruled at Murom from 1205 to 1228, later became friends, who had three children, took tonsure under the names of Peter and Fevronia.

Nezabar after their canonization, the famous “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” appeared, as their life. The story, told in my story, is not easy. A few years before the prince's reign, Petro fought with the fiery serpent, killed him, and then became entangled with snake's blood and fell ill with leprosy, as if he could not wink in an instant. Ovі dream to you it was bloody, that the order came from a simple girl - the villager Fevronії. She came in handy to help, ale vimagala, so that the prince became friends with her. Petro denounced, but Fevroniya was cunning, afraid of deceit, did not finish the prince’s troch, leaving one shirt on his tee. To that, if Petro, having destroyed the obityanka, the shards did not want to make friends with the commoner, the ailment turned upside down. Then Fevronia told the prince about the word, finished yoga, and young people, they became friends.

If Petro, having fallen princely after his brother, the boyars were thirsty, so that the new ruler would not ruin the place with a commoner squad. Peter was given an ultimatum: either move out of the squad, or at once get out of it from Murom. Petro did not want to part with Fevronia, and the stench at once poured out of the place on the cloak. After their arrival, turmoil broke out in Murom, and the prince was forced to turn around, waiting for his squad to be known. Later, the townspeople reconciled with Fevronia and fell in love with її for the rose and lagidnu vdacha.

On the grave of fates, the prince of that yoga virna retinue took the black tonsure and fell down at different monasteries - Petro at the man, and Feroniya at the woman. Separated friends prayed to die in one day, and commanded to be buried in one string. The prayer was honored - Peter and Fevroniya died on the same day that year. Ale їхній zapovіt is not the letter of the victories, like obscene for chentsіv. Peter and Fevronia were buried at the skin of their monastery, but on the coming day the stench taemniche stooped down in one string.

According to the opinion of the scholars, the “Tale about Peter and Fevronia of Murom” combines two folk-poetic plots: the story about the fire snake and the story about the wisdom of the maiden.

Day of Peter and Fevronia in folk tradition

  • According to the national calendar, at the Day of Peter and Fevronia, you can spend the first pokis.
  • In addition, the day of witches, inverted, chakluniv that any undead, for the sight of Budin's and mermaids, the shards are holy, and also in the afternoon of the full maturity of the field and fox grasses.
  • In the words of the Yan tradition, it was important that on the same day the rest of the mermaids go from the banks of the coals of water, to sleep until spring, at that hour you can fearlessly swim until the very Ilyin 2 sickles.
  • From Peter and Fevronia, forty more spekotny days come to light.
  • It was customary for Peter and Fevronia to pray for family happiness; Ivan Kupali, if it was the hour of the bathing games, the lads and the girls knew their names, and the future family splits began.
  • A long time ago, on the first day of the day, they played a fun (an infection of the hour falls on an hour, if the wedding is not held). Behind the people's vіruvannyami itself, on the Day of Peter and Fevronії, the most beautiful hats are laid, and the whole day is good for the kokhanny.

Day of Sim'ї, love and fidelity

AT Russian Federation s 2008 roku 8 lime is marked Day of Sim'ї, love and fidelity. So it turned out that the people's Orthodoxy became holy official and recognized by all denominations.

For one version of the whole day, we have been accusatory as sacredly we are against the Russian Orthodox Church, which does not live. Valentine's Day that .

More at the grass 2001 the fate of Murom Valentin Kachevan ordering to dedicate the day of the city to the day of remembrance of the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia. And in 2002, the Arkhangelsk journalist Andriy Kutsaev zaproponuvav vigadati Russian analogue of Valentine's Day.

At April 2007, the President of Russia Volodymyr Putin announcing about the decision to vote 2008 by Rokom Sim'ї. On March 26, 2008, the Rada of the Federation unanimously praised the foundation of a new sovereign saint on the Day of the Holy Princes Peter and Fevronia - "All-Russian Day of Friendship and Family Happiness." Later, a symbol appeared on the saint - a camomile. From that hour on the 8th of the linden, various Christmas holidays are held, timed to coincide with the Day of Sims, and the best Russian Sims are awarded with a specially founded medal "For Kokhannya and Faithfulness."

Vetannya with Happy Sim'ї, kokhannya and fidelity

Today is a miraculous and beautiful day.
Napovneniya sun, light that warmth,
Aje u skin sim'yu come holy
I feel like a skin booth.

Kokhannya that fidelity to skin knowledge,
Without them, we cannot live in any world.
Most importantly, there is nothing in the world.
We wish everyone to have a happy life!

I bless you at Sim's Day,
Nightingales sang in the soul,
The heart was pounding,
Love, don't leave you!

Live long, peacefully, together.
Cry at once, as it is necessary,
Ale is less like happiness, not like grief.
Want and buvaє so, I don’t fight ...

I value my life,
Save one gift for one.
Shane your glorious union,
Watch out for the evil ones!

Sim'ya is the right axis of happiness!
Syat days to wind up with a villain,
Boil the heart and warm the blood,
Sim'ї live forever kokhannya.

Let your glorious homeland
Take love, let your heart beat,
Let fidelity lead you to dear,
I send prayers to you sіm'ї!

Words sіm'ya, love that virnіst
Have a majestic sense,
There, de sіm'ya - live the lower,
There, de kohannya - make us check,
And there, de virnist - trust,
Without zayvih and inappropriate phrases.
Let them flourish a little
I'll make you happy!

At the Day of Sim'ї the words sound:
blessing of goodness,
Good lady.
Angel, take care of everything.

Let the middle of the family burn
I do not go out in any way.
Let's go get out of trouble
Do not lap cold.

Come on, baby, twinkly laugh
The booth is moonlight,
A kohana people
The order is forfeited.

(8 lipnya 2016) The Day of Remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia at the Russian Orthodox Church is celebrated on 8 lime.

Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom are cherished among the people as the patrons of the family pit, the keeper of the friend's hut. Behind the legend, the future prince of Murom, Petro, fell ill with leprosy, in spite of which he could not know liquor anywhere. As if he had dreamed of those who could help him, the village woman Fevroniya from the Ryazan land. If the maiden was slandered, she craved the payment for the jubilation, so that Petro would become friends with her. Vіn gave obіtsyanku zrobititse, ale, having spared the ailment, without finishing the word. The ailment was remembered, and only after that, like Fevronia, I forgot Peter again, I found fault with the vicons in the obitsia - and I didn’t blow at all about it.

Having fallen down the prince after his brother, but the boyars of Murom did not want to kill their ruler, the village woman and punished the young prince, either to join the squad, or to deprive the place. Todі Petro and Fevroniya vydplili from Murom on Otsі. Trouble began at the city: people wanted to turn the prince couple to the throne. Bazhannya to the people was vikonane.

Friends lived together for a long time and happily, and in old age they took black tonsure and became the blessings of God for those who would die in one day. And so it happened. Petro and Fevronia commanded to commemorate them in one string, but they didn’t swear at them, vvazhayuchi obscene for people of the black ring. Ale, unimportant to those that the body of a person and those squads laid at different cloisters, the coming day the stench opinated at once.

The church canonized Peter and Fevronia in 1541. From that hour in Russia, it was customary to pray to these couples of saints for well-being in this and ask them for blessings for fun. As if by the world, St. Peter and Fevronia can be considered an alternative to the Catholic St. Valentine's Day - with the same difference, that in Russia this date was not assigned to all who died, but only to friends.

Three friends were tied to the deeds of the next day. For example, it was felt that as a merchant on Peter and Fevronia, he worked all day at the bench with a squad, bring him prosperity.

More pricks, more landed, waited for those sons, which had begun just at the hour. People commemorated: like pigs and mice mending їsti sino - the braid will be thin; about it was a great quantity of porridge on onions. They also guarded for the seedling: if it’s good to water it, the days of sleep will be dry, if you don’t take in water, it will be watery.

From Peter and Fevronia, checks were made for forty more gloomy days. “If Ivan does not require a zhupan,” the villagers said from his drive (the day of Ivan Kupali is holy in advance).

Fevronia was predicted by some people around Peter, calling them the Mermaid. It dawned on me that on the first day of the day the mermaids began to dance. Therefore, when bathing, it was necessary to be careful, so that the river girl did not sink to the bottom.

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