Corn plastics from chim. Vіvsіnі plastіvtsі shvidkogo pogotuvannya vrantsі: measles chi Skoda? Corn plastics for breastfeeding

In the world of today, people are constantly moving in a hurry. The stench is not wasting time for the preparation of fresh snacks. That is why in the bagatioh sіm'yah vranci zamіst omletіv or porridge porridge, ready-made dry snidanki from corn plastіvtsіv get used. Ale yak korisna tsya zha, varto rose.

Warehouse that melancholy

History of corn plastics in taking their cob from 1894. For such a trival hour of its foundation, the product did not lose its popularity, but instead, adding large number shanuvalnikov, zavdyaks to their adopted relish and crunchy powers. A lot of culinary specialists insist in their advertisements that corn plastics carry the maximum value in their own, the shards are rich in brown components.

Schob talk about those, like the core of the whole product, follow the warehouse and look at the price of life.

Table: chemical warehouse and food price per 100 g of the product

NutrientKіlkіst% of norm 100 g
calories 325.3 kcal19.3%
Proteins8.3 g10.9%
Zhiri1.2 g2%
Carbohydrates75 g35.5%
Kharchov's fibers0.8 g4%
Water14 g0.6%
Ash0.7 g
Vitamin A, PE200 mcg22.2%
Retinol0.2 mg
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.1 mg6.7%
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.07 mg3.9%
Vitamin B5, pantothenova0.3 mg6%
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.3 mg15%
Vitamin B9, folate19 mcg4.8%
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE2.7 mg18%
Vitamin H, biotin6.6 mcg13.2%
Vitamin PP, NOT2.4778 mg12.4%
Niacin1.1 mg
Potassium, K147 mg5.9%
Calcium, Ca20 mg2%
Magnesium, Mg36 mg9%
Sodium, Na55 mg4.2%
Sirka, S63 mg6.3%
Phosphorus, Ph109 mg13.6%
Aluminium, Al29 mcg
Bir, B215 mcg
Zalizo, Fe2.7 mg15%
cobalt, co4.5 mcg45%
Manganese, Mn0.4 mg20%
Mid, Cu210 mcg21%
Molybdenum, Mo11.6 mcg16.6%
Nickel, Ni23.4 mcg
Tin, Sn19.6 mcg
Titanium, Ti27 mcg
Chrome, Cr22.7 mcg45.4%
Zinc, Zn0.5 mg4.2%
Assimilated into carbohydrates
Starch and dextrin70.4 g
Monota disaccharidi (tsukri)2 g

Korist for the body in the form of corn plastics in the attack:

  • the product contains vitamins (A, B6, E, H, PP), macroelements (magnesium, phosphorus) and microelements (cobalt, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, chromium);
  • at the warehouse of corn plastics there are fibers that normalize pickling processes;
  • in the presence of amino acids tryptophan lead to the synthesis of the hormone serotonin. Later, after the implantation of the plastics improves mood, positive emotions appear;
  • a product of building polypshiti memory and activity of the brain for the glutamic acid shell, which should enter the warehouse;
  • pectini to advance the development of puffins;
  • starch priyaє zmіtsnennu m'azovoї tissue and nerve cells;
  • plastics give a great supply of energy to the body.

Yakі minusi that shkoda product

For the investigations carried out by the British fakhivtsy, it turned out that the minuses of the corn plastics are not so few.

  1. The biggest and main minus is that it is a high-carbohydrate product (75 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of plastics). Vіn vygotovlyаєєєєєєєє з vychih varieties of corn boar, then the grains of corn before grinding povnіstyu cleared in the form of hulls and germs, and practically zalishayutsya alone in carbohydrates.
  2. When making corn plastics, rich zucru is added to the boar, and then the finished product is covered with licorice glaze. For a result of 100 r, the product can have 40 r zucru (8 years. l.).
  3. Technology of preparation of corn plastics for transferring their coating. Also, the finished product contains trans fats, which, when they enter the body, remove fatty acids from the cellular membranes. As a result, the exchange processes are disrupted, but it can lead to other pathologies.
  4. When preparing corn plastics, vicarious culinary makers often use piece flavorings, savory additives, preservatives and other chemical components, which do not in the highest rank add to the state of health.
  5. The product has a high calorie content - 325.3 kcal. Tse means that it is possible for an uncontrolled survival of a set of zavoi vaga.

Tse tsikavo. Veterans held a guard for the children from 5 to 10 years, as a day for the snidanok, the corn plastics were planted. Through the river of such eating, the whole group of people has the problem of obesity.

Contraindication before implantation

  1. Chronic caries, to that high vmіst tsukru ruinuy tooth enamel.
  2. Allergic reactions, shards in corn plastics and rich chemical components.
  3. Type 2 diabetes mellitus - with this disease it is not possible to use products with a high glycemic index.
  4. Increased blood pharynx and sclerosis to thrombophlebitis.
  5. Obesity, because in carbohydrate products to shed the accumulated fat deposits.
  6. Discomfort in the intestinal tract (additives can cause colic, constipation).
  7. Individual intolerance.

Correct product selection

As it was said from the above, corn plastics can lead to singing bad health. However, it means that they cannot be eaten. The next thing to do is choose the right way to get used to it right.

When purchasing the product, please carefully check the warehouse and packaging.

Bazhano bathe the product from the minimum amount of zucru or burn without it.

For sale, you can find corn plastics, yak made from whole grain, or specially add coarse fiber. The bark in such plastics will be rich in richness, the shards in them are rich in vitamins (especially group B) and brown cells.

Bazhano vivchiti i sam old look corn pellets. They are not to blame for the great blows, to talk about destruction in the process of preparation. The top of the plastics may be covered with small bulbs.

When buying a product, pay attention to the packaging. More shortly, as if it would not be clear, but crushed from metalized smelting. Tse allow to save all vitamins and other core components to the end of the term of admissibility.

After opening the packaging of corn plastics, it is necessary to transfer it to a bowl with a slotted lid and put it in a dark place. In the next fall, on the open air, the fats begin to oxidize, and on the light, the vitamins collapse.

How to get used to corn plastics

Most of the people vicorist plastics for snidanka. However, as it is not paradoxical, this product, for all its high calorie content, does not give a trivial taste. Corn plastics have a high glycemic index (85 units). Later, in carbohydrates in this product, they are quickly conquered and the rhubarb in the blood rises sharply. This is the reason for the superworldly generation of insulin, which rapidly reduces the amount of blood. At the result, there is a feeling of hunger again. The fahіvtsі themselves should not be recommended to use corn plastіvtsі for food. Better than їх vikoristovuvat as a snack between the main meals їzhi in the first half of the day.

So that the plastics brought maximum harm to the body, nutritionists should fill them with low-fat yogurt, kefir, and also add sliced ​​​​fruits and berries to them, in order to avenge the growing cellular tissue. Allow me to significantly improve the process of smoking and continuing the long-awaited sieve.

Video: corn plastic

Nuances of living

Vagination period

Under the hour of winemaking, the child of the woman is guilty of great respect and care is put before the choice of products, the shards of the diet are to lay down the future healthy baby. Kukurudzyanі plastіvtsі - not yourself best product for female women, for those who have a high calorie content, revenge richly zucru and additives. Everything is attached to the set zayvih kіlogramіv that development of allergic reactions. Therefore, with vagity, which is to blame for the non-search of the bajanna, it is necessary to choose an unglazed product and bazhano from whole grain. additional norm may revisit 1 tbsp. l.

Corn plastics for breastfeeding

The child after the people takes all the necessary life components breast milk. However, even shkidlivy speeches are also consumed to the body of a baby. Shards in plastics are rich in zucru and chemical components, mother, who is old, is obliged to think about those who brought the child product more shoddy, lower crusty. In the first month of life, the herbal system continues to form slowly, and a new skin product can succumb to unbearable colic, bloating, visipi, etc. May sensation resurface in corn plastics. The first time you can try a woman who is 6 months old after the birth of a child. With this, the dose is not guilty of overdosing a small number of pellets. It is necessary to take the drug in the first half of the day. After that, follow the trail for the camp of a healthy baby for 2 days. If there are no expected negative reactions, then it is allowed to take the drug in a quantity of 1 tbsp. l. with low-fat yogurt and kefir 1 time per day.

Introduction to complementary foods

Children are allowed to give corn plastics not earlier than at 2 pm. When choosing the next step of unglazing, the product is made from whole grain. A baby can be treated with the product 1-2 times a week, with which the norm becomes 1 year.

Chi can you eat corn plastics with some illnesses

In case of pancreatitis, this product should be forgotten for a while, because in this warehouse there is a lot of chemical components, which can negatively be injected into the sluice bed.

With diabetes of the first type, it is possible to implant corn plastics not more often than once per week, with which the additional norm is not guilty of overdosing 3 tsp.

Slimming that diet

If you lose weight, you often wonder if the product will help you with your right. For those who want to lose weight, don’t take this product for granted, because the high amount of sugar and carbohydrates only add to the accumulation of fat.

But if you don’t see the strength of the will to act on corn plastics, then you can mix them in a 1: 1 ratio with whiskers and dilute them with walnut yogurt. As a result, proteins and coarse fibers significantly reduce the glycemic index, so as to improve the process of wetting the intestines. With this plasticity, you can live a year before your physical rights, so that all the accumulated calories will be spent for an hour of training. Dobova norm may revisit 1 tbsp. l.

Recipes with corn pellets

Diet salad

Lettuce exudes an over-the-top lightness, and plastics give it an appetizing crunch.


  • corn plastіvtsі - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • ogіrok - ½ pc.;
  • canned chickpeas - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sprouts of germinated wheat - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • grainy sir - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • strength, pepper - for relish.

Divide the tomatoes and the ogirok into cubes, add wheat and chickpeas to the vegetables, salt, pepper, dress the salad with olive oil and lemon juice. Mix everything well. After that add | add | corn plastics and sir once again mix everything.

Chicken fillet in corn layers

To prepare one chicken fillet it is necessary to prepare marinade and breading.

For the marinade you need:

  • non-fat tops - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce - 0.5 tsp;
  • gostry sauce - 0.5 tsp;
  • hourglass - 0.5 cloves;
  • rubana greens - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • green cibula - 5-6 lines;
  • strength, pepper - for relish.

Ingredients for breading.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, if those patented corn plastics had been prepared in advance, their popularity with leather rock did not decrease. Such dry, savory and lively snacks are suitable for children and grown-ups. Commercials from the screens of televisions tell you, the scales of the corisin of corn plastics. Ale chi tse so true?

Technology for the production of corn plastics

behind original recipe corn plastics were made with corn, water, syrup and salt. Later, savory additives, kharchov barvniki, podsolodzhuvach and flavorings came to them. At the same time, corn plastics are not the same as before. Cover them with licorice syrup, experiment with relish, color and shape.

Regardless of all transformations, the production of plastics from corn, like before, has its own technology. The grain is resolutely cleaned from the husk and germ. Then we mix, add water, strength, sucrose and malt syrups, and the whole mass is resolutely mixed with the aid of the mixer. For nadannya golden form corn syrovin is processed in pairs at special devices. After that, the sprat is once again turned over for the removal of breasts and zavoi vologists.

At the next stages, corn masa is processed on plastic and hung in special ovens at a temperature of 140 degrees close to the second year. І only a few pieces of plastic from corn are packed and delivered to store shelves.

Kharchov's value and calorie content

100 g of corn plastics contain 6.9 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 83.6 g of carbohydrates. The product is to be finished with calories. 363 kcal per 100 g of dry plastics.

Shards after thermal processing at the warehouse of the product are practically not depleted brown speeches, Virobniki began to be rich with vitamins corn plastics. Skoda and the melancholy of such a dry diet are brought up by nutritionists. It is very important for someone to take care of them, that children regularly get used to eating corn plastics to fattening. In addition, navpaki, recommend schodennya the use of such a product.

Corn plastics are enriched with vitamins A, group B and mineral salts of calcium, phosphorus, salt, magnesium, sodium. A full vitamin warehouse for the product can be read on the packaging. In addition, they are recommended to be used as muesli with the addition of peas and dried fruits. Tse to promote the food value of the product and to sprout yogo korisnіshim.

Kukurudzyanі plastіvtsі: measles and Skoda

At first glance, there is nothing unsafe in the warehouse of the corn product. However, nutritionists are on the verge of their overworld living. Corn plastics, measles and shkoda such are the subject of systematic investigations, injecting the body both positively and negatively.

The bark of corn plastіvtsіv polygaє in the offensive:

  • The stench of the body needs vitamins and minerals.
  • The amino acid tryptophan in my warehouse ensures the safety of garniness, and glutamic acid enhances brain function and improves memory.
  • Corn plastics are rich in cellular tissue, zavdyaki like intestines work without problems.
  • Great vm_st in carbohydrates for the body energy.

Skoda corn plastіvtsіv polygaє in the offensive:

  • they have a large amount of blood circulation, through which an increase in insulin in the blood is seen;
  • all vitamins in the warehouse are piecemeal, then, they will be conquered by the body over the full obsyaz;
  • different taste additives, like adding plastics, to induce allergic reactions in children.

Give chi ni kukurudzyanі plastіvtsі, shkoda and savagery of such a significant more, - tse special person on the right skin z batkіv, scho carry ovnu vidpovidalnіst for the health of their children.

Can you lose weight for the help of corn plastics?

Licorice plastics with corn is a high-calorie product. For this reason, living on a diet will not only lead to a decrease in the vag, but, on the contrary, we will accept obesity. The negative side of the product corn plastic is important. Korist that Skoda with skudnennі є ambiguous.

For people who are engaged in physical rights, as a result of which a large number of calories are consumed, it is recommended to take in corn plastics a year before training, or after 20 minutes after her to restore strength.

It’s good for a healthy bowel to include plastics with natural yogurt in your diet, adding dried fruits and vines to the masa.

Included in the living of this product on the basis. Then for people, how to fight against the zayva vaga, a good snack - ce corn plastics without tsukru, measles and shkoda, which are balanced in positive bik. The maximum allowable rate of dry snacks is 50 grams.

Corn plastics: why is there melancholy for children?

Licorice corn plastic, coated icing glaze, - Tse loves of the hearts of millions of children in the whole world. The stench is ready to eat them dry looking uncircumscribed quantity and navіt іz dodavannyam milk. In fact, the product is not so and not shkidlivy. Corn plastics with milk, measles and shkoda, which are still high, come to dry snacks with high calorie content, and it is necessary to live in them with care.

Irrespective of those who have vitamins and mineral speech in the warehouse of plastics, like to saturate an active robotic brain, secure the mood and energy for a whole day, and the stench is also the cause of childish obesity. To prevent this problem from being blamed, do not ward off such dry snacks, surrounding them up to two times a day.

Stopover at the culinary

Corn plastіvtsі - tse povnotsіnny dry snіdanok. It is often victorious as one of the ingredients in the preparation of various desserts, vipichki. Kukurudzyanі plastіvtsі kindly join us with fruits and berries. You can add it to everyone fruit salads, seasoned with natural yogurt or sour cream. Yogo Kharchova value in the future you become destitute. From corn plastіvtsіv roar brown oven, replacing borosno. Such a vipіchka є savory and lively snack for grown-up children.

Corn plastіvtsі, shkoda and savagery of such dosі є the subject of superechok pediatricians and dietologists, you can vikoristovuvat as a breading for meat and ribs. Zavdyaki їm on cutlets and vіdbivnyh z'yavlyaєtsya crunchy appetizing zest.

Cooking corn plastics at home minds

Oskіlki is a warehouse of corn plastics, as they are sold in stores, do not make them completely natural, you can try to cook tsyu grass yourself in your home minds.

It is necessary to prepare a syrup from zucru and water at a ratio of 1:1. Vіn is guilty of boiling a sprat of khvilin, and after that, as it thickens more, it is necessary to add corn grits. The proportions are as follows: for 300 ml of syrup, take 100 g of cereal. Cook for a long time, close to a year, after which the mass is cooled and rocked with a rocking chair into a thin ball. Dali yogo slid chi rozlamati on dribni shmatochki. Let's dry them in the oven at a temperature of 250 degrees until golden color.

Kukurudzyanі plastіvtsі, Skoda and the melancholy of such people do not allow living in these days, after all, it is a more convenient option for a snack. Sob the organism like this, otrimuvav only melancholy, it is enough to have three more than two times for a day.

Kukurudzyanі plastіvtsі (abo bags) - loves of rich children, and inspire grown-ups. Yogo preparation does not take a lot of time, which makes life easier for household gifts. But it is important for lovers of yoga to know what kind of wine is for the human body, and what kind of wine is suitable for everyone.

Calorie content and warehouse

To the warehouse of such a dry snack enter:

  • vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), PP (nicotinic acid), H (biotin), group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • potassium (K);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • sodium (Na);
  • Sirka (S);
  • zalizo (Fe);
  • manganese (Mn) and in.

Important! 100 g of the product can be replaced by 0.8 g of cellulite.

Calorie content (per 100 g):

  • dry with zucr or syrup - 374-386 kcal;
  • dry without zucru and syrup - 364 kcal;
  • with milk - 238 kcal.

100 g of the product has:

  • 8.7 g protein;
  • 1.9 g fat;
  • 77.7 g in carbohydrates.

Korist that Skoda

The market is a great choice of corn plastics: licorice, pickles, dietary without zucru, children, with various additives thinly.

Advertising is promoting living with milk for snacks, dinners and evenings, blatantly on the cost of the product and does not seem to say a word about this shortfall. Chi is so vin corisny, as if it seems about you, and you can be shkidlivim for a person - about tsedal.

Chim korisn_ kukurudzyan_ plast_vts_

Reply to the product for people:

  1. Bringing the norm emotionally rotten.
  2. I'll paint the robot's brain.
  3. Zmіtsnyuє nervovі kіtini.
  4. Take part in the molding of m'azovih fibers.
  5. Ignore the development of fluff.
  6. Knowing the inflammation and stimulating the action of the organs of the SCT.
  7. Strengthen your appetite.
  8. Roaming the body.

Chim shkidlivі

Shkidlivy injection of plastics on the body:

  1. Snidanki with high blood pressure can cause the development of caries and blood diabetes.
  2. Call out psychological sounds in people with weak mentality and children.
  3. Regularly spozhivannya with a set of zavoi vagi and, as a result, obesity.
  4. The product, piecewise enriched with vitamins, can provoke the development of oncology in people with genetic susceptibility to cancer.
  5. As a result of the treatment, acrylamide is established in the plastics - a carcinogen that sprays the development of cancerous fumes.
  6. It causes allergies in new people, as well as people with individual intolerance to corn.
  7. The epidemiological relief of sleep in a dry looking person calls flatulence, tedium, painful sensation.

You know you? At Sunset, corn is more visible under the name "Mays".

Can you eat corn plastics

I have a thought that dry corn snacks are recommended to people, as if they want to throw off their debts, or improve their health.
Let's figure it out, naskіlki tse truthfully, and chi can be plastic for women, like they perebuvayut at a special camp.

When losing weight

True, corn plastics enter the diet quietly, who is on a diet, but not like a snack, but like a snack. Oskіlki product carry in your own yak melancholy, and th Skoda, it is important to get used to yoga correctly.

Important! For shudnennya, it’s better to use less plastic, so you can take zukor and syrup on your own.

Mix yoga with low-fat yogurt to lower the glycemic index, but not more than 1 time per doba. It is allowed to add some honey to the dish, but no more.

With vagity and GV

Under the hour of vaginess, it is also not recommended to live in highly processed products - it is better to take advantage of natural vegetables and fruits.
Still, there is no way to eat dry snacks, seasoning them with milk or yogurt.

On the 36th day of June, everything will turn out to be in the diet, because the plastics are more likely to have organisms than mothers, and physical advantages spriyat set of zayvoї vags, which negatively spills onto the baby.

It is not contraindicated for yearning mothers, for those who do not call for allergies in a child. It is allowed to have only a few products, there is no gluten in the warehouse, otherwise the food will be reduced in your life.

With gastritis

With gastritis, corn plastics are contraindicated, shards of stench can cause an acute illness.
The next stage of illness is shell cancer, so it is important to follow a wet diet. It is allowed to live only that їzhu, so as not to take revenge on gluten (to invent the least riddles about the new one).

With circulatory diabetes

With diabetes 1 and 2 types, corn plastics can be less in a clean look, without any additives, including zucru. As if ill, it is not recommended for the ailing person to get used to corn in any case. The diet of a diabetic is to blame for the accumulation of products, so as not to retaliate tsukor and may have a low glycemic index.

For constipation

Through the high volume of cellular plastic, it is recommended to supplement the diet with people who suffer from constipation and colitis. The stench stimulates the SHKT robot and normalizes the speech exchange.

How to prepare corn plastics

The most safe corn plastics for your body - cooked on your own. For whom you need more than kukurudzyan, cereals and water.

  1. Take a equal amount and drive that tsukra.
  2. Heat up the sum, do not forget to stir.
  3. The result is a thick syrup. Add|Add| in new groats and cook for 2 years.
  4. Otrimavshi thick schіlnu masu, resip in another container for cooling.
  5. They gave us the groats for the help of a rocking chair and porozhte for dribni shmatki.
  6. Future plastics are baked in the oven at 300 ° C until golden brown.

Video: how to prepare corn plastics The dish is ready. Yogo can be seasoned with milk, yogurt and kefir, as well as honey and fresh fruits.

You know you?The corn head can be turned on and off for a couple of a few flowers, which will make a couple a bunch of flowers.

Corn plastіvtsі, like and be-yaky іnshiy product, bear in your own yak squalor, and th shkoda for the body. Navit not wishing to contraindicate to recovery, be careful: do not often 2 times a day and obov'yazkovo fill with low-fat milk.

A lot of people who respectfully care for their health, love to eat porridge . Qiu products are eaten like a clean look, so with the addition of various fruits, berries, peas and reminiscent of a jam. People walk around a little bit about the graininess of the wheat, it would be better, often live like porridge, and you will be absolutely healthy. However, not everything is so prosaic, as you can see at first glance. Not everyone knows how much brownie and shkidlivoy є vіvsyan porridge today. And in certain types of Skoda, you can be an order of magnitude larger, lower coriste.

Why is the melancholy of the Vivsyanka

Vivsa's grudge has been known to people for a long time. This cereal has a lot of important microelements and vitamins for humans. Vivsyanka can be so jubilant:

  • Spray on etching.
  • Improves the natural look and structure of the hair and nails.
  • Znimaє bіl і m'yazah pіslya pіzіchnyh navantagen.
  • Spryaє zmіtsnennyu ships.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Spriyaє increase the overall tone of the body.

But at the same time, it should be noted that not all of the veins of the flooring are good for health. Measles without intermediary fallow through the method of industrial processing of cereals.

Vіvsyan boroshno dodayat the child's eating start s 4 months. Ale with tsomu v_vsyanka as much as possible to clear gluten.

Yakiy vіvsyantsі vіddati perevagu

The most important ones are rightly respected by the grain of the grain. In this view, the Vivsyanka is practically preparing for an early marriage with Great Britain. Crimea tsgogo, the Scots vvazhayut vіvsyanu porridge national government, stinks її cook today from whole grains. In such cereals, not only the cells are rich, but also the mucous membranes that are brown for the human body.

Such a herb from whole grains can have a few small pieces. The most important of them is the tse dovge preparation. Chob cook savory porridge for a dream, you can spend time close to the year. In times of post-employment of today's people, it is respected by unlawful debauchery. To the very same, the greater part of the spozhivachiv vіddaє the victory of the vivsyanim plastіvtsy, who are preparing for the sprat of khvilin. Ale is similar to the vivsyanka to bring richly more shkodi, lower ochіkuvanoy koristі.

Skoda in the form of quick preparation is easy to explain. The plastics are prepared from the grains that have been trimmed in the front, with which the oats almost completely wear out the natural structure. In such plastics, there is little cellular tissue, but the amount of starch is even greater. If you often save the "Extra" plastics for a loan, you can easily gain a reputation. Carrying in the aftermath of porridge swedish cooking- Tsezh not rare. Gluten, which is found in plastics, glues the villi of the intestine, for which peristalsis can be changed.

If you want to cook a savory pancake and savory porridge, you can take the Hercules plastic. Tsya production is not flooring, like "Extra", the prote structure of the grains is maximally saved. Tsya groats are prepared for less than 20 minutes, which does not require a long time. However, from natural fibers such plastics, all the same, it is important to match.

Buying grapes, it is necessary to pay attention to the terms of appurtenance and the good-looking products. Good groats cannot have third-party inclusions, such as lushpinnya and other things.


I’ll broaden my mind, it’s possible not to bring the body to health before the health of the body, however, such an evil with cereals can cause unsafe damage to health. Skoda wine for the body is explained її chemical warehouse that deakim authorities:

  • Have yakіy vivsyantsі є phytic acid, yak spriyaє mivannu calcium z kistkovoї tissue.. Navit unconcernedly on those who in the very vivsyanci are avenged by calcium, fitin does not allow them to conquer. Even if you eat vegan, you can get osteoporosis.
  • Vivsyanka revenge gluten, especially gluten, as it can cause allergies. Gluten can aggravate the villi on the walls of the intestines, for which etching is poisoned.

If you regularly eat porridge, then you may get cilia. For ailments, the villi in the intestines cease to work and the soaking of the living speeches becomes impossible.

  • Vivsyanka is more caloric, in total 100 g of the finished product contains about 350 kcal. With constant living, you can quickly gain a zayva vag.
  • Plastіvtsі can provoke diabetes. The product has a rich amount of starch, which, when over-etched, makes zukor, which, in its line, raises the level of glucose in the blood.

It is not necessary to slander with cereal porridge, and especially not to eat їїї in the arc of great obsyagi. Just for the sake of the world, such a product can be true for health.

Why do you want to varto look like a Vivsyanka on a snidanok

Bagato prikhilnikov healthy way Life vvazha, scho vіvsyanka - tse just an ideal product for an early meal. Ale, provіdnі ієєtologiy vzhe zastuvali qiyu omanu. How can you have a sloppy porridge for tomorrow?

Snidanok can charge people with energy and improve the exchange of speeches. Products, yakі z'їdenі vrantsі, are not guilty of fast digestion, for the rahunka of which a little more is saved for a long time. Similar characteristics may be a protein hedgehog - eggs, meat products, fish and dairy products.

White porridge, brewed with milk, gives people less than 400 kcal, which may be more consistent with the energy needs of the body. However, in this type of mood, a person does not feel satiated, even for a few years, he begins to become turbulent, almost like hunger. And if it’s logical to sip, then your body’s calorie norm will be lost, and parts of the meal will absorb the accumulated fat deposits.

How to analyze, then go out, what Vіvsyanka priyaє postіy perїdannyu. But at this hour, such a porridge cannot provide a person with energy for three hours, because there is practically no protein in the product.

Having consumed it in the body, the porridge provokes a sharp injection of insulin;

How to eat porridge, so that you don’t hurt your health

Pevni shkіdlivі power Vіvsa and porridge from the new zovsіm do not mean that the next thing is to be taken into account in the same product. A quantity of yakis and a properly brewed product is exchanged, bringing the body more melancholy. Tim people, like to love the porridge, follow the rules to remember the song:

  1. You can eat no more than three servings of the finished product per day.
  2. For porridge varto, you can buy whole oats or plastic "Hercules". Plastіvtsі shvidkogo pogotuvannya can bring more shkodi.
  3. Don’t cook the wheat on milk, don’t cook the shards.

People, yakі spozhivayut vіvsyanі plastіvtsі, zvarenі on moltsі, often suffer from diarrhoea.

In the weather, for an ideal vaga, it’s a lot of women to switch to white wine, which makes the product brown and low-calorie. Really, we know it’s not so, the loan of saving such a porridge can bring up to zavoi vaga that problems zі zdorov'yam.

On April 30, 1898, corn plastics were found. Axis as it happened. The Kellogg brothers, the masters of one of the sanatoriums in the state of Michigan, used to frequent their patients with grass from the corn bog. Under the hour of the yogo preparation of the cooks, the result was that the result flared up and zipsuvalosya. Ale, oscillki to make people happy, it was necessary, it happened to twist - it was thickly smeared from two sides, and so we knew corn plastics. Tsikavo, which innovation was immediately liked by the patients and has become a regular dish on the menu.

Corn plastics and today are considered one of the most popular options for snacks and snacks. However, although earlier this product was vvazhavshis vinjatkovo brown, then today's nutritionists differ in thought. Let's imagine 8 facts about the measles and shkoda of corn plastics.


Glutamic acid speeds up the metabolism of the brain and improves memory.

  1. Corn plastics can be used without color brown words and vitamins: salt, potassium, zinc, chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, sodium, as well as vitamins A, E, PP, H and others.
  2. In plastics, there is also a presence of cellular tissue, as a result of improving the etching and stimulating the activity of the intestinal tract.
  3. Corn plastics rich in amino acids. One of them is tryptophan, which is transformed in the body into the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for the warm mood and positive emotions of people.
  4. At the warehouse of corn plastics there is glutamic acid - it will speed up the exchange of brain processes and improve memory.
  5. Pectin at the warehouse of plastics protect the organism from the dead puffs, and starch takes a part in the hardened m'yazovy tissue and nerve cells.


At the store it is important to choose non-licorice plastics without additives.

  1. Corn plastic is considered to be an ideal dietary product. Prote tse zovsіm so. Boroshno, tsukor, olії ta raznі food additives definitely do not take the eye of the vaga, especially as you get used to plastics regularly and in the company of honey and yogurt.
  2. If plastics are watered with sucrose syrup (to rob them richly savory), you can’t bring stench for the figure, that’s where the calorie content goes. Therefore, in the store it is important to choose non-licorice plastics without additives.
  3. Rich nutritionists unravel the myth about those who plastics are the best food. Navpaki, through a high vmіst tsukrіv after such a snidanku in the body rises a rіvenіnsulinu, scho to lead to a Swedish viniknennia almost hunger. Visnovok: plasti vtsi varto live not on a snack, but as a snack between the main meals.

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