Vegetable stew for children. Vegetable stew - recipe, features and technology of preparation Vegetable stew for children 1 year

Vegetable stew for children - sitna, korisna and clumsy grass. The new one has all the necessary vitamins; For these recipes, selected seasonal vegetables, you can find them in any supermarket, or in the city of vletka. To potatoes and carrots, you can also add garmelon, zucchini, broccoli - zagal, whether it be vegetables for bajanny.

The simplest recipe for vegetable stew for children will be with the same vegetables, which you can know at that hour of fate, if the season is ready. As a rule, in the police departments of local shops in the Czech Republic, you can find such vegetables as potatoes, cabbage, carrots, cibula. Greens and herbs can be dried, and tomatoes - hothouse.


  • 1-2 potato bulbs
  • 1/8 head cabbage
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bottle of milk
  • 1 tablespoon green peas
  • 1/2 teaspoon of butter
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream

Cooking vegetable stew

1. Peel the carrots, cut them into cubes. Potim pour hot milk and cook until ready.

2. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into cubes. Shred cabbage and add potatoes to carrots. Extinguish more quills 20-25 quills.

3. For 10 hvilin until ready, add butter and green peas in vegetable stew. For example, add sour cream.

Vegetable stew - what is it? corisna strava. This recipe for stew with egg additions, what do you give him more food? food value. For a child, you can pick up seasoned vegetables, you can find them in the market, in the garden and supermarkets.


  • 2 cups eggplant
  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 10 cups of zucchini
  • 3 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 basil leaves

Steps of cooking

All vegetables should be washed in front and cut into cubes, cream of tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts | parts |, remove them with a spoon.

Leaves of basil should be remembered and detailed. At a small amount of water, let the vegetables be prepared at once from basil leaves. Cool down.

Boil an egg in sprinkling with 7 strands, cool and clean. Chop the egg with a knife and sip and prepare the stew.

Ragout with egg politi lemon juice, Salt for relish and serve a glass of water.

Ovov grotto with zucchini and potatoes

Zucchini is one of the first vegetables to introduce a child's menu. And all that wine is not only hypoallergenic, but it will be better to conquer it. Before that, this one is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Products to be included in the recipe recommended for eating for children young age. M'yaka sumish thogo mashed potatoes allow small organism good to conquer all the vitamins and minerals that enter the warehouse. Mashed potatoes with zucchini and potatoes and cheese can be prepared both for dinner and for dinner.
Portion 3


  • 50 g potatoes
  • 90 g young zucchini
  • 20 g sirah cheddar
  • 2 table spoons of milk
  • scoop of butter

Steps of cooking

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices, cut the zucchini into circles. Boil potatoes until cooked. Cook zucchini on steam.

Break the potatoes, put butter and sir in it, stir until they melt. Prepare with potatoes, cheese and zucchini puree, add milk, bring to a boil. Mix it up until I become homogeneous.

In this recipe, vegetables can be cut into small pieces, and not pureed.

Stewed vegetables with peas in milk sauce


  • 70 g potatoes
  • 50 g cauliflower
  • 50 g white cabbage
  • 40 g carrots
  • 30 g zucchini
  • 20 g green peas
  • 100 g milk sauce
  • Vershkov oil
  • cibulya ripchasta

Steps of cooking

Vіdvarenі potatoes, bіlokachannu аbo cauliflower, carrots, zucchini or other vegetables cut into cubes and mix.
Add green peas, pasirovaniya on vershokov oil ripchasta cibulya, cіl, pour milk sauce and stew in the oven for 15 hvilin|minutes|.

    You can give grass to children, starting from 7 months, for you know that all the ingredients were previously introduced into complementary foods. Vegetable stew will come out even more savory and brown.

    Cabbage-70 g
    Carrot - 2 pcs.
    Potato - 4 pcs.

    cibulya ripchasta - 1/4 pc.
    Roslinna Oliya

    How to cook a child's stew with vegetables.

    We take a saucepan - kindly, as if it will be a thick bottom - and pour 2 tbsp into it. dewy olive.

    Dribno rіzhemo tsibulyu and throw it into the pan.

  1. Vario stretch 20 strands. Dodaemo krip and relativly important.

    Curve with a lid. Let's sweat 5-10 whilins.

    Stew will come out even more. For children of an older age and mature stews, you can live at the sight.

  2. And the axis for the little ones, for the time being, they still can’t independently chew food, puree grass in a blender.

    Korisna's supper for the child is ready.

  3. Savory!

    The child's organism especially requires the correct and healthy food, yake maє buti as much as possible zbalansirovanim that large number vitamins. Even more importantly, the child of the day gave a portion of vegetables and fruits, fallow in her lifetime. Adzhe tsі produce cream in place of them in them vital vitamins, macro-and microelements, revenge on the cellular tissue, as it helps to properly improve the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract and give it a regular discharge, which is even more important. The fact that the organism of a small person is already spontaneous and lower and incorrectly deformed can lead to the vindication of folded illnesses.

    It is possible to start introducing complementary foods at the age of 4-5 months; physical development. Ale, if you're in a mood, you'd rather be happy with the pediatrician, what to watch out for. For the first lure, the simplest vegetables are suitable, with not clearly expressed relish and color. Better start with zucchini. Їx can be given already from 4.5 months. Following them, you can give cauliflower. Trohi later (6-7 months) potatoes and then carrots. Just keep in mind that it can cause an allergy, it’s not a good idea to eat other products.

    A recipe for stew can be given to children from the age of seven months, but only in that period, as earlier they were already given qi products Okremo, so that they could turn off the risk of allergic reactions. For small allergies, it is better to replace carrots with zucchini. Instead of carrots, you can beat the garmelon, wines can be transferred practically the same way.

    Tsya Strava - guiding variant for a children's menu To be prepared in a gentle way - the vegetables are not smeared, but simply stewed. Even if a baby has problems with pickling, you can simply mix all the ingredients. So it will be more curvy.

    For the smallest vegetables, it will be necessary to trim the clothes. Naishvidshe tse zrobiti for the help of a blender. And if yoga didn’t show up with your hand, then you can beat the old “grandma” ways. Do you need a special tovka (like for preparing mashed potatoes) or a meat grinder. Ale on nіy more quickly scroll through the girls, so that there were no breasts. The best way is to rub all the vegetables through a sieve. The small portion required is small, not enough for an hour.

    For an older child, you can not trim the stew, just vegetables, before cooking, cut them smaller, so that you can take them by hand by the mouth.

Rate the recipe

Vegetable stew with zucchini- Universal grass, as suitable for eating children, so for eating grown-ups. Preparing vegetable stew for obid, you "bring two hares", inciting not only a child, but also other members of the family.

Vegetable stew is even browner, even stewed with a minimum of vegetable oil can be used dietary herb In a different way, it’s suitable for a child’s menu, it’s only necessary to cut the ingredients of a little more, lower for grown-ups, in a third way, you can cook yoga at any time of the year (the assortment of modern stores is allowed), but God himself is great." Well, there is another important "plus" - it is incredibly easy to cook vegetable stew, but it is practically impossible to cook it in the cooking process.

The most important ingredients for vegetable stew are zucchini, potatoes, cibula, carrots and cabbage, prote, adding other vegetables to your taste, you can make the taste of strawberry rich and citrus.

In order to prepare a savory stew, do not obligatory take the ingredients in exact proportions, the quality will not change much, so you will take 50-70 grams more or less potatoes and cabbage, and that other result will be even more appetizing.

potatoes - close to 400-500 gr.
white cabbage - 400 gr.
cibula of medium size - 1 cibulin
small young tavern - 1 pc.
licorice bell pepper- 1 PC.
carrot - 1 pc.
dried or fresh herbs (krip, parsley, basil)
oliya - 70 gr.
sour cream - 3 tbsp.

Vegetable stew with zucchini, recipe:

Most of the time it is necessary to prepare vegetables. Peel the carrots, potatoes and zucchini. Pepper vimiti, see in the new fruit that nasinnya, tidy up the upper brudne and torn leaves from the cabbage, clean the cibula from the lushpinnya.

Dali vegetables need to be trimmed. Dice the cibulus of the yakomog, grate the carrots on a large grate, cut the potatoes and zucchini into medium-sized cubes, shred the cabbage, and cut the pepper into small cubes.

For extinguishing vegetables, it’s better to use a deep frying pan, an eggplant with a thick bottom. Grill oil in a frying pan | oil |, put in a new carrot and cibula medium fire and help me to bring the cibula to a clear vision.

Viklasti to tsibulі and carrots potatoes, pour in water bottles, close the pan with a lid and extinguish 10 khvilin so close.

Here it is necessary to say that the sequence of adding vegetables when cooking is important, even if you add cabbage to the stew earlier, lower the potatoes, then you will be left with a hard one, but the stew would not be cooked. If the potatoes are brought to readiness, you can add cabbage, zucchini and pepper to the pan.

Mix the vegetables better, add half the bottle and stew 10-15 more fibers from the closed lid. Buvay, when the cabbage is added, not all of it will go into the pan, there is nothing terrible in it, the vegetables will go out (about 5 quills), and the bowl will turn up for the cabbage reshti.

Add strength to the stew, herb that sour cream, mix it up, change the fire, quench 7-10 quills.

Your little girl is already working on her beloved passions, and you are always ready to create a new masterpiece for the garnished appetite of your little happiness. We picked a sprat for you simple recipes childish vegetable stew - even if you cook a child, such a corian grass can be made from any kind of vegetables! It is especially juicy to include fresh products with different flavors - from sour (tomatoes) to licorice (carrot) or neutral (cauliflower).

Calling the strain "stew" is French root - so your little one is fond of French cuisine. Ragout is stewed in a sauce of sumish of small pieces of meat (abo ribi) and vegetables, slathered in oil beforehand. Vіdminnіst stew for children vіd stew for grown-ups not only in the sizes of shmatochkіv, but also in the very technology of preparation.

For a single child, vegetables and meat (abo riba) are cut into small pieces and stewed for a little longer, so that the child could easily chew. Until then, lubricated hedgehog is not recommended for small children in principle, and for that, the recipe for a child's stew can be on the verge of more sparing processing of ingredients.

Vegetable stew for little ones is an ideal and effective way of masking an ingredient that your child does not like between kohanimi. Let's hope that our children eat full meals, and not just "zhu". That proponated recipe can be taken as a basic one, and our ideas from cooking allow you to create a variety of conflicts.

It's easier to cook stew for children at the multicooker. This is, without a doubt, the simplest technology of cooking baby vegetable grass with meat.

Childish vegetable stew with meat at the multicooker

Tse lower stew for children eating habits nadali. In fact, the fear does not avenge fat and may even have a natural taste. For a single child, it is also important old look stravi, to that the succulence of cabbage is even worthy of youmu. Decorate the dish different colors over potatoes with meat.


  • Veal - 150 g
  • Potato - 3 bulbs of medium size
  • Flower cabbage - 3-4 bunches
  • Broccoli cabbage - 2-3 bunches
  • Strength - pinch
  • Oliya olive (can be Sonyashnikova) - 2 tbsp.


  1. Veal without veins and spitting is cut into small cubes (approximately 7x7 mm). We are ready for a child, as it is impossible to chew big things.
  2. Potatoes are peeled and also cut into small cubes, sprinkled with meat. The succulence of cauliflower and broccoli is washed and sorted out for other succulents, but the stems can be cut.
  3. At the bowl of the multicooker, pour olії and put її warm up on the “boiling” mode for 2 hvilin.
  4. Then we put in a bowl trimmed veal, potatoes and cabbage. Pour in 100-120 ml of purified water, salt the troch and cook in the "extinguishing" mode 40-50 strands.

You can change the recipe for this simple childish sheep stew to taste like your own child. Treat such a moment: vegetables are rich in mineral salt, and when cooked in a slow cooker, the stench may not be ruined. To that it is too late to pickle the grass is not sensu - vegetables and so avenge the strength.

Vegetable stew for children at the steamer


  • - 2 bulbi + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • Zucchini small rosemary- 1 PC. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • green peas- Art. l. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - half a stem + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • Yoghurt natural unsweetened- 100 g + -


Zha, cooked in a modern steamer, is the height of thoroughness! Especially appreciate the way your baby is harvesting vegetables! The lower and juicy vegetables, which have preserved their natural color and appetizing splendid look, are capable of making a single child!

  1. All the ingredients are miєmo, cleaned from the inside of those skins, like small cubes. The tomato is cross-shaped in front of the cuts and lowered into a crepe for 1 quill. Znimaєmo from a tomato skin and cut it into cubes. Green peas are not frozen.
  2. We put all the components in a steam cat, visipaemo green peas to the beast, sprinkle olive oil and boil 35-40 quills for a couple.
  3. A small portion of ready vegetable assortment we put a plate on the child, water it with unsweetened yogurt and serve the child. If your baby does not block the aroma of spicy greens, then before watering the vegetables with yogurt, mix yoga with chopped parsley or a crop.

Babies should be treated to such a pungent streak, and, as a rule, the stench in a playful form will give you all the proponated portion. The vapors of the lungs are easily conquered by a baby, which did not matter, and also rich brown speeches that do not crumble with this method of preparation

Vegetable stew for children with kvassole in the oven

You can select vegetables for the taste of your child. Do you already know your love of vegetables?

We take one fruit of all selected vegetables, clean them and cut them into small cubes. We put everything on one block of foil of a rectangular shape, visipaemo 1 tbsp. already brewed kvass. Watering 1 tbsp. olive oil. Salt is not required.

With the free edge of the foil, we cover all the cut vegetables and diligently pinch so that vegetable juices did not boil. Cooking vegetables in wet juice the oven at 180 degrees has about 30 quills. If you have chosen no more than juice fruits, water them before baking with a couple of spoons of water.

All of our recipes for baby vegetable stew are so savory that even grown-up members of the family can taste this appetizing grass with pleasure. Also, prepare the insoles, so that we can stick it out!

Babies, who already had enough teeth, should be encouraged by pediatricians to pronounce not mashed hedgehog, but herbs, in which ingredients are pierced with small pieces. It forms chewing sounds, which beneficially pours into the child's grass system.

As an insult to children, you can try the most delicious vegetable stew with additional meat. Tsya strava dosit sitna, pozhivna and korisna, moreover, you can give it not only to children, but also to family members. How can you prepare a child’s vegetable stew with meat, how can you produce vikoristati, and why should you cook? Let's find out about all the secrets of this fear!

Dwarf vegetable stew with meat for ditini

The technology of preparing the stew can be used to cover the skin ingredient okremo, after which all the components are quenched at once until cooked. At the time of preparation of the child's version of the strain, the varto is cooked in the seasoning of vegetables and meat to a ruddy crackle. The very same stew stew needs a little more. To make the cooking process easier and save as much as possible crooks of authority ingredients, you can cook vegetable stew with meat at the multicooker.

  • Vibirayuchi "m'yasnu skladu", give the priority chicken fillet, stegnah or chest (without shkir). You can put veal or low-fat pork, rabbit, yalovichina in the stew.
  • When it comes to vegetables, here we are ready to focus on the tastes of a wet child, and also check that all the ingredients have already been tasted by the little ones. It’s better to cook stew from seasonal vegetables, but it’s better to use cold stew.

You know you? Vіdmovtesya vіd vіd vykoristannya seasonings when preparing stew. It’s not necessary to actively salt the grass, or to add an hour to it - more children don’t like this pungent smell and hospitable relish. Try not to put too many potatoes in a dish that will save more carbohydrates in the stew.

Begin acquaintance with this herb better with one or two spoons. Like a child appreciated your culinary mastery, step by step increase the portion.

Important! For the smallest children, the meat can be ground forward and formed into meatballs. The stench is more prepared and it is easier to conquer. Їx pawn overnight with carrots.

Vegetable stew with meat - recipe

  • To prepare the grass, take 180 g of meat (chicken, turkey, veal), wash the yogo, fill it with portioned pieces and put it in a saucepan. Extinguish the meat on the cob in the wet juice, and then - in the water (pour її insole, so that it covers the shmatochki) with a stretch of 10-25 strands, fallow in the form of meat.

  • Peel and dice one bulb of potatoes, a third of a medium squash, half of cibulini, 40 g of garbuza and half of a carrot. Harmelon and zucchini can be replaced with broccoli and green peas (fresh chilli).
  • If the meat becomes soft, add carrots and cibula to the new one. After 5-6 quills, sip potatoes into a saucepan, and after a couple of quills - a watermelon. If the potatoes become soft, add the zucchini. At the same time, broccoli and peas are laid.

  • If necessary, add water or vegetable broth to the saucepan.
  • If the grass is ready, salt the troch її and let the sprat of khvilin be stewed. In the end, add a teaspoon of dewy olive and half a bay leaf.
  • You know you? When you cook vegetable stew with meat and potatoes in a slow cooker, select the simmering mode and set the timer for 40-45 chills in the stock with ingredients.

    How to cook vegetable stew with meat for a ditini.

    Babies can eat meat stew with boiled yalovichina and sumish vegetables. At the advancing video, it is told how to properly work the grass, and also it is reported that all the ingredients that are needed for the stew are recycled. It was also demonstrated the streak of submission of stravi, as it is unfailingly appropriate for children.

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