Varennya with pepper two vidi pepper. Varennya from licorice red pepper. Apple puree for the winter

Red apple, yellow apple,
Sweet apple, apple juice.
The most among fruits, I know you
I love apple, licorice

Shvidko-Shvidko ticks summer. They tell about important things like the fruits of apple trees, the clatter of apples that fall to the ground, the smell of cinnamon and apple pies in the kitchen.
It’s not rich summarily - you don’t want to see these days, cold, wet autumn days. But don’t drink for an hour, then we can try to save the relish of summer in jars.
Jam that varennya was already prepared richly, today trochs about it.

Liver apple

Prepared for snacks, I’ll savory that Korisna rich - a liver apple.
It’s even simpler - take a big apple, look at the heart of the stuffing and reminiscent of the filling. You can take licorice syrup, you can take peas with honey, like I have.

The middle of the apple is reminiscent of hairy peas, Add some honey, cinnamon and I added candied fruit (you can take rodzinki).
We pierce the skin of an apple with a sprat with a fork, so that it does not burst when baked, put a plate at the firebox, pour a little water into the yak, and bake it in a hot oven.

Let's serve to the beloved children, having cooled the troch.
At midday, it doesn't matter.

Apple puree for the winter

For me, the best way to harvest apples for the winter. Puree can be whipped up as a filling for pies, creams, for preparing desserts. And you can just use a spoon or a bun with an olive.
What do we need?


  • 2 kg apples
  • 200 g zucru
  • 1-2 tsp lemon juice
I don’t like puree more than licorice, so I cook zucru for 1 kg of apples - 100 g of zucru, like sour apple, you can add a lot of zukra.
If you are preparing mashed potatoes for a child’s eating, don’t add zukor, but don’t take mashed potatoes for a long time.
What are we working on?


We clean the apple, cut it into cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice, so that it does not darken, add zukor.
Boil on the right fire until soft, sometimes stirring with a wooden spoon. Like an apple juice, we don’t give water, the stink itself will give juice.
I love thick mashed potatoes, I don’t add water to it, or a little more for an hour of cooking, as needed.
I don’t have any small children, so I boldly add grated ginger and cinnamon.

Trochs cool down and puree for the help of a blender (you can rub it through a sieve).

We spread the puree hot in a sterilized jar.
This puree can be frozen by squeezing it in plastic containers.

Take it away from the dark, cold place.

Gostro apple and pepper brew

So-so, gostre varennya itself. It’s even more delicious - it’s overdone. I cook all of a sudden, I eat the whole portion. Serve before the meat or sira. Recipe for knots from the book of the master of Italian cuisine Elli Martino.


  • 400 g red bell pepper (I have bula ratunda)
  • Styles of apples (peeled and cut)
  • 4-5 small pods of hot red pepper (or one great one). Do not fight, that the pepper is too rich, the gostroty of the troch is coming at the hour of cooking
  • 200 g zucru
  • 20 ml white wine juice
  • 1 star anise
  • 2 peppercorns
  • Dribka of ground coriander


Peel the apple, see the pepper (licorice and spicy) in the hot, you can not see it in the hot house, if you want hotter, cut it with small cubes.
Sip tsukrom against the night.

For the whole hour, the tsukor will open up and show up sik.
Cook on the right fire for 40 hvilin|minutes|, constantly stirring.
After cooling the troch, grind it with a blender, it’s not scary to get rid of small shmatochki.
I’m going to the stove, add spices and cook khvilin 20.
Pour in an estimate and boil 5 whilin.
Cool down to room temperature. Yakshcho ready for saving, laying in hot jars sterilized.
Try it really delicious! Gostro, spicy, fragrant and insipid.

Chi did not try? Prepare your clothes. Spekotny noon - a miracle snack.


For this 3-4 apples, peel, cut and boil in a small amount of water (the water should reach approximately to the middle of the apples).

Add some troch, drive that tsukra for relish and to a small fire.
Pon_shuvati, shob | abi | didn't burn.
At the same time, in 1 glass of milk (sour cream, tops) add 1 teaspoon of corn starch (you can replace it with boroshnoe).

Add cinnamon and vanilla zucor.
In boiling apple puree, pour milk with starch and spices.
Boil until thick jelly.
Stay cold, tasty with a bun, with poppy seeds and honey.

P.S. You can make such a soup with some fruits and vegetables.


  • 4 licorice apples
  • 1/2 bottle of zucru
  • 1/2 bottle of water
  • Vanilla zukor for relish
Puree is ready, like a recipe for cold apple soup.
Cool down a little. Add tsukor and vanilla tsukor

Spread abo kelikhs in bowls, cool, enjoy.


My current recipe is based on the show broadcast of the Ukrainian channel STB.
Great photo is not mine, the one I prosaically rolled into jars.
More recently, 5 mi varimo take, more precisely, varennia-sauce for the recipe of my aunt, as I live in Italy.
The axis of my recipe, which I share with you.
hard apples, red bell peppers, eggplant "meaty" and juice, tsukor - in the same proportions, I have 400 gr each;
chili pepper - 0.5 pcs;
black peppercorns, coriander, cumin (you can zira), cloves - for relish;
ocet 9% - 1 teaspoon;
table wine chervone - 150 gr.

Cooking method

Apple and pepper are well washed. The apple is cut into 4 parts and you can see the core. Pepper is cleared in the form of saplings. Zmіshuєmo spices of pepper and apples, weep with zukr i, crooked with grub plіvkoy, we’re left for 24 years.

After that, we transfer the vegetable-fruits to the pan at once with syrup and simmer on a small fire for 40 strands. Then, after cremating half of the syrup, we interrupt everything with a blender to a homogeneous consistency. Pass through a sieve.

At Makukhu, we add 100 g of wine, let us stand for 15 hvilin.
While the top of the cake is infused at the top of the syrup, add spices and cleansing in the form of fresh pepper-chili, boil 5 chills, let it cool,

pouring yogo into the makukha with wine. Everything is passed through a sieve.

We put on fire, add 50 gr. the wine is assessed, with constant remixing, it is brought to a boil, it is laid out in prepared jars, it is corked, and it is given for "ripening" two or three times.

Excellent, gostro-aromatic addition to meat.

I have a drink - 1 liter.

As they already wrote in the comments before the post, pіdsumkova strava in this variant - tse not zovsіm varennya. To be more precise, it’s not called varennia, it’s how we sounded yoga, but licorice-hostry sauce. Those who often eat yoga in Bulgaria, simply smearing it on bread, inspiring children, do not change the main purpose of yoga.

Ale, as it seems, “you don’t sing the words,” and to that, the translation of the Bulgarian name tsієї stravi sounds like a war. Those who see Bulgaria for a sample can make this sauce ready to be seen in stores. The axis is one of these options.

I haven’t tried the store option, there are a lot of recipes on the Internet, so I’ll be different, I’ll share it, which my wife kindly gave me. Yesterday evening my friends and I held a tasting and shared thoughts, what is delicious. The amount of zucru and spiciness can be selected individually, but the product is suitable for it, which allows licorice notes in savory sauces.

In one of the recipes, I was honored with an ear - "tse those that make you cry for malt ..."

For the cob, it is necessary to smear on the fire (or bake in the oven) 800 g of great licorice (Bulgarian) pepper. Bake yogo to a black crust, then put the lid on the pan, cool, and then easily clean it from the skin. It is necessary to clean and refresh. Moreover, this stage can be passed yak before obsmazhuvannya, and after.

Hot pepper -300 gr, clean it from the inside (preferably wear mittens), cover with water and cook about 5-7 strands.

Ready pepper is enough, and the water is taken from the pan. Z'ednati hostry i licorice pepper,finish the mass with a blender, add 500 grams of zucru and 2 tablespoons of apple juice and a little water, so that you get a greater consistency of the product, so as to allow it to boil without sticking to the bottom of the pan. If you want to add some hospitable food, you can replace the water with hot pepper, which is soaked in a saucepan.

We cook everything on the arc of a small fire, about 40-60 min. Orientation is necessary according to the density, vrahovyuchi, as the cold preparation becomes thicker.

Approximately about the readiness, it is necessary to add a small bag of fabrics to the brew, in which put 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg powder, 10-15 grains of black peppercorns and 1/2 teaspoon of ziri. Seasonings qi boil at once from the main mass of 20-25 khvilin, then they are thrown out.

For example, add 1/2 tsp. citric acid for a kіlka hvilin before the end of the process.

If the product is to be stored in a cold weather, then after spreading it in jars, you can clean it up for storage. If the savings are transferred at room temperature, then the jars are sterilized for 15 minutes.

I am happy, if tears of joy appear in your face after tasting passion, you will guess good word Bulgaria, її fierce pigs and me with a recipe for an unusual brew.

Would you like to try licorice pepper jam? So so ... with pepper! Tse vyshukanny confiture, which transforms the splendid grass with syrah, is so effectively unimaginable and even more delicious! It is possible to prepare a brew for the one who has not done anything like this before! Tse duzhe is simple!


To prepare pepper jam you will need:

1 kg of licorice red pepper;

400 g zucru;

200 g otstu;

1 tsp crushed red hot pepper;

1/4 tsp ground ginger;

2 tsp salt.

Steps of cooking

Pepper miєmo and narizaemo thin females.

Mixed with pepper and left to marinate for 2 years.

After that, as soon as we put the sіk, we put it on a full fire, stirring it periodically, and boil it down to confiture (about 1 year). You can’t digest the smut, to the one who, in the tsiomu vіpadka, after reaching it, you’ll get stale and become firm. Readiness can be indicated by dropping a drop of syrup on a saucer. Vaughn is guilty of spilling like water, and shedding water from that look.

After reaching, we serve peppers to hard varieties of syrah, such as, for example, Parmesan, Provolone or Emmental. It can also be served on bruschetti (drying bread in a frying pan) or baked meat.



Varennya with pepper is prepared simply and to finish the soup, without the need for one-year-old vitrimoks in sukrovy syrup, as yoga is more traditional brothers. Everything that we need bell pepper, and also signify, scald the hottest pepper we want to add to the brew. In a small amount of hot pepper, lay down the relish of the already prepared lasoshchiv. When you are in trouble, you can not add it, if you want the whole family of such an unusual recipe in such a drop. So you can add a few spices to your licorice pepper brew, for example, cloves.
Remember that you have not been engaged in the preparation of winter preservations before, you will definitely be able to prepare such a part of the first time, and help you with this pokrokovy recipe from photo. From now on, you know all the important subtle secrets of preparing such a brown and natural jam with red pepper. If you feel like relish, then try to prepare just one or two small jars of malt, and then after the tasting you will judge your verdict. What is the best way to cook with peppers? I would like to see that the spicy pepper, which enters the malt warehouse, fights against the cold and the virus. A couple of spoons of such a brew for a day will be very familiar to children and adults. Zrozumіlo, such a preparation was not a bad thing, even if it won’t be enough to finish the calorie and the great kіlkosts will have more than shkodi. Let's get down to the preparation for the winter of an extraordinary and arc fragrant jam with red licorice pepper at home.


Varennya with pepper - a recipe for cooking

We are preparing our main ingredients. Rinse licorice pepper thoroughly in cold water and let it dry on its own. What is the cost chili pepper, then when working with him, it is recommended to put on mittens and not stick around with your hands in disguise, but especially with your eyes. Baking pepper should also be washed well in cold water.

You can see the fruits of the fruit, as well as the last. Baking pepper is cut into small balls, licorice pepper is cut into cubes. Remember that in a small amount of given pimento pepper, you can lay down the taste of future cooking.

After cutting all the licorice pepper, call the preparation and add to the cut the style and the succulent piska. Seriously mix all the ingredients and transfer them to a large saucepan from the slotted walls and the bottom. We’ll take the ingredients from the calm, in a day’s time, the zucor will be broken up again, and the pepper will let the sik.

If the licorice pepper has let enough juice for the onset of cooking, we put the saucepan on the stove and bring it to a boil on a small fire. We are ready to cook to the density we need, at which point it is possible to change your color to a deep red one, as shown in the photo. Readiness is overturned by the approaching rite: having sprinkled a drop of radish on a small saucer on a flat plate, nahilyaemo yogo i, as if the brew hasn’t spread, it means it’s ready. At this stage, it is practical, before the completion of the cooking, to put all the spices and preparations into the pan into the pan. We prepare conservation with a stretch of 10 strands, we mimikaєmo fire.

Be sure to sterilize for a couple or a couple of small ones in the oven jars, pour into them hot boiled and hermetically sealed їх. Be careful and don’t get drunk, and also remember that due to a sharp temperature drop, it can be easy to peel, so pour the motherland into the sklotara. Homemade brew with red licorice and hot pepper is ready for the winter.

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