Big zranku.


Looking behind the skin

Date of acquisition: 2014-09-24 How can you make a fool run away from lies?, I think we all know that the beg is healthy. The positive results of this process include: improved heart, stabilization of the vagina, garniy mood the best robot

brain, increase

meat mass , development of willpower and vibrancy, etc. bud. It is not surprising that since childhood, running has seemed synonymous with a kind of panacea. I had no choice but to try to start running the worms, but all the stench was short-lived and not distant.

The most important thing was to wake up from your normal daily routine and stop lying.

Before that, I respected myself with great owl, which made the task even more difficult. Perhaps, from whom can I ask the question: why lie? Aja can easily do jogging in the evening.

There were a lot of reasons for this in me. First of all, the lies are rich, just before the hour had passed, it was impossible. My self-confidence grew, my sense of self diminished, and after running I gradually felt a sense of satisfaction and lightness. Now the devil has become my friend, without which the day seems worthless.

As a result of health, I feel

  1. external look
  2. richly decorated.
  3. Tim, who is afraid to run away from the liar, but is still not respectable, I want to give you a lot of joy.
  4. Having clothes for running is of great importance.
  5. Vaughn, madly, may resemble that hand-made buti.
  6. I feel like buying it specifically for this purpose, as it will be an additional motivation.
  7. It's much easier to run with music.

From now on, it helps to get rid of unpleasant feelings and forget about the hour.

Run under your favorite music - wine of malt.

Having decided to get up in the morning jog, you need to wake up immediately on the alarm clock.

You are not allowed to rub it in the bed, the stink fragments can turn into a year, and you can forget about jogging. There may be strong motivation. It’s hard to guess all the positive inheritances today.

Before going to bed, you need to think about getting ready for an early morning routine and visualize the techniques according to the process.

It is not at all necessary to take up a sport like this professionally.

Liars can live either as a businessman, as a schoolboy or as an old pensioner.

On the right is that it is necessary to simply vibrate the symbol, since 21 days are formed behind the statistics.

Three big people had to make a fuss, and then everything went like clockwork.

Just now, let’s figure out what we need.

The sportsmen confirm that running is a universal sport that suits every person.

In some cases, doctors recommend that people who have suffered from serious illness, such as myocardial infarction, avoid the wound.


Apparently, a lot of episodes when running and Swedish walking helped people overcome heart disease.

How do you get it?

In reality, there is no such organ in the human body, no matter what the lie, it would not give a positive influx.

The insignificant vibrations that arise only during the hour of engaging in sports reduce the flow of blood to the organs and tissues of our body.

As a result, all people in society are removing from their daily lives the necessary dose of sourness and living substances that infuse them with rapid renewal.

To be honest, there is no doubt that exercise is necessary both for the mind and for the body. Alas, it’s a pity, for the rich people you should take up some sports real problem


Moreover, it is more important to earn your first income, and also to motivate yourself using the right techniques.

There are a lot of people who already wanted to live in lies, but just can’t stop.

Because the first crumb itself is more important.

You need to get up earlier, report zusilla, leave the comfort zone, sing peace for yourself.

Therefore, having praised the decision to run away from lies, it is necessary to start in earnest.

Don’t worry if you see running shoes, a tracksuit, or anything else.

You need to start running as soon as possible.

As a rule, when stretching, for example, I start running on a Monday or the first without any effort, so as not to give the desired result.

Golovne, clearly understand why you are working and what the result may be.

Zvichka run Running a jogger is all it takes to train both the body and the will. In order to get into the habit of running systematically, you need character no matter what the weather.

As a result, it can be ingrained in one’s own way of living, as if it’s bad for you to take root. Ale yak tse zrobiti? Fahivtsi are determined - in order to attach a new sign to themselves or to get rid of the old one, they need to finish the song within twenty-one days, as soon as they become a sign.

Big is a cardio-navantage.

It helps to develop vitality, both psychologically and physically. One of the advantages of running is its accessibility to everyone. Of course, if you have any health problems, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before undertaking such interventions.

So how does it run?

stronger emphasis

on the heart. The value of this sport is great:- Vitality and other characteristics of the self, such as willpower, self-control, and self-esteem, improve;

- are sleeping

zavі calories

how it helps girls lose weight and dry up boys;

- the flesh of the whole body is mixed, especially Lithuanian, thereby maintaining the body’s tone;

- the vascular system, as well as the heart and legs, deteriorate;

- Improvement of the musculoskeletal system.

Many people confirm that running is bad for health, explaining that it can lead to pain in the joints, blackening of the nails of the fingers, or lead to strong squeezing.

So, we can all mess with you if you don’t remember the basic rules in running:

- the clothes you run in may not only be warm, but not necessarily warm.

So, as you run, your body temperature rises, and it is difficult for your body to simultaneously maintain normal body temperature and run; - so it may be handy, ideal, if the pieces are larger than your foot size, so as the feet of the feet expand as time goes on, and, it would seem, the sandals rub ideally for you;- It’s important to do a little warm-up before running.

This will help you avoid unnecessary stretching and pain in the knees;

During the hour of interval running, more calories are burned, which are transferred to the lower adipose tissue.

Thus, people who are reducing body weight are best suited for this type of running.

For beginners, butt training can be like this: .

5 rounds of smooth walking or long jogging, and then across, running – 4 half-lengths, acceleration 15 seconds, walking – 1 half-length.

There are six such stages, from turning to walking, then to walking.

This training will take you 39:30 hours, for which you will walk for 15 minutes, run for 23 hours and go to accelerate for 1:30

For people who have been running for a long time, the number of stages of training increases, and in addition to warm-ups and cool-downs, walking between stages is not included.

But then it appears that you have accelerated to 100% of your capabilities, and you know, after such acceleration, you will see yourself as a fix.

For such a benefit, I would like to please you with the cost-free supplement “Big for weight loss.”

To be honest, I don’t rely on all the hype of the creators of this program (the phrase “you will lose 15 kg in 2 months”, etc. is a nonsense).

And the plan for interval jogging there is simple plus there are many programs so that you don’t need to control the hour, you only need to select the audio trainer’s boxes.

If you still thought that you are running rich, then ask yourself why it is important to you.

For example, it’s important for me to start running, because I want to be energetic.

Why is it important for me to be energetic?

Because if I am energetic, then I have more spirit and determination.

Why am I so important to my mother, more than care and determination?

Because if I am passionate and decisive, I easily take on any task and bring it to the end.

Approximately so.

By asking “why is it important” you can get to the bottom of the real reasons.

And the stink will ignite and encourage your desire and decision to start breaking lies. 3. Prepare clothes for running. First of all, let’s set off on the road, it’s important to get ready for something new.

What clothes do you wear?

Who cares?

Which route?

In another day, put on your sweaters, go out into the street and walk along the running route.

Not all of it is possible.

A small little thing.

There are more than a few routes: small, medium and high.

And depending on your mood, it’s important to choose one of them.

Every day, repeat this sequence: put on your sweaters, go out onto the street and follow the route.

7. Start running. You can already start running in just this week. Until that time, it will no longer be possible to keep telling lies))) It is possible and necessary to ask yourself: why is it important for me to avoid lying? І with all the passion and pressure. It’s important not to turn the race runs into a feat every day, but to earn them through a regular routine.
It’s better to do 2 exercises every day for a month, do it for a year or two in one day, and then throw it away on the right.

It’s costless, can be read in just 18 chapters, and with simple butts it shows how easy it is to get a new nickname, as it will be with you throughout life.

Well, are you ready to play properly?

You will be amazed by the simplicity and effectiveness of this method.

So that's it for now.

For the sake of health and beauty))) Press

Those who work regularly many times reveal the systems that carry out these activities and form the programs that control this process.

Once the systems are opened and the programs are formed, this activity begins to live its own lives and achieve its implementation, which is perceived by people as the need for this activity.

Therefore, in order to formulate the need for jogging, you need to run regularly, preferably at the same hour, and no earlier, at least every other day.

  • Following all our recommendations (run in such a way that you gain energy through exhaustion, a positive attitude and happiness) will speed up this process. The main ingredients that block molding need to be avoided:
  • Inconsistency of jogging– necessary systems are not opened up, skills are not consolidated, and needs are not formed during spent runs.
  • Negative attitude as the hour progresses(bursting with problems, worries, judgments, images, fears, etc.) – the process of gaining energy does not start, a significant part of the energy is wasted on negative emotions, etc.
  • The necessary relaxation is not available. The tension in the muscles is bad at absorbing energy, clogged, and quickly strained.
  • Energy gain is less per cost
  • . Reasons: The necessary relaxation is not achieved;
  • negative state under the hour of running; the energy collection process does not start directly.
  • Running is not part of the way of life. Running is not a process that gradually develops.
  • Any process that develops sooner or later begins to collapse. Big kicks in the cold season of fate
  • and in bad times. Take a break - ruin the process.
  • I’m starting to start not building my skin again. Big - important work, violence.

There is no bitterness, heaviness, volume.

Svidomost clearly concludes the program: “It’s hard for me,” then. Not mastering or perfecting running technique . energy of singing yakness.

Moreover, the intensity of the flow of energy on the floor is high, which triggers the vibrations of the skin of the body, which give the best impression of great joy and absorption. It is possible to benefit from the process of creativity if a person creates, creates, engages in the right thing;

when running, if you also become a beloved right; with zustricha zakhannyh;

  1. under the hour of exchange of energy between partners under the hour of sexual intercourse, etc.
  2. Let us know the truth:
  3. “A person can only enjoy what he loves and what he values.”

In any case,