You won’t lose a penny after saying that.

For the winter

About home economics

Golovna Residents of Buryatia mocked Dmitry Medvedev’s new “creepy” phrase in social media About the relationship between the Russian Prime Minister and Crimean pensioners, who was involved in the beginning of this life, writing, perhaps, too lazy.

The peasants of the pivostrov bowed their heads to the cabinet on small pensions and the absence of indexation.

He declared to his friend that there are no pennies in the country and pleased the people of Crimea to “trim.”

The country will take care of pensions,” said Dmitro Medvedev. - We cannot earn another pension in one place.Її (

Indexation - approx.


) there is no place.

We didn’t dare. There just aren’t enough pennies at a time. If we know the money, we will get it through indexation.

Before the speech, Dmitry Medvedev’s statement was commented on by the President of the region, Volodymyr Putin, last Friday.

Zokrema, noting that “the order attaches great respect to the elimination of all social obligations” and “is looking for different options for supporting the population, closely related to the payment of pensions.”

The NTV channel reports about this.

The order of goals is the elimination of all social cravings.

I can say this for sure.

I don’t want Dmitro Anatoliyovich to speak from this source.

You can either take this phrase from the context or take it from a foreign language.

Behind the words, everything can be avoided, but behind the spirit, the sense can be seen differently,” the head of the state said.

During the hour of Dmitry Medvedev’s work trip to Crimea, the pensioner supplied food for the indexation of pensions.

Video of the Prime Minister's speech went viral on the Internet Dmitro Medvedev on one of the streets of Feodosia after visiting the art gallery named after Ivan Aivazovsky as part of a working trip to Crimea. “As much as pensioners are worried about Krim, the truth is that their situation has gotten a little worse.

This is due to the devaluation of the ruble and the equivalent that we take in dollars, which has therefore changed.

Prices in Crimea for food products from the mainland are here by 10%, here by 20%, here by 30%. In Ukrainian rocks, incredibly, the level of pension security was very low: if we take a dollar exchange, perhaps, close to 100 dollars, perhaps, 150 dollars.“The tariffs on everything have increased, the taxable nature of all these has been replaced by the re-registration of their mains, the re-establishment of contracts from the gas dominion.

Even today, the majority of Crimean residents are standing at the door, and will have to pay for the re-registration of doctors and any other persons.

Today, the price of food products does not go to Moscow, and all that has already accumulated is socially significant, since people’s moods are as good as there is bread, as long as there is a penny.
Yesterday Dmitro Medvedev visited the Aivazovsky art gallery, walked about 300 meters to the Green Museum, and people stood, there was no sign, and people immediately went on the attack, so to speak, for 8 thousand rubles It's impossible to live.

Having said that, I have already experienced such a “shot” of the social character.

I respect that Dmitr Medvedev’s testimony is not to be taken away, an ignoramus.

It was necessary to change the tone of the government, and not to respond immediately, so that the people were not aware of the fact that it was the protection of officials.

And this has also added to the specter in Feodosia, God, the place still has industrial production lying dead, the factories are not working.

The Prime Minister learned that there are problems in all regions, but the government cannot take and raise pensions in just one region of the region.

“There aren’t enough pennies at a time; if we find pennies, we can get them through indexation.

Stay here, wish you all the best and good health!”

– the prime minister assured the residents of Crimea.

The prime minister’s honest confirmation was received well by the public, for which they called him “shitty”.

Previously, it was reported that the Ministry of Finance was ready to replace the pension extension with frozen pension savings.

Using universal phrases from the Prime Minister’s dialogue with pensioners, bloggers recommend types of collectors and donors

Today, social media has launched an intense information attack on the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. The viral video recording of his partner with the Crimeans has become a source of fire and colorful photoshoppers. “BUSINESS Online” experts appreciate that Medvedev, in the hour of spontaneous conflict with the population, clearly underestimated the situation. CRIMINAL VOYAGE: “Not a penny.

YOU ARE STAYING THERE...” The real scandal in social media, clicking on the video about the participation of the head Russian order

Dmitra Medvedev . Previously, I had been on a work visit to Krim, but the trip did not take away from the active information flow, and on the pages of news agencies, its activity was clearly ruined.

Everyone, about the Federal Tax Service, wrote to the federals on the Crimso King, the fed, the Medvedov Medvedev, the museum of the museum of the museum of the PIVOSTROVA YAK “Non -Scalp” I at the Feodosyav VidIliti for the Culture of the Culture in the Crims of the Podnat 3.5 billion.

The residents of Crimea made it clear to the Prime Minister that they were not deprived of food, but of pensions. Judging by this, Medvedev has suddenly rallied against the spontaneous onslaught

town residents for the restoration and exhibition center of underwater archaeology, where the people were encouraged.

The residents of Crimea made it clear to the Prime Minister that they were not deprived of food, but of pensions. Rozmova was on the move in tones, but the prime minister was trying to trim unharmfully.

town residents The first public video recording of the meeting with Medvedev was released by the oppositionist.

The residents of Crimea made it clear to the Prime Minister that they were not deprived of food, but of pensions. Oleksiy Navalny

town residents: There’s no place anywhere. We didn’t take it from here.

There just aren’t enough pennies at a time.

If we know the money, we will get it through indexation.

Stay here, I wish you all the best and good health. With these words, Medvedev spoke to the guards and local officials. And within a few years, I had posted on my Instagram a photo of a fun party, taken in the village, and returned to Moscow. INFORMATION ATTACK ON THE PREMIER: “COLLECTORS COME, AND YOU: “PENNY OF THEM, ALE YOU ARE TRIM!”The information attack on Medvedev began today's lies. U social measures

There were massively distributed images of photoshoppers and deep respect at the address of the head of the Russian government.

" And also the phrase “There aren’t a lot of pennies, but you’re in trouble!” America can be threatened. It doesn’t sound too threatening, but it’s not nonsense,” says one of the correspondents."

The collectors come, and you: there are no pennies, but you’re trying!

And the subsidies: there are no pennies, but you are losing money! - another blogger continues this thought. Merezha also created a fake order, signed by Medvedev: “In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the order praises: 1) There are no pennies; 2) You stay here; 3) I wish you all the best, good mood, health,” seems to be the text of the ironic decree. Bloggers also admit: “So soon Dmitro


Cream can't turn around.

Only after I retire.”- Russian political scientist, general director of the Center for Political Information

It is clear that the Prime Minister was not far from understanding the political technology, and for this he will now be obligated to confirm.

Tim is more likely to be the leader of the party who is involved in the election campaign, and similar careless statements will be made against him by his opponents.

Moreover, as it seems, it is completely obvious.

Marvel at the boisterous reaction from social media.I don’t think there was a specially organized provocation.

Zrestoyu, Dmitro Anatoliyovich, you can speak to those who are not allowed to speak.

And at the same time, there is no compromise to the protocol - the responsibility lies entirely with Medvedev!

It is possible that you simply want to create your own choice of campaign and then exit from it with honor.

And this method is to lure the enemy into an open field for an open fight, and for which enemy it is necessary to provoke.

Please confirm your information The Prime Minister will visit Crimea in an hour.

Just before Dmitry Medvedev, pensioners managed to break through - in the video, which spread out, a slightly unselfish cry: “It’s impossible to live, as I said, we will be insured by incorrect indexation! Miser, you’ve been rubbing your feet about us! , de won?!" The Prime Minister, I need to say it without flinching.

There is really no indexation anywhere, without any effort.“It’s just that there aren’t enough pennies at a time. If we know the pennies, we’ll get indexed. You’re welcome here, I wish you all the best, good mood and good health,” Dmitry Medvedev said firmly, putting his hand in the gut, and on this optimistic note the people gathered I hastened to round it out.

Self-control of the leader of the order You can stay late. Not every politician can respond to the cries of the soul of the voters from the directness and openness of Ostap Bender. Like pennies, granny, there are no pennies.

I kiss the hand, happily lose it. On the positive, old, perhaps, on the positive.

Claims to Dmitry Medvedev We can’t help ourselves.

In fairness, the whole country will have to pay for the annexation of Crimea. We don’t have a lot of pennies, as you know.

If it were pennies, there would probably be no need to write scripts. What can you do to become the head of the order?

What do you need, other than pennies, what reforms can you launch? Vin, zreshtoyu, already.

I still have a birth in 2013.

Popular beliefs and war under the new river