Peculiarities of brewing some types of brews: bakery brews. Bakery products: assortment. Assortment of bread and bakery varieties

Bakery virobi. To the bakeries, they bring loaves, rolls, baits, hali and braids, yakі vypikayut either on the hearth or on the sheets. Before planting in the fire, the blanks for the braids are sprinkled with water and sip with poppy seeds, and the blanks for the halal are covered with oil, cook the eggs and water at a ratio of 1: 1. Harvest for loaves, buns, saiok sprinkled with water.

The second butt, an olive croissant is sold for about thirty cents to a baker; Prote vіd 0, 80 to 72 krb spazhivacha. Mi bachimo tse: є margin! Virobniks have reached a great progress, like a presentation, so in the quality of a tick and a cup, like a stench vibrating. Now, purists will always be free to have a home oven, an obityanka in their eyes short capacity. To find out, why is it so simple, ask the baker: what are your products self-confident? Yakshcho is smartened up, deyakі "little tricks" to give zmogu chitkishe.

Batoni and rolls sizzle on the hearth of the oven, inkoli - on the sheets. Vipіchka on the sheets may have its own advantage and nedolіki. The volume and porosity of the grains move at their own work, do not throw over the pieces of the workpiece. However, the choice of leaves complicates the organization of the wine and the mechanization of the advancement and the expansion of the oven. In addition, the leaves should be cleaned, oiled and transported. When brewing on the hearth and hand planting roses of the board with blanks for loaves and rolls, they are transferred to the oven. Harvest sing to sprinkle with dribly sawn water. The blanks are cut by hand with a thin steel knife, which is taken from the kitchen with water. Harvesting for suburban loaves is cut with a knife from two woods, and for a scorch - with an arcuate knife. The quantity and form of burrs are characteristic of skin rash. Apply 5 or 6 incisions on the surface of simple and fresh loaves under a cut of 70°, 3 or more incisions on a Moscow bun, and 2 incisions under a cut of 90° on the surface of Moscow buns. The depth of the incision can be the same, and the incisions are parallel to each other.

In this manner, that different proposition is already clear, as well as regular similar cakes that mark the immovability of the promiscuous journey. Tim is not less, but there is no absolute guarantee, that a lot of brewers can give their products “homemade”.

Shards of a lot of cakes come out and are delivered frozen to the baker, so only wines can be put on sale, and wines can be ordered for a few days. And here you can be calm, but zdivovaniya. The baker does not need to spare cakes, which were sold during the day. Vіdpovіdno to Posіbnik z efektivnoї pіpіchki pіdnіchki, yak dаіn іn thе hour pіddaіє prіdєtsya peregodіvі and volunіnі zastosuvannyu, stinks mozhuy proponuvatisya on sales on the line until 3dnіv after their preparation or fermentation.

Blanks for small buns and other rowing ridges are cut with a thin knife, roztashovuchi yogo with a cut of 22-25 "to the surface of the dough (Fig. 72). comb deformation.

Let's potribno vikonate a sprat of minds. Obviously, the cake is becoming more presentable. Mi bachimo tse for privablivimy vіknami, є practice, yak spozhivach іgnoruіє і scho baker tsіkavleniy zadachі shadows. For that, for a squishy bakery, maisternist is pure.

But reality is thin! It’s like a sandwich for snacks, a sandwich for lunch or a piece of bread in the evening, bread is an invisible part of our diet and there is a sprat of times a day on the plate of a large number of people. Mostly the bottom of kvass dough, embellished with fruits. Rice cake, even more alive, is also valued and made up of the sum of rice pudding, eggs and spices. Yak chotiri godini, on national day chi yak licorice snack in the office, the little ones are always happy. Our cupcakes, Berlin kuli, éclairs, buns, creamy delicacies or fruit tartlets will make your choice smoother. And for doradchih zustrіch nothing similar to sumіsh rіznih tіstechok, for the skin knows happiness. We try to pari? Would you like healthy and tasty snacks for dinner? We sell stuffed buns and sandwiches, as well as a whole series of original appetizers: throatiness, buns with meatballs, savory pastry, salads, soup and rich other. Our snacks can be eaten on the spot or taken away. You can call them over the phone. Home oven quiet like grown-ups, and children. With chocolate or without chocolate, candied fruit, ice cream, hazelnuts or almonds, our oven miraculously accompanies kava, and also may be the place of the other day. Oven with gingerbread, cinnamon, anise and cloves are specialties of the region and are also especially popular among tourists.

  • Especially if the choice is so wide!
  • The pistol is always fragile, always savory.
  • Ale insults - nothing without side croissants!
Go to the holy place, be it some other day, if you want to give a drink and a drink, so how rich someone can save in freezer.

Rice. 72. Scheme of an incision of a dough piece for a soft loaf: a - placement of an incision under a cut of 20-25 °; b - placement of an incision along the length of the dough piece.

Widely zastosuvannya having removed the mechanical overlay of test pieces of the system of Vinichenko and Kleimenov (Fig. 73), the working organ of which is to serve as a line, which inevitably collapses, with knife blades attached to it. Nadrizach is installed (in complex-mechanized lines) over the wine part of the furnace. In the fall, in view of the viroba, the cut of the rotting of the cutter is changed along the distance to the front of the furnace, the number of climbs, the swidkity and the nature of the turn of the line.

Frozen bars, squares and ovens

The axis of the kіlka was pleased with the savings, as well as our best recipes for the preparation of the zazdalegіd. Before freezing cookies, let them cool again, and then wrap them in plastic wrap. Then put them in a plastic bag, which is re-sealed, accessory for freezing or in a non-permeable plastic container. Before that, how to freeze the bars, or tіstechka, let them cool down a bit, not roaring on the edge of the part. Wrap it loosely around the plastic sheet, and then wrap it around the foil. Vіn utrimuvatime up to 3 months in the freezer. Before a sharp serving, let it dry at room temperature. Bari and tіstechka, cover chocolate icing, guilty buti frozen without icing. First freeze the test, read the instructions. Smuzhki for defrosting, otherwise I’ll fill it up before it, how to apply chocolate to the beast of melting, then cut it in portions.

Freezer for oven

  • Baking is stored up to 1 month in the freezer.
  • Before serving, let the stench defrost at room temperature.
You can save dough for the oven for up to 6 months in the freezer, until the next recommendations.

RVS. 73. Supervisor of the Vinichenko and Kleimenova system: 1 – tube for water supply; 2 and 7 - pulleys; 3 - lower; 4 - rotary bed with a pylon mechanism; 5 - steering wheel for setting the position of the knife in the air; 6 - conveyor line; 8 - belt transmission; 9 - electric motor; 10 - unruly bed-stay; 11 - conveyor.

Frozen dough, muffin and bread

Take away from the freezer and when vikoristannі, vіdligi, narіzati and cook vіdpovіdno until vkazіvok. Baking with a spoon or a special form: roll it into paper bags, then place it on a sheet, line it with parchment paper or wax paper. Place in the freezer until the bags of dough are completely frozen, then place them in plastic bags, which are re-sealed, instructed for freezing, and turn them in the freezer until the stench is ready to be harvested. Vіdliga pasta bags, placing them on the sheet and vipіkati, as indicated in the recipe. Baking with a r_zak for the oven: prepare the doughy patties with your hands and burn them in two balls of plastic wrapping. Place pies in plastic bags, which are re-cured, indicated for freezing. Before baking, iron the cakes with a pin, what to roll, cut the oven with a cutter for the oven and cook, as indicated in the recipe. Cake without icing: put a chilled cake in a plastic bag, which is re-sealed, indications for freezing and sealing. Cover the icing for the bazhannya. Zledeninnya: put a cooling cake on a sheet, cured with parchment paper or wax, and leave it in the freezer for 1 year or until frozen. Place in a plastic bag, which is re-sealed, in order to freeze, then in a sealed container. Let stand at room temperature for 1-2 years. Cupcake and bread swedish cooking: let me cool down again. Place at the plastic bag, which is re-sealed, the indications for freezing. Either pack the skin bun or the swedish bread with a plastic sheet, then with aluminum foil and keep it in the freezer for up to 2 months. Vidliga at room temperature. Prepared fruit or pea pies: Cool outside, then carefully pack the pie in a plastic bag and place it in a plastic bag, which is re-sealed, accessory for freezing. Siri fruit pies: cook the pie, as indicated in the recipe, but do not break the cuts on the top crust. Without choking, put the pie in the freezer until the wine is frozen, take the pie out of the freezer and burn it brightly in the plastic bowl. Let's put the yogo in a plastic bag, which is re-sealed, the indications for freezing. Baked or siri pies: prepare the bark, as indicated in the recipe. Once the pick is ready, let it cool again. Place the unpacked bark in the freezer for 1 year or until frozen. then carefully pack the yoga in a plastic bag. Let's put a plastic bag in the freezer, the indications for freezing. The crusts are stored in the freezer for 2 months, regardless of whether the stench is cooked, it is not necessary to open the pick before cooking, or to fill it with pudding or top piriga. for freezing.

  • The cake is stored up to 3 months in the freezer.
  • Before serving, remove the cake from the bear and place it on a plate.
  • Check at room temperature for 1-2 years.
At the 28th anniversary of the year, she successfully opened her third bakery without fear and spoke about the rich Russian goodness.

In case of warping near Moscow loaves, an overlay with two parallel forests, set apart, is guilty of buti dressing in parallel to the front of the furnace. Also roztashovuyt nadryzach blanks for mіsk buns (wine may be one knife blade, scho nadryzaє blanks at a cut of 25 ° to the surface of the dough).

Nadrіzach for narіznih loaves (with one lumber) is placed under the cut 30 ° to the front of the oven. The bottom of the cutter is mechanically wetted with water, which sticks to the new dough. At the first sight of the test pieces, the depth of the cuts is adjusted (with the teeth of the machine).

"We are the French, and we want people to buy their bread at home, because the stench bathed yoga from France." The rest of François-Khlibopek stumbled on the 4th of September, beside Testova boulevard, near the center of the capital. Meta in the country, as if surviving the crisis and under the embargo, - vіdkrit sche 5th fate.

Deyakі friends, yakі already live in Russia, mali on vazі idea of ​​creation of a bakery in Moscow. We made a big effort to launch a whole bakery. We now have three French partners who have contributed to this project. For r_k we opened our first bakery in Russia. We try to save the post-yakist without any freezing. Our prices are not too high.

Bulkovi virobi vypikayut for the regime, in which the central heating was transferred to the first zone of the furnace.

For rowing varieties (mistki buns, mіskі and metropolitan batons) it is recommended to make a special wash at the cob stage. The temperature of the medium in the zone of infection is due to buti 150-160 °, the moisture content of the return is 70-80%, the dryness of the workpieces in the zone is 5-7 minutes. As soon as the workpieces are planted on the ground (1-2 minutes before the exposure zone), there may be an intensive supply of heat from below. For such minds, the creation of steam and gases in the middle of the workpiece is quickened, yak, straight uphill, turn the notched ball of dough and make the comb. Before baking in the oven, batons, rolls and sacks are recommended to be sprinkled with water, which will paint the surface of the mill, thereby reducing the upek and drying out of that spray, the gloss on the surface of the mill.

The core of our concept is: we are French, and we want people to buy bread from us, for the stench would buy yoga from France. A lot of our bread was chosen by our baker and arrived from France. We hired a French baker and a chef at home and made yoga dough from yoga sourdough starter. The same wine is also a teacher-baker of a leather shop. We offer only two cakes of Russian tradition: pavlova and honey cake. We are rightly bought from a French bakery, like in products, like we sell, just like in the atmosphere of a store.

The sellers learn from our concept at home, the stinks laugh and play like a court baker in a village near France, like they know their customers. Obviously, everything is more coherent, but you don’t need to develop. We, zreshtoyu, were born from the embargo, and we adapted to ourselves. On the back of our heads we had problems with the search for the right olії. Mi mali hold a bagato viprobuvan, to know here right product because the Russian olive oil is lower than the French olive. Today's price is also better for dairy products, as little as an inch.

Bakery breads - all piece breads of various shapes, baked goods wheat boar, weight of samples - 500 g and less. Batoni, rolls, braids, khati, kalachi and sytnichki are brought to bakeries.

Classification of bakery shops is stale according to the number of factors.

According to the method, the vipіchki can be hearth (like vip_kayutsya on the hearth) and shaped (vipіkanimi at the forms).

We are especially aware of the crisis for our possession, as it comes from France and whose price increased after the fall in the ruble exchange rate. Through more high prices on our syrovina, that fruit of the cream, a little embarrassment to the fate of the three, will increase the price, which we did not break before.

If it's cold, as it often is in Russia, it's your mother's fault to be able to propagate a place for the client to eat. We are developing this range. From the point of view of furniture, it is also necessary to give practical security for the client. We understand that it is necessary for us to orientate ourselves in areas with booths and offices. For our first store in Belarus, we would like it to be close to the metro. Ale tsієї kієnturi, what to pass is not enough. You are guilty of drinking in the center of residential quarters with people, as if you are developing signs in purchases and being sensitive to mouth to mouth. On 31 babies, we closed our first store, restocking near the district, which is not a priority at the same time.

Behind the way of admission to the spares - vagovimi (variety of different masi) and piece (virobi sing masi)

Batoni - tse virobi with a simple or tinted sheet, dovgastoy form, with gostrimy, rounded or blunt points, with 2-8 incisions on the surface.

Just batoni vypikayut іz boroshn 1st chi 2nd grade, 200 and 500g each. Quite prepared from the main syrovina without adding words to taste.

Natural batons are brewed from a borosh of high-quality katunka (500g each) or the 1st bun (400g each) with additional additions of chives (5%) and margarine (3.5%).

Batoni with rodzinka prepared with boroshna naivishgo gatunka, 200 and 400g each. Cream of the main syrovina, add tsukor, molasses, margarine and rodzinki to the dough (12%).

The metropolitan batons are made from the boroshna of the largest gatunka with additional tsukr (1%). The shape of the loaves is reduced: 200-45-50 cm, 400-65-70 cm each.

Tables of batoni are brewed from boroshnoy katunka, 300g each, with additional zucru (21%) and margarine (8%).

Batoni "Mіskі" mayut masu 400 g, vydovzhenu form, gostrі kіntsі and p_dnyati grebintsі; "Minsk" with a weight of 200 or 400 g - a vuzka, a dovgu with high ridges and blunt kints.

Weaves of wool are prepared with a path of interlacing jgutiv of the great floured wheat dough.

A braid with poppy seeds is woven into interlacings of three jgutіv dough with boroshna of the highest grade, 200 and 400g each, with additional tsukr 6% and margarine (2.5%), as well as boroshna of the 2nd grade, 400g each, with additional tsukr, margarine. The top of the braids is covered with poppy seeds.

Rolls are boiled from colored wheat dough, variously shaped and massed.

Miska rolls are the widest type of bakery rolls. Vyroblyayut їх from boroshn vishchogo and the 1st grade with additional additions to tіsto tsukru (5%) and margarine (2.5%). The mass of rolls is 100 and 200 g, the form of dovgast with a late cut at the look of the comb, which should pass through the bridle of the upper pick of the roll.

Moscow buns are boiled from boroshna naivishgo gatunka with additional 1% zucru. The mass of rolls is 200g, the shape is rounded, there are three notches on the surface.

Poppy-seed buns are made in 100g each, borosna of the 1st grade, with extra zucru (6%) and margarine (2.5%). Foma buns are square with three or two pritis, the surface is sifted with poppy seeds.

Saiki - a variety of rolls. Їх vipіkayut sound on the sheets or in the forms of a sprig of pieces, firmly planted one to one, so the sides of the saiok are on the same side, or both sides do not make picks and when they are one in one, you can see the m'yakush.

In the fallow, in the form of a recipe, they are divided into simple boars - from boroshna of the 1st grade with additional additions to thyme tsukr 5% and margarine 2.2%, as well as from boroshna of the 20th grade with additional tsukr 3%, gyrchichni - from borosna of the 1st grade with additional tsukr 6% and gіrchichnoy olії 8%, from raisins - from boroshna vishchogo gatunka with additional tsukr 6%, margarine 2.2% and rodzinok 12%. Masa sayok 200g

Kalachі and sytnichki moskovski - tse old Russian national virobi. They are boiled from a simple dough prepared from wheat boroshka with a strong gluten, 100 that 200g. The Moscow kalach is made at the sight of the ring, in which one half of the bundle is torn, and the shape of the Moscow titnik is round.

Bakery rolls are spun at the sight of buns, pidkovok, combs, ravlikiv, rosanchikiv, pretzels, rolls, envelopes and others.

Bagels make the shape of a dovgast, sound to the end, or p_vm_syatsya. They are prepared from wheat borosh and 1st grade, 50 and 100g each. Cream of the main syrovin, in the production of bagels, vicarious molasses (1.5%) and margarine (5%).

Healthy products

All piece bakery products, mixed with zucru and fat not less than 7% to the mass of the taken borosh (greater and 1st grade) and are aired with a different form and a creamy surface. Before Grup qih Verobivi Vilkiy: Chlіb Zdd Molds in the package, Klіbtsі Lenіngradskі, Chlіb Donetsk Podovy, Rіzhki Zdokі, bars to tea, Zvitch Zurn (bars, Plotniki, Trojda), Zdobu Vibirsku (Virginia Batonevikіv, Virobіv, Pirikkіv), Virobi leaf test, Amateur virobi, brioche and other.

Dietary breads of bread Qi of bread, baked for special recipes and used for prophylactic and savory eating of ailments and sickness of a frail age.

Before them you can add: Achloride (without salt) bread, protein-viscous bread, grain bread, protein-wheat bread, buns with low acidity, milk buns and other.

Salt-free bakery products, recognized for diseases due to ailments of niro, the heart-vascular system and other damage, which impair salt dehydration in hedgehogs. Here one can see achloride bread from boroshna of the 1st grade due to the replacement of water with milky gray wool, which enhances the taste of the product; peeled bread without salt from sumishi boroshna peeled wheat (90%) and wheat of the 1st grade (10%); tito also zamіshuyut on milk syrovattsi;

Bulkovi drugs with low acidity, recommended for viral diseases and hyperacid gastritis. To the level of the group, lay buns with low acidity and boroshna of the 1st roll with an addition of 2 kg of zucru per 100 kg of boroshn. The acidity of the finished viroba is 2.00N; milk buns made from boroshna nayvischogo gatunka, mixed with whole milk. The acidity of the bacteria in the troch is more than 3.0°N.

Bulkovi virobi with a decrease in carbohydrate intake (starch starch) are found in eating people with diabetes, rheumatism, and obesity. Qіrobi korisnі also to persons, yakі recognized opіkovih traumas, shards to avenge the advancement of kіlkіst blіlkіv. Here you can see white-wheat bread, which is made up of 75% gluten and 25% wheat boroshnogo katunka with additional yeast, fat, salt and saccharin (0.01 kg per 100 kg of tist).

Egg buns are made from 1st grade wheat boar (80%), wheat whiskey (20%) with the addition of unselected milk, egg white, sorbit, inches of butter, Vip_kayut at the sight of the saiok with a weight of 0.1 kg; buns with sorbitum are boiled in the same way with borosna of the 1st grade, non-selected milk, olії, sorbit. The stench is made in a round shape, weight 0.1 kg.

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