White cake with blue cloaks. About the sides of chocolate icing and coating with yagid kandurin

If there are no possibilities for preparing folding embellishments for cakes and there is no way to make homemade specialties, then glazes will come to help. The confectionery component of the building is to transform the vipіchka into the right vitvir of the art. Wines of different types: chocolate, mirror, ganache, sucrose. The list is great, even if you can make glazes from different ingredients. Її vibіr stale in the form of savours, ingredients, time and complexity of preparation.

mirror glaze

Such an embellishment leads to great rightness and bagatory practice. Mirror glaze is rightfully respected by the art and the standard of beauty, and the ideal form of this beauty is not to deprive anyone. Ale, like for any other vitvor of art, embellishment of vipіchki vimagatime rich hour that strength. Such a glaze took off its name through the surface, as if it were pre-trimannian, it could rightly look like a mirror. Ale, when transporting and cutting already prepared confectionery, must be protected. Shchіlna plіvka can easily crackle.

You can prepare mirror glaze with white and black chocolate. White in the majority of vipadkіv vikoristovuєtsya in marriage with fry barvniks for possession of color masi.

Preparation of mirror glaze


  • Gelatin - 15 g.
  • Condensed milk - 125 ml.
  • Syrup - 200 ml.
  • Chocolate - 2 bars (180 g).
  • Drinking water - 100 ml + 75 ml for gelatin.
  • Tsukrovy pistok - 200 g.

Sequence of preparation:

  1. Soak the gelatin in warm water until bubbly.
  2. Make syrup and mix yogo with zukr. Put Qiu sumish on water bath.
  3. Constantly stirring, bring the zucru in syrup to the level.
  4. Take the syrup from the fire and cool it.
  5. Swollen gelatin and condensed milk add to the syrup, having reached it, thoroughly mix.
  6. As for the preparation of glaze, you need kharchov barvniki, at which stage you add the mass and change it to a uniform color.
  7. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, zm_shati z|іz| syrup and beat for the help of a blender.
  8. I’m ready to put the mass in the refrigerator for 10 years.
  9. That same stage is recommended to be done with vipichkoy. When її frozen, the surface becomes smooth, and the ready warehouse will be more even.
  10. After the refrigerator, heat up the mirror glaze to 30 degrees, beat it again and quickly pour it on the top, without smoothing it out.
  11. For zastigannya glaze it is necessary to tidy up a little more time in the refrigerator.

Pidtikannya - like an embellishment for desserts

Well, there are no opportunities to get it done with a mirror warehouse, but you can make the process easier and decorate a homemade wine with a colorful glaze for patties on cakes. The process of preparation, obviously, will feel better, but beauty can be embellished no matter what. The ingredients of this method are identical to the components of mirror glaze. Vіdmіnіst polagє v tehnіtsі applied.

How do robots mirror glaze respect and rightness are needed, then culinary-pochatkivets can come into contact with the cuddlers. Enough to turn on fantasy. For the help of table accessories, it is easy to create a flicker of colorful icing on cakes. If the process is completed, the vipіchka must be put in the refrigerator for zastigannya.

original recipe

For an offensive recipe for colorful icing for pidtikan on cakes, what can, before speech, there is little covariance, only three ingredients are needed:

  • sonyashnikova refined deodorized oliya - 40 ml;
  • white or dark chocolate - 130 g;
  • grub barvnik.

The process of preparing colored glaze for patties on cakes:

  1. For the cob it is necessary to melt the chocolate in a water bath. It is important to stir yoga postiyno.
  2. After that, it is necessary to pour in and mix until I become a rare mass.
  3. Add a grub barvnik to the warehouse and beat it for the help of a blender.
  4. Place the icing that came out in a piping bag.
  5. Cooling cake should be put on the rack with a stand.
  6. Apply a warehouse for dessert as needed along the edge of the yak pіdtіkіv.
  7. Masa, which is lost, can be spread on the surface of the top.

In this way, the process of preparing colored glaze for cakes at home does not have anything foldable. For food, whether a confectioner can take away a warehouse, it’s more necessary to respect the technology of preparation, to ensure the quantity of ingredients, and everything will be done!

Make sure you know for lazy hospodarok, yak and greet the guests, and don’t want to spend a lot of time on cooking. The options for preparing cakes are too rich, the styles are, perhaps, the fillings before them. Ale this year, we prepare a biscuit which is invariably worthy of a busy lady, who saves an hour.

Ingredients for preparing biscuit cakes

  • 180 g wheat boroshn.
  • Six eggs.
  • 150 g of chicken pisku.
  • A tablespoon of cocoa powder.

Cream Ingredients

  • Vershkov oil- 200 grams.
  • One egg.
  • Two tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • 100 g of condensed milk.

We bake biscuit bases for the cake

Preparing a dessert, whether it’s a rich-ball cake or a small pastry with cream, starts from the top of the base. Іsnuє kіlka variantіv prigotuvannya Mi this year chose for you the simplest and most seen. Like they said, you won’t spend a lot of time to cook.

Otzhe, take the eggs and beat them in two different ways, judge so that in one plate the squirrels were dipped, in the other - the zhovki. Dodaёmo until zhovtkіv trohi tsukru and start їх zbivat doti, until the tsukor reappears and does not cease to be sensitive when rubbing the drops of dough between the fingers. Narazi fahivtsі recommend to replace wines with mixers. If you don’t have a spare wine, then just kindly use it and dry the one with which the zhovki were beaten. Remember that a little bit of zhovtkiv is not guilty of being put in a bowl with squirrels.

Now let's move on to whipping up another bowl. The squirrels need to be beaten in such a manner that the stench transforms into a thick, stony mass. Visipaemo in the whites of the zucru and continue to beat until the yogo re-opening.

Please borosno. Now we need to eat together three plates: borosno, squirrels, zhovtki. Better for this vikoristovuvat special plastic spatula. Gently put on the boar on the cob of the zhovtka, then the protein mass. Now robimo tito chocolate, adding cocoa powder.

How to understand, what is it, why are you choosing to make a cake with chocolate icing, are you ready? Dosvіdchenі misters, zvichayno, vyznachat "by eye". However, if you do not have enough knowledge in the preparation of biscuit dough, just respectfully look at the place of the plate. Vono maє buti is similar not to the savory dough for pirozhkіv, but to the lower dished soufflé. Yakshcho vono є, you can boldly vipіkati.

Follow the standard procedure. We set 200 degrees on the oven. While it is heating up, we brush the mold for the cakes with olive oil, weave it dry and put the mold into the oven. Bake a biscuit close to pivgodini. Everything is stale in the shape of height, the amount of dough in your oven.

Cream preparation

As you know, more beautiful than that cake, which has an original filling. "Savory" recipe biscuit cake You can't do without a "savory" cream recipe. So, for the preparation of the cream, you will need to mix one egg and condensed milk in an okremu utensil. You can add a couple of tablespoons of water, so that the sum becomes three times more. Now we put the dishes in a water bath and start evaporating the cream until I become thick.

As soon as the sumish becomes thick, we know it from the stove and let it cool. Now let's move on to robotic butter. Yogo is recommended to be far away from the refrigerator, so that it becomes soft and pliable. The melted butter is mixed with two spoons of cocoa powder and overtaken by an egg bust.

Let's take off the cream and smear the balls. Yogo is better cut into two parts. Thin cakes are more likely to seep out with cream and come out fragrant and savory.

Ready icing for the cake

A "savory" recipe for a biscuit cake is not complete without the secrets of preparing the right one chocolate glaze. There are a few cooking options: glaze with cocoa powder and borosna, cocoa and sour cream, chocolate and butter. We share a couple of recipes with you, and choose for you.

Icing with cocoa and borosna

In order to catch a good bula, it is necessary to finish the exact recipe for preparation. Take the next ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of millet boar.
  • Five tablespoons of milk.
  • Repeat tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • 50 g of butter.
  • Not a lot of vanilla or vanilla zukru.

Zavdyaki to that which is bountiful in the recipe, you can always independently determine how thick you will be. Constantly stir up, otherwise the massa may go downhill. Bring the mass to a boil. As soon as it gets thicker, you can take it out of the stove and cool it down a bit. At the warmth of the glazes, we add vanilin and topsoil.

Rare glazes for patties

The deyakі lords prepare at once two types of glaze. One is the one that “sits” a lot on the top of the cake and catches it. Insha - the one that beautifully sticks out from the top and roses with openwork lines from the sides.

The axis of the recipe will be the same rare glaze for patties. For cooking, you will need to take 50 g of butter and melt yogo in the right heat. Let's add some tablespoons of zucru to the oil, and five tablespoons of warm milk. Razmіshuєmo tsukor, brought to that moment, if the wines are more likely to be broken at the milk.

Now you can add the main chocolate ingredient - cocoa. Yogo in tsomu vipadku need two tablespoons. Dosvіdchenі gentlemen please before adding cocoa powder ask yoga. In this rank, you can escape the appearance of nefarious breasts.

Prepared with such a rank of glazes, you will not be so overwhelmed, like at the first fluke, but then you will be greeted with a unique glint. It's easy to stick out of the cake and get the brown edge.

How to properly water the cake with icing

Otzhe, you virishili prepare savory cake with chocolate glaze. Biscuit base recipes and the same glaze. The products are available to the skin and are not resistant to high quality, and the interruption of the operation is easy.

The glaze was evenly spread over the surface of the dessert, followed by a small trick. Place the cake on a small hole. You can put a plate under it, so that the extra glaze does not go to waste. Water the cake without mixing, immediately spreading it on top with a confectionery spatula. Let the first ball of glaze catch a trifle.

Now we take the glaze of a larger dark color (another recipe) and start it carefully for the help of a large spoon of water. If you want to make a cake with chocolate icing at the sight of monograms and vizerunkiv, then place the icing at the confectionery syringe. With the help of yoga, you will be able to depict whether you are little ones.


  • Chocolate vіd 50% - 90 g
  • Tops vіd 33% - 70 g
  • Vershkov butter - 40 g

close Other ingredients

About the embellishment of cakes with chocolate pidtikannyami (in the past - potikami) I already told and showed in the post. Ale oskіlki yom even more popular and a lot of homemade confectioners, as well as those who just want to work cakes on the family holy for an hour, tsіkalyatsya, how to work them correctly and beautifully, I wrote I saw this topic and I’m going to write an article. .

Chocolate drink! Appetizing, glossy, intriguing! They look super: beautiful and fashionable, but in robots, you know, it’s easy. The axis is here and there is a trick. Most of all, at the quiet, who rob the child in the first place, the stench does not seem to be the same as in the picture of the master. The ball of chocolate ganache is thin, so that it shines through, and without intermediary it reaches the very bottom and the kaluzhs are settled on the plate. Correctly folded, swollen and bulging back to the lining.

Well, I will pronounce robiti like this.

On the back of the head, we take the cake and put it by the refrigerator. And if the filling is allowed, then in the freezer - for 15-20 khvilin. It’s important for you to do it right, so that the cake will be more good cooling!

And the docks of the cake are chilled, the chocolate ganache is ready. Same їm mi i robitimemo podtikannya. The number of ingredients is indicated per pot for a cake with a diameter of 18 cm.

We take 70 g of high fat content – ​​33%. Pour it in a saucepan, put it on the fire, bring it to a boil and let it go!

We put 90 g of dark chocolate in a qiu saucepan (50%, I take 70%).

We mix it with a silicone spatula, the docks of the masa will not become homogeneous. Tse become not once, do not fawn! Back to back, it will be like this:

...ale, without a hitch, the summish will thicken, in the wake of a small ductility and bliss.

In order to make it glossy, add 40 g of butter.

I will recombine to homogeneity!

The axle comes out so bright and, as you can say, thickly flowing chocolate masa.

For beautiful chocolate cakes, we need the right consistency. Її need to "evil", vodchuti. And, it’s possible, you’ll get more than one cake, until you come around:) If you want, I’m supportive, my writings here will help you save a lot of nerve-wracking clitin:) Ozhe, consistency. Ganache is not guilty buti thick, ale and zovsіm rare, like water, tezh buti is not guilty! The right ganache is flowing, like a thick motherland, like, for example, like a varenets. Ale navitt like ganache is for you to thicken, do not hurry to add tops. Possibly, all on the right - at the temperature. We confirmed with my colleagues that the working temperature of the ganache, for which consistency is the most suitable for making chocolate puddings, is about 33 degrees. That's why it's thick for you - turn the temperature over. Quite ymovirno, that in the process, it is acceptable, mixing chocolate, or after adding a cold olії ganache from you, having thickened, just to that, having cooled down. You can put it in a water bath (as long as the water does not stick out of the bottom of the saucepan with chocolate) for a couple of whilins.

Well axis. The ganache is ready, the consistency is all, the temperature is good, it's time to work on the feast! Remove the cake from the refrigerator or freezer and pour ganache along the edge of the offal with a spoon. It's respectful to stezhimo, like wines are rozpodіlyaєtsya. Tim, who has one of the first tsіdtіkannya, I'm not happy to throw all the ganache in the middle of the cake and check, doki vin garno stіche. Well, it’s logical: as we apply giblets, we have the ability to cook like ganache and paint yogo, but will I once again - until I know a little, apparently, like a pide, I think, few people want to zip a whole cake with one hand!

In such a rank, robimo pidtikannya for the whole stake of the cake. Like ganache in the process, the trochs have faded, burn yogo in a water bath, and aloe zovs_ trochs!

And then let's fill in the middle. Here, in the photo, my ganache is already thickening, so that it can rise freely, and I helped him with a spoon. I don’t care about the ideally smooth middle, because of the rich fruity decor. Ale, I could have taken the smoother middle more, yakbi trohi pidgrila ganache - to the point of flatness, and neatly, correctly, controlling the process, pouring yogo into the middle of the cake.

Axis is ready for our fashionable savory decor!

Experiment, and let the results make you happy!

And I don’t get tired of making masters of Cakebomb cakes for priceless tips about working with chocolate cakes!

UPD: Of course, you can drink milk chocolate, white chocolate, and there will be other proportions. Recently I tried to cook with milk: 60 g of chocolate and 40 g of tops melted in the “impulse” mode in a micro-furnace (20 seconds each, mix, reheat, etc.), added 1 tsp. butter | oiled |, mixed well and "spread" chocolate at the sight of pidtikan on the stake of the cake. Axis yak veyshlo!

I'll try it on white chocolate, I'll write and show it!


  • Chocolate (hot, milky white) - 100 g;
  • Tops (can be replaced with milk) - 2 tablespoons

The first step is to prepare the icing for the cake from chocolate and tops, you will need hot chocolate. For this recipe, black, milky chi white, ale not varto take porous vidi chocolate. Aerated chocolate, when heated, rarely comes out of the necessary thickness and uniformity of consistency in the glaze.

A classic glaze recipe

This variant of preparation is the simplest and does not require great hours. With such a glaze, you can cover the cake on the surface, or paint the original vizierunks for the help of a confectionery bear and your imagination. Regardless of the simplicity of the recipe, the icing comes out bliskuchka and savory!

A classic recipe can be made using no less than 72% cocoa for dark chocolate. It is not possible to take chocolate with fillings, baking, peas or rodzins for cooking.

  1. To heat the bar of chocolate on the cob in a water bath, gently stir. It is better to prepare the cream on a medium fire and gradually mix it up.
  2. If the chocolate is already a homogeneous mass, add 2 tablespoons of tops (otherwise milk).
  3. Let the icing cool down a bit and proceed until the cupcakes or cake are cooled.
  4. Ale not varto nadto dovgo chekati holodzhennya. Approximate glaze temperature when coloring is due to but about 40 degrees.

Chocolate icing is stored in the refrigerator; IN micro-furnace Glaze can be overheated and is already unsuitable for embellishing confectionery molds.

How to make glaze for patties?

Glaze for patties on a cake with chocolate is prepared for the same recipe, but there are a few secrets for a distant application:

First, in front of the cake, it’s better to cool it down: just put the cake or pastry, smeared with cream, for a year in the refrigerator.

In another way, the approximate temperature of the glaze for embellishment can be close to 40 degrees, as the temperature is lower, then the patina will not be seen.

І, nareshti, in a third way, for the dressing of the patoiki, use a confectionery bag. As if you don’t have a confectionery bear under your hand, take a bag and fill it with yogo glaze. Tie up the package and bring in a little bundle of those comrades, which will be the cloaks. Use one hand to spread the chocolate icing, and with the other hand, wrap the cake.

Ask the process of the plate, what to wrap, and if you have helpers, then your order has 4 hands! Spread the glaze around the edges with the ruffles up and down. Navit not obov'yazkovo glazing the whole cake, as if by hand to decorate you have fresh fruits and berries. Bright summer colors appetizingly look like chocolate.

When dotrimanni cich simple minds, you will see the perfect patioks!

Icing for cake with chocolate ta olії


  • Chocolate - 100 g;
  • Tops (abo milk) - 4 tablespoons;
  • Oliya - 50

This kind of glaze comes out soft and doesn’t fit for patties, but it’s better to go like a base ball for mastic.

Cicava glazes come from white chocolate, and for the presence of grub barvniks, you can prepare glazes of erysipelas, blackite, and a different color. For which I’m already ready to glaze, add a couple of drops of a gel bar. If you want to win the rozsipchasti of the farbi, then add the barvnik to the tip of the knife and still hot the meat.

It is recommended to use vicorist for the preparation of colored glaze in home umovah gel barvniki for making more rich color. Such a glaze is more similar to cream and pidide navit for prosharka cakes. Get ready for this very principle, like in the previous recipe, only in the provinces it is necessary to add a pinch of butter.

Qia glazes come out softer when caught, lower at the front of the recipe. If you choose to decorate the cake, for example, with mastic, then it is better to apply the glaze in 2-3 stages. The more balls you apply, the more equal your foundation. After cooling, you can already decorate the cake with mastic and create confectionery masterpieces!

If you are a fan of simple cakes, then you can decorate the cake with fruits, coconut flakes or different-colored sips.

Icing for cake without chocolate


  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • Tsukrova powder - 5 tablespoons;
  • Milk abo tops - 5 tablespoons;
  • Vershkov oil - 30 g;
  • Vanillin.

Chi did not appear at home chocolate? Not bad. Whisk for chocolate icing without chocolate cocoa powder. Ale, for a stronger taste, you can add the almond flavoring chi vanilin. Don't forget that cream is not to blame for sourness. Choose the best and best products.

  1. For the cob mix the sipki ingredienti, then add | add | milk and stir.
  2. Do not stop putting the glaze in a water bath, so you can simply prepare such glaze in an enameled dish, even if you burn it, rather cook it in a water bath.
  3. Like only glazes without chocolate, it began to be drunk, you can take it out of the fire and add oil.
  4. Ale, do not stop stirring until the troch glazes are not okholone.
  5. For more homogeneous sumish, beat the cream with a mixer.

Now you know what licorice life? You can choose any recipe for chocolate icing that suits your soul, and pamper your loved ones with delicious chocolate desserts. Everything will be with chocolate!

Glaze made of chocolate can be embellished and transformed into a dessert. Only at first glance, you can figure out what to prepare її properly, but it’s really not like that. Є different options for cooking savory embellish skin can know the option for yourself.

How to make glaze from chocolate?

How to melt chocolate for icing - nutrition, how to squash us, who chooses to prepare this embellishment first. The recommendations below will help you to get out of the zavdannyam on vіdmіnno i zrobiti right confectionery masterpiece.

  1. Chocolate is better than melted, vicorist water bath. How to defy the rule and try to drown yoga over the fire, є risik, that the wine will burn.
  2. The dishes, in which to melt the chocolate, are guilty of absolutely dry.
  3. If you want to take off the sparkle of glazes, you need to add an inch of butter to it.
  4. So that the icing does not burn and does not burst, it is necessary to beat only one type of chocolate.
  5. As if the glaze is gone, you can freeze it, and then melt it in a water bath and beat it up again.

Dark chocolate glaze - recipe

Glazed from hot chocolate miraculously trims on various desserts. And with її help, you can cook wonderful homemade zukerki. For whom, they simply dunk dried apricots, prunes or peas and check on the outside її caught. Chocolate for which it is better to vicorate a girka without any additives.


  • tertiary hot chocolate - 150 g;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 100 g;
  • sour cream 20% fat - 250 g.


  1. Zukor is rubbed with sour cream, mixed well, placed on a small fire and brought to a yogo separation.
  2. Add grated chocolate and check until the wine is roztane.
  3. They take the mass out of the fire, stir it up until it dies.
  4. Glaze from dark chocolate is immediately applied to dessert.

Milk chocolate glaze

Glaze for a cake with chocolate, as presented above, comes in a light brown color. If you want to take out the dark masu, you can add cocoa in it all at once from the zukr. Then the color will become darker, and the taste will be greater. Behind the bazhannym glazes you can flavor with vanilin.


  • milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • pisok tsukroviya - 50 g.


  1. Sprinkle chocolate.
  2. Pour in milk.
  3. On a small fire, bring to a boil.
  4. Add tsukor, mix it up and again bring it to a boil and boil it to bagan density.

White chocolate glaze

Glaze from white chocolate for the cake is prepared simply and quickly. And if the chocolate is kindly melted, then lamyat on small pieces and heat it all in a water bath. Tse obov'yazkov umova such a delicate product. Ready glaze needs to be applied to the glass immediately, while it is still warm.


  • milk - 50 ml;
  • white chocolate - 200 g;
  • tsukrova powder - 180 g.


  1. A bar of chocolate is broken on small pieces and spit at the bowl, installed in a water bath.
  2. Half the milk is poured into the sugar powder, and the chocolate is vigorously stirred and wagged around the melted chocolate.
  3. Razmіshuit, until you see a thick homogeneous mass.
  4. Pour in the milk that is left out, and beat the sum with a mixer.
  5. Glaze from white chocolate is immediately applied to the cake, while it is still warm.

Glaze with chocolate and olії

With chocolate, that olії come out gleaming and miraculously looking at all desserts. If masa comes out too thick, they pour in trochs of warm water and milk. From the specified number of ingredients, we make a small amount of glaze, which can be stitched to cover a cake with a diameter of 24-28 cm.


  • milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • Vershkov oil - 50 g;
  • pitna water - 20 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g.


  1. Sprinkle chocolate in a handy way.
  2. At the hot masu, add oil | oil |, cocoa and resolutely simmer.
  3. If necessary, add a few drops of warm water, stir and apply chocolate glaze on the cake.

Glaze from chocolate and milk

Glaze for a cake with chocolate and milk is prepared in the simplest way. Tilki obov'yazkovo is necessary to vikoristovuvat yakіsny chocolate, otherwise the product may simply not melt. Apply this glaze on the cake as soon as it looks hot, then the surface will be more even, and the cake will seep out more.


  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • milk - 50 ml.


  1. Chocolate is broken into pieces, placed near a dry bowl and spit.
  2. Pour in milk and stir, soak in a water bath, the docks of the masa will not become uniform.

Glaze from chocolate and tops

Glaze with chocolate and tops for the cake - a great solution for decorating homemade pastries. It will come out lower and repeated, and for its structure, guess ganache. Such a glaze is wonderfully suitable for embellishing other desserts. important moment at tsomu vipadku - tse correct choice Vershkiv. The stench is to blame, but they are fresh and the fat content of them is not to blame, but less than 35%.


  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • Vershkov natural oil - 40 g;
  • fat tops - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Chocolate is placed near a bowl and melted in a water bath.
  2. Add oil | oil | and mix up to the yogo division.
  3. Beat the tops to the required density, carefully add the chocolate sum and mix.
  4. For the help of a confectionery bear, or a special tacky package with a tearing tip, apply on the cake. It is ideal to match the glaze for patties with white chocolate and tops.

White chocolate glaze for cake pops

IN Rest hour Daedals become popular. Tsі small tіstechka on the fingers will be ancestral at any time you enter, and especially the stench will be on the childish saint. Kolorova glaze With white chocolate, add tsі desserts and tsіkavіshim. And the way it looked like a homogeneous, dry component of the shoes' language is necessary to apply.


  • white chocolate - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • tsukrova powder - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • borosno wheat - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vershkov butter 82.5% fat - 50 g.


  1. Dry ingredients mix.
  2. Milk is placed on the stove, add oil and bring it to її razchinennya.
  3. Add chocolate and stir.
  4. Into the otriman masu step by step introduce the sumish boroshnyana and mix it up shvidko, so that there are no breasts.
  5. Add barvnik and bring it to a gloss on a small fire, add glaze from chocolate from a stove and, with constant stirring, cool to 30 degrees.

Mirror glaze made of white chocolate

The recipe for chocolate icing, ideas are given, at first glance, it can be put together. Actually, everything is much simpler. Such embellishment can be turned into an appetizing masterpiece. Apply icing to the cake as soon as it is cooked, until it gets cold.


  • water - 80 ml;
  • white chocolate - 180 g;
  • tsukor drіbnokristalіchny - 180 g;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • glucose syrup - 180 ml;
  • condensed milk - 120 g;
  • titanium dioxide - 10 g.


  1. Gelatin is poured with a small amount of water, left to swell for a quarter of a year.
  2. Pour water into the pan, add titanium dioxide, zucor and glucose syrup.
  3. Place a container on the stove, bring to a boil and boil, stirring, 2 chills.
  4. Take out the fire, add condensed milk with flavored chocolate and stir it up until it's full.
  5. Pour in the swollen gelatin.
  6. Everything needs to be beaten with a mixer and, as it is necessary, to introduce a barn.
  7. Immediately apply chocolate on top of the dessert.

Glaze for donuts from chocolate

The chocolate is made incredibly easy and simple. Golovna, choose yakіsnі warehouses and roses to drink їх. You can work in a water bath, or you can vicorate micro-hvilovu pich. Sob vikoristovuvani components and roztilis shvidshe, їх it is necessary to trim it in front.

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