How to announce a new life after the New Rock: for the sake of psychologists.

Quiet house Who doesn't dare to open the door new life

from New Rock?

And so that she would definitely be happy! Greetings, like the saints who moon in advance, convey to the people in the hall: “With the New Rock! To new happiness!"

1 sichnya. Is it a good day to start? The new calendar river begins on the 1st day and is holy on the same day. Most people don't sleep all night and then sleep until noon. Is it possible for such “shortened” days to be made new?

You can, of course, for a strong reason.

Ale, most people today have one day of worship - prefer.!

And the next day, and the next day, and so on until the end of the so-called new holidays, holy days off.

Stars from the beginning: if you want to start a new life from a new fate, then you need to work hard and start behind the scenes, at least a month or two before the new fate, otherwise

from the middle of today (after holy). Of course, it’s better to send a letter from afar. In this way, you can prepare for this new, miraculous life, and lay its “foundation.” As A. Green wrote in his story “Chervoni Vitrila”: “Miracles must be worked with your own hands.”

The new miracle is not to blame. Since people collect souvenirs for loved ones from afar, starting to think about those already in the fall of leaves, then why not think about those and start preparing gifts for yourself. This gift under the title “New Life” will be the most beautiful on New River Active and passive diva

It is necessary to think about what will be a miracle and to believe in miracles, but all faith may be active.?!

Is it anyone’s fault to come and remove all those folds that were formed by fate and have now turned into a decent “shoulder grab”?! Through irrational, light and power believe New people have a surprising number of people who more active It is necessary to give birth to a new life, and it is likely to give birth to a new life. You know what you're going to do in happiness

independently However, faith also miraculously helps one’s beginnings, it promotes motivation, and it increases hope and faith in one’s own strength. Start from Monday/1st/New Year to love people who have doubts about their strengths, fears, insufficient self-confidence and insufficient faith in their success. I need it call support

. The stench is rightly respected as the cob of rock - final hour

for change The power and energy of novelty helps them. People, sung Those who believe in their success do not keep track of a special date or day!

The smells begin to bring the world into reality as soon as such a decision is praised, regardless of the fate and achievements.

How can you tell yourself

zmushuvati start a new life with a new destiny, tell yourself: “Well, from the very beginning it’s definitely what’s required!” there is no eggplant This is what you need to do and get to know each other. People, as much as you really want to change your life for a better one, work hard, without investing!

A new river and a completely new life can begin for a purposeful and active person any day when someone likes it. How can we be happy in our new family? Is it a good day to start?:

What does it mean to be happy, then there, being

  1. inner camp People who are living a rich life today will have a new life.

To be happy, we need to

  1. buti: recognize, perceive yourself as such and behave in an appropriate manner. To keep New River happy,, and work hard (to protect yourself!) for everything.

To bless your gifts with yourself is also to It’s not for nothing to say: “As you establish the New River, this is how you will carry it through.” So that the new family begins a happy new life, it needs to feel

let's be happy

Not just on the new night, but throughout the coming days and nights, throughout which we must not forget to work on the creation of a new, miraculous life!

Traditionally, with the new fate, the importance of numerical innovations in the law arises, which are reflected in the lives of the citizens of the region.

In 2018, Russians will see increases in salaries and pensions, changes in the minimum wage and travel tariffs for public transport, significant changes will be made to the lives of motorists and the rulers of the earth, and in the IT sector. Increase in minimum wage, salaries and pensions

In 2018, Russia will increase the minimum payment amount.

Based on the praised amendments to the law, the minimum wage is now 85% of the previously established subsistence minimum.

In accordance with these standards, the minimum wage will increase to 9 thousand 489 rubles.

Due to the new fate, unpaid fines will threaten motorists with reduced driving.

The bailiffs can now come to those who have accumulated fees for violating traffic rules in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

In order to reduce the burden of debt, representatives of the law may have the right to grant the driver-borgovnik the right to drive.

The prices on the bedroom floor are growing again

On September 1, 2018, the excise tax on gasoline and diesel was raised.

The increase becomes 50 copies per liter.

For motorists, this means that the volume of a liter at gas stations has increased by approximately 60 kopecks. per liter

We hope that the excise tax on the floor will increase in the future, also by 50 copies.

There will be an increase in prices in the city, and there will also be an increase in prices at gas stations.

Before speaking, Moscow schoolchildren and students from 1 day can save an hour when purchasing travel products.

From now on, tickets are available for three months, which will cost students 750 rubles for traveling by ground transport and 1,140 rubles for traveling in the underground.

Land and vehicle donations

In 2018, the principle of disbursement of taxes on the mine will change.

From now on, calculations are based on the cadastral property of objects, and not on inventory, as was the case before.

In reality, this means a change in the amount of the tax, most often an increase. Another innovation is occurring in the land plots of the landowners, which have not been adopted by their boundaries (the land has not been demarcated). Why should the stench not be able to permeate such a land of greedy land, so the plot cannot be sold or given as a gift?

Under whose right of power such unscrupulous rulers of the earth are not spared.

Owners of road transport will now be able to pay fewer taxes. The innovations cost about three to five million rubles, not more than three rubles. To expand the size of the feed, there is now a fixation coefficient of 1.1, even as previously it was floating and lying at the outlet.

As psychologists insist, in order to change this, it is necessary to act not spontaneously and “on emotions”, but clearly, respectfully and systematically.

Moreover, there are just a few short days left before we can begin to experience something new with our new family.

It is clear what specific steps you need to complete in order to change your life more beautifully from Monday 1st September 2018.

Krok 1

Try to understand all the changes, no matter how insignificant, in your head.


And what is clearer is more beautiful. Not because “the whole world will sense you,” but because you yourself will better understand what you want and need to do in order to lose it. Follow the "Dumka - Action" pattern.

Work until a clear image is instilled, but notify yourself that you have succeeded in creating it immediately and immediately. Croc 2 One more thing

point to the right

"for renovation".

Realize that you are cleaning your apartment and cubicle, and your body and intelligence – this is a big apartment.

The first room is your “body”. You need to be vigilant, relax, and enjoy it “correctly.”"Ventilate" your yoga - take a walk on

Get started on the topic of how to change your life, starting with the need to get out of your comfort zone (hmm, what if we get to it?!), and then take off with a parachute and crash along the roads around the world.

Wait, for all its adventurous beauty, these recommendations are difficult to bring into action by a primary person, and not by the despicable supporters of Trump and Rothschild.

So you started thinking about changing things, and with the invitation text you are encouraged to get involved in extreme sports, take out a loan and sell your nick for the sake of throwing yourself under the stars in the snow here in the Arizona desert, like the hero of the series “The Remaining People on Earth."

We came critically to the knowledge of how to live kindly, and from hundreds of ephemeral and banal options, we chose a dozen more or less audible or at least motivating ones to start in the New Roc in a positive way.

Try the “1 day – 1 reach” tactic

Firstly, because something new needs to be learned every day, and in another way, because great things are rewarded with small things.

Oh, so, and thirdly, because lazing around for a variety of motivation is the crux of all productive activities.

Write your own “I-won’t-work-anymore” list

And turn on again those on which, last year, a lot of money was spent, but no positive results appeared.

Whether you want cheap bets, or “sitting” in the office during non-working hours, or a recent match on Tinder, you don’t even want to think about them now.

So, on this day there are at least three rivers.

Write a book, learn how to paint a boat, get an MBA, buy a booth and plant a whole flower garden there.

It doesn’t matter what it will be, but it’s important that you put all this world into your life.

Think about life like a business plan

And cover all the possibilities that may arise in the near future (or you would really like for them to arise): fun, changing jobs, buying something great and important - the very key to business developments, which is transferred to spend, inevitable actions, creative zusillya and profit in the near future. Change the look Look at your photos from the past year (especially those in which your friends have shown you

social measures

without a drink) and allow yourself a little healthy (soundingly healthy!) criticism to your address: what would you like to change in your appearance and what image/style should you try?

Just be careful so that Kylie Jenner doesn’t go rogue...

Whose logic is perfect.

For example, it’s easy to decide to stop eating high-calorie food tomorrow, as the numbers set in.

It has long been known that the need to go in for sports will be postponed until “I take it up again,” because no one wants to stop exercising during the holidays.

Having come out of this, cut yourself off on the nose, so that any serious change that you want to bring into life can be reached through singing means.

If you were planning to start boxing again, then today you need to work on it, which is best for you when training, etc. begins.

It would be better if I decided to do the right thing in the best possible way with loyal comrades or, at a minimum, competent counterfeiters. Find out for yourself how difficult and cool it is that you have decided to change your life, and guess who is very helpful in helping you. It is clear that the desire of the new generation to stop drinking will be even more important to realize in a company of alcoholics. And the new, healthier axis in this situation will appear as a miraculous help. Think, perhaps, for the price of a small change under low new

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