How to prepare a savory beetroot, a hot and spicy recipe.

For the winter

About home economics


Hot soups with meat - those that we have come to love and, respectfully, regardless of the season.

We also need strength and spirit!

The beets are cooked cold and are just as tasty.

Today, let's prepare a classic hot borscht with meat.

I recommend that you take the cowhide on a brush, so the beet will be especially rich.

There are a lot of different ways to make a beet, let’s color it by color, but I’m just scratching one, we’ll re-verify it a lot, without blurring it)) I’m sharing with you, try it!

These are the products we need for the beetroot.

We'll first remove the meat and set the broth for the beet to cook. We clean the beet, cut it into small pieces, and put it in water together with the meat. If you didn’t prepare this way, you’ll be amazed at the result and doubt you’ll fail)).

After boiling, remove the bacon and add to the meat, finely chop the beef and carrots. In the middle of the fire, cook the broth for 40-60 minutes, until the meat is soft. After an hour's instructions, we'll get some beetroot into the broth.

While the broth is cooking, peel and cut into medium potato cubes.

Place the potatoes in a saucepan.

The meat is removed, cut from the brushes and cut into shreds.

The more spices, the better.

    Add your favorite seasonings to suit soup, meat and vegetables. And the chasnik will add spice to this vegetable herb. Better prepare the beet without adding otto, so it won’t be sour in the soup, and it won’t add anything.

    For the cob, rinse the meat under running cold water until it is clean. Choose your meat anyway. You can use the brushes and pulp to make the beet more rich.

    Then take the container in which you cook it and put it on the fire.

    As soon as the broth begins to boil, and the foam starts to form, it is absolutely necessary to remove it.

    While the meat broth is cooking, let's get on with the vegetables.

    Take one fish, peel it and rinse it cold water. Cut into small pieces. Do it just like that with a clock. For the soup we need chotiri cloves. Clean it and chop it finely.

Few people know that from ingredients available to all, you can prepare a low-calorie and even cinnamon pepper herb - beet.

Yogo can be served hot in the cold season, and also cold in specu.

Most of the harvested grass will, of course, be out of stock, and warehouses will be readily available on the shelves of any vegetable store or supermarket. Classic recipe
warehouses Quantity
Buryakiv - 3 pcs.
carrots - Quantity
2 pcs. cibulin -
green - 50 g
bay leaves - 1 PC.
drive - 3 l
otstu 9% - 15 ml
to the watchmaker - 4 teeth
tsukru and salt - 10 g each
olii - 30 ml Preparation time: 40 hvilin

Calorie content per 100 grams: 17 Kcal.

Hot soups are considered an indispensable food item for the tavern people.

The stench itself restores the water balance in the body, is easily absorbed and brings mass

brown rivers

Hot beet, or beet soup, is easy to finish, and is also the same borscht, minus the cabbage.

Start preparing a trace of beet cleansing.

Then it is cut into thin bars, poured into a saucepan, filled with water and rolled into twenty pieces.

At this time, other vegetables are also peeled, trimmed to taste - large carrots are grated, the cibul is cut into small cubes, the chasnik is trimmed under pressure.

  • Olive is poured into the pan as it heats up.
  • Until then, Morkvina and Tsibulya begin to hiss.
  • The vegetables are brought to a golden brown color, salt, otset, chasnik and tsukor are added to them.
  • Everything is mixed, the fry and bay leaf are added to the beets to boil.
  • After 5 hvilins, the borscht is removed from the stove and steeped for another 15 hvilins.
  • Serve the hot herb with chopped herbs, sour cream and a hard-boiled egg.
  • Hot borscht with meat
  • The most flavorful and richest is borscht with meat.
  • It is customary to serve it hot, it will miraculously sizzle and saturate the body.

In this case, the meat product can be used for consideration, and the vegetables in the same quantity, which will give the advantage to the gentlemen.

And the axis for creating the classic first line is needed:

pork (pulp) – 0.5 kg;

Cybula in small strips, carrots in small strips.

After the meat has been boiled for about forty minutes, the beet and potatoes begin to sizzle.

This is the time to prepare the frying pan.

To do this, heat up the olive oil and sauté the carrots and cypress until they are golden brown.

The tomato paste is separated into a glass of broth and poured into the frying pan.

Vegetables are stewed for twenty minutes, hung in a saucepan until the beet is ready to cook. After which you need to salt the soup, add the selected spices, and let the hot herb simmer for another five minutes. There is no need to steep the beetroot for too long without letting the wine cool down, so serve it hot, season it with sour cream and herbs.

  • Buryak with trigger
  • Everything is mixed, the fry and bay leaf are added to the beets to boil.
  • The most tender and extremely tasty soup comes from
  • chicken meat . It’s not the fault of the hot borscht.
  • The addition of chicken makes it easy, accessible at a price level, because poultry meat itself is the most popular.
  • To prepare beet at home you will need:
  • chicken (gomilka, breast, kril for rozsud) – 0.5 kg;
  • beet – 300 g;
  • It is customary to serve it hot, it will miraculously sizzle and saturate the body.


ripchasta cibulya

- 1 pc.

(150-200 g);

tomato paste – 30 g;

green cibul – 50 g; Oliya sonyashnikova – 50 ml; broth, which can be reached by the side of the boiled beetroot, cooked in its entirety. And from completed culinary

  1. to please:
  2. Select the head vegetable from the red gatunka “Bordeaux”, “Cylinder”;
  3. To preserve all the brown vegetables, do not grease the vegetables, but bake them in the oven;
  4. Preserve the bright color of the dish by adding lemon juice;
  5. When you see potatoes and carrots in the hot soup, it will be necessary to increase the quantity of beetroot twice a day;

Just adding sour cream when serving the gravy will make the beet so rich and tender that it’s not good to scramble it. Himself delicious grass It won't be another day until all the vegetables are leaking their juices at the same time. It is important to remember that when dressing with sour cream

classic beet

To save yourself for a long time, I won’t go to the cold place.
Lesson 1: Prepare the ingredients.
How does borscht differ from borscht?

In front of us, there is a lot of cabbage.

In addition, for its preparation you can only cook beetroot, without potatoes and carrots, and do not put the cybul on the house.

Without any additional ingredients, the taste of beetroot is significantly affected.
It is very important to choose good red and juice beets, so that the herbs will turn out tasty and beautiful.

Since there is no need to correct the cutting of vegetables, this can be done simply: peel the carrots and beetroot and grate it, peel the cibulin and cut it into cubes or slices. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of approximately the same size so that they cook evenly., is being played.

Place the prepared tsibula and fry it over low heat - the tsibula becomes soft and transparent.

Add the carrots to the tsibula, stir and cook for about 5 chickens over low heat.

Then add the beetroot, stir, and sauté over low heat for about 5 minutes.
Do not rush to add tomato paste - the beets take a long time to cook through its acid.

When the beet becomes soft, add tomato paste, stir, add zukor and zucchini, pour the bottles into the broth from the pan and cook about 10 more chickens, stirring occasionally.

Transfer the ready-made vegetable dressing for beetroot into a saucepan with broth and potatoes.

Stir, taste for salt, add spices for relish and cook until tender over low heat - readiness is indicated by the vegetables, taking about 15 minutes per hour.

Mix the fire and let the beetroot brew for 10 minutes before serving.

Lesson 3: Serve hot beet.

Pour the borscht into a bowl, put half a hard-boiled egg and herbs into the bowl, and you can add sour cream. All these manipulations are not complicated - serve the beet as you prefer., what are you going to do for fasting?

If you, like me, have undeservedly ignored this herb, try cooking it.

And write your comments, which you deserved.

  • This is the option I'm looking for at home.
  • The man is in capture!
  • The Viyshov soup is very rich and hearty.
  • The secret is that there are two kinds of meat there.
  • I recommend trying it :)
  • You will need:
  • 2-2.5 liters of ready-made meat broth;
  • 250-300 g of boiled meat;
  • 5 items. potatoes;
  • 4 things. small beetroot;
  • 100-150 g pork belly and lard; 1 head of cibul;;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 clove chasnik;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;

2 tbsp.

1. tomato mouth

2. ½ tbsp.

3. tsukru;

4. salt, black pepper until relished;

5. sour cream;

6. a few drops of rosemary oil.

7. How to prepare:

8. For the cob, prepare all the ingredients. Divide the boiled cowhide from the broth into small pieces. Cut the bacon and brisket into cubes approximately 0.5 by 0.5 div.

9. Cut the potatoes into cubes and the beets into strips.

10. Finely chop the greens from the greens.

11. Grate the carrots on a large third, and the chasnik on the third.

12. To grease, heat up the oil in a deep frying pan and brush the lard or brisket on it until a beautiful golden color.

13. When the brisket is browning, add the fillet.

Lubricate it until it becomes rosy.

Then place the carrots in the frying pan and sauté for about 1 hour.

If you don’t eat meat, are fasting or just love vegetable soups – this recipe is for you.

The land seems easy, but even more delicious.

  • One of its main advantages is its low calorie content.
  • Required ingredients:
  • 3-4 small beetles;
  • 1 great cibulin;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 chasnik cloves;
  • half a lemon;
  • bay leaf;

Roslynna Oliya;

1. salt.

2. Steps to prepare:

3. Boil 2.5 liters of water in a saucepan, put in first, wash and peel the beetroot and cook for 40-60 khvilins.

4. Now let's move on to other vegetables.

5. Draw a number and a clock. Grate the carrots finely and cut the potatoes into strips. When the beet is boiling, remove it and let it cool.

6. At the beetroot soup, add the potatoes and cook until done.

7. At the same hour at the frying pan

8. Roslynna Oliya

Lubricate the tsibul and chasnik.

Add carrots, coat with 2-3 hvilini.

Then move the greased tsebul, chasnik and carrots into the pan.

The land seems easy, but even more delicious.

  • Cut the boiled beets into strips, add to the broth and cook on low heat for 5-7 pieces.
  • Add salt, add bay leaf, add half a lemon and let sit.
  • Serve with finely chopped greens and sour cream.
  • How to properly prepare warm beet with chicken and boiled egg?
  • This recipe differs from others with a wider list of ingredients.
  • During your preparation you will need much more, otherwise the result will delight you.
  • I ask my guests for such a lot to bring back to their great homeland 😉
  • 1 kg trigger;
  • 1.3 kg of beets;
  • 700 grams of potatoes;
  • 500 g carrots;
  • 4 cibulini;
  • 4 tbsp.

tomato paste;

1. 1 parsnip root;

2. 50 g celeri root;

3. 1 parsley root;

4. 4 chicken eggs (boiled hard); 30 ml dormouse oil; 1 tbsp.

5. salts;

6. 1 dessert spoon of cucru.

7. Basic recipe for preparation:

8. Rinse the meat under running water and divide into pieces.

9. The broth is almost ready.

10. Add 300 ml of broth to the vegetables.

11. Cover the pan with a lid.

12. Let the lubricant sweat for another 7-8 minutes.

13. Remove the boiled cibul from the broth and discard. Remove the meat and root vegetables and let them cool..

Strain the broth.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in the pan.

Cream the meat from the brushes and cut into cubes. Root vegetables also need to be cut. Throw back the broth and cook for 20 minutes|minutes| on a small fire.

Add lubricant to the soup.

  • Peel and cut
  • chicken eggs
  • After 3 minutes, add the eggs to the soup.
  • Chop the greens.
  • 3 potatoes;
  • Add spices and salt for relish.
  • Delicious!
  • A simple recipe for baby beet in a multicooker
  • It's simple and
  • sweet recipe
  • soup.
  • The entire preparation process will take you a little more than a year.
  • And the sweet bell pepper adds a special piquancy.

To prepare you will need:

1. 2 l broth;

2. 2 pcs. Buryakiv;

3. 1 cibulin;

4. 1 carrot;

5. 3 pcs. potatoes;

6. half a sweet pepper;

2 tbsp.

roslin oil;

1 tsp. tsukru; 1 tbsp.


  • salt pepper;
  • dried parsley;
  • Chop the greens.
  • After 3 minutes, add the eggs to the soup.
  • fresh crepe
  • Add spices and salt for relish.
  • Yak gotuvati:
  • Peel the vegetables.

Grate the beet.

1. Turn the multicooker down to “soup” mode, pour in olive oil and add beetroot, add zukor and ocet.

2. Stir and extinguish.

3. Grate the carrots, cut the tsibul into slices, pepper into slices, chasnik into thin slices.

4. Add the cooled meat to the brushes, cut and add to the soup.

5. Salt until relished.

Cover the lid with the lid.

Pour 20-30 pieces of soup from the boil.

Grate the beet on a large grater. Add melena, paprika and bay leaf to the soup. In 5 minutes|minutes| add beetroot.

Bring to a boil and remove the pan from the stove.