Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy biography. The philosopher Prince died. Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetska. The main literature about life and creativity

- Prince, Russian linguist; Slavist, philosopher, publicist, founder of Eurasianism, critic of Ukrainian nationalism.

family coat of arms Trubetskoy

* Trubetskoy- Rіd Lithuanian and Russian princes-Gedimіnovichіv.

Sin of Prince S. M. Trubetskoy (Rector of Moscow University) and nephew of Prince E. N. Trubetskoy, leading Russian philosophers, brother of the writer and memoirist Prince V. S. Trubetskoy (Volodymyr Vetov). born April 16, 1890 at Moscow. For 13 years, I have shown interest in ethnography and folklore of the Finno-Ugric peoples, and for the pagan visionary of these peoples; 14th anniversary of the Trubetskoy meeting of the Moscow Ethnographic Association, and 15 years of publication of the first scientific articles about the Finno-Ugric language. The cultivation of folklore was accompanied by recognition of the most important language.

In 1907, the beginnings of the chronological-historical and typological studies of the grammatical mode of the Pivnichno-Caucasian and Chukotka-Kamchatka language; The great materials, collected during the last hour of work, which had been three times right up to the revolution, perished at the rocks of the Gromadyansky war (“sent smoke”) and were successfully inspired by Trubetskoy in the memory of the emigration. Fahivets with the Chukchi-Kamchatka language V.G.

In 1908, he joined the Faculty of History and Philology of the Moscow University, taking part in the cycle of philosophical and psychological education and sweating in the study of Western European literature.

In 1912, he completed the first graduation of the graduate school of education and was deprivation at the university department, after which he went to Leipzig, having deviated the doctrines of the young grammar school.

Prince Mikola Sergiyovich Trubetsko. Photo by E.P. Pavlov, film. 1900-poch.1910s

Turning back to Moscow, having published a number of articles on Pivnichno-Caucasian folklore, problems of Finno-Ugric language and vocabulary. Becoming an active participant of the Moscow Linguistic Group, with the help of spirituality at the same time, with great writers and writers, seriously playing and developing mythology, folklore, ethnography, history of culture, close to the future of Eurasian topics. After the end of 1917, the success of the university work of M. Trubetskoy was interrupted and went to Kislovodsk, and then spent an hour at the Rostov University. Step by step, the development of the visnovka, which the ancient words in the spiritual plane were closely connected with the Skhod, lower with the Sunset, de, on the other hand, contacts were established in front of us in the sphere of material culture.

In 1920, M.Trubetskoy left Russia and moved to Bulgaria, and started a scientific and academic activity at Sofia University as a professor. For whom, then, roci vins let out their own practice “Europe and people”, as if vpritul lead yoga to the vibration of the eurasist ideology. M.Trubetskoy’s activity developed after two directions: 1) it was scientific, dedicated to philological and linguistic problems (Prazky Gurtok’s work, which became the center of worldly phonology, later became the center of worldly phonology, later fates of Vdnya); 2) cultural and ideological, tied for participation in Eurasian Russia. M.Trubetskoy gets close to P.N.Savitsky, P.P.Suvchinsky, G.V.Florovsky, published in the “Eurasian chapels” and “chronicles”, periodically speaks with additional reports in different places of Europe. From the combination of Eurasian ideas to the main merits of M. Trubetskoy, one can see the concept of “upper” and “lower” Russian culture, the doctrine of “true nationalism” and “Russian self-identification”.

Looking back at my psychological characteristics, N. Trubetskoy will have a peaceful, academic work. If you want to write articles in the genre of political journalism, you will not be able to directly participate in the organizational and propaganda activities, and pitiful, if Eurasianism robbed the politician. That is why in history with the newspaper "Evraziya" he took an unambiguously unreconciled position as a left-handed krill of the roc and viyshov from the Eurasian organization, having inspired publications in newest sights only for a few years.

The rest of the fates of his life M. Trubetskoy is alive at Vidnia, de pratsyuvav professor of Slavic studies at the Vidensk University. After the Anschluss of Austria, having recognized the attacks on the side of the Gestapo. Significantly, some of the manuscripts were scrutinized and downgraded by the year. According to L.N. myocardial infarction and early death. On April 25, 1938, at the age of 48 years, Trubetskoy died.

R.O.Yakobson, N.S.Trubetskoy, D.I.Chizhevsky. Prague, 1930

Vіn Bouv one z ідадочива то звовниківів Prazkoji Lіngvіstiki, Skoli, yogo pratsya "bases of phonologії" Will with clasic, Vіn uvіv understood the "Movna Union" at the pursuit of Rosіyskii Moshonology, "Disciplіni, I am going to the author of the man word'yanskoy poetics and the history of words'yansky mov - proto-slov'yanskoy movoy. Everything is worth mentioning about the wide scope of interests of the famous Russian scientist. Buv vin is also the leader of the Eurasian movement.

The book of N.S. Trubetskoy "Europe and People", which appeared in Sofia in 1920. The center of this movement was first in Berlin, then moved to Paris. .M.: Progress, 1995. S. 738). This “cultural-historiosophical” development of the creations of the middle Russian intelligentsia, which emigrated to Europe after 1917, “the prominent representatives of yoga were the geographer P.N. Savitsky, historian G.V. Vernadsky, linguist, ethnographer and philosopher Prince N.S. Trubetskoy" (Div. Gumilov L.M. Historical and philosophical practices of Prince N.S. Trubetskoy (notes of the remaining Eurasian) // Trubetskoy N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M.: Progress, 1995. p. 31).

One of the position of the theorem of the Bagatolіnіinosti of the All-University Bagatolіnіnіnіnіnіtі ірідідні ідотора, и ото и ірідід тододной водний миновитователить їїние вістой тото вотовое вистовітой то товоствіст овопейский оторовисти (div. Tolstoy N.І. N.S. Truc and Eurasian // Trubetskoy N.S. History.Culture.Mova.M.: Progress, 1995. p.7). The roots of Eurasianism encroach, on the idea of ​​the participants of this movement, even before the first third of the 16th century, until the “Message of the Elder Philotheus”, then we know the continuation of the words of the yanophiles, especially the meaning of the work of N.Ya. Danilevsky and K.M. Leontiev (Div.Polovinkin S.M. Eurasianism and Russian emigration // Trubetskoy N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M.: Progress, 1995. p. 731-734).

Children of Mykola and Volodymyr Trubetskoy. 1900. Bronze Mykola right-handed, Volodymyr levoruch

The very understanding of "Eurasia" was interpreted by the participants of the movement from a number of positions. First, as purely geographical. The stench was respected by the whole natural distribution of Zakhid and Skhid to Europe (Zahidna Europe), Asia (pivden and shid Asia: India, China, Siberian Siberia) and Eurasia (continental plain part of Europe and Asia). In another way, from the ethnic point of view, in Eurasia, a special “Turanian psychological type”, “Russians are not Europeans and not Asians, but Eurasians” have formed. Thirdly, every day economically Eurasian Russia is a continental land, and communications need to be developed not the same as in the light oceanic state, but inland continental (Tr. Mova: M .: Progres, 1995. S. 742-744). A lot of philanthropists, writers and poets worked in the revolution, showing similar savagery, "Asiatic", the same thing, the Eurasians set before themselves the task of rebranding, the Russian European country, the Russian history Russian emigration // Trubetskoy N.S. History.Culture.Mova.M.: Progress, 1995. p.734-738).

Robot N.S. Trubetskoy's "Europe and People" was conceived as part of the trilogy "The Truthfulness of Nationalism", and the name "About its Centrism" is small (div. Zhivov V.M.: Progress, 1995, p. 766). In Crimea, the articles “Before the problem of Russian self-identification”, “The fall of Genghis Khan. A look at Russian history not from the Sunset, but from the Skhoda”, “Babylonian Vezha and Change of Languages”, “Me and Others”, “About the Sovereign Rules and the Form of Government” and others.

Pratsi N.S. Trubetskoy, like those other children of the movement, were assigned to the “Russian national food”, they were of great importance for the movement, the shards of the philologist’s teachings on the materials that my literature hopes for, instantly signify the “structural and functional development”, especially the .Tolstoy N.I. N. S. Trubetskoy and Eurasianism // Trubetskoy N. S. History. Culture. Mova. M .: Progress, 1995. p. 17). N.S. Trubetskoy, leading up to the history of Russian literary language in the context of leading up to all Russian history and culture, to make wisps, which only through Church Slavonic Mova became the protector of "Tolstoy N.S. Trubetskoy and Eurasia // Trubetskoy N.S. History.Culture.Mova.M.: Progress, 1995. p.17-18). Likewise, it confirms the thought about Eurasianism as about the “synthesis of scientific and political thought” (div. Zhivov V.M. in different circles of knowledge and different spheres of interest.

The main culturological practice of N.S. Trubetskoy became a source of information about the self-sufficiency of "symphonic specialties", under which people, groups of peoples will understand, as well as about the enlightenment of other "symphonic specialties" of singing, ієrarchy, paradigms. N. S. History, Culture, Mova, M .: Progress, 1995. P. 18). In these hierarchies, the concepts of “above” cultures are being developed: “upper”, “lower”, “middle”, which is of little importance for the global typology of cultures, the concept of words of the Yang.

In the article "Zahalnoy-Eurasian nationalism" N.S. Trubetskoy saw warehouse elements of nationalism: centralist (consolidated unity of ethnic identity) and separatist (confirmation of identity of ethnic identity). So that nationalism does not degenerate into separatism, ethnic identities combine, “enter” one into one, becoming such a rank called the hierarchy of “symphonic specialties” (Tv. Іstoriya. Kultura. Mova. M .: Progres, 1995. pp. 19-20) .

In the period from 1933 to 1937, N.S. Troubetzkoy, in front of a threat that lurks in German racism, wrote several articles: “Thoughts about autarchy”, “About racism”, “About the idea-ruler of an ideocratic state”, “The fall of creativity”; what time is it at the apartment of N.S. Troubetzkoy started hearings that "called a heart attack and an early death." Progress, 1995, p. 47).

Eurasian ideas were conceived as philological studies of the scientist. The statement about the language as about the phenomenon of culture, the continuation of the language in their mutual relations one by one, the very understanding of the “movniy union” is unmistakably connected with Eurasianism (Div. Zhivov V.M. M: Progress, 1995. P. 765).

Trubetskoy's quotes from the lists to R. O. Yakobson:

"You need to write, zastosovuchisya up to the level of the average idiot, but you need to keep rich for more than an hour, write less for normal intelligent people."

“Vipadi Nitsha is better to make me laugh, it’s more, so you can’t stink until you get the stench of a hundred years. Obviously, the Poles were simply arguing with my article and arguing with the very fact that it was a kind of “Columbian egg”. Aje tse those who fight the most! If you have the idea of ​​destroying the path of bringing new factual material, then you can still reconcile with it. But if you don’t bring new factual material, but simply show that the old, usable material is richer and simpler and easier to explain to yourself in the same way as it is accepted, then the axis of this and viklikaє razdratuvannya.

“The Bizhenstvo taught us that “you yourself need to go to Tula with your own samovar”, so that in Paris the emigrants need to open fashionable shops and night taverns, in Munich - pubs are thin. The Russian Slavists, for this very principle, are better than anything in the Slavic lands. In other lands of the Russian Slavists, nothing ruled, but less, but a few vinyaks confirmed the rule: I ruled not as a Slavist (as I was at the time of my recognition, zovsim and not boo), but as the head rank as a prince, in my own princes, I want to row the water!”

“Tse bovaє: you don’t feel terribly, you’re swaying in every way, and then, as you sit down to write, it’s just a little bit important, but everything was easier and easier, and it’s better to go out better. These robots themselves went into the most special way, the writings of which called out in me an inexhaustible ogy.

“Mature is not yet old and does not signify a lifelessness. Seeing people not only do not cease to create, but, on the contrary, they create the best things that they can leave to their offspring. Only to create stench otherwise, less young. It’s important to call back to what new way of creativity. On the back, it’s all over, that nothing was heard, everything was gone. A break, wanting to be short, lakaє, cry out for a fight. Tse - kind of nezvichki. Really, there is not much to worry about: you create, - this way, lower earlier.<…>What is programmed for the glare of that efficiency, wins on the solidity of the structures.<…>Then it will be smart, not to happen so often to re-buy. Instead of an effective creative fountain, smoothly flowing, but still tight and wide flow. Back - cover. It’s up: what’s up? Hasn't youth passed, and old age has begun? Ale is in that river, that the cream of youth and old age is more mature, the fountain of that stagnant water is even more even and smoothly flowing. You need to get used to this thought, and then everything will be good.


Tolstoy N.I. N.S. Trubetskoy and Eurasianism // Trubetskoy N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M: Progress, 1995. S.5-30.

Gumilyov L.M. Historical and philosophical practices of Prince N.S. Trubetskoy (notes of the remaining Eurasian) // Trubetska N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M: Progress, 1995. S.31-54.

Polovinkin S.M. Eurasianism and Russian emigration // Trubetska N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M: Progress, 1995. S.731-762.

Zhivov V.M. Comments // Trubetskoy N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M: Progress, 1995. S.763-790.

Trubetsky N.S. Selected practices from philology: Translation. M: Progress, 1985. S.7-8.

Wikipedia: Prince Mikola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy (4 (16) April 1890, Moscow - Cherry 25, 1938, Sunday) - prominent Russian linguist; he is also a philosopher and publicist of the Eurasian directive.
Lying down to the aristocratic family of the Trubetskoy, scho syagaє Gedimina. Sin of Prince S.M. Trubetskoy (Rector of Moscow University) and nephew of Prince O.M. Trubetskoy, leading Russian philosophers, brother of the writer and memoirist Prince V.S. Trubetskoy (Volodymyr Vetov).
3 14 years after the meeting of the Moscow Ethnographic Association; 15 years of publishing first scientific articles about Finno-Ugric paganism. The cultivation of folklore was accompanied by recognition of the most important language.
In 1907, the rozі rozpochav porіvnyalno-istorіchnі and typological doslіdzhennya grammatical harmony pіvnіchnokavkazskih and Chukotka-Kamchatka mov; the materials collected during the course of the work, which had already been three times before the revolution, perished at the fates of the Gromadyanskaya war (“they went dim”; by the way, the Radyansky Caucasian scholar Y. Bokarev said that they were bachelor at Rostov not long before the other New Year’s Eve) emigrants in memory.
In 1908, he graduated as an external student from the Moscow Gymnasium and joined the Moscow University at the philosophical and psychological graduation (de todi the great infusion of Mav L.M. Lopatin). Started at once from B.L. Pasternak, for the assertions of such Trubetskoy, he choked on the same Russian religious philosophy and neo-Kantianism of the Marburz school. Then we moved on to the division of Western European literatures and nareshti - to the division of a similar mentality, de becoming a student of F.F. Fortunatov. In 1912, the graduate graduated from the first graduation of the postgraduate education and was deprived at the university department.
In 1913-1914, he worked as an intern at the University of Leipzig, having developed a young grammatical school. Turning around, like a Privatdozent, he lectured at the Moscow University from 1915 to 1916. After the revolution of 1917, the fate of the viїhav to Kislovodsk; In 1918 he made a career at the Rostov University.
In 1920, they emigrated to Bulgaria; contributor to Sofia University; having seen the TV show "Europe and Humanity", in a way he is close to shaking the Eurasian ideology. Discussing the book at the Sofia seminar, in which P.P. Suvchinsky, G.V. Florovsky, P.M. Savitsky caused the people of the Eurasian ideology, about which it was stated in the collection “Leaving for the Skhid. Perchuchtya that beast. The firmament of the Eurasians. Book 1” (Sofia, 1921).
In 1923, he moved to Vydnya, and worked at Vydensky University. Trubetskoy lived in an apartment at Dorotheergasse 12 on the 3rd version, and in 1934 he moved to Kleeblattgasse 4. In the 1920s and 1930s, he was an active participant in the Eurasian movement, one of the theorists and political leaders. Instruction from P.P. Suvchinsky and P.M. Savitsky, entering the core bodies of Eurasianism (Rada Trioh, Rada Five, Rada Seven). Until 1929, fate took part in all programmatic Eurasian collections (“Away to the Gathering” (1921), “On the Edge” (1922), “Russia and Latinism” (1923), “Eurasian Litopis. Book 1” (1923), “Eurasian Timchasovy. Book 2" (1925), "Eurasian Litopis. Book 3" (1927)), in periodicals of Europeans (magazine "Eurasian Chronicles", newspaper "Eurasia"). Co-author of collective Eurasian manifestos (“Eurasianism (dosvіd systematic vikladu)” (1926), “Eurasianism (formulation of 1927 rock)”). Having published a number of books at the Eurasian Publishing House (“Spadshchina of Genghis Khan” (1925), “Before the Problem of Russian Self-Sovereignty” (1927)). As an ideologist of Eurasianism, he explored the concept of the rich polar world, the linguistic-Turanian cultural interactions, the Mongol influx on Russian political history and culture, ideocracy, and the idea of ​​ruling dobir in the state.
1929 to rock as a sign of protest against the pro-radian and pro-communist directiveness of the newspaper "Evraziya" in the warehouse of the key organs of the Eurasian movement. Chi did not take part in the creation (1932) and robots of the Eurasian party, but continued to promote special contacts with P.M. Savitsky, taking part in the work of the theoretical European seminars and in the 1930s, starting to make friends with the Eurasian scholars (magazine "Eurasian culture" and others). Together with R.O. Jakobson develops the theory of the Eurasian language union and the Eurasian theory about language connection with the geographic factor, on the basis of ontological structuralism, which was formed in the ideological space of the European linguistic group.
In parallel, in the 1920s and 1930s. contributed words and literature to the Vidensky University, engaged in scientific activities. For example of the 1920s - on the cob of the 1930s, having developed the phonological theory. Became one of the participants in that ideological leader of the Prazsky Linguistic Group, one of the creators of the school of linguistic structuralism in linguistics. In svoїh lektsіyah of іstorії rosіyskoї lіteraturi vislovlyuvav revolyutsіynі іdeї about neobhіdnіst "vіdkrittya" davnoruskoї lіteraturi (on zrazok vіdkrittya rosіyskoї іkoni), about zastosuvannya formal method to tvorіv davnoї that serednovіchnoї lіteraturi (zokrema to "Journey Beyond Three Seas" Afanasіya Nіkіtіna), pro metric Russian bilins.
Becoming an irreconcilable opponent of communism, a churched Orthodox Christian. Vykonuvav obov'yazki old age Russian Mikilskoy Church under the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Evlogii (Georgievsky) (for example, the 1920s in the Moscow Patriarchate). After the departure of the 1st lime, 1928, the fate of the jurisdiction of the Eulogy of the rector of the church, Archimandrite Khariton (Drobotov), ​​through the impossibility of the victors of the political forces, the loyalty of the Radyansk authorities was able, “Prince N.S. Trubetskoy, which is formed by the church warden of the church, negainly conveyed to Metropolitan Evlogii about the removal of Archimandrite Khariton from the canonical order to Metropolitan Evlogii and the rest, behind one report of a layman, against the sacred canons, ‹...
In the 1930s. speaking at the press against national socialism, Bachachi speaks of his own “biological materialism”, the flooring is insane with an Orthodox light-gazer, like a Marxist “historical materialism”. At the same time, try the colossal Eurasian A.V. Meller-Zakomelsky, who is alive in Nimechchina, brings the positions of right-wing Eurasianism and Russian national socialism N.S. Trubetskoy spoke from the theoretical anti-Nazi article "About racism". Having criticized the "Aryan theory in linguistics", leading up that there was no Indo-European tradition, and similarities of the Indo-European sim's can be explained by their influxes one on one in the course of historical development. The ideas he wrote at the article “Thoughts about the Indo-European problem” became the reason for the denunciation of the pro-Nazi laced Austrian linguist by the Gestapo.
In 1938, following the Anschluss of Austria, having recognized the Gestapo’s side of the utisks, calling for a dop, having been arrested for three dobi, a raid was carried out in his apartment. For the knowledge of P.M. Savitsky, in the wake of the concentration camp, vryatuvave only the title of prince. A significant part of the yogo scientific manuscripts was confiscated under an hour of scrutiny and wasted by the year. Not knowing the cost of spending, Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy died of a myocardial infarction at the hospital.


Lying down to the aristocratic family of the Trubetskoy, scho syagaє Gedimina. Sin of Prince S. M. Trubetskoy (Rector of Moscow University) and nephew of Prince E. M. Trubetskoy, leading Russian philosophers, brother of the writer and memoirist Prince V. S. Trubetskoy (Volodymyr Vetov).

From the 14th anniversary of the meeting of the Moscow Ethnographic Association; 15 years of publishing first scientific articles about Finno-Ugric paganism. The cultivation of folklore was accompanied by recognition of the most important language.

In parallel, in the 1920s and 1930s. contributed words and literature to the Vidensky University, engaged in scientific activities. For example of the 1920s - on the cob of the 1930s, having developed the phonological theory. Became one of the participants in that ideological leader of the Prazsky Linguistic Group, one of the creators of the school of Slavic structuralism in linguistics. In svoїh lektsіyah of іstorії rosіyskoї lіteraturi vislovlyuvav revolyutsіynі іdeї about neobhіdnіst "vіdkrittya" davnoruskoї lіteraturi (on zrazok vіdkrittya rosіyskoї іkoni), about zastosuvannya formal method to tvorіv davnoї that serednovіchnoї lіteraturi (zokrema to "Journey Beyond Three Seas" Afanasіya Nіkіtіna), pro metric Russian bilins.

Become an uncompromising opponent of communism, an Orthodox Christian who has become an Orthodox Christian. Vykonuvav obov'yazki old age Russian Mikilskoy Church under the jurisdiction of Metropolitan Evlogii (Georgievsky) (for example, the 1920s in the Moscow Patriarchate). According vihodі 1 Lipnya 1928 roku s yurisdiktsії Єvlogіya rector arhіmandrita Chariton (Drobotov) zvazhayuchi on nemozhlivі for vikonannya polіtichnih vimog loyalnostі radyanskoї Vladi, "Prince NS Trubetskoy, scho skladaєtsya churchwarden tsієї church negayno donіs kanonіchnogo pіdporyadkuvannya Metropolitan Єvlogіyu that the rest, for one report of a layman, in spite of the sacred canons,<…>having planted Archimandrite Khariton, from the fence of the clergy, that was transferred to the church court.

In the 1930s. speaking at the press against national socialism, Bachachi speaks of his own “biological materialism”, the flooring is insane with an Orthodox light-gazer, like a Marxist “historical materialism”. Have a look at trying a big Eurasian A. V. Meller-Zakomelsky, who is alive in Nimechchyna, to bring the position of right-wing Eurasianism and Russian national socialism closer to M. S. Trubetskoy, speaking with the theoretical anti-Nazi article “About racism”. Having criticized the "Aryan theory in linguistics", leading up that there was no Indo-European tradition, and similarities of the Indo-European sim's can be explained by their influxes one on one in the course of historical development. The ideas he wrote at the article “Thoughts about the Indo-European problem” became the reason for the denunciation of the pro-Nazi laced Austrian linguist by the Gestapo.

In 1938, after the Anschluss of Austria, having recognized the attacks from the side of the Gestapo, yelling for dopit, for three dobies, for arresting for three dobies, in the same apartment for carrying out raids. For recognition of myocardial infarction, at the hospital.

Tsіkavі facts about N. S. Trubetskoy

  • At the 5th gymnasium, in the same Trubetskoy, having entered the last class, the future poets B. L. Pasternak and V. V. Mayakovsky also started. Pasternak was the same age as M. S. Trubetskoy and the stench was familiar and friendly. Mayakovsky started on three fates later, nayimovіrnіshe stench was known shapkovo.
  • At the age of 15, M. S. Trubetskoy wrote a sheet to the ethnographer Bogoraz, in which he shared his scientific ideas (without showing his own century). Bogoraz, intoxicated by the ideas of a young scientist, came home to a new home, having found a boy there, a tutor got busy with it and could not believe for a long time that it was not a joke.
  • In 1905, the famous Bulgarian historian and great fiend Ivan Shishmanov, a great acquaintance of S. M. Trubetskoy, gave his book to the 15-year-old M.S. In 1920, having leaned on Sophia, Trubetskoy turned to Shishman, and recommended yoga to the post of associate professor of the department of regional education at Sophia University. Zavdyaky emigrant Trubetskoy otrimav work. In the case of 30-year teachings, there were only 8 other teachings, for which there was no linguistics. The main course “Entering to the level of consciousness with special respect to the most important Indo-European languages” won only three hearing students at Sofia University. Ale, across the river from the small Trubetskoy, having already made their own publications on linguistics and history of culture, they asked for a professor to land at the Vidensky University.
  • At the First Congress of Linguistics, A. Meyye called Trubetskoy the greatest mind of contemporary linguistics
  • Prince N. S. Trubetskoy, being a political conservative and an Orthodox traditionalist, loved the poetry of V. V. Mayakovsky
  • Philologist P. Bogatiryov called Trubetskoy, whom he knew especially, a right aristocrat and a right democrat
  • For the fates of M. S. Trubetskoy, he prepared close to 100 courses from the words of the Yan language and literature
  • Trubetskoy wrote with great inspirations about linguistics and great unimportant propaganda articles on Eurasian topics. Vіn skarzhivsya, scho єvrazіyskaya propaganda attacked yogo like a vchenogo, taking away a lot of time.
  • The book “The Spadshchina of Genghis Khan”, which is now considered one of the main roots of Trubetskoy’s Eurasianism, Trubetskoy himself, having respected the demagogic and new exaggeration and protirich. Vіn wrote її like an agitation for the not so literate young Komsomol members and Red Army soldiers in the SRSR, who need to be aware of the Eurasian ideology, pidlashtovuyuchis pіd їkhnіy rіven. Trubetskoy, having waited a while, let out only a mind, that it will expand in the SRSR, and not in emigration, and on the obkladinci not to appear in the same name. If the book began to spread among the emigrants Trubetskoy became overwhelmed and threatened to leave the Eurasian movement
  • Trubetskoy did not like the Russian religious philosophers of the older generation (for example, the leaders of Berdyaev, Struve, Bulgakov). In private listings, calling them “old grims” and speaking out sharply against the publications of “grims” in Eurasian vidannas
  • N. S. Trubetskoy suffered from depression and turned for help to a psychotherapist
  • For example, life in the spirit of likiv, like Trubetskoy, having taken a sick heart for the rejoicing, in the vineyard of the ailment of the slug. From this drive of opinions zhartuvav: it’s unhandy that a person can have a lot of organs.
  • N. S. Trubetskoy went after the Anschluss of Austria to move from family to the USA, and the sickness that rapt's death caused ale
  • In 1973, a commemorative plaque in honor of N. S. Trubetskoy was installed at the Vidensky University.


"You need to write, zastosovuchisya up to the level of the average idiot, but you need to keep rich for more than an hour, write less for normal intelligent people."

“Vipadi Nitsha is better to make me laugh, it’s more, so you can’t stink until you get the stench of a hundred years. Obviously, the Poles were simply arguing with my article and arguing with the very fact that it was a kind of “Columbian egg”. Aje tse those who fight the most! If I am going to destroy a thought that has been greedily accepted by way of bringing new factual material, then it is still possible to reconcile with it. But if you don’t bring new factual material, but simply show that the old, usable material is richer and simpler and easier to explain to yourself in the same way as it is accepted, then the axis of this and viklikaє razdratuvannya.

“The Bizhenstvo taught us that “you yourself need to go to Tula with your own samovar”, so that in Paris the emigrants need to open fashionable shops and night taverns, in Munich - pubs are thin. The Russian Slavists, for this very principle, are better than anything in the Slavic lands. In other lands of the Russian Slavists, nothing ruled, but less, but a few vinyaks confirmed the rule: I ruled not as a Slavist (as I was at the time of my recognition, zovsim and not boo), but as the head rank as a prince, in my own princes, I want to row the water!”

“Tse bovaє: you don’t feel terribly, you’re swaying in every way, and then, as you sit down to write, it’s just a little bit important, but everything was easier and easier, and it’s better to go out better. These robots themselves went into the most special way, the writings of which called out in me an inexhaustible ogy.

“Mature is not yet old and does not signify a lifelessness. Seeing people not only do not cease to create, but, on the contrary, they create the best things that they can leave to their offspring. Only to create stench otherwise, less young. It’s important to call back to what new way of creativity. On the back, it’s all over, that nothing was heard, everything was gone. A break, wanting to be short, lakaє, cry out for a fight. Tse - kind of nezvichki. Really, there is not much to worry about: you create, - this way, lower earlier.<…>What is programmed for the glare of that efficiency, wins on the solidity of the structures.<…>Then it will be smart, not to happen so often to re-buy. Instead of an effective creative fountain, smoothly flowing, but still tight and wide flow. Back - cover. It’s up: what’s up? Hasn't youth passed, and old age has begun? Ale is in that river, that the cream of youth and old age is more mature, the fountain of that stagnant water is even more even and smoothly flowing. You need to get used to this thought, and then everything will be good.



  • Alpatov V. M. Moscow Linguistic / Science Rada of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the promotion and protection of cultural and natural disasters. - M .: View of the Institute of Foreign Languages, 2001. - P. 20 - 24. - 104 p. - (That cultural recession of Moscow is natural). - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-88966-028-4
  • Teslya A. A. Before the history “I. R." (Spadshchina of Genghis Khan. A look at Russian history not from the Sunset, but from the Skhod. Berlin, 1925, 60 p.)
  • "Eurasianism and White Rukh". - 1919.
  • Book. Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy“About true and bad nationalism” = Sat. "Walk Away". - Sofia, 1921. - S. 71-85.


  • Trubetskoy N. S. Phonology and linguistic geography.
  • Trubetskoy N. S. Vіdnoshennia mіzh vznachalnymi, vznacheniyam vznachenіstyu.
  • Trubetskoy N. S. "Europe and people"
  • Trubetskoy N. S. “The Spadshchina of Genghis Khan. A look at Russian history from the Sunset, and from the Skhod". Berlin, 1925, 60 p.
  • Weststein, Willem. Trubetskoy and Khlebnikov. // Eurasian expanse. Sound, word, image. Movies of the Slavic cultures. - M., 2003. - S. 237-248
  • Culture chi caricature? Before the Ukrainian problem (About the controversy between M. S. Trubetskoy and D. I. Doroshenko).


  • Personalities behind the alphabet
  • People 16 April
  • Born 1890 roku
  • Born near Moscow
  • Died 25 worms
  • Died in 1938
  • Died near Vidnia
  • Philosophers for the alphabet
  • Trubetskoy
  • Graduates of P'yatoy Moscow gymnasium
  • Graduates of the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University
  • Linguistics of Russia
  • Linguistics of Austria
  • Philosophers of Russia
  • Eurasian
  • Ethnography
  • Phonetist
  • Phonologists
  • Morphologists
  • Glory to the Russian Empire
  • Comparatives
  • Movie history
  • Caucasian scholars
  • Uralisti
  • Structuralities
  • Vcheni Moscow
  • Russian emigrants of the first period in Austria
  • Rusisti
  • Died due to myocardial infarction

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


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  • Smirnov S. One Hundred Years of the National Day of Mikoli Trubetskoy // Keel and Kirjandus . - Tallinn, 1990 . - N 4. - S. 239-244.
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    • Klimov G.A. Misce N.S. Trubetskoy in the Caucasian Mind . - Z. 189-199.
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    • Khrakovsky V.S. Nevidomy Trubetskoy : (Idea of ​​a scientist in the gallery of morphology in Russian language) . - pp. 236-247.
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  • Sobolev A.V. Prince N.S. Trubetskoy and Eurasian // Lit. training. 1991. No. 6.
  • Urkhanova R.A. Philosophical-istor. Fundamentals of Eurasian Culturology // Philosophy and Culture in Russia (Methodological Problems). M., 1992.
  • Ochirova T. N. Eurasianism and way of Russian historical self-identification // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. Series of Literature and Movies. - M: Nauka, 1993. - T. 52. No. 4. - S. 34-47.
  • Zinder L.R. Baudouin, Shcherba and turns of Trubetskoy's phonological theory // Zap. spirituality . - M., 1994 . - N 4. - S. 126-135.
  • Tolstoy N.I. N.S. Trubetskoy and Eurasianism // Trubetskoy N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M: Progress, 1995. S.5-30.
  • Gumilyov L.M. Historical and philosophical practices of Prince N.S. Trubetskoy (notes of the remaining Eurasian) // Trubetska N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M.: Progress, 1995. - S.31-54.
  • Florovsky R., prot. Eurasian calm / / Russian idea. - M.: Art ", 1994, v.1.
  • Polovinkin S.M. Eurasianism and Russian emigration // Trubetska N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M.: Progress, 1995. - S.731-762.
  • Zhivov V.M. Comments // Trubetskoy N.S. History. Culture. Mova. M: Progress, 1995. - S.763-790.
  • Maltsev I.G. N.S. Trubetskoe and Eurasian food // Russia: past, today: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, December 16-19, 1996 / Відп. ed. M.S. Uvariv. - St. Petersburg: Vidavnitstvo BDTU, 1996.
  • Averintsev S.S. Dekilka of thoughts about the “Eurasianism” of N. S. Trubetskoy // Novy Svit, 2003 No. 2.
  • Tolstoy N.I. From the history of science // Zap. spirituality . - M., 1990 . - N 2. - S. 121-122 [ Peredmova to N.S. Trubetskoy’s article Zagalnoslovyansky element in Russian culture "].

    Tolstoy N.I. Dumki N.S. Trubetskoy about Russian and other words and literary language // Tolstoy N.I. History and structure of the word'yansk literary language. M: Nauka, 1988.

    Glebova E.A. Eurasian pidhіd to the history of Russia at the practice of Mikoli Sergiyovich Trubetskoy // V Zhitniki Reading: Mіzhkult. communication in cognitive. aspects . - Chelyabinsk, 2001 . - pp. 139-143.

  • Ashkerov A. Globalization and Eurasianism: N.S. Trubetskoy
  • Dugin A. Podolannya Sunset . 1997.
  • Serio P. Linguistics of geographers and geography of linguistics: R.O. Yakobson and P.M. Savitsky // . - M., 1999 . - Z. 348-353.
  • Serio P. Structure and integrity: About intellectual turns of structuralism in Central and European Europe. 1920-30s. – M.: Movi slov'yanskoi kultury, 2001. – 360 p.
    Zenkin S. Linguistic romanticism and "Russian idea" // Russian Journal, 25 spring 2000.
  • Khrakovsky V.S. R. O. Yakobson and N. S. Trubetskoy: creative contacts // Roman Yakobson: Texts, Documents, Documents . - M., 1999 . - Z. 341-347.
  • Shaposhnikov A.K. All-Union Conference "N.S. Trubetskoy and modern philology" // . - M., 1991 . - T. 50, N 2. - S. 188-191.
  • Shchorichny international reading in memory of the book. N.S. Trubetskoy / Moscow holding lingu. un-t, Navch.-navch. Center "Movie and Culture Pivn. Evrazii і named after Prince N.S. Trubetskoy" . - M. : Dialogue MDU , 1999 Reading 1999 : Eurasia at the crossroads of mov and cultures: Typology of mov and cultures / Ed. Bazilova V.M., Neroznaka V.P. . - 75 s.
  • Shchorichny international reading in memory of the book. N.S. Trubetskoy - 2000 : (17- -18 qt. 2000 r.): Until the 110th anniversary of the day of the people. Eurasia at the crossroads of languages. and cultures: Probl. division. linguoculturology / Moscow holding lingu. un-t, Navch.-navch. Center of Movie and Culture Pivn. Eurasia im. book. N.S. Trubetskoy; For red. Bazilova V.M., Neroznaka V.P. - M. , 2000 . - 85 p.
  • Nikolaeva T.M. The modern model of the "upholsterer" and the ideas of N.S. Trubetskoy - R.O. Yakobson about the opposition and "valorization" // Poetics. History of Literature Linguistics . - M., 1999 . - Z. 704-720.
  • Pirogov, N.K. N.S. Trubetskoy and phonetic style // Vestn. Moscow un-tu. Ser. 9, Philology . - M., 1992 . - N 1. - S. 53-58.
  • Kudryavtsev Yu.S. Systematics of oppositions N.S. Trubetskoy and words'yanskі tension reduction voices // Vcheniy. app. Tart. holding un-ta = Tartu Riikliku Ulikooli toimetised . - Tartu, 1988 . - Vip. 825. Proc. in Russian. that glory. philology. - S. 145-148.
  • Musieva I.D. Structural description of the phonological system of Latsk language : (Vidpovidno to the concept of N.S. Trubetskoy): Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... cand. philol. Sciences / MDU im. M.V. Lomonosov . - M. , 1998. - 21 p.
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  • Neroznak V.P. A word about N.S. Trubetskoy: (Until the 100th day of the people's day) // Izv. AN SRSR. Ser. lit. i lang . - M., 1990 . - T. 49, N 2. - S. 148-151.
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  • Robinson M.A., Petrovsky D.P. N.N. Durnovo and N.S. Trubetskoy:
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    // Word knowledge. 1992. - No. 4. - S.68-82.
  • Toman J. Initial ways of thinking N.S. Trubetskoy // Vestn. Moscow un-tu. Ser. 9, Philology . - M., 1992 . - N 5. - S. 13-36.
  • Stepanov B.Y. N.S. Trubetskoy //Culturology. XX century: Encyclopedia/Levit S. Ya., comp. - St. Petersburg, University, 1998. - T. 2. - S. 267-269.
  • Khrakovsky V.S. R.O. Yakobson and N.S. Trubetskoy:creative contacts // Roman Yakobson: Texts, follow-up documents. - M., 1999.
  • Nikitin O.V. Russia's posture to Russia: watch over my style and leaves N.S. Trubetskoy // Rus. lang. beyond the cordon . - M., 2000 . - N 2. - S. 83-86.
  • Smirnov S.V. Mikola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy (1890-1938) // Smirnov Z. U. Vitchiznian philologists-glorifiers of the middle of the 18th - the beginning of the 20th century: Navchalny sibnik. - M: Flint; Science, 2001. - S. 307-319
  • Lux L. Notes about the "revolutionary-traditionalist" cultural model of "Eurasians" // Nutrition of Philosophy, 2003. - No. 7. - P. 23-34.
  • Lebedeva N. N. S. Trubetskoy about national self-confidence and Ukrainian nationalism. part 1 Part 2. // Orthodoxy: Internet magazine.
  • Semushkin A.V. Skhidny chinnik at the Eurasian project (Before the publication of the work of the founder of the Eurasian idea: N.S. - M: View of RUDN University, 2002.
  • Bocharova Z. Foreign Russia: Life of N.S. Trubetskoy for sheets of other R.O. Yakobson // Russians near Bulgaria. - No. 30 (101), 2005.
  • Jacobson R. Nikolaj Sergeevič Trubetzkoy (16 April 1890 - 25 June 1938) // Acta Linguistica. 1939.vol. 1. - P. 64-76.
  • Voegelin , C. F. [Reviewed work:] Etudes Phonologiques Dédiées à la Memoire de M. le Prince N. S. Trubetzkoy // Language, Vol. 16, no. 3 (Jul.-Sep., 1940), pp. 251-257.
  • Boss O. Die Lehre der Eurasiers. - Wiesbaden, 1961.
  • Riasanovsky N. Prince N.S. Trubetzkoy's Europe and Mankind // Jahrbiicher fur Geschichte Osteuropas. bd. 12. Wiesbaden, 1964.
  • Vachek J.N.S. Trubetzkoy and the Prague language circle // Wiener slavistisches Jahrbuch . - Vienna, 1990 . - 36. – P. 141-143.
  • Landgrebe L. Spogadi phenomenologist about the Prazsky linguistic gurtok / Per. with him. // Logos, 1996 no. - pp. 38-40 ( view: Sound, Sign and Meaning. /Ed. by LMatejka. - Ann Arbor, 1976. -P. 40-42).
  • Vilkou-Poustovaia I. Martinet face a Grammont. Une rencontre manquee entre Troubetzkoy et Saussure // Linguistique . - P., 2002 . - Vol. 38, fast. 2. - P. 117-131.
  • Pogonowski J. Zum Begriff der Opposition in den "Grundzugen eer Phonologie" // Linguam amicabilem facere: Ludovico Zabrocki in memoriam . - Poznan, 1999 . - S. 123-137.
  • Boncheva-Derejan K. Km was absorbed for the addition of morphology to the vein on Trubetskoy for sensory-perceptive oppositions // Zistavne єzikoznavstvo . - Z., 1986 . - G. 11, N 6. - S. 38-46.
  • Viel M. La notion de marque chez Troubetzkoy et Jakobson. Un episode de I'histoire de la pensee structurale. - P., 1984. Rec.: Zhuravlov V.K. [Review] // Zap. spirituality . - M., 1987 . - N 5. - S. 143-146; Joseph J. E. // Language (JLSA). – Vol. 63. - N 3 (Sept. 1987). - P. 665-668.
  • Language, poetry and poetics : Generation of the 1890s: Jacobson, Trubetskoy, Mayakovsky. Proc. of 1st Roman Jakobson colloquium, at the Massachusetts inst. of technology, Oct. 5-6, 1984 / Ed. by Pomorska K. et. al. - B. ta in. : De Gruyter , 1987. - XIII, 364 p. , ill. Papp F. [Review] // Studia slavica . - Bp., 1989 . - T. 35, fast. 3/4. – S. 440-443.
  • Adamski, D. La personnologie du Prince Nicolas Troubetzkoy et ses developpements dans l'oeuvre de Roman Jakobson // Langages, 26e année, n°. Septembre 92. Semiologie et histoire des theories du langage. - Pp. 62-68.
  • Serbat G. L'autre face de N.S. Troubetzkoy (a propos d'un livre recent de P. Seriot) // Bull. de la Soc. de ling. de Paris . - P., 1997 . - T. 92, fast. 1. - P. 313-321.
  • Toman J. Trubetzkoy before Trubetzkoy // Papers in the History of Linguistics: Proceedings Third International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, 19-23 August 1984. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987, pp. 627-638. (Amsterdam Studies in Theory and History of Linguistic Science. Ser. 3: Studies in the History of language sciences; Vol. 38).
  • Toman J. "... you won't be without philosophers" // Prehistory, history and historiography of movies, speech, and linguistic theories . - Amsterdam; Philadelphia, 1992 . - P. 113–130.
  • Ondrejovic S. Nikolaj Sergejevic Trubeckoj - klasik modernej jazykovedi // Jazykovedny cas . - Br., 1992 . - Roc. 43, p. 1. - S. 56-64. – Bibliogr.: s. 63-64.
  • Fontaine, Jacqueline. Contribution sous se differents formas des trois linguistes russes (Troubetzkoy, Jakobson, Karcevski) aux activites du Cercle linguistique de Prague // Prague entre 'Est et l'Ouest-L'emigration russe en Checoslovaquie, 1920-193. . L "Harmattan, 2001.
  • Dominguez, Vidal, José Agustin. Aproximación historiográfica a los Principios de fonología de N.S. Trubetzkoy (II): índice de autores // Philologia hispalensis, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2006, pags. 205-213.

linguist, philosopher, publicist

corresponding member of the Vidensk Academy of Sciences (1925), current member of the Vidensk Academy of Sciences (1930)

Synonymous philosopher and the first rector of the Moscow University S. N. Trubetskoy. Nauhukoya Having got it possible: at P'yataya Klasi G_nazії Vіn Poking Throat-Fіnskoy Etnographer Tu "Kalevalo", Z Tristzian Rockіv Pokiva regularly Vіdvіduvati Vіddanna Etnographer Vіddіlu Moskovsky Comrade Fatographer, anthropologist Tu Etnographer at Mosmovsky University. V. F. Miller, having made a great contribution to the formation of scientific interests of Trubetskoy). Engaged in the scientific field of the archologist S. K. Kuznetsov, Trubetskoy published his first scientific work for fifteen years: "Finnish song "Kulto neito" as an experience of the yazichnitsky sound" (Ethnographic review. 1905. Vol. 2 XVII), . 1908 vіn Pocha zaymatisya kavkazkimi movami i folk tvorchіstyu.U to 1908 g eksternom zakіnchiv P'yatu cholovіchu gіmnazіyu i embarked on fіlosofsko-psihologіchne vіddіlennya іstoriko-fіlologіchnogo faculty Maskovskiy unіversitetu, zvіdki potіm perevіvsya on vіddіlennya zahіdnoєvropeyskih lіteratur and 19 porіvnyalnogo movoznavstva Vіn Between the middle of all two students (the other - M. M. Peterson), they could complete the graduation: the first and only graduation was held in 1912 by the Trubetskoy River, presenting until the new graduation tvir "The Light of the Future Hour in the Greatest Indo-European Languages".

Under the hour of master's training at the Moscow Trubetskoy University in 1913-1914 for training in Leipzig. In 1915-1916, he became a master's student; and becoming a Privatdozent of the Moscow University (1915), having begun to conduct employment from the relative education. Taking part in the work of the Moscow Dialectological Commission. In 1915, invalidation by the method of Lіngvіstikye Reconstructs, Issue by A. A. Shamatim in "Narisі foundavnіysh per_odu" Istorії Rosіyski Movy ", Virizviva respectedly, by Istorіyu Words'yansky Mov, taking the top of the Doctoity of Distantsії Astorіya Viknunya Tu Rospauda Zagalnesov'yancy Pramovy. After the revolution of 1917 (which happened during the first hour of a scientific trip to the Caucasus), there were disturbances in the vikhati to Kislovodsk; then (1918) having become an associate professor at the Rostov University. Here he continued his work in Moscow on two monographs: "Rehistory of Russian Language" and "The Grammar of the Languages ​​of the Pivnichny Caucasus", however, in 1919, when moving to Constantinople, the manuscripts were taken to the library of the Rostov University .

In 1920-1922 he was a professor of philology at the Sofia University, de reading the course "Entering to a progressive mentality with special respect for the most important Indo-European languages." At the same time, Trubetskoy was actively involved in the supple and political life of the Russian emigration and published a few of the most important philosophical and historical works (we were facing the brochure "Europe and Humanity", 1920), in some of them formulating cultural and philosophical new ideas directly. In 1922, roci, having rejected the request for the chair of words'yansk philology of the Vidensk University, moved to Vidnya. In 1923 p. Became an ordinary professor of the Vidensk University and became the head of the Department of Words of the Jansk Philology. Propracticed 15 years at the Vydensky University, having read a course of 6 words of Japanese and proto-Slovak language, for introducing foreign phonology and the history of Russian literature. Having written a piece of original literary works, hard in his method to formalism. Posthumously, three courses of lectures were given on literary studies: about Russian writers of the 18th and 19th centuries. (Die russischen Dichter des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts: Abriß einer Entwicklungsgeschichte / Hrsg. von R. Jagoditsch. Köln; Graz: Hermann Böhlaus, 1956. 148 S.), about Dostoyevsky: , 1964. 178 p.), and about old Russian literature (Vorlesungen über die altrussische Literatur, Firenze, 1973; proof of Russian. in yoga book: History. Culture. Mova. M., 1995, p. .

Since 1928, he has become an active participant in the work of the Provincial Linguistic Group. Until this period, Trubetskoy's most intriguing linguistic work is seen - in the first line of phonology. 39-67) and morphonology (Sur la morphonologie // Ibid. P. 85-88; Gedanken über Morphonologie // Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Prague. No. 4: Réunion phonologique internationale tenue à Prague, 18-21 XII 1930. Prague, 1931. pp. 160-163). Trubetskoy is one of the founders of the so-called Praza phonological school, which considers the phoneme as a sing-song set of differential signs, which the phonological opposition has. The author is to understand the “archiphoneme” (the combination of differential signs, common for two phonemes, in which the phonemes are indicated, they move in the position of neutralization), and the “morphoneme” (a simplification of the term “morphophoneme”, recently introduced by the Polish linguist G. Ulashin, - a collapsible image of one number of many phonemes, building replacements for one and the same boundary of one and the same morphemic and morphological structure). The phonological look of Trubetskoy is the most advanced and systematically presented in his posthumously published research work “Osnovy fonologii” (Grundzüge der Phonologie, 1939; Russian Prov.: M., 1960).

Trubetskoy also made a significant contribution to Slavic studies - nasampered, with old Slavic (Altkirchenslavische Grammatik. Wien, 1954) and Polabian (Polabische Studien, Wien; Leipzig, 1929) mov. The book of my life, over which I have worked for about 25 years, but I have never been judged to appear in the press, I have continued the history of the ancient Slavic language - “Prehistory [or prehistory] of the Slavic language”; The deacons published it in a number of articles, later selected in the collection Opera slavica minora linguistica (Wien, 1988).

In the rest of his life, Trubetskoy lost his health. After the occupation of Austria by the Germans, she came to Nimechchini, having spent a long time to the liquorice, and if she was discharged, yogo budinok would be taken out of the house. In the face of an emotional shock, a chergovy heart attack began in the new one, unbeknownst to him, he died. A significant part of one of the manuscripts, among them the unfinished "Rehistory of the Words of the Yan Languages", was scuffed when scuffed, but wasted away and worn out.

Main robots:

  • Grundzuge der Phonologie. Prague, 1939. (Travaux de Cercle Linguistique de Prague; 7). (Translated into Russian: Trubetskoy N. S. Fundamentals of Phonology / Translated from the New. A. A. Kholodovich; Ed. S. D. Katsnelson. M .: Type of foreign literature, 1960. 372 from.)
  • Selected practices from philology: Translate from different language / Arrangement. V. A. Vinogradov and V. P. Neroznak; For zag. ed. T. V. Gamkrelidze et al. M.: Progress, 1987. 560 p. (Modernization of the world).
  • Opera slavica minora linguistica. Wien, 1988. LXX, 332 S.
  • Entries in Literature / Edited, translated and introduced by A. Liberman. University of Minnesota Press, 1990. 192 p. (Theory and History of Literature; 72).
  • History. Culture. Mova / Order. V. M. Zhivova; zag. ed. V. M. Zhivova; Intro. Art. N. I. Tolstoy and L. N. Gumilova. M: Progress, 1995. 800 p. (philologists of the world).
  • Studies in General Linguistics and Language Structure / Ed. by A. Liberman. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001. 324 p.
  • Sheets and notes by N. S. Trubetskoy / Pdgot. up to view. R. Jacobson et al.; Join. Art. V. N. Toporova. M.: Movi slovyanskoi kultury, 2004. XV, 506 p. (Mova. Semiotics. Culture.).

The main literature about life and creativity:

  • Chizhevsky D. Prince Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy (1890-1938) // Current Notes. 1939. No. LXVIII. Z. 464-468.
  • Jacobson R. Nikolaj Sergeevič Trubetzkoy (16 April 1890 - 25 June 1938) // Acta Linguistica. 1939.vol. 1. R. 64-76.
  • Reformatsky A. A. N. S. Trubetskoy and Yoga “Fundamentals of Phonology” // Trubetskoy N. S. Fundamentals of Phonology / Per. with him. A. A. Kholodovich; ed. S. D. Katsnelson. M: Kind-in inostr. lit., 1960. S. 326-361.
  • Toman J. Trubetzkoy before Trubetzkoy // Papers in History of Linguistics: Procedures from the Third International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, 19-23 August 1984. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987, pp. 627-638. (Amsterdam Studies in Theory and History of Linguistic Science. Ser. 3: Studies in the History of language sciences; Vol. 38).
  • Gamkrelidze T. St., Ivanov Vyach. Nd., Tolstoy N. I. Pislyamova / / Trubetskoy N. S. Selected practices from philology: Translation from different language / Order. V. A. Vinogradov and V. P. Neroznak; For zag. ed. T. V. Gamkrelidze et al. M.: Progress, 1987. S. 492-520. (Modernization of the world).
  • Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy: (until the 100th anniversary of the people's day) // Bulletin of the Moscow University. Ser. 9: Philology. 1990. No. 3. Z. 3-9.
  • Zhuravlov V.K. Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy / / Russian language. 1990. No. 2. S. 91-96.
  • Zhuravlov V.K."The Book of Life" by N. S. Trubetskoy: (Until the centenary of the people's day) // Nutrition of Education. 1990. No. 5. S. 101-115.
  • Kondrashov N. A. Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy (Until the 100th anniversary of the people's day) // Russian language at school. 1990. No. 2. S. 98-103.
  • Sokir V.N. Mykola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy is a woman, a philanthropist. (Until the centenary of the day of the people) // Radyansk slov'yanoznavstvo. 1990. No. 6. S. 51-84; 1991, No. 1. S. 78-99.
  • Toman J. Primary ways of thought by N. S. Trubetskoy // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 9: Philology. 1992. No. 5. S. 13-36.
  • N. S. Trubetskoy and contemporary philology / RAS. Sunday lit. that lang. Komis. from the history of philology. sciences; Editorial staff: Panchenko A. M. (editor-in-chief) and in. M.: Nauka, 1993. 286 p.
  • Toman J. Magic of a Common Language: Jakobson, Mathesius, Trubetzkoy and Prague Linguistic Circle. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1995. 369 p. (Current Studies in Linguistics; 25).
  • Smirnov S.V. Mikola Sergiyovich Trubetskoy (1890-1938) // Smirnov Z. U. Vitchiznian philologists-glorifiers of the middle of the 18th - the beginning of the 20th century: Navchalny sibnik. M: Flint; Nauka, 2001, pp. 307-319.


  • Havranek St. Bibliographie des travaux de NS Trubetzkoy // Études phonologiques dédiés à la mémoire de NS Trubetzkoy. Prague, 1939. P. 335-342. (Travaux de Cercle Linguistique de Prague; 8).
  • Krilov S. A. List of philological practices of N. S. Trubetskoy // Selected practices from philology: Translations from different language / Order. V. A. Vinogradov and V. P. Neroznak; For zag. ed. T. V. Gamkrelidze et al. M.: Progress, 1987. S. 520-524. (Modernization of the world).

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