Plan of sleeping work from school before.

About home economics


At this time, with the introduction of new educational standards for preschool and preschool education, it is already established at the regulatory level that the implementation of educational programs will be on the basis of a suspense agreement.

the real possibility of integration and pedagogical value of the initial educational process for children at all stages of their age-old development and all stages and educational programs; organization of joint activities of interested organizations. In this case there is mutual children's cage that school

cob school

Before large-scale projects, the preschool-primary school as a single lighting complex;

  • from the improvement of the position of teachers between similar didactic systems in the process of methodical work until the establishment of a conceptually unified educational system.
  • The plan for the comprehensive activities of the kindergarten and the cob school is a coordinated system of solutions, the program of teaching teams of the kindergarten and the school is specifically directed, in which the following stage of specification is prescribed: changes, time frames , specific viconics and addressees, organizational forms and methods of achieving offensive goals.
  • collectivism in the development of plans, orientation to the present day, development and learning [Kodzhaspirova, G.M.

Dictionary of pedagogy/G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu. Kojaspirov.

  • - M: ICC “Berezen”;
  • Rostov-n/D: scientific center "Berezen", 2005. - P. 319].
  • Applications of planning sleep activities in kindergartens and schools in methodological literature and pedagogical practice
  • great quantity
  • .
  • Necessary and sufficient elements of such plans are:

problem-oriented analysis from the problem of attack, conflicts on different levels (sovereign and microsocial);

the goals and objectives of pre-school primary education and school activities to ensure availability;

Instead, the direct directions of the sleeping activity of the kindergarten and the cob school, which will ensure their future connections;

time frames of plans;

from the kindergarten and school;

specific inquiries regarding the participation of children, readers and caregivers, fathers, and other interested subjects of the lighting system.

Favoring the position of teachers between similar didactic systems in the process of methodical work is a necessary component of ensuring an approach to both the goals and place, as well as the methods and forms of education on common areas.

The most effective way can be achieved by implementing methodical work in a kindergarten and school in a single target field of attack in the light.

Today, methodical work is seen as a systemic activity that conveys the development of goals, including the main directions of the activities of teachers, methods and forms of work with children, predicted results and methods of achieving them .

This work, please, is carried out by teachers in order to illuminate the field in which they work. In times of need between kindergarten and school, teachers need to better master the concepts, methods, and standards available for teaching at school level: teachers - programs and standards of elementary school, teachers - programs and standards of preschool education. viti. This creates a lot of difficulties: teachers, say, have a great directness to “their own way” - that is the light of the day, the teacher, the teacher of constructing functional bindings.

  • And straightness on the level of illumination is limited (low and high order).
  • In addition, today at the stage of development there is a new model of training a teacher as a subject of professional activity, which transfers the advancement of professional mastery of teachers not for the additional accumulation of knowledge, intelligence yin, newbie, and the path of ruined penetration in the new

lighting technologies . In connection with this, in a methodical approach, the following difficulties arise:

forming the motivation of teachers to master psychology, pedagogy and methods of advanced education;

  • selection of forms of methodical work, adequate to the goals of the onset of pre-school primary education - school, with the understanding of secondary pedagogical approaches and the specifics of pre-school pedagogy and pedagogy of primary school. It is important to note that the work is methodical, directed towards a secure approach, and not isolated - it is connected with other directions, such as: increased qualifications of teachers, work in the methodical office, work with pedagogical certificate microdistrict.
  • The totality is created by one calendar river - from the beginning (the beginning of another beginning of one initial fate) to the chest (the end of the first one of the next initial fate). It is possible to unite teachers who, at the time of establishment of a methodical education, lead the graduating groups of the kindergarten and teachers, who will eventually accept these children up to the 1st grade.
  • Another croc. The understanding of all participants in a methodical meeting about common reasonable goals: the level of readiness for school, which is necessary to achieve at the exit from kindergarten, as a change of mind in the first grade, about the development of common technologies and principles iv, included in the educational program of the school and kindergarten.
  • The implementation of this project conveys a sense of compromise between the knowledge and traditions of preschool and primary education teachers: the formation of a single set of berries of a graduate of a particular kindergarten as the final implementation There are also lighting programs and the same benefits that are previously presented at the cob school.In this case, teachers analyze the organizational, intellectual, evaluative and communicative skills indicated for future first-graders, detail and expand on this change, arising from the situation at the school and kindergarten. Also, this document provides clarification of the changes presented in the pre-school and post-primary education programs. All this allows you to begin to develop lines of attack (targeted, methodical and alternative)..
  • Teachers and teachers spend a lot of time playing games with their children, so they can, for this purpose, get school workers to prepare games, games, costumes, etc., help conduct games, and take an active part in the activities. At the same time, future first-graders get to know their teacher and engage in interactions with schoolchildren in order to make their transition to a new level more prepared and psychologically comfortable. Fifth Krok. Diagnosis of children's readiness before school at the exit from kindergarten and upon entry to primary school.
  • This work is carried out with the help of independent teachers - educational psychologists, speech therapists,. medical practitioners
  • which allows you to obtain objective data about children’s development and identify personal corrective approaches. Carrying out diagnostics of the child (for example, by dividing the preparatory group into the first class) allows one to clarify the level of current development and the zone of closest development of the child through the identification of their dynamics.
  • At the same time, such work makes it possible to develop knowledge about the child’s adaptation without additional diagnostic procedures, with further assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches for a group of children and individual children.In this case, teachers analyze the organizational, intellectual, evaluative and communicative skills indicated for future first-graders, detail and expand on this change, arising from the situation at the school and kindergarten. Shostiy krok

Conducting lessons in the 1st grade by a methodical teacher and teachers of preschool primary education.

It is necessary to help elementary school teachers implement practical knowledge about new technologies in organizing the activities of children, learning new material, and working with texts.

Somiy krok.

  • Regular consultations with 1st grade teachers - discussion of lessons, coordination of work and the most problems that arise.
  • It is fundamentally important to have regular conversations with which teachers discuss how first-grade children study for their intelligence, which is due to the difficulties of the initial and psychological plan.
  • Workshops.

Working with children includes:

  • "Ridne word"
  • "Mathematical gathering"
  • "Preparation before writing"

Calculated results


Come in

Meta approach



Let's reach out to fate

Kerivnyk OU


Kerivnyk OU

Let's reach out to fate

Kerivnyk OU

Teacher cob classes conquerors



Teacher of cob classes

Days of methodical interaction between the Children's Health Sciences and the Cob School on the topic: “The first days of a child at school: the adaptation period” (including lessons in the first grades for teachers of the Children's Health Sciences)

Revealed level of adaptation of healthcare workers at school.


Teacher of cob classes

Familiarity of teachers with the systemic-active approach among new first-graders (within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard)

Development of the organization of the initial developmental process of first-graders during the adaptation period


Creation of friendly minds adaptation before school


Robot School of a future first-grader

1. Creation of the minds of a specially developed child.

2. Ensuring successful adaptation before starting school, learning and development

Kerivnyk OU

Zhovten - kviten

Reader of the cob classes


An informative excursion to the school “Roboche Misce Uchnya”

Conducted a conversation between the school principal, a 1st grade teacher and school teachers about the progress of work with a readiness card Organization individual robots

with first-graders with the results of the readiness card

Seminar on the topic “View of the readiness map to the student portfolio”

Development of common approaches in robots

Teachers of the school and additional education

Workshop-workshop "Victorious health-saving technologies in robots of the DNZ and OU"

Familiarity with advanced work and health-saving technologies at preschool and early childhood stages

Teachers of DNZ and OU

A meeting of teachers of the DNZ and OU

Basic understanding and benefits of child readiness before school

Kerivnyk OU

Zhovten - kviten

The teachers of the Children's Health Sciences and Schools are working together to ensure that the child is ready for school.


Zhovten - kviten

“Charming New River” exhibition of viruses, volumetric leaflets (children’s experiments, work in non-traditional technology) Shefska additional assistance to students of the educational institution and students of the Donetsk Health Sciences. Exchange of evidence from theatrical activity.

Conducting educational training for the sake of

movable development

Kerivnyk OU

Zhovten - kviten

children of preschool and young school age”

Reveal the features of the program from the development

It is possible to prepare convalescent students before school using the programs of the DHS and the school.

Creative work on the topic “Come to evaluate the achievement of older preschoolers and young schoolchildren”

The importance of unified approaches to assessing the achievement of older preschoolers and young schoolchildren"

Kerivnyk OU

Zhovten - kviten

3. “Russian feltings” exhibition (embellishment of feltings)

Zhovten - kviten

“This year’s first-grader – what kind of wine?”

Kerivnyk OU

Zhovten - kviten

(Portrait of a first-grader at the Federal State Educational Standards system)

Conducting tests to determine school maturity upon entry to school.

Reveal the level of school maturity among students of the preparatory group.

To identify ways to shape the development of school-significant functions for these students in the preparatory group, which may have a low or declining level of school maturity.

To identify the students of the preparatory group from the average and advanced level of school maturity and to identify the paths of their advancement and support of the level of school motivation.

Zhovten - kviten

Kviten Traven

Conducting senior father’s gatherings “Preparation before school in the “kindergarten – family – school” system”

Get fathers to start their children at the school in your area.

Formulate the instructions for the kindergarten and family in preparing children for school.

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

Cob school teacher

Vikhovateli DOP

Excursions for preschoolers to school

Get to know preschoolers with school, primary classes, gym, library.

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

Create the minds of future first-graders and learn a birthday from the schoolgirls.

Organization of a thematic creative exhibition: “What I mean!”

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

1. Reveal the creative potential of children in preschool and school age.

Vikhovateli Consultations for fathers and future first-graders “How to properly organize good hour


Helped dads with major pedagogical problems.

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

1. Reveal the creative potential of children in preschool and school age.

Berezen - grass

Father’s gatherings for Father’s future first-graders “We know about school

Show a school presentation using additional computer technology.

Find out for your father's future first-graders the program benefits for graduates of additional education. Bring the program to everyone's attention, chief aides

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

is planned for the upcoming opening day at the school.

Holy "Farewell, ABC!"

1 Create a future graduate from the school, remember to read the vineyard.

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

1. Reveal the creative potential of children in preschool and school age.

2. Create 1st grade students’ minds and pride in learning.

Narada “Rules for the admission of children up to the 1st grade of educational institutions”

Kerivnyk OU

Indicators of child readiness before school.

Sklast the educational plan for the dormitory work of the school and d/s on the Maybutniy Navalny River.

Improve the sleeping bags of the school and d/s to increase the problem of attack.

To identify the students of the preparatory group from the average and advanced level of school maturity and to identify the paths of their advancement and support of the level of school motivation.


4. “Everything has become so bright and green” exhibition of tiny children of the Donetsk National Park and students

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

1. Reveal the creative potential of children in preschool and school age.

Are you ready to grow up to become the father of a first-grader?

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

1. Reveal the creative potential of children in preschool and school age.

The fate of first-graders at the saint’s “To the school day, child’s garden!”

Create for a future graduate of the school and do your homework at school.

Determine the benefits of teachers before preparing kindergarten graduates before starting school.

Knowledgeable students of 1st grades with students insured up to 1st grades

Preparing children before starting school

DNZ graduates, 1st grade teacher

Meta: implementation of a single line of development of a child at the stages of preschool and elementary school education, creating a pedagogical process of a holistic, consistent, promising nature, ensuring goal and purpose sti initial activities Throughout the entire process, you will be aware of the education of the child with the following principles: preserving the self-worth of the skin during the developmental period of the child, the formation of the child should be taken into account as a fundamental new creation, direct attention to the preservation of health, emotional well-being What is the development of individuality of the skin child



  1. Methodical work

1. Negotiated plan for preparing children for school

Vice president

2. Familiarity of students with the education program and education in 1st grade


3. Familiarization of readers with the training program and training in kindergarten.


Improvement in the development of variable forms and methods of work in the practice of medical practitioners

Deputy Director, Honorary Class Teacher


Cob school teacher

4. Supplementation by students with lessons from 1st grade

5. Teachers are encouraged to borrow from the kindergarten:

Meta: getting to know children, forms of work,

Meta: knowledge of the acquired knowledge, intelligence, and creative abilities of children,

Honorary class readers

6. Pedagogical advice on nutritional attack


7. Vaccination of the onset and socio-pedagogical adaptation of 1st graders


Meta: knowledge of the acquired knowledge, intelligence, and creative abilities of children,

8. Clarification of the lists of future first-graders

Vice president

9. Pedagogical Consilium “On the effectiveness of the work of teachers and educators of the National Health Sciences in the preparation of children before school” 10. Work Individual cards

Let's reach out to fate

special development of children


To identify the students of the preparatory group from the average and advanced level of school maturity and to identify the paths of their advancement and support of the level of school motivation.

7. Vaccination of the onset and socio-pedagogical adaptation of 1st graders

  1. 11. diagnostics of social-pedagogical adaptation of upcoming first-graders before school
  1. Working with dads

Fatherland gatherings

Topic: Setting up a kindergarten and family preparing children for school,


Topic: Pouches adopted by the children of the preparatory group

  1. Vikhovateli groups

Vice president

Collected fathers of future first-graders “Our school: traditions, prospects”

Let's reach out to fate

Topic: Pouches adopted by the children of the preparatory group

4. Day of the opening of doors for fathers.

Goal: getting to know the school work

Deputy director, primary school teacher

To identify the students of the preparatory group from the average and advanced level of school maturity and to identify the paths of their advancement and support of the level of school motivation.

5. Consultations for fathers and future first-graders

Improvement in the development of variable forms and methods of work in the practice of medical practitioners

6. Support for families of children in the preparatory group with teachers

Vice president

  1. 7. Decoration of a stand for fathers and future first-graders
  1. Working with children

Excursions for children to school:

-Familiarity with the school,

-Getting to know the library

The followers of the group, the readers of the beginning.

2. An exhibition of young children of the pre-preparatory group and 1st grade students has been organized

Vikhovateli group, readers

3. Children from the preparatory group of the Holy Cob School

Readers classy 4. Secondary and preparatory education

groupie DOP

participants in a school robot design competition

Lyuty Berezen

Conducting lessons in the 1st grade by a methodical teacher and teachers of preschool primary education. Readers of cob classes

It is necessary to help elementary school teachers implement practical knowledge about new technologies in organizing the activities of children, learning new material, and working with texts.

  • Advance program between preschool and early childhood
  • ensuring the availability and continuity in the organization of educational, educational, primary-methodical work between preschool and primary education.
  • Satisfy the purpose of preschool and school education.
  • Create psychological and pedagogical minds that will ensure the safety and value of health, the continuity of psychophysical development of preschoolers and young schoolchildren.

Somiy krok.

Ensure the implementation of a smooth, stress-free transition for children from play to primary activity. Decline in initial plans and programs for pre-school and post-secondary education. The school and kindergarten are aimed at implementing a complex of educational tasks that come from two mutual goals - to prepare the child

preschool age

Before starting at the school and at the beginning school, lay the foundation for further active learning. Readiness before beginning in primary school conveys physiological maturity and psychological readiness, readiness before beginning in primary school - the obviousness of the data is taken into account. Pre-school education program “Mayday first-grader”, starting children at the stage of “pre-school preparation” in the mode

take additional

  • for the program “Training and education of preschool children” edited by Vasilieva, homework with after-hours activities for the programs “Malyuvannya”, “Junior Ecologist”, “In the World of Cossacks”, “Health Lessons”
  • Regular consultations with 1st grade teachers - discussion of lessons, coordination of work and the most problems that arise.
  • It is fundamentally important to have regular conversations with which teachers discuss how first-grade children study for their intelligence, which is due to the difficulties of the initial and psychological plan.

The organization of work from preschool education for children of the senior preschool age is carried out in the following areas:

  • organizational and methodological security;
  • Organizational and methodological support includes:
  • Workshops.
  • Take mutual cooperation.
  • The development of variable forms, methods and techniques of work in the practice of teachers and educators has been thoroughly developed.

Working with children includes:

  • Development of a unified system of diagnostic methods for “pre-school” education.
  • The organization of adaptations will be taken up by children at the ShBP (School of the Future First-Grader).
  • Competent work to accelerate the development of children, to mark “school maturity.”

A great celebration of holy events and sports events.

  • The system of interaction between the teacher and fathers includes:
  • More complete holding of Fatherland gatherings.
  • Carrying out door opening days.
  • To provide lessons and adaptations, keep the dads busy.
  • Open the activities of additional education students.
  • Consultations with a psychologist and teacher.
  • Organization of excursions by the school.

The confinement of fathers to the organization of children's saints and sports events.

The interaction between the children's health center and the school in the process of preparing children before school transfers the creation of a complex of minds that will ensure the formation of the child's readiness before school on the basis of common benefits.

  • "Ridne word"
  • "Mathematical gathering"
  • "Preparation before writing"
  • It is important to directly work on the offensive and carry out adaptations.

Calculated results

Adaptation activities allow you to overcome the legacy of negative association with society that a child has, and allow for easier adaptation to the minds of the school.

  • The work of primary school teachers who graduate from the 4th grade involves integration of a game-like nature behind the directions:
    • “Healthy and physical culture
    • This is the goal of preparing children for school before school:
    • Creation and thorough preparation of sympathetic minds for security:
    • special development;
    • value of mental and physical health;
  • Completely bringing the picture into the full light;
  • formation of social and moral norms and readiness for school learning;
  • hem of various types of preparation.
  • Creation of a unified system of diagnostic methods for the current level of development of children and further prediction of their development.

Improved forms of organization of the initial-edition process and methods have been developed at the DHS and the cob school.
Ensuring successful adaptation of children before starting primary school, preserving preschool children begins and develops

For teachers, the organization of work with pre-school knowledge gives the opportunity to better understand children and develop their work in line with their development.


Come in

Meta approach



A comprehensive plan for the work of the preschool group and primary classes to implement the problem of attack

“For you, dads, future first-graders”:

Informing fathers about preparation for school

Let's reach out to fate

Kerivnyk OU

Create for a future graduate of the school and do your homework at school.

1 Create a future graduate from the school, remember to read the vineyard.


Kerivnyk OU

Zhovten - kviten

Mutual participation of teachers in teaching d/s lessons at the 1st grade of the cob school and taking the teacher of the cob classes in kindergartens.

Learn the methods and techniques that teachers of the cobalt school can use in various lessons.

Learn to readers the methods and techniques to get involved in activities in children's gardens.

Significantly, it is possible to adapt the implementation of “school methods” and techniques in the classroom at the kindergarten.

Reveal possible benefits when starting and medicating first-graders.

Let's reach out to fate

Kerivnyk OU

Zhovten - kviten

Diagnosis of the readiness of a first-grader before starting school

Revealed level of readiness of first-graders before starting school



Teacher of cob classes

Days of methodical interaction between the DNZ and the cob school

Spіlne sportsivne sacred MBDOU d.s. No. 77 and MBOU NOSH No. 2

"Autumn has arrived before us."


Children middle group MBDOU m. Odintsovo;

3rd grade student MBOU NOS No. 2


Grouping of schoolchildren and kindergarten children, the development of a sense of responsibility for the young after age.

The creation of friendly minds in the socialization of children.

Congratulations on becoming healthy image life.

Develop in children a sense of collectivism and kind-hearted commitment one to one;

Create a Christmas atmosphere.

Learn about artistic expressions about autumn;

It is necessary to help elementary school teachers implement practical knowledge about new technologies in organizing the activities of children, learning new material, and working with texts.

Develop children's communicative skills through interaction with peers and schoolchildren.

Enhance children's self-esteem;

Formulate the profile of schoolchildren and put them more seriously before preschoolers.

Develop children's cognitive interest and creativity based on the motive of zmagan.

Implementation stages:

1. Creation of an initiative group among fathers and teachers.

2. Planning of sleepover visits, education from children to ensure the interests of schoolchildren and preschoolers.

3. Preparation and execution are carried out according to fate.

4. Pouch fit


In the autumn it looked holy to the children's kindergarten,

To please both the grown-ups and the boys.

Today at our hall, we gathered you, friends,

As if our holy autumn was ringing with childish laughter.

So that the friendship does not end, so that the music sounds,

If there were songs and hotness, it would spread to everyone!

We are waiting for the holy autumn guest.

Let us call Autumn before us.

(The children all call Autumn at once):

All at once:

Come visit us Osin

We ask you everything!

(Autumn enters to the music, scatters leaves and cards)


Hello, guys!

Everyone call me - Autumn of Gold,

I walked through fields and forests.

I'm flying through the holy autumn!

How good, how fun we are.

It behooves you that Autumn should come before you

And calm down with your beauty?

Foxes and gays are chosen

I generously bring it from myself.


Come on, come on, Autumn!

Be our guest, we are glad for your arrival!


Gifted the guest - Autumn

Fruit harvests,

With muddy boards, Bodywork!

forest mushrooms

So let's praise AutumnI sing and dance and

I'm playing!

The beetles will be joyful,

Autumn, this is your sacred!


Autumn: Let's play.

Help me sort out cards for cats: mushrooms, leaves, leaves and cats (children collect cards while listening to music and put them in cats).

Listen, Autumn, what the lads have prepared for you:

1. Autumn was planted at the farbi junction,

She quietly ran the pen across the sheet of paper.

The forest burned, and the maples began to rummage,

In purple autumn.

The oak is less green.
Autumn sings: “Don’t spoil the summer!”
Marvel - hey - at the gold of the opulences.
2. Walk in autumn
At our park,
Gives autumn
Gifts for everyone:
Namisto chervone -
Rozheviy apron
Parasolka Zhovta -

3. Poplar,
Fruits autumn
Grants it to us.
The leaves on the trees have become yellow,

4. As birds flew to a distant land,

As the sky is gloomy, as the rain is flying,

It's time for the rock of spring to ring

Drop - one, drop - two,

I'll steal it as soon as possible

And then, then, then -

Everything is running, running, running

The drops began to arrive,

Drops, drops, nazdoganyat


Drip-drip, drip-drip

Parasols shvidshe rozkrijemo,

I’ll finish it while I’m screaming.

We're not scared at all


Run under the board.

Yakshcho is strong

Let's take the parasols!

The verses read well, they honored me.

Let's play and it's clear who's sneaky.
Gra 1:


Rukhliva gra zi stiltsy.
In the center of the hall there is a parasol, next to it there are chairs, the number of which is one less than the number of participants.
The music is cheerful and the children are running around until the streets are running.
As soon as the music begins to hum, the gravel begins to sit on the floor.
whoever doesn’t get the place is eliminated from the gris, and one stolec is taken away.
Gra 2:

Pick some chestnuts!

Autumn: Two individuals take their part in the game.

The stench can reach your hands.

The chestnuts are bursting open.

At the signal, the children begin to collect them from their cats.

The one who picks up the most chestnuts wins.

The autumn board doesn’t let in,

Khovanka plays with us.

Mi yogo is outwitted,

It won't last long.

There is no terrible plank for us,

We have a beshket dance!

Children perform the Polka dance.

Guess the riddles, guys:

We took... (parasol)

4. Let the fields go dry,
Does it water the board when it happens?

3. Competition-marathon “Kulya in the lozhtsi”

Participants need to carry a tennis bag while lying at the table spoon.


All the trees on an autumn day

So beautiful!

Let's get some sleep

About leaves of gold.

Preschool children are composing the song “Leaves”.

4. Competition “The Great Archer”

(A reel is stretched from wall to wall, with rattles hanging on a string. The children throw the ball across, hoping to soak it in the rattle.)

5. “Fun relay race.”

The team's student ties plastic balls to his feet and runs to the top.

He turns around and passes the baton to the hands of the preschooler, who runs to the side and chooses a fruit or vegetable and runs back.

Sleepy farewell round dance. :


So, lads, I am in turmoil - cheerful and gloomy, sleepy and gloomy, covered in snow and wet snow.

It was very fun and warm at your place today.

For your hospitality, I want to visit you often (oven-mushrooms). Say goodbye and go.


Well, friends, the hour has come and we are going home.

Mushrooms are chewable and autumn is memorable!

Pouch selection:

Preparation and conduct are sacred and important to serve the moral education of children: they are consumed by unholy experiences, they learn the foundations of collectivism;

The fate of saints and deeds shapes discipline and culture of behavior in children;

The fate of saints broadens their horizons, develops memory, language, awakening, and nourishes the spiritual development of children; the Christmastide atmosphere, the beauty of the decoration of the premises, the costumes, the richness of the performances - all these are important officials of aesthetic decoration; The participation of children in sports, games, relay races, competitions enhances and develops the child’s body, improves the coordination of children; The modernization of the lighting system especially actualized the problems associated with its humanization, one of the minds of which is paragraph 1.6. at the camp

Preschool education is the first step in the unified system of national education. The need for graduates of pre-primary school to start school is determined by the process of raising children to new minds, which is based on the formation of children's readiness before starting school. The process of adaptation of school graduates is rich in aspects and includes the placement of the school, school and student staff in the work mode,

organizational forms

inspiration and inspiration, traditions and values ​​of the cob school.

The practice of spacing between families, preschools and schools has not yet reached the level where the child, unbeknownst to himself, teachers and parents, transfers across the kindergarten table to the school desk. Most often, such a process is sensitive and painful for the participants, especially for the child herself. Here is a significant decline in the physical and psychological health of first-graders: in schools, up to 70% of children have symptoms of maladjustment.

Methodical nutritional approach in children of preschool age and young school age, as reflected in the research of R.A.

Dolzhikova, E.A. Konobeeva, E.E. Kochurova, I.A.


Most of these studies were made in the other half of the 20th century.

The changes that are being made to the system at this time will require new approaches to the discussed problem: the implementation of the offensive with security

The progress between kindergarten and school depends both on the basis of the beginning and training, and on the methods, techniques, and organizational forms of primary-supervision work.

For the successful adaptation of children, preschool teachers must be well aware of the benefits that are available to children in the first grade, and therefore prepare older preschoolers for them before systematic learning.

The teacher of the primary school of increasing efficiency is learning vikory game techniques, which often stool in a child’s garden;

The teacher of the kindergarten includes the process of starting special initial tasks, right, stepwise compiling them, and thus forms changes in initial activities in preschoolers.

Employment as a form of learning in kindergartens is preceded by lessons in school. One of the integral indicators of the activity of preschool education is the formation of children’s readiness before starting school. This indicator reflects the work of teachers, educational psychologists, medical practitioners and various teaching teachers.

Formation of readiness before starting school means the creation in children of a century of changes of mind for successful learning

initial programs

that entrance to the student team. It is a valuable and complex process, which is aimed at the overall development of preschool children. It is necessary to develop special and extraterrestrial readiness before the child starts school.

Special readiness is indicated by the emergence of new knowledge, which is to form the basis for learning such elementary school subjects as Russian language and mathematics.

When entering pre-primary school, fundamental changes are expected in the status, way of life and activity of children, which was the result of preschool initial conditions.

The kindly-democratic style of speech is replaced by a formal and official style and an authoritarian one.

The important, painful process of developing a child to new minds begins, beginning with education at the beginning school - adaptation, which lasts an average of 3-6 months.

In this period and the onset of 1–1.5 years, the current onset of illumination, forms, methods, technologies of DNS and the cob school is especially important and necessary.

The practice of pre-school education has a clear proof of the connection between kindergarten and school.

One can see two lines through which this connection is being established: close contact between the teaching staff of the kindergarten and school and the closest preschool and first graders.

Teachers will become familiar with the specifics of primary school work in the early grades of the school, which means the prospects for the development of children and the security that the school requires.

In your opinion, readers are looking for information about the replacement of the wind-lighting robots that operate in the kindergarten in order to hide the children's obvious knowledge and evidence.

4. Interaction between the psychological services of the kindergarten and the school allows for a better look at the criteria of readiness of children before starting school, at carrying out diagnostic procedures in connection with the registration of children before school.

5. Development of health-saving technologies in the cob school.

Carrying out health-related visits to the hospital from the Children's Health Center: “Days of Health”, “Sports Saints”, “Virgin lessons and physical education to take from the requests of the fathers” and so on. Zastosuvannya of the technologies for preparation at the DNZ.

In addition to the traditional forms of social intervention, new ones have emerged in the course of the innovative era, such as practical lessons, sleepover days, psychological trainings, online meetings, creative A single portrait of a graduate of a preschool elementary school and others.

As a result of such contacts between preschool teachers and the school, their understanding is reached.

Students are more clearly aware of the school's ability to prepare children before they begin and ensure their success.

Readers, in their turn, should delve more deeply into the procedure, replacing the method of working in a nursery, which helps them establish an approach to the methods of vortex infusion.

The connections between the children of the preparatory group and schoolchildren are supported by the continuity of this elementary fate.

Familiarization of preschool children with the school makes it possible to expand the typical manifestations of kindergarten students, develop their interest before school, and their activities begin.

The forms of work vary: excursions to school, school museums, libraries, workshops, vocational training sessions, musical and literary evenings, organization of baby exhibitions in that virobiv.

Establishing a connection and creative collaboration between kindergarten and school is necessary for the successful preparation of children before systematic learning. By the way, robots: Our preschool primary care includes the following forms of intervention:

4. Individual conversations are held between teachers and additional education teachers with their parents and their children.

5. It is planned to conduct extensive sports activities with first-graders and children of the preparatory group.

Thus, softness is inherent in the very nature of the education and training of children, and is their attribute.

Based on the peculiarities and nature of the phenomenon that is being treated, a meta-developmental approach is identified - the creation of minds for an effective and painless transition of children with DLD to primary school.

Plan of the dormitory work of the Donetsk Health Sciences Center and the cob school

Type of activity



Form of conduct

Note about the performance

Complete pedagogical approaches

Seminar “Children and analysis of pre-school and primary school programs and their education”


head teacher of the school

Spіlnі cultural visits

Concert of schoolchildren and kindergarten students (on the basis of the kindergarten) “Academy of Mysteries” (exhibition of little ones and virobs manual work

schoolchildren-graduates of the Children's Health Sciences and graduates of the kindergarten) Kuruvana for graduates of the Children's Health Sciences at school (conversations with teachers about the skin graduate of the Children's Health Sciences, discussed creative development

, about those how to know “the key to the skin”)



leaf fall


Kerivnik DNZ


whipper DOP Art. whipper


Take over as teachers from the pre-school group,

senior group

from mathematics, preparation to literacy

, about those how to know “the key to the skin”)

Teachers of lessons in 1st grade

Kerivnik DNZ

Workshop (round table) “Exchange of evidence.

Workshop (round table) “Exchange of evidence.

Analysis and discussion of lessons at school and taking from the kindergarten"

zhovten, lyuty

leaf fall, birch tree

, about those how to know “the key to the skin”)

head teacher of the school,


7. Decoration of a stand for fathers and future first-graders

teacher, head teacher of school

Turbot about healthy "I"

"Health Day"

Registration of health cards for the skin of a child graduating from a kindergarten

head teacher of the school,


until Kvitnya

winners DOP

Get a collection of books about school.

Get a collection of books about school.


Kerivnik DNZ

11. diagnostics of social-pedagogical adaptation of upcoming first-graders before school

Arrange bundles of books “Read on your own” Conversations with children: “What if you find yourself at home alone” (the basics of safety), “It’s important to study at school”»

Arrange bags for children before school in groups

Conduct diagnostics of psychological and social readiness before school.

leaf fall

Berezen Kviten

champions of senior groups

Seminar-workshop “Self-esteem in advance”

school life

Consultations: “Criteria for a child’s readiness before starting school”

- "Portrait of a future first-grader"

Kerivnik DNZ

Kerivnik DNZ

Kerivnik DNZ

Fatherland collections for children of the senior middle group “At school with 6 rocks.


The work of the school and pre-school environment conveys the rise of all forms of development: learning programs, mutual exchange of information, developing children's interest in taking up and starting activities.
At the initial stage of work, the methodical service of our district organized seminars and “round tables” for preschool teachers and teachers of primary classes, although they were of a more formal nature.
Only a few stressed-out teachers came to visit, and no constructive dialogue emerged. Having analyzed all the forward work from the beginning, we came to the conclusion that we first need to develop a unified, systemic and consistent work of two structures, preschool and early childhood. Today we can say with certainty that the situation has changed a lot.
We developed a plan for sedative approaches, the implementation of which was aimed not at increasing the number of methodical approaches, but at reducing the strength of the offensive ligaments between the preschool and the ear. Nina has 67 preschool groups in 37 secondary schools, which allowed teachers to create a unified space and ensure continuity in the development and education of children. Days of open doors at preschools have become traditional for early-grade readers, which also helps to establish trust and partnerships between teachers;
created work groups, meta - develop reports methodical recommendations and other visits.
For example, schools hold such holy ceremonies dedicated to the beginning of the beginning of life, such as “Farewell to the ABC Book”, “Book Year”.
There are a lot of special visits to the kindergarten, from which school teachers take the most active part - farewell to the kindergarten, Pre-school Day, Children's Day.
Special events “School Museums for Preschoolers”, “New Year’s Miracle” are organized for students of kindergartens and primary schools;
complete exhibitions of children's creativity "On the planet of a bright tomorrow we will live with you", "The world of a child's eyes".
Our graduates and primary school students took an active part in the festival “Scientific and technological creativity and youth initiatives.”
Such activities activate curiosity, creativity, develop positive interest in preschoolers before school life, and familiarize them with the open space of school.
However, the problem of addiction is eliminated as a serious problem as long as the child is ready to start school.
When entering high school, it is necessary for a child to read well, handle numbers between hundred and know a lot of other things.
There is a need for fathers to meet the needs of a high level of child development without taking into account individual characteristics.
not formally, but thoughtfully establish an agreement on cooperation between the kindergarten and the school;
fold the plan for the operational activities of the installations;
regularly conduct comprehensive pedagogical activities for greater familiarity with the education and training programs for children in kindergartens and early childhood schools;
work together to engage in kindergarten and lessons at the primary school with teachers and teachers;
hold meetings of specialists from kindergartens and schools;
plan sleep activities for the successful adaptation of children to school.
It is hoped that without the congestion of the school, the Children's Health and the Fatherland's enormity, it will be possible to properly resolve the problems of pre-school and post-primary education, to create a transition for the child from kindergarten to the beginning which schools are painless and successful.

Everyone wins, especially children.

For the sake of children, you can know the hour, or the means for increasing the attack.

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