How to change your character. How can you change your character to a better one? What character to take

If you care that the character, which you can, is your shortfall, then, insanely, you can try to change it. You don’t have to go farther than that in that mood, so you report effectively chimalo zusil, even if the character is shaped by fate from early childhood. It’s not included, but in the shortest time, you learn to take on less unfamiliar sides of character, but you can also create situations, if there is enough. Stop working, and then you will definitely achieve positive results.

Change the badges on the back

Without a doubt, you understand that the sounds are poured into our lives. If you want to get some funny sounds, then, on the back, sing-songly, you can stimulate yourself. How tse robiti? For example, in the future, lie in the future for a run. At this time, in the evening, prepare clothes for running, a backpack. It is important to think about it yourself in advance, if the motivation of the activity is more spovneniye. If you prepare a speech, you will significantly increase the chances for those who will actually go in for sports.

In some moods, in order to get rid of the filthy sound, it’s necessary to remember, or if you want to change the sharpness for the next hour, which will sprinkle on these sounds. Negative evidence, which you take into account when dealing with "inconspicuous" people, will eventually become a bad name. For example, as you remember that you drink most of the time or smoke in the company of a singing people, your teeth need to be fast. So it is possible to learn and good speeches from a well-trained one - sign up for a sports section, for a master class just like that.

Make sure you get access to shkidlivih zvichok. For example, if you spend a lot of time looking at the TV, then remove the batteries from the remote control, put them on the sign for yourself. Do you want to throw a fire? Periodically get rid of all cigarettes, cigarettes, igniter at the booth. For a year, in order to work those things you wanted to see, you have to apply additional susilly. When you have a good mood, get up to permukannya channel or get dressed and go to the store.

Zrobiti character zhorstkishim

Do you wonder what you want to do with a weak character? In such a time, you can develop your character to the strongest, reaching out to some simple recommendations. Nasampered, even though it was important, it is necessary to see everything for the sake of it, as if you don’t agree with what you internally already wrote yourself. The skin of a person is cherished by powerful interests, and at times it seems unfamiliar. It’s not for him to slander anyone like that, as you believe, but don’t allow others to impose their thoughts on you. Find your own right path and follow it.

It is also important to learn how to manage your powerful emotions, to strangle them at your own expense. Your usual guilt and decision are due to lie down only in a healthy eye, and not in the face of a surge of emotions. Often, it is not easy to reach the position, but if you report zusil, then everything will go away. As if the situation was trapping, which called out a flurry of emotions in you, know the ability to interrupt the rozmov, to close, stop until ten, and then continue the dialogue. If it is possible, then we invite you to look out of the situation without a word, having given yourself an hour to faint.

Іsnuє thought that thoughts are material. So, those, as you show the development of this situation, in this situation, it will be like that with great imovirnistyu. For example, if you have a fear of the future coming soon, if you think about it, you can have negative moments, then, as it becomes more important for everything, you will give yourself such a psychological attitude. Tim, for an hour, as you report your efforts in order to relax as much as possible and calm down, think about the positive sides of the day, then, apparently, everything will turn out badly. So accustom yourself to the fact that in the future, if it were, it would be better, the least acceptable situation is to blame, but if you want, one plus is to blame for you, know that you have a positive bik, it’s not uncommon, and work like that in the fall.

Become enthralled in yourself that purposeful person

Otzhe, scho so vpevnіnіst sobі? Nasampered, obviously, the faith is firm in itself. Sob її reach, it is necessary to be more familiar with the stars, to compare yourself with being, and to learn that you are a unique specialty, there are no more of them on Earth. If you constantly beat yourself up, then you’ll always be stuck in the program, and you will always know quietly who, for the sake of such criteria, will be better for you.

So stop constantly criticizing yourself - it’s important to be an inspired person, so that you can have a negative attitude towards yourself.

It is equally important not to focus on what has been lost in the past. It is not necessary to spend your time and energy on thinking about those that your life already lacks. See, you understand, what is the sense in what you don’t know? Similar thoughts are less likely to inspire you in the present day.

If you care that you are not getting goals straight, then at the moment, if necessary, visualize the result. Let me know what you will do if you need a job - you will charge for the same fee and so on.

When vikonanna be-yakoy do not get involved in third-party employment, it’s not easy for you to find out how to do it. Tempt yourself to finish the rospochata work, telling yourself the song of the wine city after the vikonannya zavdannya - the language can go about tasting deliciousness, or more significant purchase. Show, you will know how relieved you are, if you are crushed on the right.

Polіpshiti rice character, for the sake of a kohanoi people

Most of the time, we figure out how to change our own character through our loved ones. It's crazy, if it's reasonable, that our peculiarities bring discord and blessings to dear people, more of us want to fix it. If you understand that, as your rice character, you should be aware of your relatives, and if you understand that this is a problem and it is especially for you, then, obviously, there is a sense to think about it, as if you are not a striker. Mova can talk about transcendent intelligence, flamboyance, jealousy, and so on. If you mark something similar to yourself, try to control yourself.

What is the temperament and what do you think about the character

The first is to understand the difference between character and temperament, the lady is assigned to two understandings.

Temperament- Gaining low power of the psyche of a person, like pouring into yoga diyalnist and behavioral sounds. Nervous system responds to temperament, that її sensibility pours into the heart, memory, tempo of activity.

Character- a singing set of features of a person, as they appear in mutuality with the most common light. Like temperament, it may be connected with the psyche, but it is not given by the people, but is formed under the influence of various factors. The social middle, vihovannya, sharpened skinny are poured into the character.

Varto respect that temperament can be divided into songs types: sanguine, melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic. In most cases, people may have a different type of temperament, but try to look at them better.

  • Choleric- the largest neuroinnovations of all types. Easy to wake up, fuse. Tim is no less, you can show yourself badly in emergency situations, if you need a quick reaction.
  • Sanguine- Light-weighted, good-natured, quick to react. If it’s zatsіkavlenіst, it’s practical, if it’s not possible, it’s linuєtsya.
  • melancholic- It is indicated by increased anxiety. At the same time, thoughtful, most erudite. Razlivy.
  • Phlegmatic person- The most calm type. Sounds are not weak until I show emotions that excite innocence. The robot can be beaten slowly, but diligently.

Can you change your temperament and how can you grow

Psychologists can’t help but think that temperament is given to us when people are born and it’s impossible to change it, for a change in character. And all the same, it is significant that deyakі risi can still be developed or slightly corrected. For example, if you are a choleric person, and if you want to become more emotionally important, then try to keep your emotions under control. The most popular holiday in this occasion: at the moment, if you know that you are on the border, think about yourself from one to ten. In general, in order to change in yourself that chi іnsha between temperament, it is necessary to go through the songs in the right, making you, like you respect for what is necessary for yourself.

Become another person in 1 day - what is real

Unfortunately, becoming absolutely another person in one day is unrealistic. The maximum you can do for this period is to radically change your image and look different, and not like you were called out of the blue. Well, in any case, it’s important to understand that, better than everything, change will be very superficial, even in order to change the features of the figure, a song hour is needed. Tim is not less, for the day you can work a little - take one more important on the right, how to set a vector for great changes. In a day you can make a plan for it, find out what you want to do for yourself, for example, in a month or two. Describe this person on an arch paper. Let me write what you need to work every day to achieve this result.

Pіdіb'єmo pіdbags: for a day it's possible only on the surface of the internal and external changes. For serious changes, a deak is needed for a few hours, the valor of such a lie without a middle in your end of the night. Also, in a day, you can think over a plan for diy, which will help you reach the bag.

Impossible to improve your character and, by the same token, the quality of life, without looming with your self-control. Otzhe, what are the methods for yoga development?

Don't give in to impulses

It is even more important to recognize impulses of thoughts. You can develop self-control, so that you form your own strategies, so that you can help resist calm in a second of momentum. Put a change of voice, as if you wanted to control it, as well as situations, like provoking your voices. Zumіvshi signify the moment, in yakі you give an impulse, you learn how to create a bar'єr mіzh bazhannyam that far away.

switch respect

As if you were virish to feel like a hen, dzvinkiv a lot of girls, or else be such vchinkiv, like anіtrohi not improve your life, then self-control is the only thing that is simply necessary in such situations. In the first place, as if the bazhannya robit and the shkidlivy show up for you, then just know yourself about it. Having realized that the problem is є, proceed to the її vyshennya - at the same time, it’s negligent to “switch” yourself to something else. You can call others, start writing to your relative, prepare dinner, go to the cinema. Svіdomo zmushuyte yourself brothers for іnshі do it, but don't give up calmly.

Form a general behavioral model

Depend on the model of behavior, as you would like to be treated under control. All possible spheres of life, yakі vіmagayut vіd us more self-control. Compile a list of such areas, and designate if you want to be quiet, if you happen to be able to do it. Remember that a singing hour interval is needed to change the call, you will have to report singing zusils. It is important for you to put your own real goals.

It is important to understand that you have the power to control your own behavior. For example, do not varto put such a metaphor: “Be in good stoks with a squad,” even a similar point still influences the singing part and from the side of the squad. Formulate the goal otherwise, for example: "Be tolerant until the squad."

Do not take it for an impersonal task - first try to achieve success if you want in some of them, and only then go to the next ones.

The filthy character for the bazhannya can be corrected

In the diligent world of diligence, insanely, you can change the songs of your filthy character, prote varto learn that you don’t have to fight for a day or two - you will need practice. It is also important to understand what kind of character you want a mother as a result - if you don’t think about it, then stupidly check the original changes. Spend a couple of years on those to show (you can on paper), what kind of character you need, and even then you can find a further plan for action.

Understanding that you want to make changes in your character, but if you don’t feel like working for someone else, the whole idea of ​​sayings is a failure. Dedicate this hour to self-development. On the back of your head, sing-songly, you will notice innocence and fear, but overpower yourself and continue your plan - you can only achieve success this way.

Psychology of a person: how can you change the character of 30 years

Maybe, it’s important to talk to them that a person can become a better person in any case. Zvichayno, as if you really want it! If up to thirty years you have made a change, that the songs of your character will make you unhanded and not the best rank, are signified in your life, then you can correct the situation as much as possible!

To change your specialty, it is necessary to work on yourself

Change at the be-yak_y osobimostnosti mum on uvazі the great obligation of internal work, ale, madly, that’s all. Working on yourself, try to show yourself the gardeners, as if watching your garden. If you want wine, if there are smells of flowers on the earth, the bur'yaniv will be allowed to wine. Our kind of wealth has only inner strength, and the weeds have weak thoughts to nurture our strength.

This means that in the first place you should feel the transcendental emotions - the emotions should give you more than their rightful significance. Remembering that to torment you is obtrusive and unacceptable to you emotion, immediately “switch” yourself to another time - return to the new year. In the course of time you learn to fight with similar weaknesses.

Also, remember that honesty is with everything that has a strong character, be a human word, and try not to lie - not yourself, not be-to-one.

Find an example for inheritance or just be yourself

If it’s still easy for you to figure out what you yourself want to achieve, what kind of person you wanted to be, then you can choose an example for succession. We were already guessing about those who didn’t want to quarrel with themselves, but in the same way, they still need to know their own orientation. For example, think about who of the people you know calls out to you, and how they hid their character. Then think about it, how can you go out to this people yourself, and how could you come to whom. As soon as you realize that you do not dare to adopt the necessary character, to know the positive side of the power of specialness, and try their strength.

Introspection - Croc to a new self

Possibly, it is important for you to be appointed to the end with your bajans and talents and bajans. In this situation, a detailed introspection will help you. In a nutshell, practically all psychological tests are based on self-analysis itself - for the options of evidence, you can add up about a person's appearance. You can do without tests by psychologists, and independently conduct an analysis of your special features.

It would be wrong to start up a student who regularly fills up with new podias from everyday life, as well as an analysis of your vchinkivs. Obviously, next to write in the doorway, thinking about those who would only help you understand the essence of your children, reveal your inner light, discover the right motivation of your children. If you didn’t lead a worker earlier, and it’s not easy for you to start to work, then try to write a report biography about yourself - try to guess about the most serious shock and important hearts, starting from childish fates. Try again to “live through” tsі podії - singly, you can remember those who didn’t give respect earlier.

Carrying out introspection, kindly think about it, how people know your polished - your “mirror”. Dim over that, why do you have to behave with singing people, what do you think we will most favor with them. So you understand that your consumption of the stench is “curling”, and, obviously, it is your consumption of є.

As if in some people of your own sharpness, you should be wise, if you wanted to be your own mother, often be in your household, and don’t remember yourself, as if you would take over their special features. In general, the same can be said about people who are not like you - if you are embarrassed and constantly contact with them, then you can easily become similar to them.

Get complex and fears

Sing the sound of children, in spite of fear. Understand that fear is simply an overwhelming reaction that you blame when you try to drink on the powerless you.

So, learn to take a decision, even if the stink itself irritates us, fight with fear, and still take up the right. Seriously lashing out at yourself, you see how weak your fear is, even if you can be less there, de є nevvnenіst. Give yourself an internal setting: "I don't care about those that I'm afraid of, I'm lying to you."

Insanely, insensitivity and fears - great crosses to the path to success. Try not to allow your life to be like zabobons, as they are based on nothing more than superficial guards. Beware of these facts, which are based on a healthy mind. Just having overcome your fear, you can know the firmness of character, which allows you to quickly, confidently and independently make the right decisions.

How often you can feel the words “I can’t remember” from a person. Indeed, with age, make changes in your life become more complicated, but it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to work. To understand, how to change the character, to inform, how much you want your mother, to lay down the plan and collapse to yoga vikonannya.

Why character is formed

Viraz "all at the father" or "you have a grandmother's character" effectively make a sense, but only the genetic factor becomes less than 7%, and the reshta 93% falls on nabuti rice. A special injection on the character mayut:


The fathers not only lay the genetic material in the child, but also develop the specialty in the new one. The stench is shy of knowing that it is uninformed. The stench speaks about good and evil, about norms of behavior, etiquette. As young girls as children talk about those who are strong and independent, in a grown-up life they may have problems with the manifestation of softness and femininity. Boy, what is it that mother, grandmother, aunt may choose to grow up with, mother's syncope. It is too much to praise to bring to a fast joke of praise, and її not enough - to a complex of innocence.

Place of residence.

The character of the provincial is strongly influenced by the character of the people who grew up near the capital. It is impossible to estimate the difference of cultures. For example, at the Skhodі I went to my family and spiritual values. Zahid is pragmatic, there is more respect for the cares.


The stench is changing by protracting life. Interests can be both a show of character and a special correction. For example, people, like picking up model cars, singsongly pedantic, sitting, scrupulous. From the other side, as people do not stand up to these evils, it is necessary to take it easy, hold it in your hands, look out for it and acquire similar hobbies.

Colo of splintering. Just as the fathers pour their behavior and attitudes on the child, so friends, colleagues, you know, can pour on the people. Vіn know the stock for succession, you can lie in the mind of someone else's thoughts, take into account someone else's hoarding and copy rice.

3 rices that you need to get up to change your character

Before that, how to change your character, you need to understand what is an internal resource. Є factori, scho zavazhayut change, їх it is necessary to win.

1. Lin.

“I’ll start to lose weight tomorrow”, “I’ll sign up for a course at Mondays”, “I’ll pass the coming winter”, “I’ll hang out at Sichni”. Planning, it’s great, but it’s necessary to reconsider, that it’s right for the old box to be tied up with it, it’s so better, more beautiful, and not with it, it’s just molting. And to do it for yourself, what you can do for the sake of reaching the song itself today. For example, I want to develop discipline in myself. Otzhe, next to plan tomorrow, and maybe the th day of today, work everything on the list. Don’t put an alarm clock on, for those who molt to get up for a break on the 8th wound, but think about yourself getting up from bed.

2. Low self-esteem.

It is necessary to be examined in the kohanna. Tse first rule change. If a person does not love himself, he cannot change his character. The inner camp is rich in what to lie in the open, as it is easier to change where. Start from the simple, change the zvnіshnіst - pіdstig, refarb, remember the imіdzh, so that you feel more beautiful in singing. Refresh your wardrobe, get a gadget, an accessory that will allow you to feel significant (at this stage it’s normal). It will be easier for you to show up in your own mind, the inner voice will wake up to a greater vag, it will be easier to change with faith in your own strength.

3. Negative thoughts.

There is a singing world tied with low self-esteem. People who are unsung in their own way can easily believe that changes can be made in their character. It is necessary to remove the phrases "I can't", "I can't see" from the vocabulary. A good butt can be the film from Jim Carrey "Say so".

How to change character

Can you change your character? You can, you can! It will take an hour for that robot to work on itself. Get 5 krokiv.

Krok 1 - Analysis

It is necessary to take an arkush paper, and it is better to have a wallet. Split the side navpil. From one side it is necessary to write those qualities, if you want to correct yourself, from the other side - how to reach it. For example, in order to develop communication skills, it is necessary to communicate more with people, in order to become merciful - learn to marvel at your fears at the vіchі. Just like a list of preparations, it is necessary to transform yoga into a plan, which if it is broken.

Krok 2 - Look from the side

It would be better to know a person with similar negative images. Tse dopomozhe better understand the problem, look at it. So it will be clearly visible what it is necessary to use in terms of terms.

Krok 3 - Zrazok for inheritance

Having learned that you don’t need to work, you should know the people, you want to be like you. Tse mozhe buti know, colleague chi celebrity. The image can be chosen: the elegance of Princess Diane, the kindness of Mother Teresa, a touch of the humor of Melisa McCartney. It is necessary to try to copy your behavior, changing the character.

Krok 4 - Control

Putting together the plan - it’s better to do it right, you need to reconsider, what should be done. Self-control is that quality, without which it will be easy to change others. Here it is important to think, to speak first, to wake up at night, to control emotions.

To generate a new sound, it takes 21 days. You can win the way with a gumkoy on the hands. As soon as you respect that the negative of rice is manifested, splash yourself with a gum. Every now and again, chotiri razi is repeated, the gumka puts pressure on our hand and for 21 days it starts anew.

Krok 5 - Do good

Good posture and help others to bring satisfaction, help if you feel good to yourself, consider yourself more important. It doesn’t matter, you can do it yourself, it can be simpler. For the cob, you can start your own star, pick up 10 "dakuyu" per day. Shorazu, if a person will yakuvate for you, correct the words of kindness from the treasury.

Before him, how to change your character, it is necessary to think about what kind of person you want to become and how to change your life. The stronger the visualization will be, the stronger the motivation will be and the hope will change.

You can often feel the phrase: "The character of a person is given by the people." Ale trapleyaetsya so that the deacons of the character become the cause of unacceptable podia in life. You can also blame food, but how can you change your dacha? In the opinion of psychologists, a person is guilty of constantly working on himself - if you want to achieve success in life, then you need to get rid of it.

It is clear and directly opposite thought - the character cannot be changed. Chi tse so true? Today we will talk about those how you can change your character. I will present your knowledge to find a number of psychologists who help to change the stars and the way of life.

If the vdacha is cool or, navpaki, the innocence of oneself becomes the cause of inaccuracies and problems, then the blame is sharply changed in one’s life. I need to start by myself.

Thoughts of psychologists about how you can change your character, diverge. Deyakі vvazhayut them, scho vdacha change is impossible, and the filthy sounds of the weak side need to be “turned over” so that the stench of the year helped people reach the greatest blessings. Another thought of fahіvtsіv in the gallery of psychology is such that it's a sign that you deserve to live a normal life, you need to take it easy. You can work, you just need to want, and then we will work diligently to work on ourselves.

What is it? The main signs, the way of thinking, the behavioral basis of this type of response to different situations. The character of a person has no genetic foundations, which cannot be conveyed in the fall. Those who are like a human being, lie in the face of numerical factors. In a way, the character may have a strong influx of vihovannya. In a different way, the way of life is that navkolyshny atmosphere - it's the same "ceglinka", which is the basis of the character.

By protracting life, the character of a person changes. The first changes begin to manifest themselves in a child's life - more children are kind, strange, straightforward and naive. Then, changes are observed in the podlitkovuy's head - aggressiveness, dramatization appear. In a young man, a person becomes a straight-forward, self-singing, daring or, on the contrary, passive, fearful and distrustful. In a mature person, the character can change in the fallow period depending on the situation.

For example, make yourself calm and bezpersednya people will become active and daring, as if a roaring beast appears before him. Energetic and daring on a robot, a person in a home environment becomes an ice-cold and good-natured person.

What kind of characteristic rice deposits?

Otzhe, Bachimo, that character can be changed. And how can you change your character? First, why should you start, change the sound or ways of reacting in singing situations. In another way, it is necessary to understand that if, as the songs of the character will be changed, you will need to constantly work on them.

Possibility to change the nature of the deposit due to numerical factors:

  • vіk - the older person, the more folding it is to work on yourself and get better at your own mind.
  • native features - in some people, the ability to change the character is "laid" by nature, others have to report great achievements in order to correct in themselves.
  • vihovannya - only from fathers or close relatives can be known about such understanding, like good and evil, self-reliance and softness, rіshuchіst and lanoshchі;
  • interests - tse show of character, which signifies the behavior of ambush people;
  • around splintering - otochuyuchi people think of a great infusion into the sounds of the image of the behavior of a singing person.

Draw a character that needs to be indulged

Psychologists see 3 pictures of character, which make people reach the reach of life's blessings. Obviously, if you “keep” your behavior, then it will be more difficult for you to change it yourself.

Before that, as a change in character, it is necessary to get rid of such rice:

  • Lin. Ledachiy people smoothly develop discipline in themselves. So that you can help yourself to everything important, do it “for tomorrow”, for today you will molt.
  • Low self-esteem. The one who does not love himself, not the building, improve his life. It is also important to learn not just to please, but to love yourself. Love develops self-confidence to itself, and a self-confident person is able to get into negative rice, to become the best and ideal.
  • Passivity is a negative thought. This point is inconsistently tied from the front. It’s not possible, so that such phrases were born in the soul: “I can’t work”, “I don’t have strength”, “I can’t work better, lower”. It is important to learn how to start saying: So.

How to change character?

You can change the character. It’s more necessary to take pains to work on yourself. Following the algorithm described below, it is possible in the shortest terms to eliminate the nature of the negative picture and acquire positive aspects.

Analysis of the wet nature

For the cob, it is necessary to designate the character, which you will need to develop. You can do it even more simply - take an arch paper, put it on a new vertical smog, write down negative drawings in one column, in another way, relieve them.

For example, people are not comrades. It is necessary to become comradely and communicable. It will be possible to achieve this, as a person more often communicates with adoptive people, take part in huge visits, get to know and show initiative in roses with colleagues and partners.

The second butt, the person is weak and fearful. Whose mind will need a great work on themselves. You can overcome your fears only once, like “marveling at them”.

Notification of the problem

It is not easy to change your character, and rich people are blamed for food - it is necessary to work. As if similar thoughts appeared in the head, it is necessary to use terms to liquidate them.

A simple way: it is necessary to know the person who has such negative attitudes (for example, fearfulness or indolence). Let's take care of it from the side, like a wine is alive, who has problems, like a negative rice that respects your reach of life success. Just as soon as the problem is “deciphered”, you will immediately want to get in touch.

Poshuk idol

It’s hard to know the image of a person, you want to look like a yak. For example, as a colleague of a rich and goal-directed person, he takes care of the honors of his superiors, and Yogo, with his dignity, regularly wants good bonuses. Zrozumilo, such an active colleague wants to be similar.

self control

To get positive results, an hour is needed. As psychologists seem to say, the change of sounds takes 21 days. For a tense hour, you will be able to control your emotions, behavior, and mental state.

It is important to finish the sequence. It is not possible to radically change the character in a single moment, it is necessary to work step by step - first change one boundary, and then proceed to change others.


Whether a robot can be a winemaker. A change in character is a great work, and for a new obov'yazkovo it is necessary to take away the honor of the city.

The best of the city will be the words of kindness in the eyes of the neighbors. In order to take kind words to your address, it is necessary to work well and meaningfully, for example, they will appreciate the weather of homeless people, I will help the old one cross the road, open the door in the store in front of a young mother with a stroller.


  • The character of a person is the basis of life. Character - not just behavioral foundations, but signs and reactions to songs.
  • It is possible to change the character of a better person, but it is also necessary to prepare for a thorough work. Only if you change your negative attitudes, you can understand how close the path is to good luck.

First, let’s explore ingenious strategies, read by the facilitators of psychoanalysis, and see for yourself that you yourself are not happy, that your character has little time to hide.

For whom to carry out their own testing of their friends, relatives and friends on the topic of negative risks of your marriage and untidy temperament. Try to find out from them, what you have fighting otochyuyuchih, chi є you have, at a glance, strong and weak sides. Possibly, those who respect the norm of behavior, for the majority of people who will alienate you, with screaming impudence or immorality. In the presence of such zvichok, it is necessary to take care of negainoly.

If the material is selected, fix everything that has happened on paper. Don't bother trying to grab it, use it to grab it, try to marvel at yourself objectively, with other people's eyes, on the side. Tse become the first crop on the path until the distant transformation.

Speed ​​up the ranks of a qualified specialist. In order to understand what type and type of character you have, conduct a small talk with a psychologist, which can get to the bottom of your problem and explain the way and the solution.

Motivation is the key to change

Think about it, as a plus you bring a new “I”, even a change in character - even more folding that old path, which can be repaired more than a person from a sinned willpower. Believe for yourself, you will strongly require such metamorphoses, chi varto gra candle.

Sometimes a person’s character sounds in their problems, but don’t start the right way. Sometimes the cause of failures is complexes, imposed by the current suspense or coming to a deep child.

An important value in the process of lamanna character may be motivation. If nature is changed to help you know more prestigious work, become more successful, make a difference with your relatives and close people, then the process of transformation will be more rapid - you will have a strong incentive.

The coming rock - visualization

Constantly remember and create new pictures of the future character. Without any procedure, you go back to what you started from. If you don’t know what exactly you want, if you don’t know what is clearly set, if you need to exercise, then it’s impossible to reach anything. It is necessary to unambiguously represent the model that can become a reality.

Let's say there is no copy of that heritage!

Most people want to change their character more so that someone can be fooled, like a boss, or a half of a friend, as if they are fit, but if you don’t think about yourself.

Just because your colleague is successful, it does not mean that it is necessary to adopt the manner of yoga behavior, tin, like chips in the splintering. Human skin is unique in its own way. The dermal one has a talent, which is necessary to develop in the right place in the right time.

Trying to improve your character, follow it, so that you don’t get new ones, until you don’t know the filthy stars.

Get better yourself, and do not copy someone else's character. Develop spiritually: read books, be kind, think about others, not just about yourself.

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