School presentations Powerpoint.

Galina Knutova

Activity-presentation “Winter”: « Fun-presentation on the topic»

Winter Purpose

: expand awareness of children about the characteristic signs of winter; fix the name and sequence of winter months;

Read on to find the signs of winter on your own;

note analyze, analyze, work on the results;

develop uyava;

vihovuvati love to nature.

Installation of the bathroom

: Multimedia is not installed.

Activity activity:

What are the images like?

Is it time for fate now?

Name the signs of winter.

Name the winter months.

News about the life of creatures in winter.

What do animals eat in winter?

How do the birds eat their food?

Do you need to prepare birds for winter?

What do we mean by holy collection?

- And now it’s okay. : How do you mean this is holy?

- Tell me. Musical pause..

Winter fun for children.

Guess the riddles. The image is a mystery. Didactic gra

"Give me your word" Pouch

busy Publications on the topic: Program instructions: Secure the children’s statements about the life of animals, winter and winter. more economical installation to nature.

Hide of permission: I wanted to.

Synopsis and presentation of a thematic musical activity for children of the middle preschool age “Winter-Vitivnytsia”

Basic lighting galuz: artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of lighting areas: cognitive development. Abstract without middle lighting activities

o 2 youth group

on the theme “Winter” Purpose: To formulate hidden manifestations about.

Programme: 1. Familiarize children with the characteristic rice of the “Winter” season.

2. Continue activating the dictionary.

So, winter brought a lot of snowy gloom and covered everything with snow.

Do you need snow for winter?

The snow saturates the earth with water, cleanses the wind, and lets it be used.

People on such land can grow a rich harvest,

- What color is the snowflake?

What can you say about the size of snowflakes?

How have the trees and chagarniks changed?

stand bare, without leaves

The stinks shed the leaves so that the leaves do not break in the snow.

Who suffers the most from the vagaries of winter?

The worst thing for animals and birds is not the cold, because in animals the skin stays warm until winter, and in birds down grows under their feathers.

The greatest hunger for them.

The wild beast is alive in a hollow, I love to sit there in the warmth, Although the hollow is not a grill at all.

Spend the winter there.

Where is the squirrel procrastinating?

(At the hollow).

What kind of creature is this?


What kind of coat does a squirrel have?

(ore, fluff, heat)

What does a squirrel eat?

(gouli, peas, mushrooms).

In winter, the squirrel is thick, soft and fluffy; in summer, it is more bitter, sparse, and short.

The squirrel molts 2 times on the river, behind the tip of the tail, which sheds once on the river.

What kind of forest animal is this?

Standing up like a stopper under a pine tree.

And stand in the middle of the grass,

Wow more than your head?

It’s important for the bunny to get ready, he’s hungry.

There is no hole in anything, to sleep in the snow under the tabernacle or under the yalinka.


Sleep comfortably, sleep near the top with open eyes, even though they are closed.

I'm scared of the hare.

He spends an hour listening to the wolf and foxes nearby.

The bunny's fur is matted.

There it was as white as snow.

To commune under a link in the snow - you can’t see anything.

In the winter it is suitable for the prunings and bark of carved trees and chagarniks.

Shakhraika ore

hid under the yalinka.

  • The hare is on the lookout for the cunning one.
  • What is her name?
  • The nights are long and the days are short.
  • People put on warm winter clothes.
  • Children ride sleds, sleds, hoops, make snowmen, make snow forts, play in the snow.

Children can also guess and learn riddles about winter:

It's been snowing for a month now,
Coming soon New River,
The snow dreamer has all of nature.
Show me the time for fate.

We reach our home near New River
Whoever comes from the forest,
All fluffy, in the heads,

And call that guest... Santa Claus

New River

Children consolidate their knowledge of the new word, learn to formulate propositions, and learn from pictures.

Winter has come.

The Holy One is approaching, the New River. People bring Yalinka to the booth, immerse it in new toys, different-colored bags, garlands, and dishes.

Before the new Yalinka comes Santa Claus and Snow.

Before the new Yalinka comes Santa Claus and Snow.

Children of Frost give gifts to all children.

The whole homeland gathers at the new table to strengthen the New River.

To commune under a link in the snow - you can’t see anything.


Shakhraika ore

The Holy One is approaching, the New River. People bring Yalinka to the booth, immerse it in new toys, different-colored bags, garlands, and dishes.

Forward view: Captions before slides:

Before the new Yalinka comes Santa Claus and Snow.

It's snowing

Under white cotton wool

For the sake of snow, all the boys

To get a better look at your presentation, create your own account (

oblikovy record ) Google and go to new: Apply winter clothes

The earth is covered with snow, and the rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

It became cold,

It's frosty outside.

The Holy One is approaching, the New River. People bring Yalinka to the booth, immerse it in new toys, different-colored bags, garlands, and dishes.


strong winds
, there are often heavy rains and snowfalls.

The nights stand long, And the days are short. People put on warm winter clothes To get an up-front view of the presentation, create your own Google account and go to the next one: Oksana Mikolayevna Mar'ina Presentation Winter - winter for children 4–5 years old 1 slide topic :Hello

winter - winter




: Mar'ina Oksana Mikolaivna.

Children's garden


2. slide image of a winter landscape,

3. riddle slide

It's getting cold,

The water turned into ice,

Long-haired bunny series

Let's turn into a bunny.

The witch stopped roaring -

The witch went into hibernation.

Who can say, who knows

When does it happen?


Krasunya yaks

Varto lightly vibly,

Yak is neatly tidied up.

Tell me who is there?(Yalinka)

They didn’t feel me

They covered the snow,

Covering up the nose

Have you inserted a carrot?


4. Food: "Guess what you've got?" images, pictures of winter games and pictures of summer games

9 slide gra: "Guess what you've got?" images pictures of creatures in the forest, and puttying inlet

10. slide Chim the creatures grub winter hour rock?

picture with explanation of how wild creatures grub

11. slide How do creatures prepare for winter?

12 slide What kind of creatures sleep in the winter, where and how?

Slide 13 How do people help creatures and birds collect money? 14 slide Gra

: "Say kindly about winter"

WINTER - winter

SNIG - snow

TREE - tree

Yalinka - Yalinka

Wind - wind

PTAKH - birdie

GIRKA - girochka

Sled - sleigh

Slide 15 Children's winter fun

The children are old enough to make snowmen, ride on sleds, and ride on sleds.

from the water, playing in the snow.

Slide 16 Vershy about the New River!

Santa Claus sent us a Yalinka,

Vogniks set fire to it.

And flash her little heads,

And there’s snow on the ankles!

V. Petrova

The girls stood up in a group,

They got up and washed up.

Santa Claus lit the fires

On the High Yalintsya.

On the horizon is the star,

Namisto in two rows.

Winter fun for children.

Let the yalinka go out, Don't let it burn again!

A. Barto Slide 17 Thank you for your respect"

Summary of an integrated activity for children aged 6–7 years “Winter-Winter” Meta: expanded and systematized children's knowledge about winter.

Directory: - expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”;

- Develop your mind. Summary of integrated educational activities for the young adult subgroup (3–5 years) “Winter-winter” Relevance: During the preschool period, shapes are formed to the cob forms of the corners and ribs.

This is how knowledge comes about.

Abstract of the educational activity “Winter-winter” for children 3–4 years old Goals: Strengthen children's knowledge about the season of fate - winter.

Have children classify objects using a singing sign. I would like to present, to your respects, a summary of the approach that can be carried out both in general activity and as a GCD. Materials selected. PASSPORT OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT.

To quickly see your presentation in advance, create your own Google account and go to:

Before the new Yalinka comes Santa Claus and Snow.


Plan. 1. Let's talk about winter.

2. Gratimemo.

3.Power responsive.

breastfeeding winter months

Not prickly, light blue In the thickets of growth.

And her

Vine flies with a white light and lands on the line of Vine in a bright, cold tan on the bottom and in the mouth.


Burulka Grows upside down, Not at a height, but at a height.

The sun has baked - Cry out and die...

Blizzard Who blows and blows and swirls, Is the snow whiter?

Tse - snow......

Frost, snowfall, snowflakes, Khurtovina - these are winter manifestations of nature.

bullfinch gorobets blue crow lastivka shpak Gra “Winter birds.”

Shpak and swallow are not wintering birds; stinks linger near the warm edge.

Gra "Guess whose tracks?"

Follow the bird Follow the people Follow the beast

Gra “Name the winter coat.”

coat hat scarf felt felt mittens pants fur coat

What do you see in the picture? This is the winter forest. There is another on the trees.

The axis can be so unnatural.