Pickled red tomatoes. Pickled green tomatoes: recipes for swedish cooking

Calorie content: not shown
Cooking hour: Not specified

For a long time in Russia, everything that was fermented was fermented - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. Cabbage was fermented with apples, chopped or whole heads mixed with chopped cabbage, and for sour cabbages they fermented cabbage - the upper green leaf of a cabbage head, sown even more. They sour in barrels, so that it lasts for the whole winter, and they trimmed the sourdough at the cellar. Now the time has come, but the tradition of fermenting vegetables has not disappeared anywhere - in autumn, the gentlemen themselves chop cabbage, pick the best tomatoes and ferment them for the winter. Ale pіdval є far from everyone, but everyone wants pickled tomatoes. Vihіd є - in the minds of a m_skoї apartment you can cook sour tomatoes in a jar - and viyde anіtrohi not higher, lower in barrels.
Kvasity can be and red tomatoes, and storms, and greens. Ideally - skin at your own band, but you can put it in one big balls. At the green day - the stench will sour longer, lower. We will sweat the storms, but on the mountain - red ones. The jar will need 5-7 liters in volume; As a variant - ferment at the great bank of greens and storm tomatoes, and for the red ones, I will see a smaller jar.

Pickled tomatoes for the winter in jars - recipe with photo.


- tomatoes (red, brown and green) - 4 kg;
- root of the chron - 8-10 cm;
- krip (greens and parasols);
- chasnik - 2 large heads;
- kitchen strength - 70 g per liter of water;
- Leaves of black currant;
- leafing through the chrono;
- selera - greens;
- parsley - 1 bunch;
- pure water.


Chob cook pickled tomatoes in jars, my head of tomato, sorted by stage of maturity. Cleansing the root of the chron. We wash the greens cold water we shake the water.

Clearly two great heads of the watchmaker. Like the cloves are too big, cut into 2-4 parts. The root of the chrono is painted with plates.

The bank is relatively miёmo. At the bottom we put 2-3 leaves of black currant, cloves of the teaspoon, 2-3 plates of the root of the chron. Add krip (greens and parasols), selera, sprat of parsley.

Placed on the bottom of a jar of green tomatoes in 2-3 balls. You can take tops of a tomato or a big round tomato - to your liking.

We lay a tomato with a ball of greens (like on a day), we throw a bowl into a jar, horseradish. Come balls robimo from brown tomatoes.

Again I crook the tomato with a ball of greens. Reshtu put in a jar filled with red tomatoes. It doesn’t hurt, but we try to put all the balls in such a way that between the tomatoes it’s not rich enough. On top we put a little crop, a variety of greens, horseradish, a watchmaker.

Now it is necessary to prepare salty roses. It’s even easier to figure out how much you need, so it’s better to work in portions. For example, two liters. Poured into a saucepan or a bowl of two liters of water, trochs are warmed up. We throw 140 g of great salt (kitchen or stone), mixed to the full level of crystalline salt. On the day of the dishes, the siege will be saved, so the rozchins are poured out neatly or filtered through gauze.

We fill it with a tomato rosette to the top, so that the stench will be completely covered. As soon as the rozchinu has been reduced, we need one more serving (per liter, water or two). A jar of tomatoes is covered with a lid (not close) and left in the heat for 5-7 days. Approximately in 1-2 days it started to become more tinted, turbid - it means that the fermentation process is not good. You need to keep sour tomatoes in jars in a warm place for 3-5 days, and then move them to a cold balcony or put them in the refrigerator. There, the fermentation process continues. Fully ready red tomatoes will be in 12-14 days. The storms and greenery are quassing more, about close to the month.

You can start tasting red tomatoes in 10 days, the stench will already be indestructible for relish. Ale, if you want to see two types, and finish the technology of sauerkraut, then we will just relish it!

On a note. Red tomatoes for sauerkraut were unripe, so the stench was strong. Likewise, sour tomatoes-tops, you can eat them in the heat for 1-2 days more, lower round tomatoes. Give respect to strength - for sauerkraut, only not iodized is great strength (special kitchen), dry strength or strength is iodized for sauerkraut is not vikoristovuєtsya.

Vlasne, the presence of such traditional speeches for sourdough, like a wooden barrel that loh, neobov'yazkova. The dishes can be like a smut, finish the space, and you can replace the thin autumn balcony. You can’t see tomatoes on summer sauerkraut - the place can be cold.

Pickled tomatoes from greenery

Tsі tomato fermented directly in the jars, which is more convenient. Take them from a cold place or in the refrigerator from the same banks.

Before tomatoes (about 3 kg rose) we need:

  • 1 watchmaker's head;
  • 1 bunch of crop;
  • 1 bunch of celery.

For 1 liter of filling we take:

  • 1 l. drive;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tsukru.

Place the volume of the filling in the dishes and in order to put the tomatoes in there. For 3 kg you need 2-3 liters.

1. Banks and polyethylene lids are relatively miєmo and vitiraemo.

2. We clean the watchmaker, miёmo greens.

3. Tomatoes miєmo and let dry. We pierce it with a scruff, or we can see the place of fastening of the fruit.

4. At the water we add strength and zukor, bring it to a boil. If the celerie has stems, then we see greenery in them, and the stems are lowered into quills in okrip and viymaemo.

5. At the jar, we put a watchmaker, tomato and greens uperemish. Pour in rose salt, curl the neck of the jar with a saucer or a plate.

6. Leave for 3 days at a warm place. Rozsil for the whole hour may be cloudy. After that, the jars are rearranged in a cold place.

The readiness of pickled tomatoes is tested. As soon as you rejoice that the stench is ready (sip sour), close the jars with lids, without roaming, and take the refrigerator from you.

Green cream in jars until tomatoes are often added to marvelous cabbage.

Porada: sour greens at the same time with tomatoes are also savory, it’s possible, put them in bigger jars and I’ll make a snack.

Pickled tomatoes with grape and cherry leaves

Even fragrant grass. Obviously, it’s best to go to those who have the ability to drink and pick grapes and cherry leaves. Stink, prote, are sold at the same time in the markets for rіznih strav and for workpieces mayzhe skrіz.

Greens lie, as a rule, not much and rosemary needs a lot: for 1 kg of tomatoes - 1 liter.

At the dishes, cream of tomatoes, we lay the following:

  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • cherry leaves, grapes, black currants, chron;
  • black peppercorns;
  • creep;
  • bay leaf;
  • watchmaker.

The proportions that are called are for the eye and for the taste. Falling down at once, you can buti 100 r. per 1 kg of tomatoes.

For rossol we take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. tsukru.

1. To finish the big one, so that all the tomatoes got in, the dishes with a lid are good for me and wiped dry.

2. Put a bowl of tomatoes on the bottom. On them is a ball of green, sprinkled with pepper, put a sprat of cloves in the chapel. From above I renew the ball of tomatoes, on the new one I renew the greens. So, with balls, we fill the dishes, putting here and there quarters of bell pepper for flavor.

3. Ready to grow: in cold filtered water, the strength and zucor are distinguished. Let the dishes near the cold place (lioh - ideally, but not at all wines) and pour our tomatoes.

4. Close it with a lid and leave it sour for a month.

Porada: like a great dish, put it on and fill it with rosé, the tomatoes are better right there, where you choose to leave them for sourdough.

Pickled stuffed tomatoes

Beautiful and savory snacks of sour tomatoes, cook and save as much as possible in a small dish, so that they didn’t crush one with a vag and didn’t flaunt.

The best recipe for this recipe is green tomatoes.

For stuffing about 3 kg of tomatoes, we need:

  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 8-10 cloves in the hourglass;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 bunch of crop;
  • 1 bunch of parsley.

For 1 l. rossolu take:

  • 1 l. drive;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. tsukru;
  • 1 st. l. canteen (6%) otstu.

1. Tomatoes miєmo, let's dry.

2. Carrots are processed in a blender or a food processor. There is also a watchmaker and a pepper. Greens rubaєmo or tezh v_dpravlyaєmo at the blender. Everything is fine, so that the filling comes out.

3. Rozryzaёmo tomatoes crossed Mayzhe until the end, but the stench still got rid of the same whole.

4. Let's start with tomatoes.

5. Relatively miєmo utensils, wipe dry. Let's put some tomatoes there.

6. We're ready to expand. For whom we heat water, without bringing it to a boil, we change the strength and zukor there, we give an estimate.

7. We give rosemary trochs to cool and pour tomatoes.

8. Curve tomatoes with plates, lids, or be like some flats, like crockery at the neck. We put a small gnat (strike with filled water up to half a liter jar).

9. Check for the day, check the readiness of tomatoes for relish. Take care of them better in a cold place.

Porada: to save the tomatoes for a longer time, after the fermentation, transfer them to a jar sterilized for a couple and close with sterilized polyethylene lids. І tezh - near the refrigerator.

Pickled tomatoes with aspirin

The problem of pickled tomatoes is that the term of life is not as great for them as it is for them. For example, marinated. Ale and here warm gentlemen and gentlemen knew what was going on: aspirin. You, singly, you know what to add to the water near the vase, so that the water stood there. Here is wine for that. In such doses, I am not stubborn and perform in the same roles as I would estimate.

Father, we need tomatoes - you have skilki. Banks before them. At the skin jar:

  • 0.5 cibulini;
  • 2 cloves of the watchmaker.
  • aspirin in proportion: 1 tablet per 1 liter jar (total 3 for a 3-liter jar).

For rozsol we take it (from rozrahunka per 1 liter):

  • 1 l. drive;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • 1.5 st. l. tsukru;
  • 1.5 st. l. canteen (6%) otstu;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 black peppercorns.

1. Tomatoes to mine, dry, everything is like a plant. Banks with lids can also be miёmo, but rather steam sterilized.

2. The teeth of the watchmaker are called quarters, the cibula - pivkiltsy.

3. We put aspirin tablets into the skin jar, skilki are needed. We put the tomatoes in jars, shifting the qibulei and the hourly.

4. Gotuyemo rose, heating the water and making there strength and zucor. We know the fire, we give a little bit of chill, we give an estimate. Let's cool down a bit, fork the pepper and the bay leaf.

5. Cold rose salt is poured over the tomatoes at the jars.

6. Curved with krishkami, it is usually sour for at least a day, and more often - for 2-3.

Kvasiti can be tomatoes, no matter what stage of maturity, starting from milk, they are no longer fit. There is only one thin one, so for sauerkraut in one dish it is necessary to take all the fruits of one stage of maturity.

Zrobimo, for the cob green pickled tomatoes. For whom we take on a three-liter jar of dried tomatoes of the milk stage of maturity. It is important that the tops of the chi are not, so the tomatoes will always be harvested with large, independent of the variety. Golovne, there is no need for a great rozmir, that ailment, that ear. What else do we need

60-70 g of salt (approximately 2 tablespoons with a small amount of heat, you can also add 100 g in a bottle, taking 2/3);

5-6 peas of black and stock pepper;

3-5 bay leaves;

Dekilka cloves in the private house for relish;

Gilka kropu z kvitami chi nasinnyam;

2 tbsp. spoons of gyrchich powder;

For relish, leaf currants, cherries, chrons, tarragon, celeriac leaves, parsley, hot peppers - so love gostre.

Most of the seasonings are placed on the bottom of the jar, then we sip on the tomatoes, tapping the jar lightly on the table, the leaves and the creeps that are left out of the beast. Force to spread in a liter of warm water. Yakshcho є krinichna or dzherelna - її you can not boil, but boil the tap water, pour the tomatoes with rose salt, it’s cold. A lot of yoga to lay in the rosemary of tomatoes, which stinks more, they need more, it’s better to grow yoga in excess.

Leave out the tomatoes at room temperature for 1-2 days for wandering. You need to put the jar on a pallet, so that you can get it when you wander and cover it with gauze. If it is necessary to clean it up in a cold place: cool the refrigerator. So you can prepare storms of greenery yourself pickled tomatoes, recipe pidide i for them. Tomatoes to decorate and everyday, and Svyatkovy style, zokrema and newcomer.

Pickled green tomatoes recipe

More green tomatoes can be fermented with carrots and a great amount of spicy herbs. For filling, take 60-70 g of salt per liter of water. Banks are ready to be far behind, they need to be well washed out of soda and dry. For the preparation of a three-liter jar, we take 1.6 - 1.7 kg of green tomatoes.

1 large carrot;

Great head of the watchmaker;

A pod of hot pepper;

Gilka crop with us;

Spices and herbs for relish, ale to make bagato: fall pepper and hot peas 4-6 pcs each, hot hot 1 tsp, parsley, selera, tarragon, leafing chron, cherries and currants, bay leaf 2-3 pcs.

Coarsely cut the tomatoes into little pieces of a fine shape. Three carrots on the third, narizaemo cleansings and militia chasnik, hot peppers are fried with small pieces, we mix everything. At the bottom of the jar we put spices and chopped herbs, then we will fill it with boiled rossol. The top of the can is placed on a pallet and covered with one or two balls of gauze. Leave it for the day tinyatisya at room temperature. Then we clean up the refrigerator for the 3rd day, after which I can prepare it. Salad from the heart will definitely eat with tomatoes.

Chervoni pickled tomatoes for the winter you can look up this recipe. Take 10 liters of small and deep red tomatoes, so it was about 10 centimeters wide. Tomatoes need to be eaten. Cream of tomatoes, we need a chasnik and parsley and celery. The greens are miєmo and rіzhemo not too drіbno, the watchmaker is clean, miєmo and narizaemo with plates. Robimo a neat cut on the top of the tomato and insert there a little greenery and a handkerchief. Stuffings of tomatoes are stored in the wind, so that they will tear at everyone marveling uphill. Robimo rose, for which we boil water, add strength and zukor to it 2 tablespoons of salt and 1-2 tablespoons of zucru per liter of water. On cebro we need about 3 liters of rosemary. At ostiglia rozsil add tables of 9% ocet, for 1 liter of rozsol 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour in tomatoes, curl with clean cloth, put a plate for the beast and rot. Like gnat you can win damn the jar with water. In 7-10 days lightly salted tomatoes will be ready. After that, you can put them in jars, cover them with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator.

For those who don’t feel good, but don’t want to put a sprig of cans to sour, those who want to save the place can pickled tomatoes in a saucepan for the next recipe. We stock up on red tomatoes. Tse mozhut but not obov'yazkovo tops, but the fruit of a small spread and s schіlnoy m'yakottu. Zvichayno, take some soil. Choose the quantity, depending on the size of your container, so that there was a lot of mess. You need a lot of greenery, sob the taste of tomatoes, we have plenty of veins. Take greens for your taste, but fresh, juice. Yakscho є leaves of cherry, currant, grapes, chron - miraculous. Cream of greens to take capsicum hot pepper, chasnik, trochs of fresh root chron and dry hot pepper. The horseradish is made with shavings, the hourglass is cleaned, large teeth can be cut into 2-3 parts.

At the bottom of the pot, put a ball of greens with the addition of shavings of chron, a small bowl and small hot peppers, on the bottom - a ball of tomatoes.

Tomati needs to be pricked with a fork to beat the stalks. So cherguvat, the docks do not fill up the dishes. The top ball is green. Rozsil get ready in advance, wine may be cold. For rossol, boil water and put 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt with hot water and 3-4 tbsp. spoons of zucru for 1 liter of rosemary. For a 10 l saucepan, 5-6 kg of tomatoes and about 4.5 l of rosemary are needed. Kіlkіst mozhe buti y іnshoy, here everything is to fall in the field of tomatoes. Greens need sprat bunches. Pour tomatoes with rose salt and sip the beast with mustard powder (for 10 liters of saucepan - 3 tablespoons of mustard powder). On top of the crooked plate, it is pressed with vantage. You can cover the container with a towel over the vantage. Tomatoes bloom for a long time, if they can be laid out in jars and cleaned in a cold place.

Pickled tomatoes swedish cooking really get ready in 3 days. Not so fast, good. Ale, all the same, you won’t happen to check the winter, sob skushtuvati tasty snacks. For the sake of spicy tomatoes, varto check. Tim is better, which is on the vіdmіnu vіd of pickled tomatoes, this appetizer is prepared without otstu, so you can't help but be quiet.


- small red crab of tomatoes - 1 kg;
- parsley - a small bunch;
- basil - sprat sprat (1 per jar);
- hourglass - 3-5 cloves;
- crop parasols - 1 per jar.

For marinade:

- strength - 2 tbsp. l.;
- tsukrovy pіsok - 2 tbsp. l.;
- Pure filtered water - 1 l.


1. Less tomatoes, more stench will be ready, more will be the taste of snacks. Do good and dry them. Bazhan sour and meaty, stigli that licorice tomato. Before sour brown tomatoes, special pidkhid is needed.

2. Gently cut the mass with a small knife, de tomato sticks to the stem. Try to make a small and shallow rose, so that the tomatoes do not deform when you add hot rose salt.

3. Distribute all spices and greens for the number of cans. Put half of the servings at the bottom of the jars. Greens, of course, need to be crushed and blotted with paper towels. Clock - clean it. Cream, or instead of appointed greens, you can vicorate greens or celeri petioles. Ale tse for an amateur.

Until the speech, it’s also delicious to come out. Miraculous idea for a summer table.

4. Put a lot of tomatoes. There were more, more beautifully small tomatoes at the jar. Put greens on top, which is left out.
Prepare rosemary. Bring clean filtered water to a boil. Add strength and zukor. Mix it up. Boil some more sprat of whilin. Rozsil is ready. If the banks are not filled up yet, then the surplus rose on the stove to indulge in the full fire. Carefully pour the roses at the jar. Cover the jars with croutons. Cover yourself, it is not necessary to twist. Put in a warm place. Leave the drain right in the kitchen, for room temperature, or take it to the balcony. Ready sour tomatoes will be for three dobi. Even more savory, "gassed", piquant and without a drop of otstu. Try and wi tsiu zapashnu summer snack. I'm sure you like sour tomatoes, the recipe is remembered quickly, but it's still better to write it down.

And for the winter it is recommended to prepare

Pickled tomatoes can be cooked in different ways. The most popular is sauerkraut in barrels. But for whom the mother needs a lot - and wine is not for everyone, so about half of the population does not have access to this harvesting option. On the other hand, there are many problems in fermenting tomatoes in a jar, enamel pot, be it another compact container. Zagalom vhid є zavzhdy, as if you really want to cook pickled tomatoes.

Especially for my dear and beloved readers, who want to learn how to properly sour vegetables in different ways, I chose 7 recipes for preparing tomatoes in a sauerkraut way in one selection. Choose the ones that suit you. Guess what in the comments you can put me, whether it’s food for some recipes. I take prompt advice - I don’t throw my own :) Until the speech, a gift for you - recipes

Pickled tomatoes in jars for the winter

In the minds of a Moscow apartment, you can cook sour tomatoes in a jar, but not hotter, lower in barrels. Kvasity can be and red tomatoes, and storms, and greens. Ideally - skin at your own band, but you can put it in one big balls. Place greenery on the day, even if the stench sours more, lower. We will sweat the storms, but on the mountain - red ones. The jar will need 5-7 liters in volume; As a variant: ferment the greens and the stormy tomatoes at the great bank, and for the red ones, I will see a smaller jar.


  • 4 kg of tomatoes;
  • 10 cm chronu root;
  • 2 large heads for a watchmaker;
  • Celery greens, leafing currants and cherries for relish;
  • 1 large bunch of parsley;
  • parasols for crop and leafing chron - 5 pieces per jar;
  • salt 70 g per 1 liter of water.

Rozrahunok lead, yak need to prepare the rosemary troch below. I’ll guess that the jars can be dry and clean, better than the front with soda.


Tomati vimiti, sort by stage of maturity. Cleanse the root of the chron. Rinse all the greens with cold water, shake off the excess. Clean two large heads of the watchmaker, like even large teeth, cut them into 2-4 parts. The root of the chrono is cut with plates. At the bottom of the jar, put 2-3 leaves of black currant, cloves of the teaspoon, 2-3 plates of the root of the chron. Add krip (greens and parasols), seler, sprat of parsley. Place 2-3 balls of green tomatoes on the bottom of the jar.

Prosharuvati tomato greens (like on a denti), add a teapot to the jar, horseradish. Come balls of death from brown tomatoes. Cover the tomatoes again with a green ball. Lost a place in a jar filled with red tomatoes. Do not hurt, but try to put the balls in such a way that among the tomatoes there was a lot of money. On top of the top, sing the croup, fresh greens, horseradish, chasnik.

Now it is necessary to prepare salty roses. It’s even easier to figure out how much you need, so it’s better to work in portions. For example, two liters. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan or a bowl, three drops of water. Add 140 grams of great salt, kitchen or stone salt, mix until the final level of crystalline salt. On the day of the dishes, a siege will be taken, so it’s more likely to anger the duzhe neatly or filter it through gauze.

Fill the tomatoes with the process with rosemary to the very top, so that the stink will be completely covered. As a matter of fact, it’s a little less, we’ll make one more portion: for 1 liter, water or two. Cover a jar of tomatoes with a lid (not thick) and keep it warm for 5-7 days. Approximately in 1-2 days it started to become more tinted, turbid - it means that the fermentation process is not good. You need to keep sour tomatoes in jars in a warm place for 3-5 days, and then move them to a cold balcony or put them in the refrigerator. There, the fermentation process continues. Fully ready red tomatoes will be in 12-14 days. Storms and green sour close to the moon.

Pickled tomatoes by the wind


  • 8 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 watchmaker's heads;
  • 10 parasols crop;
  • 5 pieces of licorice pepper;
  • 3 great cibulins;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • 20 peas of stock pepper;
  • 10 pieces of bay leaf;
  • 10 leafing khron;
  • currant leaves and cherries in a small amount;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 bottle of salt;
  • pivsklyanki tsukru.

As you understand, name the recipe, you need cebro. Bazhan is large, 12 liters capacity. And also gauze that gnіt, like for barrels.


Clean the cibula and cut it with pivkiltsy. Also clean the clockwork, do not cut the cloves and trim. From licorice pepper, you can see the fruit and the last one. Put one ball of spices on the bottom of the cebra: cibula, chasnik, pepper, bay leaf, leafing chron, currants, cherries, peppercorns. From above, put a ball of tomatoes. Let's renew the bowl of spices. And so to the top, repeat the filling of the wind.

Spices, especially currant and cherry leaves, it is necessary to add more, so that you can keep the taste of your tomatoes. Proceed to the preparation of the rosemary: on the pavement of a bucket of boiled chilled water, take 1 bottle of salt and ½ bottle of zucru. Pour the tomatoes with rose salt. Cover the animal with gauze, so that splashing climbs on it. Do not forget to change gauze periodically. Put a large plate on the wind, and anger the beast. Lower the wind at the basement or carry it onto the balcony.

Tse so tsikavo:

Pickled tomatoes with mustard


  • 3-3.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1/3 hot pepper pod;
  • 2 large cloves for a watchmaker;
  • 10 grams of refined chrono;
  • 2 parasols for crop with naps;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 bud of cloves;
  • 10 grain coriander;
  • 8 black peppercorns
  • 5 peppercorns.

If you don't like some spices, you can safely turn them off. Only from stock pepper and bay leaf with a chron, I would recommend to leave.

For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):

  • 60 g of great stone salt;
  • 30 g of mustard powder;
  • 20 g honey.


At the bottom of the container for sauerkraut, put parasols, crop, third horseradish and spices. Pomіdori bazhano choose schіlnі, stiglі or troch unripe. Vimiti їх, pierce the scruff in decals with a toothpick or a fork, put it firmly in the container. For the marinade in 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature, dilute the strength, half the norm of the mustard and honey.

Pour the marinade over the tomatoes, put a clean white cloth on the beast or gauze, put it in a sprat of balls, put mustard powder on it, which is overflowing. Do not curl, leave the tomatoes at room temperature for 7-10 days. If the tomato is fermented, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for residual ripening. Vegetables will be ready to be harvested in 12-18 days.

Pickled tomatoes with celery


  • 10 kg of tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of green celery;
  • 30-50 grams of green tarragon;
  • 500 g cherry sprigs with leaves.

For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):

  • 70 g salt;
  • 100 g honey.


Vimiti tomatoes, pierce the skin in a few places where the stalks were. At the bottom of the prepared dish for sauerkraut, I will sprinkle greens and half of cherry spices. Let's put a lot of tomatoes on the bed, we'll put cherry blossoms on the beast, which we have lost. For the marinade, mix in warm water, strength and honey, pour vegetables. Cover it with a clean cloth, put a wooden stake on the beast, set up a small gnat and put it in a cold place. Tomatoes will be ready in 10-17 days.

Pickled tomatoes with Bulgarian pepper


  • 2.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 500 grams of red and black Bulgarian pepper;
  • 50 grams of a watchmaker;
  • 5-7 sheets per chron.

For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):

  • 60-80 g salt,
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • for bazhannyam trohi black or zapashny peppercorns.


Peel the bell pepper from the fruit and the seed, cut the air into 4-6 parts. In the future, lay down the tomati, shifting the chrono to their leaves, bell pepper that watchmaker. For the marinade, put strong and bay leaves in the water, boil for 3-4 mins, cool slightly. Pour the tomatoes with warm marinade, so that the wines are covered. Cover the area with a clean cloth, put a wooden stake on the beast, set a small gnat and deprive it at room temperature for 4-7 days. Then let's blame the place for the post-harvest, best for the cold weather without foreign smells.

Pickled tomatoes from greenery


  • 8 kg of tomatoes;
  • 200 g of parsley root;
  • 300 g of green parsley;
  • 200 grams of green celery;
  • 300 grams of green crop.

For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):

  • 70 g of great pomelo salt;
  • 50 g honey.


Stigli hard tomato vimiti, pierce the skin in a few places where the stalks were. Peel the parsley root, grate it. At the bottom of the container for sauerkraut, put half of the washed greens and grated parsley root. Then we lay down the tomatoes, shifting their greenery, which is left out, lay down the sprat of the celery and the crop for the beast. For the marinade, add strong honey to the water, boil for 2–3 minutes, take it out of the fire and cool it slightly.

Pour the tomatoes with warm marinade, so that the wines are covered. Cover it with a clean cloth, put a wooden stake on the beast, set up a small gnat and put it in a cold place. Pickled vegetables will be ready in 6-12 days (fallow due to the temperature at the host).

Pickled tomatoes with plums


  • 8 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg pour;
  • 100 g parsley root abo seleri;
  • 300 g of green parsley;
  • 100 grams of green celery.

For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):

  • 80 g salt;
  • 100 g honey.


For sauerkraut you need shchilni, trochs of unripe plums. Tomatoes and plum vimiti, pierce the skin in a few places. Peel the parsley root or celery, rub it on the great tertz. The greens are resolutely washed. In case of sauerkraut, put half of the greens and half of the grated parsley root or seleri. Then we lay down the tomatoes and plums, shifting the greenery that is left out, put the sprat of the celery and the grated root of the parsley or the celery for the beast. For the marinade, put strong honey in the water, bring to a boil, take it out of the fire and cool it slightly. Pour the warm marinade over the vegetables so that the stench is completely covered. Cover it with a clean cloth, put a wooden stake on the beast, set up a small gnat and put it in a cold place. Pickled tomatoes with plums will be ready in 15-25 days, fallow depending on the temperature at the place of application.

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