I am afraid that I might choke on it.

About home economics Golovna

After severe stress, the fear of catching the hedgehog appears, as time passes, the hedgehog gradually becomes aware that the hedgehog is not going where it needs to be, or is getting stuck.
These are also expected for the tapped waters.
Whenever I'm on the move, panic and fear of being caught will obviously appear.

I have a hard time eating and I can’t eat through fear.

Once the carpet starts to make your head feel fuzzy, it seems like your eyes won’t get wet again.

I no longer understand if I really choked and my body is threatened by insecurity, but if it’s just panic.

To help get out of the way, it seems that the covtal reflex has already collapsed.

no matter how unwisely the first one screams out panic

Most people are simply stuck with a mental barrier that can be easily overcome by taking pills from someone other than the Viconn.

Most often, the biggest problems arise through the fear of being shackled.

In people, perhaps, having had a particularly traumatic episode, if the tongue has completely fallen on the tongue, without actually falling into the mouth, then now the stinks will be felt at this moment by the skin's possible episode.

Kassiv seems to be under the shadow of fear - this is the nutritional concentration of effort on relaxing the sore throat.

“We have an unknown history of nobility when the hedgehog is chewed and the table is chewed so that it is delivered to the back of the throat,” he added, speaking on the inconsistency with which many people are stuck.

Gripping a big piece of shit and squeezing it together, for most people, the goal is not to become restless - or, let’s face it, not to trigger the mechanism of fear.

Some products, such as yogurt or apple sauce, do not contain liquid.

The crumbly texture of many tablets - gel capsules are usually easier to crush, like Cassivi - creates a rift between the body and mind, leaving the brain aware that the tablet is not a hedgehog, otherwise they are asked to be placed before it.

The process of evolution does not slow down, and in the future, people must stop living forever.

You felt in a melodious way that people today are no longer destined to die.

For most people, it is still devoid of the unpleasant and “wild”, and people say: “How is that so!” - look at the meat! - No way!

- here they stink about the processes of Evolution in their own country.

In many cases of serious illness, it is impossible to explain why people cannot resist someone else’s aspirin that falls in the throat.

People who spend an important time with pills must also stand or sit in an upright position, taking them, so that the pills are not crooked.

It may be painful, the fragments of Cassivi suggest that the sphincter of the stravokhod opens more at whose place.

Those who are other experts watch out for people - regardless of their popularity - to speed up their walks to larger sizes.

So, a normal and logical phenomenon is emerging with you - you are simply being “transferred to the new Level of Evolution”.

Listen to your body.

“As long as your wiring is not connected through nerve or muscle damage,” he added, “this is not a problem.”

For rich people out of fear, taking walks – as well as the act itself – comes in stages. First of all, the pills start small. Perhaps the stench is inhabited by hedgehogs, which are easy to live with.

Then they are taken out of disproportionately large buckets of water, leaving them invisible as the smells come down through the hatch.

The pineapples were taken on their own, with minimal water, and before the swallow-walker noticed it, as a walk, the fear of taking it arose.


grub behavior may or may not be present in a person with phobias, and phobias may or may not be present in a person with food behavior disorder. This describes several symptoms that can be associated with an object, thought or emotion that creates a phobia for a person.

A phobia is defined as an intense or unrealistic fear, and when one experiences this fear, one may experience panic attacks, anxiety, feelings of boredom, sleepiness, and depression. """" After severe stress, the fear of touching hedgehogs appeared, ... """" The stress that you have experienced - having only “awakened” that Situation, that Memory, that Sensitivity that you have experienced in early childhood.

This is already a long time ago, and here I can’t explain everything to you in just two words: WHAT and HOW you need to do in order to become aware of these impressions.

Type of activity: Psychologists, Courses, schools and seminars
These are also expected for the tapped waters.
Doctors of psychology Petra and Petro Burlani, creators of the world-famous psychotechnology "Simoron", ceramicists of the same school

Through power and low self-esteem, one can also have a strong fear of being judged by others as fat, conniving, stupid, godless, or abnormal.

These types of fears can be phobic in themselves and overpowering forces, and can suppress tendencies to the behavior of an agoraphobic type.

People who suffer from social phobia are afraid of the respect of other people. The wise ones are even sensitive to criticism and often interpret the actions of other people at large gatherings as an attempt to belittle them. They are afraid to enter into conversations, afraid of saying bad things, and may suffer for many years or days over the speeches they said.
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psychological assistance


Assortments: be-the-problems that occupy people in the life process. I - a hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-year guarantee of positive influence on their nutrition for the minds that our instructions will be followed accurately and accurately. With these instructions, we can teach our assistants easy, painless Simoron tricks.

These are also expected for the tapped waters.
Hello, Oleno.

In truth, the situation is complicated and difficult.

I would like to provide you with some food so that you can better understand: When did it start?

You write that you have experienced stress. What is it all tied to?
How do you react if you are attracted to your fear?

Whether from the minds or syndromes associated with the difficulties of forging, they can be cleared or instituted, vikorista and lower protocols can be established.

Start taking magnesium: if money is important to you, and if you are at risk of constipation, take magnesium citrate, which can also relax the vomiting system sufficiently to ease constipation.

40% of the population has a magnesium deficiency.

Stop dosing on any level, relax your style.
These are also expected for the tapped waters.
You may be injured if you choke on a brush.

To alleviate the fear that arose after this (and describe the post-traumatic reactions of your body), consider contacting a doctor who specializes in EMDR and/or NLP (trauma-based work).

It is possible that this has covered all the processes that you have stored under the surface.

It is important for you to become a psychologist/psychotherapist.
These are also expected for the tapped waters.
For everyone who is dying, it is important to mother people forever.

It seems that life is still a part of life, and it is certainly one of the universal needs of a person who is dying.

Rumors are simply those that form an accompaniment to the remaining path of life.
These are also expected for the tapped waters.
If people are hopeless and can no longer speak, it is especially important to accept their differences in life.
Only then will it be possible to avoid the burden and pain for them and preserve the right to self-esteem.
Since palliative care is no longer associated with healing, but rather with symptomatic relief, symptom control becomes particularly important.
Karti Tarot. Clairvoyant. Correction of Karmi. Reiki. Medium.
Type of activity: Magic, fortune telling, Healers, Alternative medicine
The ones that happen to you are called Panic Attacks. This is a psychological illness. Only a psychiatrist can help you. And special pills that relieve panic attacks.

Coaching, psychologist, consultations, trainings

Type of activity: Psychologists, Courses, schools and seminars, Personal trainers and coaches
These are also expected for the tapped waters.
Hello, Oleno. I feel your situation. Just as doctors seem to think that everything is fine, it means that the problem is, in truth, in the “head”.
What I have been doing since the 8th century with miraculous results - adding increased fat and adding meat mass!
caused by hypertension and high blood pressure, caused by headaches!

from the stove and constipation! ceasing to take medicine - there is no need!

And my biological age is more than 40 years old! For the passport - 62! Phagophobia is an obsessive, irrational, intense fear of choking while walking. Previously, the fear of choking was associated with pnegerophobia - the fear of poisoning; at the moment, phagophobia is seen as a separate, independent specific anxiety-phobic disorder. In the majority of recorded clinical episodes, illness occurs after real action, for example: when taking it, a person choked within an hour, the foreign body got stuck in the breathing paths, which led to mechanical Eternal asphyxia (suffocation).

A little sourness, disorder of breathing and, as a result, painful sensations: accelerated heart rate, mobility arterial pressure, darkness in the eyes, confusion put the person in a state of panic.

The inability to fully inhale is perceived by the brain as a serious insecurity for life, and the experience of extreme fear is recorded and recorded in the brain ( read the report about, stops inviting friends, ignores requests for a family dinner, and is rarely received positively by business partners, work colleagues, and relatives.

Phagophobia requires an individual to carefully think through and plan a “rare” menu, which is a significant part of the free time, apparently: decreased interests and hoarding and depression, which results from this.

Almost all individuals who suffer from this discord are critical of their own state, they understand the absurdity and groundlessness of their anxiety, but they do not go into taking their own lives under control by willful forces.

  • Phagophobia: show discord
  • This disorder manifests itself in a variety of vegetative and psychological symptoms, some of which are very strong, such that the illness begins to progress to the point of extreme behavior, fearing not only the real objects of their fear, but also the image of “solid” emotions.
  • Among the main signs:
  • Tachycardia (frequent heartbeat);
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating); hyperventilation legen (often, shortness of breath) or dyspnea (suffocation, difficulty breathing); Confusion, cephalgia (headache);
  • Vіdchuttya
  • meat weakness
  • (“legs will give way”);
  • Internal third;
  • Nervousness, fidgetiness, twitchiness;

disorientation, due to the feeling of unreality in too much light;

Buzhanna flow into activity, into itself;

nervous system

: fluidity of reaction to stress factors

For phagophobia, the following groups of drugs are used:

Antidepressant class SIZZS for example, Cipralex.

These are ways to positively influence the patient’s affective sphere, stabilize the emotional body, calm the mental state, and improve mood. These medications must be taken for at least 3 months.

Anxiolytics- psychotropic drugs that reduce the severity of anxiety.

It is recommended to take medications without delay, for example: afobazole.

  • Anticonvulsants
  • for example, pregabalin.
  • The advantage of these drugs is that they reach a therapeutic type, a sedative effect is clearly expressed.
  • Other phobias that arise in various situations:
  • - fear of the dentist; - fear of the dark;;
  • - fear of funeral;

- fear of being in a closed space;

- fear of displacement and relocation in