The third expansion of the chest. What a look without implants, bodice before and after the operation. Skіlki obsyagom, what a rosemіr, letter. How to correctly determine the chest size: instructions for women's breasts 2 sizes without a person

The maiden is guilty of attracting the past to become her own good looks, intelligence, small cunning. All these signs give women a great chance to know their soul mate, to know their own happiness. But the skin of a girl cannot be perfect in figure or other signs. Some of the people are more likely to love girls with their beautiful forms, and some more like a girl with a thin waist. Ale skin z tsikh girls varta respect a person. And everyone can sharpen their halves.

Breasts, independent of the world, are the main advantage of the skin girl

The head of the chest, be it women, respect the breasts. This is a good embellishment, on which all people respect respect. Different hours had different ideals of beauty. For example, in the distant sixteenth century, women with a girth of less than a hundred centimeters of breasts were respected as unworthy of the respect of a man. For an hour thoughts changed. Incrementally, the numbers changed. And already in the eighteenth century, the smaller the volume of breasts was respected, the more respect was shown in such a girl. In the world of 2, the size of the breasts is most often folded into women. Ale deyakі from them are complexed by the drive of their natural gifts.

Rich girls are small. That stench wants to increase to the third hour more. Obviously, there are few such women, but the stench is thoughtful about those who will correct it. There is a large number of plastic surgeries, surgical insertion to improve the milk duct. You can do everything, regardless of the natural gifts of people. And why do you need stained glass big pennies for the scaling of two breasts? How the chest looks, and what to think from the person’s drive, will be described in detail in this article.


In order to correctly name the rozmir, it is necessary to distinguish between two understandings. We will talk about them later. The first thing to understand is the circumference of the cup, and the other - the girth of the breasts is 2 dimensions. For example, the size of the bust is not important for models. But for them, it’s important, so that the girth of the letters is not more and not less than ninety centimeters. The required parameter of the models. There are such moments that the girth can be close to a hundred centimeters. Ale, with whom the rose will be the first. It is necessary to lie down in the girth of the breasts, that of the one that the size of the chest reaches.

We see the size correctly

Let's figure it out, how to designate 2 breast sizes? It is necessary to take an excellent sewing centimeter and cut the dove of the stake under the milk vine from below. Tsey result write down on arkush paper for a little calculation. With a centimeter, measure the dozhina of the chest cell where the nipple is. Strongly tightening a centimeter is not necessary here. Vіn is guilty of simply lying down firmly to the skin and not crushing. Otherwise, it seems that the indications are not correct. If necessary, give another digit to read the first digit. The result has a number, so it is necessary to select it in the tables of breasts. The difference in girth will be an important indicator. For example, 2 chest expansions will be equal to fourteen or fifteen centimeters. You take away the difference, as if from another figure you see the first.

Starry look

How do breasts look like 2 roses? The diet is given to the skin girl. It is necessary for the choice of sleep. What are 2 expanding breasts? If you reveal such breasts, then the stench will predict two small oranges. It turns out that there is a small expansion. Ale y y nymu є pozitivnі and negative moments.

Plus another rosemary. How stinky?

Before pluses, you can add the following moments:

  1. A small expansion of breasts will change the life of a woman.
  2. Another rozmir - tse shorter than the first one, shards in this vein, є, what to show.
  3. There are a lot of problems with the choice of speed in the stores.
  4. So, the authorities suggested that the other and third expansion of the breasts would sooner return to normal after the birth of the child.
  5. A lot of people say that such breasts are attached to the intimate plan. In this rank, tsey rozmіr, it is possible, bude zbіlshuvati kіlkіst shanuvalnikov at Yogo Volodarka.
  6. Small breasts look neat. Vaughn is a sign of an aristocratic woman.

Minus another rozmіru. Chi є stink yaki?

There is a small number of negative moments, but it is not the fault of the stench to inject people into the thought, including lads. O people, who are worthy of greatness. Todi tse zovsіm not їхній variant. The first minus is the mother's fashion for large breasts. Ale, the woman’s breasts 2 are more beautiful with their own good looks. That does not give up its beauty to anyone. Podlitkivs often develop a complex of innocence, but if mother, as you know the order, then she is neatly guilty of explaining that there is nothing nasty and terrible in it. The girls with two large breasts look so beautiful and hospitable in the suspense, like a woman with bigger breasts.

Chi varto zbіlshuvati molochnі zlozi kіrurgichіchny way?

Practically a skin friend of a girl wants to enlarge her breasts by a larger size. For whom, use different methods and methods. For example, plastic surgery, physical right, proper eating, water procedures. The skin may have its own results. But more of these methods are necessary to treat the skin of the girl for maintaining health. Natural breasts 2 roses - the bust is more beautiful, on the yak you can know whether the lower white is beautiful and elegant. Plastic operation is more costly. To this end, the way is practically not a skin girl.

Sportswear for breasts

That is recommended to go in for sports, physical rights, dotrimuvatsya proper eating. Zrobiti tse is easy and simple. Dotrimuyuchis tsikh recommendations milky ridges for a long time to become springy, ties become mіtsnіshim and schіlnіshimi. Therefore, it is easy to increase the volume of breasts for additional athletic rights. Їx paint a trainer for an individual skin type.

Proper eating for breasts of a different size and no less

Properly eating does not cause an increase in the milk supply with direct action, but it will give a small result on a wild, outgoing look. The first moment is the price of changing the diet of eating, which is easy to indulge the body in the presence of a disease. A lot of products will carry a large number of vitamins and mineral speeches, which will take an active part in the exchange process and deliver the necessary amount of living speeches. All fresh cabbage, eggs, different kinds of seafood, chicken breast, milk.

The growth of milk stagnation in girls is due to the presence of the hormone estrogen in the blood. Wine is found in the pea and honey. Dodatkovoy diєyu can become water procedures. It is necessary to work a contrast shower and press the water directly on the milk duct. In this rank, stink to take a massage for the help of strong streams of water.

What do people think about small breasts?

Women's breasts 2 roses look even more beautiful. From the look of the psychologists of that vchenih, the girls make a lot of speeches in order to be worthy of their own person, or just an extended position. Іsnuyut, obviously blames, but we don’t know them well. But in such a state of mind, the richest women are those who don’t know the stench of their man and repair the robes of the visnovka, after which they kill everything in life. For example, the girls grow their hair, nails, sag the lips, enlarge the breasts in a piece way, and then wonder that people do not like such options.

And the pardon in this mood is not just for the old look, but for the fact that everything is unnatural speech. For social education, maybe ten hundred people give priority to girls with their hair, nails, breasts and other parts of the body. The natural beauty of girls begins to sprout from a young woman. That її it is necessary to protect and develop the trochs.

Small visnovok

It was already clear to the skin of the girl, as if she had read the article, as the breasts of 2 roses look like. Now the varto is over, what a chic rosemary of the milk vine. Vin gives the opportunity to the mother of the girl with a beautiful bust and enjoy life. Aje in this fashion can be easily dressed up, whether it be a summer sundress without a bra, and in case of this, nothing will hold your hand. Also, such a chest is worth a standard size. That's why you can know if you're sleeping white, if you're wearing it, if it's a warning. 2 expansion of breasts to allow the girls to look aesthetically pleasing.

That’s why it’s not necessary to work fools and lie down for surgery and for plastic surgery and breast enlargement. All the beauty of a girl is given to her very own people. Її take care of the war and keep an eye on її, so that natural rice is left for a three-hour hour.

In order to measure the size of a woman's breasts, it is necessary to increase the size of the two main bodies of the body. The first of them is a column under the breasts: behind the help of a centimeter line, strongly pressed to the body, next to freeze the size of the hoarseness. This parameter is the first indicator, necessary to designate the size of the bust.

Another necessary indicator is the number of breasts. To determine this parameter, it is necessary to put a centimeter line to the protruding points of the breasts, as if to fall on the nipples. If you follow closely, so that during the process of mitigation the line on the whole її protyaza was parallel to the load, it did not sag, but it is possible to support the results of the mitigation of the difficulties in the selection of the disease.

Having taken the necessary data, you can sort out the inconsistent roses, as if to show what kind of expansion of the woman’s breasts. For whom you see the greatest result of the conducted vimirru, so that the chest is stunned at the most precise points, you see the least result, then the chest is stunned. Subtracting the result, the expressions in centimeters, is evaluated in this way.

So, even if the difference was 10 to 11 centimeters, it was equal to the zero size of the breasts. The first difference is made by women, for some differences between the parameters that are looked at, become 12 to 13 centimeters. A difference of 14-15 centimeters is typical for a different chest size, 16-17 centimeters for the third, 18-19 centimeters for the fourth, 20-21 centimeters for the fifth.

Other sizes of breasts

In this way, the presence of a different size of the breasts can be ascertained in a woman, as there is a difference between a stake of breasts and a stake under the breasts between 14-15 centimeters. Tse means that mothers of women with different types of statues can have a different chest size - from trendy to sporty and navit schіlny.

However, in order to identify a different size of the chest, do not start the language work and accurately calculate: for an hour it is enough in the Duma to draw an analogy between the breasts of a specific woman and other objects similar in size and shape. For example, fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, scho another size of breasts is guessing for the size of a sprat of splendid oranges. You can indulge in the first rose of the world, having called, that you should ring it with a pair of apples of medium size, then, like the chest of the third rose, you will guess a couple of grapefruits.

Most of today's people show themselves an ideal girl with a right-chested companion. For example, if only for that, look at the standards of the woman's beauty, they were called by others. Confirming that the most popular celebrity was named the most popular celebrity for the past five decades, and contagion and rosemary of their busts. Like Irina Shayk and Jennifer Eniston's, they were looming, neat, and not in a trend for a long time, which cannot be said about Kim Kardashian's roundness - this year's fifth rose is at the very peak of popularity.

It's no secret that the standards of women's beauty are constantly changing. Representatives of the British luxury brand Bluebella have been celebrating their chests in fashion for the last 50 years. As a result of the examination carried out by the experts of the brand, they made a visnovka, that in the course of an hour the woman's breasts in the middle increased from another to the fifth rose. Forgive us for this, as this beauty transformation was, you can by looking at our photo gallery.

In the 1960s, the most popular size of women's breasts was 34B. Jane Fonda could only boast of such parameters. Regardless of her, it would seem, modest "dviyku", the actress became the star of the richly erotic film "Barbarella" and was respected by one of the main sex symbols of that hour. Before the speech, on the cob of the 2000s, following the fashion, Jane nevertheless increased her bust. Well, not a lot of time passed, and the Foundation was already telling a story about the manipulation, and she removed the implants from the breasts. “I have lived a lot of years, not feeling like a woman, and an idea appeared in me that the implants could help me change. For a long time, cunningly spratsovuvali - the implants gave me an impression. Alemy, my man hates them, and I am behind him, ”the actress said in one of her interviews.

In the 1960s, at the peak of popularity, the star of the 2000s, Peris Hilton, could have been summed up as a whole - the expansion of breasts tezh 34B.

Irina Shayk was also a real idol of the 1960s. By nature, she has small neat breasts of a different size.

Jennifer Eniston is another star of the Volodarka for the expansion of breasts 34B.

In the 1970s, the fashion for women's breasts changed. To change the modest "dvіytsі" come "triyka". The head star of that hour, Barbara Streisand, is the most such womanly roundness.

Another proof that fashion is cyclical: the sex symbol of the 1950s, Marilyn Monroe, just like Barbary Streisand, had breasts of 34C.

One of the current stellar females of the third breast size is Megan Fox. Before the speech, the bust of the actor was far away from the efforts of the plastic surgeon.

In the 1970s, the trend was bula and Jennifer Lopez - pop diva to wear 34C bras.

The 1980s can be called the hour of the development of plastic surgery in Hollywood. For ten years, a lot of stars are actively going to surgeons with the method of growing their modest chest, richly writing. The most popular size of the world is 34D - the star of the film "Splash" Deril Khanna could boast of such a bust at that time.

On this day, one of the volodarok appetizing "four" with a small girth of breasts 93-95 cm (34th American size) is the model Adriana Lima.

Kate Upton's breasts lost a lot of weight in the last hour and could have become a reference in the 1980s - її rozmir 34D.

Katie Perry is another modern woman who expanded her breasts, she was at the peak of popularity in the 1980s.

In the 1990s, Pamela Anderson became the leading sex symbol. At this hour, girls all over the world, without exception, mriyut to become the same stringy and pishnobrudimi, like the star of "Ryatuvalnikov Malibu." Rozmir її silicone breast, before the speech, at that hour buv 34DD.

Another star of the 90s was actress Halle Berry. Rozmir її chested at that hour, it was also as close as possible to the ideal.

Today's Volodarkoy firm "pyatirki" є Tyra Banks.

Christina Aguilera is another celebrity who chooses her own bras in size 34DD.

In the 2000s, the standards of women's beauty are changing again, but the truth is, this time not so dramatically. More appetizing girls come into fashion, so the "hot" size of breasts is 36D. Scarlett Johansson could boast of such breasts at that hour.

Jessica Simpson is another one of the appetizing "fours" with a breast circumference of 98-100 cm.

Our days are full of appetizing roundness, like before, in trend. According to the opinion of British experts, the most popular breast size today is є 36DD - the very same, to the point, at the TV show Kim Kardashian.

The parameters of the Charlotte McKinn model also correspond to the current beauty standards for today.

Actress Kate Dennings is another star of the Volodarka rozmir 36DD.

The actress and fashion model Lucy Pender can also boast of the fifth size of her breasts.

Will you be happy with the whiskers of British experts? (Pictured: Kelly Brook)

The sides of the chest were always respected with the right color of the skin of a girl. In different epochs, the parameters of the garnet woman's body were even more pronounced. For example, in the 16th century, a woman with a breast circumference of less than 100 was respected by the unworthy respect of a human being. And in the 18th century, the smaller the girth of the breasts and the waist, the girl was honored with greater respect among the names.

In the era of plastic surgeries and silicone implants, you can reach the promise of milk deposits without marveling at natural data. Ale chi varto stained pennies for the increase of two breasts? Let's be significant, as if looking at 2 breasts, and what to think from this drive of modern people.

How to look at the photo and how to die 2 size bust

Do not confuse the two understand: the size of the cup and the girth of the breasts. For example: in the modeling business, it’s not important, like a girl’s chest size, it’s important, so the girth of the breasts is no more than 90 cm. Tse lie in the chest.

Pokrokov's instruction how to win:

  1. The volume of the chest cell under the breasts. We take the greatest sewing centimeter and vimіryuєmo dozhina kola right under the milk veins. Let's write down the result.
  2. Standard volume of breasts. Tim, with the sewing centimeter, we will kill the chest cavity along the protruding part, tobto. by the nipples. Do not overtighten the centimeter too much. Vіn is guilty of lying down to the skies, but at the same time do not squeeze її, by the same token they themselves change the right displays.
  3. Retail. Vіdnіmaєmo zі standard obsyagu the first show. Now, according to the tables, we can determine your breasts.
Girth difference, cm Rosemary of breasts
10-11 0
12-13 1
14-15 2
16-17 3
18-19 4
20-21 5
22-23 6

In photo 2, the size of the chest can look different. For example, a bra with a push-up obsyagogically increases the volume. It is also necessary to marvel at the vіk. Young girls have bigger breasts and beautiful breasts, while older women have lower ones.

To express it figuratively, then 2 rose breasts are standardly matched with two oranges. That hour has 1 rosemary - two apples, and 3 - two grapefruits.

Another size of breasts: pluses and minuses

The skin of each world may have both negative and positive sides. І 2 expansion of the bust - no blaming.

  • Chim is a smaller rosem, a girl (woman) looks young for her own rock;
  • 2 rose is shorter, lower is first. What to show;
  • Vcheni carried out follow-up and z'yasuvali, that 2-3 roses should be more normal after a gentle breast growth;
  • There are no problems with the expansion of the world of life at the store;
  • It is also conveniently placed at the standard human hand. Tse zbіshuє kіlkіst kіlkіst shanuvalnіkіv і, as naslіdok, pіdvishuє self-esteem;
  • Neatly small breasts - tse aristocratic;
  • Take care of your privacy and springiness, do not be surprised for a century.

  • Fashion great rozmir;
  • Young girls often develop a complex of innocence;
  • Can't wear a strapless bra.

How to increase 2 breasts

It’s not only the girls who ask about these nuns, as if they want their mothers to be successful in the human half of the planet, but also the woman, who should be the people:

And why is it so necessary to change yourself for that worse - kick under the surgeon?

From a psychological point of view, all women paint themselves only for men. E, zvichayno, deyakі vinyatki, ale de їх nemaє?

The girls are covered with cosmetics, shaking their underwear, laying their hair too thin just for the sake of respect from the side of a human being.

The bazhanya was worthy of proliferating status, it was laid on the equal footing of our bridge. But the best pardon is that the girls do not know how to be like people.

The girls, like they pumped the gel into their lips, and crushed the overhead nails, marveling: “Why is there so little human respect?”. To that cholovіkam tse netіkavo. At the same time, the trend has natural beauty.

Social experience has shown that 75% of people will give priority to girls with natural, but small breasts. The sound is clear: breast augmentation surgery is not needed. But why is such a great drink for this service? Vidpovіd is obvious - women's complexes.

Tse pochinaetsya at pіdlіtkovu vіtsi, if the beauty of that maturity of the maiden is seen in the midst of one-year-olds only by the size of breasts. Tse give a post-exposure development to the complex of innocence, constriction, stinginess, innocence in oneself thinly.

The future girl is associated with all the problems with the chest and lying on the bottom of the surgeon. But if you don’t change the situation, then you need to change the middle and overcome yourself.

What it takes to put a man on a woman’s breasts - it’s all individually.

Ale varto signifies that great breasts inspire people, attract them lower. The other - the third rose - is the middle of gold between beauty and health.

How does the character infuse adversity?

When choosing an affiliate program for a great deal, one should be surprised either by the fools, or by the psychologically immature people. Because great breasts are associated with mother, mother's milk, eternal turbot and roses. Such young people are fooling around with their own mother.

The guys, like joking around with their squad-done, otherwise, how else do they call them "daddies" to give priority to girls with small breasts. For an intelligent association. Such a person needs a maiden, how to get drunk on him, about how you can fight and how not to show a strong character.

To the men who give priority to the average size (2.3) of the bust of a woman, a girl-friend is needed. You’ll always be able to tell, pidbadjoriti. There is a razumіє z pivslova and z it is not scary to violate the investigation. Call such a bet zhartom call "brother-sister". for statistics Behind the experience - the most beautiful stosunki. But still, one istotny nedolіk can be dreamed of - friendship. Rarely do such blues overgrow in the right selfless kohannya.

Do not varto change for the sake of a person. Love and value yourself, and then you will be able to know your soul mate, no matter what your breast size is - the first, the other or the third. Success!

I was even more pleased to have breasts enlarged for the help of accessible and simple folk methods.

The skin woman needs to look beautifully and pleasantly. The women's breasts have always been grafted and made men. In order to reach a healthy and healthy breast, it is necessary to know about the peculiarities of a woman’s breasts, about the correct look after her. More varto correctly name the rosemary. Keeping an eye on women's forms should be carried out on a permanent basis, otherwise it will be better to correct the shortfall.

Women's breasts are a symbol of birth. In all cultures, earlier all the goddesses of fertility and childbirth were depicted with a great number of milk diseases. If you look at the process of growth of milk worms, then their development is a secondary status sign. Likewise, the nipples of women's breasts are vvazhayutsya by erogenous mіsts, tighter than human. Navіt photo of naked women's breasts evokes sexual desire.

The development of milk worms begins to sound at the age of 9 to 10 years and the process is approximately three years. Use the photo of the Tanner scale, which can be used to assess the stage of state maturation, and in this scale, the level of growth of milk diseases is guaranteed.

This scale is composed of five subdivisions:

  • on the first one, there is no increase in the fall;
  • another vine develops to the stage of "bud";
  • on the third, the growth of the areola and the areola is further away;
  • on the fourth, the areola and nipple protrude above the surface of the ridge;
  • on the fifth form, the expansion of the breasts begins to grow into an already mature person of the woman's status.

Physiology and anatomical features of female milk diseases

The milk ridge is a steamy organ, which is located on the chest cleft in front. The shape of the breasts is given by fatty tissue, as if it were a milk fold from the sides. At the center of the skin ridge there is a pigmented patch of shkiri, which is called the areola. Areola of three types:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • wrong.

On the areola there are rudiments of such deposits, like sebaceous sweat, like priming their functioning in the process of lactation and vibrating oil.

The central mist of female forms has a nipple. Vіn also maє kіlka forms: retracted, splashing, the shape of a cylinder, swelling, cone, funnel-like, barrel-like, and also may not be the mother of a singing form. The top of the female nipple is hvile-like, straight and with furrows. On the other hand, the nipple is nipple m'yaz, which is tucked into bundles of equal m'yazovyh fibers.

Add a sprat of factors to the fabric. Before them, one can see vaginess, menstruation, vigodovuvannya not moving, old. The commemorations at the breasts are dragged along by the stretching of vaginess. Ce z pidyomom pokazanka estrogen in the blood. In the event of a change in the level of this hormone, the color of the nipple and areola on dark colors also change. Under the age of old, springiness is used and that form of chest congestion.

In order to get white, it is necessary to know the parameters of the size of the breasts. An important parameter is the girth of the breasts, and under it, along the exact points of the breasts. For wimir, a centimeter is taken. Under the hour, I will expand my chest, hands must be lowered. Now it is necessary to rozpochati rozmіruvannya rozmіru bra cups. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho breasts can be buti at a newcomer comfortably and conveniently. Rosemary of the cup is importantly denoted by Latin letters. Ale, you can also use the meaning of numbers, starting from zero.

In order to designate the size of the bust, it is necessary to speed it up with numerals, so that it is obligatory to stake in the point that you speak, and under the bust. From obsyagu on protruding points of the bust, it is necessary to see obscuration under it. The first rosemary of the chest may be 13 cm, and the other - 15 cm.

For the correct vimiryuvannya of the chest, it is necessary to follow the advancing rules.

  • Vimiryuvannya varto is carried out at a thin bra, which does not increase it does not change the milk ridges.
  • Povіtrya pіd hour vimir varto see.
  • The centimeter is to blame for buti schіlno applications to the breasts and roztashovuvati yogo treba exactly in parallel to the pіdlogi.
  • A centimeter is required to be roztashovuvati along a horizontal stake.

In order to properly trim the breasts, you can look at the photo, on which you clearly understand what it is like to work.

Advantages of another expansion of breasts

A lot of girls see complexes through the rosemary of wet milk vines, too small for some wines, but even more majestic for others. The power of another rosemary of breasts is due to reason, which is a number of advantages, which are more equal with greater advantages. І deyakі z vyag will be commemorated z vіkom zhіnki:

  • on small breasts, you can easily pick up a beautiful woman and a sexy woman;
  • such speeches, like cloth, T-shirts, t-shirts and shirts, miraculously look at girls with a different size of breasts;
  • girls with large breasts are problematic to pick up the garne, and at the same time not vulgar, vbrannya;
  • from time to time, the shape of the breasts does not change (for a larger beak) in a Volodarka of another size;
  • it’s practically impossible to show up for a century in that lethargy that trapleyaetsya with great breasts after 30 years (looks at the bust of another size, whether it’s a kind of person);
  • if sloping girls with small forms will not have problems with the ridge, as if it were for girls with great ones;
  • after a year, small breasts are easier to build up to a colossal stature.

In a skin woman, the breasts look different, and they pour in like rosemary. The concept of garnoi form is respected by an individual, but, without regard for the price, there are criteria for which breasts can be evaluated. The main criterion for breasts will be springiness. Actual sexologists insist that the shape of the breasts is allowed to reveal the acts of power of a woman.

If a woman has breasts in the shape of a woman, then we can say that she is more respectful, that she was pampered and loved. In that mood, as if the breasts are similar to the shape of a lemon, then the girl will win a balanced life without surprises. It is problematic to talk about the fidelity of a girl, and to win a heart like a pineapple. The shape of the grapes speaks about the modesty of the girl. Like a maiden's chest in the shape of a cherry, she is considered a life partner. Breasts in the shape of an orange to remind that the maiden will win over the partner's vessels. Breasts similar to a pear will be in a lover of kohanny.

Keeping an eye on milk vaults

Don’t get confused, like a girl’s first or another rosemary chest, to the one who’s more headstrong, looking at her beautifully and looked at her veins. I myself, at the sight of the milky worms, varto starve respect. Head horns, scho priyat in the shape and appearance of lethargy, є weakness of the dorsal muscles and stoop, shvidke emaciation, not a bra and yogo wrong pidbir.

At the moment of praise, do not pour hot water on the decollete area. It is necessary to wash the breasts with cool water for a day. Don’t rub the chest hard with a washcloth and rub it with a coarse towel, to which you will bring everything to the stretching of the shkіri. To see the water in the varto in a wet way, and then with the hands, to splash, and with the ease of the varto, apply a cream for the body that will help you breathe. Photo 4

At home minds, you can prepare compresses for the chest pads. If the compress is of a hot type, then the whole procedure will begin and end with cold applications. Warm compresses are trimmed in one strand, and cooled compressors are approximately five strands. The basis of herbs can be such herbs: calendula, shawlia, linden, chamomile and string. It is often necessary to rejuvenate the décolleté area with water and soothing methods.

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