Lesson quiz for technology plan-compendium on the topic. Poklassny entry for technology: Gra - quiz "Masterok" (grade 6)

"Quiz" (excellent entry for technology)


  1. Systematize knowledge on the subject “Technology”
  2. Advancement of technological culture, expansion of the svetoglyad
  3. Vihovannya caution, respect, memory, thought.

Ownership: didactic handout, stand

Sunset structure:

1) Commands privatnya

2) Goloshennya warehouse of the jury

3) Conducting 3 competitions

4) Gras with peeps

5) Conducting 3 competitions

6) P_dbittya p_dbags

7) Team rewards

Hidden call

4 competition "ANAGRAMS".

1) AZOGOTKVA (preparation)

2) IEELDZI (virib)

3) ONBLSHHA (template)

4) IPLA (saw)

5) URABONK (planer)

6) OMOLOTK (hammer)

7) PERSNATOK (thimble)

8) CININIZH (knives)

9) NOLOKVO (fiber)

10) UFNRTIRUA (accessories)

11) YVATKCHA (coil)

12) XALKDA (fold)

Competition "MYSTERIES".

  1. I twist - I twist, I twist - I twist!
    Whatever screw I will tighten! (Vikrutka)
  2. I creak and I creak
    Without screws and screws (Glue)
  3. B'yut Ermilka, scho є strength for the pot!
    But don’t cry, only a little better howl! (Zvyakh)
  4. According to river Forgiveness, steamboat.
    And behind him is such a smooth surface - no wrinkle bugs. (Praska)
  5. It is not possible to get drunk from this bucket. (Thimble)
  6. Stitch after stitch became a row. (Row)
  7. I show off on the wall, do not stick my forks. (Socket)
  8. Vin similar to a TV set, only 100 times smarter,
  9. Write to the father in the programs, type the texts to the mother.
    I don’t forget me - it’s fun to play with me. (Computer)
  10. Vіn іz a planer and a file, smelling like a pitch.
  11. Vin is not a slyusar, not a painter. Who is this wine? (Joiner)
  12. I am a colorful piece of fabric, I call myself ... (Shmatok)
  13. Little, dear, with a ponytail (Head with a thread)
  14. Two ends, two rings, in the middle of the flowers. (knives)

Competition "At the world of professions"

Before the name of the profession, choose a description:

1) Confectioner

2) Zakriynik

3) Embroidery stand

4) Kreslar

5) Teslyar

6) Slusar

Mind. sign.


Fahivets z preparation of fabrics for sewing

Embellish fabrics with ornaments and little ones, vicorist and colorful threads

Prepare licorice with boroshna with other products.

Vikonu graphic works

Pratsyuє sokira, budinki

Obroblyaє metal for the help of hand tools.

Vіdpovіdі: 2-A; 1-B; 3-B; 4-G; 5-D; 6th.

7 competition "CROSWORD" (Addendum 2)

Teams are taught one crossword puzzle. The skin team chooses a word, hears the food and guesses the word. Zhuri narakhovu bali for the number of letters in the word.


  1. A spool of thread to be inserted into a spool (bobbin)
  2. Woodworking tool (chisel)
  3. Perucarnia, de beauty (salon)
  4. Hand sewing tool (head)
  5. Interweaving of threads in fabric (st_bok)
  6. Attachment for zatiskannya workpiece (tyskannya)
  7. Chim clog tsvyakhi (hammer)


  1. Where the bobbin is inserted (chovnik)
  2. Tool for planing (planer) Crossword



from the course of technology


This quiz is to avenge the head of several divisions, awarded for the course of technology in the 7th grade. According to the skin problem on the okremny slide of the presentation, it was pointed out. The final one is a crossword puzzle, the food of which everyone is divided into a course of technology for the 7th grade.

Vin with a humovy trunk, Slunk with canvas, And to hum the motor - Kovtaє vin and drank that smittya.



M I K R O F O N + K + L I M A + T



This is the name of a wide frame from a bagato-ball cardboard, as if framing little ones, a photograph, a collage, or another vitver of art.

Schodenne (dry) cleaning

Shchotizhneve (vologa) cleaning

Seasonal (general) cleaning

To establish the viability between the assigned types of cleaning up the premises and the picking robots.

Ventilation of the premises; tidying up the bed, the place of the infamous koristuvannya; pіdm_tanny pіdlogi; removed the saw.

Schodenne (dry) cleaning

Chischennya kilimіv that dorіzhok; wiping batteries, pidvіkon; cleaning door handles, water taps, bathrooms; mittya room roslin; cleaning embellishment; mittya pidlog.

Shchotizhneve (vologa) cleaning

Overcasting the walls and the bed; cleaning of ventilation doors; mittya shaf; mittya pіdvikon, frames, vіkon, batteries, doors; mittya pidlog.

Seasonal (general) cleaning

It's not easy to prepare:

Eggs, strong that milk,

Zukor, drіzhdzhi that borosno -

All zbivaetsya trohi

Trees by a round weaver

At a rare place, it's quiet.

At the frying pan vipkaєmo -

Poured with licorice honey

Abo sir sippaemo.

Be savory with olive oil


It's not easy to prepare:

Eggs, strong that milk,

Zukor, drіzhdzhi that borosno -

All zbivaetsya trohi

Trees by a round weaver

At a rare place, it's quiet.

At the frying pan vipkaєmo -

Poured with licorice honey

Abo sir sippaemo.

Be savory with olive oil




G I R I + F O Z L + T A N K + A



This is how they call the brewed in sucrose syrup, and then dried and zucrated fruits.

Vershkov oil

Specify the products with an hour of storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-8°C.

Vershkov oil

Shovkovitsa is,

Leaves hear the rustle.

Not a spider, but a strand of thread

Ta z thread cocoon in'є.

Shovkovy sobi vbrannya


Shovkovitsa is,

Leaves hear the rustle.

Not a spider, but a strand of thread

Ta z thread cocoon in'є.

Shovkovy sobi vbrannya



M O R E + D O L I + R O V A + N I D O + E




This is the name of the water-thermal processing of the material for the destruction of the farther garden.

Dovzhina back to waistline

Napіvobhvat stegon

Dovzhina virobu

Waist circumference

Set the distinction between the names of the worlds and their mental designations.

Waist circumference

Napіvobhvat stegon

Dovzhina back to waistline

Dovzhina virobu

Yakiy cap on the finger

Vishivati ​​dopomig on hoops.

Protecting my finger,

Protect your head!

Yakiy cap on the finger

Vishivati ​​dopomig on hoops.

Protecting my finger,

Protect your head!


B + Y + W + K I B I + P I A H I N O + E




This is the name of double-sided sewing, which is made up of thin lines.

designate the center of the fabric

cut threads

supply fabric for embroidery

tuck the fabric in the embroidery

layout of central lines

compress the edges

Tell me, in any case, the following operations should be performed in preparation for embroidery.

designate the center of the fabric

cut threads

supply fabric for embroidery

tuck the fabric in the embroidery

layout of central lines

compress the edges


Licorice dish, yak served after the main, like a meal.


What is the key word?

Sleepy reception, if requested to stand up, freely choose to fight and serve yourself independently.

What is the key word?


Bilateral soft surface, which does not have a clear contour; vykonuetsya okremi stіbkami, yakі can freely roztashovuvatisya on vyshivtsi.


What is the key word?

Light fittings, recognized for lighting the premises, other objects or open spaces: street, dvorіv toscho.

What is the key word?


The camp of the inner middle of the place, which pours into the people.

What is the key word?


A selection of subjects from among the works of art, however, a number of them are specially selected according to the most common themes.


What is the key word?

Lively motherland, yak in the dairy bays of females ssavtsiv.


What is the key word?

A smooth or profiled plank for making frames and cornices to paintings, graphic works, photographs, mirrors.

What is the key word?


Development of the design of a model of a sewing machine.

What is the key word?


Double-sided surface, as if hung with loose, well-fitting stitches.

What is the key word?


Key word.

TECHNOLOGY QUIZ 1. What do you buy at the spinning mill? (Yarn) 2. What is made at the weaving factory? (fabric) 3. What kind of fabric is called a suvora? (taken from the weaving verst) 4. What kind of fabric is called a weaving? (Suvora fabric, woven with additional special veneers) 5. What kind of fabric is called stuffed? (fabric, for example, children are being treated) 6. What kind of fabric is called smooth-farb? (fabric, fabricated in one color) 7. What is fabric? (interweaving of two warp threads and pitching) 8. What is found along the edges of the fabric? (Krimka) 9. What is the edge for? (take care of the edge of the fabric in the direction of ossipannya) 10. Name the sides of the fabric. (front, vivoritna) 11. Give a description of the front side of the fabric. (short, matte, she has a pale color and little ones, she has more knots and villi.) 13. Name the weave of threads in fabric. (linen, twill, satin) 14. Name two types of natural fibers for pojzhennyam. (Roslinna that creature) 15. Name the fibers of the dewy walk. (Lion and bavovna.) 16. Name the fibers of the creature's walk. (bavovna.) 18. What is the country of the fatherland? (India and Pivdenna America.) 19. From the outside of what kind of creature do mohair? (from the inside of Angora kіz.) 20. From the outside of which creatures take away the cashmere outside? (Zone of the cashmere kiz.) 21. Of the line of what kind of creatures take away the Angora outside? (From the insides of Angora rabbits.) 22. What is the name of wool taken from sheep? (fleece.) 23. Like a country with a father's seam? (China.) 24. What is the use of syrovina for the extraction of synthetic fibers? (Naphtha, gas, vugillya.) 25. How is “kovpak” called, through which chemical fibers are formed? (Filieri.)

26. Name the fabrics for recognition? (bavovnyanі, llanі, vovnіnі, shovkovі, piece, synthetic, sumіshі.) 27. Name three types of dominance of fabric. (Physical-mechanical, hygienic, technological.) 28. What are fibers? (all small, thin tіltsya.) 29. Name the fabrics for recognition. (pobutova, technical, special.) 30. What kind of utah, kenaf and jute? (Utah and kenaftropical growths, Batkivshchyna - India, China.) 31. What is the name of the egg of the caterpillar of the wormworm? (Greno.) 32. What is the dish? (Tse zha, ready to live.) 33. What is a sandwich? (Tsya grass, what is made up of bread and other products, how to put it on bread.) 34. How do you make sandwiches according to the way of cooking? (cold and hot.) 35. How do you see sandwiches? (vіdkritі, closed - sandwiches, snack bars - canapes, tarts.) 36. Name the dishes for drinking. (teapot, tea cups, bowls, kavniks, kavov cups, kitchenettes). 37. Why do proteins serve in the body? (to serve the renewal of the body of the human body, to promote the success of the organs of the body) 38. How to serve fat in the body? (dzherelo energy, which protects the body from cooling) 39. Why should vitamins be used in the body? (Promote opir to the body ill) 40. What is a rational eating? (Perfect, reasonable, correct, regular) 41. Name three principles of rational eating. (correct mode of eating, sustenance of the living, varied eating) 42. Why serve kitchen utensils? (for cooking food) 43. What is the purpose of kitchen appliances? (to help with cooking) 44. How about serving tableware? (Serve them on the table and eat with them) 45. Name the plates for serving the table. (Glibokі: tables, desserts; others: snack bars, tables, desserts, pirіzhkovі.) 46. Name the dishes for drinking. (Kelikhs, wine glasses, flasks, cups, stands) 46. Name the knives for serving the table. (snack, canteen, ribney, dessert, fruit)

47. Name the spoons for serving the table. (far, dessert, tea, kavova) 48. Name the forks for serving the table. (snack bar, distant, ribna, dessert, for cakes and tistechok) 49. Name the methods of primary processing of products (sorting, mittya, cleaning, washing, cutting) 50. Name the methods of thermal processing of products blanching, scalding, cutting.) 51. What is the process of sautéing products? (easily coated products with a small amount of fat) 52. What are snacks according to the cooking method? (cold and hot) 53. Name hot snacks. (barley, scrambled eggs, sausages, mushrooms, baked in sour cream) 54. How much time can you save dressing and not salad dressing? (6th and 12th) 55. What are the first wars preparing for? (broth, vіdvarah, kvass, milk, sour-milk products, water) 56. What is the thick part of the soup called? (Garnish) 57. Name the soup for the consistency. (clear, dressing, puree) 58. Name the soup according to the main product. (meat, ribnium, milky, fruity, vegetable, mushroom) 59. When to serve other dishes on the table? (following the first meal for dinner and then the snacks for the evening) 60. Name other dishes behind the main product? (meat, rib, vegetable, mushroom, groats, s pasta bowls, boroshnyanі, yaєchnі) 61. What is the dessert and if it should be served on the table? (licorice weeds and drink to complete insults) 62. Why serve as syrovina for licorice herbs? (fruits and berries, milk, sour-milk products, sour cream, tops, olives, eggs, cereals) 63. Name the additives that give a singing relish to licorice herbs. (vanilin, jam, peas, rodzinki, poppy, starch, gelatin, syrup, chocolate, cocoa, zest, cloves, nutmeg peas, etc.) 64. Name three cold licorice herbs. (compote, sour, jelly) 65. Name three hot licorice. (soufflé, baked fruit, puddings) 66. What are the ways to drink on the table? (Cold, hot) 67. Name cold non-alcoholic drinks. (kvass, fruit drink, zbiten, kryushoni)

68. Name hot non-alcoholic drinks. (tea, kava, cocoa, chocolate) 69. Name the fatherland tea. (China) 70. Name the fatherland Kawi. (Ethiopia.) 71. Name the fatherland of cocoa. (Mexico and the lands of Pivdenny America.) 73. What is tea like? (whole leaf of an evergreen bagatoric tea bush.) 74. What is kava like? (Tse fruits of the kava tree.) 75. What is cocoa? (This is the fruit of an evergreen chocolate tree.) 76. What is the taste for the method of preparation? (yeast: fresh and healthy, pistes, biscuits, custards, leaflets and unyeasted.) 77. What is the menu like? (Tse perelіk proponovanyh strav.) 78. Name the ways of conservation. (Salted, marinated, sauerkraut, soaked, boiled, cooked compotes) 79. What changes in the development of microorganism in products? (high temperature, high concentration of zucru and salt, octu) 80. What is pickling food? (Way to save products for additional oats, salt, zucru and spices, thermal processing) 81. What should be taken care of when canning products? (Sanitary rules, recipes, technological process of processing) 82. Name the procedure for applying the ingredients to the table. (snacks, soups, hot other dishes, dessert, drinks) 83. Name the vidi holy tables. (birthday, carpet, banquet, buffet, cold or Swedish, cocktail, tea or cava) 84. What is a buffet style? (Steel with cold appetizers, like taking only with a fork, serving independently, eating standing up.) 85. What is cold, but Swedish style? (stіl rozmіshchuet bіlyа stіni, nakryvayut tablecloth, scho hung majzhe to podlogi. Snacks, confectionery, drink, drink in the middle of the table, and on the edges of dishes for drinking, cups, plates, knives and forks. Guests serve themselves and eat standing or sitting . ) 86. Name the traditional Russian saints. (Sichnik, Rіzdvo, Maslyana, Velikden, Novy Rіk.) 87. Name the order of the day. (in-line, retel, dodatkov, general)

89. When and where was the first sewing machine found? (England - 1755 - Weisenthal - single-thread manual sewing machine.) 90. Name two types of sewing machines for recognition. (on the basis of universal, industrial - special) 91. What details are found on the platform of the sewing machine? 92. What details are found under the platform of the sewing machine? (shovnikovy attachment - chovnikov, bobbin case, bobbin, lower thread tension adjuster) 93. What details are found on the sewing machine sleeve station? (manual drive, handle, flywheel, winder, tensioner adjuster) 94. What details are found on the front plate of the sewing machine? 95. What details are found on the head of the sleeve of a sewing machine? (important presser foot, presser foot cut and presser foot; head guide and head trim with thread guide) 96. What is another name for the cloth mover? (Rail) 97. What is the adjuster for the tension of the lower thread on? (on the bobbin case) 98. Does the part need to be inserted into the head? (Golkootrimuvach) 99. Name the scheme of a robotic sewing machine with an electric drive. (Electric motor - belt - flywheel) 100. Name the attachment of small mechanization. (feet: with a straight line, picker, for making buttonholes, for sewing on gudzikiv, for sewing on embossed seams, for sewing on tasmis, sewing, knife switch, for sewing on sleeves, zigzag) 101. What are these stitches? (the end of the cycle of weaving threads on the surface of the fabric between two punctures of the neck) 102. What is the row? (a number of repetitions of lines) 103. What is a seam? (A place to send a dekilkoh of details for an additional row) 104. What is the length of the line? (vіdstan mіzh cob and kіntse stіbka) 105. What is the width of the seam? (vіdstan vіd vіd zіzu detіlі to row) 106. What is the purpose of stіbki timchasovym recognition? (For the timing of the details)

107. What is the name of the handwriting of timchas recognition? (koshtorisny and interlining) 108. Why serve as an interlining seam? (For the designation of the middle of the details) 109. Name the manual lines of the fast recognition. (remembrance, subdivision) 110. Do you want to serve as a memorial? (For processing of details) 111. Name the manual notes. (oblique and looped) 112. Name the hand stitches. (secret and “goat”) 113. How to serve as a supporter? (for processing the lower parts) 114. What is the purpose of the strike seam? (For making two or more pieces of detail) 115. Why serve as figure seams? (For embellishing the details of sewing items) 116. Name the clothes for the way of dressing. (draped, laid on, rozstibna) 117. Name the clothes according to the shape of the cut. (Shoulder, waist, full-cut, ribbed at the waist) 118. Name the robes for recognition. (Home, business, sports, oshatna) 119. . Name the cloth for recognition. (home, business, weekend, oshatne, for cocktails, evenings) 120. Name three ways to dress. (hygienic, operational, aesthetic.) 121. What is the model? (one shot of a sewing bag like a baby, photographs of a finished bag.) 122. What is a silhouette? (the flatness outlines a be-any object, that is. yogo shade; the flatness, the lightness of the cloak’s bulky forms, the light outlines are clear, like a shadow.) (fitted, napіvpritaleny, straight, tricot, oval, trapezium-like.) 124. Name the silhouette lines. (Stylish or model, constructive, decorative.) 125. What is the design of sewing machines? (Tse pobudova armchair of all details clothes.)

126. What is the chair of sewing machines? (there is a graphic image of the details of the dress at the flat in full size and scale.) 127. What is the scale? (the same number, as it shows, the number of times is larger or the image of the object is smaller.) 128. What scale will the armchairs of sewing machines have? (1:4) 129. Name the ways of constructing sewing machines. (model, bezrokhunkovy, rosrakhunko-peaceful, rosrakhunko-analytical) 130. What does a fashion designer do? (Create the first piece of clothing at the sight of the sketch) 131. What is the artistic modelling? (the process of making garments) 132. Who makes the armchair of sewing machines? (artist-constructor) 133. How do you write down the worlds of your life? (Obnistyu) 134. How do you write down the worlds of girth and width? (at the half-width, krіm girth of the shoulder, wrist, wrist) 135. What letters mean girth, navіbhvati, dozhini, width? (O, S, D, W) 136. What kind of worlds do you need to take to wake up your nightshirt? (Ssh, Sg, St, Sat, Op, Dst, Di) 137. What is the technical modeling? (view of the details of the sewing mill) 138. How to prepare fabric before cutting? (Selection of fabrics, decathing, re-checking of defects on fabrics, marking of the front and back sides, marking of a joint thread, drawing a small piece straight ahead, lining of the fabric) 139. What line to outline the shape? (sucilny) 140. What line should I draw around the seam allowances? (dotted line) 141. How to cut fabric? (1. lay out and pin large details, small details. 2. circle the shape with a strong line, mark additional lines and points. with one detail on the line 6. name all the details 7. mark the middle of the details.) 142. What is the seam allowance ? (Vidstan from the seam to the size of the details) 143. Name the ways of processing the details of the details? (with serrated scissors, hand stitching, zigzag machine row, overlock) 144. What are the ways to trim the neckline? (edging, sub-grinding)

145. Name the ways of trimming the bottom of the sleeve. (turning, edging, in pіdginannya іz closed zrіz) 146. Name the ways of processing the sewing shirring. іz let's close it in sight or let's close it in sight) 148. What is the order of reconciliation? (achieve the correct fit of the robe, the correct fit of the details, the correct fit of the model) 149. Name the ways of processing the flare views. WTO. 2) set the position of the thermometer to match the type of woven fabric; 3) spread all the seams from the vivorit side; 4) iron the front and back parts of the comb in a straight line from the front side; 5) in the case of a sprout of feathers on a rose-prostrate or elevated look.) 151. How powerful is it to the level of a machine robot? powerful to the point of being a manual robot? machine robots.)

COOKING QUIZ FOR THE MAYBETH LORD The rest of Dumaotz's book was the book. Yaka? Who among the great composers is a great cook? What is the name of the document necessary for the possession of the likiv by Whom of the current authors of the detective genre, having written “Culinary ● (Cooking.) ● pharmacy, that way of preparing the strain? (Recipe.) ● (Book of culinary recipes.) ● book of ice cubes? (Dar'ya Dontsova.) ● (Gioacchino Rossіnі.) ● Composer culinary specialist J. Rossіnі invented a sauce with parmesan and tops with nutmeg peas. Yaku Italian grass generously poured with sauce "Rossin"? (Macaroni.) ● Can you make porridge with sokiri, and can you make soup with gudzikiv?

Why don't you sip porridge? There are more such soups in Russia: cold, hot ones? Badilla What kind of vegetable is used for cold Russian badilla soup? Finish the old-fashioned saying I’ll name the Russian cuisine: “Yak To prepare such, not for the sake of ludozherskoy, we need cilia (So, you can, as a stench of virvana “with meat”.) ● (Butter.) ● individual. (To another.) ● Negro? (Vinegret - vinaigrette.) ● (Hot, why is explained by our cold climate.) ● (Buryaki.) ● Xenia, so and ... ". (Botvinya. Tse cold soup s kvass s vіdvarenim buryakov badillas, tsibuley ta riboi.) ● What method? (If the beetroot did not use its own color.) ● (Schi is a Russian national country, which was cooked before the appearance of potatoes in Russia. To this, do not add potatoes to the traditional potato. sauerkraut, cabbage roses, sorrel, spinach, sprinklings on vegetable or meat broth.) ● (At rose salt.) How is the broth called? (Yushka.) ● (Soup should be eaten with a spoon.) ● (Mashed potatoes.) ● (Okroshka.) ● What is the name of a salad poured with kvass? Who saw "gurivska porridge"? With which hand do you need to eat the soup? What is the name of the type of soups made from mashed vegetables? Before that, how to add a beet, the gentleman was told to season the borscht with otstom. Chi obov'yazkovo add potatoes to cabbage soup? At what kind of soup do ogirki with pearl barley trap?

In 1912, roci, at the historical anniversary, Russian culinary specialists had "Chicken solarium" - tse... What? Porridge with such cereals in Russia was called black porridge? Yaku groats Russian soldiers called "shrapnel"? Yaka groats for vyshukany color is called pearl? Why prepare a langet: from yalovichini chi ribi? Curled tyutyuna cooked in a frying pan on the grill? (The forte cook Zakhar Kuzmin, like Count Gur'ev, having bought Yurisovsky's regiment from Major Orenbursky Dragoon Regiment at once from Major Orenbursky Dragoon Regiment. Even the count was honored with porridge, served to you for dessert.) ● (Z buckwheat.) ● (Perlov.) ● (Perlova, “pearl”) – pearls.) ● a new licorice was invented. What is the wine form? (Trikutna - Napoleon cake. The trikutna shape repeated the shape of Napoleon's headdress - a trikutka.) ● (From yalovichini. Cerid cutlets from a long meat patty.) ● (In a frying pan.) ● (Grill.) ● (Caesar. ) ● khorovats, and Azerbaijan - kebap. And what is the name of Yogo Russian? (Barbecue. This word is used less by Russians, as it was put down by the Tatars in the 18th century to identify fears on the road. The skewer was called “shish” by them. It sounds like “shishlik”, but in our opinion - “shashlik”.) ● the warehouse is even similar squirrels on creatures? (M'yaso.) ● (Lenivі vareniki.) ● (Boiling milk.) ● (Z syru.) ● (Potatoes.) What can you eat, eating kvassole, shards of її white in your own way? called mtsvadi, How are dumplings called without filling? What's in the kitchen ticking like a filthy gentleman? In the name of some ancient Roman king, the names of lettuce smoked meat? Cooking syrniki from syrah chi z syrah? What kind of root is necessary for preparing potato pancakes?

Judging by the name, cook dairy product simpler than simple. What tropical fruit is not good for jelly, shards. A pie with some kind of fruit filling is respected by the national English Yaka riba in holy days put on a "fur coat"? Before ribi, it is customary to serve white, and m'yasa - red. What? Yaka zha herself stribal to the mouth of the lazy Patsyuk from Gogol's “Nights ● Name Yogo. (Curdled milk.) ● Chi him є speeches, scho overstaying gelatin? (Pineapple.) ● (Skewer, born.) ● (Oseledets, the dish "Oseledets under a fur coat.") ● (Wine.) ● before Christmas? (Dumplings.) ● (Prague cake, Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.) ● (corned beef.) ● (Azu.) ● (In England) ● otruta? (Tea.) ● milk: milk chi tea? (Milk, sob hot tea without making a mess of the way for a portion of a tea cup.) ● Stravoi? (Apple.) ● cabbage? (German.) ● mist? What Englishmen pour on the cob in a cup, if they prepare a drink of tea with national insurance What kind of cuisine? Sausages with stewed What kind of drink, not seasoned with milk, the Englishmen vvazhayut “Just Like a place to serve before tea? Yak in Russia was traditionally called salted meat in reserve? What is the name of the Tatar "goulash"? Do you hear about the 5th anniversary of the day in your country? What a popular sauce was born under the cover of one of the French

Do you traditionally cook buttered chestnuts in your European country? What do Italians eat bagats by kilometers? What to serve at Japanese restaurants instead of bread? For the name of some German place, a yalovich cutlet is called, The name of some national Jewish dish from the chalked settler (Mayonnaise. For the name of the PortMahon metro station (PortMahon) on the Balearic Islands, 1756) ● (France) ● (Spaghetti.) ● (Spaghetti.) ● ) ● yogo is traditionally divided into 108 pieces. What is the famous grass? (Popekіnski jock.) ● Mean "perceptual"? (Forshmak.) ● put in a cracked crumpled bun? (Hamburg - hamburger.) ● (Plomb'er, France.) ● (Parma, Italy) ● (Italian.) ● (Lobio.) ● (3 pans of trojand and culbab.) ● (Tea.) ● for myself s 64 grains? (Kava.) ● (Kava.) ● (Kava.) ● What kind of drink is prepared at the cezve? Kіnska kefіr - tse... What? What is the name of kvassola made in Georgia? From pelyustok kakikh kvіtіv cook varennya? To what popular drink did Bach dedicate one of his cantatas? What place will I call frosty ice cream? Which place do I call my parmesan sir? Yaka kraina gave svitovі svіy vіdkritiy pirig- Pitsu? What kind of drink is most popular with China? What a great composer Ludwig van Beethoven

Musical seasoning tse ... What? Gostra needs - tse ... What? Stewing salad - tse ... What? How is it called tіstechko, narodzhene z pіni? (Kumis.) ● (Salt.) ● (Pepper.) ● (Ragout.) ● (Meringue.) ● (Roll.) ● (Starch.) ● (Diet.) ● (Piknіk.) ● (Singing, nі. ) “Twisted” strava - tse ... What? What do I convert fruit drink into sour? Ration, to change the waist, tse ... What? What is the name of a meal in nature? Chi є porridge in the head їzhey for reason? TURN TO ZMIST Do you have a kitchen academy in your country? ● A. China. V. Italy. B. France. R. Russia. Which of the following items of kitchen stuffing can be used in the process of ● cooking pasta? A. Sito. V. Shumivka. B. Drushlyak. R. Sieve. ● What is the name of the cooking pot?

A. Astrakhan. St. Tyumen. B. Ryazan. R. Kazan. Like a French cuisine, judging by the name, can't be cooked without otsta? A. Mayonnaise. V. Marinade. B. Vinaigrette. G. Julien. (In French, “ocet” is “vinegr”.) What is one of these salads of vitrimania in crimson tones? ● A. Oliv'є. V. "Capital". B. "Mimosa". G. Vinegret. How do they call potatoes boiled in shkirts? ● A. At the shirt. B. At the uniform. B. At the kitel. G. At the gymnast. Which of these Russian soups can not be kept cold? ● A. Okroshka. V. Botvinnya. B. Rozsolnik. G. Buryak. ● What kind of pies do they have in Russia? A. Rozstibaty. B. Unharness. B. Rozsidlay. R. Rozstilay. (Great round pie with stuffing for the beast; fired up a pie with stuffing.) What is with the Russian grass? ● A. Kuleb'yaka. V. Zabiyaka. B. Kalyaka. G. Malyaka. (Great dovgasty pie stuffed with meat or ribeye, cabbage, porridge.) What is the name of the great spring pie cone-shaped with different balls of fillings, one of such obov'yazkovo scrambled with chicken meat? A. Kurnik. V. Kurnik. B. Curios. G. Kurin.

● Chem, zgіdno z rosіysk prislіv'yam, chervona hut? A. Ikra (red). V. Riboy (chervonim). B. Pies. G. Borschem. What can't you make a kulish without? ● A. Boroshno. V. M'yaso. B. Macaroni. G. Krupa. How is one of the fears called? ● A. Cavalry-style porridge. V. Goroshnitsya in artillery style. B. Macaroni flotski. G. Guard Potatoes. Which of these products does not eliminate cholesterol? ● A. Kuryachiy stegenets. V. Sonyashnikova Oliya; B. Smoked cowbass. R. Ribne fillet. What do you call to fill the salad "Olіv'є"? ● A. Mayonnaise. V. Roslinna Oliya; B. Ocet. G. Girchitsya. How is porridge called the porridge of the English queens? ● A. Vivsyan. V. Grechanu. B. Risov. G. Mannu. What is the traditional Moldavian grass called? ● A. Mamaliga. V. Papaliga. B. Babaliga. G. Daedaliga. Which of these sauces can be used in Georgian cuisine? ● A. Bolognese. V. Tartar. B. Tkemali. G. Bechamel. Yake z tsikh Georgian words does not mean the name of the Georgian dish? ● A. Khachapuri. V. Basturma. B. Lobio. G. Lari. (The penny alone of Georgia.)

What of the listed is not recognized for the conservation of a viable product? A. Khlibnytsya. V. Tsukornitsa. B. Pepper. G. Yachnya. What kind of cereals are prepared for the legendary Gurivska porridge? ● A. Grechneva. V. Pshonnoy. B. Manna. G. Ovsyany. What cereals do not wash before cooking? ● A. Risov. V. Perlov. B. Mannu. G. Pshono. Why cook varenets? ● A. Z testa. V. Z potatoes. B. Z berries. G. Z milk. For cooking what kind of stray you do not need rice? ● A. Paella. V. Risotto. B. Plov. G. Mamaliga. (It’s thick porridge with corn grits and borosna). What is the character of the Russian fairy tale Kolobok? ● A. Khlibom. V. Pie. B. Gingerbread. G. Blinom. (Gingerbread, only kulyasty. Guess a fairy tale: "on sour cream mixed.") ● A. Cheburek. V. Galushka. B. Rozstibati. G. Belyash. Which one of these culinary virobivs is not boroshnyanim? ● A. Lavash. V. Eclair. B. Dumplings. R. Azu.

What kind of culinary variety is called the Italian word "worms"? ● A. Lokshina. V. Spaghetti. B. Macaroni. G. Vermishel. Does the name of some kind of boar vine virobu translate from Italian as “motuzochka”? A. Lokshina. V. Spaghetti. B. Macaroni. G. Vermishel. In yakomu s tsikh first fears, zgіdno traditional recipe, guilty ● buti olives and lemon? A. Tarator. V. Borsch. B. Solyanka. R. Rozsolnik. Which of these soups is traditionally prepared with lamb? ● A. Yushka. V. Tarator. B. Shurpa. G. Botvinnya. What kind of ingredients do not exist in the classic recipe for "walnut salad"? A. Tomati. V. Ogirki. B. Maslini. R. Avocado. How were dumplings called for the old hours? ● A. Vedmezha vushko. B. Piglet. B. Little goat. G. Hare tail. Choose the correct ending of the Russian suffix: "First Mlynets..." ● A. Kolom. V. Komom. B. Do not zip with olive. G. See the vorogov. What is the name of the shmatok of the yalovichini from the dorsal part, the beaten and smeared eggs and breadcrumbs? A. Schnitzel. V. Azu. B. Romsteks. G. Goulash.

What kind of meaty fears should be served cold in the best houses and restaurants? A. Entrecote. V. Langet. B. Romsteks. R. Roast beef. What delicacy in France is called “oysters of the poor”? ● A. Shrimps. V. Media. B. Toad legs; G. Omari. How is it traditionally prepared from the settlement? ● A. Julien. V. Forshmak. B. Kharcho. R. Escalop. What is it? ● A. Food. V. Pishchanikov. B. Pisochne. B. Pestsov. What kind of dough do éclairs prepare? ● A. Listkove. V. Pisochne. B. Drozhzhev. G. Zawarne. What to make milk? ● A. Z'їdzhuvatisya. V. Shout out. B. Get loose. G. Get involved. How many culinary passions are called blancmange? ● A. Vegetable stew. B. Milk jelly. B. Meat pate. R. Ribniy Pirig. ● What to serve at the restaurant, how about you wash the foie gras? A. Salmon steak. V. Lamb on the bone. B. Goose liver. G. Sir. How scary national cuisine see gazpacho soup? ● A. Yaponska. V. Bolgarska. B. Spanish. G. Gruzinska.

The Japanese have sprats from the so-called crystal meat. ● How do m'yaso stink really vikoristovuyut? A. Karakatits. V. Medusa. B. Kalmarov. G. Toad. The name of some kind of passage in French means ● a kiss? A. Beze. V. Eclair. B. Biscuit. R. Rombaba. Is the name of such a fright shifted to French like frost? ● A. Soufflé. W. Muss. B. Cream. G. Jelly. The name of some kind of confectionery virobu is translated from German as ● “vir, no day”? A. Beze. V. Eclair. B. Strudel. G. Cracker. (Strudel is an apple pie, on which apple chalices are spiced on a stake - “virim”.) Naming some kind of confectionery brew, it looks like an English dialect, what does it mean “lamatisya, krishitisya”? A. Beze. V. Eclair. B. Strudel. G. Cracker. How is it literally translated from the French name testechka eclair? ● A. Grim. V. Bliskavka. B. deg. G. Leven. Tіstechko with what kind of "vegetable" will I call it? A. Radish. V. Potatoes. B. Petrushka. G. Morkivka. What is the name of the Australian dessert, which is a biscuit, doused with chocolate fondant and sipped with coconut milk? A. Laminat. V. Laminaria.

B. Lamington. G. Lambrequin. What kind of cake do you have? ● A. Ivan the Terrible. V. "Kutuzov". B. "Tamerlane". R. "Napoleon". "Napoleon" - what kind of cake? ● A. Pisochny. V. Biscuitny. B. Waffle. G. Listkovy. What is the name of the grass from the beaten eggs? ● A. Enіkіbіnіki. V. Humpty Dumpty. B. Gogolmogol. G. VankaVstanka. How are the children of the weasels called? ● A. Tsukrova cotton wool. V. Gingerbread server. B. Liodyanichny bandage. G. Waffle towel. Which type of frost is the fattest? ● A. Vershkov. V. Dairy. B. Plodovoyagidne. G. Plombir. How many spices are sold at looking peas? ● A. Vanil. V. Ginger. B. Pepper. G. Cinnamon. How are baked, peppered straws called? ● A. Kolki. V. Kolyuchi. B. Gostri. R. Rizhuchi. The name of this spice resembles the Arabic word, what does it mean “zhovty”? A. Marjoram. St Sesame. B. Basil. R. Saffron. What is the Japanese seasoning wasabi? ● A. Pepper. V. Girchitsya.

B. Hrin. G. Water. In the vocabulary of foreign words, the word means a small sofa with raised knots. And the modern kitchen has a small sandwich on buttered bread. What is a word? A. Canape. St Toast. B. Sandvich. G. Hamburger. Yaka s tsikh strav not є magnificence? ● A. Velikden. V. Kulich. B. Eggs. G. Mlyntsi. Name the country - fatherland ketchup. ● A. Bulgaria. V. Ugorshchina. B. USA. R. Mexico. Which of these sauces can be used as a traditional French cuisine? ● A. Jianyu. V. Tkemali. B. Bechamel. G. Caruso. (A thick sauce made from milk or tops with eggs and boar, which is served to meat, ribs and other herbs.) What kind of milk is feta walnut sir prepared from? ● A. Korov'yachogo. V. Camel. B. Sheep. G. Kobillego. From now on, how does it grow up to make takhinna halvah? ● A. Hazelnut. V. Migdal. B. Sesame. G. Sonyashnik. How many more teaspoons should be put away at the table spoon? ● A. 1. C. 3. B. 5. D. 7. What to cook at the pelvis? ● A. Soup. V. Kashu. B. Varenna. G. Compote.

What kind of tsikh great Russians maw glory to the great fakhіvtsem z varіnnya ● varennya? A.D.I. Mendelev. V.N.I. Pirogiv. B.A.S. Popov. G.V.I. Vernadsky. What kind of drink do they prepare, adding honey and spices to the water? ● A. Mulled wine. V. Grog. B. Sbiten. G. Punch. From the stems of a kind of growth on the word'yansky cuisine to cook sour? ● A. Artishok. V. Rhubarb. B. Kukurudza. Mint. What sіk add strength for relish? ● A. Yabluchny. V. Orange. B. Grushevy. G. Tomato. Like literal translation English word cocktail, what does sumish drink mean? A. Pivnyachiy Khvist. V. Fox tail. B. Deer antlers. G. Elephant trunk. Which tea is called "Russian tea" by the English? ● A. Z milk. V. Z lemon. B. Z honey. G. Z sill. Which of these "culinary" dishes is synonymous with the word ● "pikluvatysya"? A. Lubricate. V. Pekti. B. Cook. G. Put out.

Gravity quiz of labor education for students of 58 classes "Lords" "Cookery" 1. What, according to popular beliefs, meant the cob of all living things? egg. 2. The word, which does not become licorice in your mouth, do not repeat the words. Halva. 3. In the Middle Ages, the sheep were worn on their chests like a talisman. Tsibulya. 4. A diplomat and a way of preparing a settlement. Ambassador. 5. A product that chilled old Hottabych. Frosty. 6. Remove the syrovina for the preparation of the carriage for Popelyushka. Garbuz. 7. This trohi of biting fruit has become a symbol of Macintosh computers. Apple. 8. What time to come every hour? Appetite. 10. Where do tops fit better? In the refrigerator. 11. What is the name of a small sandwich? Tartinka. 12. Why is the word "kitchen" positioned? From German. 13. Zvіdki have Rosії first tea appeared? Z China. "Shitya" 1. Those for which clothes are prepared. Material. 2. Figurine line for the armchair of curved lines. Likalo. 3. What details should be cut with the first big ones? Great.

3. Clothes that are folded from the sleeves. Kimono. 4. Acceptance, in which one approaches all with different worlds. Studio. 5. How does the world determine the size of the shoulder blade? Chest girth. 6. From which side do the figures know the worlds? Right. 7. What kind of threads are used to make copy stitches? contrast. 8. Are allowances being given now? On vikonannya shvіv. Rukodillya" 1. What is the name of the art of knitting knots? 5. How is the name of the knitting, what is put together from the knots and "pico", what do they make, then the stake, then the arcs? 6. What is the name of the special attachment for stretching the fabric? paper for translating a baby from the original Tracing paper 9. It can be artistic, scientific, technical Creativity 10. What is the name of the thread for embroidery Mouline 11. What is the name of the winding seam?

Quiz on technology (divided "Professional self-development") for students of 7-8th grades "Move the seas of professions" Head of the department: knowledge of students about the sphere of professional activity; molding of notifications about the world of work; the development of a shanoble setting to people of different professions and the results of their practice. 1. Anagrams: tiocredn, nіdreaz, gokelo, almer, dmle, ptloikn. Vidpovidi: confectioner, designer, ecologist, painter, model, joiner. 2. Competition of captains. For the captain of the first team, three words, choose the words that mean specialties: surgeon, turner, judge, painter, school director, pianist, literary critic, vikladach, carpenter, assembler, fitter, vibrator, chemist, laboratory worker, weaver.

Captains 2 teams. From these words it is necessary to choose those words, which mean professions: teacher, carpenter on wood, veterinary doctor, turner, doctor, bookseller, bulldozer operator, head of the collective state school, engineer, designer artist, perucar, water, seamstress, cook. Reply: 1st captain. Surgeon, painter, pianist, literary critic, carpenter, litter-vibrator. 2nd captain. Teacher, tokar, doctor, engineer, perucar, water, shvachka, cook. Catering for the team 2. 3. Blitz tournament. Catering for the team 1. 1. Who is A.P. Chekhov for fach? 2. Recycle the necessary materials and attachments for the robotic seam and the joiner. 3. Alarm clock - what profession or specialty? 4. Where can I learn the profession of "engineer"? 5. What is the name of the person, what is the service of providing a telephone call? Powered up to 2 teams. Who is W. Shakespeare for fah? 2. Recycle the necessary materials and attachments for the robotic cook and electrician. 3. Surgeon - what profession or specialty? 4. Where can you learn the profession of water? 5. How is a person called, how is he engaged in the cultivation of agricultural products?

Lesson-quiz about technology.

Keywords Keywords: learning technology, quiz lesson, handouts, competitions, horizons, memory.

A quiz lesson, like a small bag of employment, can be carried out in any class, picking up the food that task, which is the best way to teach that twisted material.

The meta of such a lesson is to systematize the withdrawal of knowledge, promote technological culture, expand the gazer, develop respect, memory. Vihovat caution.

To review the lesson - the quiz, it is necessary to prepare material, a multimedia projector, a computer.

The structure of the quiz lesson includes: getting to know the teams, voicing the jury, holding competitions. Musical pause, pidbitya pidsumkiv.

Conducted competitions are initiated from the warm-up. Take the fate of two teams. It is necessary to quickly explain the meaning of the words, for example, a gourmet, non-nazhera. Vegetarian, sweets, rodzinki, apricots, dried apricots, etc. For the correct skin test - 1 point.

Competition "Shist Y"

All proponed words have the letter “e”. Koristuyuchis clarifications, guess the words and write the letters in the empty cells.

Persha "E" is known at the studio


Tse "E" in the engineer on the table


Value "E" is handled by fashion designers


Tsya "E" needs a creak: in the main, and in the atelier


Qia "E" stand at the shop


Competition "Quiz"

Catering for the first team.

1. Do you believe that sewing machines are used not only with a manual drive, but also with a manual galm? (nі)

2. Can you believe that one of the main parts of a sewing machine can be called a piece of clothing? (so, this part is called - a sleeve)

3. What is observed with vitamin "C" in case of trial? (to collapse)

4. Yakі shvi zastosovuyut during the processing of the lower part of the viroba:

a) fixed, b) sharpening, c) pidginannya іz zakritim zrіzom, d) podvіyny, e) pіdginannya z vіdkritim zrіzom? (c, e)

5. Addition to the main line? (garnish)

Asking another team.

  1. For the help of a sewing machine, can I sew on gudziks and gachki? (So)
  2. Can you believe that the first models of the sewing machine beat the heads of the cactus, as they were specially brought from Africa? (nі, goals are always metal)
  3. Lively speech, without which it is impossible to cook licorice grass? (tsukor)
  4. Short thick fluff on the front side of the fabrics, shkiri.
  5. An unseen object, without which one cannot do every Christmas holiday? (tablecloth)

Competition "Fourth Zaivi"

The skin team will take two cards with words, one of which should stand next to each other.

Zavdannya - know "zave word"

  1. Extended, pillowcase, tablecloth, pіdkovdra. (tablecloth)
  2. Lower drive, manual drive, electric, hydraulic drive (hydraulic drive).
  3. Centimeter line, kosinets, knives, line (knives).
  4. Stachny, line, overlay, kmіtlivy.

Competition "What is it?"

Behind the verbal description, create a sketch of a dress.

1.Virib is carried up to the shoulder group. Vikonuetsya basically. From bavovnyanoї fabric. When prepared, the foot seams are sewn up: underwire, edging, seam at the pidginka with a closed zirzom. Tsya rіch rob vidpovchinok zruchnіshim. (Nichna shirt)

2.Virіb vіdnositsya up to the waist group. Worn out from the used types of fabric. You can be a part of the costume or an independent virob. Wear like a man, and a woman. (pants)

Competition "At the World of Professions"

Before the name of the profession, please describe.

Vidpovid: 1-in; 2-A; 3-B; 4th; 5-G; 6-D

Competition "Words, zahovanі v slovі"

Rearranging the letters of the word, put together new words. 3-5 quills are added to the vikonannya zavdannya.

Modeling (it can be like this: fashion, sea, world, honey, creida, world, right, tree, firewood, sofa, river, lira, lemon, etc.)


for technology

for students of grades 5-6


Meta gri-quiz:


    Consolidated knowledge of the subject of technology "Cooking", "Machinery", "Questioning", "Shitty", "Material-loznavstvo", "Handicraft.

    Controlling knowledge, taking away from different branches of technology.


    Development of learning to update knowledge, functions of thought (analysis, synthesis, alignment, classification, aggregation).


    Vihovuvati vminnya pratsyuvati among the group, kindness, respect for each other, mutual help, spivrobnitstvo, increase cognizance interest in the subject (activation of the cognition process).

Teach the classes to beat the head in absentia.

Catering before the greet quiz:


1. What, behind the popular manifestations, meant the cob of all living things? egg.

2. The word, which does not become licorice in the mouth, do not repeat the words. Halva.

3. In the Middle Ages, the sheep were worn on their chests like a talisman. Tsibulya.

4. The diplomat is the way of preparing the settlement. Ambassador.

5. A product that chilled old Hotta Beach. Frosty.

6. Pochatkov sirovina for making carriages for Popelyushka. Garbuz.

7. This trohi of biting fruit has become a symbol of Macintosh computers. Apple.

8. What to come at midnight? Appetite.

9. One little spit of milk was put in the fridge, the other one was taken away from the room.

10. Where do the tops fit better? In the refrigerator.

11. What is the name of a small sandwich? Tartinka.

12 .Zakoї move the word "kitchen"? From German.

13. Zvіdki have Rosії first tea appeared? Z China.


14. Who proposed the first project of a sewing machine for sewing clothes? Leonardo Da Vinci.

15. What part of a sewing machine is found in a black box? It is called so by itself, like one of the parts of a bicycle. Pedal.

16. Who is the fault of the sewing machine with different top and bottom threads? Walter Hunt (b. 1834).

17. At what place in Russia was the first plant for the production of sewing machines founded? Near the town of Podilsk.

18. Which plant has become the center of the sewing machine industry in Russia? PMZ (Podilsky mechanical plant).

19 .Which is the most practical way to wrap the flywheel on different types of sewing machines? The flywheel of other machines wraps the same way - on itself.

20. What is the function of making grooves on the blades of the neck? Protect the thread like rubbing about the fabric.

21. How to pick up a needle and threads for sewing machine robots? Zalezhno v_d comradeship and power fabrics.

22. What is the main part of the sewing machine can I call a garment? Sleeve.

23. What is the detail to bring from the current working organs of the sewing machine? Head shaft.

24. What is the position of having a needle when threading the upper thread? At the extreme upper position.

25 . What a factory becoming the center of sewing machine-building: a) GAS; b) VAZ; c) PMZ? PMZ (Podilsky mechanical plant).


26. Those for which clothes are prepared. Material.

27. Figurine line for the armchair of curved lines. Likalo.

28. What details to cut with the first big ones and small ones? Great.

29. Clothes that are folded from the sleeves. Kimono.

30 . Accomplishment, in which to all come with different worlds. Studio.

31. How does the world indicate the size of the shoulder fold? Chest girth.

32. Rebus. Shvi.

33. What is the name of the most indispensable details of any kind (the stinks are overhead, internal, vented, which are fastened on bliskavtsі, roztasovuyutsya mostly on pants, aprons, backs)? Kishen.

34. From which side do the figures know the world? Right.

34. What kind of threads are used to wrap copy stitches? contrast.

35. Are allowances being given now? On vikonannya shvіv.

36. Rebus. Thimble.


37. Tulip from the family: a) lily; b) pivonova; c) beans. Lily.

38. To such roslins for the trivality of life one can see irises:

    a) singles;

    b) janitors;

    c) rich.

    Bagatori workers.

39. Deep deposit cybulin narcissus deposited in:

    a) cibulini values;

    b) wait;

    c) keeping an eye on the roslins.

    The size of the cibulini.

40. In cybulinnyh roslins, do cibulinis ripen in autumn? Vletka.

41. Enveloped with soil sums (peat, humus, clay) with sticky rechovins (potato paste) and mineral fertilizers are called .... Drazhuvannya.

42. One of the oldest galuzy of the Russian Lint, which provides the population with apartments. Kvitnikarstvo.

43. How does a flower in translation from Greek mean "pearl"? Daisy.

44. The image of such a flower was carved on coins on the Greek island of Rhodes? Trojandy.

45. Yaka roslina of the family of folded flowers was brought from Mexico in 1796 and took away the name in honor of professor of botany Johann Zinna? Zinnia.

46. How many tickets can be at the bouquet? Unpaired number.

47 . How do georgines breed? Root clubs.

48. In 1830, Russia published a book by D.P. Oznobishin "Selam, chi .... ......"? Mova kvіtіv.

"Material Science" 49. How is the interweaving of fabrics facilitating the opening and the dressing of the fabrics and why? Satin and satin.50. A newton thread that winds from a cocoon of a mulberry and an oak threadworm is called - ... Natural seam.51. Yaki threads to pass across the edge? Specify the cross section.52. Wind and fabric, and marshmallow. Zephyr.53 . І fabric, і collection of cards. Atlas.54. What is the name of the vuzka? Edge.55. How is the weaving of threads depicted a little one? Polotnyan.56. Why do synthetic fibers win? Stone vugill, oil, gas.57. Like an interweaving of threads, the fabric is made with the same front and reverse sides: a) twill; b) linen; c) satin Polotnyan.58. How are knitted threads called, what should we use to tie the fabric? The basis of a payoff.59. What is the name of the process of weaving threads of yarn for the manufacture of textiles? Weaving.

60. What do the piece fibers come from? From wood and bavovnyanoy cellulose.


61. What is the name of the art of knitting knots? Makram.

62. How many knitting needles are needed for knitting a sock with a punchy knit? Five.

63. How do I translate my Russian "patchwork"? Cowbass technique.

64. What is the name of painting from a natural seam? Batik.

65. How is it called merezhivot, what is formed from vuzlіv and "piko", what do the stake, then the arcs make up? Frivolite.

66. What is the name of the special attachment for stretching the fabric? . Stay at the cherry. P'yaltsі.

67. Yogo transfer to fabric. Little ones.

68. Mіtsniy papіr for translating the little one from the original. Tracing paper.

69. It can be artistic, scientific, technical. Creativity.

70. What are embroidery threads called? Mulina.

71. What is the twisted seam called? "Rococo".

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