What happens to your body during the hour of flying?

People's estates

Nowadays you can often hear people chattering and panicking in flights.

And most often, such people talk about those who respected the better time to take a piss on a bus, on a ship, on a bicycle, on a scooter, or else they would have lifted their legs.

Of course, no one can be pulled on board by the force of such people.

It happens that life is tied up with frequent disruptions and air flights: some may fly to the destination, some may go to the right or start.

Most often, flying causes such neurotics to become stressed and make it difficult to listen to various suspicious sounds.

The fear of heights among people - on the right - has become completely clear: evolution has given people wings, depriving them of the ability to walk, and they cannot move around in the wind. Nowadays, almost everyone knows the scientific term called the fear of airliners - aerophobia..

The skin of the people has at least once asked for itself

“What is it like to get married?”

For the most part, nutrition is deprived of food for philosophical thoughts, and in some people the belief in this is the cause of an incessant fear of watering.

Aerophobia can have a very negative impact on people's lives, and for the rich, air travel is an unknown part of it.

Is it really not safe to fly like this?

Numerous current institutions have carried out investigations related to unsafe flights by pilots.

It is not recommended for pregnant women to fly, since this period begins before the first trimester, since during this period the risk of pregnancy is very high, and the flow of toxicosis will cause many unpleasant moments.

Doctors also do not want to fly, since the term vagusity exceeds 28 years - in which case there is a high risk of developing bumps and varicose veins become more severe, since they already exist.

In addition, during this period of pregnancy, the body begins to prepare for relief and there is a high probability that the Braxton-Hicks essence, as you singly heard (not true, in preparation), will become even tighter, provoking front curtains.

Since vomiting occurs due to abnormalities (pathology of the placenta, anemia), doctors also recommend taking precautions from air travel.

Each airline company has its own rules regarding passengers.

Many airlines allow you to fly without up to 36 gravities.

Since the term is important, you may need to get a doctor to see you no later than a week before.

If you still wanted to fly, tell us about making the flight as safe and comfortable as possible.

It is recommended to wear a handy coat that does not squeeze your arms, as well as compression pants against bumps.

For greater handiness, you can take with you a small pillow that you can place across your neck.

In addition, you should choose the most comfortable seat, for example, in the business class, where the seats are wider and more comfortable, or in the first row of the economy class, so that you can stretch your legs well and not press into the seat in front.

Most thunderstorms last in less than a year.

Flying in the zone of thunderstorms is no longer safe: there are strong low- and high-wind winds with a speed of up to 20–30 m/sec, flash discharges, intense ice, strong hail, , poor visibility.

The pilots are soaked in the uniqueness of the thunderstorm gloom.

The control panel has a locator that detects thunderstorms.

This locator displays a thunderstorm object on the screen and highlights it with different colors to indicate the thickness of the gloom.

If gloominess is weak - the object is illuminated with a pale green color, if gloominess is larger - bright green, like thunderstorm gloominess - bright red-red, gloominess with ice - purple-wormy them.

Follow the locator display, focusing on the colors of the objects, the crew is moving: continue with the planned route, or choose a new one.

Why is it not safe to fly at night?

Today, weeding at night is no longer uncommon.

The main difficulties during late-night flights are landing and orientation.

To make it easier to land at the airport, the landing area is illuminated with strong electric spotlights.

In fighting minds, instead of spotlights, primary riches are often used. It is difficult for an experienced pilot to land a flight with a lot of money. Today, floodlights will be successfully installed on the cars themselves.

Flight during the hour of pregnancy

Air travel during pregnancy, at any stage of gestation right up to the canopy itself, is, for the most part, harmless and does not cause significant harm to both the woman herself and the fetus.

The only contraindications for airlifts in case of vaginosis are the threat of pregnancy or pregnancy loss, placental erosion, gestosis, bleeding, stage III anemia, preeclampsia and aggravation of obvious chronic illnesses.

Based on these data, a vaginal woman can safely fly, whatever the term may be.

Therefore, since the vaginosis proceeds normally, and the woman feels good, then she can fly on regular flights without any harm to herself and her future child.

By the way, the stage of safety of the air travel of the skin of a specific vaginal woman will become healthy.

So, in essence, the safety of overflow during pregnancy is the same as for a woman who is not pregnant.

We are aware at this time of potential insecurity and the possible negative impact of air travel on the human body, and the concern is not so much with the growth and development of the fetus in the womb, as with any adult child who has to pay for the price of living to a frigid ship.
  • Single gestation over 36 years;
  • High fertility over 32 years;
  • The first seven days after the canopies;
  • Decreases in excess of vaginosis (for example, threat of pregnancy, gestosis, severe toxicosis, etc.).
These recommendations from the WHO are left unclear, as they reflect more than the main points, in which it is not recommended for women to fly like this.

Moreover, they are of a recommendatory nature and should not be contraindicated.

  • According to the WHO recommendation, it is also clear that a pregnant woman can fly if necessary, as long as the air travel is safe for her and the fetus.
  • Clear contraindications for air travel during pregnancy are provided by obstetricians and gynecologists from European countries and the United States.
  • Thus, absolute contraindications for airline flights during the hour of pregnancy are the following for a woman:
Replacement of the placenta (outside);


  • Anemia stage III severity (hemoglobin level below 70 g/l).
  • This means that due to the obviousness of these absolute contraindications, female women are not guilty of flying a plane for the sake of life.
  • In addition to absolute ones, there are general contraindications for air travel for pregnant women.
  • Due to the presence of such obvious contraindications, a woman can fly with the utmost caution, it is strongly recommended for doctors to avoid sloping roads whenever possible.
  • Also, the following are the main contraindications for air travel in case of pregnancy:
  • Threat to front canopies;
  • Wikiday threat;
  • Suspicion of placental erosion;
  • Anemia II stage of severity (hemoglobin level is less than 90 g/l or more than 70 g/l);
  • Low expansion of the placenta (only those from the 20th stage of gestation are affected);
  • The placenta is abnormal;
  • Bloody sightings from the liver at any stage of gestation that occurred 1 - 2 days before the planned transfusion;
  • Incorrect position of the fetus in the third trimester of gestation (from 28 to 40 years inclusive);
  • High gestational gestation during the 24th stage of gestation;
  • Carrying out invasive procedures (for example, amniocentesis, choricentesis, etc.) for 7 - 10 days before the planned air flight;
  • Preeclampsia;
  • Severe toxicosis;
  • Nadmirne vomiting;
  • Transference of thrombophlebitis in past tumors;
  • Uncontrolled diabetes;
  • Uncontrolled hypertension;

These general contraindications may become absolute, but only in a specific skin condition, since a woman has a very high risk of losing her vaginal capacity for any purpose or getting sick.

However, due to the obvious contraindications for air travel, you can do so, but only in case of urgent need.

Possible negative effects of airline flights during the hour of travel
  • The possible negative impact of air flights on the body of a vaginal woman is examined, and the stage of this influx is assessed on the basis of clear scientific data and the monitoring of flight attendants, based on And what is the truth - both myth and truth?
  • Well, at this time there is a clear idea that air travel is unsafe for passengers due to the following factors:
  • The high rise of the front canopies through the drops of the vice;
  • Risk of deep vein thrombosis or thromboembolism of the legen artery (BODY);
  • Actions of cosmic radiation;
  • Hypoxia;
  • Skoda is passing through the frame of the metal car at registration;
  • Vibration and shaking in the floor;
  • Znevodnennya;
  • A swollen nose and the appearance of rhinitis, a sore throat and other signs of a cold;

Risk of infection with respiratory infections;

Rizik raptovyh obstetric complications.

The risk of moving canopies through changes in pressure and stress, landing and getting into turbulence

Among rich people, it has become ingrained in the knowledge that air travel, in any gravitational term, increases the risk of illness.

For many women, the results of a lot of practical precautions are not to be changed, the remains of the stench are respected, so that if the weeds did not increase the risk of the front curtains and did not negatively affect vaginity, then the airlines did not separate them from access to the weeds , requesting confirmation from a gynecologist, as indicated, That this woman can fly like this.

However, the airline company’s policy does not necessarily comply with the influx of taxes on the airline industry, so the calculation of the premiums is fundamentally incorrect.

It is clear that this airline policy is not intended to have a negative impact on vacancy, but to minimize stress for the crew of the airliner, which is taken away by passengers chne peopledzhuvat in the salon of the aircraft.

Neither pilots nor flight attendants are gynecologists, and we don’t even want to understand the situation if we need to give additional help to the breed.

I want flight attendants to teach beginners how to use canopies, but they are not doctors or midwives, and for them a woman is a priceless situation.

However, these increased risks of thrombosis in pregnant women can be minimized by proper behavior in the field (walking through the skin 45 - 50 times, often kicking while sitting, wearing compressive whiteness what). If a vaginal woman adheres to the following rules of behavior when shedding, the risk of thrombosis will be significantly reduced.

  • At this time, the union of obstetricians and gynecologists in Britain has developed such
  • Recommendations for vaginal women to help reduce the risk of thrombosis:
  • For 5 – 10 khvilins, strain the gomilka pulp;
  • Through the skin for 45 - 50 hvilins, walk through the interior of the letak for 10 - 15 hvilins;
  • Drink 500 ml of radish per year (sic, still water);
Do not consume kavi, tea, alcohol;

Wear compression socks for flight with a preventive compression level.

In addition, if a vaginous woman has additional risk factors for thrombosis, such as a vaginal weight of over 100 kg, high fertility, thrombophilia, varicose veins, then it is necessary to carry out medicinal preparation before watering ku.

This preparation is aimed at reducing the risk of thrombosis and BODY during an airplane flight, and involves the introduction of low molecular weight heparin drugs (for example, Fraxiparin, Dalteparin, Enoxyparin, etc.).

However, there is no need to panic, the fragments of this influx of radiation from the sun are absolutely safe for all people of any kind, including pregnant wives.

The safety of sleep radiation, which a woman is exposed to during an airplane crash, is ensured that the dose administered is very low.

Thus, the dose of sleep radiation received during a transatlantic flight is 2.5 times lower than during x-ray of the chest organs.

Therefore, during infrequent flights, the pregnant woman is exposed to small doses of radiation, which are not unsafe either for her or for the fetus.


At high altitudes, the air is thinner, and the concentration of acid in the air is remarkably low.

Apparently, in the cabin the concentration of acid is lower, and it lies on the surface of the earth.

In a similar way, it becomes possible that the blood of any person, the death of a female mate, also decreases the acidity of the sourness.

However, hypoxia does not occur, and as a result of the change in acidity in the blood, a number of compensatory reactions are required to provide the tissues and organs with O2 in the necessary quantities.


There is a dry air in the cabin of the flight, which eliminates waste from the human body.

In addition, the loss of life, and therefore the loss of water in the summer, leads to the consumption of sechoginous drinks, such as tea, kava, alcohol, carbonated licorice water, etc.

Therefore, theoretically, during the flight, against the backdrop of the constant administration of drinks, a large number of people could develop a fever.

However, it is easy to forget about winter in the summer, the only thing you need to do is drink 500 ml of pure still water or juice per year, and get rid of the alcoholic drinks.

A swollen nose and the appearance of rhinitis, a sore throat and other signs of a cold

The mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, nose and throat can become very swollen and dry out due to the fact that the interior is very dry in all people, including pregnant women.

The likelihood of the development of any obstetric complications under the hour of watering is the same as the soil.

However, the salon has highly qualified medical personnel and the skills necessary to provide assistance to women and children.

Therefore, the complications that have developed in the field can become fatal not through the experience in the sky, but through the presence of doctors, possession and hands.
  • Therefore, since there is a high risk of complications, the female airline traveler is less likely to travel.
  • In principle, a high risk of obstetric complications can be considered in all cases that are significant contraindications for overflow during gestation.
  • Rules for the behavior of female wives during an airplane flight
  • To minimize all possible risks and ensure the safest possible flight, during the entire period of stay in the aircraft cabin, women must adhere to the following rules:
  • For sweating, dress up in a handy garment that does not constrict your sleeves or constrict your fabric;
  • For an hour, wear compression socks or panchos with a preventive level of pressure;
  • For an hour, wear a trace over a gauze or synthetic mask that covers your nose and mouth;
  • Come to the flight alone from the others;
  • Dress up as much as you can without stretching down and stretching out;
  • Do not sit cross-legged, as this will increase blood flow and cause swelling;
  • Skin 45 – 50 quilins stand up and walk in a passage stretching 10 – 15 quilins;
  • For 5 - 10 weeks each year, stretch the muscles of your legs and press the simplest arms with your feet in a sitting position (for example, pull a sock on yourself and so on);
  • If you start to put pressure on your leg or feel it, you need to take it off;
  • Place the belt under your stomach;
  • Drink 500 ml of still clean water and juice;
  • Select a place in the nose of the aircraft, the fragments, first, go from the cockpit to the tail and move easier, and in another way, this part has less shaking;
  • To rinse the nose to relieve dryness of the mucous membranes, take with you and vikorize different salts (Aqua-Maris, Humer, Dolphin and in);
  • To change the effect of congestion, you need to take sour ice cream and hot chocolate, and drink them as needed;
  • To relieve the symptoms of congestion, take with you and, if necessary, use homeopathic medicines that are safe for vaginal diseases, such as Vertigoheel or Avia-Sea;
  • Do not drink kava, tea, alcohol or carbonated licorice drinks;
  • Place an exchange card and a note from the designated blood group and phone number of a loved one in the private place.

The most favorable periods of humidity for air travel

The most favorable and safest period for air travel is the other trimester of gestation, which is from the 14th to the 27th stage of gestation inclusive.

In this case, the symptoms of toxicosis have already ended, life is still remarkably short, and the threat to the immediate environment is minimal.

  • Therefore, women are recommended to plan flights for the next trimester of pregnancy.
  • In addition to favorable periods, there are also unpleasant periods for air flights, during which times the flight is the most unsafe for a female wife.
  • Before such unfavorable periods for air travel, and also for any other active activities, the following should occur:
  • 3rd to 7th gestational age;
From 9 to 12 years of age;

From 18 to 22 years of age;

The term is that menstruation would have arrived if there had been no pregnancy.

During these unsafe and unpleasant periods, it is recommended to avoid air travel.

Translations on different terms of vacancy

Flight on early terms (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages of pregnancy)

Flight during the 2nd trimester (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 gestational age)

This period is the safest for air travel.

However, it is easier to cope with the weather on the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd seasons, since this period itself is the greatest risk of late weekend.

Flight during the 3rd trimester (28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 gestational age)

In the third trimester, you can fly, depending on your daily routine, but you feel good.

However, it is necessary to remember that many airlines, starting from 28 years of age, will require confirmation from a gynecologist, which indicates that the flight has permission. This addition must be canceled no more than 7 days before watering.
  • Rules of various airlines for transporting pregnant women At this hour, the attacks are taking place
  • Rules for the carriage of female passengers, which are enforced by most airlines: Up to 28 years of age
  • wives are allowed on board without any proof or special documents; From 29 to 36 years of age
Before boarding a flight, women may need to confirm with the gynecologist that the flight is permitted;

36 years old

air travel is blocked.

  • An appointment with a gynecologist is required for periods between 29 and 36 years of age, for a maximum of 7 days, so they must be removed immediately before the planned trip.
  • In addition, at any time during registration, women can obtain a certificate or another document (for example, an exchange card) that has the term gestation indicated.
  • The established rules are consistent and most often narrowed down, rather than universal.
  • Aeroflot and S7 – getting a doctor at any stage of pregnancy;
  • UTair, Air Berlin, Air Astana – up to 36 years with a certificate from a gynecologist, and after 36 years – the flight is blocked;
  • Air France - freely in any term of vacancy right up to the curtains;
  • Alitalia – up to 36 years of age, and then from the doctor.

People in the world began to call to save their time.

Instead of expensive trains or cars, the stench gives priority to overflows on windy ships.

This means saving a lot of time.

Why is such a choice safe for human health?

The level of radiation in the field

  • Airliners get wet at different altitudes.
  • For this purpose, special corridors are provided to the exposed area of ​​the skin.
  • As a rule, flights with a heavy profit end at high altitudes.
This fact has a negative impact on the health of passengers and crew members.

This is due to the fact that the greater the height of the flow, the less activity of the dry shell of the earth's cool.

The radioactive background is increasing.

As a result, people who have flown like this are taking a heavy dose of confusion.

Causes of radiation:

cosmic change;

What kind of radiation does a flyer have?

The most critical altitude is 12,000 km.

On it, people receive a radiation dose of 3.5 μSv/year.

In this case, the limiting value of a person’s reaction is 0.1-0.2 μSv/h.

At an altitude of 8500 m-code, the influx of radioactive changes decreases.

People experience increased stress up to 2 µSv/year.

This display also negatively affects your health.

How easy it is to fly like this: legacy of failure

During the flight, the radiation of the aircraft is constantly at the limiting permissible values.

  • There are special sensors on board to detect the smallest changes in these indicators.
  • Important!
  • In accordance with the instructions of the pilot of the wind-propelled vessel, when the level of radiation increases, he needs to reduce the altitude of the flight.

The dose administered for cutaneous airborne inhalation is the same as the dose required for an x-ray.

This procedure was performed on the skin of a person 1-2 times per day.

Therefore, doctors would like to get tired of the frequent irrigations.

The blame goes to the ship's workers: flight attendants, pilots, and technical staff.

You will now find yourself under the influx of negative perception.

Since there is no alternative to spraying with lettuce, you should consult a doctor before doing so.

Lots of people suffer from pressure changes.

Through cosmic reproduction at great heights, the symptoms will become stronger.

It is also important to consult a gynecologist. As a rule, doctors prevent women from developing weeds already in the 8th month of pregnancy. Weird facts

It might be a good thing that one of the most terrible speeches that flyers are waiting for is

Subject to control over your share, as if everything is wrong. Whenever a flight enters an area of ​​turbulence, a flight attendant is on hand to help everyone stay calm.

Flying like this is a difficult task, and it will be even more difficult for a pilot when there are dozens of people on board. However, sometimes we can’t calmly help you when you’re in trouble. unprepared situation

in the wind.

What are you suffering from?

fear of the Polots

, it’s not for your sake to read this. Flight by plane 1. In the event of a catastrophe, due to a swift blow, your body, which is 70 hundred meters thick, is composed of water, which is greater than everything, vibukhne.

And if I don’t put it in the vibukhne, the vibukh letaka is about the same.

2. Seat belts in a guilty mother's flight

shoulder straps . In the hour of disaster, if the speed is low, the shoulder strap can twist the life, removing only a small amount of skin on the victim’s chest. Indeed, the shoulder straps are not so tight, but death is no longer easy..

5. 3. Without a belt on your shoulder, a blow can cause your head to ache. There were lunges as the belts on the waist tore the victim in two.

6. 4. Better bulo b, yakbi the seats were moved in vain


Surgeons confirm that the back suffers a greater blow to the chest.

The seat, stretched to the tail, was installed on military transport aircraft, they buried ten times more lives Ritual vests

mainly so that the ritual teams could find bodies in the event of a disaster. Kisnevy masks which in cold water can occur in seconds.

If you immerse your head in water, you may end up with your brain on your brain. 10. It will continue to harden through an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the ozone ball turbulence during watering also increases


By the middle of the century, the situation may increase by 40 hundred thousand. 11. 80 hundred plane crashes occur either before the hour of flight or before the hour of landing. 12. When it’s already hot, you have approximately

90 seconds to get off the plane , Until then, everything will burn. If you sit 5 rows away from the exit, then statistically you have no better chance of surviving.

13. Approx. 43-54 hundreds of pilots knew that they were sleeping, rebooting the remote control.

Nearly a third of them were having fun, having realized that their assistant had also fallen asleep.

14. At the hour of descent at high speed, decompression will occur in the aircraft cabin, after which Most passengers spend their money until the collapse.

15. Some airlines reduce the availability of airline tickets, in order to protect the airline through which the flight flies with less volume of airline tickets, the following is recommended.

As these facts have told you, remember that most disasters do not happen so often, and

the chances of becoming a victim of a disaster are 1 in 11 million and 1 in 60 million

for other data.

Several points of the air transportation regulations are aimed at ensuring our comfort and safety during the flight, although not explicitly.

Others are at the mercy of the airline carrier.

This is what the flight attendants and pilots tell us.

1. Dimming the light in the flight is necessary for preparation before evacuation

When a flight lands in the dark, the darkness is lit to prepare passengers for possible evacuation.

4. Do not wash the carpets and do not disinfect the tray table

Flight attendants of the budget American airline Southwest said that the pillows and carpets are simply folded back after the flight.

There is no talk about how important this disinfection is.

This fact was confirmed by a flight attendant of another airline.

On tray tables for children, people often change children's diapers.

If you let someone in, it would be better to just throw it away.

The flight attendants simply wash the table once a day, which is obviously a waste of time, since they were wearing the wrong diaper there.

5. The captain may arrest you at the police station

When the flight doors are closed, the captains of the sailing ship need to be replaced.

You can arrest the passenger, write a fine and act as a trusted person who dies.

Of course, the captain does not have the full legal right to arrest anyone, otherwise he can limit your freedom on board the aircraft and hand it over to the authorities after landing.

The police will immediately arrest you.

By the hour of your flight you will be separated from passengers.

6. After a passenger’s class, he can be upgraded to first class

This does not happen so often, since such movements may be accompanied by objective reasons.

Sometimes passengers, who paid for economy, fly.

Most often there are kindly dressed, nice people and worthy women.

As the hour approaches, I will show respect to the door handles.

That's right, the stinks act like handrails, what's next?

In times of evacuation and panic on board, if flight attendants are preparing the doors to the flight, passengers who are afraid of losing their information can tell the flight attendant right away.

A handrail is required to prevent you from getting lost or lost on board.

10. You can eat an entire can of Coca-Cola

If you are tormented by sprague, you can eat more, less soda.

Just ask the flight attendant for something.

Shvidshe for everything, she will be glad to help.

11. The mask will protect you with sourness for 15 minutes

However, what time is enough for the pilot to lower the aircraft to the required height so that it can fly normally.

If the masks fall off, the pilot will be lowered as much as possible.

At the same time, he looks for the closest one to land.

Check the height, where you can walk without the help of a mask, it takes 10 to 20 minutes.

This should be kept at the height at which the flight is located at the moment of depressurization.

12. Sometimes flight attendants do not serve dinner.

On early flights, flight attendants delay the serving time as much as possible in order to eliminate the sediment.

Sharing with other pilots is also prohibited.

Be careful to avoid the grub deprivation.

It turns out that beef stroganoff turned out to be unsafe for the main pilot’s boat, and the other one was a stew.

You will lose your wine if you are completely healthy and you will be able to treat it normally.

What steps must you go through in order to reach the right place?