Cause problems with the PCA database. Re-verification of these cbm, insurance and car insurance in the PCA Police CTP online do not pass the re-verification

In recent years, transport insurance companies can take out insurance by looking at a paper document or a digital record, which is called e-OSAGO.

Let's take a look at the implementation of these initiatives in practice, and let's look at all the problems that an insurer can get stuck with, such as a policy online. We should name a few moments, for which the e-OSAGO electronic policy is clearly superior to its traditional brother.

Filling in the electronic OSATsV may pluses:

  • ensuring that you are able to take out insurance without access to a computer;
  • solution of problems in the offices of insurance companies;
  • usunennya folding from piece by piece creating "deficiency" of blanks in policies;
  • the fight against the unfair policy of insurance companies regarding the imposition of additional services;
  • decrease in vitrate on other blanks with different steps of zahistu;
  • ensuring economy of business on spivrobitniks (automation allows staff speed);
  • the capacity of insurance companies to be able to pay due to the morning of part of the offices, the demand for such may be reduced.

As for the richness of other innovations, there are few problems with electronic policies. The stench is due to both technical and commercial reasons.

  1. Faults in the execution of the document through the site. A number of car enthusiasts, who encouraged to take the policy away from such a way, outweighed the possibilities of the technical infrastructure. The problem is related not only to the revantagence of the servers of the insurance companies themselves, but also to the impossibility of serving such a large number of drinks that it is necessary to reach the database PCA - Russian Union of Motor Insurance Companies(Information about the skin insured person is taken from the association).
  2. Vіdsutnіst vіdomosti about the registration of the car on the base. One of the main problems is the difficulty in exchanging data between DIBDR and RSA. If the transfer of data updates has become a pardon, then about the basis of the client’s transport security may simply not appear.
  3. Vіdsutnіst data pro techoglyad. One of the minds of the design of the policy is to serve as a diagnostic card. Data about it may also be available on the PCA server and the system will not allow you to issue a CCA.
  4. Impossibility to zastosuvat lower coefficient for a trouble-free ride. As long as the insurer does not become the culprit of an accident, you can hope for a reduction that accumulates from skin rock. Won can reach half of the vartosti polis. For some reason, it is impossible to zastosuvat the coefficient.
  5. Regional exchange. Insurers give the opportunity to come up with a digital policy for less bags of okremy places. The stench explains the "toxicity" of the regions is low. Under it, the companies understand the breadth of "Shakhrai schemes" and the inconsistency of activities in such territories.
  6. Problems for non-residents. Qi folding pov'yazanі z regional obezhennyami. Like a hunker sacking on the territory of the capital, ale of registrations in another place, take the policy not to go. In some cases, there is an absurd "re-verification" of the client, which lasts up to 30 days.

Acts of the insurance company specifically encourage customers to act in the form of an electronic CCA:

  • applying for the first limit, which is worth the number of digital policies that are issued, for a day or a month;
  • generation of passwords to replace symbols in Cyrillic and Latin at once;
  • navmisne obezhennya ways to pay the policy;
  • collection of commissions for the redevelopment of expenses.

All peresrahovane zmusiti koristuvach come to the office, de yogo zmusya pridbati insurance at once from imposed services. Insurance companies all the time try to increase the margin of insurance in such a way, as in some regions of the country, it is simply impossible to see through the activity of auto lawyers. The possibility of issuing an electronic policy by purchasing other products of the company on the site is not insane.

Such a policy breaks the law, and the evidence on the company's portals will become an indisputable proof of one's guilt. So many insurers are often afraid to give them scargs Rosspozhivnaglyadі Bank of Russia .

Important: Do not slander the insurance companies. Remittance to the client after taking away pennies in practice, most of them do not accept the flooring, but it is necessary for the mother to have a window dressing and remember correctly and reasonably to give the scarg.

Step-by-step instructions for issuing e-OSAGO

Issuing a policy with different insurance companies in particular. Without going into them, you can see a number of wild stages.

Creation of an oblique record for a special cabinet. To gain access to e-insurance, you need to create a physical record on the company's website. For whom you need to fill in the proponated form, adding to it the following personal data:

  • PIB more;
  • passport details;
  • information about the date and place of the people;
  • registration addresses;
  • mobile phone number;
  • email addresses.

Rechecking the entered information. Vіdomostі about vodіya zvіryayutsya dannym tsentralіzovanої base RSA. If the data about the insurer has been entered before it, then send to the e-mail address or mobile number the parameters and access to the public record (password and login).

Complete statement. At the form on the site, you can add information about:

  • the insurer (personal data, designated above);
  • cars (data supply is carried out with a certificate of registration);
  • characteristics of the future polis (the term dії, the period of variation of the machine and the date on the cob dії);
  • hulks, yakі will be corystuvatisya machine.

Rechecking the entered information. Usy vіdomostі will be zіstavіnі z vіstom base RSA. If the information appears in it, then the correspondent will remove the information about the insurance contract, the order of payment (bank cards and/or electronic pennies), as well as the address to which the electronic document will be sent. If the application has not passed the re-verification, the company will state the reason in the paperwork and ask to correct the request.

Payment for the withdrawal of insurance. After the repayment of pennies, the company sends the policy itself to the client's e-mail address.

The document can be distributed and carried with you. The paper version will be confirmed electronically by the CCACA.

Pardons when issuing e-OSAGO and their legacy

When you declare an actual risk, pardons will be allowed. Act as examples:

  • incorrectly entered car model;
  • pardons from the PIB vlasnik, the insurer and the admission of water;
  • pardon at the room;
  • inaccuracies in the specified details of registration documents;
  • pardons in a series or numbers of consecrations;
  • vkazіvku insurer like vlasnik machine (like tse different individuals).

Let's take a look at the legacy of such pardons.

If you need to spend water insurance in case of an accident, then the company does not have the right to pay the victim, the insurance policy of the paperwork. Tse does not mean that water can not call for inaccuracy. Problems can be blamed on the help of DIBDR. Vіn z great ymovirnіstyu to show formal pіdhіd and fine vіdіya vіdsutnіst insurance. Rechecking the policy is carried out not only in case of accidents, but for any teeth.

Regardless of the nature of the inaccuracies in the document, it is recommended that you inquire about those in order to correct the pardon in the OSACV electronic policy.

Vіdpovіdno until zminіn law pro osatsv in 2014 roci is now transferred directly from his insurer. Accident victims may have the right to contact their insurance company. You can read about

A low number of unimpressed hulks navmisyuyut information about themselves. It is advisable to reduce the insurance premium as much as possible. Examples є:

  • underestimation of the number of kinsky forces;
  • pardon information about the registration of the insurer on the territory of the rural area (for such vlasniks, the lowest territorial coefficient was transferred);
  • dependent on seniority.

All these options do not work, as the insurance has already been issued by the courier from the Volodymyr with this car. If the car is new, such a possibility exists. If so, the deceit will be revealed during an offensive re-entry to the company (to change the parameters of insurance or to continue).

If fraud is detected, the insurance company will pay extra. As soon as a pardon will be introduced after an accident, the company may file a request for forgiveness of the damages to be paid to an unsustainable client.

Important: All information about transport costs and water for registration of E-OSAGO is accumulated in the RSA database. In this way, before the first electronic OSATsV is officially issued, it will be possible to issue your first paper policy.

How to make changes to the electronic OSATsV

One of the necessary services for electronic servicing of insurers is the possibility of a comfortable introduction of documents. Let's figure it out, just to be safe, that a pardon has appeared in the electronic OSATsV, and for other situations, if it is necessary to introduce new information or parameters.

Submit for the copy of the electronic document your own, what for the paper version:

  • introduction of new waters;
  • changing the details of the acknowledgment of the water at the zv'yazku z yogo replacement (if you want to re-do the insurance, there is no risk of becoming a victim of an unfair spy of the DIBDR, which "do not remember" the badges about the earlier dead document);
  • obtaining a new passport;
  • change of residence address.

On the vіdminu vіd procedure for the sale of the policy, the power of bringing in the new bills to the law is not oprаtsovano. Tse means that the only legal mechanism for changing data from OSACV insurance is the appearance of a special agent in an insurance company. When fahіvtsі drukuyut paper version of the document and the policy is attached but digital. The terms of the inflow and the rest of the contract are left unchanged.

Іsnuє mozhlivіst otrimati vіdmova from the side of spіvrobіtnikіv office. It is worth explaining that the loan is not taken by the company itself, but by brokers - agents, who may have the right to lay down new OSACV agreements in the name of the insurer. Another reason is often є pragnennya spіvrobіtnikіv navyazati dodatkovy polis. Possibility to re-register the document stinks due to the purchase of another service. Such unlawful representatives of the company can be held accountable by the standing ceremonial and regulatory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor, Territorial Service of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Financial Ombudsman).

Low insurers give customers the opportunity to adjust the details of the document through the special office. Due to the growing popularity of digital insurance, there is a high level of availability of a full service, which transfers changes to the electronic policy of OSACV.

Continuation of the OSACV policy and replacement of the insurance company

Under the hour of using the digital policy, the problem of yoga production is blamed. Through the river after registration (often - even earlier) the client will have a chance to see a new document. The specifics of this design should be deposited with a particular insurance company. With this procedure, we include low-level steps.

  1. Technical inspection pass. Obov'yazkovoy umovoy for the continuation of insurance є presence of an up-to-date diagnostic card. Like it’s out of the day, її happen to be taken to the be-yakіy service station, like you’ll get such services.
  2. Zapovnennya danikh at vlasny kabinetі. It is necessary to go to the website of the insurance company and enter the login and password of the public record. A lot of companies give the possibility of a simple sale of OSACV. It is enough to go for the confirmation request and enter data about the number and date of issue of the diagnostic card.
  3. Data revision. If the information is confirmed, the system will prompt you to proceed to the payment of the document.
  4. Payment is the same as the withdrawal of the policy. After the transfer of pennies, a new document will be sent to the e-mail address, as well as for the original registration.

Important: In the coming years, the renewal of the policy is carried out via the Internet. Active insurers provide services for the promotion of insurance, issued on a paper nose, in an electronic version. For whom it is necessary to register on the site and enter the details of the policy, which is past.

Another important moment is the transition from one insurance company to another country. For the most important meals, we save money for an accident-free ride. The functionality of the special office does not transfer the ability to issue a bonus-malus coefficient.

In order to issue it, you need to give the insurance company earlier than issuing the policy. The fact that you drive without an accident for the front turn will be put on the request from the front company of the client.

About the rest of the amendments to the law on OSACV 2017 to the fate, that the zdiyasnennya payments from OSACV were transferred to the "natural form", tobto. for repairs at authorized service stations, you can read

Vrahovyuchi recently appearing able to issue a digital policy, there are no problems clearing the way, so that the service can be improved, so hopefully. The stench will be consumed by the year and the popularity of the electronic OSACV will become a reality.

INSURANCE FROM REGIONIV! You have insurance filters on you! Do not help me change ip…..

I can not issue an electronic policy OSACV, I can click on the buttons, trying to issue a policy. Just enter the information, lie, at noon and in the evening, you can become a night, ale electronic OSAGO V DO NOT APPLY! And don't be fooled.

From 01/01/2017, the date of issuance of the electronic policy OSACV was issued for the insurance companies of obov'yazkovim. And until this hour, the stench bled all possible children, so that they could see more pennies from the insurer.

You, perhaps, don’t believe it, it’s still 2019 in the yard, but in fact nothing has changed. Problems with SACA online continue.

The PCA knows the transfer of insurance organizations, how to lay down contracts with electronic documents, but I can’t buy an OSACV policy online from them.

Updated list of insurance companies- 51 companies.

None of these companies sell electronic OCABA. Sell ​​it, it’s possible, buy it - no!

For example:

Website TSK

Do not go out, apply for an OSACV policy online with TSC, so you will be spared.

I TSE will be spinning and year, and two, and doba.


It’s a problem for them to start a special office, it’s a problem for me, for me it’s good.

Alternately, you will go further, fill in all the fields, enter your data, open the vacancy, you will be given the number of the rozrahunka, you will need to save the rozrahunok, if you save it, you will take a pardon from looking at the session, you will need to change the background and the axis here

Tsya pardon to talk about those the form is not fixed for the work with the data base. Everything is a Fiction. You can trust me as a technical specialist.

Rosderzhstrakh website

Electronic OSAGO Rosderzhstrakh does not work. Here you take away the unforgiving pardon, and that’s all for it!

You can go through all the insurance companies in the list, but the result is 0.

Everything ended with me in a happy end. I bought a policy, not online, but in the office of the insurance company. I seem to have just been spared.

I tried a lot of ways, how to issue OSAGO online!

Asked to issue through the know, but through them it was necessary to issue to the servant + the beast an enna sum “for restlessness”. And I tried to just continue the policy with the same company that I purchased. NONSENSE.

How can you just draw up a policy without knowing and blat (I don’t believe what I’m writing myself), you can spend the days and days with good roll calls. The working people have NO WAY OF HOUR. The first paragraph explains again why it is impossible to issue OSAGO online.

Tse povne svavillya. The prosecutor's office "scored" on everything. Previously, they wrote that “the Prosecutor's office will conduct a large-scale review of insurance companies” and what? Nothing! Empty! Dirka like a bagel!

All re-verification - ce fax to the insurance company ask “Say you sell OSATsV with additional services”, on which you can also fax the reply So you could think like that! Tse insurers viklyanchuyut our servants. Funny! To tears! But it’s true that it seems so.

If everything was otherwise, then the stench would have made a control purchase, and yet in the second place they had added a leather insurer and fined the insurers hundreds of thousands, or even millions of rubles, leather.

I wanted to say something about the end.

PEOPLE DON'T VIRTE TO ANYONE! Vilno issue an OSAGO policy online in 2019 is NOT POSSIBLE! One place, where you can issue OSATsV online - in Moscow and St. Petersburg, because there policies cost more expensive and insurance companies from the regions manage them there.

INSURANCE FROM REGIONIV! You have insurance filters on you! Do not help with changing IP, or changing proxy, filters are adjusted for the registry office.

The insurers do not just care about us; For whom the stench has shown the possibility of saving data from the form. If you change the side, you will spend all the entered data. Tobto, You sit for the first time, enter the number of rights, PTS, etc., for example, take a pardon, change the side and the axis in front of you is a clean form. Your data has come up.

Only on the website of INDERZHSTRAKH after the rozrahunka it was written that “you can issue an OSACV policy at the nearest office”. Hurry up with joy, do not spend an hour, the strength of that nerve is trying to issue a policy online. At the moment, you can buy an OSACV policy only at the office of the insurance company.

P.S. Do not forget to check the receipt of the OSACV policy on the basis of the PCA, regardless of whether you bought it, in the office or online. To our address naіyshli skargi schodo sale of false policies by insurance brokers.

Withdrawal of the insurance policy OSAGO importantly and guilty buti at the skin sack to vehicles in the presence. Insurance guarantee insurance of civil liability and in case of accidents caused by accidents and other losses to the participants or to the managers of the accident.

The variability of the OSATsV policy is being restored power that without insurance, it was fenced off to change the place on the roads of the city. The process of issuing an insurance policy was simplified as much as possible, which resulted in a large number organizations-shakhraiv.

That's why you need to secure yourself a vіd otrimanna non-fiction OSATsV policy - it is necessary to independently check the relevance and validity of the insurance policy.

Verification of the correctness of the form of the OSACV insurance policy can be carried out:

  • Visually.
  • From the additional information base of the RSA.

You can visually identify the policy statement for the following signs:

Additional reasons, through the policy of OSATsV we can’t use it and on the way to follow the respect:

  • Entering data into the form by hand, as well as correcting or confirming.
  • The term of the dії polisa bypassing or manually changing it.
  • Low variance of the insurance policy.

Another way to re-verify the validity of an insurance policy is to re-verify the validity of a license, which is valid, from an insurance company. You can check this information for help a single base for the appearance of RSA.

If the insurance is issued by a representative of the company and you have a doubt about the legitimacy of your business, you can call the insurance organization to find out what kind of data they have. The representative is liable to show the power of attorney to the insurance company from the assigned right to implement the OSACV policies.

Revalidation of the OSATsV policy

Revalidation of the insurance policy OSACV necessary if it is necessary to confirm your correctness. This procedure is the most popular among the arbitrators of transport services, as they choose to turn to a small home insurance company or an intermediary to settle the contract.

For the viconan, these procedures are given for help bazi RSA it is necessary to ask the specialist to enter the insurance number.

As a result, the program will show information that includes:

  • PIB Vlasnik Polis;
  • Document status (descriptive, intrusions and intrusions);
  • Sovereign number of the car, on which the policy is written;
  • The term for the policy;
  • Name of organization - insurer;
  • Availability of an official license from the insurer for its activity.

It is also necessary at the onset insurance drop.

Revalidation of the policy for a specific car

Vykoristovuyuchi service PCA can zdіysniti poshuk, vikorivuyuchi sovereign number of the car or VIN code, that dznatysya schodogo new insurance policy.

Read about it here.

For whom it is necessary to know that it is necessary to introduce yoga at the vikno to a joke.

As a result, the program will provide information:

  • About the number data of the policy;
  • About the insurance organization, with which the agreement was laid;
  • About the type of insurance policy (whether insurance is covered or not).

Buvayut situations, if the accident is at fault vtіk іz mіstsya malice, but the certificates forgot the state number of the yogo transport zabu. In this way, you can, for the number, for the additional information base of the PCA, insert the data of guilt and call it to the end through the special organs of power.

Read about it here.

Yakshcho, during the re-verification of data, confirmation not accepted in the centralized PCA system - means that the information is entered in the window, even if it is at the sign, it is considered in the form of records to the base of the Union of Insurance Companies.

It is possible to have a sprinkling of options, through which the pardon wins, they can be seen:

This problem can also be blamed through a pardon not in the data about the car itself, but in third-party ones documents.

In which case it is necessary:

  • Give the data you saw to the diagnostic card with information.
  • Check the correctness of the registration address. It is possible that the changes were made by you, but the changes have not yet been made. You can try to enter the number at the search box of the PTS for which way.

As if it was clear that the information is not seen by itself through the pardon in the PCA database:

  1. You can try to enter in the search box a tribute with a pardon or a pardon for a friend (as only you know exactly why you yourself are paralyzed) like a stink in the database.
  2. You can contact the insurance organization, as the terms of the insurance have not yet expired, so you have to make sure to add it to the data base.

That is why it is best to entrust the registration of insurance for transportation costs to a great and reliable company, as it correctly calculates the cost of insurance coverage and compensation, and also in due course it correctly visualizes its goiter.

Tіlki yakscho vy no doubt with newly selected insurance companies, you can safely purchase an insurance policy from them without prior re-verification.

To retrieve the status of the processing, requesting the status of the e-OSAGO contract e-OSAGO CIS SC is sent to the ProjectPolicyService System service, the getSetStatusResult method, to retrieve the StatusPolicyEOSAGOStatusRequest.xsd scheme.

Warehouse for information, which confirms the designation of the scheme, is indicated in Dodatku 3 "Specification of formats in interaction" of the helper.

When applying for the status of processing the application for the status of the e-OSAGO project, it is necessary to ensure the following aspects:

5.8.1. Request the status of processing the request for the advancement of the e-OSAGO contract to the project to set the identifier for the record in the draft contract status processing line, the formation after the successful advancement of the request for assigning the status of the e-OSAGO contract project to the System (subject to clause 5.7 of the third partner).

5.8.2. When the status of “Cancellation” is sent to the e-OSAGO project agreement, and if the status of the e-OSAGO agreement project is eligible, we will establish the rules of the FLC subsystem “Electronic Policy” to form a confirmation of the SC from notifications about the success of assigning the e-OSAGO status to the project agreement.

5.8.3. The SC is formed according to the scheme StatusPolicyEOSAGOStatusResponse.xsd, the warehouse as specified in Addendum 3 "Specification of formats in interaction" of the helper.

5.8.4. When the e-CTP agreement is sent to the project with the status “Invalid”, and once successful, the application is submitted for the status of the project agreement in the System, the Electronic Policy subsystem will apply for the entry of data to the project agreement in the DKBM through the CMTPL contract entry service DKBM.

5.8.5. After reviewing the status of processing the e-OSAGO agreement in the DiKBM The system generates a confirmation for the IC, which will collect all the information about the results of processing the e-OSAGO agreement in the DiKBM.

5.8.6. At the time of successful processing of the contract with DKBM, the Electronic Policy subsystem forms a confirmation of the IC from notifications about the success of assigning the status of “Dead” to the draft e-OSCPV contract.

5.8.7. If the e-OSAGO agreement did not pass the reconciliation of the FLC DKBM and there were no savings from the DKBM, then for the e-OSAGO agreement, the electronic policy subsystem will form a confirmation of the insurance company with notifications about those who have the status “Valid” and there is no obligation (sign for the IsStatusAs tag turn the value false), and change pardons from DiKBM.

5.8.8. At times pardons were awarded during the processing of the request, the System forms the confirmation of the IC from the alteration of the revealed pardons to the validation of the request, which is transferred to the ErrorList summary of the confirmation of the IC at the request. Code of pardons, their description of the behavior of the System in the case of their cancellation is given in Addendum 1 “Validation pardons” of this document.

5.8.9. Validation pardons, which were called out during the application to the DKBM, are reshuffled in the abstract of the ErorrDKBMList of the IC's acknowledgment. The codes of such pardons and their descriptions are given in the document “Kerivnitstvo of the Operator of Subsystem Agreement and KBM AIS RSA”.

5.8.10. A retranslation of the statuses of the processing of requests was made at Addendum 2 "Statuses of requests" of the document.

Asking for a number of free numbers for draft e-OSCPV contracts

To generate a request for a number of free numbers for draft contracts, e-OSAGO KIS SK is sent to the ProjectPolicyCountService service, the getFreeNumbers method, for requesting the NumberFreeRequest.xsd scheme.

In case of overpowering the request for a number of IC numbers for the draft contracts of the e-OSCPV, it is necessary to protect the following aspects:

5.9.1. The limit of the number of draft e-OSAGO agreements available for the formation of draft e-OSAGO agreements is seen in the PCA and entered in the e-OSAGO database table by the PCA Administrator on the cob of the skin IC period.

5.9.2. The System has transferred an internal algorithm for determining the number of license plates for skin insurance, which means that the retailers have a minimum limit of numbers in draft e-OSAGO IC contracts for the first period and the number of check numbers in draft e-OSAGO contracts for leather insurance.

5.9.3. For the successful saving of the draft contract in the System, the number of IC numbers, which sent a request for the advancement of the e-OSAGO project contract, will be increased by one.

5.9.4. When the e-OSCPV agreement is assigned the status of “Cancellation”, the number of registered SC numbers will change to one.

5.9.5. The request for the number of valid numbers in the IC is formed according to the scheme NumberFreeResponse.xsd, the warehouse that is set at the Addendum 3 "Specification of the formats in mutual modality" of the helper, that offset the number of valid numbers for the e-OSAGO contracts at the time of the request for the IC, the request.

5.9.6. Sistema did not transfer the possibility of re-drawing numbers that were previously assigned to draft e-OSAGO agreements.

Request to the list of draft contract numbers e-OSCPV

To generate a request for a list of project numbers in e-OSAGO contracts, which was not previously given a valid status, KIS SK is sent to the ProjectPolicyListService service, the getList method, for the request the ListPolicyEOSAGORequest.xsd scheme is used.

Warehouse for the request was made at Addendum 3 "Specification of formats in cooperation" of the helper.

When requesting a list of numbers in draft e-OSCPV agreements without status, it is necessary to ensure the following aspects:

5.10.1. After processing the request, the Electronic Policy subsystem will form a confirmation of the IC, which will allow the transfer of the numbers in the draft contracts of the e-OSAGO, if not to the status of "Dіє" or "Cancellation" at the time of the request and if earlier the request was made by the IC, which sent the request.

5.10.2. The IC form is formed according to the scheme ListPolicyEOSAGOResponse.xsd, which is indicated in Addendum 3 "Specification of formats in interaction" of this helper.

Object identification

Rules for identifying objects in the Guidance System in Table 4.

Table 4 Rules for object identification

Object Identification details Elements of XML
Draft e-OSCE Agreement IC code + IC contract identifier InsurerID + DraftPolicyID
Subject of a physical person (insurer, vlasnik of TK) HASH (PIB + payment date) + Document type + Document series + Document number PersonNameBirthHash + DocPerson + Serial + Number
Subject physical person - LDU HASH (ПІБ + birth date) + VU series + VU number + Document type PersonNameBirthHash + Serial + Number+(DocPerson=20)
Subject legal person (insurer and vlasnik TK) For subjects - residents of the Russian Federation: "IPN" For subjects - non-residents of the Russian Federation: "Any name" For residents of the Russian Federation: INN For non-residents of the Russian Federation: OrgName
Subject Document Document type Document series Document number DocPerson + Serial + Number
Transport zasib TK identification is ensured according to the value of the field "Region of TK registration" with the fields of one of the offensive methods:
  • Body No.
  • chassis number
2) TC, which uses a single identifier to act as less than a holder. number, identification is assigned to the value of the requisite. CarIdent number (VIN, Body No., Chassis No.).
CountryCar 1) VIN BodyNumber ChassisNumber 2) License Plate

Perevіrki, scho vykonuyutsya

Technical revisions are made every hour by the electronic policy subsystem, and when validating it, xsd-schemes are valid. Warehouse of xsd-schemes of the System pointed at Dodatku 3 "Specification of formats of interaction" of the helper.

After the first validation of requests for the validity of xsd-schemes, there is a logical re-verification of the requests for claims, which includes a re-verification of the input attributes in the fallow period for the values ​​of other attributes.

Відповідно до логіки перевірки, спочатку виконуються перевірки для батьківських елементів, потім, за наявності батьківського елемента, виконуються перевірки для його дочірніх елементів, таким чином якщо для батьківського елемента у властивостях зазначена необов'язковість, а для його дочірніх обов'язковість, за відсутності батьківського of the element in the file, the reverification is considered to be successfully completed.

The System has the ability to enable the inclusion of reconciliations, which are to be counted, for the initiative, to enter the PCA, including the Electronic Policy subsystem, which allows the complex inclusion of FLC reconciliations when the project is covered by the e-OSAGO agreement.

When you turn on the re-verification, the re-verification is all the same, but at the time of pardon, you need to re-verify the draft e-OSAGO agreement in the database of the "Electronic Policy" subsystem, all the same is saved. At the request of the status, the IC will keep information about those who have a draft agreement on savings in the database and a list of validation pardons.

The latest list of validation pardons, as well as other systems for validation pardons, is provided in Addendum 1 “Validation pardons”. At Dodatku 2 Status of requests, a transfer of statuses of requests for the "Electronic policy" subsystem has been added.

Table 5 Request for verification of data of the subject - the insurer, the owner of the TK (InsurerOwnerRequest.xsd)

Batkivsky element Logical name logical reverb
InsurerOwnerRequest InsurerOwnerRequestValue Rechecking the data of the subject (insurer / vlasnik of TK) Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
InsurerOwnerRequestValue Insurer ID
PhysicalPersonInfoRequest Data of individuals for re-verification Obov'yazkovy for filling one of the 2 elements.
LegalPersonInfoRequest Data of legal entities for verification
DateRequest date+hour Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
PhysicalPersonInfoRequest Country Country code in OKSM Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
PersonNameBirthHash Hash PIB + give people Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
PersonDocument Type, series and number of the document, which certifies the person Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
PersonDocument DocPerson Type of document that certifies the person Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Rechecking for compliance with codes from the document “Types of Documents”.
Serial Document series Obov'yazkovo for zapovnennya for obviousness. When zapovnennі - reverification for the presence of unacceptable symbols.
Number Document Number
LegalPersonInfoRequest Country Country code in OKSM Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
Org ID Any name (valid until Certificate of registration) + IPN (for residents of the Russian Federation) Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
AddressRSACode Addresses - code from the dovidnik RSA-KLADR Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Rechecking for compliance with codes from the “KLADR” doc
Org ID Resident Sign of the Russian Federation / not the Russian Federation Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
INN IPN of a legal entity Obov'yazkovo zapovnennya for residents of the Russian Federation.
OrgName Any name of a legal entity (valid until Certificate of registration) Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
Batkivsky element Attribute of the Batkiv element Logical name logical reverb
DriverRequest DriverRequestValue Rechecking data LDU Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
DriverRequestValue Insurer ID Insurance company identifier Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Rechecking for compliance with codes from the insurance company's doc. Rechecking the validity of the IC identifier specified in the notification header.
DriverInfoRequest Data LDU for rechecking Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
DateRequest date+hour Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
PersonNameBirthHash Hash PIB + give people Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
DriverDocument Series and number of accredited water Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
CategoriesDriverLicense Permissible categories of TK for the supply of water
DriverDocDate Date of the first wedding ceremony Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Re-verification of this field is carried out exactly to the date.
DriverDocument Serial Document series Obov'yazkovo for zapovnennya for obviousness. When zapovnennі - reverification for the presence of unacceptable symbols.
Number Document Number Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Override the presence of unacceptable characters.
CategoriesDriverLicense CatDriverLicense Category TK s VU Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. The code of the vehicle category is indicated from the doc "Modifications of the model". Rechecking is included until the implementation of the expedited additional treatment of the DiKBM.
Batkivsky element Attribute of the Batkiv element Logical name logical reverb
TSRequest TSRequestValue Re-verification of data TK Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
TSRequestValue Insurer ID Insurance company identifier Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Rechecking for compliance with codes from the insurance company's doc. Rechecking the validity of the IC identifier specified in the notification header.
TSInfoRequest Data TS for re-verification Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
DateRequest date+hour Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
TSInfoRequest country car Country of registration of TK Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Rechecking for the validity of the values ​​"0" and "1" (1 - RF; 0 - not RF)
CarIdent Trademark identifier Obov'azkove for zapovnennya.
MarkModelCarRSACode Brand-model code from the dovidnik RSA Obov'azkove for zapovnennya. Rechecking the validity of the values ​​from the “Modifications of the Model” indicator. If the driver does not have the necessary model, then the code for the record of the driver is to be transmitted, naming it is repaired with the words “Other model” and as if it is necessary for the category that type of TK
Year Issue Rick release Obov'yazkovo for filling the cream of TK, registered in foreign powers.
type car Vehicle type Obov'yazkovo for filling the cream of TK, registered in foreign powers. The code for the vehicle type is specified from the “Model Modifications” doc.
catcar Category TK Obov'yazkovo for registration with the reserved code of the category of TK at the RCA certificate "Modifications of the model", krim TK, registrations in foreign powers. The code of the vehicle category is indicated from the doc "Modifications of the model". If the RSA “Modifications Modifications” code of the TK category is not filled in, then the CatCar tag is not filled in for the conversion of the TK.
DocumentCar TK document type Obov'yazkovo for filling the cream of TK, registered in foreign powers. Rechecking for compliance with codes from the document “Types of Documents”.
DocCarSerial Document series TK
DocCarNumber TK document number Obov'yazkovo for filling the cream of TK, registered in foreign powers. Override the presence of unacceptable characters.
DocumentCarDate Date of issue of the TK document Obov'yazkovo for filling the cream of TK, registered in foreign powers. Rechecking is included until the implementation of the expedited additional treatment of the DiKBM.
EngCap Engine pressure for category B, hp Obov'yazkovo for filling in for CatCar = "B", crim TK, registrations in foreign countries.
MaxMass Allowed maximum weight in kilograms for category C Obov'yazkovo for filling in for CatCar = "C", crim TK, registrations in foreign countries.
UnladenMass Net weight in kilograms for category C Obov'yazkovo for filling in for CatCar = "C", crim TK, registrations in foreign countries. Rechecking is included until the implementation of the expedited additional treatment of the DiKBM.
PasQuant Number of places for category D Obov'yazkovo for filling in for CatCar = D, crim TK, registrations in foreign countries.
CarIdent license plate Hold room Obov'yazkovy for filling one of the 4 elements. Override the presence of unacceptable characters. When the VIN/BodyNumber/ChassisNumber tags are filled in, recheck the validity of the filled in LicensePlate tag. Last hour of filling the LicensePlate tag – rechecking the filling hours of other vehicle identifiers. Poshuk and reverification of TK in the DKBM subsystem is required for a large number of TK identifiers (for the specified number of identifiers and their values). Perevirka holding. numbers numbers - single MS identifiers.
BodyNumber body number
ChassisNumber Chassis number

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