Recognize the little Rosa. Peculiarities of re-verification, rozrahunka and renewal of cbm water on the basis of AIS RSU for OSAGO. How is the Osago discount to be secured? what is cbm

What is KBM?

It's no secret that the auto insurance of the OSACV is due to the years of experience and the number of accidents that were caused by blame. When growing…

KBM is deciphered as a bonus-malus coefficient - it is one of the parameters that determine the variability of the OSACV policy in Russia. Since the beginning of 2013, it is impossible to issue an OSATsV policy without entering the coefficient on the basis of the automated system of the Russian Union of Automobile Insurance Companies (AIS PCA).

The insurance broker K-insgroup offers services, the number of bills is not covered.

What is KBM?

It's no secret that the auto insurance of the OSACV is due to the years of experience and the number of accidents that were caused by blame. When the insurance policy is paid, a special KBM coefficient (bonus-malus) is won. Today, there is one show that allows you to save on insurance coverage.

KBM is insured with premium payments of insurance sums from past OSATsV policies. In other words, the price of bonuses to the car owner for careful care, in case of an accident-free road trip, the car insurance will change by 5%. This index is to be deposited only in the form of water and it closes behind it, it is independent of any kind of transport zasib of wine to drive.

Revalidation of CBM from RSA base

In 2013, a law appeared in Russia, which calls for all insurance companies to issue insurance documents and issue insurance documents, to re-verify previous insurance policies for the identification of the client's KBM. Violation of this rule can lead to great problems of the insurer in case of an accident.

Today, the skin insurance agency can reconsider the coefficient for any car owner. At the basis of the automated PCA system, over 100 mln.

If the insurer has received information about the past insurance events, then the damage will threaten your insurance premium by 1.5 times, as well as being included in the special list of insurance companies, which can be included in the leather insurance company.

Under the bonus-malus coefficient (CBM) there is an indication that indicates the level of discipline in the transport system. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya by insurance companies in order to unravel the variability of the issuance of the OSATsV policy. The KBM was commissioned in 2003, moreover, the principle of its designation and the mechanism of tax reduction for the hour of laying under the insurance contract was changed once.

How to recognize the bonus-malus coefficient

As a result, you often blame the swindler, you can use it as a substitute for re-verification of the coefficient, only the best resources and data bases. Before them lie the official website of the PCA, that of the Russian Union of Autoinsurers, which maintains a register of insurance policies, additional information about how they are collected in the AIS PCA (automated information system);

In order to revise the CBM OSATsV on a single PCA base online, it is necessary to enter the information about the driver of the transport order, before which lie:

PIB Vlasnik;

Date of yoga people;

Requisites of the wedding water;

Date molded in RSA. At this point, the next day is to say that it is now after the completion of the term for the flow policy of the OSATsV.

After entering the specified information, in all the forms of entering, next, check the box next to the rules for processing and data processing that are installed on the site, and then click on the "Review" button. For a stretch of ten seconds, the tribute that will chirp will be shown on the screen, after which you can win at the price of the policy. It is important that the servant of the re-verification is hoped without cost.

Chi did not go away to signify KBM?

Often the situation is blamed, if the designation of the KBM does not come into play and the service of the rechecking sees a pardon. The reasons for such a development may be more likely:

A pardon from the side of the auto insurance company, which transmitted incorrect data from the PCA;

Change the documents of the clerk of the transport order;

Zbіy in robots АІС РСА;

Laying by the clerk of the car a lot of insurance contracts and drawing up an illegal insurance policy, for example, without passing technical inspection.

At the time of the pardon from the side of the insurance company, the sergeant of the car can go to the control authority - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or directly to the PCA.

On September 1, 2013, by order of the order of the Russian Federation, an obligatory rule was introduced about rechecking the insurance history of water on the basis of the Russian Union of Motor Insurance Companies (RSA). The whole thing was made for the implementation of the program of discounts on the OSACV policy. What is the language about? If water is not consumed in an accident during the insurance period, then the onset of the policy may come with a 5% reduction, the maximum amount of the reduction for a zero-bit charge becomes 50% of the cost of the OSACV policy. If you want to buy a cheaper OSAGO - choose carefully. The reduction is called: coefficient bonus-malus, or KBM.

Would you like to reconsider KBM RSA?

On the website of the company Por_vnyan_Kupi you can check your bonus-malus coefficient (MBM) online. The re-verification of the KBM is subject to the PCA base, so you don’t have to worry about the reliability of the statements, you can see the same values ​​​​in the results, like you need to check the insurance company.

Class table bonus-malus

At the results of the work of the service you will add your own class bonus-malus - tse KBM. To find out which KBM for OSACV matches your class, use the table below:

If your class is 6, then KBM \u003d 0.85 - it means that the variability of the OSACV can be multiplied by 0.85.

How to win?

In order to request information about your KBM for OSAGO online - enter your nickname, named after the father of the national name. The date of birth and the series and the number of your wedding ceremony. Let our service add KBM to the PCA database and you can deposit your credit on the OSATsV policy.

Pay, if you write in the OSATsV policy for a small number of cases, then the highest possible KBM will be used to pay for the residual insurance cost.

If you buy OSATsV without obmezhen schodo vodіїv, then the bonus-malus coefficient can not be redeemed.

Company Porivnyany Buy non-vicariate data from your special purposes and do not delay the transfer of data to third persons assigned to the KBM re-verification service, the data is included only for a one-time transfer to the KBM RSA base and the designated value of the KBM service.

How did you not designate your KBM?

  • Verify that all data was entered correctly;
  • Guess who changed your dedication to water, as if it were deeds after the arrival of the rest of the OSACV policy, then you can confuse your KBM with old tributes to the dedication of water.

The "bonus-malus" coefficient (KMB) is one of the main indications for determining the variance of the insurance policy on the insurance of auto civil liability (OSCPV). Iogo zastosuvannya reduce the price of insurance for accurate waters and more - for auto drivers with a risky water style. KMB is closely related to the class of insurance that is assigned to water. The rules for assigning a class and rozrahunka of KMB are prescribed by the official editors of Addendum 2 of the Bank of Russia Vkazivka dated 19.09.2014 N 3384-U about the rozmіri of basic rates and coefficients of insurance tariffs.

What is KBM in OSATsV

The "bonus-malus" reduction system changes the price of an insurance policy depending on the insurance history of a particular insurer. The Latin word "bonus" is literally translated as "good" and means a prize, a gift.

For river water without accidents, which caused insurance premiums, insurers will want to insure water in a 5% reduction in insurance coverage for the coming period. Price is a bonus. I, on the other hand, guilty of partial accidents, which lead to payment of insurance companies, are punishable by additional charges. Tse malus (Latin for "filth").

What kind of deposit water class

Bank of Russia split special table, which shows the number of accidents allowed by the road, yak vymagali insurance premiums, with a numerical multiplier (coefficient "bonus-malus"). You can also learn about it on the official website of the Union of Auto Insurance Companies (RSA).

Table KBM OSATsV on the basis of RSA - class reduction

The more accidents, the lower class of water, and the higher the coefficient that zastosovuetsya for insurance coverage. Usogo diє 15 insurance classes, which are transferred by the KMB.

For 10 years of careful driving by car, the water reaches the 13th class, the most important, and OSACV is cheaper for you, because you have accumulated a 50% reduction.

With the lowering of the lowest, class “M”, the price of the insurance policy is 2.45 times higher than the base rate. To turn from the highest class to a factor of 1, water needs 5 years of accident-free water.

How to unravel coefficient bonus malus

How to open KBM on the basis of RSA? A reduction or a surcharge, as it is necessary to zastosuvat at the indicated sub-bag vartost of the insurance policy, is reimbursed for a single coefficient, which is valid for the assigned water class, and multiplying the result by 100%.

So, KBM for the 7th class is 0.8, and the reduction is (1 - 0.8) x 100% = 20%.

Back to the top, for the insurance history, give the 3rd class, which will set the coefficient 1, the insurance policy variant is more expensive than the base rate. With a skin accident-free fate, the assignment of the water class is moving up, and the KMB is changing by 5%, apparently lowering the reduction that the insurance company hopes for. First of all, the class will be lower, and the variance of the policy will grow in fallowness due to the number of accidents that happened in the past fate.

YaK correctly develop KBM OSATsV on the basis of RSA? As for river water, not allowing an accident, which caused an insurance premium, the attraction of the 3rd class to the 4th class, from the KMB 0.95 and 5% reduction. In case of one accident, which caused the insurance premium, from the 3rd class the water will decrease to the 1st, from the KMB 1.55, and therefore the policy will cost sloppy water more expensive than the standard by 55%. In the event of two or more accidents, the insurance will be shown at a cost of two and a half times the base rate, even if the stock surcharge is 145%.

To the confirmed water, which may be the highest class of water, for example, the 8th, the insurance for the first accident will not be increased, so that the first class will be reduced only to the 5th, and if the insurance contract is laid down, the insurance for the next river will be reduced by 10% 8th grade has a 25% reduction.

Revalidation of KBM water at the OSATsV base

How to convert KBM water from RSA database online? In order to check the coefficient Bonus Malus RSA online, it is necessary to see the official website of the RSA, there it is enough to enter the series and the number of the wedding certificate (VU), as well as the personal data of the water: name, name, date of birth. It is necessary to send the date of laying down the OSATsV agreement.

Service bezkoshtovnyy and dіє for vodіїv - citizens of the Russian Federation. In advance, you will need to confirm the year for the processing of these personal data by ticking the appropriate row.

A lot of insurance brokers on their websites at the same time with the OSACV online calculator also offer a cost-free re-checking of KMB water on the basis of the PCA.

Thin zastosuvannya

When the car is changed, the KMB will take care of the insurance company, which draws up the OSATsV offensive fate agreement. All data are fixed at a single electronic basis of SAR. This is especially noticeable to clear waters, as they can speed up with their pilgrims. How to recognize the class of water OSATsV online is described above.

1. Making changes.

When you change the data entered in the policy of OSATsV, for example, in the future, replace the VU, for saving the previously attracted KMB, you need to inform in writing about your insurer.

Vіdpovіdno until p.1.10 of the Rules for the obligatory insurance of civil insurance, and the validity of the authorities in transport services, the insurance company, having omitted the changes in the bills assigned to the OSATsV agreement, to pay them to the insurance policy of the insurer, and then, not to sign the payment until 5 days, such systems

If the change is not made to the policy until the end of the term of yoga, the KMB water can be renewed for the number of the front connection of the water, assigned to the new VU, in the field “Special badges”.

2. Yakshcho znizhka "ruined".

  • 2.1. It is important to indicate if any insurance company has been reset to zero. You can also apply for the first date of all insurance periods on the side of the KMB re-verification on the PCA website. It is not good to know the previous insurance policies. Let's go to see you, de water figure among the drivers of other cars, as there are special signs about those, which you have been assigned a class.
  • 2.2. Dalі skarga skarga і nassilaєєєєєєєєє to the insurance, yaky pripustivsya clemency at narahuvanni KMB. For the presence of positive results, the skarga is duplicated to the PCA and the Central Bank of Russia, then a call is submitted to the court.

3. OSATsV with interchange and without interchange number of osib admitted to management.

  • 3.1. As soon as the car is surrounded by a number of waters, the main KBM for laying the OSATsV agreement is determined by the water, which has the lowest insurance class. Ale in the automated information base of the PCA for re-insurance with the insurance policy, the waters are taken out individually assigned to them by the class of insurance with the recognized KMB.
  • 3.2. How management is allowed to a non-fenced insurance stake, the class of insurance is given to the owner of the car, designated in the OSACV agreement.
  • 3.3. If the manager of the transport company changes the forward policy without the interchange of the water supply, for the new one - with the interchange, and if the forward period is not the cause of the accident, the insurance company will attract the KBM, which will decrease.

The thorns of the rating of the systems of the wire/allowances of the Izu is awarded to the water classes of the insuretance, the vanity of the Keephitz for the rosrahunku of the Varta -based sedimentary, we are allowed to comprise with the ribs, and the yaki is often the same in Avar. And we will inform that accurate waters - speed up with the best insurance rate.

Bonus-Malus Coefficient (CBM)- the coefficient of insurance tariffs indebtedly depending on the availability or the duration of the insurance coverage, imposed by the insurers in the previous period, from 1 quarter of the previous date up to 31st of the next date, inclusive

Replacing the name of the water (VU) and / or the name, the name of that / or the document, which is the name of the person

As you remember the occasion of the water and/or name, and that/or the document, which zasvіdchuє person, it is necessary to make changes to the honorable agreement of the OSACV yaknaishvidshe. It is necessary for the introduction of correct statements to the automated information system of the Union of Motor Insurance Companies (AIS PCA) and the assignment of the correct KBM to the future.

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 8 of article 15 of the Federal Law 40-FZ P: “During the period of the OSATsV contract, the insurer of goiter is negligently informing the Insurer at the letter of the form about the change of statements assigned to the application for laying the insurance contract.” At the time of one-hour dії kіlkoh OSACV agreements, it is necessary to make changes to the skin of these OSACV agreements.

You can write an application for a change. You can make changes to the electronic policy of OSACV through.

Order of appointment of KBM

On April 1, 2019, the KBM is repaid once per day - on April 1, it will be fixed for a long period (from April 1 to 31 months) to settle any contract.

Coefficient of KBM water, which is the head of the transport security - a physical special, or a special one, admitted to the registration of the transport security, the head of the bachelor is a physical or legal person, including the losses, if the agreement on the language insurance is not transferable (hereinafter - KBM water), how much in AIS OSATsV there is information about contracts for insurance coverage, is indicated on the basis of the value of the KBM coefficient assigned to water for the period of KBM, the number of insurance contracts for all insurance contracts, insurance contracts water and registration in the AIS OSATsV for a long period of the CBM.

Policy with an interim list of water

Zagalny order

Under the contract of obligatory insurance, which transfers the amount of osib, allowed to be covered by the transport, KBM is charged on the basis of the amount of skin water. KBM is supplied with skin water, admitted to keruvannya by a transport code, designated by the contract. When the insurance premium is paid, the maximum value of the CBM coefficient is fixed. For the number of statements about the insurance history of the water, it is expected KBM = 1.

  • An insurer, which I entered in Water No. 1 from KBM equal 0.9, having entered water No. 2 from KBM equal to 1.4 at the policy of OSATsV, to that from yogo blame was paid the insurance premium to the contract, which ended no more than fate. Obviously, the amount of the insurance premium will be determined by water number 2, and the amount of the premium will be reduced at the link with a lower coefficient of water number 2.
  • Water No. 1 and Water No. 2 may have the same CBM 0.8. The insurer entered at the policy of OSACV water No. 2. Obviously, the fact of adding another water to the policy to the KBM under the contract is not in the line, and the insurance premium will be deducted permanently.

As if the water had not been entered into the OSATsV policy earlier (for example, only having taken away the water confirmation)

For the number of statements in the AIS RSA, according to the agreement, the waters are expected to be KBM = 1.

  • Vodiy No. 1 having taken away the rights that in two days having bought transport zasib. When an OSATsV agreement is drawn up, such water is expected to be KBM = 1.

Polis without obmezhen

For contracts of obov'yazykovogo insurance, if transferring the exchange of a number of osib, admitted to keruvannya by a transport agent, the sitter of some physical person, the insurance rate is paid from the cost of the KBM coefficient, which is 1.

Yakshcho forward agreement buv dostrokovo razirvaniy

When a new contract is laid down OSATsV KBM will be equal to KBM, which is the number of appointments for 1 quarter of the flow rate.

What happened to an accident

If, as a result of an accident, you were the injured party, then the payment for this accident will not appear in your accident class (KBM). If you became the culprit of an accident, then the KBM will be lowered less at the water, which would be the culprit of an accident.

Break at the insurance company 1 rіk i more

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