Katerina trofimova acre family camp. Watch of the bankers: why top managers of the great banks leave the profession. "Professionals, not people and women"

Company: Gazprombank
Posada: First Vice President

Katerina Trofimova graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance with the specialty "Svitova Ekonomika" in 1998.

Katerina Trofimova from mid-spring 2011 embrace the landing of the first vice-president of Gazprombank.

Trofimov's "Gazprombank" has a very good center of economic forecasting, which is competent to include the preparation of macroeconomic and Galuze analytical materials and forecasts for the provision of the bank's internal needs.

Trofimova is engaged in the work of the department of corporate communications, which is responsible for the marketing policy of "Gazprombank" and communication with the community.

Krym tsyogo, Trofimova vouched for the formation and functioning of the rating consulting center for the provision of consulting services for clients in cooperation with rating agencies.

Trofimova takes an active part in the development of loans from corporate investors, consultants and clients of the bank.

Z worm 2000 r. by lipen 2011 Trofimova worked as a financial analyst, director and head of the rating group in financial institutions in Russia and the country of SND at Standard & Poor's (France, Paris). Trofimova was a member of the analytical board of a rating agency in Europe and was responsible for the assignment of ratings to financial institutions.

S&P Trofimova played a significant role in the development of updated methodologies for the preparation of ratings in financial institutions. After conducting analytical work with the largest financial institutions, Trofimova took an active part in the development of the concept of strategic development of the company and personnel management in the region.

Being one of the world's leading experts in the financial markets of Russia, SND and the world, Trofimova has no personal publications in leading Russian and international publications, regularly giving comments and making public appearances as an expert inquiries.

Trofimov as an honorary professor and regularly speaks at all-Russian and international conferences dedicated to the current issues of the banking sector, macroeconomics and financial systems.

In 2015, Trofimova became the only representative of Russia in the jury of the Cartier Women's Initiative Awards, founded in 2006 by the Cartier Rotary House jointly with the Women's Forum, INSEAD and McKinsey & Company. The award is given on a public basis to six women entrepreneurs from the world, who manage their own business in various areas.

About company

AT "Gazprombank" is among the three largest banks in Russia and sits in the third place in the list of banks in Central and Northern Europe. There are 43 branches, five daughters and stale Russian banks.

"Gazprombank" also has a stake in the capital of three foreign banks - "Bilgazprombank" (Belarus), "Areximbank" (Birmenia) and Gazprombank, Zurich (Switzerland).

Katerina Trofimova, 39 years old

Utvorennya: St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance and Sorbonne University (Paris), Faculty of Finance and Tax Management

Summary: from 2000 to 2011 – Financial Analyst, Director of the Group of Ratings in Financial Institutions in Russia and Ukraine SND at Standard &Poor's (Paris). March 3, 2011 - First Vice-President of Gazprombank and head of the Center for Economic Forecasting. At the same time working on the creations of the "Analytical Credit Rating Agency" ("ACRA") for the participation of great business for assessing the credit quality of Russian companies and banks for Russian and foreign investors

Location: Petersburg, Paris

Favorite brandy: Chanel, Dior, Escada, Max Mara, Tanya Kotegova

The book that changed life: Primer

Hobi: robot

Place for repair: there, de nicola was not bula

To add to the overly hostile summary, since 2015, Katerina Trofimova is the only representative of Russia in the jury of the prestigious Cartier Women's Initiative Awards, as it is handed over to six female entrepreneurs from all over the world.

MS: You, maybe, were a teacher at the school?

Katerina Trofimova: I actually graduated from school with a gold medal, although the grades at the school were not the best. Tezh Institute - with a red diploma. І hoch bi htos for the whole hour my robots marveled at my diplomas! Because I have a diploma from the Sorbonne.

MS: And you, spіvbesіduyuchi candidates, marvel at the diplomas?

E.T.: I marvel at us in front of people, at її schilnіst, zdіbnіst. I know a lot of successful fahivtsiv, who started out in the middle. I know quiet, who has learned a sign, but still I have not seen a professional life. And then, even more often already in the first 5–10 minutes, it is clear that a candidate is suitable for this position, that you can deal with him.

MS: How can you understand?

E.T.: At the same time, it’s more quiet, who come to the conference, can’t tell for sure what they are ready to bring to the company. (More and more re-verification of what was prepared for the interview, hacked the profile of the company's robots.) Perhaps, it is connected with it, that my generation has experienced not the best fates and we have tried to take away the robot at any price. And today, young lads have problems with motivation and obsession with status and pennies.

MS: Business and finance is the sphere of the most important person. And you are so womanly, and your voice is quiet.

MS: And all the same, you went through a majestic career path and made it for yourself. How did you get away?

E.T.: I started from the bottom and built a reputation practically from scratch. I believe in the success of small rights: do not wave at the great tasks, try to show with small steps that you are doing well. I can’t guess the day of the day - not on the cob of the cob, not at once - in what way I would have thought. As soon as the share is turned in such a way that I don’t put a status mother, I can and I’m ready to win over the basic robot. After Sorboni, I lost myself from France, and then worked as a financial analyst in an American company, which is as democratic as possible. I, before the speech, there did not in any way come into contact with gender and national exchanges. Navpaki, knowledge of Russia, Russian - tse, shvidshe, was my priority.

MS: What does the corporate middle of ours look like?

Katerina Trofimova: We practice more, but less efficiently. Without a doubt, it is connected not so much with some cultural, national features, but with the fact that the organizational process is less standardized. If we want people with more talent. I globalization played its role. A lot of Russians were treated at the Sunset, and a lot of foreigners were treated near Russia. Ale, the interpenetration of robotic cultures has become, and the axis between the galuzami - no. It doesn’t matter to him, in what country and on what continent you come, accountants and IT people are already similar: for the style of life, for the manner of dressing, and for the manner of intercourse.

MS: In France, de vie lived 11 years, like before, strong ideas of feminism. Were they infected?

E.T.: I lie down to feminism with respect, but I don’t identify myself with it in the middle. Raznomanіtnіst dumok, pіdhodіv, vidіv - tse zavzhd priyaє short development of business. Ale, I am not a prihilnitsa zaprovadzhennya quotas for women at the biggest kerіvnitstvі. Meni zdaєtsya, scho tse deshcho piece. And those that a woman can bring to the business more.

MS: Why with our hormones, with emotions?..

E.T.: Professionalism is best for those who control their emotions. Women in high posts are more right at a time. I think it's an evolutionary process. So, business-middle to finish a zhorstka, but what about the black in the store - a smaller zhorstka middle?

MS: I know a few women who linger on robots. I myself had such a period, and, honestly, apparently, it was less than bad. You don’t know why we still have other confessions?

E.T.: Appointment - tse far-fetched model, yak not ob'yazykovo for skin people is correct. A lot of successful people came to the very fact that the stench went beyond the intermodels, like a bula was imposed. I think that the very idea of ​​the balance of a special and professional work is twisted and creating inappropriate complexes - that it is necessary to get into a creak. Life needs to set priorities. It is important to come out of what is really necessary for harmony for you yourself. And the versatility and success on all fronts - tse, rather, blame, is not the norm.

MS: Are you cold?

E.T.: I will say more than what my life has a significant place for this.

MS: Yaka, who found a permit, was taken for a career?

E.T.: Before my arrival to Russia, chotiri rocks to that. The duration was approximately 2.5 months.

MS: What did you do, is it not a secret?

E.T.: I was busy with myself, I was on the sea, I read, I thought, I tried to get along. Ale, even more quickly, I began to reject professional demands. Self-realization in the format of sіm'ї that special speculation for me is clearly not enough.

MS: Do you make lists on the right or do you remember everything?

E.T.: I remember. I am always busy with what I can do around the house or a robot. I’m already greedy until one o’clock - for me, those who spend the most.

MS: Ale є doslіdzhennya, sho pіdtverdzhuyut, scho result is less effective, if a person to rob a sprat right at once.

E.T.: And my opinion seems to be that the most effective strategy is the whole gra on a few checker boards. It will require self-organization, but it will give the best result. How effective is that team at the kerivnik, more orders can be made. I invest a lot in people - my sphere of human capital is very rich.

MS: How can you not get overboard at once, if the competition is high and everything is unstable?

Katerina Trofimova: Vizhivaє, as it seems, not the strongest, but the one who adapts to new environments more quickly. Meni daetsya, tse may be extinguished today. Not long ago, I asked a representative of one of the great recruiting companies: where are all those facsimiles, how do they consume fast food at once? It appears that people do not go to the market and stay at home with depression, or they spend, stained accumulated money. Tse great pardon. Most importantly - do not hesitate, do not grow up, do not give up, even though it was important. Іsnuє zavzhd high risik spend faith in yourself. It is required not to be afraid to go to bed, to show the initiative for yakіs vikliki. All the basic speeches, but the guarantee of success in making them realizable today, shokhvilin. Read more steadily, read inconspicuously, read from everyone, be respectful and choose everything that comes across, constantly modifying, translating and developing.

MS: What is the check of offensive fate on us?

E.T.: Those that we experience are an absolutely new reality. Change for your hoarseness in the context of the world, serious, lower, which were reminiscent of the 80s, the 90s. The entire world financial and economic system is being changed at once. Vrahovyuchi, that the greater part of the country failed to turn on the Drukar verstat and fill in all the pennies, to promote entrepreneurship, all the same for a long time. The rate of growth of the economy and real income will be small. And the model of mass spontaneity, if your salary is constantly growing, and you change your car for a while, you won’t turn around. We have reached equal heights of Swedish growth. The Chinese economy will inevitably recover. The volume of 2016 is fundamentally indistinguishable from 2015. You need to call to the point that the income is profitable - you just don’t work seriously at your own education, don’t change the work in principle - you don’t grow so quickly, but you’re more likely to fall for everything - through inflation, through the exchange of the ruble. To restart the swedish growth system, a necessary technological development. And there is no yoga.

MS: Do you think if you will?

E.T.: Possibly, it will be related to bioengineering or IT technologies. Abo to know new sources of energy. Ale will not become at the last moment. Recovery is not growing at a fast pace. The problem is immediately over the efficiency of the state machine, over the role of the banking sector, financial markets, and the real sector of the economy, the main benefits are being created. There is simply no support for vibukhovy growth. Tse doesn't mean what we should. We do not care. Ale, the speed of change in the future will not be the same as before.

MS: What is the easiest way to adapt to the reality?

E.T.: Look forward to be-like a nice job, get on a smaller penny. Do not take trivial pauses so as not to make contacts. Change the specialty, as if instilled, which will be requested. At once it is not an hour for a trivial training - hiba in parallel with the work. It is necessary to practice more and more and more, because we can move forward steadily. Before speech, the speed of change in the middle of the economy at once is fantastic. Vaughn does not show up in high-profile figures, but ruhiv vіdbuvaєєtsya impersonal – and personnel tezh. If you see the process for such minds, it is especially unsafe.

MS: Chi maє sens start-ups at such an hour start-ups?

E.T.: Like an idea, a project, a product, and a request, it doesn’t matter, it’s time to launch it. Ninі vzagalі deficit of profitable projects. So, banks today protect. Ale stinks are ready to lend to other projects. And they are few. That's why you need startups - it's so obov'yazkovo! You need to launch it at any time, so that at the same time for the obsession of liquidity it’s not enough in Russia, and beyond the cordon of pennies it’s really rich. But they don’t invest anywhere, don’t stink.

MS: What are your special stosunki from pennies?

Katerina Trofimova: A penny for me is not an end in itself, but a functional need. I admit that my wealth can fall into tens and hundreds of times, but I know that I will earn bread for my loved ones. I grew up in a communal apartment, to that, as soon as I began to take away my money, I immediately began to invest in a living, I doubted a little, if I could give a loan.

MS: Do you like shopping?

E.T.: I hate! I didn’t understand, if it seems like shopping therapy. I'm bad at stores, find grocery stores.

MS: And you, pevne, do you know what you want to buy?

E.T.: I have it in different places - for example, in Paris - I have good stores, I can use a different model. I go in, look around, start with a color scheme, give 2-3 models of peace. Yakshcho go, I take that I go. I already have a clear understanding: my speech is not mine.

MS: I've been following the Cartier Women's Initiative Awards for a long time and I respect this wonderful business initiative, even more, now that you've gone too far. Why, before the speech, was Russia not represented there before?

E.T.: This project really helps women entrepreneurs in the whole world - not only a penny, but organizationally. Unfortunately, until the fate of Russian women was already obmezhenoy. І navіt at tih applications, yakі z Russia came up, ideї boulo opratsovano even weakly. Moreover, we have true talents and practical people. I spirit of kindness. At Sunset, all the floors are tired, so for the breakthrough you can create a revolutionary one. And with us, no matter where you turn your head, you can remember and just improve the lives of rich, rich people. We have a lot of opportunities for the success of small rights, from which then great ones are added!

As soon as a law on the regulation of rating activity was introduced in Russia, three more years passed. Within an hour, the CEO of the first accredited agency ACRA in Russia, Katerina Trofimova, has selected 27 independent shareholders with a capital of 3 billion rubles and may bring the country's rating scale up to world standards. Їy є іz chim porіvnjuvati. After gaining financial education in the native St. Petersburg, for a doctoral dissertation, Trofimova went to the Sorbonne University of Paris for a doctoral dissertation. In France, she started from a simple analyst, and she has grown to the director and head of the rating group in financial institutions in Russia and the country SND S&P. And suddenly she turned to the fatherland.

After 11 years of career in the international rating agency, you moved from Paris to Moscow, switched to the account of the client from the quasi-powerful Gazprombank. That buv viklik vlasnіy kar'єrі?

Tse bula cіkava proposition from one of the largest Russian banks. At the Paris office of S&P, I specialized in the Russian financial market, so at the time of the request from DPB, I miraculously understood the company of such a scale and corporate culture of wines, I knew the team well and once a year I did not get excited. My first "project" there was the creation of a single analytical "Center for Economic Forecasting" for the provision of banking support with analytics and forecasts for internal needs and work with clients.

Why did the great derzhbank need new recruits from an international company, where did people with other goals inspire managerial processes in a different way?

I wouldn't say that people in Russian companies might have a radically different idea. Still, a lot of my colleagues were caught up in the process of coming in, and going out, and, the healing process of globalization, professional culture in Russia is rapidly changing. And the corporate culture of a well-taken company has to be changed in others, and it will have to adapt. But let's talk about specific applications, I'm guessing, smut, what we can win, for example, from a good point of view - the standardization of procedures, which allows to increase the operational efficiency of the company.

- The very idea of ​​creating ACRA (Analytical Credit Rating Agency. - Forbes Woman) the participants of the market are responsible for the sharp downgrades in the rating of Russia by the trio of international agencies at the beginning of 2015 and the rise of their engagement against our country. Chi not cover a little bit better?

There are moments at the car'er, if you are intuitively sensible, what a robish krok, building change is not only for you, but for the whole sphere of life, prosperity, economy. Such a vipada is not dermal and vzagalі buvaє vkrai seldom.

ACRA - the very same thing, if there is a real chance to change the landscape of the rating gallery in Russia to a better landscape, to transfer it to a fundamentally new level. This food has been brewing for a long time, and other things in macroeconomics and geopolitics were more than a catalyst. In addition, the reform of the rating market was accompanied by similar changes that are being made in the EU and the United States, and at the same time, it is in line with the highest standards of regulation of the rating market. It could be less reasonable that the concept of the project is not effective, or to create the slightest tension on the conflict of interests, or on the independence of the agency's activities.

- Why, in your opinion, was the process of creating such an institution not initiated earlier in Russia?

The regulation of the rating market is impossible to blame for the change, in which case there may be objective reconsiderations - the same level of development of the financial market, the competence of the regulator, will ask investors for a more detailed assessment of the credit risk in the country. In addition, the situation, which was on the market, dominated the dominance and winning ratings in the “great three” of international agencies.

The deteriorating macroeconomic situation has led to a serious compression of the ratings assigned according to the international scale, which, in its own way, has led to the impossibility of differentiating companies and banks with a lower level of risk. This is important for the regulator and institutional investors. For this reason, the victorious authorities need credit ratings for regulatory purposes, which are assigned to the national scale, but the latter is not necessary for the reforms of the market.

In Russia, they did not begin to find a bicycle. For example, if we want to give ratings in Europe, then we can create a subsidiary structure there, recruit new staff and take away a license for the local market. Only in some way our ratings are recognized by Europe. Following the praise of the Federal Law “On the activity of credit rating agencies before”, all agencies, which work with Russian clients, opined in the same situation. We are competitive with the three largest foreign agencies (Standard & Poor's, Fitch and Moody's). De jure, these companies, operating in Russia, have not yet announced one of their largest businesses in Europe, their London offices and dossi. chi bring your activity in compliance with Russian laws.

We built from scratch a large-scale project to the scale of the country. Yaki almost knew if they waited and learned this fact?

Most of all, I felt the reliability, and, in my opinion, a little richer for fear. More precisely, it just doesn't leave a chance for fear to show up. I was responsible for the whole project and for the creation of a completely new gravity on the financial market with such great and ambitious projects, and for the shareholders, as they believed in their project, and for the joy of the directors, which is formed by professionals in the international sphere, that rating may be enormous , yakі not vagayuchis accepted the proposition to take the fate that share their dosvіdom.

At the same time, the ACRA team has a little more than 40 osibs, and the same structure, which was already absolutely formed, with the development of processes. From the moment the agency was created, we could create a great breakthrough, an important stage of which was the recognition by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the inclusion of the first to the register of credit rating agencies. I guess, as I see it at once, - it’s better to show the agency to the right, even at the same time, having taken away accreditation, we may be able to attract ratings, so that we can promote the product, for the sake of it, and we did it.

The main method of ACRA’s creation is the security of investors as an independent analytical product, which shows the level of credit risk of the issuer and financial instruments in various sectors of the economy. Crazy, our first project is the development of a product in Russia. We robimo on the main stake, concentrating the competence of the team on the Russian market. Tse zbіgaєtsya with the needs of investors and logically fit into the strategy of development of the Russian financial market zagal.

Adzhe is equal to the development of the financial market in us such that it becomes even more marvelous if the ratings are in the financial market.

To compare: not the most guilty country of Bangladesh has about 7,000-10,000 credit ratings, and in Russia today, no more than 500-600. At once about those, even though the Russian market is intensively developing, its capacity is fenced, and we sooner or later enter the stelae of opportunities. Therefore, obviously, the international market will enter before our plans.

What do you see, if you don’t dare to know a compromise, or stick out your decision - without power, navpaki, win the strength of us overcoming?

Obviously, I don’t give up, otherwise I’m a kind of kerivnik! Ale pitanya, with some methods to achieve victory. To go ahead with an ensign in your hands and in defiance of everything, including windmills - my model of behavior is not familiar. If you want, then I'm more like a diplomat in business. I respect that you can do it calmly, in a pious way, and without losing your worries. However, it’s not necessary to stray from the idleness of the transcendental protection - if, as if you were moving at the familiar Latin phrase, “the call of death is like that” and the moment of action comes, you need to take it and work. The head of the quarry worker and that manager was just the right moment to win and win.

Prote in the middle of 2015 at the meetings of the Central Bank, if the concept of the agency's creation was being discussed, they put their name in the hall, de bulo for 50 most prominent people in the Russian financial sector.

We guessed the name of the agency with the team at once, went through a lot of options, and then decided on the laconic ACRA itself. So, the first reaction to that very meeting was not negative, but rather positive. For such a project, they minted a sort of thick coin, named obov'yazkovo tied with Russian themes. Alemeni needed no more than a year, so the audience was good enough. AKRA is similar to the Greek word, which means the upper or the greater world. The very name of the word is similar to the name "Acropolis", and with the best standards we cherish our best work. With such a name in the list of over 100 rating agencies, the world behind the alphabet, we opined on the first place. According to all the rules of marketing, the name may be balanced for the number of voices and voices (we have їх equally), bazhano, so the name was looped (we have tse A and A) and so the letters were close to the alphabet. And for the skeptics, the story was told, as in 1982, in Crimea, the ancient place of Acre was revealed, zanuren infection by the sea water. Tsgogo lita Russian Geographical Society organized an archeological expedition for a long period of time.

Do you remember your first admission to the Kerivnu Posada? How do you feel internally, that “I stand for the team and serve important food”, how much stink are they indulging in the worst hostilities before the start of a new activity on a regional scale?

You know, I believe that it is of great importance to do the least. I observed my reliability, and attracted ratings, being an analyst at an international rating agency, organizing the work of my subsidiaries at the bank, and, consciously, I see it all the time. Surely, it would have been otherwise, I would not have been trusted to take care of the ACRA project, even though I brought my reputation to the project. Just because of its nature, the agency’s clerk’s robot is reminiscent of my previous tasks, I’ve got new clothes, and I have to delve into those nuances that I simply didn’t have a chance to deal with before: purchasing office furniture, replacing light bulbs and vibrating catering for a presentation company.

- After switching to ACRA, did your daily routine change?

As early as before, I try to start my day from doing sports, then I work in the office or I’ll work on the teeth and finish my working day to finish my work. In this mode, the sport is simply needed. Navit virushayuchi at vіdryadzhennya, zavzhda zamagayus take with him a sports uniform і, like in a hotel є gym or a swimming pool, but I'll spend my day there myself, even if I want to get up early. At that moment, I realized that I simply don’t show the working ambition, because I don’t take enough of the physical. I don’t set great sports goals, it’s not important for me to go in for sports. Often in Russia itself, when listening to classical music, I think especially kindly. If I run, for example, on licks, then in the swarms I keep a notebook and a pen. Well, I’ll write down my thoughts on the phone at the extreme vipadku. And the axis at the pool is not so handy, you can’t take a notebook with you, but I swim, ring out the year-repeat without interruption.

How much, in your opinion, is it effective for the continuation of the car'єri out of the comfort zone itself, as soon as you blame it for the flow of work?

I don't care about new ventures and mastering a new business leaving the comfort zone. I know that I didn’t call out associatively my professional activity with the word “comfort” and I don’t understand, I’m aware now that I’m going to change my mind so that we can pay them off later. Comfort - if you drink tea at a warm, quiet apartment, or if you fly at a fly in the first class. And the robot - all interest, drive, ruh! So, like on me, like you only start on a robot, feel yourself in “comfort”, get up and go do your job, do the rest. I live by the principle: the best repair is the cost of change of activity.

What, in your opinion, can a woman work harder to show her career? What can you do to get out, the special help of the third special forces?

Best of all, what can a woman do, as if to induce a career, to become a proper expert in her field and practice in the soul and from satisfaction, without setting the task of “making a career” in front of her.

General Director of JSC "Analytic Credit Rating Agency" (ACRA)


It was born on the 6th of February 1976 near Leningrad. In 1998 she graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance with the specialty "Sveta Economics", in 2000 - Sorbonne University (Paris) for the direct "Finance and Tax Management".



Katerina Trofimova: Asian markets for capital cannot yet be replaced by Russia Zahid

The Asian lands continue to increase the share of foreign trade in Russia, which will accept the growth of the Russian companies behind the region. But the nearest fates are the most important markets for capital to become the main ones for Russian entrepreneurs. Katerina Trofimova, General Director of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA), spoke about the prospects for valuable papers in yuan, the idea of ​​a rating agency for BRICS, as well as cooperation with foreign partners in an interview with RIA News ahead of the Economic Forum. Moved by Veronica Bukley.

The head of ACRA - RBC: "Not everyone was ready before the end of the transitional period"

ACRA: mikhur is inflated in the cryptocurrency market behind all the signs

For the traditional currency, digital pennies do not become competitive. Bitcoin is the most popular and most expensive cryptocurrency in the world for all factors, it's too bad, which is guilty of cheating early on. The director general of ACRA, Katerina Trofimova, has been removed from the company.

ACRA to create a "daughter" from the rating model

The head of the rating agency, Katerina Trofimova, told ACRA in the near future to do a good job as a service of rating modeling.

“We have already actively invested in the development of a rating modeling business system in parallel with the creation of the traditional rating platform. In the next hour, we will announce the creation of a rating “daughter,” she said, speaking at the Gaidar Forum.

Katerina Trofimova, ACRA: "Insider trading is still a great evil for the Russian stock market"

Speaking at the session "Regulation and Management of Financial Infrastructure" of the Russian Business Week of the RSPP, the head of the Russian rating agency ACRA Katerina Trofimova spoke about the main problem of the development of financial markets in the country.

У своїй промові глава Аналітичного кредитного рейтингового агентства (АКРА) зазначила, що з точки зору наявності учасників ринку та юридичної складової російська фінансова інфраструктура є розвиненою і у певних питаннях навіть випереджає міжнародні аналоги, проте залишається відкритим питання правозастосування: того, як усі ці інститути працюють , business practices, business management - the most significant shortfall of the Russian financial infrastructure, explained Katerina Trofimova.

Rating agency ACRA found an international partner in China

ACRA and the Chinese rating agency Golden Credit have signed a memorandum on cooperation. Agencies can exchange data bases, as well as conduct follow-up meetings, explained ACRA General Director Katerina Trofimova. Golden Credit is one of the five largest Chinese rating agencies, and its main shareholder is the state-owned China Orient Asset Management, founded by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC.

Sanctions are not smut in the assessment of the risks of the Russian economy, domestic policy is important - the head of ACRA

Sanctions play a greater role of international investors in assessing the risks of the Russian economy; internal economic policy and internal Russian decisions are important, respecting the head of the ACRA rating agency Katerina Trofimova.

We live in a slow world, the mobility of practice becomes an invisible part of life, culture. I never planned a career in such a musical geographical point. I practice in Moscow, spent more than 11 years in Paris, and was born in St. Petersburg. Vzagali car'єra evolved non-linearly.

At France, I stumbled behind a sizable furnishing. If she graduated from the financial and economic institute, it was already clear that Sobchak's idea of ​​building a financial center from St. Petersburg had failed and all pennies were being concentrated around Moscow. Prior to that, the financial crisis of 1998 rocked. I took part in the competition for a French scholarship for the company of friends, but it turned out that they took me myself. Studying at the Sorbonne was not part of my life plan, but it changed my profession drastically and that particular life.

At the Sorbonne, I have an applied course in finance, I needed a lot of practice. And I don’t hire anyone for a job - all companies for themselves closed Russia as a market. Ale, I vperto rozsilala resume. In France, it is more appropriate to put up to the yogo design - but the color photograph is to blame, otherwise not a xerox, due to the hand writing of the motivational sheet. Vipadkovo got to know a woman from the Standard & Poor's rating agency at a job fair, and she guessed that a colleague was looking for someone on similar markets. And my resume with photographs has not been left out, it happened from the hands of those who had previously given it, virvati and vodskanuvati. At S & P, they were hired, but they took an internship.

I remember that the number of interviews for a long time for a few days for an hour I was hired for a job was absolutely untransferable for me. I know at once, I myself already checked the anonymous interviews with the candidates, that I was given absolutely standard food “from the assistants”. Ale for a person who has not recently dreamed of visiting the cordon for a tourist trip, everything was absolutely new. Then I just as concretely and broadly suggested as possible to support the supply, and the deeds were absolutely non-canonical. On spіvbesіdі, I remember, putting me at the deaf kut of food, like I'm running my car in 10 years. The same is the standard food for foreign companies, but it’s important for me, who grew up in the SRSR, it was important - until recently I could not show that I would go beyond the cordon. Having mustered up courage, I said first, which fell asleep on the thought: I plan to be on your mission. I have mercy. After 10 years, I was in position for three plantings more for the same spy.

She started her career in S&P as an assistant from the office, the lowest price in the hierarchy. I was just sorting through folders. I singly would have reached success in my field, the roblyachs were absolutely virtuoso at the same time, yakbi constantly did not show initiative and did not raise the bar, ensuring more and more positive results. I was falling apart: on the back of my hand I was the only Russian spokesperson for my direct work, and Russia overturned all the points of optimism, European companies again rushed there to earn a penny, interest in ratings. Also, on me, having fallen into a majestic obyag vіdpovіdalnostі. I did not know the fate, I myself went to Moscow to work on the terms of service for the great bank. Sound on the spot vizhdjay a team of two people, but the Frenchman had problems with a visa. Ale, I screwed up. Less than ten years ago, I went through the path from "lower nowhere" to the director of the rating group in the financial institutions of the SND, I moved up to the management team of the European banking group.

A few hours after my arrival at S&P, the company had a full name with the team in Moscow, but there was no food for my relocation. In a first way, I started to specialize in Russia, already becoming a manager. And before that, she was engaged in the great region of markets, which included such different lands, like Kazakhstan and PAR. For me, it was a great plus - the ratings will be on inter-country equals for the quality of credit stability, just, importantly, so that you have a wide geographic svetoglyad.

I’m excited to know that in life it’s important to be as accommodating as possible to the possibilities that they show up in front of you. Zbіg obstavin only in that moment become a turning point at your lot, so you can speed up to him, sob to switch to a new rіven.

Richly someone pomilkovo spriymaє good analytic zdіbnosti as skhilnіst to stoto analytic work, and analytic skills are important in rich spheres. After 11 years of working at S&P, I am glad that I had the opportunity to gain my knowledge from the business. Still, by my nature and profile, I am more of an analytical manager. After the exit from S&P, I thought it would be better, but it took less than 2.5 months. Tse bula found a permit in my life, I ob'їhala all the savings of France. I felt good, which is physiologically important every day when entering a new job - energy, ideas, freshness of inspiration.

It is a great honor for me to join the team of Gazprombank - one of the three largest financial institutions in the country with a strong brand and an obvious potential for the development, implementation of which I choose to adopt in my field. I understood and close strategy, culture and principles of work to the bank. The bank has a professional team. I have studied the financial market in Russia a lot, and I have been well informed and meticulously approached the choice of a future robot seller. Before that, this proposition allowed me to change the profile of activity, vicorist accumulations of information, about which I dreamed.

Zahidny robots are not ready to experiment with the knowledge and, later, dear specialists, it’s important to stink you only in that specialty, children are already realizing. Robot providers from the markets that are developing, more gnuchki and ready to change the specialization of the candidate. Recently, I glanced over the talented film “Intestine” by Gregory of Constantinople. There, for a summer, a ballerina at Viconan Mikhail Efremov’s, sitting beating a broken corite, seems that “then she spent all her life only on fach,” that even though she was reconciling її zі with her failures. Ale, “sacrifice, hard work, fanaticism and hard labor” in a crazy pragmatic car'eri are clearly not enough for the purpose. Well, I’m going to give up, so I don’t need to be afraid to change my professional career directly, to wind it away. (While it might be even scarier, I know from my own experience. Here the support of relatives is important for us.) As a wise and creative person, everything that was robbed earlier can be in good fortune. For example, in my youth I worked as a guide-translator and for 18 years I took tourists to St. Petersburg for work, which became an invaluable contribution to the development of speaker's interests. For my current position, I need all the knowledge that I have in a rating agency.

Moving from Paris to Moscow without creating any problems. I am a mobile person, but I spent most of my time in litak, much less at a time. My five-year-old son, even if I once played my speech on TV, I know that I’m working on a stewardess’s kshtalt - the whole hour on the fly, then off the fly. Just that time I took from myself a few more speeches.

Having spent 11 years there and a few months here, I can say that for success in a career you need the very qualities: professionalism, focus on results, ambition, orderliness. Zvichayno, є cultural and modern features, but our spivvіtchizniki as a whole effectively assimilate into foreign business culture. I know a lot of examples of successful kar'єr vykhіdtsіv from the krai kolishny SRSR in Zakhodі.

At the Vidmin VID Kliesh, Shcho, Shcho Mama Vuzka Specyalizatsya, to allow you to vibrate the Assumption of Kar'yra at Zaki, I will say that the most wide circle, the rizniy, the rod, is not the muzzle of the fact that it is not the mentality of the mentality business. culture and especially in the spheres of rozumova practice, and gain more and more importance in the world of movement according to hierarchical gatherings. You don’t need to know everything, but it’s important for you to show up in the car, so that you’re not only a fake, but an organically developed specialty.

I there, and here you need a lot of practice. Navit movi here at once, so you need it, like on Zakhodі. Before corporate culture, it is also necessary to stick to any country or organization. In Russia, for example, in the first month of work I found out about more protipazhzhe safety more, lower for 11 years of work in France - there was enough to know, where to get better at times later. I respect that the Russian pidkhid is correct.

In the lands of the SND, for example, it is not customary to squeeze a woman's hand. After France, it seemed to me that I was even more wary. There, if you didn’t squeeze your hand on the band, it’s a sure sign that you’re dissatisfied. And here, like a woman stretching out her hand at the sound, then put the tsim bagatioh at a deaf kut, and often people start kissing their hand, which would be wonderful at Sunset.

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