Lists of non-summary legal entities. Register of unscrupulous contractors Published Register of unscrupulous contractors in the field of capital repairs

In practice, most of the companies, especially the pochatkivtsiv, blame the impersonal power for the process of asking and re-verifying counterparties: with some tools it is necessary to sever, chi є bezkoshtovnі possibilty for that, as information is necessary for analysis. Tim more, scho not іsnuє zhodnyh standard rules and criteria for such reverification. Mustache, as it is necessary to work, sounds like companies in the process of analyzing independently, assessing risks.

According to Andriy Khrikin, a project manager for the Focus.Forum project, the process of re-verification of counterparties is three-fold:

  • charitableness - namіri companies and її vіdnosinі z power and other business partners;
  • assessment - revealing the main criteria for assessment and objective information;
  • knowledge is the understanding of how to protect the information, and how not.

How about judging and perverting contractors?

Reconciliation of the counterparty is a complex and not a one-time job, as you can get rich. Ale won't be needed, even if at stake - pennies that reputation of the company. It is not without reason that the tax authorities are ahead of the fact that the responsibility for the choice of the counterparty will lie with the company. Therefore, it can be cited in the assessment of the risks and taxable taxes, which can be blamed on the back due to doubtful contractors. If a taxpayer has claims to one of your counterparties, it’s completely immoral, which is inadvertently accused of inadmissibility.

The re-verification of new contractors is necessary for the improvement of such a concept, as “the tax is not primed”, as it is, as it is transferred, otrimuyut pіdpriєmtsі, yakі minіzuyut podatkuvannya, okhilyâyuchis vіd podtkіv.

What is the manual service:

  • The search for the company or IP is determined by the name, address, PIB, IPN and other parameters. Relevance and reliability of statements are guaranteed with a guarantee of access to official state authorities.
  • Crime of new records from the EGRYuL and EGRIP koristuvach deducting data from the Card Index of the Supreme Arbitration Court, the Federal Service of Bailiffs, the Fundamentals of Government Contracts of the Federal Treasury, the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Records, the Fundamentals of the Accounting Organization of the Federal State University.
  • The card is compounded, KRIM VSI -IN -FORYED INFORMASIA, Turning on, turning on the zipa zytkami in the izhterenneti, Scho allowed the process of Zboriv FASTARIS ZARISIA, Zytguk, the site of the self -senior partners. sides of the disclosure of the issuer's information, from the resources of news.
  • Koristuvach service can be delivered to 1000 companies. Knowing about the changes in data, Kontur.
  • Building service to analyze the organization for a long time by the established coristuvachy criteria.

Offline re-verification of the counterparty, detection of suspicious signs

Having explored various cost-free online verification tools, do not forget about offline research.

What do you need to grow?

  • Reconcile with the actual distribution company for the address indicated in the document.

It is especially necessary to work in quiet situations, if you are negotiating, for example, with a virobnicheskoy company, the activity of which is transferring the presence of warehouses and the use of virobnitstvo. Insufficient counterparties may provide inaccurate addresses.

  • Get to know especially the core of the company under the hour of discussion of the minds of the minds of the mind and the arrangement of the favors.
  • Perekonatisya, scho firm can namir vikonuvat mind please.

It’s possible to understand less than an hour of negotiations, watching out for the behavior of the curry. Varto beware, as the counterparty is quick to arrange the packing and want to be quicker about payment, luring you with low prices and unrealistic minds.

  • Upevnitisya, scho mind, spelled out in the contract, feasible for the counterparty.

What is the counterparty's real ability to win the contract? What can you fit into the term for the delivery of the product? Chi not porushuvatime deadlines when vikonannі robit?

Register of unsatisfactory postal workers- the whole list of contractors, if they violated the provisions of the general legislation (44-FZ or 223-FZ) under the hour of signing or victorious contract laid down for the results of the purchaser.

The Russian Federation has legal norms, which regulate the viability of vikonavtsiv, reliance on assistance for the results of the purchase. In different cases, when violating the contract, the stink is taken from a special list, which is called the Register of Inconsiderate Postal Workers, which entails the imposition of the same sanctions on such contractors.

November 22, 2012 The order of the Russian Federation adopted a decree describing the algorithm for conducting - "On the conduct of the register of unsuccessful post-employees, transferred by the Federal Law" On the purchase of goods, work, services and other types of legal services "".

FAS register of unsatisfactory postal workers

The controlling body, which is engaged in reviewing the deputy's skarg, filings against unfair viconauts, and the FAS - the Federal Antimonopoly Service is engaged in the registry. And in the regions - mіstsevі teritorialni organs.

There may be the following reasons for inclusion in this list:

    vіdmova that uhilennya of the post-employee vіd vikonannya or laying down the contract;

    the replacement of the deputy before the court and the judgment by the court of the decision on the opening of the contract on the basis of serious damage to the side of the contractor;

    Vіdmova from the side of the deputy vikonnannya to the contract, from the reasons for the destruction of the agreement from the side of vikonavtsya.

Register of non-summary post-employees - official site

Information about the companies listed to the tsієї base, zgіdno zі st. 104 44-FZ can be posted on a single information portal and be available to everyone on a cost-free basis.

Official website of the register of unsatisfactory post-employees in the EIC -

A lot of deputies to set obov'yazkovyy ummah participation in the auction - the presence of a contractor at the registry.

Video: how to unlink an entry before RNP

Register of non-summary post-employees from 44-FZ

This registry should provide the following information about the number of enterprises or individuals:

  1. Number and date of recording information about the company (physical person) to the Register.
  2. Upovnovazheny body, which included an unfair vykonavtsya to the Register.
  3. Information about the post-employee, contract worker and the place of yogic significance, and the same: the name of the legal entity. individuals or PIB fiz. individuals; country, index, name of the territorial unit, place, settlement, street, room number, house number, apartment or office; IPN of a physical or legal person.
  4. Information about the bidding: the date of the auction, the date of the auction, or the confirmation of the last date and details of the document, which confirms this fact.
  5. Data about the contract:
    - The date of laying down the non-contractual contract (as if it were not present);
    - Name of goods, work or services, for the selection of such letters of insurance contract;
    - KVED code for goods (robіt or poslug);
    -price and currency of the contract;
    a term, which may have a contract.
  6. For some reason, the decision about the termination of the contract was made.
  7. Date attached to the contract.

Introducing to the Register of unscrupulous post-employees threatens the contractor with short-term trades, such wines can take the fate of a stretch of 2 years, with the date of inclusion of yoga to the list. Ale crim bidding s 44-FZ, as well as commercial tenders and purchases s 223-FZ. Tobto. If the deputy at the documentation did not indicate a clear exchange for the sale of RNP according to 44-FZ, then the contractor can apply for such a purchase.

Important: if you are the organizer or the founder of the company, entered before the RNP, submit an application for participation as a physical person or IP, then relying on the instruction of the Ministry of Finance, such an application is varto vidhility.

It’s worth it to spend less than quiet vipadkіv, if the deputy will establish the best of the day of vikonavtsi in the register of inconsiderate postal officers.

It is possible to see something from this list beforehand when stating a court decision made by an organization (or a physical individual).

The abbreviation of this term may be less likely to happen if the counterparty was entered to the Register for the decisions of the court.

Register of non-summary post-employees 223-FZ

Federal Law No. 223 does not have a lot of clear powers to contracting companies to be accountable to the registry. Ale often at the assistants in the documentation is unable to find out about the presence of the counterparty in this list.

The deputy can independently, at any moment, turn the postal worker into the goodness of any way of life. Therefore, take part in the bidding for 223-FZ, in the documentation of those, there is a clause about the presence of a contractor in the register of unsettled vikonavtsiv, I don’t have a sense.

Algorithm for adding a contractor to RNP

Fallen in the situation, the deputy's deputy is devastated. Let's take a look at the skin of the situation:

  1. Skasuvannya (rozirvannya) to the contract through the court or vydmova vіd vykonannya contract by the deputy. Zamovnik protyag 3 days, from the moment of opening the contract, is guilty of sending data to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, scho vіdpovіdat h.3 Art. 104 FZ-44, as well as a decision to the court (another copy) or a list of the reasons for priming the deputy to spivpratsyuvati with the post-employee.
  2. If it is planned to lay down the agreement with the participant of the purchase, we will come after the list after the change, if it is done, then the deputy is obliged to send information to the FAS (clause 1-3, part 3 of article 104) no more than three working days from the moment of laying the contract with the participant’s number 2. It is also necessary to add a note from the protocol for reviewing bids, the protocol for conducting an auction, or whether there are any other documents that confirm the granting of an opportunity to sign a contract.
  3. The third stage of transferring care is the signing of the contract by a single participant in the purchase. In this situation, the deputy will work for 5 working days after the end of the term of signing the contract, submit the information to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (clause 1-3 of part 3 of article 104) and apply the draft of the protocol for reviewing the application, the protocol for the tender and other documents, and confirm , that the single contractor was in charge of the arrangements for the contract.

In addition, if the documents are to be submitted to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the investigators should install for 10 working days to look at the facts, give the documentation and make a decision.

If the information is not enough for the decision to be made, then the deputy will take 3 working days from the moment the data is taken from the FAS to inform about it. І 3 more days are given to the deputy for a return call with the service for giving information about marriage. If information about the unfairness of the contractor is confirmed, then for three days the Federal Antimonopoly Service will include it to the Register of unfair postal workers of this contractor.

Sanctions for giving false information

In times, if given information about an unscrupulous postal worker is necessary legal action, within the framework of the contract, forget and ignore this question not varto. Because non-submission of the assigned information, the penalty for oneself is 15,000 rubles; for legal osib - 100,000 rubles.

The data in the article is current at the time of writing, for more and more relevant information follow the legal norms of the Russian Federation.

TOV IWC"RusTender"

The material is the authority of the site. Be sure to win the statute without the appointment of a dzherel - the site was fenced vіdpovidno to statti 1259 of the Central Committee of Ukraine

  • Having opened the contract with an unswerving contractor.
  • Publications

Power supply

1. Having drawn up a contract with an unsustainable contractor.

1.1. Good afternoon!

Even if it’s too rich, it’s necessary to marvel at the contract, that yoga mind, if the possibility is not transferred, then it’s only for the court order to unilaterally open

With respect to you, Filatov Evgen Pavlovich.

1.2. Good day! If the contractor does not win the contract, you have the right to open the contract unilaterally. For the beginning, write a claim to the contractor, as if the wine does not respond to your respect, please force him to inform you about us, to open the agreement unilaterally. All the best!

1.3. Write a claim with the help of raising the agreement, return the advance payment and use the nedolіk, allowance for the hour of the meeting. Deliver the claim specially with a signature on your copy or send it with a recommended sheet with a description of the deposit and a note about delivery. At times, if you are satisfied, if you have no recourse, you should call to court. Successfully win your food is possible only with legal assistance. !

1.4. Good afternoon. Numerical practice of how to break the contract for the contract and turn the money. Could you please report the essence of your problem with the contractor?

1.5. Razriv contract z indisputable contractor. - tse right is good :)
So i need to fix it!
Olga Viktorivna, you don't have much food in your diet.
Call the contract, you need to send an update, then go to the arbitration court. Obviously, in order to resolve the dispute, you need to submit (violating the contract), in arbitration you need to bring your position.

2. At the assembly of the MKD, it was repaired, which was leaking. For the article "in-line repair" the transitional surplus allows for the work, but the QC is required to lay the agreement from the contractor by asking for the services of the municipal services of the unsatisfactory authorities and the minus of the borg from the in-line repair, and it is necessary to repair it for a few pennies. Chi pravomirna diya KK? Suggest what to work and how to fix? Please!

2.1. Let KK svіtuvatime, like practicing with borzhniks.

3. Mi municipal pledge of culture. Rozirvali contract, settlements for the success of the electronic auction, unilaterally. The contractor greatly reduced the price, but the repair work did not start. FAS turning yoga up RNP. The contractor, having filed against us before the court, asks for those who have the koshtoris folded incorrectly, he did not try to blame them. Pennies vidilenі for repairs (especially retail from NMCC) can be taken away by the ministry - krai. And you can judge for three months. Chi can we lay down a contract for repairs with a third contractor, without checking the decision of the court. Our unswerving postal worker wants to open the contract unilaterally from his side. І to the Federal Antimonopoly Service also filed before the court.

3.1. It is necessary to analyze the agreement, decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, provide a contract with a contract and work on specific visas.

3.2. Good afternoon.
Your nutrition may be commercial in nature, which, up to paragraph 3.1.1 of the Rules of the site, the development of the legal position is a paid service.
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Good luck to you.
Dyakuyu, scho chose our site.

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Sites that are known to Vegas-Casino and Licensing Pleasure with Kіntsevym Koristuvach.
This license was updated on 3.10.2013.
In casino games and poker, two sides take part: on one side, Vegas-Casino Entertainment Ltd., addresses: St. Julian "s, STJ 4011, Portomaso Business Tower, Level 12, commercial registration number C65055, with two Maltese licenses: number LGA / CF4 / 562/2004 dated 19.1.2006 and number LGA / CF3 / 589/20. , released by the Commission from gambling (LGA), from the other side - the client as a partner for the contract. The casino games can be software secured on the NetEntertainment platform.
Vegas-Casino Entertainment Ltd (the "Company" or "mi") is registered under the laws of Malta and part of the Vegas-Casino Internet Ltd group of companies. The company is licensed and regulated by the Maltese order in accordance with the legal norms of the Decree on gambling in Malta, which extends to the management and provision of gambling services on the Internet, including, among other things, such services as a casino, poker, bets on the results of sports betting and bingo.
Okrim, the run to please the Poliyatensky, with the Yakimi Vovyni -eumite, your browned by the novigi of the gambling of the gambling of izari, you know the Suvori Vidpovіynosti to all the dodatkovikh, the yaki is the time of the clock, in the middle, "Bonus Policy", "Policy for the Exemption of Costs", "Policy in the Hall of Vidpovidalny Gri", (together - "Additional Rules"), as they are sometimes updated.
1. Introduction
1.1. By registering with the Company and/or using the services of the gambling companies of the Company, and/or stating at the end “I have read the license agreement with the final court, I accept it” lower (or be it otherwise similarly formulated) and/or by pressing the button “Survival” You hang your life tied to the provisions of the city Please, at all times and without guards. As a matter of fact, this Plea is a legal document, we will lay down between you and the Company, that at the same time with the Addendum Rules, which is the third part of the Indispensable, that the Plea signifies the order of coronation by the servants for gambling in any minds.
1.2. The company is responsible for the license for long-term gambling, seen by the order of Malta, in accordance with the provisions of the Decree on gambling. All operations between you and the Company are located in Malta, on the territory of which the main servers of the Company are located.
1.3. The Company's software security, both with and without versions of the benefits (“Software Security”), allows you to use our gambling services through the Website (“Services”). The company retains for itself the right to temporally accept duties, change, see, or add services for its one-sided judgment with negligent chimps of chivalry without prior notice. The Company did not bear any responsibility for the connection with any troubles, as if You were aware of the changes that were made, and You do not have the right to claim compensation from the Company.
1.4. What is the cost of koristuvannya Services, You can mother only one oblіkovy records, registrations on your right name. To access the Software and Services, you are responsible for victorizing only the appearance of the record. You do not have the right to win the physical record of another individual for access to the Software and Services for any occasion. If you try to critique more than one oblique record, whether it be to your own names or to others, or if you try to earn favors from the oblique record of your individual, we may have the right to negligently close records in such oblikovs on all your obliques records that fence you coristuvannya servants in the future.
2. Priynyattya ruled that minds
2.1. If you don’t fit in with any provisions please, you are guilty of negainoly attaching yourself to software security and seeing your computer.
2.2. Mi pouring the right for an hour, an hour of dopationyvati, Koriguvati, but the snake of the very rules of the so-me-so (including the leatherette owed the rules), the naviganny of the native of the nibblers high-quality and non-branded brands. Be a yaka of the editorial office of a murmur, after 14, after 14 days, the pins ї `` `` `` `` ib sabotage, the programmers of the forget-a-sizes of Pizli, Vishedu, is a little buder. Your update includes being aware of the proper current rules and minds please, and we recommend that you review these updates regularly. Be kind, respectful: we look at our privacy regarding the confidentiality of your data more seriously, so change the privacy policy to change the privacy policy to the status of a change, hover lower.
3. Vidpovidnist laws
3.1. In some administrative-territorial units, Internet gambling may be illegal. Considering that you accept that the Company cannot give you legal advice and guarantees that the Services will be honored, that Company will not rob the annual claims of the legality of the Services from your administrative-territorial unit. Before registering with the Company, that cob of co-opting the Poslug will turn over the legislation of your administrative-territorial unit.
3.2. The services are recognized only for those koristuvachiv, as a result of the legislation of the federal administrative-territorial unit, gambling on the Internet has not been blocked. The company cannot give you the opportunity to break the law. You declare and guarantee that you will be able to secure the integrity of the software security and compliance with the services of the relevant laws, legislative acts and regulatory documents. The Company does not bear responsibility for any illegal or unauthorized use by you of the Software and/or the Services. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of your choice of Software security or the services of an administrative-territorial unit before the legislation, then consult a lawyer-consultant of such an administrative-territorial unit. Having accepted these decisions, think, You give your life to help the Company in the midst of its possibilities in ensuring compliance with strict laws and regulatory documents.
3.3. Individuals who live in some countries, including, in the middle, in the United States of America, Israel and Turkey, do not have the right to change the appearance of the record in the Company and contribute money, or earn by Services. The company retains for itself the right, hourly and hourly, to make changes to the list of lands, from the territory of which koristuvachs have been fenced in to their odnoosibny rozsud.
4. Eligible fate
4.1. Zhodna persona is young 18 years old or older, but before the legislation, those are the administrative-territorial units, who did not reach the full age to participate in the activity, to enter the service, fallow, if they are older than the elders, I have the right to zavantazhuvat Software security or koristuvatisya Services, and be-like a person, yak did not reach Povnolittya, yak zavantazhuy Software security or koristuetsya Servants, destroying the decree and mind please. The company reserves for itself the right to be like a militia vimagati for you, I will prove your age, in that number of your voice, to change your mind, so that inferior individuals do not corrode with Services. Equally anuluvati register a sign of the same fabrication of such a vicoristovati program of oblivious subtiva, nicknames of the one in the Nedadann, the vipad, the yaksho component of the skeleton, the vicoristovo, the programs of the core, in the long time of the sobbing of the obstacle.
4.2. We reserve for ourselves the right, at any time, to review the correctness of your physical data, such as your name, address, and payment method, as you win, waiting for you to provide the necessary documents for verification. Before these documents, enter documents that confirm your person, address of your residence (for example, a bill for public services) and the method of payment, which you are acquiring. You can send us documents for the additional option "Get documents" at our safe cash desk. If necessary, we can provide you with notarized copies of the significant documents, and the documents themselves with a seal and signature of a sovereign notary. If you want to pay attention, or ignore our request for the submission of important documents, the Company can close your gaming account and waste all pennies, as they will be transferred to another account. If the documents, if you can correct us, do not pass our internal re-verification safely, for example, if we blame the suspects that you sent us updated documents, otherwise your documents will avenge falsified information, or we will not be able to introduce them into Oman, goiter to look at these documents as legally and to tell you what we really think about your drive.
4.3. We reserve for ourselves the right to our own investigation and whether there is a reason to reconsider the data, whether it is grave, in addition (and not only) to carry out whether or not operations to confirm the person’s grave and reverify the creditworthiness, and also to inquire into the data of the special history. Depending on the specific type of skin type, such a reconciliation can include, in the middle, confirmation of the registration data of this engraving, such as yogo im'ya, addresses of that century, as well as reverification of yogo financial operations and gaming activities. The company does not need to inform about the gravity of such revisions. We also reserve for ourselves the right, if necessary, to seek help from third-party companies, as they will be able to recheck. The Company can, on its own discretion, block the accounts of the grave and take all the money for the yoga account on the basis of these revisions, in order to obtain a positive result for the Company.
4.4. PID Hour Roboti in the part of the 24 MISYAV PISLIL WITHDDODASHEDASHEDSHEDSHENS, Director, SPIVROTHK, CONSUMENCE ABOT ABOTE ABOO STROSISE ABOSHNOVHKIV, Vendoriv submarine-vibroniva-vibrant-vibrating goods are not the right to be the right of sorristuvasovati. We can expand on post-employees or vendors. Tse obmezhennya also rozpovsyudzhuetsya on relatives of such osib. Under the "relatives" at the same time, they toil in the air, in the middle, a man / team, a spy / a spy, a father, a child, a brother, a sister. More than that, the citizen of Malta, that noble person, as if living on the territory of Malta, should not have the right to take advantage of Software security, or to be worthy of Services.
5. Information technology and intellectual power
5.1. The zim is not in the nesting, it is not the transfer of it is not the right to the right to get up to the vicorism of the programmatic oblivion of the perch in the content of the programmatic oblivion, the author’s right to the same. You can install the Software Security on a hard drive or else save data and create backup copies of the Software Security for your mind, that such backup copies will be vicorated less by you at the link with the Services and less on the computer, the main one is short. Code, structure and organization of software security protection by intellectual property rights. You are not guilty:
a. copying, expanding, publishing, reengineering, decompiling, deassembling, modifying, translating and naming to gain access to the code with the method of collating the code of the other code;
b. sell, assign, sublicense, transfer, redistribute or lease the Software Security;
With. give access to the Software Security to third persons on a computer basis, or be some other rank;
d. export software security to any country (physical or with electronic devices);
e. vikoristovuvaty Software security in such a rank, which is fenced by zastosovnymi laws and regulatory documents (Choosely - “Deadline is fenced”).
5.2. All responsibility for whether it be squabbles, vitrati or vitrati, which can be blamed on the connection from the consequences, whether it be illegal activity, is relied on you. As soon as you become aware that, be it a person, be it illegal activity, You are guilty of negainoly informing about the Company and squeezing it in the reasonable borders of investigations, as the Company can pass through the given information by you.
6. Your application and acceptance of goitre
6.1. In return for your rights to the credit for the services of the software security, you declare, guarantee, show yourself the goiter and the benefits that:
6.1.1. You have reached Povnolіtya, as it was appointed in this Ugodі, you are going to be in a healthy heart and building acknowledgment for the goodness of your life.
6.1.2. All vіdomosti that you rely on the Company either at the time of registration, or at any later hour later, including tі, є є warehouse operation for making payments, є reliable, viable, correct and correct assign to credit / debit cards (cards) or in other payment accounts, as they will be victorious for depositing fees on your physical record or withdrawing fees from it. Without using the designated means, in that case, if you use a credit / debit card or other payment forms, if they are issued not on your special name, we respect that you took away enough money for a year from the legal owner of that / or individual, chie im'ya vikoristovuєtsya on such payment instruments, such їх vikoristannya for zaznachenyh Ugodі goals before laying Please with us. Mi zhodnym rank not goiter'yazanі perevіryat ta zgodu and not nesemu whether yakої vіdpovіdalnostі shdo zroblenyh you by virtue of tsієї Please declare. You are responsible to inform us in your own time about whether you have changed at the vіdomosti, given by you to the Company earlier. Hour to hour You can apply for the filing of the first documents with the method of rechecking the data of the credit card, so that you win for entering the fees on your physical record. Depending on the results of such reconciliations, you may be allowed to deposit money from your credit card, which you received earlier. If the information given to us by you turns out to be inaccurate, inaccurate, untruthful, or otherwise incompetent, then you destroy the Pleasure, and we forfeit the right to negligently attribute the fidelity of your oblique record and / or fence you for the service of the program an addendum to be-any other visits, so that we can live.
6.1.3. Your oblіkovy record at the Company of appointments is inclusive for the listing. You are not guilty of allowing any third party (including a relative) to be credited with your personal record, password or identification information for access to the Software Security or the Services or their crediting. You are not responsible for revealing im'ya koristuvacha, but the password of your oblіkovogo record be-yakіy person and owe vzhit all visits necessary to ensure that such information is not revealed to third persons. It’s negligent to remind us, as you suspect that your oblique record is malicious, whether it be the third person or the fact that the third person may have access to the name of the coristuvacha or the password of your oblique record, so that we could investigate such attacks. In the course of the investigation, you are responsible for helping us, as we may need.
6.1.4. You are responsible for the security of your name and password on your personal computer or at the entrance to the Internet. You are responsible for keeping track of it, so that your name is not stolen, or hacked for help by viruses or shkidlivih programs, transferred to your computer, so you enter your gaming account. You are guilty of negligently informing the Company about whether or not you try hacking or unauthorized access from your computer.
6.1.5. You have misunderstood that they have established that you are not violating the laws of the past with your services, but the normative documents in those administrative-territorial units, you know de Vie.
6.1.6. You will now understand the most important ways, the rules and procedures for the provision of services and games on the Internet. Do you understand that you bear responsibility for ensuring the correctness of data? X rates and ihor. You are not guilty of work, be it the devils, as they can harm the reputation of the Company.
6.1.7. You will definitely see that you have to spend money on gambling for help. You'll be happy with them, who are honored by the services, exclusively for the power of choice, I will decide on the power of risk. You have no right to make any claims to the Company itself, or to any company that belongs to the Vegas-Casino group of companies, nor to their official directors, landlords or spiv .
6.1.8. You confirm that when registering that sub-hour of service, you give us your special tribute (including the payment methods). We want to contact you with the information given by you in a dubious manner and do not disclose it to third parties, the Crimean government, who have been lied to by the Privacy Policy. We would like you to read the Privacy Policy so that you become aware of our principles in the information processing gallery.
6.1.9. You are responsible for our Websites (here and further "Websites"), Services and Software security for the latest accessibility to the rules and minds of the mind Please follow the rules of the skin instructions for how to enter before serving.
6.1.10. You are single-handedly allowed for the withdrawal of permission for access to telecommunication services and Internet services required to communicate with the Software Service and Correspondence Services.
6.1.11. You know that it will be better if the Company can publish your sums instructed by you from your names on websites and/or at social networks
6.1.12. You are single-handedly allowed for the withdrawal of permission for access to telecommunication services and Internet services required to communicate with the Software Service and Correspondence Services.
6.1.13. You are to blame for the Services and to win the Program security only with the best names like the Company, so even to other graves that are worthy of the Services. In that case, as the Company is aware that you were credited with the Services, or you were awarded the Software without a doubt, the Company may have the right to assign the name of your oblіkovogo record to the coristuvanation of the Service, be it other oblіkovі records, if you can mother with the Company. The Company also reserves the right to remove all fees from such oblique records. Tsim Wee is clearly guided by the future of the future to the Company in this future.
6.1.14. You acknowledge and confirm that, including yourselves for the promotion of our websites, you will not advertise or advertise new content on other websites that are under the control of the Company, for the duration of the period you have chosen until the self-exclusion your main rahunku. If you have broken your goiter, we will block all your new accounts, if you see them on other websites, and save you all the money, if you deposit (or previously deposited) on the account, without turning all your bets vigrashiv, yakі you take away for help tsikh rakhunkiv.
7. Hiding websites and services
7.1. Illegal activity and illegal activity: Tsim Wee declares that it is expensive money, that You are victorious for gris on the Websites, that it is not illegal, that You are not victorious Services in the capacity of a system for the transfer of penny koshtіv. You will not win Services for whether it is illegal chi Shakhrayskoy activities or fenced by legislation chi іnshої administrative-territorial ї unity, de vie know (zokrema, legislation of Malta), operations (including the introduction of pennies). If the Company suspects that you may have been involved or were involved in Shakhrai, illegal or illegal activity, including, without obezzhenie, activity with the introduction of pennies, or you could have been in some other rank, disrupting your service, then your service is available ta// or your oblіkovy record is blocked. As your oblіkovy record of cancellations or blockings at the link with such conditions, the Company does not bear in front of you the annual goiter to give you an opportunity to have some kind of money, so that they can be on your oblіkovy record. If you are granted access to the Services and/or blocking the public record, the Company reserves the right to block you from accessing any other websites or the Company's servers, or any other services requested by the Company. Компанія має право проінформувати відповідні повноважні органи, інших провайдерів інтерактивних послуг, компанії з видачі кредитних карток, компанії з надання послуг електронних платежів або інші фіскальні органи (збирально - «Зацікавлені треті сторони») про Вашу ідентифікаційну інформацію та про будь-яку протиправну, шахрайську otherwise it’s wrong to work, and you are guilty of being responsible for cooperating with the Company in investigating whether such work is to be done. For the sake of fair play, our websites do not allow any betting strategies to change the standard casino odds, including trying a handful of cards. As your story tells about those who are victorious in your strategies, we will be embarrassed to block your rahunok and encourage you to see koshtiv from that rahunka.
7.2. Obhіd: We have developed that victorious folding power technology, which is recognized for investigation and identification of coristuvachiv, like vicorist software security, or are corrupted by the Shakhrai services of an illegal rank. You are not guilty of malice, seek malice, or deny access, or in some other way try to bypass the Company's security system. If the Company is aware that you are violating the provisions of this statute, the Company may inadvertently deny you access to the Services and/or block your physical record; also the Company can inform third parties about violations of civil law.
7.3. Piece intelligence - Robots: You are not guilty of admitting any kind of computer program, like, in our opinion, may piece intelligence ("II-program"), have a connection with your services. We constantly analyze the nature of the corruption of the Services in order to detect the blockage of the II-program, and in that case, as far as we are aware that such a program was vikoristan, we forfeit the right to zastosovat be-yakі come in, yakі in important attaches, include to the Service to the wine coristuvachev, annulment of the oblіkovogo record of such coristuvacha and the removal of all costs from such oblіkovogo record.
7.4. You are not allowed to turn on: You are not allowed to turn on the heat on the Websites. We have made that victoriously thoughtfully thoughtful come in, as if they allow us to win a joke and accurately reveal quiet coristuvachiv, as if we practice on the night of turning on the grill hour. If the Company is aware that you are violating the provisions of this statute, the Company may inadvertently deny you access to the Services and/or block your physical record. As your oblіkovy record of cancellations or blockings at the link with such conditions, the Company does not bear in front of you the annual goiter to give you an opportunity to have some kind of money, so that they can be on your oblіkovy record. Shall we block access to Services and/or blocking? Public record The Company reserves the right to block you access to any other websites or servers of the Company or any other services requested by the Company.
8. Your physical record
8.1. Your personal record of appointments is exclusively for your special victoria and cannot be vikoristaniya for any professional, business or commercial purpose.
8.2. We don’t bear any responsibility for access to your personal record of the third person, and for the same conditions Your oblikovogo record, and all operations, if your name is not correct, that password will be entered correctly, will be viewed as legally independent, depending on whether the stench was authorized by you or not.
8.3. The bones on your oblіkovomu record are not guilty of viklikatiya of any interest.
8.4. If you do not show up with your physical record for six months, your physical record will be viewed as an "inactive physical record". This six-month period starts from the date of your remaining entry until your oblikovy record. As soon as your oblikovy record becomes inactive, the Company revokes the right to collect from the new six-monthly administrative fee from the release of 10% of the amount that is lost on the oblіkovogo record, starting from the day it became inactive. The administrative fee to cancel an inactive oblique record, starting from the rest of the day for a period of six months, at the beginning of the hour of any oblique record becoming inactive and further on the skin of the rest of the day of the skin offensive month, doti, the excesses on the oblіkovomu record are not zero. At the same time, as you will see before your oblikovogo record at the hour of the ten-month period, at the hour of the new administrative choice will be eliminated, hour of the period.
8.5. At any time, the Company can secure a positive surplus on your oblіkovomu record as a compensation, be it sumi, as you are responsible to us. For example, at a glance, as if after covering the bets for your oblіkovym record at the connection with the services of our sports betting, you need a perehrahunok, the Company may have the right to deduct from your oblіkovym record, no matter how much you need.
9. Payment transactions and shahraystvo with payments
9.1. Kozhen koristuvach The service carried the same responsibility for the payment of all costs, as a fencing against the Company. Vywalovlyu, you don’t have a tim, they do not get ahead of the navigation of the wound of the wound of the transaquye Ta/aboat the schedule of the payment, you are vid. payments, made by you, that you should be sure to beat, the head of the Company, after such your actions. The Company can transfer the credit to the court of the Supreme Court, or else it will be charged in the form of payments to deaky koristuvachs, yakі vykoristovuyut for payments and other credit cards.
9.2. We reserve for ourselves the right to conduct a re-verification of the creditworthiness of all creditors through third-party credit institutions on the basis of the duty given to us at the time of registration of information.
9.3. We reserve the right to honor third-party organizations on the processing of electronic payments and/or financial institutions for the processing of your payments, so we will pay you at the link with your services. If only decide that such third-party organizations for the processing of electronic payments and / or financial regulations do not supersede decisions that minds please, you will be pleased to be pov'yazanimi by such decisions that minds.
9.4. У випадку підозрілого або шахрайського платежу, включаючи використання викрадених кредитних карток або будь-яку іншу діяльність шахрайського характеру (включаючи будь-які відмови від раніше проведеної транзакції або інше анулювання платежу), ми залишаємо за собою право заблокувати обліковий запис користувача, анулювати будь-які zroblenі viplati ta tighten up be-yakі vygrashі. We may have the right to inform whether or not the relevant authorities or organizations (including credit information agencies) about whether or not the shahraiystvo is responsible for payments or other illegal activities and may be hired by collection agencies to recover payments. Prote for the daily situation The company does not bear responsibility for unauthorized credit cards, irrespective of what was reported about the theft of credit cards.
9.5. We are aware that our gravitators will be making deposits so that they can actively play for their pennies. In quiet situations, if our accounts are not correct, we forfeit the right to impose on the need for a fixed rate on a single sum of money brought in by the grave owner as an obov'yazkova of the mind for the removal of the money. This amount will be counted by the way of multiplying the total amount of deposits made by the coefficient, which we can set in the deposit in the situation (for example, 1 x the total amount of deposits). We also reserve for ourselves the right to bet the full amount on the games we have shown, in order to reduce the stakes with a minimum risk, or bets in certain types of games.
9.6. All payments to your oblikovy account are due from such a single payment account, like a credit card, debit card or payment card, the account holder for such a card.
10. Bonuses
10.1. All promotions, bonuses or special propositions are subject to special rules that apply to them, and be it cost-free bonuses, insured on your oblique record, they are subject to such rules and minds. We retain for ourselves the right to call for any promotions, bonuses or special offers for any hour.
10.2. У випадку, якщо Компанія вважає, що користувач Послуг зловживає або намагається зловживати бонусом або іншою акцією або може отримати вигоду внаслідок зловживання або несумлінності за азартним полісом, прийнятим Компанією, то Компанія може на власний розсуд відмовити, утримати або вилучити у будь-якого користувача будь -yaki bonuses or promotions or annul the policy of such a shorty, timely or permanently, or add access to such a shorty to the Services and / or block your oblikovy record.
10.3. All service providers are entitled to no more than one signup bonus. Participants, if they make the first deposit on the Company’s accounts, or any of the non-branded partners, and if they already had a small account on one of the sites that they buy with the Company’s data, including these non-branded brands, do not lose the right to withdraw the additional bonus for registration, so that the Company does not violate its own judgment otherwise.
10.4. In that case, the Company seems to be guilty of its own one-sided investigation that you undeservedly gave priority to the withdrawal of bonuses for registration, or else they caused damage to the goiter of the right to proponate bonus promotions on any of the Websites, such as Volodymyr The Company may have the right to block or cancel your public records with the Company, and in such cases, you won’t be able to bear any goiter, if any, they can be rebuked on your public records, if they are quiet, like on the cob.
10.5. If we blame us for the fact that illegal activities are systematically carried out for some rahunka or a group of rakhunkiv, for example, if there are illegal activities in various illegal schemes for bonuses, or for contracted grafts, then the Company will block the blocking right. In such cases, the Company will not bear the cost of paying penny coins, which will be transferred to your account, the cream of the cost, made by you as the first deposit, as the stench will be shown to your account.
11. Goiter of the Company
11.1. The company does not have daily goiter to re-verify the validity of the corystuvannya.
11.2. For the occasional situation, the Company does not investigate, or vindicate whether or not the claims, declared by one gravitant against the other gravitation, should be honored by the Services, or to get used to the connection with such claims, whether or not, whether or not, whether or not entering the grave -any reasons, including, zokrema, destruction of the decision of the minds of tsієї Please. The company can blame the decision of the authorities on the habitation of new visits against any individual, as if it is suspected of being contrary to the lawfulness of the activity, or otherwise damaged by the resolution of the minds of the mind, please, but by the rank of not goiter, you are robbed.") ))
11.3. The company does not need to save public names and passwords. If you set it up incorrectly, forgot it, or squandered your name and that password for any reason, if the Company pardons, then the Company does not bear for the same reason.
11.4. The company seeks to contact you with the information you have provided to the Privacy Policy.
12. Validity of warranties
12.1. The services of that software security rely on the minds of "yak є". the company does not give annual guarantees and does not break the annual claims, which are clearly manifested or are subject to exclusion (something for the law, provisions for other substations), including, in the middle, the transfer of guarantees and other attachments for sale, assets, attachments for a specific mark, more or less the accuracy of the services of a software security, the violation of the official legislation and normative acts. All of the risk is linked to the variant, as the characteristics of the software depend on you.
12.2. The company does not give any guarantees about the fact that the software security services can serve your help, without interruption, your own, safe for pardons; that defects will be fixed; or else the server, which gives access to the new one, does not forgive viruses for pardons; otherwise, the materials are fully functional, accurate, superficial; or else the results are based on the accuracy of the information taken by you for the service record.
12.3. At the time of pardons, defects or viruses in systems or systems, there is a connection, which are necessary in the regulation of accounts or other elements of the service, which caused you to waste your money, or the other damage to your computer, or software security, the company does not bear in front of you for the long distances for oneself the right to annul all vidpovidnі іgry and vzhit whether any other visits to the adoption of such pardons, for the blame of the fact that the company is not going to goiter, to apply whether or not the reserve measures are that / or systems or similar services.
12.4. The Company assumes no liability for any omissions from your Internet Service Provider or any other third party for the sake of denying access to the server on which the website is located.
13. Contractual exchange of services
13.1. You will wait for it, that Vibir will serve as servants and will not lie on you, and you will work exclusively for the power of choice, judgment and for the power of risk.
13.2. The company does not bear before you or be some kind of third party owing to the contract, tort, non-balance or otherwise for any damages or damages that have been blamed as a rank with you or be a third party in connection with the software security or the service of services, whether it be directly indirectly, including, without obmezheniya, the cost of business, the cost of profits (including the cost of the impossibility of withdrawing the points of winnings), the redemption of duty, the waste of commercial information, or, for that matter, directly , so you told us about the possibility of such beats or beats).
13.3. The company does not bear any responsibility for the contract, for delict, non-balance, or otherwise for any damages or damages, which were blamed for being a rank in connection with vikoristannyam you, whether sent to the Websites. The Company does not bear any responsibility for the cost of any of the Internet sites, access to which can be taken through the Site or Services.
13.4. You confirm that the Company does not bear evidence before you, or be some third party in the link with some modifications, timing steps, or the latest attached to the work of Software Security or Services.
13.5. Nothing in this Ugod can win for the exclusion of the Company's viability from the connection with shahrayism, death or injuries, which are blamed through the Company's non-balance.
13.6. Wait a minute, if there is a failure in the robots of the Software or For reasons, including, whether there are jams, or interruption of the robot, or transfer of data, spend or damage of data, failure in the lines, or lines of communication, the wrong turn special Web sites or their content, whether there are any pardons or miss the content, and also whether there are any other factors, if we don’t lie:
13.7. a. The company will not bear the cost of any damages, including the loss of a possible win; and also
13.8. b. if such pardons were brought to an increase in winnings, which you lay down, You don’t have the right to those sums, as if they were victorious for such an increase in winnings. You are responsible for informing the Company about the pardon and turn all winnings, pardon insured on your oblikovy record, the Company (depending on the instructions of the Company) a sum as a compensation, be it a sum, as you are guilty of the Company.
14. Destruction of these rules and minds
14.1. You hang your life negligently to help protect and protect the Company, non-branded partners and their leading companies, as well as their distinguished residents, directors, those spivrobitniks, whether they are domestic, perhaps, in addition, in addition, including judiciary and be-yakі іnshі vitrati, scho vynikli s be-yakoy causes vnaslіdok: a. be-what destruction by you tsієї Please; b. violated by you, be it the law or the rights of a third party; in. your choice of the Services or the Software or its use in another special way, as it denied access to the Services or the Software for the service of your identification data, whether with your permission; R. priynyattya be-yakikh vigrashіv.
14.2. If there are any other benefits available to the Company, if you have broken the rules and minds of the company, Please, or in that case, if the Company may be sufficient to substantiate that you have violated the rules of that mind, please, your company wins the Company can confine you can use all the positive excess that you have at such a moment on your oblique record, in the future, if there are any more sums, if you are responsible for the Company, until the investigation is carried out and/or the decision is made whether there are any procedural actions. Inadequate position tsієї Please, you can bring to disqualification, closing the oblіkovogo record and / or zastosuvannya to you legal actions.
15. Razbizhnosti
15.1. You know and wait for it, that the generator of positive numbers quite often generates the data that are necessary for the connection with the Services, and in that case, as the result, which is displayed by the Software security (installed and working on), you have the result is displayed on our server, The most important value is always the result that is displayed on our server. You know that it will be good for you that (not to the detriment of your other rights and for the sake of protection) the appearance of the Company's documentation may still be decided when you appoint the minds of your service, and You do not have the right to override the decisions of the Company accepted from such meals.
15.2. Any claims and trades will not be reviewed later in 7 days from the date of the start of the postal transaction, and all claims and trades will be transferred to the other side of the work with clients.
16. Trivalіst that pripinennya diї
16.1. Tsya Ugoda nabuvay chivalnostі negainno after you have completed the process of registration in the Company and are no longer primly doti, the docks will not be pinned to її position.
16.2. We can negainoly pin your cієї Please, and cancel your physical record (including your name and password) without delay: a. for whatever reason, it’s most likely to take the burden of service b. yakscho mi vvazhaemo, scho you destroyed be-yaku z minds tsієї please; in. yakscho vy koristuetsya Services with an improper rank, or destroying the Pleasing; g. as your rahunok po'yazaniya z be-like a clear rahunok, diya kakogo bula pinned. If your cover-ups are covered with obvious blocking-ups, we can close them, regardless of the fact that in some order of the wounds from them, you can block the fronts on the fronts; d. be it any other reason, as we respect the pre-river. Even if only in Ugodі it is not appointed otherwise, with the attached diї tsієї Please, be there a surplus on your oblіkovomu record, you will turn over a reasonable period of time to your help, with which we may have the right to virahuvat be-yakі sumi, yakі you are guilty to us.
16.3. You can send us a note and please cancel your physical record (including your name and password) at any time by sending us an email notification or to the email address of the brand name. Take is a shake for the sophisticated sophisticate of the Anuluvannnya, your own regional record (included your Im'i Coristuvach that password), the last seven calendar pitsl, the senior ethics of the Elekniye, in the Malt on your physical record during the period between the correction of the electronic mail and the annulment of your physical record by the Company.
16.4. After attaching dії tsієї Please, you are guilty: a. pin the vicorists to the Software Security Services; b. pay all the sums that are charged for payment, and those sums, as you are to blame for the Company; in. I will check the software security of your computer and find all the documentation associated with it, as may be in your possession, control, management.
17. Headlights
17.1. In that case, if it’s a part of the court, Please, be respected illegally, or you can’t have legal force behind any non-transferable furnishing, then such a position is respected by the courts in the case of others, Please, and don’t fall into legal force position tsієї Please Please Please. In such cases, a part, which is respected by the non-discretionary or liberated ability of a primus vykonnanny in court order, indulges in a cloudy rank, which confirms the stagnant legislation and is closer to the cob of our sides.
17.2. Niyaka our vіdmova vіd whether or not the decrees of the minds of tsієї please not be guilty of buti vitlumachena like the leaders of the front or the distant destruction of the rules of those minds tsієї please.
17.3. As long as it is not explicitly designated otherwise, I do not create anything in this Ugod and do not violate the rights of any other third parties.
17.4. Nothing in this Ugod is guilty from the point of view of the creation of agencies, partnerships, trusts, fiduciaries, or be it some other form of joint venture between you and us.
17.5. Tsya Pleasing to the favor of the vicerpny character of the Company, that you choose to win the Software security and the services of the service, you replace everything with yourself, be it before the house of the company between the Company and you, according to the given subject of the contract. You confirm that, having taken the time to accept this Favor, You did not rely on whether it was declared, the Crimea is quiet, that the Company was clearly crushed in this Favor.
17.6. The Company retains the right to transfer, assign, sublicense or pledge the Good, either partially or privately, at the time of reorganization of a group of companies, to the extent that the Company may enter, or at a time, the sale of assets or other similar corporate profits, to a possible transaction.
17.7. You do not have the right to transfer, assign, sublicense, or pledge your rights, or goitre for a purpose.
17.8. In this Ugodi, the words “Vi”, “Your” or “coristuvach” mean whether it be a person, as if you are corying with the Services or victorious Programming for your favor. Unless otherwise stated, the words "mi", "us" or "our" are chosen to be used by the Company and its subsidiaries, partners, directors, gardening officers, spivrobitnikiv, agents and contractors.
17.9. Nothing in this Ugod is guilty of slandering as if it were given to you, whether it be some kind of outpost right to the assets of the Company, including, to get rid of any sumniviv, be it sumi, ready to be credited to your oblіkovy record.
18. Maltese Law Regulations on Gambling
18.1. The activities of the company are regulated by legislation and other regulatory documents for interactive gambling in Malta. You know what is up to such laws and documents. The Company may file a complaint about you and your official record with the important authorities of Malta.
19. Dialogue interaction function (chat)
19.1. As a warehouse part of the service you serve, the Company can give you the function of dialogue interaction, you can work with other service providers. The company retains the right to review the dialogue interaction and to keep a record of all the necessary information, additions for additional functions. Your correspondence with the dialogue function may be subject to the following rules:
19.1.1. You are not guilty of shyness, whether or not you declare a sexually imaginative character, including the expression of intolerance, racist zmist, hatred and blasphemy.
19.1.2. You are not guilty of labor, declare that you are imaginative, discrediting, turbulent, or such that they represent other coristuvachive Services.
19.1.2. You are not guilty of working to declare what to advertise, to push, or in another rank to lie down to other interactive subjects.
19.1.2. You are not responsible for the work of the Company or the Websites or other websites on the Internet, connected to the Company's website, if they are pardoning and/or malicious and/or malicious Company.
19.1.2. We are well aware that the English language is not suitable for rich graves in the world. However, our policy does not allow for the fact that the same language is allowed in addition to dialogue interaction.
19.1.2. If you are disturbed by any of the above, the position of the dialogue function of the interaction, the Company may allow you to be able to chat and call at the same time, or close your account forever. After such an annulment, the Company will tell you if it’s a cat, if it can be changed on your oblikovy record, which will change if it’s your blocking of the Company (like it is), which is right at such a moment.
19.2. Be caressed, to animate the respect: with the browned function of the dial-loving mutual izhormati, pushing, yaks can be vicious to your person, you can read it, zibrana nucoristan and cinnamon. power initiatives. The company does not bear and do not bear any responsibility for that information, as it can identify your person, presented by you for the additional function of dialogue interaction.
20. Worked with clients and special promotions
20.1. To ensure the quality of service, your calls to the office with clients can be recorded.
20.2. Tim hang your insane year on the Company's request for your contact information given by you at the time of registration, so that the Company could at any hour without delay contact you at the link with your letters of service. , її partners or filії.
20.3. The company does not know whether there is any image on the side of the coristuvachs of the services of any supporters of the Company. У випадку, якщо Компанія на свій одноосібний розсуд вирішить, що Ваша поведінка в розмові по телефону, при інтерактивному спілкуванні, в електронному листуванні або за інших обставин була образливою або зневажливою стосовно співробітників Компанії, то Компанія має право заблокувати або анулювати Ваш обліковий запис з Компанією but in such surroundings you don’t carry the annual goiter and schodo the blowing of any cats, as they can be rebuvat on your oblіkovomu record.
20.4. Other companies can work for you with special propositions. Such statements may be communicated to you by various means, including, but not limited to, (i) e-mail, (ii) telephone, (iii) SMS, and (iv) via a link to the Software Security. Promotions start at 00:00 and end at 23:59 GMT at the appointed date, as it is only in the minds that the provisions of the promotion are not assigned otherwise.
20.5. We would like you to be able to act in various ways in cooperation with the Company, and even if you want, the Company can be put up to such your decision.
21. Uninstallation and addition of shortcuts
21.1. If you want to uninstall the software, you can do it in the "Installing and Remote Programs" menu of your computer.
21.2. After the installation of the software on the computer's workbench, the following labels will be added: label in the startup panel; badge on the working style; sending to the client at the "Start" menu;

"company" folder with messages to the client and uninstallation to the "All programs" item of the "Start" menu;
21.3. If you delete the software on your computer, the registration keys will be deleted, which will allow you to show whether the facts of the Shahrai region and ensure the safety of the rules of the Malta Regulatory Authority (MRA), the control body of the state of Malta.
22. Minimum allowances for system configuration
22.1. In order to be able to benefit from our Services, install the C++ program on your computer (for the version that you want to take advantage of) or win the online version of our Services (without downloading the software).
22.2. Minimum recommended system support up to the version that you are interested in:
Windows version XP or more;
At least 64 MB of RAM (recommended) all end-to-end files are installed by Adobe Flash Player add-ons (version 10.3 or more).
22.3. If the installed version of Adobe Flash Player is not indicated otherwise, it will be instructed to install the required version.
22.4. Minimum system support for the game client for the Mac platform:
OS version: Mac OS X 10.6.8;
Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo;
RAM: 4 GB DDR2 667 MHz.
22.5. The unconfigured client version is supported by the following browsers:
Internet Explorer version 6 and above, Firefox version 3 and above, Safari version 4 and above, Chrome version 4 and above;
Usі koristuvachі vаchі matri vstanovlenі vstanovleniya plug-in browser Adobe Flash (version 10 and above).
23. Regulatory legislation
23.1. Tsya Pleasures and mutually between the parties are regulated and slandered in accordance with the legislation of Malta, and You implicitly transfer, to the Company’s disgrace, the vinyatkovu jurisdiction of the courts of Malta, the right to regulate whether or not there are differences dіysnіstyu, dієyu, tlumachennyam or zdіysnennyam vstanovlenih pravovіdnosin for tієyu Ugoda or other rank at zv'yazku z tієyu Ugoda.
24. Razbіzhnostі u mov
24.1. Tsya Ugoda was folded on the back of the head with an English mine. In the case of different possible differences between the original English text, please, with the translations of other languages, the text of the English language is more important.
23. Regulations that hustle and bustle
23.1. Win the jackpot
23.1.1. Tsim Wee wait till you win a jackpot of 20,000 US dollars or more (or the equivalent sum in any other currency) in the slot machine in the casino, in the video game machine, in the videopoker machines with a jackpot, You give the Company insane, blame and line-free right that allowed you to win in the whole world of your name, photographs of the same in any way for information for marketing and advertising calls of the Company and the Website and give the representatives of the Company a better .
23.1.2. Winners of the jackpot can be redeemed for 24 monthly installments, which is so according to the Company's ruling.
23.2. If we blame us for the fact that illegal activities are systematically carried out for some rahunka or a group of rakhunkiv, for example, if there are illegal activities in various illegal schemes for bonuses, or for contracted grafts, then the Company will block the blocking right. In such situations, the Company does not bear the cost of paying you penny coins, as they will be transferred to your account, the cream of the coins you have made as the first deposit, as the stench will be revealed.
23.3. Programs with piece intelligence (robots): Just in time for our services, you are not guilty of blocking computer programs, as if piece mind ("II-programs") may be on our mind. We constantly analyze the nature of the koristuvannya Services in order to reveal the blocking of the II-programs, and in that case, as far as we are aware that such a program was vikoristan, we reserve for ourselves the right to zastosovuvat whether it be necessary blocking the faults, including access to the Services, the closing of rachunkiv tsikh gravtsiv and the withdrawal of all koshtiv іz tsikh rakhkiv. As soon as the Company denies information about the possibility of blocking software robots, there is no other right to your own investigation of the fence to suspect the gravity of the graves її With the services of one or the other blocking the walls and all the bones on these walls.
23.4. Rozbіzhnosti schodo payments: kozhen koristuvach Serves carry the same responsibility for the payment of any and all penny koshtіv, scho yogo fencing in front of the koristuvachs of the Service and/or the Company. Whether it be claims, if they can be blamed on the koristuvach of the Service, you should pay some of the winnings, which are formed for the account of the program of rates, robbed by other koristuvachs of the Service, owe it to the other, and not to the Company. The company, in an ordinary rank, is not going to work to pay you, as if it were some kind of coristuvach. For a service, be it any reason not to pay off your fouling, or to stop yourself to such a coristuvacha, come in. Usі razbіzhnostі, scho vykayut mizh koristuvachami Services, including ti, scho lie up to shakhrajstvo with payments, not є dpovidalnіstyu Company.
23.5. as we can see that your account will be like a rank of injunctions with the Shakhrayi diyalnistyu, for example, with the transfer of pennies for the first hour of the gri, gravitational gravity, or for the removal of unsanctioned penny orders, we may have the right to permanently close your account, for example, . to know how we can’t be brought to light that you navmisno otrimuvali pennies against evildoers.
23.6. When investigating the facts of the Shakhrai duty, accept any explanation of how the Shakhrai koshtiv was taken. If, as a result of this investigation, your account will be unblocked, we can praise the decision to remove the sum transferred from your bankroll in the Shakhrai way.
23.7. Penny reprimands - Yakshcho you bazhaet send a penny requisition to the rahunok of another grave, you are responsible for the mother in the court, so we can’t turn a penny reprimand. Just as you confirm the amount of your order, that im'ya coristuvacha oberzhuvacha, pennies, if they will be taken from your account at the same time, they will not be returned to you at any time, and we will not bear the same cost for spending these pennies, as your order will be amended apomilkovo for the next or indefinite rahunok.
23.8. If your account should receive pennies from your account, which may cause problems with security, we have the right to block your account and all operations for the removal of funds from your account penny reprimands) will not be reversed.
23.9. Joden graves do not have the right to wimagati in the Company to live, whether they come in any graves, suspected by the zmov, shakhraystvo, or be some other shakhraystvo. The company does not provide information about the investigation of such cases and the results of these investigations. You are obliged to pay the risk and spend the money for the first hour of the gry, to bind the victories of the Services, and you take on all the responsibility for such spending. You'll be good for tim, scho koristuetsya Services to the power of fear and risk, and especially for the power of bazhanny that choice. You have no right to make any claims against the Company itself, any of its affiliated companies and non-brand partners, or directors, landlords or sponsors of these companies in connection with your possible financial expenses.

4.1. Write a normal question. They paid for some wine. In Malta, there is no tax rate of 13%.

20.2. Appointed the responsibility of the meeting to look around at these vicons. At this meeting, the contract worker chogos miryav. I've filed a complaint with an expert. Judging, my fussing chimed in. І axis You won't believe it!
1. we believe you.
2. bad assumptions about the positive position. not fit with the decisions-law of transferring monthly lines to appeal.

21. At the hour of the overhaul of the child's budgetary installation, the contractor's workers damaged the covers in the mercury lamps. Itself about v_dpovіdalnіst for the safety of the lane at the sovereign treaty is not written. How to get the quality of lamps out of an unfair contractor? Vіdshkodovuvati vіdmovlyаєєє, ale the agreement has not yet been paid.

21.1. Good evening, for the beginning, it is necessary to send a claim to the address of the contractor with the help of the blower of the badge, only the necessary proof that the contractor himself under the hour of repair zipsuva your mine. If you prove, for example, the act of acceptance and transfer of the application, in which it is designated, that before the repair of the lid of the lamps without assistance, or other documents, then if the direction of the claim can be brought before the court. I have questions for you: 2. Has the act of vikonanih been signed?

22. The judge of light, having given me at the agreed expert’s vysnovka filed by me to prove the obvious shortfalls in the work of the robot, according to the butt order, shards, having entered my poses for the opening of the contract, it is undeniable that I did not force the claim to the contractor, but the poses were filed. Vіdkhilila my murmurings about the viklik before the court of the expert himself. As a result, I will be called by my wife. The appellate court judged the examination, but slandered, shards in no news about the essence of the shortcomings. The first judge, having examined the nutritional expertise, the facts are not violated. Chi tse suttєvim violations of procedural norms?

22.1. Oleksandr, in my opinion, you have taken the wrong tactics to defend your right. If the results of the examination are unsuitable, then you may have the right to apply for a re-examination. If there is a need to understand the rights of spozhivachіv, then the pretension procedure for settling the dispute in case of obov'yazkovim. Protect your rights wisely.

23. I knew a contractor for the development of the site from another place. There was no paperwork agreement with him, there was no more listing on Skype. I forwarded the payment. The contractor is not in his work and is forced to turn the pennies. How can I, just trying to figure out from the bank about transferring the money to the account of a dishonest contractor and listing him on Skype and electronic mail, turn my pennies back through the court?
Thank you.

23.1. So you can. It is more necessary to correct the rule of law

23.2. So you can. Give poses about the contraction of unsupported wealth.

23.3. So, you can turn the pennies as a free money.
Good luck to you!

23.4. Submit poses before the court about the signing of the contract, we will lay down that penny bond. All the best.

23.5. You can know. Submit a call to court.

24. Contractor not rozpochav vikonannya robit for the contract. How can I post yoga as an unswerving contractor on the site of state purchases? How do you know?

24.1. Majete povne right.

24.2. Good day! so you can.

24.3. You can add a few sanctions to the new one for the contract, write a claim.

24.4. Give a spochatku on nyogo before the court.

I work in the child's booth on the right in that our child's booth ministry of enlightenment failed to close the call, that we have leaks, that unscrupulous contractors got caught and repaired at once with us to go to court and look. The children were corrected until the next ditboudinka stink, they are also going through the same way as the team didn’t give us an hour to finish looking at it and repairing it, please be kind, where can you write a sheet of prohannya so they said a decision about closing. Read reviews (1)

25. How much is the cost of organizing the filing of documents before the court and the support of the unscrupulous contractors.

25.1. To lie down in the price of food.

25.2. The preparation of that court should be done in the Arbitration for 50,000 rubles. Ale at the middle.

26. Having made a contract for the provision of future services, I made an advance payment in the amount of sums specified in the contract. The contractor did not win more than one clause from the contract, saying that you would turn the pennies. The pennies turned not in the same way. Catering: How can you press on an unsuspecting contractor, so that you can restore the surplus?

26.1. Good afternoon.
It is necessary to take a look at the agreement on the provision of work services, Art. 420,421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. Listuvannya є s borzhnik?

26.2. What is possible in the pretension order on the basis of the norms of the Central Committee to stosuvat up to new financial sanctions, what is the possibility of throwing off the agreement?

26.3. Send me a letter of claim for more payment. Get ahead, as if the borg will not be paid for 10 days, You will be sent to court.

26.4. Write a claim and get it before the court, Seryoga.

27. We have such a situation. In 2015, roci carried out the reconstruction of a nursery for children

Vidilenikh koshtіv іz federal budget. With an unswerving contractor, the contract was terminated unilaterally. They filed a lawsuit against the contractor, for example, after turning back the non-recurring advance payment, paying for the contract, and immediately filed a lawsuit against the bank, which, having paid money at the sight of the security of the contract, was clearly up to the sight of a bank guarantee. Narazi already started the process at the court with the bank, put on a note that in the next hour the cats might turn to the rozrahunok rahunok of the administration of the municipality. In addition, today we are going to complete the process of budding organization, as well as goiter to turn the money, paid off in front of the advance. The protege of the region wrote to our address of the sheet, de asking for a clarification, if the money is returned to the budget of the region, the decisions of the courts are turned on the basis of the decision.

Food is attacking in the offensive: they are turning money back to the regions, or the federal budget, as we have already called for them, like windows, the stink we have passed behind cash vitrates, we have seen spivfinansuvannya to tsієї sumi from the municipal budget.

As soon as the money is turned, then at the end of the sum, even if it turns out that we will be responsible for paying the bank for a bank guarantee, that budive company (we will turn in the sum of two more, lower we paid the advance). I really want to, that these cats were lost in the budget of the municipality and it was possible to help for the purpose of recognition - for the repair of children's kindergartens or the material equipment of the children's garden, for which they saw these cats.

Thank you in advance for your advice.

27.1. To lie in that, as the bones were seen, for some minds.
The law - tse bezposeredno not reguluє.

28. Nesumlinny contractor won the competition for 223-FZ. UIA conducted a competitive procedure, but after winning the competition, as it turned out later, an unsustainable contractor (the wine is listed in the register of unsuccessful contractors), before that, the ship’s calls were loaded for good reasons. The robots from the won competition have not yet roared. How would you like to break the contract from the side of UIA without harming yourself?

28.1. ---Hello, slander the bags to the competition through the negligence of the contractor. All the best.

Our company took part in the tender for the production of works and the supply of materials and played yoga. Because of what it was said, that the Zamovnik can be rich in money for hundreds of millions, he doesn’t pay pennies to the contractors and can even be rich in justice at the court. On the basis of what (such documents and evidence) we can agree to the provisions of the Agreement with the Deputy, with which we will not go to the Registry of unsatisfactory postal workers. Read reviews (4)

29. UIA conducted a tender procedure s 223-FZ, and then won the tender, as it turned out later, an unsatisfactory contractor (the name is listed in the register of unsuccessful contractors), before that, the load from the ship’s call for reasons. The robots from the won competition have not yet roared. How would you like to break the contract from the side of UIA without harming yourself?

29.1. It is possible to expand the agreement through the court, as a way to overcome the violations of the law.

30. Who can help you make changes to the law 44-FZ without VIP meals.
Once again I add propositions about how to change the law.
Zazdalegіd vdyachny, as if you were aware of rozumіnnyam
be brought in by Saratov
Regional Duma


“On introducing amendments to the Federal Law “On the contract system in the sphere of purchasing goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs”

Submit to the Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, work, services for the provision of state and municipal needs” (Selection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013 No. 14, Art. 1652; No. 52 , st.6961) upcoming changes:
1) in part 1 of article 93:
in clause 11 the words "valid for the transfer of goods, labor, services, approved by the Order of the Russian Federation" are switched off;
paragraph 12 of the clause in the following edition:
“12) laying down the installation, as a viconu є early warning, to the contract for the supply of goods, vikonnannya roboti, nadannya services for state needs in the event of a prescribed installation of sirovini, materials, component parts, as well as technological possession, spare parts (components, vuzlіv, mehanіzmіv, etc.). ) for the repair of technological possession, for the improvement of goods, vikonnannya roboti, nadannya services for the purpose of pracevlashtuvannya sudzhenih on pіdstavі pіdpriєmtsy, juridical and physical persons, , as well as technological equipment, spare parts (components, hubs, mechanisms, etc.) for the repair of technological equipment are charged for the cost of expenses, transferred by agreements (contracts)”;
2) at point 1 of part 4 of article 94, after the numbers "9," add the numbers "11, 12,";
3) in part 2 of article 96, the numbers "4 - 11, 13 - 15" should be replaced with the numbers "4 - 15".

The president
Russian Federation


Vidpovidno to the position of Part 1 of Art. 103 of the Criminal Law Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law dated 08.01.1997 No. 1-FZ) of the courts of law until the release of the will is guilty of practicing in jobs and on robots that are charged with the administration of the lawful institutions.
Vidpovly, until the decision of the URAID of the Federal Fyal Party 7 Listopad 2005 Roku No. 660 “About the resolution of the federal payment of the federal sovereign of the UNITITITY PIDPRIMI, the Vikonali Pan of the Vygoga, but the fed -fed -fed -fed -fed -fed -up” Come in PIDOVSHSHSHSHSHSHSHNNE EXPECIVIVNNA by the Federal VSSNISNISHISTY TA criteria ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї orth (protocol of Vydannya VID 06/06/2003 No. 3) Tom about the dodatkovi, go to the cups of the Complex of the Complex, Russian Federation Federation for the optimization of budgetary spending (minutes of the meeting dated 21 and 31.03.2003 No. 2)
The need for the reformation is framed by two furnishings.
First, goitre, accepted by the Russian Federation upon entry to the Radi of Europe, and the sutts of the changes that were made in the social warehouse of the convicts, the social aspect of the activity of the enterprises of the lawful institutions hung first.
In the rest of the years, the number of convicts with low light, unwritten, as if they can’t live at home, as they suffer from illness, have significantly increased. The protyag of the nearest fates is that the numbers of the categories of convicts are more than growing.
Over 90% of the convicts do not have professional and labor skills, otherwise they spent most of them. Nearly 40% of those sentenced up to 25 years, as a rule, do not work anywhere and do not study. The skin of a quarter of the judgments suffers from mental illness and rehabilitation.
The distance to the correct installations is close to 100 yew. zaudzhenikh, yakі not mayut spetsіalnostі. Approximately half of the pratsyyuyuchikh zaduzhenih not in zmozі vykonuvati established norms virobіtku (average vіdsotok vіkonannya does not exceed 70%).
По-друге, з прийняттям низки законодавчих та нормативних правових актів, що регламентують діяльність державних унітарних підприємств, як організацій, основною метою діяльності яких є отримання прибутку, підприємства виправних установ через специфіку своєї діяльності не могли більше функціонувати в даній організаційно-правовій формі, як commercial organizations (day-to-day they stink and bully).
The result of the reform was the reorientation of the activity of the virobnic sector of the criminal-vicon system (hereinafter - UIS) to the vision of us in front of the social zavdan, which is connected with the preparation of people to a normal life, that work was followed by a call.
According to article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 21 March 1993 No. 5473-I “On the establishment of an organization that punishes criminal punishment at a viglyadі liberated will” establish that it is punishable early, to waste the right:
zdiyasnyuvati pіdpriєmnitsku and іnshi vidi vidi diyalnosti for the security of life of the establishment, scho to punish early, that zaluchennya convicts to praci;
take part in the creation and activity of undertakings of any organizational and legal forms, as well as take part as a co-founder in managing them for the development of their social sphere, ending up sentenced to practice.
On PIDSTAVI Statti 18, the Law of the Federal District Federal Property Committee “About the Establishment of the Vikonyut Criminal, the Vighmian, the Vigglennnye Wave” The reformovnah called up to the reorganic -sided -based installations: labor adaptation).
The main tasks of the labor adaptation centers were:
organization of labor confinement of convicts, zaluchennya їх to paid work, the creation of minds їх moral and material zatsіkavlenosti at yogo results;
reinstatement and consolidation of professional and labor skills, necessary to be judged for further adaptation in the household;
organization of foreign professional training of convict professions, the need for such regional markets of practice, the discovery of opportunities for non-traditional forms of training for convict worker professions, which are in folk crafts;
carrying out labor therapy for convicts, who suffer from mental disorders, the disabled, and those who are deprived of their labor.
The reformation of the production sector of the UIS led to the transition from the commercial activity of the enterprises of the legal institutions to bringing income (wet production) of the activity of the legal institutions.
Відповідно до статті 18 Закону Російської Федерації «Про установи та органи, що виконують кримінальні покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі» діяльність центрів трудової адаптації засуджених та виробничих (трудових) майстерень є ініціативною самостійною виробничою діяльністю (власною виробничою діяльністю) установ, що виконують покарання, що zdijsnyuєtsya on svіy rizik and pіd established by the Law of the Russian Federation vіdpovіdalnіst s metoyyu vykonannya vymog criminal and vikonavchogo legislation of Ukraine about obov'yazkove zaluchennya suudzhenih to pratsi.
In the event of a vilified virobnic activity, establish what criminal penalties, goiter should be punished for:
vykonuvati goiter'yazannya for laying down their contracts;
Nesting the same to the legislation of Rosiysko federals for the destroying dogs of the snobs, the rights of the sabers of the submarines of the Grandodar, the scruck of the blessings of the blessings of the pratsi, the non-vympano
For the control of the power of virobnichoy activity, establish what is to be punished in the early hours, to lay the right:
zdіysnyuvat vlasnu virobnicha diyalnіst;
get on contractual ambushes and victorious financial gains, otherwise mine, including mining rights, the results of intellectual activity, including including the rights to them (intellectual power), physical and legal rights;
independently choose post-employees of material and technical resources and supporting products that are installed, set prices for them in the boundaries, appointed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the sake of products, prepared for the application for the supply of products to the state;
ordering the products that are released, for a small amount of products prepared for the supply of products for the state needs, and all the surpluses (revenues) that have been depleted after the payment of the obligatory payments to the state budgets and the state funds.
Установи, що виконують покарання, самостійно планують власну виробничу діяльність та визначають перспективи її розвитку з урахуванням необхідності створення достатньої кількості робочих місць для засуджених, наявності матеріальних та фінансових можливостей для їх додаткового створення, а також попиту споживачів на вироблену продукцію, виконувані роботи та послуги.
Vidpovly, to the Statti 10 Law of the Federal Federal Administrative Offenses “About the establishment of the organ, the vicony of the Kriminalni Pokyranni at the Vigglennnye Wolly” for the barrel of the minds, the Zamennya Zasujenikh to Pratsi, the Federals of Rosovyki, the Rosovychi -Vybovati was sorcerer for the prison. Satisfaction of state needs on the federal state unitary enterprises of the criminal and vikonavchoi system and the establishment of the state, which must be punished.
However, a part of the sovereign's injunctions with the secret obsіbnitstva of the establishment of the criminal and criminal system of the UFSVP of Russia in the Saratov region did not exceed 40% for the rest of the years.

Adopting Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 05.04.2013 “On the contract system in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 14, Art. 1652; No. 52, Art. 6961), the legislator did not, without respect, deprive the institutions and undertakings of the criminal-viconavchi system, but at the same time, as practice has shown, the mechanism for enforcing the criminal-viconavchi system turned out to be incomplete.
This draft law seems to be responsible for the provision of employment of intermediary bar'єrіv within the framework of the functioning of the contractual system in the sphere of organization of the government's military activity, the establishment of enterprises of the criminal and military system with the method of ensuring the overall functioning of the military sector.
item 11
За законодавством, що діяло раніше, організації мали право здійснювати розміщення замовлень в установах і підприємствах ДВС, якщо виробництво товарів (робіт, послуг) здійснювалося установами та підприємствами кримінально-виконавчої системи та інформація про зазначені установи та підприємства, а також про вироблені товари (роботи , subsidiaries) the Bula Rosm is on the offices of the site in Merezhi Internet (Parton Parton 3 by the Rosieco federal federals 03/17/2008 No. 175 “On the Nadannya Perevygs of the Criminal-Viconal Systems of the General vikonannya robit, nadannya servitov for sovereign and municipal needs").
Until 01/01/2014, on the date of the census of the city, they installed and established the UIS commissariat, updated it, and placed it on the official website in the Internet nomenclature of the nomenclature robs those services that are consecrated (converted, hoped).
Due to the onset of officialdom from 01.01.2014 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 05.04.2013, the possibility of making purchases from enterprises and establishing the criminal-viconavcho system, like a single post-employer (vikonavtsya, st. 93 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ, the nomenclature of the goods that can be purchased before the purchase of goods, and services has been significantly expanded, at the sv'yazku z tim, that the norm for the editorial office of the new law is given as follows: zdіysnyuyuyutsya by the establishment and acceptance of the criminal and vikonavchoї system in vіdpovіdno to the transfer of goods, labor, services, approved by the Order of the Russian Federation.
На сьогоднішній день Перелік товарів (робіт, послуг), вироблених (виконуваних, що надаються) установами та підприємствами кримінально-виконавчої системи, закупівля яких може здійснюватися замовником у єдиного постачальника (підрядника, виконавця, затвердженого Постановою Уряду Російської Федерації від 26.12.2013 № 1292 , do not take revenge on all the nomenclature of goods, robots, servants, the selection of such is organized in legal institutions, not one decade, as if not in a moment to take revenge on the same vice-versa.
At the same time, according to Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the establishment of an organization that punishes criminal punishment at a vigilant free will” Order of the Order of the Russian Federation on 27.10. adaptation of convicts » approved the list of the main types of work related to the labor adaptation of convicts.
Due to the impossibility of the full organization of work for paragraph 11 of part 1 of Art. 93 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ and the legal requirements for the laying of contracts with the regulations of the UIS for the supply of four types of goods, which are viable with the UIS, which may be a real market drink, but are not assigned to the Order Decree 29. in 2014, the growth of the first quarter of 2015 is expected to lead to a significant change from the establishment of the criminal-viconal system for internal system needs.
With the meta of the non-possessive of the pellets of the vibration vibration of the vidiyv goods, the robit in the Ponanovs of the criminal-viconavchy systems, the health of the production of the product, the nod. 93 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ enforcing - binding to Perelik, approval by the Decree of the Russian Federation.
P. 12
The stable functioning of the UIC sector is grounded on the rejection of contracts with third-party commercial organizations arising from civil law contracts for contracting employees.
The provisions of paragraph 12 of part 1 of Art. 93 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ is aimed at the development of manufacturing processes at UIS, at preventing downtime in the organization of manufacturing and material and technical equipment of the manufacturing sector.
Disposition of norms p. 12 year. 1 st. 93 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ to say that the UIS may have the right to buy sirovina, materials and components for the selection of goods, work and services on the submission of contracts, provisions with legal persons, and for the payment of costs, transfer of these contracts.
In this manner, establish the UIS with the right to carry out the purchase of sirovin, materials and components not for the cost of budgetary expenses, but for the expenses of commercial organizations, which will be purchased from the internal combustion engine. Дана норма створює захисний механізм, що дозволяє захистити бюджетні кошти від дій несумлінних контрагентів, і сприяє зацікавленості комерційної організації у розміщенні замовлення, так що установа – виробник УІС працює на якнайшвидше виконання взятого замовлення та закупівля первинної сировини не пов'язана з проведенням тривалих конкурсних процедур .
Vodnochas establish criminal and vikonavchoї system vygotovlyayut products not only for legal osіb, but also for physical osіb and іndivіdualnyh pіdpriєmtsіv, however p. 12 h. 1 tbsp. 93 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ does not allow the purchase of syrovin, materials that complete the materials for signing contracts, regulations from physical persons and individual businesses. Tim is no less, a significant part of the intrigue of the criminal-viconavchiy system falls on its own accord to the subjects of the state.
Prote by law, a restriction has been established for the category of potential substitutes for UIS.
When laying contracts with physical persons, or іndivіdual pіdpriієmtsy for analogous virobnitstvâ goods, vikonannya roboti, nadannya services installed zmushena zmushena sirovuvat sirovuva that materіali through competitive procedures, before the legislation on the contract system become non-competitive with their products and unacceptable for business entities. Therefore, physical individuals and individual applicants are subject to the services of the UIS establishments.
The formulation of paragraph 12, part 1, art. 93 Federal Law of VD 04/05/2013 No. 44-ФЗ allowed to be the Predanovs of Criminal-Viconavchy Syrovin systems, Matereli, Complete virobi Tilki under Vikonnini for Vikonnitvva goods, I do not be fiddled, at the nado nadanni, the nado-nikoristi stained materials and accessories for possession.
A significant hour is also needed to carry out the procedures for the purchaser of spare parts of a new technological possession, after which the term “viconarization” is used, and the replacement is unilaterally acted upon in the production and service of the established criminal and vikonavchoy system.
Possibility of purchasing technological equipment, window materials and components up to a new cost, transferred by civil law contracts for contractors, to allow the development of the technical base of manufacturing in the UIV and significantly increase its pace.
On the basis of the deposited property, it is proposed to supplement the provisions of clause 12, part 1, art. 93 of the Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 05.04.2013 on the possibility of purchasing criminal and military system installations from a single supplier, not only syrovy, materials, component parts, and technological equipment, spare parts (components, components for the repair of technological equipment, mechanical equipment) koshtіv konstrukіv – kontraktіv, ukladenih yak s juridical, and y physical persons and іndivіdualnymi pіdpriєmtsyami.

Art. 94
Vidpovidno to the position of Part 4 of Art. 94 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ, in the case of a purchaser from a single supplier on the basis of paragraphs 11, 12, part 1 of Art. 93 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ to carry out an examination of the results of vikonannya kontraktіv by the power of the Zamovnik has no right, navpaki, in the capacity for carrying out an examination of the delivered goods, vikonan ї roboti chi nadanї services of obov'yazkovo zaluchennya storonnіh ekspertіv, ekspertnykh organіzatsіy.
UIS has a self-sustaining program, wide zastosuvannya otrimav vnutrishnyosistemny agreement, vnutrishnyosistemna supply, if one unit of UIS supplies viroblen chi grown production needs of another install UIS.
In such a rank, the most important thing is that on the basis of p. 11, part 1, art. 93 of the Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 05.04.2013, contracts are laid down in the middle of the criminal-vicon system, in which the established criminal-vicon system can act as both deputy and post-employee.
In connection with the fact that purchases are carried out by the institutions of the criminal and criminal system, they are charged for the federal budget, the receipt of third-party expert organizations will require the contribution of significant additional funds to the federal budget to pay for expert services.
However, in all installations, there is an effective organization of technical control services that control the quality of products that are released and delivered, as in the process of preparation, so at the stage of investment, in connection with which the installation is able to carry out all vikonannya contracts for internal systems. the need to establish a criminal-viconauchy system by the authorities with the execution of the necessary documents.
With the method of implementation of these visits, they are promoted at clause 1, part 4 of Art. 94 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ, after the numbers "9," add the numbers "11, 12," to allow for significant savings to the federal budget.

Paragraph 2 of Article 96 has established, in addition, the provision of the contract with the notification of the procurement of the draft contract, at the time of procurement from a single supplier on the basis of the provisions of clause 12, part 1 of Art. 93 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ was introduced not to the right of the Zamovnik, but to obov'yazku.
At once, the Yak showed the Lawzastosovna practice, the contracts of the Zerovini purchases for the purchases of the Srovini, the Matteriye is the set of the Equally Equipment with the Komerziyny organized, the vivs of the Syrovini, and the pushing of the rim, and the pins were closed, and the stagnation of safe entry to the post-employees is irrational, and the laying of contracts with the UIS regulations is unacceptable for the post-employees.
In order to implement these data, they are introduced in Part 2 of Article 96 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ, the numbers "4 - 11, 13 - 15" should be replaced by the numbers "4 - 15".

In order to ensure the stable functioning of the criminal sector of the criminal and criminal system, it is proposed to introduce amendments to articles 42, 93, 94 and 96 of the Federal Law dated 05.04.2013 No. needs”, connected with the diyalnistyu of the established criminal-viconauchy system.
Дані заходи дозволять у повному обсязі реалізувати весь комплекс заходів, закріплених законодавством про контрактну систему, у частині надання преференцій УІС, сприятиме захисту, економії та поповненню коштів федерального бюджету, розвитку та стабільному функціонуванню виробничого сектору УІС та УІВ загалом, організації професійної підготовки засуджених, залучення їх up to pracіplennya they have labor habits in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the establishment of the bodies that will punish criminal punishment at the sight of free will”.

Translation of acts of federal legislation, which are subject to recognition by those who have spent ceremoniality, recognition, change and acceptance from the link with the adoptions of the Federal Law “On the introduction of changes to the Federal Law “On the contract system in the sphere of purchase of goods, work, services for the security of the state municipal needs"

Adoption of the Federal Law "On the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law" On the contract system in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs," vimagatime such a recognition that she spent rank, Decree the Order of the Russian Federation on June 26, 2013 confirmation of the transfer of goods (robits, services) that are recruited (recovered, hoped) by the establishments and under the criminal-viconavcho system, the purchase of which can be ordered as a deputy from a single postal worker (contractor, vikonavtsya)”.

to the draft federal law “On amendments to the Federal law “On the contract system in the sphere of purchasing goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs”

Adoption of the Federal Law “On amendments to the Federal Law “On the contract system in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of sovereign and municipal needs” is not dependent on additional payments from the federal budget.

30.1. Volodymyr, it is not possible to make changes to the law with VIP nutrition. You stray from law enforcement officers and law-makers. You should go back to your deputy - you have є, і, judging by your activity, you singly voted for the new one. The deputy has the right to submit a bill to the State Duma.

Kerіvnitstvo put the task of knowing the way to publish about the inconsistency of the counterparty, which violated the contract. Nutrition: there is a similar official website of the controlling bodies (Rosspozhivnaglyad, etc.) in the Internet, where the "registry" or the "list" of legal entities is placed, so as not to count their contractual goiters, tobto. non-summon counterparties. as such, I ask you to clarify and understand the procedure for submitting an application (application) for placement in such a list of a counterparty, which has given us impersonal incompetence with its unreasonable actions.


On the official websites of the controlling bodies, lists of unfair legal issues are not published, so that they do not win their contractual goiters (with the FAS vinnyatka, as it maintains a register of unfair postal employees in the sphere of state purchasers).

In the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs, the Order of the Russian Federation approved the keeping of the register of non-summary post-employees (contractors, vikonavtsiv).

From accounting zvіtnostі, zokrema, you can take out information about the number of pozikovyh koshtіv, about those, if you will please the great organization for the sake of it. Prote є risik, that Rosstat cannot provide the necessary information about the counterparty. On the right, the fact that the fine for not submitting information about accounting rank to Rosstat is small, so it may appear that a potential counterparty hasn’t been bound by the obligation to submit its rank to Rosstat.

KRIM Tsyoo, Vidomosti about the Rosemir of Statuttar Kapital, Zbilshennya that is the ZMOMENSHENT of the statutory captalo, the Vartosti pure of activity of the legal individuals, the comrading of the subfamy of the Owls, on the remaining stars, is able to reckon in the other by the same federal federal federal federal federal federal federal federal federal federal Federals Access to this resource is cost-free. To remove the necessary statements, it is necessary to enter the name of the company, IPN, OGRN or the local organization. However, there is a risk that the number of net assets of a legal entity will not appear in the designated registry. For this reason, the law still has no evidence for failure to provide the organization of these statements. Therefore, legal entities often ignore obov'yazok to make a designated statement to the Unified Federal Register of statements about the facts of the activity of legal entities.

In addition, for consumption it is possible to distort, as if you see the activities of the potential counterparty.

A professional development system for lawyers, in any case you will know the best way to find the best food.

The counterparty is the “one-dodium” Zdatni Zavdati Skodi Yak Sovevi at the unitsennya to pay the Zapatkiv, so the warder is supplied, to bring to bring the alleged vigdi Vigodi when the Subtrates of the Supply Vitrah for the illegal of the illegitus are in the result of the mutual expenses.

Inspections are subject to the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 12 July 2006. No. 53 "", which sealed the main signs of inconsistency payer of taxes and rules of appointment.

Payers of taxes in order to show due diligence and care when choosing a counterparty, can turn up to Globally accessible criteria
self-assessment of risks for tax payers, victorious by tax authorities in the process of selection of objects of schodo and tax reconciliation (approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on May 30, 2007, No. MM-3-06 / [email protected]""), as well as to the explanations of the financial authorities with the reason that in some way the payer of taxes is respected in such a way that the bindings of the counterparty must be reconsidered.

In order to secure yourself against the risks of the government's activity and possible claims from the side of the tax authorities, there were few opportunities to change the sum of the potential business partner.

We saw a low degree, like, at the thought of tax inspections and courts, it is necessary to work, to confirm showing proper care and caution when choosing a counterparty.

You can find out if you have seen a license for a potential counterparty on websites of licensing bodies- for the skin type of activity, the organ that you license will be your own. For example, the website of Rosspozhivnaglyadu allows you to search for licenses registered for work, related to vicarious workers in infectious diseases, and that for vicarious work in the field of vicarious ionization.

7. Get to know the counterparty's accounting records. Vіdpovіdno up to item 89 of the Regulations on the accounting form and accounting zvіtnostі in the Russian Federation (approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia in 29 lipnya 1998 p. No. 34n), river accounting zvіtnіst organization vodkritoy for zatsіkavlenih koristuvachіv(Bankiv, Investoriv, ​​creditor, purchasiv, post -post -tie), yaki, I can do it with her, the same spokes on the kopiawanni, and the organized venue for the vysitovani is the bore of the blessing of the blessing

In addition, Rosstat (Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by the RF Council of the Russian Federation on 2 chervnya 2008, No. 42, Rosstat on 20 May 2013, No. 183 "On the approval of the Administrative Regulations" granting by the Federal State Statistics Service of the state service "Safety of accounting for data of accounting (financial) status of legal entities, as a way of maintaining their activity on the territory of the Russian Federation").

8. Check out the register of unscrupulous postal workers. Obviously, the potential counterparty is neobov'yazkovo, a participant in the system of purchasers for state and municipal needs, prote ta ymovirnist є. It is recommended that this person go through the optional stage of verification and conduct a search for register, approved by the FAS Russia.


It is recommended to expand local regulationз організації та вдосконалення переддоговірної роботи з потенційними контрагентами, в якому вказувалися б її цілі, принципи діяльності та взаємодії менеджерів, служб постачання та безпеки, юристів та інших посадових осіб платника податків, які контактують з потенційними контрагентами, а також перераховувалися документи, які необхідно запитувати counterparties have other options. Judge also give respect to the presence of such a local act (appreciated by the FAS MO on 23 May 2013 at reference No. A40-98947 / 12-140-714). In addition, see the sense okremi punishment about the re-verification of a specific counterparty for a further confirmation of one's rightness in times of conflict.

9. Verify the renewal of the individual, as if signing the agreement. Judges often point out the need for a re-verification as a reason for the recognition of the payer of taxes in sums (FAS ZZG dated 25 May 2012 at reference No. A75-788/2011, the Eighth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 20 April 2013). Moreover, if the payer of taxes has taken away all the necessary documents and information, and if he hasn’t changed the appointment of the counterparty’s representative for signing the documents, then he will be substantiated for the recognition of the tax payer of the unsummated tax (decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region on 11 April 2012 y37) No. A -140-436).

When looking at it, check it out, as if the signatory is acting on the basis of his signature on the documents, sound assigned handwriting expertise- But sometimes you can do without it (FAS UO dated 30 March 2010 No. F09-4904 / 10-C2, reference No. A76-39186 / 2009-41-833). For the most part, judge loudly that the simple visual presentation of the signature and the testimony of the representative of the payer of taxes cannot be recognized as sufficient evidence for the recognition of the fact that the documents were signed by unidentified persons (appreciation of the Third Arbitration Court of Appeal on the right, 23, right 13 r. 13).

And obviously, the judge ascertains the fact of dishonesty of the payer of taxes in that case, as if the representative of the counterparty was confirmed at the time of signing the documents died(VAC RF dated December 6, 2010 No. VAC-16471/10) or yoga pose(FAS PZ dated February 28, 2012 No. F06-998/12, reference No. A65-14837/2011). On the other side, the rest of the fall can’t, in the opinion of the judges, evidence about the removal of the unprimed taxable line, so that before the laying of the double right, the payer of the taxpayer accumulated three government blueprints with the counterparty reference No. A53-12917/2012, decision of the FAS ZZG dated July 27, 2011 No. F07-8946/11, reference No. A52-4227/2010).

Before signing the documents, pay attention to the following:

  • what is the best fit for your counterparty great;
  • chi not passing the term is renewed a representative of the counterparty (when the statute of the organization establishes a trust);
  • not obmezhenі chi statute reinstatement of the director in order to arrange the arrangements, the sum of which is transferred to the same value.

10. Request for filing before the tax inspection for the registration of the counterparty. Judge out loud, what is the difference as if showing the uncertainty of the payer of taxes (FAS ZZG dated 14 June 2010 at reference No. A27-26264/2009, FAS ZZG dated 5 March 2008 No. Ф04-1408/2008(1506) at reference number A45-5924 / 07-31 / 153, of the Third Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 11 August 2013 at reference No. A74-5445/2012, of the Eleventh Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 5 September 2012).

Ponad those district arbitration judges confirm obov'yazok sebaceous organs submit the requested information in the boundaries of the number of records, which are not recognized in the same way to the tax treasury. So, the FAS ZZG is naked, the Vidmov INSPECTITSIA Nadatati about the contranding of the Podkatki -Vypliva ranger to the rights of the Ostannoye, the rejection of the foster vigudi, the reinforcements of the PIDKIVARITITITION TO THE CONTARTION OF THE CONTARATION 2000 rock). 67/2007 (77-A67-32) at reference no. A67-1687/2007).

Sometimes you can judge that the payer of taxes can go back to the official services for rechecking the counterparty, but he didn’t rob him (he was praised by the FAS MO on December 14, 2010, No. KA-A40 / 10728-10 in reference No. A40-463 115-57).

It’s true, you should still come to the visnovka, that the payer of taxes didn’t immediately turn up before the inspection of the counteragent’s appearance, the shards of such a refurbishment may be less than taxes of the organization (FAS SZO, dated April 31, 2013, in reference No. A13-8751 / 2012).

Ale navіt yakshcho tax іnspektіya vіdmovіt vіdpovіdі on request, himself yogo straightening fact certify about those that the payer of taxes can secure for himself when choosing a counterparty and can serve as proof in the future of showing due diligence. If it’s important, it’s important to pay both taxes especially to the office of the tax inspectorate (there is a copy of the tax with a badge about the acceptance in hand), or in order to inform you about the delivery of that description of the deposit (it turned out that one example was left over, it turned out to be the example).

Like Bachimo, the positions of the courts should be obligated to act, like it is necessary to vikonate over the good faith of the counterparty, to quarrel. Truth, sometimes judge the troch to dissemble.

So, they say that the tax inspection did not bring the validity of the due date of the tax payer - navpaki, for the hour of the last favors, they were requested notarized copies of the necessary documents. In case of whom, judge blatantly, what is in the sphere of tributary waters presumption of summation, that law enforcement agency cannot interpret the "summary payers of taxes" as additional bonds, which they put on taxpayers of taxes that are not passed by legislation (decree of the FAS MO dated 31 September 2011, No. KA-A40 / 17302-10 in reference No. A4 -187, received the FAS MO dated December 16, 2010 No. КА-А40/15535-10-P on the right No. А40-960/09-126-4, received the FAS MO dated December 22, 2009 No. КА-А40/6386 -09 at right No. А40-67706/08-127-308).

Such a summary of summation was approved by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 16 July 2003. No. 329-O, on the yak, tax payers are often asked to pay taxes when their positions are rounded up. Zokrema, the Court has spoken, that the payer of taxes cannot be relied upon for the activities of all organizations, to take part in the rich stage process of paying that redemption of taxes to the budget.

At one time, judges often point out the need to ask the counterparty for the necessary documents, blatantly, what can be done for the payer of taxes nature of obov'azku(FAS PZ dated April 14, 2010, reference No. A57-7689/2009;

In some cases, the court's respect may be imposed on other details - for example, laid down in the contract for the "trial" delivery of goods small party for reconsideration of the counterparty (decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated December 16, 2010 No. КА-А40/15535-10-P in reference No. А40-960/09-126-4), fact of registration of the counterparty for a decade of days Please, please (FAS UO dated 28 leaf fall 2012, No. F09-11410/12, reference No. A60-7356/2012) just fine. Tax authorities can also refer to those that the counterparty organization can "mass cherіvnikіv and zasnovnikіv", and this fact may alert the payer of taxes (FAS MO on 3 leaf fall 2011, No. F05-11505/11, reference No. A41-23181/2010).

At the end it is significant that the presence only one sign of dishonesty the counterparty, as a rule, is not allowed to pass for the exoneration of the tax paid by the taxpayer in the non-primed tax. Prote їhnya sukupnіst often zmushuє podtkovі іnspektsії alert, and the judge - to praise the decision not to the merit of the payer of taxes.

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