How can you understand what the energetic vampire is in charge of?

About home economics


It is impossible for a person to sleep without marriage;

Unfortunately, people close to us are not only friendly and good-natured, but they are even less accepting of unsafe peculiarities.

  • Those who love to contribute to the work and coordination of the team are often called energy vampires.
  • People of this type perceive great satisfaction when they suffer or experience a lot.
  • How to recognize an energetic vampire and protect yourself and your loved ones from this negative influx?
  • How do energy aggressors “work”?

People often realize that the marriage of singing people is plagued by Raptian weakness, they are wary of a loss of strength, they know the need to deal with the right things and the problems of nutrition.

It is not turned off, which is the result of fusing with an energetic vampire, which absorbs the bioenergy of more weak and sensitive natures.

In order for the process of extinguishing moral forces to be neglected, the need for special minds is necessary, the “victim” may be taken out of jealousy, perhaps embarrassed, embarrassed and crooked.

Whom the aggressor reaches.

Even though an energetic man is considered to be his “donor”, ​​he is always faced with problems related to important issues that do not allow him to concentrate on proper nutrition.

Whenever you want to get ready for sleep or an important conversation, turn on booming music, walk from room to room, slamming doors, constantly coughing or vibrating other monotonies, dribbling and sounds.

However, after a lot of respect, you will not calm down, but rather strengthen your actions, realizing that you are reaching your goal.

Some people love to savor all the tragedies and misfortunes that happen to others.

They are pleased to show the latest chronicles of history, news about disasters and the plots of horror films.

Filthy dreams connected with the theme of death are the subject of their love!

When the vampires are deeply worried and bored with this other drive, they will take away the fresh malt, and at that moment their energy storehouse will be replenished with new resources.

How to steal the image of an energetic vampire?


Return your respect to relish and likeness

  • It’s great that an energetic vampire can be identified by his names, manner of spitting and culinary similarities!
  • It is important that such people are fond of malt and hot drinks (tea, kava, cocoa) that sparkle, just like cold drinks and hot herbs are their favorite sweets.
  • In the extremity of such people, they do not get used to their creatures and indoor growing.

For example, the day of the “suspected” people falls on June 6, 1985.

The date is recorded in the form of numbers: 06 07 1985. The date of occurrence is the sum of all numbers: 0+6+0+7+1+9+8+5=36.

36 is the base number, the components of which need to be added up again: 3+6 = 9. If the sum of the base number's components exceeds 11, the result indicators are again added up until one digit is removed, which is the number.

  • The number 9 in a particular application is the main number, an indicator of the level of energy given to people across the nation.
  • Now the result needs to be analyzed according to the following rules:
  • Since the main number is less than five, this means that people have the capacity for energetic vampirism, since the power of the biofield can reach the weak and require constant survival.

The main number, which is older than five, six or seven, characterizes its ruler as a person with a normal level of bioenergetics.

Such people rarely become vampires, and then only for reasons of power, and not for natural needs.

Those whose main number is equal to 8 or 9 are respected by voluntary donors: they radiate supermundane energy, sharing it with those who are absent.

Knowing the birth date of your close friends and relatives, you can figure out how to deal with such people in advance.

  1. If a close relative is a vampire.
  2. Unfortunately, people who are obsessed with other people's emotions can meet among their closest relatives.
  3. Of course, you can recognize an aggressor not only by external signs, but also by behavior: as there are often scandals and fights in the booth;

a friend torments one another with jealousy and unreasonable suspicions, extorts respect for herself and does not give anything away - in all these situations, energetic vampirism can occur.

Since there are a lot of “payments”, you don’t want to assume that your loved ones and friends will require a “dose” of energy every day.

It’s not uncommon for instances when in such families there is a lack of harmony and understanding, since a lot of adaptability is needed to get to the vampire’s call - at work, on the street, in public transport.

Additional capacities

Numerical monitoring of people's behavior makes it possible to recognize the signs of energy vampires not only by their date of birth or the color of their eyes.

In addition to all the overinsurance methods, there are additional signs that can be used to identify a potentially unsafe person.

It’s great that the vampires themselves sometimes see themselves unaware of this.

The favorite “hobby” of such people is to take part in any kind of mass gatherings (demonstrations, political rallies, great gatherings).

They can often be found at a long distance from a doctor or a shopping center - there, where the greatest risk of scandal is found.

Those who like to feed on other people’s emotions often end up in a bad mood, but the next day, having taken a portion of someone else’s energy, they become cheerful, cheerful and active.

Trying to bring anyone from the deserted to clean water, the smut should not rush and start hasty developments. Those that for some are a characteristic sign of vampirism, for others may be a simple feature of behavior.

How to get carried away.

Be aware of this peculiarity of the disease.

Put a clear barrier between you or, if possible, keep it to a minimum.

If it doesn’t flow out of the water, then somehow, if not firmly, push down the flow of pessimism: “I’m chanting that this won’t happen to me.”

“Just because there was a recent revelation in you, it does not mean at all that this will happen to everyone else.”

Stinks angrily roast

Trying to bring anyone from the deserted to clean water, the smut should not rush and start hasty developments. How am I looking?

Miraculously, this beautiful “ryatuvalne kolo” around your waist won’t let you drown!

Lyudina started to fire, but sounded like an image.“To understand what happened and how to react.

Such heat beats the soil from under your feet,” explains Olena Lavrova.

If it is directly said: “You are fat!”, You can directly interpret it.

And so the people started fires.

Explain to someone what this is covered - you will become boring, as if you do not understand humor.

Trying to bring anyone from the deserted to clean water, the smut should not rush and start hasty developments. Axis and exit: you have been humiliated and are not given the right to steal.

Lyudina started to fire, but sounded like an image. How to get carried away.

Appeal to your feelings: you always rely on what you feel cannot be discredited.

Please don’t fry so much anymore, because you’ll be covered.

I speck.

Trying to bring anyone from the deserted to clean water, the smut should not rush and start hasty developments. To put people in the right place.

Lyudina started to fire, but sounded like an image. Or at those, in order to focus on the money, and I’m angry, as if I’ve already touched my heart.

Say: “I don’t like to discuss things.”

If you don’t want to hang out with people, you can fire: “This is my great secret.”

And in order to stop the flow of other people’s secrets, it would be better to say this: “Listen, I don’t want to get involved in your special life, I think you’ll understand better than me.”

Abo: “Vibach, I don’t like giving for the sake of it.”

They will know your evidence and almost

You’ll share your experiences, but you’ll hear from your partner: “Oh, what a naughty girl!” It’s entirely possible that the person wanted so much encouragement, only the axis will be lost, spitting in the soul.

All the discord. We have a different outlook, special habits and way of living.

Before that, we have a wealth of energy. The nature of human connections and contacts lies within it.

Were you thinking about those with whom you are friends with the same people, but the other one is completely unacceptable to you, even though she is ugly in character and even attractive in appearance... The whole point is that people flock together with one another because of the crazy energy aphids. All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians.

You can determine your type using additional numerology..

Number: 4. Its representatives can be neutrals, or they can transform into energy vampires.

Voni, like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

On the basis of these types, mutual relations between people are established. It’s not surprising that if the union of a donor and a vampire could appear even further away for both, since, of course, the donor’s energy sources are not the same for both.

16.07.2013 14:42

And if the donor himself suffers from energetic devastation and lack of emotions, then any contact with a vampire brings him more negativity.

Neutrals and white magicians are even a distant alliance.

There will be calm and stable relationships between them in the future.

Black and white magicians are a balance.

We've sorted out the terms.

People are energy vampires, what are their signs?

Now the process itself is no less important.

At the same time, I began to understand how to recognize such a “vampire” from my ex.

Energy vampires can be mentally divided into two subspecies (read in the voice of Mikoli Drozdov).

We call them mentally “an energetic vampire of a black profession” and “an energetic vampire of a casual profession.”

Another manifestation of energetic vampirism is the craving for emotional conflicts and the “death of cramps” literally on the spot.

Such people never look for reasons for dissatisfaction.

Those who know this are true in some unimportant speeches that other people have no respect for.

Far away, the stench is overwhelming and with relish, reaching the situation of those who cannot turn away.

Either by unleashing your wrath on them, or by performing a theatrical performance, saying: “Look!

There is blatant injustice here!”

It is understood that the “victims of anger” and “passive spectators” at this moment become “energetic hedgehogs”.

When you shift responsibility for your own responsibility to others and end up in the state of insecurity.

This is due to frustration, dissatisfaction, anger and fear of calling others out.

And it’s possible for a woman to “cry into her vest” and frown on someone’s shoulder.

Having “ennobled” him in front of him, we trifle with the farbs and confess about our wickedness.

That's not all.

Thus, a person in the state of insecurity can fall into the role of a “donor.”

And there is a great truth - every “victim” is his “tyrant”.

People are energetic vampires, signs and ways of protecting themselves.

People's lives are those that they have to believe.

It is so holy and crazy to sing from the one who often, densely in his life, walks shoulder-to-shoulder with him, who only and die of his death “grip” and “look at.”

What a dangerous and terrible world.

What you need to be prepared for in the future is what reality itself projects.

She is protected by the one who sings from the inevitable attack.

And there is only one way to get off the stage of this very important, and undoubtedly great, theatrical production - to find awareness and responsibility for your life and everything in no one knows.

It is practically impossible to “bite” such a person, bite him or “look at” him.

Even though he values ​​his tabletops, he simply can’t allow anyone to gently and innocently try possible tests.

It often happens that such people no longer run with “vampires”, and live with them in parallel realities, without changing.

If you are still on the road until you feel like this, then you, in addition to wasted work, are above your energetic surface.

Don’t give your mother a couple of effective ways of interacting with people who will behave destructively with you in one or another situation.

I learn a lot in my courses, how to lose yourself on the outside and not succumb to someone else’s influx.

Watch the video and practice the practices right away.

This passive hearing gives an additional effect.

First of all, you don’t understand what’s said. By dwelling on other positive ideas, you do not allow the “vampire” to connect to you. Otherwise, when you wonder at the reception, you begin to calm the “vampire” with your positive aura.

You feel, as a healer, that part of your specialness that is in tune with calm and relaxation.

This method works for live casting, as well as for telephone casting.

The effect is however good.

Well, as you see, the skin of the people itself is violating, plundering it from the group called “

energetic vampirism

"The will is not clear, but it is obvious that awareness gives the right to choice. Instruct the choice to remove the mask and step from the stage to the stalls. To safely observe with interest those who are already looking h.

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This is the greatest thing from you.

This is a sign to be wary - the person is constantly trying to stare into your eyes, lightly pushing against your body, trying to get involved with you for the next time.

Recognizing a sneaky vampire is not particularly difficult; your instructions will be to minimize all possible contacts with such a feature.

If this is not possible, maintain a distance from your companion during the growing process.

Vampire manipulator

This type of vampire is richly more complex than before.

Besides this, when dealing with manipulators, people tend to begin to feel unimportant among them: it is difficult to such a peculiarity, even manipulators are actively interested in your lives and like to discuss your problems .

In this case, there will soon be enough recommendations for you.

If you remember one important thing, you don’t want to dedicate your problem to anyone.

If you work, your energy is wasted on simply discussing the problem instead of its highest priority, which is absolutely pointless.

Finally, if you still don’t have sufficient psychological resilience, you should always be amazed at those who provoked Rosmov’s problems with your problems, thereby earning your protégé.

And don’t forget that when you discuss your problems, you only think that it’s easier for you, but in reality, with your strong will, you are donating your energy to your partner.

  • after sleeping with a vampire, you will feel drowsiness and irritability - like a squeezed lemon;
  • Vampires adore super-chicks, beasts, scandals: in such a manner of stench they splash out their aggression on those who are away, which significantly brightens their mood;
  • Also, energetic villains are characterized by unceasing greed for life, complaining about their lot - the vampire requires quick attention and chooses plenty of time.
  • For your sake, he misses a sound and does not report every effort he makes to improve his life;
  • Defined as a type of energy vampires, it is necessary to see drink lovers and “masoviki-vitivniks”, who need to gain the respect of those who are absent from the center.

Of course, not all people who fit this description are vampires, but they are more respectful of being surprised at their extremity, especially those who react negatively to such features;

  • Vampires often hold onto money without rushing to give it away.
  • Effective methods to stop yourself from being a vampire
  • It is necessary to try to maintain maximum peace of mind without stress.
  • For the sake of all the world, don’t start a super-game with vampires - that’s the only way you can save yourself from internal disharmony;
  • You can’t be amazed at people you don’t like in front of you, even though your eyes themselves act as the strongest channel for the exchange of energy.
  • accumulate the strength for the special officer to help the donor trees, through which birch, oak and pine stand.
  • It is necessary to stand by them for several decades, to touch or embrace, as if from the tree a flow of vital force begins to come to you, which will protect you from any kind of vampire;
  • If possible, try not to conflict with energy vampires, not to provoke them in any way.
  • If the super river is victorious, for example, in large towns, it is better to turn around and sing, rather than waste your valuable living energy;
  • An effective way to combat vampirism is to set up a protective “barrier”.

For this reason, if you are dealing with a vampire, visualize how a solid wall is growing between you;

Many esotericists call laughter a good protector against energetic vampirism.

  1. If the energy pump tries to take energy from you, just notice him, who is drunk in a cramped position (for example, sitting on the toilet).
  2. In this way you will relax and all your attacks will appear to be pointless;
  3. When they are trying to get you to feel the emotions, they will laugh sweetly, acknowledge their good fortune with great respect, and tell you that the smell seems unfair to you.
  4. Be careful, so that the vampire does not chain you, and as only the vin of wisdom that you are deprived of inviolable - believe, immediately lose any interest in you and start looking for a new victim.
  5. Wear silver jewelry - this metal has the power to absorb negative energy flows, as well as clear thoughts.
  6. It is also effective to place objects that you want to purify the water in, as well as to place arsenals.
  7. They wanted to “revitalize” the water and give it healing, antibacterial and drying powers.
  8. It is obvious that the people themselves provoke an energy loss for the sake of the one who wins the special respect of those who are absent.

For whom it is enough for the mother to show her kindness, behave well - and that’s all, you have already fallen for the trick.

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