Classification of grub additives e. The most unsafe grub additives.


These additives, which cheaply help to provide the product with a beautiful modern appearance and color, brightening taste and increase the term of preservation.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the names of chemical substances that were used for this purpose were written on packages as a whole, but they became too plentiful and there was no place on the label, so Europeans in 1953 recommended replacing the names additives by one letter (index E - from Europe) with numeric codes .

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).

List (table) of cheap grub additives;


List (table) of cheap grub additives;

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).

List (table) of cheap grub additives;

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the names of chemical substances that were used for this purpose were written on packages as a whole, but they became too plentiful and there was no place on the label, so Europeans in 1953 recommended replacing the names additives by one letter (index E - from Europe) with numeric codes .

List (table) of cheap grub additives;

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).

List (table) of cheap grub additives;


List (table) of cheap grub additives;

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).

fenced in

List (table) of cheap grub additives;


fenced in

List (table) of cheap grub additives;


List (table) of cheap grub additives;

fenced in

List (table) of cheap grub additives;

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).



This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).


This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).


This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).

suspicious (?)

you can wikilicate cancer

suspicious (?)



suspicious (?)




not good for the skin

fenced in


not good for the skin

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).


not good for the skin



not good for the skin

very careless, fences


not good for the skin


not good for the skin

fenced in


not good for the skin


May cause cancer

not good for the skin


May cause cancer

not good for the skin


not good for the skin

List (table) of cheap grub additives;

very careless

List (table) of cheap grub additives;

breaks arterial pressure

List (table) of cheap grub additives;



List (table) of cheap grub additives;

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).


not good for the skin

This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).


fenced in


This scheme divides food additives into groups behind their authorities (the first digit of the code indicates the category).

intestinal raster


intestinal raster, breaks arterial pressure

fenced in


List (table) of cheap grub additives;

unkind for the skin - visip


You can contact cancer, Kamyano-Nirkovu sickness


May cause cancer.

An important function of the preservative is the sodium salt of benzoic acid - it prevents juices from fermenting and does not allow bacteria to multiply.

The food additive - sodium benzoate (E 211) is found in carbonated drinks and chips, meat and ketchup.

Drinking grub supplements for an extended period of time can cause changes in metabolism and provoke the development of cancer. Kharchovy additive – aspartame (E 951). A food additive - aspartame (E 951) adds malt and flavor, which allows it to be substituted for sugar in diabetic products.

In addition, aspartame is added to

chewing gums

, drinks, canned food, seasonings and so on.

In the remaining few rocks in the United States, work over the fence E 951, fragments of wine can cause migraines, sagging skin and decreased brain function.

Kharchova additive – monosodium glutamate (E 621).

Kharchovy additive - sodium glutamate (E 621) adds savory taste and flavor to the meat (it is added in bouillon cubes and spices to enhance the taste).

If you exceed the norm (put a bunch of bags in your pocket), you can eliminate the problem.

In the United States, people are soon experiencing hundreds of thousands of such destruction.

FAO list of grub additives.

The International Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) under the UN has developed a classification of food additives under the Codex Alimentarius system (Codex Alimentarius is a compilation of international food standards). * E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E153 - barnberries. Switched on to the warehouse of licorice carbonated drinks, ice packs, colored frost.

* E407, E447, E450 - with stabilizers and feeders.

Includes jams, jams, milk, thickening agents, and chocolate syrup.

Sometimes they become the cause of liver and liver illnesses.

* E461-466 - with stabilizers and feeders.

Includes jams, jams, milk, thickening agents, and chocolate syrup.

Sometimes they become the cause of illness in the scolio-intestinal tract.

* E924a, E924b - with fire extinguishers.

The gas tank is turned on to the warehouse.

Sometimes they cause harmful swelling.

Food additives E, beneficial for the skin:

E151, E160, E231, E232, E239, E951, E1105.

Cancer-killing food additives:

E131, E142, E153, E210, E211, E212, E213, E214, E215, E216, E219, E230, E240, E249, E252, E280, E281, E282, E283, E3.

Vinyatkovo's unsafe food additives:

E123, E510, E513, E527.

Food additives that cause disorder of the vulva:

E338, E339, E340, E341, E450, E451, E452, E453, E454, E461, E462, E463, E465, E466.

Food supplements for arterial tension:

E154, E250, E251.

Kharchovy additives that you need to drink:

E310, E311, E312, E907.

Food supplements that cause intestinal problems:

E154, E343, E626, E627, E628, E629, E630, E631, E632, E633, E634, E635.

Food additives that evil puffers cry out for:

E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E152, E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447.

Kharchovy supplements that call for sickness of ShKT: E221-226, E320-322, E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466. Food additives that contain dangerous allergens:

E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-131.

Kharchovy additives that cause ailments of the liver and nirok: E171-173, E320-322. the product, with the addition of flavorings, has a “savory” smell.

Thanks to the participation of stabilizers, the consistency of the product will be uniform, and preservatives will continue to apply to any product for a long time.

Vinahide of new additives

New food additives are being developed quickly in the laboratories of scientific technologists, and there are currently thousands of names.

Unfortunately, many of them are the cheapest E-additives, but the problem does not appear immediately, and this information should not be shared with the general population.

Some facts are shamelessly misinterpreted by advertisers, noting the presence of various additives in the product is not their main concern.

Mentally inexpensive supplements

  • Of course, supplements with code E are always discounted.
  • For example, fresh food soda has code E500, lemon acid – code E330, pectin, natural porridge – code E440.
  • These supplements are still poorly tested, and it is not possible to categorically state their harmful or harmful effects on the body;
  • Others are extremely unsafe for the health, development and life of a person - and this is not a fact.
  • Moreover, some bad additives have a bad effect on the body on their own, while others create new toxic effects with amino acids.
  • Some food additives are transformed slowly under the influence of various factors, for example, heat.
  • See the additives

All food additives are divided into groups:

Barvniki provide color to the product (type E100 to E199);

Preservatives – regulate the term of preservation, preserve the quality of products (from E200 to E299);

Antioxidants - enhance the oxidation process (from E300 to E399);

Stabilizers – give texture and shape to products (from E400 to E499);Emulsifiers - impart uniformity to any mix of products (from E500 to E599); Increasing the taste and aroma - here everything is clear from the name (from E600 to E699); Anti-flamings – protect the approved flame (from E900 to E999).
Starting from E1000, there are various food additives with an enzyme base, and other indices such as E700 to E899 are used for coding other technological information about products.So, let's figure out how these harmful additives affect our body and what consequences they have for their regular use.
Table of discount additivesSelect the table tab and check with the store's product warehouse.
E106It has a negative impact on the environment and provokes allergies.
E107Allergic visip
E110Skin dermatitis, rhinitis, problems with the vulva, loss of appetite
E120Hanging on skinny slopes
E121Cancer disease
E122Strong allergen
E123The river is fenced off.
This includes disruption of intrauterine development of the fetus, severe allergies in older children, cancerE124
Hyperactivity, allergies, asthma attacks and asthmaE125
Damage to the work of the organs of the ventral emptyE126
Provokes the creation of evil fluffE127

It triggers asthma, disrupts the functioning of internal secretions and other organs, and can cause infertility.

Dry mucous membranes, causing dermatitisE211
The additive is most commonly used as sodium benzoate.Create a strong carcinogenic influx, destroying the structure of DNA molecules, causing liver cirrhosis.
E212The development of sarcoma of internal organs is revealed
E213Oncological illnesses, poison attacks, skin viscera
E216Strong carcinogen
E217Headache, hyperactivity, cancerous swellings
E220The mucous membranes of the nose and mouth are irritated, coughing, and the absorption of certain vitamins is excessive.
E221Allergies, disorder, poisoning, stress to the body
E222Disorder of the colon and intestines, allergies
E226Negatively affects the scolio-intestinal tract, causing allergies and asthma
E231It provokes the development of sickness in the skin, it calls out the destruction of the hedgehog, it attacks the judge and the heart, it can call out someone.
E232Destruction of mucous membranes, rapid contraction of ulcers E233 Change the color of the skin, strong
headache, boredom and vomiting, intestinal upset, lack of energy
E235Heaviness in the mouth, tediousness, perhaps vomiting
E236This includes gastroenteritis, liver cirrhosis and nitric deficiency.
Worsens vision and may cause blindnessE239
Oncological illnessE240
Severe allergies, bad and good fluffE241
Destroys poisoning, causes diarrheaE249
In large bones - the strongest weed, a carcinogen, disrupts the process of cell metabolism.Another name is potassium nitrite.
E250Very toxic, carcinogen
E251The additive is mostly used as sodium nitrate.
Absolutely harmless, except that it reacts with amino acids and may be a carcinogenE252
A potential carcinogen causes pyelonephritis.E266


E309Leave until the additions are added.
The cause of infertility is the depletion of red blood cells and leukocytes, resulting in obesity and damage to the functioning of almost all internal organs.E310
Allergic visip, tediousness, put up until you pukeE311
Allergy, virazkova schlukaE313
This additive is blocked.It causes dystrophy of the brain, inhibits the development and growth of the body, and affects the liver.
E320Fluffy-like creations in the body are awakening
E321Allergic skin rash, damage to the organs of the herbal system, hyperactivity syndrome in children E323 Zagalne
negative influxyou're welcome
E324The speech is very toxic, causing cancerous illnesses
E338Another name is orthophosphoric acid.
“Removes” calcium from the body and thereby destroys the bones of the brushes, which is one of the causes of cariesE339
Negatively affects etchingE340
Disturbance of intestinal metabolism, diarrheaE341

Another name is calcium orthophosphate.

Eliminates boredom and strengthens the vomit reflexE352
Destroys the robot's scutum and intestinesStabilizers
E405Provokes allergic reactions, causes diarrhea, suppresses growth hormone
E407Scutulo-intestinal discord arises
E410An alternative name is gum.
In great numbers, it destroys the work and attacks the liver.E412
Another name is guarana.There are various anomalies in the body, which manifest themselves both internally and externally
E420For this encryption code, subsolodjuvach sorbitol, editable vyklikat schluk disorder and diarrhea
E421The body feels sick
E422The most common name is glycerin.
As a stabilizer, it is relished to apply cookies to great harmE430
The massacre of new creations in textilesE450
Accumulation of such elements as phosphorus and calcium in the skin causes osteoporosis.E452
Diarrhea and fever are the causeE459
And genetically modified speech, which already becomes potentially unsafe for healthE461

Diseases of organs that take the same fate as poisoned


Diarrhea, bowel pain, intestinal crampsE463
Intestinal disorderThis includes gastroenteritis, liver cirrhosis and nitric deficiency.
E465Negatively indicated on the work of the scolio-intestinal tract
Infuse the taste and aromaAntiflamings and other additives
E906I'm losing strength, I'm getting healthy E924 E926
Vitamin E is lost in the bodyE950
New, still insufficiently trained podsolodzhuvach.Viklika is ringing.
Mozhlivo is a carcinogenE951
An alternative name is aspartame.Another name is xylitol.
The cry for the creation of stones at the nirkahE1101
Eliminate skin symptoms and other manifestations of allergies.E1442

Under this code there are encrypted modifications of starch, which negatively affects the undergrowth.

The best products

  • Now, if you have read the table of cheap supplements and the negative consequences of their use, you will understand that scholax disorder and allergies are not the only problems that cheap E-supplements can lead to. And now let’s look at the list of products that contain the greatest amount of them.
  • Chewable gum. It contains about 12 different useful additives: malt extractors, barberries and emulsifiers, among which many cause duct disorder and potential allergens.
  • Licorice desserts. Behind the bright packaging are dubious crusty products, the main ingredient of which is cheap grub additives in the amount of about 15 items!
  • It is important to make sure that desserts are carefully preserved, as they contain, in addition to “primary” sugar substitutes, barberries and emulsifiers, other preservatives. Liquorous carbonated drinks.
  • The warehouse of the beloved gas baths does not contain anything other than water and a whole set of wasteful grub additives, including, among others, dangerous carcinogens.
  • Cowbass songs.

The production of such appetizing-looking sausages, wieners and cowbass contains vikory and preservatives, and barnberries (the main ingredient is a delicious rye color), and flavor enhancers, and emulsifiers.

There can be up to 10 such additives in cowbass, the most dangerous of which is sodium nitrate: overdose may be important.

  • The yoghurts sold in stores are not at all as brown as advertised.
  • Avoid vegetables and fruits that are unnaturally shiny and smell like nothing.
  • Perhaps, singly, they were saved and transported for a long time, for the best safety they were stocked with warehouses to avenge unkind speeches.
  • Choose seasonal vegetables and fruits, “ours”, not imported ones.

Let the stench not be so perfect in form, but don’t overwhelm you with extra grub.

If you want, look at the list of cheap grub additives, remember at least the most dangerous ones, so that later, when you read the product packaging, you will eliminate the presence of these substances in your body.

Give preference to herbs.

In fact, mayonnaise can be prepared at home, rather than purchased in stores.

By following these complicated rules, you can end up with a lot of things that are unsafe for your health.

Just wait: it’s easier to get ahead of illnesses than to treat them sooner.

Among the lack of natural E-additives, it is not only synthetic substances that are noticeable, but also substances that are common in nature.

All of them have different functions. Some of them are unsafe and unsafe. It is impossible to live in the 21st century without them.

As of 2017, the total number of middle-class people from the earthly culture was over 7 billion.

And less than 10 hundred thousand are borrowed from today

rural dominion

and processing industries.

  1. Advances are possible due to the possibility of transporting and preserving products, and leading to a decrease in their product quality.
  2. The food industry copes with these tasks with a great variety of food additives.
  3. Please note that their stagnation is not necessary and justified.
  4. E-additives are often used as a way to take advantage of competitors, reducing the taste of power and the modern appearance of the product.
  5. Often these words have a negative impact on the human body.
  6. Some of them are not harmful, others may have contraindications, and others are not safe for health.
  7. Actions are taken to protect.

Let's figure out which supplements we don't need.

For this purpose, let’s take a look at the overflow of cheap grub additives. E. At the end of the statistics, there is a table of cheap grub additives. Classification of E-additives For their purposes, all food additives are divided into the following categories:

Antioxidants - enhance the oxidation process (from E300 to E399);




kick extinguishers;

add to the taste; emulsifier;.


E110 Vikoristannya yellow FCF (Sunset Yellow FCF), which is also called the “sunset sunset”, is fenced.

These wines contain both orange-yellow S and Orange Yellow S. The effect on the body is similar to E107

E120 This product contains Cochineal, Carminic Acid, and Carmines. It is important to understand that the mosquitoes serve as sirov..

I don’t think it’s surprising that the stench smells like allergies. E-121 Under citrus red 2 (Citrus Red 2) there is a dangerous river that is blocked in most countries..

When yogo vzhivanni high rizik viniknenya oncological illnesses.

E122 What can you say about Azorubine or Carmoisine? Like E121, they are protected in the regions due to the high level of life and economical development..

Vykoristannya of these components to bring up to herbal illnesses and allergic manifestations.

E123 Amaranth. Not to be confused with barkweed, which is one of the products of naphtha distillation. Maybe mother allergic effect.

E150c Cucumber III (Ammonia Caramel). At the hour of its development, vicoristic technology is being developed..

The thoughts of the fakhivts differ at the level of profitability of this speech. Some respect that it is not harmful, others respect that it is not safe for organs scilicointestinal tract E151 Its name sounds very attractive - black brilliant, and in English it is even more beautiful - Black Brilliant BN. Black PN is included here.

Regardless of the situation, this “diamant” evokes allergies and may be the cause

E131 Patent Blue V. This love may be the reason.

evil fluff At the hour of its development, vicoristic technology is being developed..

It triggers asthma, disrupts the functioning of internal secretions and other organs, and can cause infertility.

E173 Aluminum.

Regardless of the careless name, the use of this additive should lead to

Use preservatives to increase the risk of preserving products.

They reliably protect products from fungi and microbes that kill them. The stench does not have such a strong stench on the human body, since its action is often neutralized by shlank juice. But we need a larger dose of fewer microbes.

They are designated by symbols E200 to E299.

Let's look at the following types of preservatives: E200 This code indicates Sorbic Acid. This speech is given to destroy not only pathogenic organisms, but also vitamin B12.

The supplement helps with allergies.

E213 Calcium Benzoate. You can receive this speech until the sign appears oncological illness , and also lead to allergies. E-215 This additive is of a spiritual nature, which has a trustworthy name: sodium salt of para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester (Sodium Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate). This will especially predict the effect of E213..

E221 Sodium Sulphite. The additive has a negative effect on.

organi herbal tract and is an allergen. E222 The name sodium hydrosulfite (Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite) appears as a common grub additive, but its effect on the human body is practically the same. This love may be the reason.

E230 These categories include biphenyl and diphenyl.

This component grub products Building Wiklicati evil fluff, rozvitok allergies and skin diseases.

E231 Orthophenyl Phenol. Vin also smells like wine allergic reactions and skin diseases

Kharchovo supplement E202 Infused with potassium sorbate (Potassium Sorbate) may cause allergies.

E 202 naturally appears to be in pea juice.

Wine can be found in cowbass, mayonnaise, sauces, cheeses, wine, yoghurts and many other products. E 202 is particularly useful in the conservation of vegetables, as it prevents the development of fungi and other pathogenic bacteria., When using this component, it is important to ensure proper dosage and not allow its displacement, especially in case of vaginosis..

E 220 Sulfur Dioxide.


The additive is designed to reduce bacteria and fungi on the surface of the product, maintaining its properties and preserving an attractive appearance.

E 220 is used in cabbage and canned food, as well as in dried fruits and drinks. Be sure to carefully check the additives in dairy products and yoghurts. Designated by the E 250 index, the grub additive must be used widely, especially when smoked. It is called sodium nitrite (Sodium Nitrite). When it is installed, the great risik.

oncological complications allergies and skin ailments.

Another name is calcium orthophosphate.

The food additive E211, also called sodium benzoate, is widely used in the food industry, although it can cause cancer and cause allergies.

They are also called oxidizers. Judging by the name, the stench overcomes the oxidative processes of grub products..

Designated as E300-E399. We will describe the main cheap grub additives E that are included in this group. E321 Butylated Hydroxytoluene.

Indicated by index E 451, the grub additive can be 5-substituted sodium triphosphate (Pentasodium Triphosphate) or potassium (Pentapotassium Triphosphate). This allows calcium to be absorbed. Not recommended

If you use E 451 for children, the stench fragments may develop intolerance.

The stench becomes nervous and drastic. E 450 Under this index there are seven grub additives E, called pyrophosphates..

Be careful so that E 450 is not consumed in your children's diet.

The stench is hidden in the viniknennya and the rozvitka sickness of the Shkt.

These supplements are strictly contraindicated due to excess phosphorus in the body. E 450 does not allow calcium to be absorbed by the plant. E 452 This group includes several food additives under the name polyphosphates. Vzhivannya Є 452 promotes the rise of guilt.

illness of herbal organs Emulgatory.

Diseases of organs that take the same fate as poisoned

Їх stands for E500-E599.

The principle is similar to stabilizers. The stench helps the product maintain its structure..

What is important is the large number of additives in this group, which may lead to mineral storage and cost, but they also become more complicated and become unsafe. E513 Sulfuric Acid is an extremely dangerous substance. Vaughn represents

trouble for the stove


E-924b Calcium bromate. (Calcium Bromate)..

You can easily get drunk when drinking.

You risk taking away Vikorist's supplement E323 cancer E925 This index indicates chlorine. Fakhіvtsi are pleased to uniquely absorb the products, de vin to take place. E951 Aspartame..

Cucru substitute. There is widespread demand for the replacement of sugar in products for diabetics. Take place in rich drinks, chewing gum, and seasonings.

In the end, it was revealed

speeches on the brain.

Stabilizers – give texture and shape to products (from E400 to E499); Until next time side effects Until next time appear migraine and sagging skin E957 Thaumatin. Until next time
Starting from E1000, there are various food additives with an enzyme base, and other indices such as E700 to E899 are used for coding other technological information about products. Replaces tsukor. The additive is restricted in many countries. Negatively affects hormonal levels to the body. migraine and sagging skin It can be mixed with dried fruits, frozen fruits, and chewing gum. Until next time
Table of discount additives Table of food additives that are unhealthy for health Dry mucous membranes, causing dermatitis Negatively affects hormonal levels Let's take together the most common food additives in food products and a significant level of danger for people. migraine and sagging skin About Until next time
E201 Replaces tsukor. The additive is most commonly used as sodium benzoate. Negatively affects hormonal levels This additive is blocked. E 310 OS E 501
E110 Until next time Z Negatively affects hormonal levels E320 E 310 E210 E 501
Before Replaces tsukor. E 311 Negatively affects hormonal levels E 502 P E312 E 501
E120 Until next time E 503 Negatively affects hormonal levels E324 E105 X Until next time
E121 Replaces tsukor. E 510 Negatively affects hormonal levels “Removes” calcium from the body and thereby destroys the bones of the brushes, which is one of the causes of caries E105 CHO E105
E122 Table of food additives that are unhealthy for health E 213 Negatively affects hormonal levels Negatively affects etching E105 E 513 E105
E123 E111 E 214 Until next time E330 E105 K, LCD E105
This includes disruption of intrauterine development of the fetus, severe allergies in older children, cancer Until next time E 527 Until next time E 215 Until next time LCD E105
Hyperactivity, allergies, asthma attacks and asthma Replaces tsukor. E 620 Until next time E 216 Until next time E 626 E105
Damage to the work of the organs of the ventral empty Replaces tsukor. E219 Until next time E 627 Until next time CHO, W E105
Provokes the creation of evil fluff Until next time E 220 Until next time E343 Until next time E 628 E105
E 222 Until next time E400 Negatively affects hormonal levels E 629 Until next time E223 E105
E 401 Replaces tsukor. E231 E 630 E224 Until next time E 402 E105
E 631 E228 E232 E 630 E 403 E105 E 632 E105
E129 Table of food additives that are unhealthy for health E236 Until next time E230 E105 E 404 E105
E 633 E228 Worsens vision and may cause blindness E 630 E130 E105 OK E 501
E 405 Table of food additives that are unhealthy for health Oncological illness E 634 E131 E105 R migraine and sagging skin
E 450 E 630 E 635 Until next time E141 E105 E 451 E 630
E 636 Replaces tsukor. E142 Negatively affects hormonal levels E 452 E105 E 637 Replaces tsukor.
E150 E228 IN E 453 E 907 E105 E151 Negatively affects hormonal levels
E242 E 454 E 951 E 453 E 152 E105 E 249 E 630
E 461 Until next time E 952 Negatively affects hormonal levels E 153 E105
E 250 E 630 AT Until next time E 462 E105
E 954 Table of food additives that are unhealthy for health E154 Negatively affects hormonal levels K, AT E 634
E 251 Table of food additives that are unhealthy for health E 464 Negatively affects hormonal levels
E 1105 Until next time E155 Negatively affects hormonal levels
E 252 Negatively affects hormonal levels

E 465

  • E160
  • E270
  • E 466
  • E171
  • E280
  • E 477
  • E173
  • E281
  • E180
  • E282


Table of grub additives with the following values:

OK – not safe for the skin;

Z – fenced;

This can lead to unsafe speeches that were not specifically intended for anyone.

An example could be a situation similar to the famous “kinder surprise”.

We cannot have any spare components in our warehouse. It was also discovered that in new aromatic mineral oils (also called naphtha products), they may have carcinogenic properties. Shvidshe for everything, the stench was spent until the “kinder surprise” with any kind of possession or press-forms.

It turns out that this absolutely unnecessary speech, which is given to hedgehogs, is contraindicated for certain illnesses.

For example, especially kitchen salt, sodium chloride, which is widely used everywhere, should not be taken by hypertensive patients. Instead of this stench, use potassium chloride or other salt substitutes, which may also have contraindications, and others. The visnovok is forgiven.

Not all words and E-supplements are safe.

I am not a leather product, there is none, it is not cheap. There is no absolutely clean liquid. Use special grub additives to enhance the taste of food and enhance the savory taste of the product. It is important to know that not all additives are cheap. And among them there are perfectly safe copies.

But it is difficult to understand which supplement is safe, and which predicts a bomb of enhanced action.

Most people don't pay any respect to a product if they take it from the police at the supermarket.

And it’s not in the absence of turbos. The Russians just shouted that they were being kidnapped state services

checking the contents of food products.

Should the sale of only natural products be allowed in the future?

What is the situation in other countries?

Pay attention to the digital code of the supplement.

One here signifies the visibility of the product of barvniks.

Two – the presence of preservatives, which advance the term preservation of the product.

  • The three symbolizes the addition of oxidizing agents to the product, which will reduce its production.
  • If a product code begins with the number “six”, it indicates that the product is supplied with an emulsifier that supports its structure, and a code that begins with the number “six” indicates the presence of flavor additives in the product.
  • List of grub additives
  • We encourage you to read the list of additives, which divides them into groups, as follows:
  • E100 - E 199 - barnacles
  • E200 - E 299 - preservatives

E300 - E 399 - antioxidants E400 – E 59 - stabilizers and emulsifiers E600 – E 699 - enhance the taste and aroma

E900 – E 999 - defoggers and malt dehumidifiers

The International Health Association of Russia has identified a number of types of additives as the most harmful for people.

  • Tse the additives E 200, I turn on Sorbinov acid, yak, call for the frozen napіvfabrikati, e 100 - natural Barvniki, Vislini Rychinov, E 300 - Askorbіnova Acid, ShO є in Khlibi, Frrtovikh the same vegetable conservals.
  • In addition, do not harm the health of the supplements E 326 and E 440. E 326 is included in the warehouse
  • melted syrups
  • It is all lactic acid, and E440 is all natural grub fiber, which is usually extracted from beetroot and apples.
  • Inclusion from the rules
  • There are a number of grub additives allowed in Russia, which may be costly for some people outside the country.
  • For those who suffer from chronic illness, it is important to read the next paragraph.
  • Or better yet, rewrite the overload of additives that are unsafe for yourself.
  • E230, E231, E131, E160b, E132, E210, E311-313, E214, E232, E239 – cause allergic reactions.
  • E320-321 – negatively affects cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • E102, E110, E104, E122, E129, E124, E211 - these food supplements, according to British doctors, increase the restlessness of children, stop them from being impulsive, fiery, and increase children’s respect.
  • E220-E226 – cause the scolio-intestinal tract to become ill.

Discarded additives in Russia

We've sorted out all the permitted grub additives.

  • Now let's talk about those “E” additives that are officially banned in Russia.
  • E 121 – increases the risk of oncological illnesses
  • E 123;

E 124;

E 127;

E 128 - causes allergic reactions

E 240;

E 2216 – increases the risk of oncological illnesses, reduces the risk of cancer, increases the risk of cancer in many people.

  • In fact, the list of additives used in Russia is quite extensive:
  • E107, E103, E125, E128, E127, E140, E160d, E153-155, E160f, E173-175, E166, E180, E209, E213-219, E182, E225-222 E252, E264, E253, E281-283, 03 , E305, E302, E308-314, E318, E317, E323-325, E343-345, E328, E329, E349, E35533 E375, E365-368, E381, E387-390, E384, E399, E408, E403, E409, E419, E418, E429-436, E446, E441-444, E462, E464, 4 E482-489, E491-496, E512, E505, E565, E555 625, E629, E628, E632-635, E641, E640, E906, E913, E909-911, E922-926, E942-946, E959, E957, 1.
  • It is, of course, impossible to remember them.

And writing down and carrying with you to the store an overflow of additives is not only effective, but also entirely reasonable.

Discussions on the topic of how costly food additives are will not be heard for the next two decades.

Moreover, it is more important to ensure the safety of additives in the very producers of food products.

It dawned on me.

The use of additives allows companies to color the fruits of their products, increase the preservation period and significantly protect the fruits during the fermentation period.

Their reliability does not matter.

For the largest international companies, it is easier to pay fines, but it is less difficult to pay supplements from production, the remainder of their stagnation is more economical.

Are environmentally friendly products a relic of the past?

  1. We all wanted to eat yoghurts with an unnaturally bright color and save the milk overnight without worrying about it going to waste.
  2. Adje is unnatural.
  3. Dairy products may be slightly sour, and fruit additives do not provide intense flavor and aroma. All this is due to the development of the chemical industry. And environmentally friendly food products are becoming more common these days.
  4. The main term for the product’s attribution also refers to the availability of preservatives in stock.
  5. Since it is written on the package that kefir can be stored in the refrigerator for a whole month, think about it: why did the milk go bad in the fermented milk product warehouse?

Try not to buy manufactured drinks.

As a rule, such products contain a large number of stabilizers and preservatives. Be healthy! The most important rule of life in the 21st century is not to know the list of cheap grub additives and not to be careful with purchases, but to stay healthy.

A person who has a positive attitude will always know a way out of whatever situation she is in.

Today we prepare domestic hedgehog for our homeland.

Buy a garden plot and growing vegetables yourself.

Or learn how to ferment kefir, add syrup and sour cream.

  • If you allow the presence of grub additives in your diet, then only dietary supplements are considered to be dietary supplements.
  • The options may be endless.
  • One pouch - you will lose your health and
  • happy person
  • Just whatever you want.
  • Discussion 17
  • Similar materials
  • The production of grub products and cross-border trade will require the systematization of ingredients that are used during the preparation process.

In order to enhance the use of grub additives from neutral and brown ones, it is necessary to take into account their power.

  • Kharchovy additives are classified by the authorities:
  • e100-182 add for preparing sumisha;
  • E200-299 is vicorized to preserve the freshness of the product;

e300-399 - antioxidants;

e400-499 - emulsifier;

e500-599 - to adjust acidity;

e600-699 taste the smell;

Table-catalog of grub additives that are most often used

Even table E is very large.

The list includes thousands of names of speeches.

Therefore, a description of the most extensive speeches in the food industry was made. Corrisna grub additives Name of additive in "e" list Description
Vikoristannya Pouring into the human body e100 The food supplement is produced from turmeric and other plants of the ginger family.
Curcumin is used for the preparation of vegetable and animal products. It is used in various dietary supplements. Researchers indicate that curcumin has no effect on people. At low concentrations it causes the death of cancer cells without a negative impact on healthy tissue.
e129 Barvnik is prepared from rock coal resin. Gives the products a red color. Studies on rainbow trout have shown that E129 stagnation reduces the risk of shell cancer by 40%.
e296 Malonic acid malic acid. Leave the synthetic layer during the reaction of tartaric acid. E296 is used to enhance the taste.
Occurs in zucchini and other confectionery products, during the preparation of which special flavors are added. E296 is not harmful to the body. Malic acid improves the tone of the body. e306 Sumish of tocopherols. Synthesized from rose syrup.
The antioxidant prevents the oxidation of certain substances, for example, vitamin A. It is found in desserts, meat pies, and dairy products. E306 binds free radicals in the body, preventing them from interacting with cell tissues. As a result, the risk of oncological illness changes and immunity improves. e401
Sodium salt of alginic acid. E401 is used as a stabilizer and thickener in sauces, jellies, jams and other mixtures. Warehouses maintain uniformity and viscosity. Chi not recorded

Very inexpensive and neutral grub additives

There are a lot of words, like the food industry, but there is no clearly expressed negative effect.

Often selected are presented in the table of grub additives. Corrisna grub additives Name of additive in "e" list Description
Name of additive e 104 Synthetic barnberry yellow color. e 104 they supply drinks, ice boxes, groceries and other food products.
In a 2007 study in Britain, researchers found that ingested barnacles can cause hyperactivity in children. The later evidence base for 104 behavioral responses was found to be weak. e120 Carmin.
Prepared from cochenel beetles. In the grub industry, vikoryst is used for preparing red color. Zazvichiy with cowbass and sausages. No positive or negative reactions of the body to this speech were recorded.
e133 Barvnik, which is extracted from rock coal resin. Rechovina in combination with other flavors gives a green color to drinks, ice cream, and desserts. Supplementation E133 may cause an allergic reaction in people intolerant to aspirin.
e150a Cucumber duck. Emulsifier, released when the peel is heated and spread. Emulsifier and barvnik brown color.
Vikorist is used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages and desserts. E150 is completely safe for health. With excessive ingestion of products from it, disorder of the shkt is possible. e160
Carotene. Contain from carrots, corn, palm oil. Yellow-hot barnberry. Consider adding dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc.), mayonnaise, and bakery products. Rechovina does not have a harmful effect on the body in doses that are used for preparing food products.
At high concentrations, medicine stagnates in the treatment of diseases of the organs of the eye. e262 Sodium salt of otic acid. In some countries, the additive E321 was found to be carcinogenic, but no precise evidence was provided.
e331 Kharchov's additive comes out when interacting citric acid and sodium salts. The technical name is sodium quotes. Antioxidant from sour taste.
Add to drinks, marshmallows, soufflés and other products to enhance the autoxidation process. The chemical substance becomes a natural substance in the body of any person. Does not cause allergies or other negative reactions. e 341
calcium phosphate. Strain through the interaction of orthophosphoric acid and steamed milk. Stabilizer, acidity regulator, preparation fixative. Available from the manufacturer of bakery beers, drinks, dry snacks, powdered milk, etc.
The additive should not be added until the overflow of forests in Russia and the EU countries. There is no positive or negative impact on people. e470 Group of compounds: magnesium, calcium, ammonium salts of oleic, palmitic, myristic and stearic acids.
Stabilizer and emulsifier. Avoids lumpy and rotten matter. E470 is used in the production of powdered soups, sugar powder, etc. The E470 additive is not harmful to people. e471 The food additive is cured during the digestion of fats.
The mixture can replace cooked fats in mayonnaise, margarine, frozen milk, yogurt, etc. Speech is neutral. Behind the chemical warehouse, it is close to cooked fat, which is processed by the body without leaving a trace. e472 The code indicates a group of fatty acid esters. Emulsifier and snacker.
The additive is used in the preparation of chocolate, cowbass, sauces, baked goods, etc. There is no confirmed data about discounts or red power e472.
e474e Mixed ether with glycerin. E474e is set to plasticize the dough. Vikorist is preparing for preparation
bakery germs , in pasta production, etc. The addition is safe, allowed in rich countries of the world. e 475
e635 Sodium 5-ribonucleotide. Additive E635 enhances the taste and smell. Add to chips, crackers and other snacks.
The risk of additive E635 for humans is not installed. e1414 This is a guzzler that is removed from the grains of roslin, cibulin, sap, stem. Modified starch.
Additive e1414 vikorista is used when canning fish, baby food, yoghurts and other products as a thickener and consistency stabilizer. Rechovina E1414 is rarely absorbed by the body; a concentration unsafe for humans has not been established. Similar effects may also occur due to individual allergic reactions. e1442
Modified starch. An emulsifier that is used when preparing dairy products. Security RUR 1,442 not confirmed. e1450
Ether of starch and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid. Gives uniformity to the product. Add to drinks, syrups, sauces, etc. E1450 is processed by the body without leaving any traces.


Silicon dioxide.

Often selected are presented in the table of grub additives. Corrisna grub additives Name of additive in "e" list Description
It is used in powdered products and dry sumishes as a remedy against anger. Weekday.

Free food additives

Disadvantages of additives, the negative impact of which on people has been confirmed, are protected until they are eliminated. This table presents food additives, the negative effects of which have not been confirmed yet.
e250 Additive comes from Behind the warehouse there is sodium nitrite. Found in meat products.
The preservative is used to fix the color. In high doses, it causes a decrease in the tone of muscles, reduces the development of COPD and cancer. e466 Carboxymethyl cellulose.
Zguschuvac. Vikorist is used for the preparation of frozen drinks, syringes, desserts, jelly. A number of studies from E 466 indicate that speech increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, which can cause the development of swelling in animals. There are not enough accurate data available to people.
e492 Sorbitan tristearate. Coming from the products of the creature's journey. Stabilizer.e492 is added to milk, toppings, confectionery fillings, chewing gums, etc.

With an overdose of 25 mg per kg of body weight, growth may be inhibited and the liver may become enlarged.

Unfortunate food additives affect the body of only a few people in large quantities.

The results indicate an increase in the risk of chronic illness, and not an indication that such food additives can lead to acute illness. It’s impossible to know everything about E. People, since there is no contraindication for practicing singing speeches, there is no need to respectfully practice

chemical warehouse

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