Human breast piercing.

Golovna Quiet house Nipple piercing is not at all innovative.

Piercing has been a fashionable phenomenon for almost a century now.

Over the course of dozens of years, various tribes have stood together for various ritual actions due to similar transformations of the body.

Ancient Rome presented Caesar's special guard for nipple piercing, which was also fashionable and served as a symbol of courage, bravery and valor of warriors.

During the reign of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, piercings were used to enhance shapes

women's breasts and was especially popular among wives of secular society. The procedure does not become complicated; it is associated with singing rhizics. The process of nipple piercing Before piercing the nipples, bring them to the wake-up station at a lower temperature, and rub off the markings of the future passage of the head on the surface.

Then the lower body is pierced.

It is very important to avoid the oncoming pain - the puncture channel does not have to be displaced. A lot of problems will arise in the morning. The whole point is in the individual characteristics of the breasts: extremely small or retracted nipples cause folding when pierced, otherwise it makes it impossible to carry out such a procedure. And the axis with large nipples does not have the usual folds, and the correct piercing of the nipple does not allow the accessory to be displaced. Re-introducing piercings


Before piercing is contraindicated, the following should be noted:

  • serious pathologies of internal organs;
  • blood disease;
  • illness of the skin;
  • the period of acute illness in the chronic form;
  • blood diabetes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • allergic reaction to metals.

Nipple piercing: an overview

Recently, piercing is nothing more than an emergency wound in the nipple, which is something to be feared and is likely to infect for the sake of young minds.

Close supervision is necessary during this period of piercing detection.

Nipple piercing in girls takes several months to regenerate, but maximum care is carried out in the first few years before the canal is formed.

The puncture site is washed with a dose of antiseptic 2 times a day, after bathing and walking along the street.

It is recommended to carry out compressions with an antiseptic solution for five days after the procedure.

With this method, it is necessary to stick a cotton pad to the medical plastic and wet it with a cut. This disc is glued right down to the nipple. The compress should be replaced at intervals of 3 times a day and continued to be worn and removed before the bathing procedure.

  • If you do not need to wear the whole bean, you must apply the disc generously for 15 minutes and all night.
  • Before checking the puncture, apply antiseptic drugs (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, etc.) or ointments based on antibiotics.
  • When the nipple is completely sealed, the procedure of washing with antiseptic solution must be carried out 2 times a month.
  • Emovirnye complication and their subtraction
  • The most characteristic symptom of an infected nipple becomes sickly, including liver and itching, visible with a yellowish-green tinge.
  • In case of a nipple puncture, it is necessary to apply not only an antiseptic solution (for example, “Chlorhexidine”), but also an antibiotic ointment, following the appropriate instructions for the drug.

Sometimes there is more guilt

After carrying out such a procedure as piercing the nipples (the photo is presented above), different visions may appear.

This sign indicates the presence of an infectious agent before the puncture site.

If there is any pain at the time of seeing the punctures, there is no need to feel embarrassed, you just need to continue the treatment with either Chlorhexidine or some other antiseptic.

The pain has suddenly appeared, and since the treatment does not give the desired results, the embellishment should be removed before the canal is completely closed.

There is no need to compromise your health. Women (girls) are obliged to pay special respect before the nipple is pierced and then keep an eye on it. The procedure was carried out unclearly and irregular procedures could lead to problems for the future breastfeeding child. How can I give you such a process as nipple piercing?

Vіdguki vlasnikіv piercing in this case, steal super-chlivі. The main idea is that piercing can help a child with flat nipples when they are one year old. Also, piercing can cause a lot of trouble for women during their breastfeeding period, so you should remove the accessory several months before the start of your breastfeeding period to seal the canal. For the purpose of piercing the massacre, all young people who have had their nipples pierced are indicated on a clear change in the state hundred-year-olds. Nipples, which are already a sensitive part of our body (girls are especially concerned), after puncturing just melt away epicenter nasolod. Mozhlivy here horizontal, vertical.

or else

diagonal puncture

, until it is inserted

Nipple piercing can lead to significant changes in the fabric to create a puncture.

If there is little development in the tissue of the nipple or areola, most of the changes that have occurred will be saved after further embellishment. In other cases, the only “long-lasting” results from the piercing may be two puncture points. It’s not time to remove the embellishment from the nipple under the influx of mitta.

A lot of clients turned around with punctures, but then closed to renew them.

It’s much easier to save a puncture, put a new one on top of the old one or re-insert the embellishment.

Almost all the nipples of mature people, which are cramped and flat, can be pierced, or they can be pulled out and squeezed together.

Regardless of what type of piercing you want - horizontal, vertical or something else - it will work best if you place it in the natural fold between the nipple and areola.

Horizontal piercings will look better if they external parties after many months of stability.

If your piercing takes a long time to prepare, try different embellishments and continue until you decide what suits you.
Before attempting such experiments, please consult an experienced piercer. -

To find the best option, you need a little patience, but try anything before you give up. If you watched the procedure and scrubbed every hour until the puncture was ready, save the piercing - and still fight for it.

Characteristics of nipple piercing

Puncture specificity You can apply piercing embellishment in any direction vertically, and you can also apply embellishments like this: carnations, earrings.

Sickness - -

“8” also

sickly corner

throughout the first year, but in the future, especially for girls, it is entirely true to itself.

The hour of the hunt

from two to six months.

Composed -

At first, a lot of people come from the job to create one hole, then some of the clients turn for the other.

It often happens that you are immediately offended by punctures.

2. If you want to get by with just one nipple, think again

Maria Tesh appreciates that the choice between the right and the left has no special merits, but it also has to do with the way of life.

For example, if you play the guitar or wear crossbody bags on your side, pierce your nipple so that it doesn’t stick to the belt.

3. The risk of infection is higher, lower with pierced ears

Joshua Zuckerman talks about the dangers of multiplying bacteria called epidermidis and living in mammary glands.

Sterility is even more important.

4. Piercings can make nipples less sensitive

If you want to work hard for gate changes, the process can damage your nerves, plus there are individual characteristics.

8. Piercing can affect the milk ducts

Fortunately, problems with breast benefits After nipple piercing, add rare.

9. Large embellishments can stretch the nipple

It’s not a good idea to splurge on big and especially important rings and barbells.

10. Nipples can be pierced or inverted

Everything is left in place depending on how much they can be pulled out.

It’s great that a barbell inserted into such a nipple prevents the nipple from retracting back.

11. If you pierce your baby, you will need nipple plastic surgery

Most of the time, the hole closes on its own, but there is a scar in the middle, and marks on the sides. The operation takes approximately 15 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. Nipple piercing

External method


In addition, such piercing can be useful during sex.

    Nipple piercing often makes the nipples more sensitive and may cause them to become larger. First pierce your nipples, find a reliable salon.

    • Then contact the mayor and sign up for a puncture.
    • If your nipples are pierced, regularly clean the piercing area and inspect the piercing.
  1. Crocs Select salon

    • Consult the mayster

    Make an appointment with the master to clarify what you need. In the meantime, you can discuss the upcoming procedure with the mayor.

    Explain to the master what kind of piercing you need. Ask your food what you have.

    • It's cheaper to pierce two nipples, then pierce one at a time.

    Make an appointment with the master to clarify what you need. Ask the master if you can save your money if you pierce two nipples at once.

    The nipple can be pierced several times, but it is important to allow the area to heal after the skin piercing. Allow the puncture to heal for 3-6 months, otherwise you can continue until the end.

    Select a barbell or ring for puncture. For nipple piercing, use straight jewelry (barbells) or rings.

    • Rings are more popular, the “barbell” is easier to grab and easier to seal.

Talk to the master about embellishments and choose those that suit you.

Choose a vertical or horizontal puncture.

  1. Horizontal punctures are popular; the nipple can also be pierced vertically. Decide which puncture you give priority to, and tell the master about your choice.

    • If you don't know what you need, talk to the master or read the photos of nipple piercing.
  2. Get a puncture Clean the puncture area

    • Wash your loved one's hands with warm water.
  3. Hands can collect microbes and bacteria, which can cause infections. Wet your hands with warm water, then lather them with soft, unflavored milk.

    • Stretch your hands for 30 seconds, and then release the kick.
  4. Dry your hands with a dry towel. Check to make sure the towel is clean and dry.

    • If the towel becomes rough, microbes can be transferred to your hands again.
  5. Remove the bandage 4-5 years after the puncture. Carefully remove the bandage.

    • Try not to cover the skin or embellish it.
  6. Perhaps you will feel more about the time of removing the bandage. After the first procedure, you will need to clean the piercing site daily with a mild antibacterial soap.

    • Apply a nice, odorless one to the puncture just before you take a shower and carefully wash it.
  7. Immediately wipe the puncture with a clean towel; splinters on the towels can accumulate bacteria. It is important not to allow the puncture to come into contact with bacteria while it is cooking.

    • Take salt baths 1-2 times a day to speed up the healing of the wound.
    • Mix a quarter tablespoon (1.5 g) of non-iodized salt into 50 ml of warm distilled water. Pour the drink into a cup and seal your nipple.
    • Rub the nipple with water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with clean water and blot with a clean paper towel.

You can repeat the procedure two days before the puncture.

  1. Don't vikorize table salt that contains iodine.

    • Iodine can heal the wound and enhance the healing process.
    • For this purpose, you can use a physiological solution, which is sold in a pharmacy.
  2. Look at the piercing Cover the piercing at night so as not to injure the nipple.

    • Put on a bandage for the night.
    • Cover the piercing with sterile gauze and fix it with surgical tape or sleep in a sports bra.
    • In addition, wear a T-shirt or pajamas so as not to suffer from a piercing for your bed whiteness.
    • You can buy sterile gauze and plasters at the pharmacy.
  3. Remove the bandage from the satchel, any fragments will come into contact with the wind. It is important to avoid supermundane contact with the piercing while you are preparing.

  4. physical desire However, the bandage must be removed immediately after completion of the work, and the puncture must be thoroughly rinsed.

    • Do not remove the embellishment until the wound is completely healed.
    • Know the signs of infection.
    • The infection will not go away if you take good care of the puncture.

    If your piercing catches fire, you will have to fight the infection. Signs of infection include pain, redness, blood and pus.

  5. If you have discovered these symptoms, contact the doctor. The doctor may use an antibiotic to treat the infection.

    • Do not pick up the embellishment; fragments of the puncture may overgrow.

Through this fire you can fight, the fragments from the puncture do not escape the vlog.

If the doctor recommends that you get the best beauty treatment, get it from a salon.

  • Do not take away the embellishment on your own.
  • In advance:
  • Sprinkle people (rizikovana, tsikava specialness);
  • Popularity with the current middle class.

If you wanted to decorate your nipples in this way, you know that it will hurt more. Immediately after the procedure, people can experience rapt formation.:

  1. External wounds can heal for up to 4 months.
  2. Not only women can get such a piercing, but there is a similar tendency among men.
  3. Only for weaker stats, this may be subject to greater penalties.
  4. There are a number of reasons why
  5. Robust puncture is not allowed
  6. Vaginism;
  7. Chemotherapy;
  8. Blood diabetes;


Gastritis; Vrodzheni vadi sertsya; Suffering from rheumatism;

Skin infections and others.

Nipple piercing: how to be afraid?

According to the first,

consult a doctor

So as not to jeopardize your health. Since there is no need for intense battle, you can proceed to the end of the world.:

  1. Another option would be to choose a salon with a professional master who conducts his work with due professionalism.
  2. We think it’s logical.
  3. Why should you compromise your health by wasting hours and pennies on an obscure job?
  4. Since all the previous recommendations of Wikonian, we go directly to the process.
  5. First, disinfect the instruments, remove the marks and line of the head piercing, select anesthesia and bring the nipples to awakening.
  6. The procedure must be completed in complete calm, so as not to displace the puncture channel.
  7. After this, you add beauty and that’s it – you are the owner of a fashionable upgrade to your body!
  8. It is necessary to understand that such gifts require special attention, which we will talk about later, but it is important to understand that the mind here is calm.
  9. Do not forget to call the doctor if your wound will not heal for a long time.

Self-medication may be ineffective and even costly.

You can remove the piercing if it doesn’t bother you (for example, a crooked piercing).

To pierce your nipples again, you need to wait 6 months. What can be done to pierce a nipple? The girls

milk ducts may be damaged , what to arrange for your baby's upcoming birthday. Some people may develop a serious cyst behind a piercing. The problem with sensitivity in the breasts is very real.