Cook in v_vsyané oven z | іz | borosh. How to prepare a stove in a vіvsyan without boroshn. Boroshna without additional

Vіvsyanka na snіdanok is a popular strain, yak is preparing vranci more families. Tim, to whom the zvichni plastіvtsі have come across, it is suggested to prepare the crispy oven. boar, vikoristovuyuchi on the choice of kіlka zaproponovanyh recipes. The vipіchka is ready to come out savory, fragrant, and the top one - brown for health.


  • 2 tbsp. wheat boroshn;
  • 1 st. vineyard boroshn;
  • 1 pack of butter;
  • 1 st. tsukru;
  • ½ tsp slaked soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. rodzinok;
  • ½ st. drive;
  • sil.


  1. Vershkov's oil was moved forward from the refrigerator, so that it warmed up to room temperature.
  2. While the oil is gaining the desired consistency, wash the dried fruits under running water, after which you can refine them with an additional blender.
  3. Mix the butter with the zukr, add in the sum of the details of the rodinka and a pinch of vanilla.
  4. Pour water into a saucepan and heat up to 70°C. Add a pinch of salt to the warmth of the homeland, stir the water until the crystals are clear.
  5. In the past, the bag was prepared from topsoil and zucru neatly insipted in the details of the vinaigrette.
  6. Pour the saline flavor into the mass and mix all the components.
  7. Add in a sum of wheat borosno and soda, bred z|іz| lemon juice. Mix the consistency with dots, dots do not give a homogeneous plastic texture.
  8. For the help of a rocking chair, spread the mass with a thin ball, after which you make small mugs from the dough. For whom you can victorious, be it form or a magnificent bottle.
  9. Decorate the stove to put it on a sheet, cover it with olive oil, and brew the bread with a stretch of 10 strands.

Without borosna ta tsukru

Tim, who cares about strict diets, but if you want to be in a miraculous form, it is recommended to cook a dietary oven without boar, zucru and that egg at the warehouse. Such a dessert will have a minimum of calories, which means that it will not appear on the string of your figure.

Otzhe, you need to know:

  • veins borosno - 300g;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • sonyashnikova oliya - 2 tbsp;
  • ½ tsp rozpushuvacha;
  • sil - 1 tsp;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • dried fruits, peas, vanillin - to taste.

Pokrokovy process of preparation:

  1. Strength to separate by warm water.
  2. At the deep mist, get well, honey and olive.
  3. Add salty roses and fluff to the sum, beat the ingredients until smooth. For bajannyam you can add detailed dried fruits, peas or candied fruit.
  4. Z finished dough form the mugs, put the drops on the sheet, cover with olive oil. Strava is brewed with a stretch of 10-12 strands at a temperature of 200°C.

On a note: to make the oven crispy, it is necessary to bake it in the oven for 5 minutes more.

Gotuemo with bananas

Everything you need, tse:

  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • vіvsyan borosno - 250 g;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • trimmed dried fruits for bazhann.


  1. Bananas will be mashed until I become mashed. Vsipte in otrimana masu borosno vіvsyan, add details of dried fruits. Thoroughly mix the ingredients.
  2. For the help of a spoon, lay small portions of the dough on a sheet, filling the free space between the cakes.
  3. The molds are molded to put on the oven. After 10-15 minutes, remove the finished dessert, decorate it with fresh mint and delight your loved ones with a freshly prepared chili.

Fitness-heating from the borow

Wheat porridge improves the functioning of the mucosal-intestinal tract and effectively removes toxins from the body. It doesn’t seem like a gift that the beauty of the old one will lie down in the internal organs.

On a note: in the world of fitness, it is important to remove the cilium complex of brown microelements, such as iodine, magnesium, calcium and cobalt, as well as in its warehouse large number vitamins group St.



  1. Pour the white plastics with kefir, leave the summish on the first day of the whilin, until the plastics swell.
  2. They gave to put the rodinki in okrip, and after 20 quills, add water and blot dried fruits with a paper servlet.
  3. Ready rodzinki add kefir to the sum.
  4. Formed in an oven, bake at a temperature of 170 ° C with a stretch of a year.

Even more savory is a chickpea with peas


  • 1 st. vineyard boroshn;
  • ½ st. wheat boroshn;
  • 3 art. l. bloody squeak;
  • 30 g honey;
  • ½ pack of olives;
  • 100 g of peas;
  • ½ tsp slaked soda;
  • a trifle of salt.


  1. Add honey to the pіdіrіtoї olії.
  2. I'm ready to mix it up with the rest of the ingredients. Zamisіt masu, what happened.
  3. Put a spoonful of dough on a sheet of parchment, forming circles with a diameter of no more than 4 cm.

On a note: at the process of baking, the crumbs can be scattered, so put them in a small place one at a time.

  1. Dessert is ready for 10-15 quills, after which I’m ready to serve the vipichka to the table at once with jam or jam.

Recipe for cooking on rose salt

The prudent gospodarok at the booth does not lose the product. It would have been possible, on the basis of rossol, to prepare a tasty song for baking without boar that egg? Seems like you can! Such a dessert will be before the hour of fasting, and also add to the diet of people, as if to increase the amount of calories.


  • rozsil - 1 tbsp.;
  • ½ st. sonyashnikova olії;
  • vіvsyan borosno - 2 tbsp.;
  • tsukor - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp slaked soda.


  1. Vіvsyan borosno pour rossol. Give the oil and fill in the sum for 10 khvilin.
  2. Give the mass that has come, mix with the rest of the components. As a result, you can have a thick plastic mass of a uniform texture.
  3. The molded oven is prepared at a temperature of 180°C with a stretch of 20 strands. Like only a vipіchka on the eve of a characteristic golden color, prepare a dish take it out of the oven and serve it to the table.

With cinnamon, ginger and honey


  • oliya - ½ pack;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • ginger and cinnamon - per teaspoon;
  • vіvsyan borosno - ½ tbsp.;
  • baking powder - 1 year.
  • water - 70 ml;
  • a drop of salt.


  1. Warm up the oil in a water bath with honey and spices.
  2. Sipte in butter summish flour | borosno |, add | add | baking powder and strength, after which pour all the ingredients with warm water. Zamіsiti tisto to the same I will become.
  3. Put a spoonful of small portions of dough on a sheet, covered with a special paper. Whisk 10-15 quills after being formed, sip in front of the oven with poppy seeds, sesame or trimmed with zucr.

We hope that our recipes will help you to create a simple culinary masterpiece in your home minds, which will please the household with a lower relish and a wonderful aroma. Savory!

It is easy to overestimate the barkness of the white oven: it has a lot of cells, it’s even more corny for bowel cleansing and at the same time it miraculously copes with the roll of the lower dessert before tea. Until then, the wine, like an okremic product, is even more dietary. To prepare such a bake, to finish the zrobiti yogo without adding more boroshna.

On the right, in the fact that in the most vivsyanci there is also power, in the primary wheat flour, but with it there is less calorie and does not appear in the result on the sides and in the abdomen. Therefore, you will become indispensable for those quiet lasuns, as they still talk about their figure. Tim is better, that is a wonderful recipe for a white oven, in a way that is not necessary!

Ingredients for a vegetative oven without a boar

  • 150 g of plastics;
  • 100 g of butter | oil |;
  • 100 g of chicken pisku;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp rozpushuvacha (zam_st rozpushuvacha can vicorate 1 tsp slaked soda);
  • 5 st. l. Sesame

The process of preparing a whole oven without a boar

  • Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі need to grind in a blender until I become a powder, so that later you can vicorate yogo zamіst borosna for cooking oven.
  • Vershkov's oil needed a long way out of the refrigerator, so that it began to become soft, so that later we could beat the yogo in a blender from the zucrum to a homogeneous mass.
  • In otrimana vershkovo-tsukrovu masa, you need to add an egg and beat them with a blender with a stretch of pivkhvilin.
  • At the masu, who has settled down, visipati borosly from visian plastics, add cinnamon, fluff - mix everything well.
  • The final touch at the preparation of the dough for the white oven is the addition of sesame seeds or soniashnikov, or peas (in front of them you can lightly brush them in a frying pan).
  • Now the dough needs okholone, that, having burnt yogo in food foil, or closed it with an airtight lid, put yogo in the refrigerator for the second time.
  • For dough, you can download small bags with a diameter of 3-4 cm and lay them out on a sheet covered with parchment paper in front, finishing with a distance of 4-5 cm between the bags.
  • Vip_kati vіvsyané kilns require a stretch of 20 strands at a normal temperature of 180°C.

Under the hour of simmering the oven, the trochs “spill”, turning into flat shortbreads. Having taken them out of the oven, it is necessary to give them a little bit of an hour, so that it becomes cold, after which you can boldly serve it to the table. To decorate the oven, you can also rub it with zukrovy powder and decorate it with fresh fruits.

It's wonderful to eat miraculously with milk or with some herbal tea.


Vіvsyané pivovo є traditіyskiy rosіyskim lasoschi, kokhanimi s vіs tsar's chasіv. The original taste of this oven does not fill anyone with food, it’s more than possible to replace the full meal with yourself, as if to supplement it with a bottle of milk.

Vіvsyan borosno vengeance of those speeches, scho and plastіvtsі, so it's hard to come out the same rich in vitamins, microelements and amino acids, like and porridge. And even though a store-bought dessert can still be summed up at your own cost, then cooked with your own hands, in a bakery without a boar, you will become a miraculous substitute for oatmeal.

Basic Recipe

Prepared without vikoristannya wheat boroshna in the oven, it comes out less caloric, lower and more nutritious. For new needs the simplest products.

Plastіvtsі need to grind in a blender or kavomoltsі and add vanilla, rozpushuvach, eggs, milk and olive oil to them. In a good way, I mix the masu step by step, sip tsukor and continue vimishuvati, to allow the plastics to swell more swollen. As a result, I’ll take off the mass, I’ll have to put a tablespoon on a sheet, spread Oliya. The stove is brewed for the first time at the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Migdalne oven from all plastics without boroshn

It is possible to grow up in the oven, having added to the new troch to the almond. Tsі lasoshchi do not require any additional seasonings and miraculously eat cocoa.


  • 150 gr. all plastics;
  • 100 UAH almond (unoiled);
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of zucru;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • fluff bag.

Cooking hour: 15 chills plus 35 chills for the brew.

Calorie content: about 300 kcal/100 gr.

Copchatka needs to be ground in a mill or a blender 100 gr. vinous plastics and 100 gr. to the eyelid - you can sprout it either at once, or we’ll keep it up and then we’ll wake up. Let's get them 50 UAH. unfinished plastics, zukor and rozpushuvach, then we beat the eggs, and everything is mixed up.

It is necessary to put in a mold for boiling with a teaspoon on a small vіdstanі one in one vipіkati 35 hvilin at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can add dried berries for the bajannyam at the same place.

Dietichne vіvsyané oven without zucru and boroshna

Vivsyanka is one of the main products in the diet of everyone who cares for their vag. Ale porridge can be added with the usual bezlichchyu possible additives to it - zreshtoy, sometimes you want to be crunchy baked. Cooked with grapes, it can become a good know-how, charging the necessary energy and reducing cravings to licorice.


  • 1 bottle of all plastics;
  • 150 gr. low-fat syrup;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat kefir and natural yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • a sachet of fluff;
  • a drop of salt.

Cooking hour: 30 chills plus 20 chills for the brew.

Calorie content: close to 200 kcal / 100 gr.

In this recipe, there is no need to refine plastics: it is necessary to fill them with kefir or yogurt and beat in eggs, after which you need to swell for 20 quills.

After that, sir and rare (or melting) honey are added to the mass, fluffing up that cinnamon.

On deco, it is necessary to add a teaspoon and vipkati oven 20 chills at 180 degrees at the oven.

Such baked bagat is not only for carbohydrates, but also for proteins.

Song in vіvsyané pechivo without boroshna that egg

Under the hour of fasting, one of the main problems is becoming a boil, because for her, as a rule, the need for dairy products is that egg. But you want to be half-hearted, and it’s not necessary to take care of yourself, for that it’s possible to cook korisne and savory pastry more than the simplest products are allowed under the hour of fasting.


  • 150 gr. all plastics;
  • 100 ml of rosemary;
  • 50 gr. rare honey;
  • 100 UAH rubanih hairy mountains;
  • a sachet of fluff;
  • a drop of salt.

Cooking hour: 20 chills plus 20 chills for the brew.

Calorie content: close to 330 kcal / 100 gr.

Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі need to add in blenders or kavomoltsі and mix them with peas, honey, olієyu, rozpushuvachem and sіllu. Kindly, I need to divide the mass into rolls with rosemary and hairy peas, lightly press them down and lay them out in a brewing mold, and put them in the oven for 20 quills at a medium temperature. At such a place for baking, you can add rodzinki and other dried fruits, fresh, cinnamon and other seasonings, grated carrots, bananas, apples or various dried berries.

So that the oven without a boroshno was rightly brown and savory, it is necessary to work yogo good mood that dotrimuyuchis singing rules. Irrespective of those who are ready to be more simply and more swiftly, to instill in this process its own nuances:

  1. For the preparation of the oven, there will be enough coarse boar boar, so that the plastics do not need to be trimmed to the saw. Tse it is possible to work on m'yasorubtsі;
  2. According to the possibility of the test of the wheat grass, it is possible to let it brew for a second year, so that the plastics can take in the water as much as possible and swell. So the heart will be lower;
  3. To prepare such an oven, ring the vicorist for the rise, and not the rise Vershkov oil or margarine, that needs a distance far behind. Tsіkavo, scho at the rotting camp the stink of the stench is ready to be baked hard;
  4. It is best to take all the plastics "Hercules", from which the maximum is saved brown speeches in povnyannі s more ekstrudovanymi options vіvsyanki, іnakshe zamіst korishnі і rich tіtkovy lassoshіv vyde empty dessert;
  5. How to replace the spicy zukor in the recipe with an outline, in the oven with a lower caramel prismak and a note, take the brew for refrigeration;
  6. Vіvsyané pečivo without boroshna can be chocolatey - it is enough to add to cocoa solids. Or you can replace yoga with “chocolate drops”, which are sold in stores.

Away from the vipіchki and the receiving tea!

Vіvsyané pivovo z vіvsyanikh plastіvtsіv – one of the highest-grossing lasoschiv. Ale, only cooked in the minds of the home, they will revenge the vitamins and microelements. The store products include at least cereals, then there is a large number of flavorings and pidsiluvachiv relish. To that varto please your family with homemade sausages, so that you can eat a combination of relish and sourness.

The basic recipe for viishov is as simple as possible and understandable. For a new one, you need to take a flaxseed pomelo (1.5 bottles) and the same amount of wheat boar, as well as: 180 g of margarine, 2 tablespoons eggs, 2 tsp. rozpushuvacha, 6 tbsp. tsukru.

  1. Razm'yaksheniy margarine is roztiraetsya іz tsukrovim squeak.
  2. They have an egg that is added to them. Mustache productively zmіshuyutsya.
  3. Until the fluffy dough, that roaring fluff sticks boroughly.
  4. Dishes with components are cured with heat and put in the refrigerator for about a year. It’s necessary to swell, so that the plasticists blew up. If you don’t see the recommendations for an hour, the dessert will be dry and dry.
  5. On a sheet, covered with oiled paper, thin round shortbreads of dough are placed. The easiest way is to shape them with wet hands.
  6. Vypіkaєtsya chastuvannya 15 hvilin at rosіrіtіy up to 180 degrees oven.

For an hour of baking, it can increase by about 2 times.

Recipe for quiet, who is on a diet

If you want to pamper yourself with some savory taste, such a recipe will help you grow. It is allowed to live in a state of readiness to inspire diabetics. Krim in vіvsyanikh plastіvtsіv (300 g), vicoristovuvatimetsya: 1 tbsp. low-fat yogurt or okrop, a bunch of dried fruits, 120 g of natural bjolin honey, cinnamon and vanilla zucru.

  1. Plastics are poured with warm kefir or sprinkles and are filled with swelling for about 45 strands.
  2. Selected dried fruits are poured over with dill after a deep soak. The stench is guilty to stand for an hour, the docks will not become soft.
  3. Dried fruits are added to the herculean mass, which have been infused.
  4. Lost to add honey, cinnamon and vanilla zukor.
  5. From the dough small sacks scurry, as if flattened near the round shortbread.
  6. Lasoschi are laid on parchment and prepared in good rosіrіtіy ovens 25 whilins until ruddy.

Ready to bake good pidide for a snack at the hour of diet. Especially, yakscho eat in the dietary oven with some kind of sour-milk drink.

Song of the stove from the spring plastics of Hercules

Frequently following such a recipe can be boldly kushtuvati and vegetarians. On yoga preparations are taken: 2.5 tbsp. vinous plastics, on tongs of crushed cloves and cinnamon, 1 tbsp. vine boroshn, ¾ tbsp. brown zucru, 70 ml refined olive oil, 2 tbsp. drive, a standard bag of rozpushuvacha.

  1. In dishes with metal, oil is easily heated with water. Then they break the brown zukor until it is completely broken. During the heating process, the products are constantly stirred with a spatula.
  2. Vіvsyane borosno podribnyuєtsya in kavomoltsі and add to other components.
  3. Add spices and fluff, beat the mass to uniformity.
  4. One oven is formed from two small spoons of dough.
  5. Lasoschi 30 khvilin are baked at 180 degrees.

When you're ready, you can sip rum'yanim in a frying pan with sesame seeds.

With additional dried fruits

Qi "American" sausages are easy to cook on your own. We will see and savory, and brown. There will be such products: a packet of topsoil, a teaspoon of rosemary, 280 g of dried plastics and the same amount of various dried fruits, 150 g of brown zucru and white borosna, a large egg.

  1. At the food processor, all components are mixed, cream eggs, olives and dried fruits.
  2. The chicken egg is mixed with dried fruits steamed in sprinkles (if necessary, you can add them), the oil is heated in a micro-furnace oven.
  3. Mustache components start up. Masa is obliged to be thick and thick.
  4. Home-made wine is baked in a hot oven for about 15 minutes.
  5. Lasoschi sip with tsukrovy powder, like only okholone.

With peas

Crimea walnut pea at the stove you can add peanuts, cashews, cedar peas, and be it for the bajans. Finish off a bottle of this supplement. To the warehouse, the recipe includes: a standard pack of butter, salt, 2 chicken eggs, 1 tbsp. tsukru, 3 tbsp. milk, 3 tbsp. plastіvtsіv vіvsyanki, 1 tsp fluffing.

  1. In one mist of rosemary, butter is churned with a squeaky squeak, and in another - eggs with warm milk that sill. The grievances are confused, and the process continues.
  2. Plastіvtsі podrіbnyuyutsya borosno, before them zapaєє raspushuvach.
  3. Peas are cut with a gostri knife.
  4. Boroshno those peas are added to the dough.
  5. After a retal vimishuvannya, you can drink bitterly.
  6. It is necessary to remember that during the brewing of the salmon, it is significant to increase in rosemary. Finish cooking yoga at the hot oven for 12 hvilin.

Just like a vipіchka pіdrumyanitsya, you can viimati and cool.

With a banana

This exotic fruit adds richness to the dessert.

Bananas are not guilty, but they are greatly overtaken.

Tsіkavo, scho to the warehouse does not include eggs, wheat or butter. Teas: 1 banana, 1 tsp. rozpushuvacha, 1.5 tbsp. of all plastics, 2 tbsp. whether there are some mountains and dried fruits.

  1. Plastіvtsі are remelted to the consistency of "coarse" flour.
  2. Banana is crushed with a fork. If wine is unreachable, you can puree the dough with a blender.
  3. Peas and dried fruits are chopped with a hot knife.
  4. All three parts of the test sing and feel good.
  5. It’s better to drink the wine in the kіntsі and in portions, so that you don’t grow the mass supernaturally dry.
  6. Let's stop the rozpushuvach.
  7. A small oven is formed with a spoon and laid on the additional oiling of the baking papyr. Prepare for 20-25 malt at the front of the oven.

Still hot you can sip in the oven with coconut flakes. The addition of bright colors looks especially original.

Boroshna without additional

The recipes for the oven, which are discussed, without boroshna zustrіchaetsya to finish the bagato. The simplest of them include non-greasing almonds (120 g), and, moreover, 90 g of pasta, a drop of salt, 2 eggs, 60 g of whole oatmeal, 4-5 tbsp. tsukru, trochs of fluff.

  1. Migdal z vіvsyanimi plastics are transformed into powder masa in any manual way.
  2. Here you can add whole hercules, strength, rozpushuvach, tsukor.
  3. Lost pour in the eggs, and beat the sums.
  4. With a spoon it is thinly laid on a sheet and 30-35 quills are baked when heated at 170 degrees.

Zrobity in vіvsyané pechenivo without boroshche privablichim zvnі dopomomozhe sіtka іz melted chocolate. It's true, it's important to add calories to the dessert.

Homemade ovens with rodzinkami

Dessert behind such a recipe may be a strong m'yakush and crunchy sour. Golovne, exactly repeat the steps of yoga preparation. Three products are required: 80 g each of brown zucru and top oil, 110 g of wheat borosh and less than other grain plastics, a large chicken egg, 70 g of rodzinok, a small spoonful of vanilla zucru and fluff.

  1. The egg is broken into a deep bowl, mixed with brown and vanilla zucr, as well as a rare olive. Vіnochkom sumіsh transforms into the same mass.
  2. Dali here virushaya borosno, prosіyane z raspushuvachem.
  3. Let's stop the steaming of the rodinka and the vіvsyanі plastіvtsі. Quietly beat with a spatula.
  4. Pechiva is laid with a winder of 3-4 divs from each other and a bake of 12-15 quills.

First, take a sample, it will be necessary to cool it again with a delicious taste. Robiti ce next not in the cold, but for the room temperature.

Licorice lassoshchi with vine plastics with honey

Few people love the vivsyanka, and the axis of the oven from the plastics is to be moved by the child that has grown up. Especially yakscho in yogo warehouse to enter natural bjoliny honey (80 g). The warehouse of components includes: an egg, 5 g of soda, 90 g of topsoil, zucru-piska, honey, 180 g of wheat boar, 130 g of low-fat sour cream and dried plastics.

  1. The oil is needed for a long distance from the refrigerator, so that the three things are warmed up. Dali the product with a fork to spread out of the bloody squeak.
  2. If you become homogeneous, sour cream, honey and an egg are added to it. During the hour, the products are beaten with a mixer.
  3. Lost visipati in the tisto millet with soda boroshko and trimmed in plastics.
  4. The blanks are placed on a sheet covered with parchment and baked 15 sheets in a hot oven.

It is necessary to take rare honey or lightly melt yogo in a water bath.

Chocolate vіvsyané pechivo without vipіchki

If you don’t want to bother with the oven for a long time and sip cookies, you can cook dessert without it. Vіyde completely fragrant and savory - with rich chocolate base. Three products of vikoristovuetsya: 130 g of wheatgrass, 60 g of butter and cocoa powder, 1/3 tsp. vanilla, 70 ml milk, 40 ml peanut oil, 1.5 tbsp. tsukru.

  1. The stewpan mixes tsukor, milk, cocoa and thick fat butter. Masa on medium heating is brought to a boil. It’s also important to keep posting.
  2. If the first bulbs fall on the surface of the sum, it is necessary to heat a couple more quills, after which you take them out of the fire.
  3. Now add peanut oil and vanilla.
  4. In the rest of the day, until the test, the plastics hang
  5. After a relativistic wintering, you can put a spoon on paper for a cup of small bags and put them in the cold to catch them.

Try lasoshchi varto not earlier, lower for 30-40 minutes.

Barrymore's famous phrase is "Oatmeal, sir!" the bula would have been spared a comical sensation, as if people did not appreciate the good, those riches were rich, as if we were showing a new pack of oatmeal on the skin.

It is important to know the same herbaceous roslin from the family of cereals, which is such a large number of brown tongues, like oats: vitamins groups A, E and B, folic acid, copper, manganese, salt, potassium, calcium and other enzymes necessary for healthy way life of the people. Numerical herbs (jelly, porridge, vypіchka, soup, pancakes and drink beer), prepared on the basis of cereals, can truly be the essence of power.

The most popular favorites of homemade salmon are without boar. Vono is a dietary product, allowed for babies and people of a frail age. Mayuchi low glycemic index, baked from all plastics without boroshno normalizes riveted sugar in the body. Take care of the heart ship's illness and lower blood cholesterol levels. For small children it is not appropriate for brushes and teeth to be sharpened. Cellular grains - prevention of risk of disorders of the herbal system. In addition, without borosna, that olії may have a faintly nі z chim, inconspicuous, the relish of that brightly appetizing aroma.

Prepare tsі lasoshchi one satisfied. Ridkіsne podednannya tsіni i akostі can't help but be quiet. Dodamo up to the simplicity of the recipe.

Note gentlemen:

  1. Oil zazdalegіd viklasti and zalishiti at room temperature.
  2. Quietly vimish the cob with a fork, sweat with your hands.
  3. For added elasticity, it is necessary to cool it down, curling it in front with a grub plіvkoy, so that it does not become weathered.
  4. In order to keep the cookies from sticking when sticky, we wet our hands with water.
  5. The oven is warmed up farther up to 180 degrees.
  6. The deco is covered with parchment paper or covered with olive oil.
  7. You can’t take the hour of sipping, the livers become zhorstky and dryly stale.


  • Tsukrovy pisok - 40 grams
  • Plastіvtsі vіvsyanі - 180 gr.
  • Oliya Vershkove - 100 gr.
  • Rozpushuvach - 1 tsp
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla zukor - 1 teaspoon
  • Strong pinch

Cooking method

On the back, in more detail, the plastics are in the dry crichta, for the help of the mill.

As an option, 100 g can be ground, and 80 g can be left out of cilimi.

In the okremіy єmnosti, we mix borosho with fluffy.

Okremo rozminaemo oliyu, dodaemo tsukor, vanilin and egg.

We bring it to a homogeneous mass.

Z'єdnuєmo in place of two єmnosti, relatively zamіshuєmo.

Adjustment of whilin by 40 y refrigerator or by 15 - y freezer. After the end of the hour, the mass is formed into small bags.

We put on a sheet and weep 15-20 quills.

Possible different modifications of the main recipe. For the presence of allergic reactions to protein, you can drink it in the furnace without boar that egg.

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