Psychoanalysis - what is it?


Suto zhіnoche

These days, there are no people who singly hear about Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).

He is an Austrian psychologist, neurologist and psychiatrist. He himself is the “father” of psychoanalysis, who influenced not only medicine, but also sociology, mysticism, and literature. The Austrian has made a great contribution to the understanding of the causal and hereditary links of the behavioral functions of specialness. Now it has become clearer that people think, I guess, to do things this way and not the other way. For some specialists, Freud's theory is a view of the understanding of human essence, for others it is a conjuncture that does not have any rational basis.

However, regardless of aggressively targeted opponents, the world knows it. That’s why there are so many people who want to get to know the work of the Austrian psychologist. But it is impossible to take a closer look at Freud’s work at the boundaries of statistics.

It should be said that in the life of an important Austrian, sex is of great importance.

This is Freud's understanding, including not the primitive evil of two bodies, but the whole world of human satisfactions, feelings and preferences.

As for stately life, it is often rich and beautiful in its effectiveness, which is formed by the fate of human life.

A child's hunger is not only due to the physiological need of the body, but also because of what the food is brought to her.

He begins to perceive love to those who lull him, nourish him, soar him, and give him physical joy.

The stench will be eaten by the spiritual hedgehog, if drinking with people brings the little ones satisfaction.

Around the world, mature children show that their organs are extremely sensitive.

This is already the next stage in the development of specialness.

Freud's theory describes the endless options for replacing baby fruits with more mature ones. We called such processes “adaptation mechanisms.” - They are based on the aspirations of a small child who have experienced transformation as a result of the song of life and age. This is where I emphasize that

human skin - great baby.

As soon as the fateful cravings are taken from him and the lushpinnya is born, then a charming baby will be born with his childish likes and desires.

Another main point of psychoanalysis

the presence of significant conflicts among people

One of the first and most popular is the theory of the Austrian psychiatrist.

At 1900 r. his book “The Dark Dream” appeared, in which he first published the most important provisions of his concept, supplemented in his subsequent books “The Psychopathology of Everyday Life” (1901), “I and Vono” (1923), "Totem and Taboo" (1913 ), “Psychology and analysis of the human “I” (1921). 11 Freud's views can be divided into three areas - this is the method of treating functional mental illnesses, the theory of specialness and the theory of matrimony, with which the rigor of the entire system is his look at the development and structure of the specialness of a person.

Founder of psychoanalysis, soon hung up on the Nobel Prize, but rejected it. Born in 1896

Sigmund Freud expelled from the Vidensky Medical Association - for asserting that the basis of mental disorders are problems related to sexuality. 3igmund Freud to himself (from pages to his name):“... Is it really true that I look handsome? Although it may seem so, it seems to me that there is something unexpected in me, perhaps even a miracle. » .

This, perhaps, is due to the fact that in my youth I was very serious, but in adulthood I was rather restless.

It was an hour when they said in me that it was only meticulousness and ambition. soon hung up on the Nobel Prize, but rejected it. I often look at those that nature, perhaps, was not very cool before me, giving the appearance of a genius.

« From that hour, long ago, I know what I'm not a genius , I myself don’t understand why I want to become him so much. Possibly, I’m not even talented. Due to the particularity of my personality, my character meant the importance of working.
Also, my successes can be explained by incomprehensible intelligence. Alas, I sing that such a conquest of power and viciousness is no better for a complete convergence to the truth He was an Egyptian, but he was not a Jew, and he was a prototype of the father who was killed by the tribes of Israel.

In connection with the docs of conscience, through this action, there was a greater need for deification and becoming the one god of Judaism. In Freud's words, this is the approach of unity.і Freud, who was 40 years old when psychoanalysis was “crooked,” spent another 43 years developing psychoanalysis, and then developing his metapsychology and its stagnation to the “human race.” Over the course of these fates, he received rich followers on his side, although at the same time it seemed to him that he was blessed.
The main advocates were

Alfred Adler Carl Jung who were inspired by the new one and created their own versions of this theory. However, during the rest of Freud’s life, psychoanalysis actually consumed the whole world, and Freud treated it with dogmatic jealousy. Freud lives in the Widen ghetto - Leopoldstadt - with four rocks, initially in poverty, and then in absolute bourgeois comfort.

In the rest of his life, he received few patients, devoting his time to literary work and the profession of psychoanalysts.

Over the course of the remaining fifteen years of life, I suffered from oral cancer; Infection of the larynx was not allowed to continue after low operations.і In 1938, shortly before Freud's death, the Nazis invaded Austria. They confiscated everything from my home, my school and my library. The most serious were those who took away his passport.

We will become aware

Hitler soon hung up on the Nobel Prize, but rejected it. near the ghetto.

Three goals of Sigmund Freud's achievements:

« Perche. After his work, it became clear that unrecognized structures create a special ontological layer of the psyche, a layer accessible to scientific analysis.

Here itself is an objective psychological reality for the designated greater sense. Friend. Having given your description of these structures, Z. Freud Having first been united, the picture of the psyche is internally mutually related, as Newton

awakening the picture of the physical world. Third.

Freud's picture of the psyche was completely new and unprecedented.

Mystery and literature described the “inner people”, “people within people” - they described their own human language. From that hour, long ago, I know what Science described the “machine in man” (the reflex machine, the associative machine, etc.) - it described it in a strict, logical and unreasonable machine language. Freud broke the walls between one and the other.

I tried to carefully, scientifically describe the “inner people”, to describe not the dead, but the “hot” psychological reality.

Infection of the larynx was not allowed to continue after low operations.

Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 near the town of Freibers of the Austro-Ugric Empire.

At the age of 22 he entered the medical faculty of the University of Wiedna, and in 1881 he graduated from the scientific level of doctor.

From 1885, Freud worked at the University of Widen: initially as a private assistant professor, and then as a professor of neuropathology.

Freud’s share of great importance in creativity was given to him by his work at the Parisian clinic “Salpêtrière”. 1896 The fate of the world turns to Day.

In the 90s of the 19th century, J. Breuer (an Austrian doctor and his friend) developed a special method of hypnotherapy, called the “cathartic” method of treating neuroses, and a method of mental cleansing. Since 1895, Freud began the systematic development of the theory of psychoanalysis.

After Austria was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1938, Freud emigrated to Great Britain. On June 23, 1939, Freud's life ended in London.

Today, a vase containing the ashes of Sigmund Freud and his friend Marty is at Golders Green Crematorium (London). Svidomo I”, unknown “Vono” ta “ ponad-ya”, Which includes self-control, spiritual and moral principles.

Freud affirmed that human behavior is based on the mentality and the middle, and the functioning of the psyche is based on two principles - on the principle of self-preservation and on the principle of contentment. The basic human impulses, - continued Freud, - as in the unknown, - Eros and Thanatos, - in the expression “Vono”; successfully suppressing impulses "Vono" by calling " sublimation” – mentally necessary for the development of civilization.

This theory is very similar to Freud’s work.” Totem and taboo. ”.

" And so, what are the totems and taboos of Freud?”.

“Everywhere there is a totem,” wrote Freud, “there is a law that members of one and the same totem are not guilty of joining one another at the same time, and therefore cannot become friends.

This is connected with the totem

Not only in life, but also in private life, Sigmund Freud noted that impulses play an important role in the psychological relationship of people.

Both normal and pathological human behavior is characterized by a conflict between unknown targets and their suppression by external officials.

If he had shown the unknown, Freud had taken into account what is with sexuality. Apparently, the child’s behavior shows primary sexuality. Sexuality is the quintessence axis of Freud’s entire psychoanalytic theory.

Like a dream, Freud created disguised images of oppressed people, and these images mask the arrival of people.

Practical implementation of psychoanalytic methods

3. Some critics view Freudianism as a lucid concept related to the spiritual crisis of the late 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century.

It seems that Freudianism has taken the development of spiritual values ​​to the extreme point, and then the spirit of ruin and non-existence continues to panic.

And this is partly correct.

Today, at Sunset, sexuality has been taken to the point of absurdity.

It is okay for kindergarten-age children to talk openly about their secret speech of a sexual nature; To begin with, it is generally not necessary for children of this age to know. Of course, Freud's theory can be discredited.

However, there is no doubt that psychoanalysis is the most important discovery of the twentieth century.

Psychoanalysis is a way to identify the experiences of people who are motivated by unknown motives using the method of treating mental illnesses. At the beginning of the last century, the Austrian scientist S. Freud was introduced and hypnosis was widely used.:

  • Internal conflict
  • The main feature of Freud's theory is that of psychoanalysis and those that people have
  • conflict

Between your internal unknown forces, such as libido, the food complex and the warlock, which dictates and imposes on you various laws and rules of behavior. These laws and norms of behavior, which are imposed by the external reality, suppress the energy of unfamiliar impulses and this energy develops in the form of neurotic symptoms, terrible dreams and other mental disorders Hike.

Behind Freud's theory of psychoanalysis the peculiarity consists of three components

nesvidome (Vono), him (I)

ponad him (ponad I). Nesvidom are sexual and aggressive instincts that prevent the satisfaction of their desires from the external reality.

In the process of a psychotherapeutic session, the negative transfer (transferring the perceived and perceived illness of one’s loved ones to the psychotherapist’s particularity) from the patient to the psychologist is replaced by a positive emotional state. Thus, the patient’s self-esteem grows and is expected to respond to the need for advice, to which the psychologist is obliged to ensure confidence in the patient in order to reduce his interference with the psychotherapy process..

During the life of S. Freud, hypnosis was widely used for the treatment of mental disorders, but after his father’s work, hypnosis more often began to be used practically

  • training, autogenic training and self-training
  • I'm that Wono
  • the role of verbal manifestation and perception among people

the role of the middle lanes during the transition from Vono to Ya the dominance of the unknown in people from the theory of psychoanalysis Pid

Svidomistyu Freud, in his theory of psychoanalysis, transferred the surface sphere of the peculiarities of people to the entire external world. You feel the sense that the calls are coming, and you also feel the sense that you are coming from the middle with information.

For the help of verbal manifestations, all of ours seem to become aware and appear at Svidomosti.

Verbal vistava - tse traces of the guesses in our memory, as they have lost all the benefits of any processes that were experienced in the past.

Any processes, in order to be aware of the peculiarities, must go through external knowledge and guesswork, which will then come into verbal forms and become mental processes. With the help of verbal and figurative language, massacres can be seen from the sphere of the unknown in front of knowledge, and then in the knowledge. This internal feeling is felt as if you are satisfied or dissatisfied, and the first thing you notice is that calls come.

They are perceived as contentment and do not react to action and are perceived as decreased energy, therefore

Particularity appears as unknown and unknown Vono, as the bestially buried I that emerges from the W system. I am only changed by the influx of the new light and for the additional knowledgeable absorption of part of Vono.

I try to replace with the external light and reality the principle of contentment that is in vain in the Vono sphere.

For the I, it is not characteristic to squirm, but for the sphere of Vono, it is to pull. The I is characterized by intelligence and thought, while the Vono sphere is characterized by passions. I, theoretically in psychoanalysis, imagine the place of communication between external and internal friends.

If you make an anatomical analogy, then I am like a little man in the brain, who is upside down, looking back and cerebral left cerebrum and urinary zone. We have chosen the main role of information and the importance that the game of predilections is important in the knowledge, and Freud affirms that it is important Intelligent robots can be provided

and don’t get to Svidomosti.

  • For example, at the end of a dream one sees the height of a folding task, which the people had previously struggled with to no avail.
  • It is noticeable that people may exhibit such peculiarities as conscience, self-criticism and perceived guilt.
  • appear unseen

which can lead to various types of mental illnesses. As a result, Freud based his theory of psychoanalysis on the idea that what is deepest and most unknown in the I, and what is highest in the I can be unknown..

Thus, demonstrating and speaking about the known I, Freud calls it the I-body and emphasizes its direct and invisible connection with the unknown. Two kinds of pulls stretches that promote specialness

sublimation of libido in the sphere of information go to the path of sublimation because libido, as Freud called it, is part of life and living a harmonious life.

Otherwise, accumulated in the muscles of the body, this energy accumulates its destructive force and is directed directly to the external world. Sublimation

- a dry psychological mechanism in which the energy of sexual desire and specialness is transformed into socially acceptable forms of activity (for example, creativity).

Mental and mental processes are also supported by the sublimation of erotic desire. The sublimation itself takes place under the control of the Self in the middle of specialness. In basic life and reality

There is no such thing as good or bad , then from the human point of view, death or disintegration of something is rotten. For example, if we take the whole world and in a new world there is a disintegration of the mirror, it is not bad, because from the components that disintegrated, other stars are created, as well as planets and various objects in the whole world.