Recipe for frozen cauliflower in a frying pan. Delicious garnish from cauliflower - cooking features, recipes and recipes. Cabbage in batter: recipes with photos. How to cook fresh and frozen vegetables?

Make sure you have enough food for your family tsiliy rik- The manager be-like a good lord. I play a special role in inclusion to the diet fresh vegetables. The only problem is that far from all stinks can be saved from the basements until the harvest of the attack, I give birth, like, for example, carrots, beetroots or potatoes. That korisnі speech at the laying of the foundation step by step ruined.

And how about with cauliflower, how do you allow the menu to be stylized? The succulence can be lived in at the second and lubricated look, that axis is only a short period of fruiting. When you know how to freeze cauliflower, then you can prepare savory garnishes, salads and vitamin vegetable soups.

Trochs of history

It is important that culture first appeared in Cyprus about three thousand years ago. Moreover, in a wild-looking way, such cabbage did not grow, but was pieced together by villagers-diggers. For a long time, vegetables lived in recipes for similar cuisine. In the Middle Ages, straw with cauliflower began to be prepared in the lands of Europe.

Singingly, an unimaginable and noble appearance succumbed to the respect of the nobles and royal family, oscars in the 18th century, for the reign of Catherine the Other, they began to be prepared in Russia. The problem seemed to be less in the fact that the vegetables had to be transported from warm lands, and the cost was not cheap. Without a doubt, about those, how to properly freeze the cauliflower, they didn’t guess at that hour. Natomist vcheni bred a new variety of culture, which miraculously took root in the climatic minds of Russia.

What to enter the warehouse?

Flower cabbage bears fruit from lime to yellow. At the same time, there is an active accumulation of vitamins and living things, such as protein and ascorbic acid, organic acids, carbohydrates and fats. Minerals include iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, cobalt and molybdenum. Vitamins of groups B, D, K, PP, H great number. It is also a rіdkіsny vіtаmin U, which rahunok can normalize the acidity of the slug.

As you know, how to freeze cauliflower, during processing, a maximum of brown speeches will be saved. Navite zvichne fermentation and pickling should not be allowed to take a product similar to that which comes out at low temperatures.

Colors of power of cauliflower

  • Improvement of the process of etching the vein of the cells of the light structure.
  • Removal of slags and toxins.
  • Effective living.
  • Polіshennya appetite and usunennya heaviness in the stomach.
  • Normalization of the vagina.
  • Zagoennya opikіv (sufficient detail of succulence and zmіshati from sirim white, after which the porridge is applied to the wound).
  • It is recommended to live with fresh cabbage in case of Virazkovy ailment.

Potsіkavtesya, how to freeze cauliflower, like in a booth, it’s impossible. The first complementary food is an important step in grafting a child to a grown-up baby. And the lower structure of the cabbage is ideal for making soufflé or savory vegetable soup is not.

Choose vegetables for freezing

Before that, how to freeze the cauliflower, to savage respect, which is only suitable for a thriving harvest, fresh and healthy cabbage.

The main factor for the selection is the green leaves, the growth of the base - the sign of the fact that the cabbage has recently been zirvana. Flowers can be monotonous, without blotches and patches. Dark plots on the surface of the leaves are an important reason for considering buying cauliflower.

You don't have to worry about color. Vіn buvaє bіlim, violet, orange and navit sіruvatim.

How to freeze cauliflower correctly?

Vegetables can be taken as a whole looking or divided into flowers.

  1. You can see the leaves, clean the surface like dark dots and thoroughly wash it in running water, if necessary, cut it into blooms. If it is planned to freeze again, then the cauliflower is lowered into a deep dish and poured with salted water: after 20 strands, bugs are spliced ​​onto the surface, like curls, and the cabbage can be harvested far away.
  2. Blanching. For 1 liter of water add 1/3 teaspoon. citric acid, We bring the rozchin to a boil and lower it into a new cabbage for 3-5 quills. Zavdyaki tsіy procedures zberezhetsya garniy kolіr product.
  3. We prepared the cabbage for serving on a servlet, it will not dry out and oholone.
  4. Vegetables are laid out in portion bags and frozen. This option is also allowed, if the vegetables are laid out on boards, placed near the refrigerator. After that, frozen cabbage is divided into portions and taken from cellophane bags.

Product made from cauliflower

For this recipe, the lord knows how to grease the frozen cauliflower in order to please yourself with that member of your family with savory grass. The secret is that it is not necessary to defrost the finished product without taking it away, the wines are immediately prepared to a farther harvest.

Otzhe, beat an egg in an okremіy mistsi, lightly salt it. Place a saucer with breadcrumbs on hand. Fresh cabbage succulence, which has gone through the blanching stage, dip it in eggs, breadcrumbs, then lay it on the plank. After 1.5 years, the vegetables are divided into portions and placed near the refrigerator.

To prepare the herbs, you need to heat up a frying pan, add a few olії and a piece of vershokov, pick up frozen cabbage and grease until cooked.

What do you need to know about frozen food?

  1. When the temperature is low, the water, which roams in the vegetables, transforms into ice. Under the hour of saving the hospitality, the clods of shmatochkiv ice are filled with ice, so when defrosted, the product looks wrinkled and lightly watered. To correct the situation, allow the shvidka to be frozen, with which the crystals come out less. Re-processing in the low-temperature mode is turned on, but such a product simply wastes its juiciness, relish and power.
  2. Frozen vegetables take more than an hour to cook. Tsіkavitesya, how to cook frozen cauliflower? Easily. Succeed to lower the water from the boil at the boil, the hour of cooking is 15-18 hvilin. Before speech, defrost the cauliflower before cooking it is neobov'yazkovo. Diet like this, as if it were handy.

Herb recipes

Zavdyaki will please the gentlemen, you know, shvidko is delicious. We propose a sprinkling of options, for the help of which you can change the family menu.

savory casserole


  • kale- 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • borosno - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sir - 200 g;
  • third sir - 200 g.

Cooking: defrost vegetables, irritate the water and mix with the appointed components. Add pepper and strength. Heat up the oven to 180°C. Otrimanu sumish viklasty at the form. Order 45-50 quills.

Ragout with chickens and vegetables


  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • qibulya - 100 g;
  • chicken fillet - 500 g.

Cooking method: cibula, pierced with calves, need to be brushed to a golden color. Finely grate carrots and lightly simmer on olives. Put in a cauldron greased vegetables, meat, add a little water and quench 30-40 quills. Defrost the cauliflower, add to the stew, stew until ready for another 15-20 quills. Before serving, they decorate with finely sown greenery.

Invisible salad

Please make your guests happy Christmas dish What is the main component of frozen cauliflower? How to prepare this grass? Choose the products you need and follow our recommendations.


  • frozen cauliflower - 300 g;
  • ice cream greens - 70 g;
  • fresh ogirok;
  • pear;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • grapes - 150 g;
  • tomati - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 50 g;
  • rubana greens.

Cooking method: boil peas and cabbage in salt water and dry with a towel. Cut the ogirok into strips, pepper into cubes, tomatoes and pears into pieces. Grapes dilyat navpil. Mix the products, salt, season with sour cream and add greens. savory salad get ready!

Freezers and refrigerator doors cool the winter, popovnyuyuchi our steel with non-seasonal delicacies and vitamins. Aje Tudi can put not only berries and fruits for compote, but also vegetables: corn, peas, eggplant, zucchini, cauliflower.

Ale, freeze - right, folded in order to cook properly, for example, cauliflower from the freezer, so that it was savory and that little amiable looking?

It was easy to harvest from cauliflower after frost, it is important to correctly lay it on the bank. For this kachan, they are cut on the edge of the flower, as they are ready for further heat treatment processes.

In order to rob savor a snack from cauliflower in batter, frozen succulent, dip in boiling salted water and cook 5-6 strands. After that, put the cabbage on the drushlyak.

Put flour in one bowl, beat an egg in another. The skin succulent is rolled in a boar and burrowed in an egg, after which from the skin side it is smeared on a rose in a frying pan with an olive oil.

To add to the savory taste, prepare the chilled pieces of cauliflower to smear with mayonnaise with a teaspoon or blueberry sauce. You can sip dryly chopped with crop, green cibula - chives, or other greens.

The multicooker gives the gospodarka an unfettered field for fantasy, speeding up the process of cooking herbs, saving their vitamins and greed. Cabbage in this aggregate can be cooked in different ways:

  • Variti soup;
  • · Lubricate with vegetables and meat;
  • · Zapіkati pіd ruddy squirrel.

The simplest soup, like a multicooker to grind for 20 quills - made from cauliflower. Vіn korisny usіm, navit children and people on a diet.

For yoga preparation, add 2-3 potatoes to the meat broth, cut into cubes, cabbage, grated carrots, green cibula, silt, pepper, and other spices.

Everything is cooked for about 15-17 quills. We add hot ingredients to the blender, wag around the saucepan, add it there. Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі swedish cooking and 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. Behind the bajans, you can embellish the greenery.

If you want to smear the cauliflower, add the main component to the slow cooker, add large cubes of carrots, cibula with kiltsami, bell pepper with large chunks, root parsley with the same large cubes, after the bazhannym the meat of the chicken, cut into diced strips or cubes.

Everything is salted and peppered. The topic will be Italian herbs. To lubricate the grass in a multi-cooker on an odorless oil (refined) no more than 25 khvilin. Serve hot to the table.

You can order the cauliflower as if you have an egg sum, or you can grate it with cheese. Offending options to put on the vipіchki mode for 15 whilins.

I will freeze cauliflower s | iz | It's easy to cook with an egg. For this, the form for brewing should be smeared with oil or fat, and put in the salty water of the cabbage shreds.

On top of it, circles of tomatoes are laid out.

All the beauty of the trocha is spiced with paprika and basil (you can use both dry and fresh details). For pouring, take 4 eggs, 250 ml of sour cream (be it fat content), 200 g of hard syrah (Russian apricot, add sourness to wine).

Everything is mixed at the blender or with a glass of wine until a uniform mass is made. Slightly pidsolyuєmo and zapovnyuєmo tsієyu sumіshshyu shape with vegetables.

This herb is boiled in the oven for at least 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees until the final boiling of the rare component and the golden crispy top.

Oleksandr Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but you’ll be hard :)


You have caught sight of everything brown speeches? Winter is coming, if there is no such assortment of vitamins on the market. In the cold period, our body often nazdoganya avitaminosis, aloe can be killed. How tse robiti? Freeze all the best, brown and easy to cook. One of such savory, dietary products is cauliflower. This is a recipe for vitamins for the first time and other diseases. How to freeze cauliflower for the winter at home? Let's take a look at the report on which food.

How to choose cauliflower correctly

We use sprat varieties of cauliflower, which will be introduced to us on the market: Dachnitsa, Pioneer, Vitchiznyana. Vіdminnіst vіdnіshny vglyadі: odnі є є bolsh 'mnimi, іnshі - splashing. Leaves of vegetables may be different, shape, size. And the colors are not the same: from white to cream color. Have you already given the priority to the singing variety? Do you think which one is better?

The secret to choosing cauliflower is simple - choose fresh, young cabbage. Zovnіshnі vіdminnostі not vplyvayut on relish, juiciness. To bless you with different leaves, stink to speak less about those that some swings grew on the sun, others - on the darkness. Give respect to the freshness of the leaf. If the stinks look like this, they lie snugly, then they should not be on sale for more than two days. Yakshcho vy blew the mlyava, torn off, dark leaves - the head is saved already for a long time. If you take such a vegetable, the flowers will be viscous, soft, not juicy without a pronounced relish.

Dark patches are not allowed on cauliflower. This is a fungus that, in a couple of days, was able to strike the whole rock, creating faceless rotten trees. Zipsovaniy ovoch is not recommended to be prepared, it is easy to break it off. If you can't tell which vibrati is downloaded from two identical characteristics, there is one more method. Chim is a young sheep, Tim is juicy and important. Having taken 2 approximately the same rocks, take the one that is more important - there is more juice!

Preparation of cabbage before freezing

If you chose a fresh, succulent vegetable, then you half ran into the zavdannya! Follow the instructions below:

  • Place the rock at the s cold salty with water, so that the larvae of the coma will pozbutisya.
  • Before putting the vegetable into the freezer, put the yogo in the okrip for 2-3 chills, adding acid to it with lemon juice.

  • While the cauliflower is blanching, prepare the casserole with cold water, to immediately lower the tudi kachan. This method preserves the cob color, juice and all the colors of the vegetable speech.
  • After blanching, dry the entire head of cabbage.
  • Proceed to the harvest of leaves, possible zapsovanyh dіlyanok, podіlu ovočіv on the succulence of the required growth (everything should be laid up in order for you to prepare the harvest). If you think you can freeze cauliflower whole for the winter, then sure - yes!
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For now, prepare cauliflower for sure you will need it in life. Prepared mashed potatoes from cabbage with the help of malyukov for lure and full-fledged intake of їzhі, and the grown-up members of the family can be spiced up with the lower relish of casseroles from cabbage or piquant batter.

Stores can often offer frozen cabbage in packages, as it is easy to prepare literally for the treatment of cold. In this case, the pickers are ahead of the buyers, so it is not recommended to defrost the vegetables, otherwise it is necessary to spend a lot of money. So, really, I’ll buy cabbage and cook it as soon as I got it out of the freezer. And if you grow cauliflower in your city, then periodically freeze it, then such a vegetable as a whole can be defrosted in front.

For the cob, it is necessary to put the cabbage into a bowl for cooking the HF oven and defrost for 30 seconds. At this hour, you can put water on the fire and bring it to a boil, after which you can freeze the succulent in a saucepan. Trimati cabbage in sprinkling next 3 hvilini, no more. After all, you can correct it cold water.

Still, you are worried that cabbage is defrosted micro-furnace to waste your power, you can defrost at room temperature, or by lowering it into cold water.

In order to prepare mashed potatoes for a baby, you need to take 200 g of frozen cauliflower and put it in boiling water, boil the vegetables until soft. The next time the finished product is beaten in a blender, or pass through a sieve.

Cabbage strains have a low calorie content, they are easy to prepare. If you want to welcome your family members, you can whip up a simple recipe for cooking cauliflower with topping sauce.

Cabbage in vershkovy sauce


450 g frozen cauliflower
120 g syrup "Russian"
strength for taste
1 teaspoon of olive oil for smearing molds
lower top sauce
50 g butter
1/4 bottle of borosna
320 ml milk
turmeric for gusto

How to cook cauliflower in top sauce.

    It is necessary to boil the cabbage in boiling salted water with a stretch of 3 quills, then anger the homeland and make it cold.

    At a frying pan with a similar bottom, it is necessary to pour oil | oil | i add|add| flour|boroshno|. If the flour becomes brown in color, pour warm milk, change the heat to a minimum and cook until the masi thickens.

    At the sauce it is necessary to add strength and corn for relish. Fill the shape with olive oil, make a succulent and fill it with the prepared sauce.

    From above, you can evenly sizzle the grass with grated syrup. Place the form in the oven up to 170 ° C, bake the dish until a crackle appears, to beckon, about 30-40 quills.

Cabbage in multivartsi


400 g cabbage
1 egg
manna groats 2 tbsp. spoons
sіl ta olіya

How to cook cauliflower in a slow cooker:

    Defrost cabbage in the usual way. Mix the eggs and strength, beat well and pour the sum to the vegetables, carefully roll in the mantz and put it in the bowl.

    Prepare 10 quills at the brewing regime, or lubrication without a cap, do not forget to stir it up.

Cabbage is a low-calorie and nutritious product. That її is often recommended for different diets. Vaughn to revenge the necessary vitamins and microelements for the body. On the vіdmіnu vіd bіlokachannoї cabbage її the warehouse is richly rich. With the correct processing, they save all the corsages of power. In order to take the maximum yield from your vegetables, it is necessary to know about the secrets of your preparation. For example, the boiled look is absolutely unsavory. Ale, with other thermal processing, and with the addition of different ingredients, the relish transforms. First, learn about the recipes about how to taste the cauliflower in a frying pan, learn about the basic rules for cooking.

For lubrication, it stagnates as fresh as cauliflower is frozen. Before cooking, they don’t defrost, but lower the bucket at the okrip and cut two quills, and at the fresh look - 5 quills.

Shchob ovoch vyyavivsya korisnym for health, sled zvrat respect for yoga akіst. Cabbage, which is sold on the market, has a lot of redundant leaves. The stench can be green and fresh. Dark patches on the swing - the cob stage of rot, as if it were quick to bring cabbage into oblivion.

For the preparation of rich recipes, cauliflower is cooked. You can її lubricate and without cooking ahead, but on the chain for more than an hour.

As soon as the victorious batter is passed, the legs do not grow on the flowers. In such a look, it is more convenient to get used to it, and such a form of life looks more aesthetically pleasing.

In the process of lubrication, it is necessary to regulate the temperature. In the first sprat, the fire can be strong, so that the little things add a garn to the rum'yan skorinka, then we lower it and bring the grass to readiness. On such a preparation, 15 quills are needed.

In culinary arts, it’s not enough to love cauliflower through the gusto of power. Stravi from her look beautiful and original, but, in her hand, she is a great help in the decorated table.

Part of the growth, which victorious in a hedgehog, is a flower-nosed and is folded into a bunch of branches, taken into one head. The skin of them represents a floppy hat with a bunch of thick stems that go into one leg. per old-fashioned look okremі svetvittya guess fungus fungus.

However, such a unique budova rosliny gives the opportunity to different clods to lie down in quiet places between flowers. To that before cooking savory straws a head of cabbage is given a front cut. Below you can find a detailed description of such diy s batters.

How to cook cabbage in a pan? Pokrokovy recipe views below:

  1. Relatively wash the water under running water.
  2. Place a head of cabbage for 15-20 quills in a bowl of salt water. The water absorbs in itself the waste that has accumulated, like cabbage could take in an hour of rest in the city. It is also to be allowed to leave the coma, who have stumbled in the middle.
  3. Dip the succulent cabbage into boiling water and cook for about 4 khvilin. When overpicked, the product loses its culinary power and becomes soft and unsavory. So, just as the vegetables are being smeared, it’s too great a flower to cut the navpil better.
  4. For the help of noise, the boiled cabbage shredders are pulled out, and, without letting them soften, immediately lower them into cold water on the quill. Let's put it on a sieve and pokakat until the stench dries.
  5. Ask borosno and zmishati with a grit of sipky components. Other spices can be added to your judgment.
  6. Eggs are beaten well with a wine and step by step boil borosno. When you continue to beat the sum, so that the breasts go down.
  7. Pour milk into the good mix, so that its consistency becomes similar to sour cream.
  8. Pour oil into the frying pan | oil | and good rozіrіti.
  9. Soak the leather shmatochok in batter from the sides. Lubricate the cabbage following the same principle, like pancakes or cutlets. If you visipati її hot, then there won’t be a proper result, and you won’t be smeared like a trace. Sometimes you need to smear the pieces from three sides, everything should be deposited in their own form.

First think, how to savor the cauliflower in a frying pan, cook the following products: 1 kg of cabbage, 4 eggs, 200 ml of milk, 200 g of boron, Sonyashnikova Oliya and the necessary spices. Ale, as a replacement for milk, add sour cream, then the batter for the future of singing piquancy will become more popular and lower.

How to cook cabbage with eggs in a frying pan? If you want to prepare a snack for a lot of time, you can cook it beforehand until it is ready and save it in the refrigerator.

Required products:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • margarine - 25 g;
  • cabbage - 200 g;
  • spicy herbs, strength, greens and pepper - for relish.

Cooking process:

  1. Skin okreme sucvittya cut into 4 parts. As soon as the butter has melted, they are put into the pan.
  2. Beaten eggs are mixed with other ingredients and poured evenly over cabbage cloves.
  3. Cover the frying pan with a lid and grease at a warm temperature until done.
  4. Live an omelet better than a hot one. Yogo can be seasoned sour cream sauce. Strava looks more appetizing, like yogo beautifully decorate with small pieces of tomatoes and parsley.

What can be better, lower vegetables from meat?! І preparation of cauliflower from cyme is not a wine product. Moreover, you can go to the meat of birds. Such fears act as the main ones and even more alive. Two such recipes are described below.

How to taste savory cabbage in a frying pan? Best recipes:

  • Cabbage with chicken. Vіdvarenu chicken breasts and prepare the succulent of cabbage to take in equal proportions and cut into cubes. Kindly prepare such grass in a deep frying pan. Ingredients are added to the rosemary with olive oil and lubricated on a strong fire, for example, sip with syrup. Ready meal eat with different sauces or add spices, for example, curry, paprika and grind pepper.
  • Minced cabbage. Cabbage shmatochki smear the triplets, then put the minced meat and cook the grass on the dead fire. 3 hours before dawn, pour in ketchup from the stove. Before serving, sip chopped greens.

Like mushrooms in a booth, you can think about those, like savoring cauliflower in a frying pan. The recipe for such strife is simple, but the relish can be miraculous. Like meat, cabbage with mushrooms can be served without additives.

For cooking, you need to take the following products: olive oil, 400 g of baked beans, 800 g of cabbage flowers, 2 small cibulini, 1 large carrot, 50 ml of mayonnaise (sour cream) and chalking black pepper.

Steps of preparation:

  1. Put the stoves in a frying pan and cook on a strong fire until the whole country is seen.
  2. Add oil | oil | and once again add | add | carrots with cibulei and boiled cabbage.
  3. When it comes to readiness, pour in sour cream and steam 3 more quills, then salt and sip with seasonings.

To prepare the herbs with sour cream, cabbage can not be boiled, but simply sprinkled with dill. Get ready tse shvidko. The cut cabbage pieces are smeared with a large number of olives for high temperature. The stench is guilty for the relish and looking at the potatoes at the deep fat fryer.

I’m ready to season the grass with sour cream sauce, a description of which can be found further.

Seeing from what you produce with your hand, you can think about those, how to lubricate the cauliflower in a frying pan. The recipe for cooking can be come:

  1. Twist 0.5 kg of cabbage succulent, 1 medium carrot and 1 cibulin on meat cutters.
  2. Vykorivuyuchi blender or food processor, add trochs of sirah and sip in the ready masa.
  3. Beat 2 eggs and mix in 60 g of flour | boroshna |, add | add | season.
  4. Otrimanu is seriously mixed up, molded into pancakes and lubricated on olive oil.

To continue talking about those, how to taste savory cabbage in a frying pan, the recipe for adding potatoes is a classic and easy option. In this case, root crops should be lubricated until ready, and then add vegetables.

Great help can show freezing product winter hour. How to cook cabbage in a pan? Yakscho її zapanuvati breadcrumbs and smear - tse will be marvelous grass with a crispy squirt. Deyakі lords pіd the hour of preparation minced meat add to the new frozen juice and grease the cutlets. If you have other frozen vegetables, you can butter them all at once and serve them as an additional dish. Different dressings and ketchup will give them their own relish.

How to smear the cauliflower in a frying pan with relish, we got it together. Now let's talk about the correct preparation of sauces for gravy. The piquant and specific aroma of such culinary creations can be added to the sound of greased cabbage.

Zmetannaya refueling. For 200 ml of sour cream, take 2 cloves of a teapot, ruban greens, sumish peppers and sil. Everything is resolutely mixed up and vikoristovuetsya for filling ready-made herbs.

Siren sauce. Mix 100 ml of sour cream, 60 ml of mayonnaise and 20 ml of apple otstu. Sumish beat and add 200 g of processed processed syrup.

Sauce with mustard. For 200 ml of olive oil, take 100 ml of mustard and 50 ml of wine oats. Salt, pepper trochs and ready sauce. Serve to the table as an additional option.

As you can see, there is a great variability in already distorted and supernatural recipes. The rich culinary jerseys have enough of them. Moreover, the skin gentleman can use his imagination and come up with how to lubricate the cauliflower in a frying pan. The photos presented in the article will help you beautifully decorate such lives and delicious seasons.

Freezers and refrigerator doors cool the winter, popovnyuyuchi our steel with non-seasonal delicacies and vitamins. Aje Tudi can put not only berries and fruits for compote, but also vegetables: corn, peas, eggplant, zucchini, cauliflower.

Ale, freeze - right, folded in order to cook properly, for example, cauliflower from the freezer, so that it was savory and that little amiable looking?

It was easy to harvest from cauliflower after frost, it is important to correctly lay it on the bank. For this kachan, they are cut on the edge of the flower, as they are ready for further heat treatment processes.

In order to make a savory appetizer with cauliflower in batter, put the frozen succulent into boiling salted water and add 5-6 strands. After that, put the cabbage on the drushlyak.

Put flour in one bowl, beat an egg in another. The skin succulent is rolled in a boar and burrowed in an egg, after which from the skin side it is smeared on a rose in a frying pan with an olive oil.

To add to the savory taste, prepare the chilled pieces of cauliflower to smear with mayonnaise with a teaspoon or blueberry sauce. You can sip dryly chopped with crop, green cibula - chives, or other greens.

The multicooker gives the gospodarka an unfettered field for fantasy, speeding up the process of cooking herbs, saving their vitamins and greed. Cabbage in this aggregate can be cooked in different ways:

  • Variti soup;
  • · Lubricate with vegetables and meat;
  • · Zapіkati pіd ruddy squirrel.

The simplest soup, like a multicooker to grind for 20 quills - made from cauliflower. Vіn korisny usіm, navit children and people on a diet.

For yoga preparation, add 2-3 potatoes to the meat broth, cut into cubes, cabbage, grated carrots, green cibula, silt, pepper, and other spices.

Everything is cooked for about 15-17 quills. Still hot mustard components are added to the blender, wag around the saucepan, then add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. Behind the bajans, you can embellish the greenery.

If you want to smear the cauliflower, add the main component to the slow cooker, add large cubes of carrots, cibula with kiltsami, bell pepper with large chunks, root parsley with the same large cubes, after the bazhannym the meat of the chicken, cut into diced strips or cubes.

Everything is salted and peppered. The topic will be Italian herbs. To lubricate the grass in a multi-cooker on an odorless oil (refined) no more than 25 khvilin. Serve hot to the table.

You can order the cauliflower as if you have an egg sum, or you can grate it with cheese. Offending options to put on the vipіchki mode for 15 whilins.

I will freeze cauliflower s | iz | It's easy to cook with an egg. For this, the form for brewing should be smeared with oil or fat, and put in the salty water of the cabbage shreds.

On top of it, circles of tomatoes are laid out.

All the beauty of the trocha is spiced with paprika and basil (you can use both dry and fresh details). For pouring, take 4 eggs, 250 ml of sour cream (be it fat content), 200 g of hard syrah (Russian apricot, add sourness to wine).

See also:

Yak cook sauerkraut in domestic minds

How to cook a proper Ukrainian borscht?

Cool u statti How delicious to cook broccoli cabbage? here.

Everything is mixed at the blender or with a glass of wine until a uniform mass is made. Slightly pidsolyuєmo and zapovnyuєmo tsієyu sumіshshyu shape with vegetables.

This herb is boiled in the oven for at least 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees until the final boiling of the rare component and the golden crispy top.

Previously, about those, how to cook cauliflower deliciously, it was only known to cooks of possible people. These creamy succulents were a real delicacy, about the gusto of such simple people could not dream anymore. At the same time, cauliflower is sold all at once with a white-headed cabbage everywhere, it can have a low variety and become very popular. Everything is explained brown warehouse vegetables and savory flavors that will please grown-ups and little gourmets. From cauliflower you can cook a great amount of herbs - from salads to garnishes, as if they will please your household.

Shvidko and simply prepare cauliflower in batter with a minimum set of products. For whom, the process is already not laborious, as if it were given to such gentlemen. Vіn do not borrow more than 30 khvilin, and we will have a low-calorie diet. To prepare the herbs, take cauliflower, olive oil for greasing, 2 eggs and borosno (for batter), a little salt and water.

Served with cauliflower, smeared in egg batter, looking warm at once with porridge or salad. You can eat it like an independent dish with your favorite sauce - it’s healthy for that figure (the calorie content of the sauce at once becomes about 90 kcal).

Cabbage in multivariants is a dietary variant of grass. At the marvelous addition to the ovoch, the batter is prepared shvidko, yakіsno that without special zusil.

For this recipe, the strain is prepared with:

  • cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - a couple of pieces;
  • boroshna - 30 g;
  • milk - 0.5 bottles for a slow cooker;
  • salt, pepper;
  • green.

3 servings of herbs. At the same time, the vegetables are washed and cleaned from non-essential elements, then divided into flowers.

Sob the grass was juicy and savory, the sheep should be chosen tight, springy, without a dark taint.

Divide the parts of the cabbage and lightly crush the sill.

For batter in a container, it is beaten vigorously with eggs and milk. For relish, add strength, pepper, trimmed greens. Sumish can be in the thick world.

I have a smeared multicooker bowl Oliya next viklasty succulence in batter and set the “vip_cannya” mode. The hour of preparation is 25-35 minutes. For the taste of sheep weed we juice and lower hearts, with an appetizing crunchy sound.

Greased in a frying pan with eggs

Lubricated cauliflower with egg and other products - a delicious snack to vegetable fresh or beer. Vaughn is brown, savory, fragrant and light. This dish is one of satisfaction, even if it’s miraculously in the same appetite, with it, without overwhelming the ShKT.

Є kіlka options strav in a frying pan with additional eggs. The most famous of them is a recipe, in which hard cheese is added to the main products. When the wine is melted, it covers all the components with a beautiful golden streak, giving a spicy relish.

On the back of the head, after preparation, it is taken by the water, or a couple until I become soft. After that, pour in Sonyashnikov’s or olive oil into the pan, smear the pepper with straws. Smear yogo as necessary, then add cabbage succulence and cook at once with pepper on the great fire.

Okremo in a container, beat the squirrels with zhovtki, add spices to them, salt. Let's sweat the same virusha tertiary sire, everyone will mix up and then add to the vegetables, if you are smeared. After adding eggs to cabbage, you can change the fire, cover it with a lid and extinguish until ready, or turn on the fire more strongly, intensively stirring everything with a spatula. For the first one, weidea has a straw, similar to a vegetable omelet, for another - a crunchy succulence of cabbage with syrup. And so, and so it will be more delicious.

The cauliflower in a frying pan can be cooked with sour cream, tops, additional cibules, tomatoes and other vegetables. An easy load or a light weight is possible with a lower vegetable, which is low in size and mega in size behind a warehouse.

Soup from cauliflower can be called dietary, because there is practically no fat in it. Vіn low-calorie, brown usіm, hto dotremuetsya healthy way life, to chase after the vaga. It is allowed to include the product before the diet of those who have problems with robotic herbal organs - the cauliflower does not have coarse cells, like the white cabbage, which means that it cannot harm your health.

To prepare the dish, take the following:

  • cabbage - 150-200 g;
  • bulbi potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil;
  • greens, spices.

A good tight cabbage is cleaned from green leaves (the stink of roaring), mushing and sharing in the life of the world. The potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes.

Pour the vegetables with water so that they are 10-20 mm thick, salt. To cook cabbage with potatoes, it is necessary to stretch 15-25 quills (until the products are ready), after which, refine everything with a blender. Add greens, arrange on plates. Serve to the table, garnished with mint leaves.

If we thicken the wiyshov soup too thick, you can dilute it with broth or boiled milk.

Salad with cauliflower and tomatoes

Such a salad swedish hand Become a miraculous alternative to the traditional vegetable cuts.

The calorie content of such a diet is less than 55 kcal (as sour cream is fat, then Kharchova value you'll be a trifle). Cooking hour - 25 minutes.

The white sheep is washed, divided into flowers, and it grows near lightly salted water. Even though the wine is easily pierced with a fork, it is possible to minimize the fire.

Until the cabbage reaches, it is necessary to shake the tomatoes into cubes, smash them with cooked flowers and cut them with a clockworker. Season everything with sour cream or kefir, salt, add greens and spices for relish. Viklasti vegetables can be on fresh lettuce leaves, sip sesame grains on the beast. Serve to the table with porridge or boiled potatoes.

Homemade cauliflower in Korean for relish richly better for the purchase, before that, all the components are natural, without the obviousness of shkidlivyh speeches. The hour of preparing the herbs is approximately 7 years. At the end of the day, there are about 8 servings of world-class vegetable snacks.

To prepare the herbs, stock up:

  • cabbage color - 800 g;
  • carrot - a couple of small root crops;
  • watchmaker - 6 teeth;
  • water - 1 l;
  • otstom - 220 ml;
  • sill - 2.5 tbsp. without weights;
  • tsukrom - 200 g;
  • oliєyu - ¼ st.;
  • licorice paprika, coriander, ground peppers, lavrushka - for relish.

In order to prepare roses, it is necessary to boil the motherland, to add to it I will need a little salt, sour piska, otstu and dewdrop fat. Boil water with other ingredients at least 6 quills, after which hot marinade should be poured over cabbage and put in for cooling.

The carrots are cleaned and rubbed on a special tert. The watchmaker is cleaned and narrated with great plates. All at the same time with spices, it is added to the cabbage and it is left for 7 years in a cold place for pickling. If so, you can eat a miracle vegetable snack all at once, savoring the lower and spicy taste of grass.

Winter variation - pickled cauliflower

The power of cauliflower lies in the fact that it is powerfully combined with various spices. The stench, to inspire a great number, not only does not exude її relish, but also give special piquancy to the aroma.

The next step is to remember and sterilize the jars for harvesting vegetables. After that, remember and clean the cabbage, pepper, chasnik. The skin has a trace of viklasti chasnik, cuts with small cubes, lavrushka, dry krip. hot pepper. Cabbage is laid next bell pepper(You can trim the vegetables behind the bajans, shifting them behind the balls).

If the containers are filled, it is necessary to fill the vegetables in them with dill, soak them for 12 strands, covering them with caps. They gave water from cans to pour it into a saucepan, boil it and pour it again into the cans. After 12 hvilin, the homeland is poured into a saucepan, boiled, after which the bubbling sand and strength are added to it. If the squishy components are mixed in the marinade, it is necessary to pour the vegetables in jars, add an assessment to the skin and roll up. Under the carpet, jars with vegetables are due buti buti kіlka deb - do not allow the lids to be tightened well and get ahead of them.

Pickled cabbage will be ready in 8 days after cooking. You can save it for a long time in the cold dark place.

It is practically impossible for a fresh-looking person to save cauliflower over the 2nd day. For the same reason, lovers of this vegetable prepare yogo in reserve in a canning way. One of the popular recipes for preparing the product is yogo preparation in tomato sauce.

For 1 kg of vegetables, take:

  • tomato - 500 g;
  • licorice pepper - 150 g;
  • watchmaker - 4 teeth;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - ¼ bottle;
  • sіl - a tablespoon;
  • rose fat - 75 ml;
  • otstu - 55 ml.

Banks of memory and sterilization at once with lids. Porіzati tomati and grind through a meat grinder. If you are not a fan of tomato grains with roses, it is better to pass tomatoes through a juicer.

Peel the Bulgarian pepper, cut it into strips. Then it is necessary to put yogo in a container of juice, add some salt, zucru and olive oil. Mix, put on fire and boil.

Okremo it is necessary to imitate cauliflower, divide it into small succulents and visipate into boiling. tomato sik. Cook the vegetables for at least 25 quills under the lid (cover lightly) on a small fire.

Naprikintsі in the brew next add details of the teapot, estimate, boil 7 minutes | minutes | and spread the sum among the banks. Roll up the containers with lids, turn them upside down, wrap them on a sprat, after which put them in a closet for saving.

At the spirits pid with a syringa

Cabbage is sorted out for color, it turns into cold. The cibula staggers and is smeared in oil until golden brown. Naprikintsі lubrication until new is introduced borosno, after milk and spices.

Cabbage, blanched in front in salted water, placed in a baking dish, smeared with fat, poured with sauce. Sir hangs from above and everything is stuck in the oven, heated up to 190 degrees, with a stretch of 25 strands.

Frozen cauliflower can be used to prepare highly tempting flavors - from soups to life-giving casseroles. It is good to cook frozen cauliflower for a snack in a casserole that looks like a multicooker for it.

The shank is covered with small pieces, the greens are trimmed. Frozen cabbage is washed, eggs are beaten from the addition of milk, syrup, spices.

At the multicooker bowl, smeared with fat, slid viklasti m'yaso, cabbage, greens. Pour in the sauce and cook in the “vipіchka” mode 30 quills. Serve hot.

This year, cauliflower is considered to be the most brown-colored vegetable, and, fortunately, it is also one of the most savory. The abundance of recipes for rozpovit, how to prepare cauliflower in different ways, skins with some additional help in a new way to reveal the special flavor of the product.

The process of cooking cabbage will become even more accommodating, as it grows into crooks of authority cauliflower.

Cauliflower is rich in vitamins C, A, D, E, K, H, as well as carbohydrates, polyunsaturated cellular and organic acids, and mineral salts. Bagata on vitamins of group B, so necessary for the full work of the brain, nervous system and I will become a stalker to the body.

The cauliflower miraculously takes hold of the body, even though the cellular tissue in the warehouse can reach a thin and lower structure, as it is over-etched and does not exfoliate the mucus membrane of the mucus-intestinal tract. Cabbage is one of the first and best complementary foods for babies, which provides brown speech, prepares the body for a distant step-by-step reception of a hedgehog.

Cabbage is a dietary and low-calorie product, moreover, tartronic acid is included in the warehouse, which transfers the fat content and zucru.

Colored cabbage can be anointed, baked, boiled, and you can cook a lot of herbs with it. Cabbage has been stewed for a long time, ale varto just show your imagination, and dozens of different herbs from cauliflower are leaning on your table, which are freshened by the way they are cooked with savory flavors.

The simplest option is to boil the cauliflower in salted water, make the water angry, and then pour it vershkov oil. This savory and succulent herb saves faceless vitamins!

In order for the mother to be able to take valuable vitamins in the winter hour, and also to enjoy the taste of fresh vegetables, they are simply frozen in autumn. Bagatioh to drink food, how to cook frozen cauliflower? Everything is simple. In principle, the process of preparing cauliflower in batter is done in this way, but there are some special features.

Tell us ahead of time how to freeze the cabbage, dividing it in front of the flowers. Otzhe, removing a portion of cabbage from the freezer, її not a trace of defrosting. Bazhano immediately sip into the pan, rinsing the ice with warm water in front.

Dali varto pour cabbage with warm water, curl the top and put on fire. As soon as we pass 3-4 hvilini on the cob of boiling (the boil itself is frozen cauliflower), you can remove the saucepan, pour water, and put the cabbage in a masher.

When cooked, hot cauliflower can also be crushed with hard, hard syrup, filling the thinned and lower relish of vitamin vegetables.

For which recipe you need, only:

  • Cabbage - 1 kg
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Force for taste

Salt the water and bring it to a boil, add cabbage to boil and cook on a small fire for 15 chills, under the lid, until the cabbage is ready. Willingness to twist with a fork, it is easy to go to the cabbage. Anger the water, season the cabbage with greenery for the bajan.

So that the straws turn out to be as brown as possible, savor them beautifully, before that, how to cook cauliflower, it is necessary to prepare:

  1. The head is podіlyayat on svetіtya, stacked near the vessel and washed.
  2. Tovstі pagons roar navpіl, and the presence of darkening on the flowers can be seen.

Cabbage is ready before cooking and zastosovuetsya zgіdno z recipe.

Fresh cabbage, frozen, boiled, lubricated, baked... there is practically no difference in cooking. Ale deyaki secrets of cooking frozen cabbage, we show you.

Flower cabbage is also a good herb for the hour of fasting. To take a simple dish from looking lubricated cabbage, we need:

  • Cabbage - 500 gr.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Sil, pepper - for relish
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova (abo Vershkov) - 50 gr.
  • Boroshno - 1 tbsp. l.

So that the savory spicy cauliflower will come out, її, boiled in salty water, you just need to hang it in a frying pan, where you pour the oil in the back and add it generously. Everything is mixed up at once and a good taste cinnamon grass guaranteed.

You can cook cauliflower in batter both from fresh and from frozen. The division of flowers is lowered at the subsolenu, boiling water for 10-15 whilins. The readiness of the cabbage is to be followed by the help of the fork: the cloves are easy to enter at the vegetable shreds, then, it’s ready! Dali, put її z kastruli in drushlyak, sob pіshov is too warm.

The batter for cauliflower is prepared with eggs, borosna, salt and greens. Recipes for making rich batter, one of them.

For 1 kg of cauliflower:

  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Boroshno - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Sil, pepper - for relish
  • Greens for relish

Add greens and strength to beaten eggs, and then step by step add 3-4 spoons of borosna, making sure that the batter has gone well. Warm flowers are wrapped around the batter and placed near the frying pan. Roast the cauliflower in a frying pan with olive oil until golden brown appears.

Knowing how to cook cauliflower deliciously, you can be satisfied with it and fill your body with valuable vitamins and speeches at once. Adzhe, cauliflower, which has a zagalnozmіtsnyuuchy plethora, by a natural order, strengthens the immune system, increases the resistance of the body to various viruses and infections.

An important power of cauliflower is called its anti-carcinogenic effect, so that the building of galmuvat and the protection of cancer cells.

It is recommended to recommend cauliflower to people who suffer from sloughing diseases, so that the implantation stimulates the intestines, normalizes the process of digestion of the stomach, revitalizes the lining of the slough. Cabbage kills the wound on the surface of the mucous membranes, it’s bad for people who suffer from hemorrhoids, which makes the product easier to speak.

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