Recipes for lokshini udon.


Today we recommend preparing the traditional Japanese loxin udon.

Udon is an iconic ingredient not only in Japanese cuisine, but also on the menus of most peoples in Asia, and is also one of the simplest types of steak you can prepare at home.

In essence, udon is a wheat loaf.

The storage is extremely simple - water, beetroot and a pinch of salt.

You ask, what is special?

And the cooking process is special!

The dough is practically not mixed and allows you, as you prefer, to proceed first before forming the loaf.

During the heating process, the dough becomes even more tender and springy.

The Japanese say: properly cooked udon will be soft and tender, like the lobe of your ear.

Today we will learn how to prepare local udon at home using a traditional Japanese recipe. I’ll reveal to you the secrets of the Japanese kneading dough method, and also share ideas on how to make different kinds of udon! Shall we?

Prepare the ingredients following the list.

A serving of classic udon for one person consists of: 100 g of wheat bean, 45 ml of water and 5 g of salt.

Mix the flour thoroughly| and pour in the prepared salt water.

Mix the ingredients to form the mixture into a bowl.

There is no need to knead the dough directly, other than lightly kneading it to form a uniform dough.

Place the dough in a bag that seals tightly.

If you have a large package on the table - vikoryst yogo, if you don't - vikorist any kind of package of great size.

Remove almost everything from the package and close tightly.

Pour the dough for 30 minutes.

Knead the dough using your feet.

In the opinion of those who know, this is the only way to achieve the correct consistency.

Cover the bag of dough with a towel and begin kneading the dough.

There is no need to try hard here: stepping over gently, go through the dough back and forth.

As you can imagine, the bag has become flat – that’s enough.

The process takes 30 seconds, maybe a little more.

Remove the dough from the bag and give it a shape.

Then place it in the bag again and hang again.

This process must be repeated 3 times.

After such a short kneading, you will immediately notice how the dough has changed.

For leveling: dough in the photo Before kneading. Immediately after exposure.

After kneading the dough, form it into a ball and let it rest in an airtight bag for another 2-3 years. I work the surface with starch.

Place the resting dough in the center and flatten it., cook stir-fry, fry with vegetables, meat and seafood - there is a whole collection of recipes on our website!

Choose grass for your taste and cook with satisfaction! Delicious! In the same kitchen, along with rice, there is a Japanese wheat loaf called udon.

You prepare the beard with added water and salt.

Udon has a neutral taste, so it’s suitable for you various herbs– pasta, soups, broths, meat and vegetable side dishes. You will find out how to prepare Japanese loxin in the recipes with the photo below. Sho take udon View pasta viruses

lie in the form of the beard taken as a basis.

Udon is thin and flat.

It is prepared from wheat beard.

  • Energy value
  • It adds up to 337 kcal per 100 g. It takes only three hours to prepare such a dish, which is why it has become popular.
  • If you get it from the appearance of independent herding, then you can simply sprinkle
  • Oliya

. I would like to eat udon more often with celeri, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables, fish, seafood and chicken meat, chicken, pork and yalovicini. How to cook lokshina udon?

It’s really simple - just grind 7-8 quilins in boiling water.

  • How to prepare lokshina udon
  • If you want to cook udon savory, use other ingredients. It is good to eat zucchini, seafood, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes and any type of meat. The baked goods can be served cold, but on frosty days, they can be served hot.
  • The udon recipe works for both types.
  • To boil the pasta, it is recommended to use a vikory enamel saucepan.
  • Lokshina udon with chicken and vegetables
  • Cooking hour: 40 hvilin. Portion quantity: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the herb: 111 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Japanese.
  • The simplest recipe for Japanese loxin is udon with chicken and vegetables.
  • This is a spicy and almost exotic herb.
  • The spicy flavor of the yoma is enhanced by teriyaki sauce based on rice wine, soy and fish sauce.
  • Especially
  • delicious grass
  • come out when fried in the kitchen, then. deep Chinese frying pan with a rounded bottom of small diameter.
  • I want my friend’s food to be no worse.


  1. Wash the chickens, cut into cubes, marinate in a mixture of light soy sauce and starch.
  2. Wash the vegetables, knead more.
  3. On olive oil, grease the chicken until golden, then transfer to a serving platter.
  4. Place the meat in a frying pan and season with ginger.
  5. After 30 seconds, add all the vegetables.
  6. Lubricate 304 hvilini over high heat, stirring.
  7. Crush the vegetables into one bowl with a spatula, pour in light and dark sauce, fish sauce, add zuccor and rice wine.

Shred the chicken some more, then introduce the chicken and stir.

  • It adds up to 337 kcal per 100 g. It takes only three hours to prepare such a dish, which is why it has become popular.
  • Seafood udon
  • Calorie content of the herb: 259 kcal.
  • Oliya
  • Purpose: for lunch/for supper.

Foldability: medium.

It’s really simple - just grind 7-8 quilins in boiling water.

  • Lokshina udon with seafood is a staple dish in Japanese cuisine.
  • The recipe here is simple, and the products are prepared quickly. The shrimp are better than king shrimp - they smell bigger and look more beautiful.
  • The original look is not so winning, but you can still go.
  • It’s easier to cook shrimp without any additives, but it’s much tastier when served with vegetables and gourmet sauce.
  • In Japanese cuisine, this dish is more basic than just a lokshina with shrimp.
  • peanut butter – 3 tbsp;
  • Calorie content of the herb: 111 kcal.
  • bell pepper
  • - 3 pcs.;
  • ginger stick – 1 pc.


  1. dovzhina 1 cm;
  2. tsukor, sіl – for relish;
  3. carrots – 1 pc.;
  4. green cibul - for relish; king shrimps – 15 approx.; soy sauce – 2 tbsp;
  5. udon - 200 rub.
  6. On the surface, brush the top of the chasnik with ginger.

Next, add the peeled shrimp.

  • Cook the lokshina according to the instructions on the package.
  • Add more vegetables and season
  • soy sauce
  • Calorie content of the herb: 259 kcal.
  • , cucrum, salt.
  • Purpose: for lunch/for supper.

Extinguish 1 hvilina, enter lokshini.

It’s really simple - just grind 7-8 quilins in boiling water.

  • Stir, then add a bunch of quillin, add green cinnamon.
  • Udon with pork Cooking time: 30 hvilin.
  • Serving size: 4 individuals.
  • Calorie content of the herb: 85 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian. The similar kitchen practically does not vikorista meat.


  1. This product can replace seafood.
  2. If you want to cook herbs, which are essential for Russian cuisine, then a lokshina of udon with pork will suit you.
  3. This is a classic option for eating pasta and meat.
  4. Today you can already enjoy this kind of herb in many Chinese restaurants.
  5. Everything is done through the mixing of cultures. cold water then proceed to meat and vegetables.
  6. Stir, then add 5 quilins under the lid.

Yalovichi Udon

  • Cooking hour: 25 hvilin.
  • Number of servings: 3 individuals.
  • Calorie content: 160 kcal.
  • Calorie content of the herb: 259 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • Purpose: for lunch/for supper.

Another recipe from the Dusya Shared Kitchen is a whole lokshina udon with yowlberry.

It’s really simple - just grind 7-8 quilins in boiling water.

  • For such a taste, it is better to take the meat younger.
  • The best option is viralization.
  • It's easier to prepare and comes out even juicier and smoother.
  • To supplement the meat and loxins with this recipe, take vegetables.
  • You can prepare the herb with added soy sauce, then it will be sweet and delicious in the world.
  • In Japanese cuisine, this dish is more basic than just a lokshina with shrimp.
  • I just want it to be just as tasty with vegetables.


  1. peas – 50 g;
  2. udon - 150 g;
  3. spices, sesame, pepper, salt - to taste;
  4. tsibulya – 1 pc.;
  5. bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  6. Yalovichina – 200 rub.
  7. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and dry them on a paper towel.
  8. Just eat the meat and cut it into pieces.

Vegetables are quite detailed.

  • Heat the butter in a frying pan and grease the kernels.
  • Then add the tsibul with carrots.
  • Grease until soft, stirring gradually.
  • Calorie content of the herb: 259 kcal.
  • Oliya
  • Using your feet, introduce the peppercorns.

Season with spices, pepper and salt.

It’s really simple - just grind 7-8 quilins in boiling water.

  • Cook the lokshina for instructions.
  • Then add lubricant to it. Before serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • How to prepare udon at home
  • Cooking time: 3 years.


  1. Serving size: 2 individuals.
  2. Calorie content of the herb: 209 kcal.
  3. Foldability: medium
  4. Lokshina udon at home is prepared no more difficult than other pasta dishes.
  5. The warehouse is also very simple - salt, flour, water.
  6. Why is it special?
  7. Everything on the right is in the technology itself, how to prepare local udon at home.
  8. The dough is mixed for a little while and then discarded.
  9. The result is that you become outdated in the world and are deprived of the lower.
  10. Fold the third of the layer to the center, repeat on the other side, turn the workpiece over with the seam down.
  11. We use a knife to cut the dough into 3-4 mm round edges.
  12. Once again, add starch, mix, and separate the ingredients.


Video: lokshina udon with shrimp

Chicken fillet - 250 grams

Lokshina udon - 100 grams

Soy sauce - 60 ml

Roslinna oliya – 3 tbsp.


Strength behind the relish

Nasinya sesame - for relish

Zucchini - 50 grams Carrots – 50 grams Bulgarian

sweet pepper

- 50 grams

Chinese cabbage – 50 grams

Gribi – 100 grams

Tsibulya - 50 grams

Starch - 4 tbsp.

Chasnik - 2 cloves
100 g Udon with a trigger:
Energy value: 151 kcal

Proteins: 8.7 g Fat: 4.1 g Bcarbohydrates: 19.8 g

The flavors of Japanese and Thai cuisine are mysterious, savory and elemental when cooked.

  1. The recipe for udon loxini with chicken and vegetables also does not suffer from complexity and unavailable ingredients.
  2. Fragrantly coated chicken, tender udon, freshness stewed vegetables, an unusual spicy sauce - taste from Asia like always, come out wonderful, beautiful and tasty
  3. Method for preparing udon loxini with chicken:
  4. Rinse and peel all vegetables: tsibula, carrots, chasnik, zucchini, pepper.
  5. Wash the mushrooms, cut off the stems and roots if necessary.
  6. Chop all the prepared vegetables,
  7. Chinese cabbage
  8. and mushroom into thin strips.
  9. Boil water in a saucepan and add salt.
  10. Add a piece of udon, cook, stirring, for 5-7 minutes.

Throw it on the trash. Cut the chicken into small pieces and roll in starch. Place the meat in a well-heated frying pan with butter/butter, coat over high heat, stirring constantly, for 1 length. Add mushrooms, coat until steamed. Place the chicken and mushrooms, peppers, carrots and zucchini, lightly salt, mix.

Lubricate 5 hvilins.

Japanese cuisine enjoys great popularity throughout the world. Any metropolis in obovyazkovo will have a Japanese restaurant where you can eat national herds

land of long-lived people and samurai.

Among the shanuvalniks, most people like to know sushi - grass with rice and seafood;

misosiru soup - fresh herb to top with miso pasta;

Tempura - pieces of poultry, seafood or vegetables coated in a vegetable oil, which are previously dipped in batter; Udon is a herb from lokshini, prepared from wheat beard without vicarious eggs. Lokshina udon with chicken and vegetables (recipe below) will become the main dish of this article.

Why waste udon?

Udon is a type of national Japanese vegetable, when it is fermented, it consists of 3 components: wheat, water and salt.

Their peculiarity is the ubiquity of eggs.

  • From the dough prepared from over-processed ingredients, a long loaf of 2-4 mm in diameter is pulled out.
  • The color of the lokshina should be kept in the berries of the beard, which is vikoryst and can be white or brawn.
  • The lokshina is ready to become soft and elastic.
  • Udon is prepared like peppers and other herbs.
  • Lokshina can be served hot, or else
  • monster relish
  • preserved with a cold look.
  • They are often prepared with various types of meat, seafood, vegetables, and seasoned with dark or light soy sauce.
  • Try cooking grass with loxini udon, chicken and vegetables in your kitchen.
  • All ingredients that are used in recipes can be found in any store.
  • No special utensils are needed either.
  • Lokshina udon with chicken and vegetables, recipe

For 3 servings you need the following products:

  1. Lokshina udon -300 g.
  2. Chicken fillet - 250 g.
  3. Mushrooms, bagan pecheritsi – 200 g.
  4. Chinese cabbage - 60 g.
  5. Add cabbage to the remaining pot and boil the udon first.

Mix the prepared herb well and remove the saucepan from the stove.

Add soy sauce, mix again.

Yaki udon tori (lokshina udon with chicken and vegetables) in Viyshov is great.

  • It was too late to put the prepared loxin into plates and serve the herb on the table. The Japanese eat udon with chopsticks, or you can quickly chop it with a fork. If you don’t have any pecheritsa on hand, you can completely replace them with lily or dried shiitake mushrooms.
  • Feel free to decorate the herbs with green cilantro or sesame seeds.
  • To prepare delicious udon with chicken and vegetables and nourish your homeland with the unique Japanese herb, try these tips:
  • It’s best to put a bottle in

smoking broth

- so there will be infused relish and will not be watery.

  • You can't cook udon too long - it will become sticky and lose its shape, becoming like porridge.
  • They are often prepared with various types of meat, seafood, vegetables, and seasoned with dark or light soy sauce.
  • Instead of soy sauce, you can use teriyaku sauce.
  • To prepare other herbs, do not just boil the udon, but additionally coat it until golden brown, about 7 times.
  • Udon with chicken and vegetables, recipe No. 2
  • Food storage (4 servings):
  • Chicken fillet - 700 g.
  • Lokshina wheat udon - 350 g.

After kneading the dough, form it into a ball and let it rest in an airtight bag for another 2-3 years.

  1. Green cibul (stems) - 40 g.
  2. Canned corn - 70 g.
  3. Teriyaki sauce - 200 ml.
  4. Soy sauce - 70 ml.

Sesame seeds - 15 g.

Cut the chicken fillet into medium-sized pieces. Coat the fillet in a frying pan with olive oil, do not add salt, the fire may be strong. After the browned crust has set, add teriyaku sauce and continue to coat the fillet over low heat.

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