Mono diet for weight loss 6 panes of the menu. Diet "6 pelyustok": a miracle flower from Annie Johansson. Ribny day: soup-puree from pike

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Basic principles of diet

The author of the methodology is Anna Johansson, a nutritionist, Sweden. Vaughn hoarded the concept of a rationed meal and created a program of six mono-diets, which are changed for six days at a strict sequence.

For only 1 day, try a skin mono-diet, if a person lives a thin set of goods from the black group. Proteins are charged with carbohydrates, which gives additional fat burning.

  1. Ribny Day = Riba + squid, shrimps, octopus, mussels;
  2. Sheep day \u003d Ovochi;
  3. Chicken day = Chicken m'yaso;
  4. Cereal day \u003d Cereal porridge;
  5. Sirny day \u003d Sir;
  6. Fruit day = fruit.

The last days of Suvor!

It is not possible to change the order of the warehouse during the middle of the day.

The idea of ​​the author of the methodology was vindicated, praising the integrity of the people, which is worse. What do you need to know, so that you can ideally conceive and name the diet? Paint and swipe a ticket with 6 pellets. Write the days and bring the pelyust to the world. So we bachimo, that they already pulled up and some way in front.

Golovnі rules їidi

1) Mode of eating: the number of meals is 4, in small portions.

Fenced break between zhezhey and over 4 years. Easy menu includes:

  • Snidanok - 2nd Snidanok - Obid - Noon - Supper.

2) Under the hour of the night, it is necessary to seriously chew over the hedgehog.

Relatively means up to 20 times leather shmachok. To enrich the grub breast with enzymes and activate the entire herbal system.

3) Drinking regimen: clean water or weak tea (greens).

Chi do not drink pid hour їzhі. For quantity, focus on sprague. There is no need to save money, if you want to drink 1.2-1.5 liters for production.

4) Any day it is allowed to use salt and natural spices.

Amount of salt up to 3-5 grams: 1/2 or 2/3 teaspoon. As a small additive, fresh leafy greens (creep, parsley, cilantro, lettuce) are allowed.

5) Number of goods for skin day.

About the expansion of portions of the report with butts to marvel at in one of the comments under the article.

Harvested products

Diet "6 pelyustok" puts a clear mark on our menu. What are the products of the new fence?

  • Be-yaka vipіchka (vinyatok - sprats of shmatochkіv bread from whole grains for the day of cereals).
  • All confectionery products and preparations of malt, chocolate and be-yak_ products with zukr.
  • Oliya be-what a trip.
  • Smoked and canned products, store-bought beverages.
  • Kava, carbonated water with and without zucrum, compote, sik tribal sap (on a fruity day, you can have a little fresh juice).
  • Be-yak_ products, yak_ do not enter the warehouse of the menu today.

Healthy skin day menu

Diet "6 pelyustok" come out of the brought logic of the most successful programs: "Get out shvidki in carbohydrates! To this same її the first day is ribney. Fish and seafood - a protein that is easy to get, and a wealth of mineral salts and vitamins.

For the appearance of the leaner, such a white cob of leanness is reduced almost like hunger.

What do we do on the first day?

Choose fish and seafood of high quality - boiled, baked, steamed. Fatty fish varieties are allowed.

For relish vikoristovuemo strength, greens and natural spices. For example, a set of herbs for yushka, ale without third-party additives for sodium glutamate (!)

Day #1. Ribny day - menu option:

  • On the side - cooked ribne fillet, add salt.
  • Another snack is ribeye with tassels, baked in foil. The strength of that greenery is for relish.
  • For lunch - fish soup from sill and greens (= empty yushka without vegetables!). Porad for the recipe: put some fish near the water, and seafood. Shrimp meat for 5 minutes before the end of cooking, or pieces of boiled squid once, like they took a casserole from the fire.
  • Noon - steamed fish.
  • For the evening - cooked shrimp or squid.
  • At the breaks between the zhezhey - weak green tea without tsukru.

What can I do another day?

I know only one type of product and a kilka of cooking methods: cheese, steamed, boiled, baked.

Get respect! Olya in the vegetables is not allowed!

Day number 2. Sheep day - zrazkove menu:

  • For a snack - boiled potatoes and lettuce from syroy cabbage.
  • Other reference - kale and/or steamed broccoli, add salt, do not trim in a sample up to 7 quills.
  • On obіd - stew-varene vegetable stew, add salt, add greens. It’s better to prepare the mix until I’m “al dente”: it’s not syria anymore, but it’s more springy. With such vegetables, it is easier to vikonati and to eat a good rechive.
  • Noon - baked in folzy garbuz or mashed potatoes from boiled celerium root and narizka fresh vegetables(carrot, ogirok, bell pepper).
  • For the evening - a mix of vegetables on a choli with cabbage and carrots, baked in foil or steamed. Abo syria salad with dekilkom cabbage, carrots and celery.
  • At the breaks between you - weak green tea without zucru, water with fresh vegetable juice.

What are we doing on the third day?

Sound, this is the turning point of the diet “6 pelyustok”, if apathy may come. Easily conquered proteins - from chicken meat - will come to help again.

Our task is to follow a little hunger and hunger. Tse means, without a meal of calories, it is enough to eat (up to 20 times of skin shmachok!)

Day number 3. Chicken Day - savory menu:

  • On the snidanok - chicken fillet cooked.
  • Another snack is chicken n_zhka, baked in foil without rind, salt + natural spices from herbs.
  • For obid - another broth from chicken, with small pieces of chicken meat and greens.
  • Noon-stegna kurki, steamed without skins.
  • For the evening - cooked chicken breast, water can be salted.

What do mi robimo have on the 4th day?

If you see cereals for cooking porridges on water - products are allowed for the middle of the weight loss program. Like in the previous days, you can add strength, greens and spices without piece components.

Day number 4. Zlakovy day - menu option:

  • For snacks - green buckwheat, steamed ahead of the evening. Pour 1 part of the groats with dill (2 parts of the water), curry it with a tassel. Before їzheyu you can add salt.
  • Another sn_danok - v_dvareny rice.
  • For lunch - pshonyan porridge.
  • Noon-bulgur with chopped greens.
  • For dinner - Greek porridge on the water.
  • At the breaks between the zhezhey - unsalted green tea.

What do mi robimo have on the 5th day?

Suvoro on syrі = tіlki syrі і 1 bottle of low-fat milk (up to 3%).

Day number 5. Sirny day - special menu:

  • On snidanok - Sir without additional.
  • Another snack is salting sir.
  • For obіd - sir and pіvsklyanki milk.
  • Noon - sir without additives.
  • For the evening - sir and pіvsklyanki milk.
  • At breaks between men and women - non-malted tea.

What do mi robimo have on the 6th day?

It’s less fruit, the orphan looks like an orphan.

Day number 6. Fruit day - menu option:

  • On a snіdanok - a great banana.
  • Another snack is an orange and an apple.
  • For obid - banana and 2 kiwi.
  • Noon-whether seasonal fruits (apricots, plums, nectarines).
  • In the evening - grapefruit.
  • At the breaks between you - unsalted tea, 1 bottle of fresh fruit juice, water with additional fresh juice.

What do we do after diet?

  • In the first three days after the diet, we turn off alcohol, whether it be gas, and also oiled, smoked, too fat and richly folded.
  • Do not throw yourself on їzhu! Not pragnemo diversity and not too rich. Vigіdno rozrahuvat dennu calorie for reachable vag and equal physical activity, schob dotremuvatsya її in a simple diet with minimal work їzhi.

How many kil can you earn?

Salads, stewed stews, baked fish, shrimp, squid, be it meat, fruit, and the freshness of the savory taste - this is how it is carried out in a good diet day. І repeat the dietary cycle "6 pelyustok" to consolidate the results.

Pluses and minuses of the diet "6 pelyustok"

Pelyustka diet - tse three smuts perevagi on the way to stringiness:

  1. High efficiency. The weight loss is less than 6 days, however, due to the numerous observations, the stench can lead to a significant loss of weight: up to 4-5 kilograms.
  2. It is easily tolerated. Tse vіdrіznyaє 6-day cherguvannya monodієt vіd zvichaynoї single-product diet for the day. Psychologically and physically vitrimat 3 days on one Greek, or the day of diet on cereals can be more important, lower change the same type of product sets with a skin day.
  3. There is no pronounced hunger between meals. Tsya perevaga describes more information about the diet. Such a positive moment allows you to get the program easier and do not waste your purpose.

The program was not spared. And it’s not surprising, as a reminder, that “6 pelyustok” is still an extreme kind of weight loss without a hell of a way of life. Throughout the whole systemic work, the vikonati will lose weight, as we want to consolidate stringent results.

Otzhe, why are there weak sides of the pelyust diet?

  1. More often than not eating with a narrow variety of products during the day. It is difficult to organize for working people. The ideal follower of a diet is a person with a free schedule.
  2. Significant stress on all organs of the system, which is typical for all mono-diets. The nature of a human being provides a variety of meals. Monodieta - zavzhd peroxide in excess of some speeches and under-recovery of others. Vidsutnіst balance in life important nutrients - stress for the body.
  3. Impossibility to follow one's likeness in the next days of diet. Don't like sire to the point of nudoti? And the requirement is їsti, and even yoga! Such a turn in dozens of times causes discomfort in the process of losing weight.
  4. The bitterness of the rationed eating has not been brought to light. Here, as if it were a placebo effect: do you believe that eating more food can be globally beneficial for losing weight? The placebo works on you. Do not lie - keep the legion quiet, who, having taken the fate of the past, did not demonstrate the annual pluses in the light of the products during the hour of weight loss.
  5. І the rest - the most important! - minus: pelyust's diet does not change our setting to death, does not exult in the main cause of the supra-world vaga.

Too much calorie intake, sips to licorice and fat and hypodynamia to stand on chole disharmony in figure and health problems in the world.

Six days described by the program of weight loss give results on the basis of commitments, but do not change psychology and do not change new healthy stars. A tse rizik for turning to the wrong eating that a set of kilograms.

Be careful!

Overstraining the body, but a short-term result with relapse is not a rare scenario for any mono-diet.

Yes, “6 pelyustok” has such a contraindication!

  • Vagity.
  • Anniversary.
  • Chronic illness of nirok.

Before speech, about the principle of strict subdivision of products, which is the basis of diet. Cicave randomized clinical trials for dietary eating for weight loss were carried out for 6 days, in stationary minds, at the University Hospital Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. The results were published in the International Journal of Obesity, No. 24, April, 2000

Two groups were equalized, who were worse in terms of calorie content of the menu. One group - zmishane eat properly. Another - a different meal. The results in the second vagus and obsyagiv, as well as in routine blood tests, were practically the same. One more sumnіv at "charіvnyh pervagakh" podіlu produktіv for weight loss.

Today we spoke about the “6 pelyustok” diet, describing a simple menu for a skin day, nutritionists’ opinions and possible results. Come on, let me help you take the decision to take a path to a healthy string!

P.S. The results of 2 kilos of diet in the girl in the photo lost the boost at the gym.

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Valeria Demidova

Hello, new readers! I am a medical therapist with over 40 years of experience. I love life, I love my work and my family. I have two children and three grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I am happy to support our family blog. On nutrition, in which you share the peculiarities of your health, I often confirm. I help the authors relatively improve speech, diet for weight loss and savory eating. I share my favorite family recipes, which are passed down through the generations. Traditional cuisine I won’t deny it, but fading is necessary for everyone. I wish you all good health and radio interest until the skin day!

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Diet 6 pellets - Effective diet of the Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. This diet allowed thousands of European women to lose weight by tens of kilograms! "Kvіtkova" method of Johansson and today continue to fight іz zayvimi іgіlogramm, vyavovuyuchi more prihilnitsa middle zhіnki, yakі mrіyut lose weight.

Diya dієti on zayvі kilograms is rightly opposed! As the statistics show, 8 out of 10 is quiet, who is thinner, try to make the most of your money. The average amount of whiskey per day should be 500 to 800 grams. In general, lose 10-15 kg on “bazhanі” for those who are on the “6 pelyustok” diet.

6 days - 6 mono-diet - 6 vouchers

A diet of 6 pancakes will last for six days, and at the end of the process, 6 special mono-diets will be completed, which will follow one by one.

The first day is the first mono-diet, the other day is a friend, the third is the third one. The scheme of the diary "Six pelyustok" was inspired by the last drawing of the mono-diet. In the opinion of nutritionist Annie Johansson, she created this technique for losing weight, a 24-year-old mono-diet highest rank ryatuє vіd zayvih kіlogramіv.

Diet "6 pelyustok" - easy and radiant diet

It's true, the diet "6 pelyustok" deserved the best advice from women on how to lose weight! And it is connected with the price not only because of the high efficiency of the load. The Swedish nutritionist Ganna Johansson, figuring out this technique, has tried to psychologically encourage women to lose weight. Vaughn gave her diet a light flower image, depicting the menu as if it were a hand-painted flower.

Tsim Anna tries to say that your diet will help you not only to get rid of your weight, but to maintain your health, mood, positive look at yourself. Even if the most effective program for losing weight appears to be non-diabetic, as it brings discomfort and depression to the woman, - Dr. Johansson affirms.

In order to get the one who is worse in the group, on a new skin day, it brings to him a sense of rich satisfaction and honor to himself, the nutritionist urged to swipe her paper card on paper, on the kshtalt of the one that is painted on the picture. Navit neobov'yazkovo, so that the paper layout is similar to a "chamomile". You can depict a tulip, a lily, an orchid vreshti-resht ... Golovne, sob your ticket is small 6 pelyustok, so you will sequentially ... wind.

So, that vіdrivayuchi on one paper pelus of the day, You will see that the whole day has passed not without reason for your figure, that your willpower has overcome all the "savory" calm down! Obov'yazkovo write pelyustki vіdpovіdno to the picture more, so as not to get lost!

Zvichayno, look at Paperer's ticket, no - your special officer is on the right. However, for the sake of the midwives of nurses, they victoriously celebrated the diet “6 pelyustok”, the best results were achieved by those of them who hung a handwritten card on the doors of the refrigerator.

So, we recommend that you join the favor of the popular nutritionist Annie Johansson and plant a "dietary" card in a prominent place!
How is she working?

The principle of the injection of the diet "6 pelyustok" for the zayva vag is even simpler! This secret lies in the uninterrupted physiology of our etching, - doctor Hanna Johansson reveals.

First, be it a mono-diet - tse, day-to-day, until the time of the rules of a rationed meal. Vikoristovuyuchi goods, prescriptions for the singing "pelustci", tobto. days of death, You don’t change the unimaginable one by one elements that are detrimental to the figure.

For those who don’t know, it’s significant: like “competing” speech among themselves, they improve the speed of etching, after which proteins are established, fat or into carbohydrates, yak, so without having overtaken poisoning, they transform into lower fat. In the “6 pelyustok” diet, it is possible to live overnight with products of a different genus, but, - says Anna Johansson, - the possibility of an additional set of vases is turned off.

In another way, - the Swedish nutritionist affirms, - add mono-diets to provoke a decrease in the vag through a single meal for a whole day. As shown by the studies carried out by the European Center for the Reduction of Vagi, mono-diet, which lasts no more than 25 years, most aggressively swells on gains in kilograms. This is due to certain features of our etching system, or rather, to a specific organ - the liver.

As you can see, the liver is a treasure, a kind of refrigerator for the body. They store different kinds of speech, which “for the time being” are not needed by the body. In other words, the whole organ of etching should be “in reserve” for the useless speeches of life. Remember, the smut word here is “bezlich”.

Today, the diet of “6 pelyustok” is accompanied by a singing mono-diet, supplementing it, it will be worse to get used to one specific product: cock, sir, riba, etc. The liver, about the yak was more, like that, and the whole organism, more for the snіdanka, boil smoked meat i ... start checks of a new life dzherel z іnhim chemical warehouse. Aja Wee remember that the key word for the liver is "impersonal" of life speeches? Ale, friends, you won’t get used to other products during the day, even if you have a mono-diet!

In this way, an offensive effect is reached: the organism, which is looking like a “new one”, overcooks chicken meat (sire, riba, fruit thin) mayzhe “marno”, practically not crusting yogo energy value. However, in order to function, you need a lot of energy. For luck, for those who are thinner, you can become a dzherelom and save fat, tobto. bring in kilos. Vitrachatsya pіdshkіrny fat bude dosit shvidko, beginning already from the middle of the day. So you can show yourself how many fatty deposits can be burnt on one “pell” or on one additional mono-diet of the “6 pills” technique.

Thirdly: another important feature of the diet, which allows you to effectively lose weight, is the scheme of protein-carbohydrate dieting. Diet retailer, doctor Hanna Johansson, hard, sho by 50% successful weight loss on the diet of "6 pelyustok" you see the signs of this scheme!

Judge for yourself: Day 1 - Ribna mono-diet - pure protein diet; Day 2 - vegetable mono-diet - pure carbohydrate diet; Day 3 - chicken mono-diet - pure protein diet; Day 4 - cereal mono-diet - pure carbohydrate diet; Day 5 - sirna monodieta - pure protein diet; Day 4 - fruit mono-diet - pure carbohydrate diet.

Like a bachite, today you are changing the protein meal for carbohydrates. This tactic allows you to “deceive” the body, confuse it with fat, add deposits to the body, and not at the same time take in carbohydrate (energy) starvation.

As for the fatty warehouse diet of the “6 pelyustok” diet, it is represented exclusively by brown monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (rib, syrah, chicken meat), as they cannot be consumed in the diet of human fats. Therefore, such fats are considered to be dietary, and are present in the diet, including for the balance of the diet.

Also, according to the main features of the diet “6 pelyustok”, which allow you to lose weight effectively:
Protein-carbohydrate dieting provokes a decrease in the amount of fat in the body.
The principles of a rationed meal, which help at an accelerated pace, are radiated from the occupied kilograms.
One-day mono-diet, which allows in an effective regimen to spall fat deposits.
Vіdsutnіst symbіznogo etching navіt navіt the least set of vaga.
Watch out for the sequence of “pelyustok”!

In the diet "6 pelyustok" it is important to finish the assigned sequence of mono-diet:

Day 1 - Ribna mono-diet

Day 2 - Ovochev mono-diet

Day 3 - Chicken mono-diet

Day 4 - Zlakova mono-diet

Day 5 - Sirna mono-diet

Day 6 - Fruit mono-diet

The Swedish nutritionist Hanna Johansson, having developed the “6 pelyustok” diet, insists that the diet should be in this order, it is not indicated in the order. Don’t change the menu items by the menu, and, for example, on the third day, spend the sirna mono-diet instead of the recognized chicken!

On the right, in the fact that the skin mono-diet is more important, it wins its role in the process of reducing the vagi. Before that, the “6 pelluses” technique, as an effective tool for reducing weight gain, a vicorist scheme of protein-carbohydrate intake. I don’t need to bring up that it’s impossible to change days by months at the same time! In a different way, you will destroy the program of lowering the weight, given by the diet "6 pelyustok" and led by the creator, nutritionist Anna Johansson.

In addition, the skin of the front menu prepares the body until the coming day. It looks like this:

Ribna mono-diet of the first day lightly "sticks" the body's pills, providing a significant amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Acidity, in essence, is brown fat, which, zavdyaks to its warehouse, does not change into a building on the undercoat of fat.

Krym tsyogo, riba - the most easily acquired proteins from yoghurt. key species. To get white turkeys comes to you for their dietary powers.

In this way, ribna mono-diet, with an insignificant amount of calories per day, bring not only a significant amount of strength, but also prepare the body to grow for a high rahunok instead of yakis protein.

Ovocheva mono-diet, it is considered worse the next day, to further reduce the calorie content of the pre-cooked diet and enrich the body with brown dewy carbohydrates, yakі, buds of their own budovі, bring an insignificant amount of energy with only a few vitrates on them. Oskіlki organism needs additional energy from the їhnoyї obrobka, vіn zamenshuє kіlkіst vіssnyh adipose tissue.

In this rank, in one day of mono-diet you can spend up to two kilograms. zavoi vaga. Even more effective vegetable mono-diets appear, as if they overdid the daily protein eating. In the “6 pelyustok” diet, only fish products were implanted a day earlier, which proved to be a pure protein hedgehog.

Smoking mono-diet to restore the stock of protein in the body. Shards on the previous day of lean dorimuvavsya vegetable mono-diet, all the protein, "z'edeniya" at once with a trigger, stained without excess on the mark of your m'yaziv, and in the same rank do not replenish the body's fat reserves. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, your metabolism will be restored to the energy consumption from the fat cells of the body, which will appear in a significant decrease in the amount of energy for qiu.

A cereal mono-diet is also rich in carbohydrates, which help the body lose weight. Cereals, which can be finished with a hard shell, are easily over-etched with a shulka. On їхнє over-etching Ide to finish a lot of strength and hour of the herbal system. I lack the energy of the body, like a woman with a vegetable mono-diet, to restore the balance of the body's fat reserves.

Oskelki on the previous day is thin following a chicken mono-diet, folded in carbohydrates of cereals, it is practically more likely to go to replenish glycogen reserves. That is why the energy of the body is necessary for life, I know it, I still have to take the vikoristanya of the adipose tissue for the rahunok.

Sirna mono-diet on the fifth day to replenish the reserves of mineral resources, which are rejected, to be used 4 days in advance. In this case, the sir, being a low-calorie dzherel of a high-acid protein, will practically be splitting into essential amino acids, which are the nearest warehouse to the “ideal” protein. In this way, the “syrian” protein will not be converted by the liver to glucose, as it cannot provide the body with energy. As a result, metabolism will once again be brought up to zayvih kіlogramіv, which you will try so hard to get.

The fruit mono-diet on the rest, the 6th day of the diet was called for to provide the body with carbohydrates - polysaccharides. Polysaccharides, found in fruits, are easily digested by the human duct-intestinal tract, bringing in the greatest doses of energy. How do you care if the stars will take the energy? Well, of course, from your fat reserves. Come out, you'll lose weight again!

Yak bachite, today the diet of "6 pelyustok" is thought out as much as possible! Uсі 6 dіb - lanki of one lance, one successive and effective program for weight loss. “Because at the same time, don’t blame them for the ruling court!”, - Anna Johansson, a nutritionist, is ahead.

Diet menu "6 pelyustok"

Day 1.


It is allowed to live as a sort of ribi in boiled, baked or stewed look. You can vikoristovuvaty strong and non-spicy spices, greens. Yushka is allowed (without potatoes and other ingredients, green cream), fish broth.

Day 2


It is allowed to live as varieties of vegetables in the orphan, boiled, baked or stewed look. You can vikoristovuvaty strong and non-spicy spices, greens. Vegetable juices are allowed.

Day 3


It is allowed to live chicken fillet (breast) in boiled, baked or stewed looking. You can vikoristovuvaty strong and non-spicy spices, greens. Chicken broth is allowed.

Day 4


It is allowed to live, whether you see cereals, cereals, sprouted nasіnnya, nasіnnya, grain bread, visіvki, klitkovina. You can vikoristovuvati sil, greens. Kvass is allowed.

Day 5


It is allowed to live in sir, low fat or with a low fat content. Milk is allowed.

Day 6


It is allowed to live as varieties of fruits in an orphan's baked look. It is possible to vicorate such spices as cinnamon, vanilin, lemon peel. Fruit juices without zucru are allowed.

Zukor is guilty of all sorts of debacles, both in water and in drink.

Nutritional regimen drinking water, green or black tea. Kіlkіst kavi bazhano speed.

After the completion of the six-day term, the course of the diet "6 pelyustok" can be rediscovered.

Diet 6 pellets- Effective diet of the Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. This diet allowed thousands of European women to lose weight by tens of kilograms! "Kvіtkova" method of Johansson and today continue to fight іz zayvimi іgіlogramm, vyavovuyuchi more prihilnitsa middle zhіnki, yakі mrіyut lose weight.

Diet, yaka helped thousands of women in the whole world!

Diya dієti on zayvі kilograms is rightly opposed! As the statistics show, 8 out of 10 is quiet, who is thinner, try to make the most of your money. The average amount of whiskey per day should be 500 to 800 grams. In general, lose 10-15 kg on “bazhanі” for those who are on the “6 pelyustok” diet.

6 days - 6 mono-diet - 6 vouchers

A diet of 6 pancakes will last for six days, and at the end of the process, 6 special mono-diets will be completed, which will follow one by one.

The first day is the first mono-diet, the other day is a friend, the third is the third, etc. In the opinion of nutritionist Annie Johansson, she created this technique for losing weight, a 24-year-old mono-diet - a system of eating, which best helps to gain weight.

Diet "6 pelyustok" - easy and radiant diet

It's true, the diet "6 pelyustok" deserved the best advice from women on how to lose weight! And it is connected with the price not only because of the high efficiency of the load. The Swedish nutritionist Ganna Johansson, figuring out this technique, has tried to psychologically encourage women to lose weight. Vaughn gave her diet a light flower image, depicting the menu as if it were a hand-painted flower.

Tsim Anna tries to say that your diet will help you not only to get rid of your weight, but to maintain your health, mood, positive look at yourself. Even if the most effective program for losing weight appears to be non-diabetic, as it brings discomfort and depression to the woman, - Dr. Johansson affirms.

In order to get the one who is worse in the group, on a new skin day, it brings to him a sense of rich satisfaction and honor to himself, the nutritionist urged to swipe her paper card on paper, on the kshtalt of the one that is painted on the picture. Navit neobov'yazkovo, so that the paper layout is similar to a "chamomile". You can depict a tulip, a lily, an orchid vreshti-resht ... Golovne, sob your ticket is small 6 pelyustok, so you will sequentially ... wind.

Open your ticket with a paper and drink one pill at a time after a skin day spent on a diet!

So, that vіdrivayuchi on one paper pelus of the day, You will see that the whole day has passed not without reason for your figure, that your willpower has overcome all the "savory" calm down! Obov'yazkovo write pelyustki vіdpovіdno to the picture more, so as not to get lost!

Zvichayno, look at Paperer's ticket, no - your special officer is on the right. However, for the sake of the midwives of nurses, they victoriously celebrated the diet “6 pelyustok”, the best results were achieved by those of them who hung a handwritten card on the doors of the refrigerator.

How to practice diet

The principle of the injection of the diet "6 pelyustok" for the zayva vag is even simpler! This secret lies in the uninterrupted physiology of our etching, - doctor Hanna Johansson reveals.

Perche Be it a mono-diet - tse, in fact, dotrimannya rules for a rationed meal. Vykoristovuyuchi product prescriptions for any particular "pellusts", that days of the diet, You do not change the unimaginable one with one element, harmful for the figure.

For those who don’t know, it’s respectful: similar “competing” speeches improve the speed of etching, after which proteins, fats or carbohydrates, yak, not having digested, turn into fat. In the “6 pelyustok” diet, it is possible to live overnight with products of a different genus, but, - says Anna Johansson, - the possibility of an additional set of vases is turned off.

In a different way, - the Swedish nutritionist affirms, - add mono-diet to provoke a decrease in the vag through a single meal for a whole day. As shown by the studies carried out by the European Center for the Reduction of Vagi, mono-diet, which lasts no more than 25 years, most aggressively swells on gains in kilograms. This is due to certain features of our etching system, or rather, to a specific organ - the liver.

As you can see, the liver is a treasure, a kind of refrigerator for the body. They store different kinds of speech, which “for the time being” are not needed by the body. In other words, the whole organ of etching should be “in reserve” for the useless speeches of life. Remember, the smut word here is “bezlich”.

Today, the diet of “6 pelyustok” is accompanied by a singing mono-diet, supplementing it, it will be worse to get used to one specific product: cock, sir, riba, etc. The liver, about how it was more, like the whole organism, now for snacks, it is consumed with boiled chicken meat and ... start a check of a new dzherel eating place with a different chemical warehouse. Aja Wee remember that the key word for the liver is "impersonal" of life speeches? Ale, friends, you won’t get used to other products during the day, even if you have a mono-diet!

In this way, an offensive effect is reached: the organism, chekayuschie chgogos "brand new", overcooked chicken meat (syrup, fish, fruit thinly) may be "marno", practically not crusty with its energy value. However, in order to function, you need a lot of energy. For luck, for those who are thinner, you can become a dzherelom and save fat, tobto. bring in kilos. Vitrachatsya pіdshkіrny fat bude dosit shvidko, beginning already from the middle of the day. So you can show yourself how many fatty deposits can be burnt on one “pell” or on one additional mono-diet of the “6 pills” technique.

third Another important feature of the diet, which allows you to effectively lose weight is the scheme of protein-carbohydrate dieting. Diet retailer, doctor Anna Johansson, stverzhuє that 50% success in losing weight on the diet "6 pelyustok" is the very beginning of this scheme!

Judge for yourself:

Protein-carbohydrate eating is one of the foundations for the success of the "6 pelyustok" diet!

Like a bachite, today you are changing the protein meal for carbohydrates. This tactic allows you to “deceive” the body, confuse it with fat, add deposits to the body, and not at the same time take in carbohydrate (energy) starvation.

As for the fatty warehouse diet of the “6 pelyustok” diet, it is represented exclusively by brown monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (rib, syrah, chicken meat), as they cannot be consumed in the diet of human fats. Therefore, such fats are considered to be dietary, and are present in the diet, including for the balance of the diet.

Also, according to the main features of the diet “6 pelyustok”, which allow you to lose weight effectively:

  • Protein-carbohydrate dieting provokes a decrease in the amount of fat in the body.
  • The principles of a rationed meal, which help at an accelerated pace, are radiated from the occupied kilograms.
  • One-day mono-diet, which allows in an effective regimen to spall fat deposits.
  • Vіdsutnіst symbіznogo etching navіt navіt the least set of vaga.

Watch out for the sequence of “pelyustok”!

In the diet "6 pelyustok" it is important to finish the assigned sequence of mono-diet:

Day 1 - Ribna mono-diet

Day 2 - Ovochev mono-diet

Day 3 - Chicken mono-diet

Day 4 - Zlakova mono-diet

Day 5 - Sirna mono-diet

Day 6 - Fruit mono-diet

The Swedish nutritionist Hanna Johansson, having developed the “6 pelyustok” diet, insists that the diet should be in this order, it is not indicated in the order. Don’t change the menu items by the menu, and, for example, on the third day, spend the sirna mono-diet instead of the recognized chicken!

On the right, in the fact that the skin mono-diet is more important, it wins its role in the process of reducing the vagi. Before that, the “6 pelluses” technique, as an effective tool for reducing weight gain, a vicorist scheme of protein-carbohydrate intake. I don’t need to bring up that it’s impossible to change days by months at the same time! In a different way, you will destroy the program of lowering the weight, given by the diet "6 pelyustok" and led by the creator, nutritionist Anna Johansson.

In addition, the skin of the front menu prepares the body until the coming day. It looks like this:

Ribna mono-diet of the first day lightly "sticks" the body's pills, providing a significant amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Acidity, in essence, is brown fat, which, zavdyaks to its warehouse, does not change into a building on the undercoat of fat.

Krym tsyogo, riba - the most easily acquired proteins from the most important species. To get white turkeys comes to you for their dietary powers.

In this way, ribna mono-diet, with an insignificant amount of calories per day, bring not only a significant amount of strength, but also prepare the body for a large vegetable diet for a large amount of yam protein.

Ovocheva mono-diet, it is considered worse the next day, to further reduce the calorie content of the pre-cooked diet and enrich the body with brown dewy carbohydrates, yakі, buds of their own budovі, bring an insignificant amount of energy with only a few vitrates on them. Oskіlki organism needs additional energy from the їhnoyї obrobka, vіn zamenshuє kіlkіst vіssnyh adipose tissue.

In this manner, in one day of mono-diet, you can spend up to two kilograms of zavoi vaga. Even more effective vegetable mono-diets appear, as if they overdid the daily protein eating. In the “6 pelyustok” diet, only fish products were implanted a day earlier, which proved to be a pure protein hedgehog.

Smoking mono-diet to restore the stock of protein in the body. Shards on the previous day of lean dorimuvavsya vegetable mono-diet, all the protein, "z'edeniya" at once with a trigger, stained without excess on the mark of your m'yaziv, and in the same rank do not replenish the body's fat reserves. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, your metabolism will be restored to the energy consumption from the fat cells of the body, which will appear in a significant decrease in the amount of energy for qiu.

The sequence of the last six days of diet is thought out as clearly as possible!

A cereal mono-diet is also rich in carbohydrates, which help the body lose weight. Cereals, which can be finished with a hard shell, are easily over-etched with a shulka. On їхнє over-etching Ide to finish a lot of strength and hour of the herbal system. I lack the energy of the body, like a woman with a vegetable mono-diet, to restore the balance of the body's fat reserves.

Oskelki on the previous day is thin following a chicken mono-diet, folded in carbohydrates of cereals, it is practically more likely to go to replenish glycogen reserves. That is why the energy of the body is necessary for life, I know it, I still have to take the vikoristanya of the adipose tissue for the rahunok.

Sirna mono-diet on the fifth day to replenish the reserves of mineral resources, which are rejected, to be used 4 days in advance. In this case, the sir, being a low-calorie dzherel of a high-acid protein, will practically be splitting into essential amino acids, which are the nearest warehouse to the “ideal” protein. In this way, the “syrian” protein will not be converted by the liver to glucose, as it cannot provide the body with energy. As a result, metabolism will once again be brought up to zayvih kіlogramіv, which you will try so hard to get.

The fruit mono-diet on the rest, the 6th day of the diet was called for to provide the body with carbohydrates - polysaccharides. Polysaccharides, found in fruits, are easily digested by the human duct-intestinal tract, bringing in the greatest doses of energy. How do you care if the stars will take the energy? Well, of course, from your fat reserves. Come out, you'll lose weight again!

Yak bachite, today the diet of "6 pelyustok" is thought out as much as possible! Uсі 6 dіb - lanki of one lance, one successive and effective program for weight loss. “Because at the same time, don’t blame them for the ruling court!”, - Anna Johansson, a nutritionist, is ahead.

Diet menu "6 pelyustok"

Day 1 - Ribna Mono Diet

It is allowed to live as a sort of ribi in boiled, baked or stewed look. You can vikoristovuvaty strong and non-spicy spices, greens. Yushka is allowed (without potatoes and other ingredients, green cream), fish broth.

Day 2 - Ovochev mono-diet

It is allowed to live as varieties of vegetables in the orphan, boiled, baked or stewed look. You can vikoristovuvaty strong and non-spicy spices, greens. Vegetable juices are allowed.

Day 3 - Chicken mono-diet

It is allowed to live chicken fillet (breast) in boiled, baked or stewed looking. You can vikoristovuvaty strong and non-spicy spices, greens. Chicken broth is allowed.

Day 4 - Cereal mono-diet

It is allowed to live, whether you see cereals, cereals, sprouted nasіnnya, nasіnnya, grain bread, visіvki, klitkovina. You can vikoristovuvati sil, greens. Kvass is allowed.

Day 5 - Sirna mono-diet

It is allowed to live in sir, low fat or with a low fat content. Milk is allowed.

Day 6 - Fruit Mono Diet

It is allowed to live as varieties of fruits in an orphan's baked look. It is possible to vicorate such spices as cinnamon, vanilin, lemon peel. Fruit juices without zucru are allowed.

Diet "6 pelyustok" weeds zucru and products with zucru instead!

Zukor is guilty of all sorts of debacles, both in water and in drink.

The dietary regimen can be based on the use of pure drinking water, green or black tea. Kіlkіst kavi bazhano speed.

After the completion of the six-day term, the course of the diet "6 pelyustok" can be rediscovered.

How to get out of a diet 6 pelyustok

Leave a diet 6 pelyustok to lay down in your distant plans, if you plan to lose weight in the future, you can sit on a long-term starvation balanced diet.

If you want only to improve the result, eat mainly these same products, which are on a diet, without obezzheny by the day, progressively increase the calorie content of the diet up to 1400-1800 kcal in a fallow way due to physical activity.

Bazhano continue to follow the principles of rationed eating.

Diet 6 pellets Ganna

Diet rating 6 pans

Efficiency of diet


Product diversity

Lose 4-6 kg in 1 day

Lose 7-10 kg in 8-14 days

Together: The diet allows you to lose 5 to 8 kg for a day and up to 15 kg for 2 days. Pros: the diet is varied for food (you won’t get hungry) and it is effective. Disadvantages: it is necessary to have the same type of product today, which can be identified and contraindicated.

4.2 Miracle diet

Diet 6 pellets Koristuvalnicky rating Koristuvalnicky rating : 2.4 (72 votes)

Today, there are a lot of simple and effective diets, which help to lose weight through proper eating. One of these modes of eating is a diet of 6 pelyustok. Possibility to spend zayvі kіlograms reach natural way, without stosuvannya strict borders daily diet, Only systematizing and normalizing the process of eating. Because of this approach, the human body is individually allowed to accumulate fats and slags.

The menu of the day is divided according to the principles of a rationed meal. What allows you to drop from 500 to 800 grams supra-world vag for skin care, which is natural due to the correctness of a competent selection of food products, which gives the possibility to increase the number of metabolic reactions, normalize the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract, reduce the number of allergic reactions and binges in people.

Creator of diet 6 pelyustok є Swedish nutritionist Anna Yuhanson. Vaughn developed the regimen of eating, which is based on the mono-diet algorithm, which allows you to eat fatty prosciutto in the body of a person in a short period of time. In fact, the diet of Annie Johanson is a combination of six different modes of eating, combined into one, which allows you to throw off up to 8-15 kilograms of fallow water in two days. To develop the algorithm for the regimen of the pelustkovo diet after a stretch of six days, skin for any indications of the appointment of mono-diet.

Psychological Warehouse

In order to achieve the maximum result with minimal costs, the Scandinavian nutritionist took advantage of her methodology to win the moment. You planned to spend the days, like you, on a diet, paint on paper in the form of a ticket with six petals, view the ticket and close it on the wall or on the refrigerator. The skin patch will be indicative of the singing day of your living regime. The day ended - the pelyust was torn. Six days - six pelyustok. Such improvisation and ingenuity even positively influence moods. I understood, and it's fun!

Diet rules "6 pelyustok":

Kvіtkova diet 6 pelyustok є symbiosis of six independent diets, trivality at the age of 24 skin. Such a pіdhіd, foundations on the basis of protein and carbohydrate days, having long shown its high efficiency. List of products to enter the mono-diet warehouse, it’s impossible to change your hands today! To the one who is more competent in drawing the opposite products, it still gives the possibility of obtaining the maximum result in losing weight. By stretching the skin day of diet, the body of a person begins to stick to a changed meal. And on the coming day of the day, I’m sure that I’ll respect it. Until then, this pidkhid allows you to overcome the problem of severe hunger, which is the case with your diet, zavdyaki rich diet, daily.

First, start the skin eating regimen for six days before the end of the meal, do not forget to slaughter the smut rules of a competent diet:

  • Relatively, properly chew the hedgehog, savoring the skin with a small piece;
  • Do not drink water before the meal. And the axis is at the breaks now, drink up to two liters of water a day;
  • Eat in small portions and bagatorazovo;
  • Avoid snacks;
  • Zukor, alcohol and kava under the fence, and water and green tea can be drunk without freezing.

A diet of 6 pelyustok has long been taken for review by European nutritionists. It is not accompanied by self-esteem, to bring about exchange processes in the body in healthy states, giving the opportunity not to gain weight after the end of the program and turning to a wonderful meal.

The diet of six pellets can be contraindicated for diseases, for chronic diseases, for the mucosal-intestinal tract, for hormonal control, chemotherapy, as well as for ailments with diabetes mellitus. Before that, as if you are planning to speed up your diet, it’s better to see a doctor!

Diet menu "Shist Pelyustok"

The diet menu is based on a choice of six food groups.

1. Before the first group, lay riba. It is recommended to live in a hedgehog in a baked or boiled vigladi, and you can also prepare a fish broth or yushka (ale without potatoes). On average, you need 300-500 UAH. ribeye whole day. For bazhannya, before ribi, you can add a little bit of salt, greens and natural spices. Such a pіdkhіd wake up the body and smuggle yoga against fat stores.

2. Leave vegetables before the other group (store 1-1.5 kg of fresh vegetables for a day). It is recommended to eat broccoli, cider, tomato, carrot and licorice pepper, and the potato axis is better off. Starch, a kind of revenge, galmuє the process of losing weight. You can eat vegetables, at your discretion, sirimi (with a look of salad), liver, jam, stew.

3. Up to the third group lay chicken meat - for a day you need close to a pivkilogram of chicken breast. It is also allowed to cook in any way, including making broth. Like the first day you can add spices or greens. І do not forget to drink water.

4. Up to the fourth group lie cereal products. Rіznі kashі in be-yakom vglyadі, khlіbtsі, visіvki, nasіnnya. For the whole day you can turn 200 gr. be like porridge at a dry look.

5. Until the fifth group, lay a sir, which may not large number low fat milk. The fat content of cheese can be increased by 5%, you need 0.5 kg for production. sire.

I would like to give special respect to those who do not love the sir. Why replace yoga? Dobre pіdіyde sir, for example, mozzarella, adigey abo tofu (about 100 gr), 2-3 eggs and, obviously, you can replace it with natural low-fat yogurt or bifidokefіr. Behind the vіdgukami it is quiet, who is worse, such a change did not help the result. And lovers of sour-milk products are recommended to take a closer look.

6. Up to the last group, lay fruit (stock up 1-1.5 kg of fruit: apples, oranges, pomegranate, grapefruit, etc.) and juices. You can get used to it, be it, for a wine grape and a banana drink, because there is a lot of zucru in them. On a fruit day, berries are also allowed: midnight, raspberries, cherries and cherries, cranes, currants and sunitsya, ALE no more than 200-300 gr. at day.

Bananas, persimmons and dates should be included in the diet for the whole day, but in these products there is a lot of zucru.

In addition, Pelyust's diet is transmitted again vіdmova vіd vzhivannya canned food, chocolate, zucru, bakery products, malt, for a wine apricot. All the products of the fault should be fresh and sour, so that they can escape the food poisoning.

The detailed menu for skin day is described below:
Day Adoption of hedgehogs Products and Stravi
ribny day Snidanok You can cook steamed fish for a snack, do not hesitate to add salt and add some greens.
Pіznіy snіdanok green tea
Obid Grinded ribny soup - cook ribby shreds (take ribne fillet without tassels) near the water, pour out the water, leaving the troch and trim the fish from the blender. Cook more sprat. You can add spices and greens.
noon green tea
Supper Fish baked in the oven lemon juice that greenery.
sheep day Snidanok Salad with avocado, leaf lettuce and tomatoes - 200 gr.
Pіznіy snіdanok You can have a bite toast or a tomato
Obid Puree soup with watermelon - clean the watermelon and cut it into cubes. Cook until ready and refine with a blender. You can add salt, spices.
noon 1 tomato or 3-4 cherry tomatoes
Supper You can pamper yourself vegetable stew(tsibulya, carrot trochs, add eggplant and cabbage)
chicken day Snidanok Chicken fillet, baked in the oven, with greens (you can beat the arugula, krip or other greens)
Pіznіy snіdanok green tea
Obid Chicken broth with small pieces of chicken breast and greens.
noon green tea
Supper Steam cutlets minced chicken or chopped chicken fillet.
cereal day Snidanok Greek porridge, steamed in water
Pіznіy snіdanok Green chi herbal tea
Obid Vіdvareny rice bіliy abo buriy
noon Nasty shipshini or herbal tea
Supper Vіvsyanа porridge on the water
syrian day Snidanok Sir (up to 5% fat) with addition of natural yogurt
Pіznіy snіdanok 1 bottle of milk (low fat)
Obid A pack of sirah
noon 1 bottle of milk (low fat)
Supper A pack of sirah
fruit day Snidanok Fruit salad with apple, pear and orange.
Pіznіy snіdanok 1 peach or nectarine
Obid Fruit salad - you can dream up
noon 1 apple or bottle of juice
Supper Fruit puree without zucru, natural. Abo fruit salad

Recipes for diets 6 pelyustok:

Ingredients: for meatballs, bemo fillet of white ribi (pollack or trout) - 0.5 -1 kg (you want to cook it as a fallow), greens, strength and spices for your taste.

Cooking: Cut the fillet into pieces, pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Zmishati with chopped greens, sill and spices. Vilipity s|іz| minced meatballs, vipkati in the oven (180 degrees).

Riba baked with basil:

Ingredients: Ribi fillet for your taste, you can take trout, hake or salmon. strength and spices, chasnik (a couple of cloves) and a bunch of basil.

Cooking: dribly cut basil and teaspoon, you can drizzle a couple of drops of lemon juice. Add to sumish strength and spices. We put fish on the foil, we put a “fur coat” with basil on the fillet, we put it on fire and put it in the oven. Orders for temperatures of 160 degrees min 5-7. Ready!

"Liniv" cabbage rolls without meat (for sheep's day):

Ingredients: a small head of cabbage, carrot, cibula, tomato abo tomato paste, eggplant, Bulgarian pepper. Strength and season to your liking.

Cooking: Carrot s | iz | put the chibula and troch into a deep frying pan. Cut tomatoes, eggplants and peppers and pick them up in a frying pan. Shake the cabbage and viklasti to the sour masi. Pour some water, add strength and spices. Extinguish until ready.

Sirna zapikanka "Snizhok":

Ingredients: 2 packs of low-fat syrah (up to 5% fat content), protein from 1 egg and a troch of milk.

Put everything into a blender bowl and beat. Put it in a silicone mold, or make small casseroles, because you don’t have a big shape. Heat the oven up to 200 degrees, boil until golden brown.

Cava dessert (for Syrian day):

Ingredients: a pack of syrup, fat content up to 5%, 1 teaspoon of retail caviar, zukrozaminnik, boiled water troch.

Cooking: by the water we make a substitute for tsukru and kavi. We put it into the bowl of a blender or a mixer, sir, we add to the new sum of cavi and zukrozaminika and beat it. We put chi pala into the ice cream maker. Savory!

Rubany chicken cutlets:

Ingredients: chicken breast - 0.5 kg, 1 egg, sil-pepper to relish, you can have a little green.

Cooking: chicken breasts cut into pieces of 1-2 cm, add | add | egg, salt | salt | and pepper and mix everything. Form cutlets. Such chopped cutlets can be boiled in the oven or cooked on steam, as you have such an opportunity.

Rules for exiting diet

In order to close the final result and not to start after the completion of six pellets, it is necessary to complete a number of rules:

  • Days spent on a diet, cherish the positive saints, and not the painful punishments;
  • Learn your diet step by step. Don't live fat lubricated stray. Zviyknі, povsyakdenny products and enter at your diet step by step, but not all of them immediately.
  • Mix in your diet with herbs from smoked products (sausages, cowbass), boron sprouts;
  • Treat yourself to malt and tsukra, but if you still want to, then in the world, for example, you can’t make a mess of black hot chocolate;
  • Close the result by the psychological method. Attach two photographs in order. On one photo you will finish your diet, and on the other - after a possible end.

Video about the diet 6 pelyustok and for the sake of the doctor-nutritionist to marvel below:

It’s good for a woman to become beautiful: change the style of the clothes, the color of the hair, scatter a new haircut and, obviously, trim the body. Representatives of the beautiful state know about all kinds of diets. One of the different is the mono-diet. Sensitivity is found in “sitting” on one product. Anna Johansson went a step further, having created a new, cicava method: Pelyust's mono-diet.

Author of the diet "6 pelyustok"

Anna Johansson - the creator of the mono-diet "6 pelyustok"

Why do you think the essence of the six-day system of weight loss

One of the features of the diet is visual. The author proposes to draw a ticket, which is made up of 6 pelyustok. On the skin of them, it will be indicated what you can eat. After the day, one leaf is taken. Such a good butt, according to Gunny's thought, gives a wonderful motivation. Some people call such a mode of eating chamomile.

What is a mono-diet? Її the main sensation is laid down in the rationed eating: it is impossible to mix proteins and carbohydrates. The essence of the diet "6 pelyustok" is in the blackness of proteins and in carbohydrates, so that the skin of the day a person is guilty of a singing trip. So think, how nutritionists and zokrema, Anna Johansson, affirm, to give a thinner weight. It is important that when you do not harm your health. If you follow the prescribed rules, then your body will not know stress, you will not put in fat reserves. Everything that vin takes away the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Why change the vag? On the right, in the fact that the organism “checks” the need for new life speeches as a product of another journey. But if we are on a mono-diet, then the protyag of the day is not possible "from another diaper". To come out, that the organism is not completely victorious in the world, to take away energy reserves, but to turn to others. "Інші" - tse i є our fat prosharok. In such a rank, the lowering of the vag is more likely to occur. Zagal transfers weight loss by 500-800 grams per day, which is close to 4-5 kilograms per day for the mind to complete all the rules.

6 pellets - 6 days. It is not possible to change the order.

Choose for a diet minimally fatty foods
  • The first day is all ribs. Tse white hedgehog. You can eat be-like sorts, smut, sob cooked bula in a "safe" way. Ribka can be extinguished, boiled or baked.
  • Day 2 - vegetable diet, carbohydrates. Here you can go steamed, baked, stewed, boiled or boiled vegetables. It is allowed to “salt” the grass a little, to sprout the greenery, and also to pamper yourself with the most delicious vegetable juice.
  • Day 3 - trigger. I turn back to white. Shorter version- tse chicken fillet or breast, so that part of the carcass is considered to be the best. At the same time, it is not ready to lubricate the stray: only boil, zapkati and quench. Do not allow smoking shkirka - the most common part and without diet. You can beat up a little salt and natural spices.
  • Day 4 - cereals. Get a lot of carbohydrates. In your diet, include whether it’s porridge, visivki, bread, nasinnya. Golovne, do not add a gram of fat. Also, a little salt and spices are allowed.
  • Day 5 - syrian, squirrels. The name speaks for itself. One aspect: try to choose a low-fat product. You can add kefir or fermented baked milk, as well as fresh milk.
  • Day 6 - fruits. Finish the diet with carbohydrates. Whether fresh or baked fruits, including bananas and grapes, dried fruits are also not recommended. You can drink fresh juices.

Skin from days plays its important role in the lowered vaga. Even more important is the intake of carbohydrates and proteins, more has been said about the yak. Do not break the rule.

Reviews of doctors about "Chamomile"

Monodieta "6 pelyustok" calls out various opinions of doctors and nutritionists. Report about її korost rozpovidaє likar-dietologist, endocrinologist Marina Maksimova.

Thought of a specialist about the eating regimen of the Swedish nutritionist Annie Johansson (video)

For example, the doctor-nutritionist of the clinic "Palіtra kharchuvannya" is getting his thoughts.

There is nothing good about mono-diets. The stench is leading to the destruction of the exchange of speeches. The back fat is broken down intensively, and the metabolism is balanced.

Natalia Lyutova,

So how else to evaluate the need for stosuvannya such a diet is necessary, depending on the needs. It’s necessary to lose weight in terms of terms, and this option is one of those. If the result is needed trials, discuss the rationality of such an approach with the doctor. It is especially important for people with chronic illnesses.

Contraindication to pelustkovo's death

Before that, how to start losing weight for additional diet, it is necessary to be aware of the contraindications. Before them, one can see:

  • vaginess and breastfeeding,
  • circulatory diabetes,
  • visor sleeve,
  • gastritis,
  • mochakam'yana sickness,
  • sickness, with any need for special food,
  • the period after the illness, the weakening of the camps of the body,
  • sickness nirok,
  • cerebrovascular disease,
  • ailments of the endocrine system

The best option is to see a physician-therapist and a dietitian, who will switch to the dosile method.

Under the hour of diet, follow the rules, as recommended by nutritionist Anna Johansson. In the fast order of days of mono-diet, it is necessary to take such products from your diet:

  • bread,
  • zukor,
  • chocolate,
  • preservative,
  • oil.

Follow these rules:

  • stezhity for freshness and quality of products,
  • drink a lot of rіdini ( green tea, pure water),
  • surround the living of kavi,
  • do not beat the zukrozaminnik,
  • turn off alcohol again,
  • homeland can be drunk no earlier than 30 minutes later,
  • nemaє 3 years before bedtime,
  • reduce the quantity of spices and salt.

Detailed menu: skin day recipe options

To escape the attack of hunger on mono-diet, eat often and troch

First day: ribnium

For diet, it is better to go sea fish of low-fat varieties


  • 300-400 grams of piksha fillet,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • pepper,
  • lemon juice,
  • a drop of salt.

Rinse the fillet, dry the trochs and dry it. Brizkat fish with lemon juice, sip pepper. Boil water in a pot, put bay leaves. Place the piksha in a drushlyak, put it on a saucepan and close it with a lid. Prepare for a couple of 15-20 quills. Before cooking, you can roll the fillet into rolls with the help of toothpicks.

Steam haddock

Baked rib steaks with lemon


  • rib steaks of minimal fat content,
  • spices from herbs,
  • pepper,
  • lemon juice.

Grate the fish steak with pepper and seasonings. Viklasti on a leaf of riba, pour troch water on the bottom. Brush the steaks with lemon juice. Cook 10-15 quills, then increase the grill function until a light sizzle is cooked.

Baked rib steaks with lemon

Other: vegetable


  • 4 eggplants
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 qibulya,
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 tomato,
  • 1 clove of watchmaker
  • strength,
  • pepper,
  • greens.

Narizati eggplant and carrots with thin circles. Put a piece of eggplant into the dishes for cooking, a piece of carrot for the beast, and a cybula torn with rings. Narizati bulgarian pepper straws, call the beast. Uslid - drіbno narіzany chasnik. Let's repeat the ball again and finish with tomatoes. At the bottom of the dishes you can pour trochs of water. Gotuemo 35-40 quills.

Salad with ogirkiv, tomato and lettuce leaves


  • 3 stubs,
  • 3 tomatoes,
  • 4-5 lettuce leaves,
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • balsamic score,
  • a drop of salt.

Chop cutlets in circles, tomatoes in small pieces, leaf lettuce, tear into medium pieces. Salt a little, add an olive oil and a balsamic assessment for the bazhannya. Mix everything up.

Salad with tomatoes, ogirkiv and lettuce leaves

Third: chicken

Sob don’t calm down, kiss the skin, once bathe the fillet

Baked chicken fillet with greens


  • chicken fillet,
  • 1 bunch of crop,
  • basil,
  • pepper strong.

Grate the sprat on the fillet of the chicken, sip the sill and pepper, rub the greens. Turn up the foil, roll up 35 strands. Then you can open the foil and turn on the grill function for 5 minutes for a light meal.

Baked chicken fillet with greens

Steam cutlets


  • chicken fillet,
  • 1-2 cibulini,
  • 3-4 scoops of white bread,
  • 0.5 bottles of milk,
  • 1 egg
  • greens,
  • strength,
  • pepper.

Soak the bread at the milk, if it is wet, then put it on another plate. Chicken fillet, cibula and bread pass through a meat grinder. Dodaemo egg, strong pepper, relativly vishuemo. Formed cutlets and steamed (you can have a steamer or a multicooker).

Quarter: cereal

It is not allowed to buy "porridge swiss" and muesli. Get used to the hand-cooked cereals without additives!


  • water,
  • buckwheat groats,
  • a drop of salt.

Wash the Greek sprat once, take it all. Pour cold water at spіvvіdnoshenі 1:2. Dock the boil, take the fire to the middle level and cook until the water is fully boiled. You can add greens to the finished porridge.

Rice boiled in water


Rinse the rice, pour more water into the pan, lower the grains. Cook for 15 strands, try the readiness. You can wash the rice so that the wine is not sticky.

In short, the rice will not be beaten, polished, but wild (burim). Instructions for this option are indicated on the packaging.

P'yatiy: Sirnium

Choose low-fat cheese. More shortly, how will wine be grained

Low fat syrup with yogurt


  • low fat sir,
  • yogurt.

Pour yogurt over syrup. Don't give Zukor that fruit.

Non-fat sir with yogurt

Sirn's casserole is low-calorie


  • 1 egg white,
  • 2 spoons of milk
  • 250 grams of syrah
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Cooking method: mix all components, put in a baking dish. Prepare 25-30 quills.

Shostii: fruity

Keep bananas for later - stench is not suitable for a diet


  • noon,
  • peach,
  • blacksmith,
  • mint leaves,
  • raspberry,
  • kiwi.

Cooking method: cut all ingredients in approximately equal proportions and mix.


  • 4 apples
  • 2 table spoons of honey
  • cinnamon.

Vimiti apple, virіzati the middle, filling the lower part. Put a little cinnamon in the middle. Pour honey. Put on a baking dish, cook 15 minutes | minutes |.

Obsjag portions of the table for the skin day of the day

A lot of products, which are surviving today, need to be regulated, otherwise the result may not be achieved.

  • on ribnoy it is allowed to live up to 500 g.
  • on a vegetable one, you can eat three times more (1500 g).
  • yak i in ribnomu, chicken day broadcast additional norm troch is larger than pivkilogram.
  • at the cereal stage, a portion can be used for 250-300 g of a dry product (a bottle of unprocessed cereals, ale groats in case of cooking or other thermal processing, naturally, increases in volume).
  • Sirny day transferring no more than 500 g of the product.
  • The fruit binket is surrounded by a second kilogram.

To increase the norm of the product, increase it by 4-5 equal portions with an improved reserve in 3 years before going to bed.

Such problems can be blamed for the hour spent

Oskilki of the diet “6 pelyustok” - ce mono-diet, we need to cook it until the time of our body. Deyakі zhіnki kindly endure obmezhennya, especially if there is an incentive. Otherwise, to work hard with great difficulties. For a number of people, you may experience foldedness on a cheese day, even if not all are dairy products.

Є in the diet and its water of the stone. In case of monoliving the organism looks for energy in fatty deposits. In this rank, spontaneity of one product can evoke a lack of other speeches, which, with its own blackness, can provoke an illness. All the same, I reiterate the need for early consultation with the doctor.

Exit from diet, as you can often repeat

For the sake of knowing that you have reached the necessary vag and do not plan to lose weight further, it is recommended to continue eating like this, but gradually increase calories to 1400-1800 per day. It is possible to add other products, it is not necessary to make up the same amount of days, but it is necessary to make sure not to eat proteins with carbohydrates. So don't forget about physical adventure, without them, everything is going to be born: the body can be lifted up.

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