Autumn landscape with children: step by step painting. Landscape: step by step painting for children Get a presentation step by step painting autumn

Autumn landscape with children: a step-by-step description of painting, creative tasks for children, butts of childish little ones.

Autumn region view from children: step by step painting

The autumn landscape is a wonderful picture. How I want to imagine the bright farby, the cicka lines, I will especially beauty of the autumn sky and the lines of the different leaves of the trees! Let's imagine today with children the autumn landscape - the autumn tree on the Galyavin - that is the most creative task.

Tsey master-class of conducting at a kindergarten, and in a new view of a child, a baby, a child of an older preschool age.

Materials for painting the autumn landscape

For painting the autumn landscape with children, you need:

- Farbi gouache abo watercolor

- White album sheet (better for watercolor)

— Penzlik

- Palette

— Zoshiti, office or newspaper paper

Step by step description of painting the autumn landscape with children

First stage. Painting of the autumn sky

Prepare a palette for children, farbi and wide brushes.

- On the palette, paint white and blue farbite with a wide pencil (brush No. 12 is flat in this direction) to paint the sky. Vono borrow half of the arkush paper. Rukh penzel is guilty of walking with a left hand, winding a penzel in the face of a leaf.

At the upper part of the little one, the sky is more blue;

How to lighten the sky:

- Option A: for gouache. Dodaemo bіlu farba to blue.

- Option B: for watercolor. Rozmivaemo farba. For this one, we don’t collect farba on a penzel, but weak it lightly in the water and in such a rite we make farba, which is on a penzlika.

Until the line, I will cover the sky on the little children, it will be more white.

We took away the sky as a background for the autumn landscape.

Another stage. Painting of the autumn field

At another stage, we and our children paint the field with yellow-yellow-hot farbs. Let's imagine the height with a curved line. Let's paint smears with green farboa.

Korisna's joy: To restore the respect of children to the smishuvannya farb. Like walking through the dry orange farbian penzle with a green color, we take away the earthy brown color.

Third stage. Painting of stovbur and wood of a tree

Let's paint with children the main element of the autumn landscape - a tree on a galyavin.

Take a thin brush and with a brown farboi paint the stovbur of the tree and the needles: with light lines, we use the stovbur of the trees with the hand of the brush to the beast to the bottom. The heads are hardly symmetrical, but opposite.

There is great respect for children for those who have a stovbur at the upper and lower parts of a different width, to that a tree grows from the bottom and white of the earth stovbur yogo may the widest part.

Let's sweat Stovbur with brown farboa.

Uzdovzh trunk promalovuєmo thin lines of black or brown furboy of a different color, which give the texture of measles.

Fourth stage. Painting an autumn leaf with stamps

Croc first. On the back of my hand, we prepared at once from children self-made stamps for painting leaflets. For which one is taken, the usual office paper is printed or printed (for sure, you can make stamps from newspapers).

To prepare the stamp, it is necessary to twist and twist a small piece of arkush paper into a tube with a diameter of approximately 7 - 10 mm. Let's bend її navpіl and wrap it with thread. Moreover, it is necessary to fix the paper closer to the death of the paper, so that the width of the stamp will increase in the hour of the work of the paper. If you want to have your own beauty, even if the leaves on the tree do not have the same size.

Korisna's joy: Bazhano vikoristovuvaty papirs, so that you have a vvytku, you know the children with compassion. Aje, the fox is virulent for paperwork! If you save the skin of one clean arkush paper, you will save the tree from the virubuvannya. The cost of saving the family budget. Brought in the children to the longest setting to the light of the early fates.

Croc is different. Wet the otrimany stamp with a zgin at the farb of a red color and sprout vidbits, which imitate the leaves, on the needles of the trees.

Crook the third. Take another stamp and soak yogo in a farba of green color and in this manner apply green leaves on the crown of the tree. Similar to vikonati robot with orange farboi.

Crook quarters. І remaining stamps of the vikonati in yellow color. Obviously, the sequence of applied farb can be different - the right to choose a child! Behind the bazhannyam, under the tree, also stamp the disgrace of the leaves with stamps.

Autumn edge view from a tree on a galyavin ready. You can add yoga with some details.

Creativity painting the autumn landscape with children

Painting the autumn landscape with the children of the beginning of May at its base of life , yoga guarding for nature, looking at pictures about autumn nature, photographs, listening to verses, from which poets hung their autumn mood.

I will help you - kіlka creative leaders who prepare children to paint the autumn landscape

  • Watch out for the autumn sky. What color is it? What color is gloomy? Think about it and discuss it with your children, how you can picture such a sky in a little autumn landscape, like a farby you need. Paint the autumn sky with a child, having come home from a walk.

Korisna's joy: Under an hour of walking with a child, you can take a picture of the sky on a mobile phone. Budinki before painting the sky, take a look at your photo, so that the little one will dream up the peculiarities of the autumn sky and the autumn landscape and pass them on to his little one.

  • Think about how and why you can make your own stamps for painting leaves on a tree.
  • paint autumn tree on galyavin. Watch out for walks behind the other autumn lands and paint them together with the children.
  • Task for children 6 years old and older. Read to the children a poem about autumn - an artist. How do you paint your picture? How autumn "farbi zavazhaє", like it's "a ditch for little things" (for example, children can explain that if it's windy, then the leaves fall and the little ones change, why did the autumn break its little ones with the wind)? What does "letting in the crimson" mean? What is the picture of autumn like? What does it mean "impossible to open an eye" - what does it mean, a picture of a yak?

Osin - artist
Osin only took up the job,
only a brush and a cut blew,
put gilding here,
missed the crimson here,
and got into trouble, nibi virishyuchi,
priimatisya їй so chi so?
It’s to be angry, Farbi is respectful,
and znіyakovіlo vіdstupat krok.
Then go in with anger and on shmatki
tear everything with a merciless hand.
I raptovo, painful night,
zdobude great peace.
And then again, choose to buy more
all zusilla, think, ways,
paint such a picture,
we can't see eye to eye. (Margarita Aliger)

Axis like little ones appeared in children - preschoolers, like they painted the autumn edge near the child's garden at the group of artistic creativity.

To win respect - naskіlki razny moods transferred from the little ones. For some of the children, the autumn landscape is disturbing, the wind is strong, nature is strained, the lines are sharp. And someone had a sleepy autumn. Don't turn the child into patterns - let it out with your mood and your own take on the autumn landscape!

Autumn landscape - It’s a miracle possibility to talk with a child about the change in autumn nature, talk about autumn moods and different ways of welcoming autumn by people, poets, artists. Vykoristit tsyu mozhlivistnost anew vydkrivayte svіt yogo beauty together with your children!

You can find another option for painting the autumn landscape with children in the video below:

More about the painting of autumn paintings with children You learn from the articles on the site:

To look ahead of the presentation, create your own Google post and see before:

Captions before slides:

Autumn landscape with colored olives

For the cob zrobimo drew the main plot of the future picture

With a black olive we begin to sink the sky that river. Strokes are placed horizontally.

Bigger with a dark blue olive, changing straight ahead, we put another ball of shading.

Introduced into the sky that river purple olive, at once zafarbovuyemo and stovburi birches

Zhovtim olіvtsem pomenaemo promalovuvannya krone birch. Strokes are placed horizontally

Zhovtim color zafarbuyemo the ground under the birch, the nearby hump on the birch and two trees in front of the church.

Brown olive leaves at the crown of birches. Short strokes are placed at different straight lines. The same color is easily introduced into the river under the birch and under the trees of the church

We introduce green colors at the birch crown

Burgundy-brown olive zafarbovuєmo far pagorb and introduce this color near the river under the birch

The dark green olive leaves small bushes, high grass on the birches of the river and the foreground of the shore, degrow birches.

With a brown olive we can see a blade of grass. Shtrihuvannya put in different directions - I create the grass. Strikhuvannyam podkreslyuyemo and tops of the humpbacks.

Light brown shading is placed behind the birch trees.

The black olive robs the little ones on the birch stovburs.

We introduce black strokes at the crown of birches.

The green olive is often shading on another plane, behind the birches, and the black background is blackened.

Robimo burgundy patches.

Chervoniy olivets is introduced at the leaves of bushes.

We decorate the church and the tree in front of it.

We embellish the river: light blue olive robs horizontal and vertical strokes. Spread zafarbovuyemo unevenly, to create a vicious ruhu drive

In the background, behind the birch trees, the black olive tree will draw the yalinka

Now, with broad strokes, the whole crown of birches is filled with yellow olives. The first color is introduced into the river.

We encourage the hatching of little ones on the stovburs of birches and the line of the river, which is thrown into the eyes.

Strikhuvannya in the river of the beast is filled with a black olive. The axis of the little ones can now be inserted into the frame.

Autumn sky was created in order to draw pictures from it. Nastіlki tse beautiful hour, rocky! Foxes climb into the yaskra vbrannya from the striped leaves of yellow, red, orange and green colors. The earth is covered with a carpet of thick leaves, autumn chrysanthemums are blooming and all dovkola is puffed up with its aroma. The wind is warm, the sun shines, and life is so peaceful and harmonious! Thinking about it, I want to pick up the arkush paper and nayyaskravishi farbi in order to enhance the autumn landscape. To these topics we would like to dedicate our article. We would just like to present to you the basic lessons of painting autumn leaves and trees for children.

Leaves are such a natural material, which is easy to paint, so that the structure is clearly visible on them, as it is easy to take on a little child.

We present to you a cover instruction on how to paint a piece of paper from nature:

  • To take a leaf on the cob and resolutely twist yoga. Spread yogo on paper in such a way that it will be good to spread. For this moment, the sheet cannot be pulled up anymore. At that position, in which wine to lie and zmalovuemo.
  • We are imagining a leaf that lies in front of us at natural size (of the same size).
  • There is a hint of a vein on the leaf, so as to divide the leaf into 2 approximately equal parts.
  • Small petiole of a leaf so that it harmoniously looked at the leaf. You can navit zamir іz natural sheet.
  • Promalovuemo leaf veins. Give respect to those who don't stink symmetrically.
  • Promalovuєmo on a sheet of darkness, we give it to you relief, small differences die. So we can paint not just a leaf, but the very leaf that lies in front of our eyes.

Step-by-step painting of an autumn leaf, grade 1

It is necessary for a first grader to explain how to paint a leaf, it is necessary to use the most simple and accessible mine:

  1. For the spadix, spread the child's spread of the arkush paper over the vertical side. Let the wine be seen on the new one for the help of a line of speck, which means the height of the leaf.

  1. Qi of the point of the wines is due to a straight line, and the її itself is divided into 4 equal parts by cuts like this, as shown in the small picture below:

  1. Small trikutnik, as shown in the photo below. Rearing the rest of the tree with the top of the leaf:

  1. We give a leaflet a shape and a promalovuemo structure:

  1. Get rid of the rozfarbuvati leaf with watercolor farbs, zmіshuyuchi yellow, greens and brown colors. If the children want to, they can dream up and dream up what color their leaves will be.

Lesson painting 2 class autumn leaves

  1. On the back, there is a small base of the leaf, which is made up of three veins.
  2. At the bottom, there is a contour of a maple leaf. Protect, that it is not obligatory to be the same, that there is nothing symmetrical in nature:

  1. Domalyovuemo upper leaflet and veins in the new. Rosefarbovuvat can be done with farbs and olives, and felt-tip pens, but it is recommended to paint the watercolor itself, so that the little children are smarter and smarter:

Painting of autumn leaves grade 3

  1. Draw a curved line on the leaf, just as it is necessary to create the contour of an oak leaf with smooth and soft lines.
  2. Then, along the main line, as a way to overcome the function of the head vein of the leaf, draw a sprat of veins.
  3. Rose the leaf with green watercolor farbs, like trochs you can mix with brown ones:

Busy painting of an autumn tree:

1 class

  1. Malyuvati first-grader can be dressed up with farbs. Promote zrobiti youma on the paper stem of the tree with brown farbs.
  2. In the sight of the stalk, let me see the wine once again. Just give respect to children for those who are guilty of buti richly thin in the form of the main stem:

  1. If the basis for the trohi tree is dry, you can randomly paint the leaves with seemingly small strokes with red and yellow farby. Neobov'yazkovo slap a different skin leaflet in the form:

2 class

  1. Pick up dry leaves from a child. Bazhano, that the stench was greater than the rosemary, and their petiole was gone.
  2. Prepare watercolor farby. Mix the red, orange, green, yellow and brown colors, and then turn the leaves with the same color.
  3. Apply yoga to the arkush paper and marvel at what you see. You can see the image of a tree with a bright crown. A child in his mind will definitely have a manifestation that there is a right autumn tree in front of him.

3 class

  1. Encourage children to paint a brown stalk with needles in watercolor. And here you can inject gouache.
  2. Then don't let your wine soak your fingers in the chervon and zhovta farba and in a chaotic manner deprive your vodbitki there, de may be the crown of the tree. Before the speech, krіm wіdbitkіv fіltsіv, tse mozhe buti budіvelna shield or the simplest polythene package:

4 class

  1. It is necessary to draw a sketch of a tree on the back:

  1. The upper part of the tree is slightly thinner, with a changed rosemary, so that the tree looked more realistic when it was ready:

  1. If we are preparing the stovbur, paint the blank for the crown. Purely in orientation, you can add a handful of writing, and then put in bold those places, so that you can definitely get rid of them without changes:

  1. Rozfarbovuemo our tree be like watercolor farbs:

From the autumn landscape, step by step painting:

3 class

  1. Promalovuєmo povnistyu all pagorbi.
  2. Potim right-handed small tree trunk with needles, homely crown.
  3. Small apple that leaf on the tree and under it, to show that the fruit already began to fall off.
  4. Domalyovuєmo in the sky gloomy and rozfarbovuєmo a picture that looked like watercolor farbs:

  1. Paint with brown farboa for an additional penzlik 2 stalks in the form of flames. You have a view of the trees that have been healed:

  1. Wet with a sponge in a brown farba and in the mist, de base of the trees, run with a sponge, so that the image of the earth or the leaves fall:
  2. Autumn is the best hour to engage in the development of the creative abilities of your children. Go with them to the street, take a farby with albums and create real beauty. Children will definitely not forget to be so busy, and under the influence of the enemy, to engage in imaginative art in the back.

    Video: "Autumn Landscape"

Little "Autumn" even if life has a small skin child - in a child nursery school, this topic is often present at the lessons of figurative art, the world of literature and reading. Few of the grown-ups can get rid of the richness and versatility of the main farbs, and many of them want to show the palette to the children, conducting the master class with a cover photo or a cover of a sketchy baby on a class plate.

Before that, how to paint the autumn landscape, it is necessary to choose materials that will be taken as the basis for the work. We suggest looking at the option of a little one, crushed for additional watercolors and colored olives on a splendid one, and then finish a solid white paper (it’s better to paint leaves for watercolors or sketches).

With the simplest olive, like a leader, a robimo little baby is a sketch. Our composition is made up of a large number of trees and a small rural house. I am interested in the presence of the humpback, in the center of which we see a smut. Behind the humpback, the line of the horizon, the foreground and the background, look in a different way.

The autumn sky is reminiscent of color. Vykoristovuyuchi technique of filling watercolor. Tsya technique wins in quiet vipadkah, if it is necessary to take away the nervously succulent body.

In the same way, we make out the crown of trees that are in the background. The stench will be rozmitimi and become supplementary to the main details of the picture.

Shading watercolor - background

In the same rank, we fill the grass with color and the line of chagar, which is in the background. Chagarnik robimo dark, lower the grass. The wood of the house was seen with a bright tone of the farby, and the accent itself was robbed of the house. І vіn begin to turn respect, even if you want to roztashovuєtsya on one of the distant views of the edge of the line.

Shading watercolor - foreground

We foresee the great storms of trees, giving them volume for the help of light and darkness: one beak of the stovbur is timidly dark, the other is lower. It signifies a shadow, like a tree and a budinochok on the grass, a stitch in color.

Rozmalovka watercolor - Croc 1

You can see the burgundy and red-colored bushes in the background. The descent at the central part of the picture is underpinned by a dark color. Underpinning the relief of a stovbur tree in the foreground, seeing the right side with a dark color.

Watercolor painting - Croc 2

Small bushes like a budinochka, remember the color of yoga in the end. Adding a deep color in the crowns of trees from the right side of the picture, vicarious warm autumn colors. Rosemary with such warm colors is the foreground of the picture.

Watercolor rose painting - Croc 3

We dry the picture well, after which we begin to correct the details with colored olives: leaves, chagars, roses in the distance. Great respect for those who are closer to the edge of the little roztashovuetsya ob'ekt, tim yaskravishimi owing to but yogo details. The tree in the center is the key element of the landscape - we can see it as much as possible and we can see it to the point. Little birds, what do you see.

Marvel at the video how to paint the autumn landscape from a child of 6-9 years.

Reading hour: 3 hours

Practically all children without a fault love little ones, but richly fathers through the summer nights and winds on the kshtalt “wandering myself and everything is just overmaze”, “I can’t be small, to show the eye, like a need to work”, “wine is too small, still there are tsikh farb” don’t give the little ones penzla that farbi, but Skoda ... Come on, our marathon of childish little ones on the autumn theme is over the creativity of us without blame. Why choose, dear Creators!

We have tried to pick for you ourselves and ideas for painting, so that we can organize the children’s well, if it’s time for woods, “gloomy enchantment” and sitting at home. Ideas of what you can do at home with a child in bad weather.

Idea #1

It is necessary to put dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then we will fill the sheet with strong strokes for the help of soft colored olives or cradles. On a white paper, a leaf appears with veins. Vykoristovuyuchi tsey way, you can fold compositions: a bouquet in a vase, an autumn landscape and іn.

Idea #2

A similar way, just rub the leaves with wax (with a candle or a white wax crade), and then cover the watercolor with an arch paper. Large squares are hand-filled with a wide white penzle or a foam rubber sponge.

Idea #3

Farba is applied to the sheet from the side of the veins. Then the sheet is applied to the paper and fight for the beat. The effect will be different, stale in addition, like a farb of vikoristati.

You can foresee impersonal compositional solutions: the sound of a great leaf can become a crown of a tree, like a house of Stovbur; sprat vіdbitkіv - tse vzhe tsiliy lіs!

Effectively look beats prepared with white farboi on a colorful background. It is possible to use a piece of technician, paint with olives or felt-tip pens of the image.

Idea #4

Seeing a farba through a straw, you can paint a chimera tree. Tsej sposіb nadaє bezbezhnі vozmozhnosti for eksperimentіv! It is possible, for example, to paint a tree for a long time prepared with ashes.

Idea #5

Malyukov, fill in the background yourself, or use color cardboard. Let the crown of the tree fall into disgrace, machuchi the finger of the farboo.

Idea #6

The crown looks voluminously, as if it were growing clear of colored olives. Apply glue pointwise at the required place and use small shavings. Stovbur and needles can be seen through a tube or painted in some other way.

Idea #7

Handily (i zovim non-marcoly) paint the crown with a cotton swab. In the same way, you can depict a grono gorobini, a currant chick or other yagidki.

Idea #8

Even a non-vibrant picture can be covered with vicorist foil. On a sheet of cardboard lay a dried sheet (you can use sprat) with veins uphill. Cover the yogo with thin foil and carefully, so as not to tear, smooth it with your fingers, so that the little ones show through. Cover the foil with dark farboy (you can use gouache, acrylic, tempera, ink) and let it dry. Even carefully rub the picture with a thick washcloth to wash the dishes. The veins of the leaf, which protrude, glisten, and dark farb is lost in the pits. Now you can decorate the robot at the frame!

Idea #9

Tim, who loves textures, singsongly, is worthy of filling the silhouettes with viserunks. Paint or circle the background sheet behind the template, spread it on a small area, like a stained-glass window. Let the child fill in the leather shmatochok with a red vizerunk. You can work with a gel pen, felt-tip pens.

Idea #10

A similar task can be visconed in the technique of grafting (scratching). A sheet of smooth (polished) cardboard is stuffed with farbs and rubbed with wax (candle). You can vicorate for the background of the wax crade. Cover the surface with black ink and hang it. Tweak the little ones with a welcome subject.

Idea #11

Vykoristuyuchi zhorstka bristle brush or toothbrush, rob a farboi sketch. This method is suitable for painting the crowns of trees, creating compositions based on roslin.

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