Presentation on Zeus. Presentation on the topic: "Gods of Ancient Greece. Zeus is the supreme god, the king of gods and people. Zeus in ancient Greek mythology is the god of the sky, thunder and sparkle, which he knows to all the world. Golovne z." Purchase without cost and without registration. Gods of old Gr

Statue of Zeus in the Hermitage Zeus in ancient Greek mythology is the god of the sky, thunder and brilliance, which we know with light. The head of the gods - Olympians. Vіn can transfer the future. Vіn spoіschaє nasproslennya dolі for helping dreams, as well as thunder and bliskavok. The whole suspіlny way of being prompted by Zeus, having given people laws, establishing the power of kings, also guarding family and houses, chasing after traditions and zvichaїv. Zeus in ancient Greek mythology is the god of the sky, thunder and brilliance, which everyone knows. The head of the gods - Olympians. Vіn can transfer the future. Vіn spoіschaє nasproslennya dolі for helping dreams, as well as thunder and bliskavok. The whole suspіlny way of being prompted by Zeus, having given people laws, establishing the power of kings, also guarding family and houses, chasing after traditions and zvichaїv.

The father of Zeus Kronos was told that he was destined to be felled with a wet son, to that wine he had forged the son of Rhea a child. The father of Zeus Kronos was told that he was destined to be felled with a wet son, to that wine he had forged the son of Rhea a child. Rhea was called to fool a man, and she gave birth to a devilish child of Zeus. The deputy of the new people, she gave Kronos a swaddled stone to forge. Rhea was called to fool a man, and she gave birth to a devilish child of Zeus. The deputy of the new people, she gave Kronos a swaddled stone to forge.

Zeus, who throws sparkles Viris and the beautiful and powerful god Zeus. Together, from Poseidon and Aid vіn, having risen against his father, and zmusiv him, turn again to the world of the children who had died to him. One by one, wyverns from the mouth of Kron their children-gods, beautiful and bright. The stench began to fight with Kron and the titans for dominion over the world. Viris and the beautiful and powerful god Zeus. Together, from Poseidon and Aid vіn, having risen against his father, and zmusiv him, turn again to the world of the children who had died to him. One by one, wyverns from the mouth of Kron their children-gods, beautiful and bright. The stench began to fight with Kron and the titans for dominion over the world.

Zhakhliva and napolegly bula tsya struggle. Zhakhliva and napolegly bula tsya struggle. Nareshti mighty titans flinched. Oh, the strength of the bula is evil, the stench was overcome. The Olympians snatched them up and threw them into a gloomy Tartarus, near the age-old darkness. Nareshti mighty titans flinched. Oh, the strength of the bula is evil, the stench was overcome. The Olympians snatched them up and threw them into a gloomy Tartarus, near the age-old darkness.

The old Greek place of Olympia was the site of the cult of the supreme god of the ancient Greeks, Zeus, and the celebration, consecrated to you of the Olympian mountains, Tse buv is the largest artistic center of Ancient Greece. The architectural ensemble of Olympia was mainly built in the 7th - 4th centuries BC. There were built miracle temples of the gods - great and small. There was one of the seven wonders of the world - the Statue of Olympian Zeus - the statue of the king of the gods and people of the work of the great Greek sculptor Phidias was celebrated. The old Greek place of Olympia was the site of the cult of the supreme god of the ancient Greeks, Zeus, and the celebration, consecrated to you of the Olympian mountains, Tse buv is the largest artistic center of Ancient Greece. The architectural ensemble of Olympia was mainly built in the 7th - 4th centuries BC. There were built miracle temples of the gods - great and small. There was one of the seven wonders of the world - the Statue of Olympian Zeus - the statue of the king of the gods and people of the work of the great Greek sculptor Phidias was celebrated.

The visible parts of the body of the statue were lined with plates of ivory brush, the embellishment was made of gold, and the base of the sculpture was made of wood. The visible parts of the body of the statue were lined with plates of ivory brush, the embellishment was made of gold, and the base of the sculpture was made of wood. The bula statue is majestic - the height of the statue reached bl. 17 m. The base of the statue is small, 6 meters of crown and 1 meter of crown. The bula statue is majestic - the height of the statue reached bl. 17 m. The base of the statue is small, 6 meters of crown and 1 meter of crown.

Statue of Zeus in Olympia With gold and ivory brush, it was crushed and the richest throne of Zeus. The back, armrests and legs were embellished with reliefs of ivory brush, golden images of the gods and goddesses Olympus, white of the skin bottom of the throne - images of dancing Nick. From gold and ivory brush, the richest throne of Zeus was crushed. The back, armrests and legs were embellished with reliefs of ivory brush, golden images of the gods and goddesses Olympus, white of the skin bottom of the throne - images of dancing Nick.

Engraving "Zeus in Olympia"

Traditionally, Zeus is depicted as a man of a mature age wearing gentry rice guise, framed by thick curls. Traditionally, Zeus is depicted as a man of a mature age wearing gentry rice guise, framed by thick curls. In the works of famous artists, especially the masters of the New Hour, there is a character in love stories that deceive women and take impersonal images. In the works of famous artists, especially the masters of the New Hour, there is a character in love stories that deceive women and take impersonal images.

"Given" a painting by Rembrandt from the collection of Hermitage The classic plot of the painting is the appearance of Zeus at the sight of a golden plate to the woman, as if she were in a state of mind. Such well-known artists as Titian, Corredo, Gosart, Klimt were born before this plot. The classic plot of the picture is the appearance of Zeus at the sight of a golden plate to the woman, who is in a state of coercion. Such well-known artists as Titian, Corredo, Gosart, Klimt were born before this plot.

Behind the legend, Zeus appeared in Europe, who played with her friends on the birches of the sea, at the sight of a white bik and vikrav її, taking on her back to the island of Crete. Behind the legend, Zeus appeared in Europe, who played with her friends on the birches of the sea, at the sight of a white bik and vikrav її, taking on her back to the island of Crete.

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Zeus (Dіy) - the supreme god of the Greeks, the king and father of gods and people. Zeus is considered to be the son of Rhea and Krona, which is often called Kronid. Mount Olympus is the permanent place of Zeus's rebuking. Zgіdno z vіruvannyami greeks Zeus, svіma celestial beings and us in front of thunder and flashes. Like the god of the sky, Zeus throws sparkles, people make up, picks up the gloom.

If Zeus opposes the enemy, storms and storms come up, they send a fair wind and grant clear days. Zeus is given everything that is found in nature, rozpovida the right snake feast of fate. In addition, wines spread good and evil on earth, sometimes wines are celebrated with a share, sometimes they act like truth, and Moira - shares. Youmu vіdkrito future. Vіn spoіschaє nakrestlennya dolі for help dreams, gleams to the thunder, for the help of the birds and the rustle of the leaves of the sacred trees.

The whole blatant order of installations by Zeus, having given people laws, having fallen asleep of royal power, is opiated by folk gatherings and rites, guarding this family and houses, chasing for the vicons of ancient zvichaїv and religious rites.

The attributes of Zeus were egіda, scepter, and sometimes hammer. As a gift of victory in the war, Zeus carried the goddess Nike at her hand. Zgіdno with the head variant of the myth, Zeus vryatovaniya mother in the form of Krona, who forged his children, and hid her in the supine litter box. If Zeus virіs and zmuzhnіv, vіn stood up against the father and threw off the panuvannya Krona and the titans. Zeus zmusiv Krona vibrating the wrought brothers and sisters. Zruinuvavshiy dad in Tartarus, Zeus poured out with his brothers, Poseidon and Hades, panuvannya over the world. How did Krona overcome, Zeus having taken away the supreme power over the gods' grid.

In ancient art, Zeus was depicted looking like an omnipotent Volodar, who sits on a throne with a scepter and Nike in his hands, with an eagle beating the throne.

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Zeus - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the sky, thunder and brilliance, which we know with light. Head of the Olympian Gods, the third syn of the titan Kronos and Rey (paromilkovo syn of Kronos and Gay). Brother of Hades, Hestia, Demetri, and Poseidon. The squad of Zeus is the goddess Hera. Father gods and people. In Roman mythology, it is associated with Jupiter. The attributes of Zeus were: a shield and a two-sided sokira (labrys), an eagle; Olympus (Zeus-Olympiats) entered the mistseperebuvannyam. Zeus thinks of “fire”, “hot substance”, lingering in the air, volodying the sky, which organizes the middle of cosmic and social life. In addition, vin rozpodіlyaє good and evil on earth, having instilled in people that conscience. Zeus is a terrible carousing force, sometimes associated with a share, sometimes - he himself speaks like a stota, Moiram is like a share, rock. Vіn can transfer the future. Vіn spoіschaє nasproslennya dolі for helping dreams, as well as thunder and bliskavok. The whole supple way of being prompted by Zeus, the patron saint of human life, the protector of the skrivjenih and the patron of those who pray, having given people the law, having established the power of the kings, also guards the family and the budinok, to follow the traditions of that zvichaїv. Other gods will swear against you.

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The people of Zeus belong to the third generation of gods, as they threw off another generation - titans. The father of Zeus Kronos was told that he was destined to be knocked down by a wet son, so that he would not be knocked down by his children, having forged the son of Rhea a child. Rhea was called to fool the squad and sweat gave birth to a chergovy child - Zeus. Zgidno with Pausanias, “to resurrect all those mysteries, as if they claim to be worthy of the people and vihovennia Zeus from them, it would be impossible to instill for someone who had begun to feed on seriousness.” Different versions of the myth are called the place of the people of the island of Crete (a cave in the mountains of Dikty [abo mountain Ida) or Phrygia (mountain Ida). To Kronos, the deputy of the new people gave a stone to forge. The navel of Zeus fell into the place of Feni in Crete. The newly born Zeus was bathed at the River Lusy in Arcadia. Zgidno with Theodore of Samothrace at Ptolemy Hephaestion, having been born, 7 days without interruption laughing, in view of which the number 7 is sacred. According to the critized variant of the myth, Zeus buv vddaniya on vyddanya kurets i koribantam, yakі vygodula yogo goat milk Amalthea. So in Crete yoga was worshiped with bjolin honey. For another version, the goat's reprimands at the small town of Yegiy in Achaia. For orders, the guards guarded the cave and shcharaz, if the little Zeus started crying, the stench banged with the scribbles in the shield, so that they did not feel Kronos.

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STRUGGLE FOR POWER If Zeus virіs, vin zrobyv zіll, like Kronos spit out the brothers of Zeus. For one version, Zeus turned to Naxos. If you have broken the titans, then remembering the eagle and guessing a good sign from him. If the gods spread the birds, Zeus got the eagle. On the scepter of Zeus is an eagle. If Zeus stepped up against Kronos, the gods laid down an alliance. The altar, to whom the stench swore, the stench slaughtered the suzirs. Then, together with Zeus, the gods began to fight against Kronos. The battle thrived 9 years, but the victory did not show. Todі Zeus svіlniv іz Tartar tsiklopіvі і hundred-handed, yakі swore allegiance to Zeus. Nareshti titans were knocked down and thrown off at the river.

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RIGHT Three brothers - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades - divided the power among themselves. Zeus had a panuvannya in the sky, Poseidon - the sea, Hades - the kingdom of the dead. At the last hour, Zeus panuvav over the earth and in the underground, judging the dead. In the period of patriarchy, Zeus is localized on Mount Olympus and is called Olympian.

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Try the logged Persha, the sample of the logged Zeus was crushed by Poseidon, the Hero and Apollo: the stinks were choking Zeus with a lance and they wanted to put the yogo in Tartarus, but the nereida Thetis called for the help of the son of Uranus - the hecatoncheira Brareya. After the rebellion, Poseidon and Apollo were the walls of Troy, and Hera was raised on golden lancets between heaven and earth. Suddenly, there was a prophecy, as if we didn’t know anyone, let’s surround Gaia and Prometheus. Gay Zeus did not bother with turbulence, to that it was so long ago and important, and Prometheus did not say anything to Zeus, but he ruled wine zhorstok and greedily. Zeus prikuvav Prometheus, but through the rich rock Prometheus made a prophecy to Zeus, and she did not make friends with Thetis.

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The presentation on the topic "God Zeus" can be downloaded free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Rіznі. Barvy slides and illustrations will help you to win over your classmates and audience. For a review, use the player instead, otherwise you want to add additional text - press the appropriate text under the player. Presentation 8 slides.

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Zeus in Greek mythology is the supreme deity, the father of gods and people, the head of the Olympic gods. Yogo im'ya in Greek means "bright sky". Win the son of Kronos and Rhea, lie down to the third generation of the gods, like another generation of titans fell down.

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They told Kronos that he would throw off the wine with his children, through which he would forge the skin of a well-known child. Rhea fooled a man and gave him a stone to replace the newly-born Zeus, and invisibly led him to Crete, to Mount Dikta, de vin for the reprimand of reprimands with the milk of the goat Amalthea. Married, Zeus sprung from the womb of Kronos his brothers and sisters and started a struggle from the father, which was three times 10 years. Three brothers - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades - divided power among themselves. Zeus had a panuvannya in the sky, Poseidon - in the sea, and Hades - the kingdom of the dead.

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The firmness of Zeus was met with great difficulties. Gaia stood up against him, sending her birth - Typhon, to Zeus, but Zeus changed the wildness with fiery sparkles. Until then, Zeus wins over the children of Gaia - the giants. The Olympian Zeus is respected by the father of the gods and people, but his dominion over the Olympian family is not too firm, and the greater share is often unknown, and the wine is known about them, ringing on the golden teresas of the share of heroes.

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Another squad of Zeus is the goddess of justice Themis. Your daughters burn to bring peace and order to the life of the gods and people, and moiri, the goddess of the valley (seeing that Zeus himself can no longer lie down), as if they were continuing his will. The daughters of Zeus and Evrinomi bring joy to life, gaiety and subtlety. Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, gave Zeus nine muses, - in such a rank Zeus becomes the guardian of inspiration, sciences and mysticism. The third squad of Zeus, ale persha for the meanings, is Hera, the patron goddess of lovemaking. In Leto, Apollo and Artemis are peopled by Zeus.

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Zeus step by step transforms the world, engendering the gods, like bringing joy, fun, science, mysticism, moral standards and conscience to their world. Ale Zeus continues to coristuvatitsya his most recent streak - thunder and sparkles, strangling the opir chi with brute force. Homer's wines are "thunderer", "hmarnik", which force the board, wind it up. The Athenians asked Yogo to shed a plank over the rilli.

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Olympian Zeus is the patron of the sleepiness of people, of human life, the protector of skrivjenih and the patron of those who pray, and other gods swear to him. The charitable functions of Zeus are seen in the work of Eskhil "Pleading": the helper of the bidi, the ryativnik, the patron, the gardener, the volodar of the state. Vіn Vіdomy, as the patron of national gatherings, the bearer of victory, the pomіchnik of warriors.

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  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional facts, it is not necessary to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it by itself.
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  • The text is to be read well, otherwise the audience will not be able to get the information that is being given, it will be strongly influenced by the news, trying to spread it, but we will have to spend all the interest. For whom it is necessary to correctly select the font, vrakhovuchi, how to broadcast the presentation, and also correctly select the background and text.
  • It is important to conduct a rehearsal of your additional speech, think about how you will get along with the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All come with dosvidom.
  • It is correct to take the choice, because clothes dopovidach also plays a great role in spryyatti yogo vistupu.
  • Try to speak in a singsong manner, smoothly and smoothly.
  • Try to get rid of satisfaction in front of you, then you can be imperturbable and show off less.
  • God - the Thunderer Zeus Vikonala: teacher of the MHC MKOU "Yamanskaya ZOSH" Potiomkina Tetyana Mikhailivna

    High on the bright Olympus, panuy Zeus, exuded by a host of gods. High above Mount Olympus, a black sky spread wide, a bottomless sky and light shines from new gold. No plan, no snow in the kingdom of Zeus; it’s always light there, it’s warm summer.

    Statue of Zeus in the Hermitage Zeus - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the sky, thunder and glitter, which we know with light. The head of the gods - Olympians. Vіn can transfer the future. Vіn spoіschaє nasproslennya dolі for helping dreams, as well as thunder and bliskavok. The whole suspіlny way of being prompted by Zeus, having given people laws, establishing the power of kings, also guarding family and houses, chasing after traditions and zvichaїv.

    The father of Zeus Kronos was told that he was destined to be felled with a wet son, to that wine he had forged the son of Rhea a child. Rhea was called to fool the squad and sweat gave birth to a chergovy child - Zeus. The deputy of the new people, she gave Kronos a swaddled stone to forge.

    "The Cave of Zeus" Different versions of the myth call the cave of Dikta the people's place of the island of Crete

    Zeus, who throws sparkles Viris and the beautiful and powerful god Zeus. Together, from Poseidon and Aid vіn, having risen against his father, and zmusiv him, turn again to the world of the children who had died to him. One after another wyvern z wust Kron of his children-gods, beautiful and bright. The stench began to fight with Kron and the titans for dominion over the world.

    Zhakhliva and napolegly bula tsya struggle. Nareshti mighty titans flinched. Oh, the strength of the bula is evil, the stench was overcome. The Olympians snatched them up and threw them into a gloomy Tartarus, near the age-old darkness.

    Relief "Battle of Zeus with Porfirion" Fragment of a relief frieze of Zeus at Pergamon

    The old Greek place of Olympia was the site of the cult of the supreme god of the ancient Greeks, Zeus, and the celebration, consecrated to you of the Olympian mountains, Tse buv is the largest artistic center of Ancient Greece. The architectural ensemble of Olympia was mainly built in the 7th - 4th centuries BC. There were built miracle temples of the gods - great and small. There was one of the seven wonders of the world - the Statue of Olympian Zeus - the statue of the king of the gods and people of the work of the great Greek sculptor Phidias was celebrated.

    Statue of Zeus

    Statue of Zeus Vіdkritі parts of the body of the statue were made with plates of ivory tassel, the trim was made of gold, and the base of the sculpture was made of wood. The bula statue is majestic - the height of the statue reached bl. 17 m. The base of the statue is small, 6 meters of crown and 1 meter of crown.

    Statue of Zeus in Olympia With gold and ivory brush, it was crushed and the richest throne of Zeus. The back, armrests and legs were embellished with reliefs of ivory brush, golden images of the gods and goddesses Olympus, white of the skin bottom of the throne - images of dancing Nick.

    Engraving "Zeus in Olympia"

    Historical reconstruction of the Temple of Zeus of the 19th century, Viconan Paul Neff Verlagam

    Ruins of the Temple of Zeus in Olympia

    Temple of Zeus in Athens

    Zeus hastened Typhon with sparkles, after which he threw off Tartarus

    Zeus with the horn of prosperity. Sculpture to the fountain near Petrodvorets

    A. SEMENOV Head of Zeus

    Traditionally, Zeus is depicted as a man of a mature age wearing gentry rice guise, framed by thick curls. In the works of famous artists, especially the masters of the New Hour, vin is a character in love stories that deceive women and take impersonal images.

    "Dana" - a painting by Rembrandt from the collection of the Hermitage The classic plot of the painting is the appearance of Zeus at the sight of a golden plate to the woman, as if she were in a state of mind. Such well-known artists as Titian, Corredo, Gosart, Klimt were born before this plot.

    Titian "Dana"

    Jan Derzhsart "Dana"

    Valentin Serov "Europe's Weekend"

    Behind the legend, Zeus appeared in Europe, who played with her friends on the birches of the sea, at the sight of a white bik and vikrav її, taking on her back to the island of Crete.

    Titian "The Second of Europe"


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