Presentation before the lesson for the creation of the "little prince". Presentations before the lessons after the creation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "The Little Prince" presentation before the lesson from literature (grade 6) on the topic Presentation template little prince exupery

A class-by-grade reading lesson in the 4th grade for the fairy tale "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Topic: "Thou shalt repent for the quiet whom you have tamed"

Target: learn from the creativity of a French writer; help to understand the different images of the fairy tale-parable "The Little Prince"; learn "bachiti", "chuti" and "experience" the author's artistic word; rozmirkovuvaty about the eternal nourishment of human life: about friendship, loyalty, loyalty, love, about the life of that її value.

Illuminating task:

first - to comprehend and comprehend the ideological meaning of the fairy tale; touch the philosophy of creation, yoga moral bek; vivchati analyze artistic tvir; reconcile the assimilation of that sensible creation; analyze the reading; vikladati thoughts and mirkuvati; vmіti zagalnyuvati and robiti visnovki; develop reading interest.

vikhovna -revitalize the culture of mov uchniv; chuynіst, vminnya be friends, spriyatlivіst to navkolishny world; pinch a little bit of kindness, vodpovidalnosti for quiet, who is in order.

developing - to develop the reading interest of the students; creative achievements of scientists; develop communicative-movement in the mind; develop emotionally-figurative and analytical thoughts.

View of the lesson: lesson - conversation

Technology: on a dialogue basis and new information ambushes

Methods: Rozmov, watch over the text.

Ownership: a portrait of a writer, crying for the writer’s aphorisms (“It’s such a firm rule: getting up in the morning, getting up, putting yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order”; “Among people it’s self-evident”; “You won’t care for the headiest eye”; “You always win for everyone you tame”), multimedia projector, illustrations to fairy tales.

Sound range: phonogram of the song "The Little Prince",

Presentation: Microsoft PowerPoint.

Epigraph: “You will forever repent for all whom you have tamed” (slide 2)

Hid lesson

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Enter the word of the teacher(Ogoloshennya by those that mark the lesson).


Aje yakshcho scorch the stars,

So who needs it?

It means that it is necessary

Shchob shovechora over dahi

Did one of the stars light up?

V. Mayakovsky.


Hundreds of wise men set the food chain. І The little prince seems to say: "I want to know, to shine like a star." And you, lads, marvel at the stars? Do you roam one by one to the soul? Not about lessons, not about football, not about the new computer chi game, but about secrets, about what you can’t talk about? And vzagali, chi є such a person, krіm mami, how can you tell everything about yourself?

We thought about it ... Singingly, talking to yourself: “Like stars, like a soul, like without them there is no way, there are problems that are significantly important: lessons, tests, sports, TV.

Ale, let's try this year, even if it's not a good time, say: don't hurry, think about tomorrow! I will ask you to think about the most important, philosophical food.

And our companion will be kind, the wisest person on the planet - the French writer A. de Saint-Exupery and, obviously, the main hero of yoga fairy tales, the enigmatic Little Prince.

A word about a writer (reader) (1900-1944).

Pilot, thinker, sings... Lyudina! (Slide 3, 4)

A French pilot, who heroically perished in the aftermath of the battle with the Nazis, the creator of profoundly lyrical, philosophical works, leaving a unique trace in the literature of the 20th century.

Tse bula was a person of over-the-top brightly giftedness, out of childish fates she was crying out for paintings, music, verses that .... technique.

Yogo life was full of dramatic episodes:Why didn’t you only traples with him for an hour of good! Having spent more than once before a plane crash, having died in the air in the Lіvіyskіy desert, trying to win over the comrades from the fortune-telling African tribe. There were "heroic legends" about him. Yogo was called the face of the sky.

Ale, the most famous vin of roaring in his creativity. Antoine mave two great passions, yakі mayzhe at once vanished into his life: aviation and literature.

“For me, writing and writing - one and the same” - the axis of yoga is based on food, which is more important for the new one.

Vіn having created amazing philosophical creations and filling a deep trace in the humanistic literature of the 20th century.Create your own masculinity and courage: "Pivdenniy poshtoviy", "Planet of people", "Viyskovy liotchik", "Message to the handcuff", "The Little Prince".

Qi books - yoga life. These philosophical essays about the role of that place of people in life. Philosophical means wise. The heroes of yoga books are masculine people;

"We are inhabitants of the same planet, passengers of the same ship," said Exuper. I am dreaming about the salvation of all mankind, I am ready to vryatuvat skin on this Earth, I am alive for its sake.

On the cob of the 40s. Exuper's embarrassment of life on emigration in America. The concessions of the native land, the sky, the wines of the moment only dream about the weeds. The same day, 1943, vin pratsyuvav over the kazka "The Little Prince". What is a fairy?(slide 5)

In his creations, Exupery often evokes childishness.

Itself there, at the childishness, vin shukaє vіdpovіdі on naytsіkavіshi yoga food. What is friendship, fidelity, kohannya? The author seems that one cannot forget the childishness in one's own way, one needs a little yoga in one's own body, even though the grown-up children will have more sensation and vitality.“Childhood is a majestic land, the stars look like leather. Sounds like I'm from? I come from a childishness, dumb people from some country". I ce vin vinis іz svogo zhittєvogo dosvіdu. Himself in childhood, respecting the S-exuper, there are first statements about right friendship.

The pismennik zavzhdi having valued friendship, won out for the new world of breadth, vіv respecting її most dear, є є on the planet.

  1. The history of the creation of creation.

The history of the creation of the tale of Nevipadkov. It worked in the engine of Yogo Litaka, and Yomu had a chance to make a vicious landing in the Sahara. Exupery has favorite images-symbols. Here: all the jokes are led by little litters, which are stunned by the help, their physical suffering and the marvelous order. The symbol of life is water, it’s there for the sake of people who have been ruined at the pisku of people, it’s a burden for everything that is on earth.

What kind of genre should TV? (Kazka.)

Bring. (the story "The Little Prince" has signs of fairy tales: fantastic more expensive than a hero; the main characters are fairy characters - Fox, Snake, Rose, and all stinks move, think, breathe; Kazakh signs: fantastic more expensive than a hero,

The “prototype” of the literary fairy tale “The Little Prince” can be used as a folklore charm fairy tale, de beautiful prince, through an unfortunate house, leaves his father’s house and mandrel in search of good fortune.

The writer reinterprets the plot in his own way. Yogo the handsome prince is called a child, as he suffers from a whimsical and chimeric flower. Among the miscreants, the little prince dazzles not with fairy-tale monsters, but with people enchanted, instead of with evil spells, his mystical and tongue-in-cheek passions. Ale, it’s less than familiar to the plot.

P. Goloshennya those that setting goals for the lesson. (slide 6)

Tvіr Exupery is called a philosophical kazka. Philosophy is the science of the deep laws of the development of people and the world, often the word "philosophy" is a synonym for the word "wisdom". The Kazakhs have a lot of wise thoughts, thinking about the eternal nutrition of human life. What kind of values ​​and values ​​do people call eternal? (Love is that friendship, vіdpovіdalnіst i vіddanіst.). The theme of friendship itself is not new. From long ago, before her, they were born in contemporary folk art, and professional poets, and musicians, and artists, and writers. A person cannot live on her own. I ce rozuminnya to come already in early childhood. The skin of us develops its own statement about friendship, a right friend.

How much do you value your own first for everything?Vіdpovіdі uchnіv:

Ale chi zavzhdi with such worlds is it possible for yourself? What do you need to grow up, so that a friend is left behind you for all your life?

Vіdpovіdі uchnіv:

Sh. Robot on the topic of the lesson.

1. Work on the light of creation.

What kind of food vinikli after reading a fairy tale? (Vіdpovidіdі children)

Where do you want to go? (slide 7)

- Like a litter leaning against a desert? (slide 8)

Yak, standing up before the appearance of the boy, yakim yogo pokachiv? (slide 9)

How did the columns of advice to the child develop?

Is the moment of acquaintance important for the little prince?(Ni. Vіn, child, you know the bedroom, argue between them, remembering that the stench offended “fell from the sky”, offended the inhabitants of the planets. staring at the telescope, a funny Turkish astronomer, about which I spoke later at the great congress.

So reality and fantasy are intertwined in literary tales, creating the effect of credibility.

Name the heroes of the fairy tale. (Little Prince, Rose, Fox.)

What is an asteroid baby? (This is a symbol of the planet, but also far away for the rich, mature world of childishness.)

- What do we know about the planet of the little prince? How do you look out there?

Nav_scho The Little Prince will need a ram?

And also on the planet, sitting on the yak and shifting around, the Little Prince watched the beautiful sun come in and sumuav.

Why sumuvav little prince? (The new one didn't have a friend)

2 . Characteristics of the Little Prince.

What can you say about the character of the little prince?

What kind of yogo character suits you especially?

Why? (The little prince is a child, more drunk, comrade, vіchliva. She is diyal and practical).

- What rules dorimuvavsya Little Prince, living on a small planet? Find out the rules of the text, read them and comment. At the lesson, they are simply called, but at home you will write them down in zoshit. Father, what is the order of the day of the inhabitant of the planet?

“Getting up in the morning, vmivsya, putting yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. It is absolutely necessary to vip the baobabs every day. (slide 10)

"Beware of the baobabs!" - Conjure a writer. Baobaby - imagine evil in a flash. (Slide 11). The clerk often repeats that for the present, lie by the ground until the singing hour, and then sprout. It is necessary that the goodness of the present sprouted. “Age all grown up as children…” People are guilty of protecting and not destroying on the path of life all those light, good and pure in the soul, which shatter them undead to evil and violence. Sob to bring light and goodness from oneself, "the soul can pratsyuvati."

Try to explain: "... All grown up when they were children, few of them remember about it." A. de Saint-Exupery. (The world of children is trendy and pure, children are without middle ground, like living, relying on their own feelings, listening to the voice of the heart. Grown-ups often waste their buildings, they cease to respect the beauty of the world and surround themselves with it. two worlds, two different planets, and only the deacons of the building will turn to the edge of childishness ...)

Why did the little prince sing mandruvati with migratory birds?(slide 14)

Read the episode, de z'yavlyaetsya troyanda. How will the author describe it?(slide 15) (Chapter 8. The rose was prim and shy, and the little one was tormented by it. Ale, “then she was so beautiful that the spirit was crying!”,(slide 16) and vin forgiving the quotes of yoga primhi. Ale vin the words її having taken close to the heart and began to feel unfortunate. For the description of Troyandi, words are written: she cheered up, picked up farby, wanted to build herself at the glare of her beauty, the pelyusts opened.

  1. Reading from roles.

Dialogue of Troyand and the Little Prince.

Why read the history of the stature of the Little Prince and Rosie? (To a respectable staging officer, who is instructed, go to the turbo, to understand. “I didn’t understand anything! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by the right. She bestowed her fragrance on me, illuminated my life. I am not guilty of tikat. Behind these mischievous tricks and tricks, it was necessary to guess the lower, such inconsequential ones!” (slide 17)

And what is Rosie's wisdom? What is there to teach us? (Feelings and pride. Lacking alone on the planet, the stench didn’t find the Little Prince in anything, proudly showing thorns on everything, as nature had made it. lower: "I do not say a word to the doctor." "Sounds of the quiet lower?") ( slide 18, 20)

Visnovok: Troyanda is a symbol of kohanny, paint. The little prince could not see the true essence of beauty. « Ale, I'm too young, I'm not yet in love. - like a hero.)

How do you know why the grown-up people, who made the Little Prince on other planets, did not teach him to be friends?

Why was it not possible for you to know your friend in the middle of the quiet, whom you have learned? Why does he have an obmezheniste? (Chantingly, the lad is playing different people who are busy with one right: the king, the geographer, the penny, the business people, the ambitious, the likhtarnik.) Leather from them є nієm as one of the ideas.

King: For skin needs, nourish those who can give wine. Vlada can be sensible.

Ambitious: "Marnolyubny people are deaf to everything, a lot of praise."

P'yanitsa p'є through those that youmu is ashamed of yourself. At the mountaineer, you forget. The skin of a person can know in his own strength to change himself, as it is necessary.

Seeing a businesslike person. Like a person respecting his head, those who are serious and diligent, and busy with nothing more than right, live life for nothing. For all his life, he has never once smelled a flower, has never once marveled at the starry sky, has never loved anyone, he is not a person, he is a mushroom.(slide 21)

Vіdvіduvannya lіkhtarnik. (Slide 22) . As if, lost in the sky of the Sahara, Exupery bobbed: a dot of fire shone on the horizon. And for good luck, in the measure of that distant fire, perhaps, the image of a lichtarnik was ahead. Aje likhtarniki live no less on critical planets. All life is for people, for kohanoi people, a beacon - for tsomu, mabut, happy people.. (Slide 23).

And how do you feel like the Little Prince, leaning on the planet Earth? Vіn bachit, what are the people themselves here, like on these planets, on such vins having been drunk. Youmu is so selfish.. (Slide 24).

Yaka is a marvelous planet. Zovsіm is dry, all in the throats and salty. I do not see people. The stench repeats less than what to say.

Whom does the little prince on the planet Earth chase? (A fox). (Slide 25).

Tsya zustrich is more important among the Kazakhs.For a long time in the Cossacks, the Fox is a symbol of folk wisdom, that knowledge of life. These conversations become a kind of culmination, for in them the hero knows those who are shukav. The clarity and purity of the evidence are turned to the new one. The fox sees the little life of the human heart, teaches rituals of love and friendship, about which people have long forgotten and that they spent friends and that they spent the building of love.

After moving with the Fox, the truth was revealed to you: the beauty becomes less beautiful, if it is replaced by zmist.

Not long ago, we had an important conversation with you about friendship and friends. And you, in response to the question, said that a friend is the one who does not hurt, help him, you can tell everything to you. But the results of the experiment also showed that among you there are those who, like the Little Prince on the cob of his path, respect that friendship is only more fun for an hour spent. Let's wonder how the Little Prince came to a deeper understanding of the sense of friendship.

On the planet Earth vin poached a lot of trojans. The stench, like two drops of water, were similar to the one that had flooded the wine. And if you understand, “that the Trojans are not the same in the world,” you become even more embarrassed. "Vіn lіg near the grass and crying."

Who did yoga? ( Lis).

Why Lis?

Kazkovy image - folk wisdom.

- Listen, how it was.(Reading from roles)

- Why did you learn the wise Foxes of the Little Prince?

Blame the hero for the true rose of love and friendship, about which people forgot and spent friends. At the eternal haste of the daily life, the gyne is in a hurry. It’s not enough if you talk heart to heart with a friend, sing and marvel at yourself, think about the sense of life, and make friends and get rich. The fox explains to the prince, what is the most important thing - we will need one for one and one for one at the same time. For mother friends, it is necessary to give them your soul, give more dearly - your hour. The skin of a person is not only worthy for his share, but also for the one whom he “tamed”.

Rozmova z nutrition.

How can you understand why the word “tame” is not familiar to us?

Chi vіdrazu z'yavlyaєtsya potyag people one to one? Yak Lis about tse?

What is the most important thing about friendship?

(Vіdpovіdі uchnіv, vibirkove reading)

- If you can do good friendliness, you can only “Forget the Roses of your days”

- It is necessary to read the heart for the sake of zeal with the other and the best in the new: “The heart alone is vigilant. You won’t care for the worst eye”. (Slide 26).

- Don't forget your friends, aje "forever we remember for those who have been tamed"

How important it is that there is a lot of understanding among you, that friendship is worth it and great is the promise.

These are two important secrets revealed by the Fox to the Little Prince.


"We vouch for those who have been tamed."

“Vigilantly one lishe heart. You won’t care for the worst eye ... ".

How did you understand?

Foxes to read the Little Prince (Vіn kazhe: "Your Rose is so dear to you who have seen your days. People have forgotten the truth, but don't forget: you will be in good faith for the quiet whom you have tamed."). (Slide 27).

Podbag: My Rose is one, for I have tamed it. І The little prince turns to his planet before his only Rosie. Vіn for her vіdpovіdі.. (Slide 30).

Exupery asserts that nothing can make friendship between a person and a person with those other living things, the Crimean people themselves. Everyone wants to, they have been tamed. The fox insinuatingly and uncompromisingly asks about the Little Prince, learns to teach yoga delicacy and behavior, fidelity and indifference. I prince, i fox, friendship is necessary however.(Slide 28). And to instill more will be necessary for the Little Prince, for the Fox itself has learned to love yoga. Having learned that “love cannot be abstract, love must always be concrete”, and explaining (to you and readers) on the example of love of the Little Prince himself to Rosie. If you have wobbled a lot of trojans on the ground, you got lucky that one of them could not look like yogo trojans. Vaughn was chimerical and prim, she was capricious and quarreled, she imitated the Little Prince, which is fierce. Aleone was yogo Rose, knowing the sounds of that foolishness, її imagine that joy. Vіn your love, having grown її uniquely beautiful that one. All the same, the Little Prince of the friendship of the Fox, sensible and wise, and having strained in his own Rose, and wanting to turn to her, so that she would never leave again.

And at the same time, they turn back to their planet. Why? There yoga Rose. I wine for her at the vіdpovіdі.(Slide 30).

4. Slovnikov's robot. (slide 31).

Yaki wise virazi from the fairy tale did you write? Explain your sense.

Judge yourself richer than others.

Some children know what they are joking about.

It's good there, there are no us.

Zirko only one heart.

Naygolovnіshe - those whom you do not care for your eyes ...

Water is necessary for the heart.

The skin of a person can make his own stars.

The only help for the exploration of the Earth is the exploration of human intelligence.

Thi nazavzhdi vіdpovіdaє for quiet, whom you have tamed.

Vlada can be reasonable before us.

Exupery read us a little human soul, that the order of life is following you, hearts sticking around with your heart. Poshuk water is long and important, but the water is enchanting, especially, to that “they were born from a long way under the stars, from the creak they steal” from the force of human hands. The little prince seems to say: "Water is necessary for the heart." How do you know?

How did you hit the author on the sides of the book "The Little Prince"? (Purity and trustworthiness of the majestic childish soul, the wine is not built for use. The beauty of the world of nature, the descending of that storm, the leather slips are the ideals of the writer.)(Slide 32).

1U. Podsumok lesson.

What did the head hero of the tale himself learn and what did the whole tvir learn? - So, lads, the Little Prince learned to bachiti smut: in a right way, one trojan, one sack of water. We need to be faithful to the kohanna of that friendship, we can’t be baited to the point that we are in the world.

Exupery vchit us bachiti with the heart of the soul is quiet, who is dear and close to us. "Kokhannya that friendship - work of the soul."

The fairy tale can be taken literally: the reason for the fantastic use of the lily at the desert is the little prince from the bagger of a distant planet. And you can take the history as a master of the pilot from yourself, from the power of the child.I will tell you one secret. You can read this book at any time. Let's see a little child take it like a fairy tale. We won zmuslitsya zamislitsya over even more serious life food. So you will read it, if you become the eldest, the story will tell you differently. That is why the parable about love and fidelity, about friendship and self-sacrifice, kindness and beauty is wise.

I believe: at the skin back

Welcome to settle and joy.

Zіyde kokhannya, old age enters,

Meet new friends.

Sound the song "The Little Prince" (music by M. Tariverdiev, lyrics by M. Dobronravov)

Home tasks: devotion to the Little Prince

(Sheet of a literary hero).

Captions before slides:

“Zvіdki my family? We come from children, dumb people from like a land ... ”- so having respected one of the most amazing people - a priest, a liotchik, a writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whom friends simply called Saint-Ex.

“I know what I love. I love life." (A. de Saint-Exupéry) About love for people, about respect for people, he wrote a wise fairy tale "The Little Prince". and evil, the dream of a better life is also expressed.

"The Little Prince" This is a completely good work written by a writer in 1942 far from the beloved France, bought by the fascists, and is dedicated to his best friend Leon Werth, "if he is small." Leon Werth, 1914

The Little Prince I want to say something like this: “Live the Little Prince. Vіn is alive on the planet, for he was a little more for himself, and he didn’t even get a friend ... ”Those, who are wise, what life is like, they would cheer up, what is more richly similar to the truth. For I do not want my book to be read for fun.

All grown up on the cob were children, only few of them remember about them.

All the same, give free rein to the baobabs, don't miss it.

I don’t understand anything! It was necessary to judge not by the words, but by the right. Vaughn gave me her fragrance, illumined my life, ”the hero seems to be.

An artistic trick, which organizes the whole plot of a fairy tale in a single whole, is a more expensive trick.

King Vlad may us in front of being sensible.

Vin is alone on the planet and talking and thinking about those who are the best.

P'yanitsa "I want to forget what I am dirty, drink dirty."

Dilova people “I am a serious person. I will never die.”

Lіkhtarnik Yakshcho skin pratsyuvateme honestly and sumlіnno, life will become richly rich.

- We don't know the number, - said the geographer. - Why?! Aje tse the most beautiful!

Front view:

To look ahead of the presentation, create your own Google post and see before:

Captions before slides:

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and yoga philosophical tale "The Little Prince"

Even if the stars are fired, then who needs it? It means that it is necessary, that even one star was saving the evening over the dahas?! (V.V. Mayakovsky) "If I want to know, now the stars will shine."

image of the little prince

Guess the Hero Purple Ermine

Guess the hero Empty Povnі

Guess the hero Five hundred million Serious

Guess the Hero

Guess the hero Naimenshe Narodzhuvatisya Zasipati Umovu Shvidshe

Guess the hero Tovstіnniy Mandrivnik Rakhunok

Wisdom of a fairy tale Only children know what they are joking about. Zirko only one heart. Naygolovnіshe - those that you can not care for the eye ... Water is necessary for the heart ... The skin person has her own eyes. Thi nazavzhdi vіdpovіdaє for quiet, whom you have tamed.

Reflection Worthy of a lesson? Chi actively pratsyuvav urotsi? (Rate from 1 to 10) What was left unreasonable? (Write food, we’ll sort out yoga at the next lesson.) So Ні 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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At the whispers of friends, being able to know the right cohanna, the Little Prince and virusha in his own way with other people's worlds. Winning people at the inexhaustible otochuyuchy yogo is empty, when conversing with them, you are able to understand yourself and light on, get to the bottom of what youmu so rejected. Seeing the six planets in succession, the Little Prince on their skin sticks with a simple life phenomenon, instilled in these planets: by dominion, marnoslavism, drinking, pseudo-learning ... Nevipadkovo itself here the hero blames the first doubts on the correctness of human judgements. Stupidity of reason, waste of life for nothing, bad claims to power, wealth, on a special camp or honor - all the goals of the power of people, like they show that the stench of "healthy mind" in foreign worlds. Winning people at the inexhaustible otochuyuchy yogo is empty, when conversing with them, you are able to understand yourself and light on, get to the bottom of what youmu so rejected. Seeing the six planets in succession, the Little Prince on their skin sticks with a simple life phenomenon, instilled in these planets: by dominion, marnoslavism, drinking, pseudo-learning ... Nevipadkovo itself here the hero blames the first doubts on the correctness of human judgements. The stupidity of reason, the waste of life, the bad pretensions to power, wealth, on a special camp or honor - all the goals of the power of people, as they show that the stench of a “healthy mind”. vydgorivshis vіd іnshih. These faceless masks are in no way recognized, what is the right thing to do, friendship and beauty.

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The planet of the lichtar On the fifth, smallest planet, the likhtarnik either lit up or extinguished the likhtar, for such a pleasure. I was honored with the little prince of wines for those who were true to their word. The little prince said: "If wines are ignited by light, there will be no more people than one star or a flower. We should not talk about the inner beauty of beauty, and not about the outer shell. The human work is to blame for the mother of the senses, and not just to transform into a mechanical movement. Be-yak on the right, it’s less than just one, if it’s internally beautiful.

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Earth Not knowing what shokav on small planets, the Little Prince for the joy of a geographer rushes to the great planet Earth. The planet of people is given to the hero with that unquiet callousness: "What a marvelous planet! .. We know it is dry, all salty and in the throats. People don’t notice it. They only repeat what you say to them." Behind the achievement of the little hero, one yearns for the bitterness of the writer himself, for what is found on Earth.

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Having drank trojans in the garden, the Little Prince realized that he was even more unfortunate: "Yogo beauty told you that there are no similar ones in the entire world," and in front of him are "five thousand exactly the same tickets." Look, at the new bula of the trojand, there are three more volcanoes "a grown-up me on the knee", what kind of wine is the next prince... there is nothing in the whole world", and in front of him are "five thousand exactly the same colors". Look, at the New Bula of the Troyand, there are three more volcanoes "older than my knee", a kind of wine after that prince ... And then after the roaming of the Fox, the truth was revealed to you - the beauty is only once more beautiful, if it looks like a zmist, zmist. “You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. “For your sake, you don’t want to die. Obviously, vipadkovy passerby, marveling at my trojan, say that she’s exactly the same, like you. "

Slide 20

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Love does not only show us to other things, but rather helps us to better understand the present world, to make our life richer. And one more secret is revealed by Lis Malyukov: "Vigilantly one heart alone. You don’t care for the deepest eye ... Your Rose is so dear to you, who gave you all your soul ... People forgot the whole truth, but don’t forget: never forget tame for all those whom you have tamed". Tame - mean to succumb to yourself with your own lowness, love, feelings of greatness. Tame - mean to be worthless facelessness and baiduzhe setting up to all living things. Tame - everything is in a new mind about the love of love. to understand the present light, to make our life richer with the help of others. You won’t care for the worst eye... Your Rose is so dear to the one who gave you all your soul... People have forgotten the truth, but don’t forget: remember you for all those whom you have tamed.” To tame - to mean to pov'yazati yourself with a different kind of lowness, love, a sense of goodness. To tame - to mean the absence of facelessness and the baiduzhe of setting up to all living things. Tame - tse robiti light is significant and generous, for everything is in a new mind about being loved. Qiu istu osyagaє and opovіdach, and for the new one the stars come to life, and I feel in the sky bryazkіt svіnochkіv, scho guessing the smile of the Little Prince.

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Turning If the Little Prince turned around to Rosie, the little ones became confused - they realized that they had tamed Yogo. Zhovta snake, whose bite kills for pivkhvilini, helped the Little Prince, like a curse. You can turn the snake there, the stars of the wines come, - you turn the earth over people, and you turned the Little Prince to the stars. Having said to the little prince that it only looks like death, he doesn’t need to be confused - let the little prince guess it, marveling at the night sky.

slide 23

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Visnovok Touching the wisdom of life, the little hero at once delivers a moral lesson to grown-up, musty people. The moral beauty of love, friendship, happiness, that human life is shown to the heroes of that reader until the end of the opovid. On the cob of a fairy tale, the Little Prince leaves his only Rose, then he leaves his new friend Fox on Earth. "There is no perfection in the world," - say the Fox. Ale - harmony, є cheloveka, є vidpovidalnіst lyudiny for entrusted to you on the right, for a person close to you, є yet vodpovidalnist for your planet, for everything that is on it. Saint-Exupéry zmushuє chichacha change the kut dawn of the zvichnі phantoms. Vіn lead to the understanding of the obvious truths: you can’t put the stars in the jar and foolishly resurrect them, you need to take care of them quietly, for whom you are telling and listen to the voice of your heart. Everything is simple and complicated at the same time.

slide 24

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