Mediterranean diet pyramid food.


Quiet house

The Mediterranean diet has become a favorite way of eating for the rich.

In the mid-20th century, nutritionists first encouraged women to try the Mediterranean diet.

They have long been obsessed with the eating habits of the peoples who inhabit the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with a lot less illness and a lot more trouble in life.

Adherence to the principles of the Mediterranean diet contributes to the normalization of sexuality and the pursuit of what is pleasant for a woman.

At the same time, the diet is filled with speeches necessary for life.

As they say correctly, the Mediterranean diet cannot be implemented with an effective system for spending money or with a program to combat various pathologies.

Shvidshe, this method of food, which is traditional, is used by the people of the Mediterranean regions (France, Spain, Greece, Italy and the regions of Southern Africa).

However, nutritionists know that this method of eating beans is bad for the body.

Mediterranean diet - basic principles

In the period of the Mediterranean diet, the head of the Mediterranean diet is important in maintaining the necessary food regime.

You need to take urchin at least 5 times per dose at an interval of 3 years.

Fill your snack with fruit.

Cellulose stimulates the process of poisoning and fermentation of enzymes.

Feel free to improvise, thinking about new light vegetable salads.

It is absolutely necessary to include in your warehouse those vegetable ingredients that are rich in cellulose and microelements.

Season them with olive oil, homemade light mayonnaise, and low-fat sour cream.

To activate the etching process, it is necessary to add a variety of aromatic herbs.

Peculiarities of the child Diet soups are prepared exclusively using low-fat broths. The menu now includes dairy products and a mixture of cooked proteins.

It is necessary to turn off the rich solids first.

Rikota, feta, and mozzarella may be adequate substitutes here.

For about 3-4 days a day, add sea fish to your diet.

For example, light fish can be cooked with mackerel, and sardines are suitable for savory fish soup.

To maintain the balance of fatty acids, it is necessary to include a menu of salmon or pink salmon fillets.

  • Among the poultry, you can add turkey, chicken, chicken and fatty goose meat. The meat is suitable for soups, and can also be steamed as a side dish. Tender rabbit meat is allowed.
  • 1 day per week you can allow yourself one of the non-natural malts.
  • During a lean childhood, a piece of cake, a bun, a piece of dough or a bit of chocolate will be a joy.
  • Red meat is allowed to be consumed 2-3 times per month.
  • However, it is necessary to immediately correct the insanity of various cereals.
  • Ideal for pairing fresh or
  • stewed vegetables
  • and sweet red meat.
  • The basis of the Mediterranean diet is to be:
  • Krupi,
  • pasta viruses

, bread

Fruits, vegetables (fruits are eaten 1-2 years before the main meal).

  • Nasinya, potatoes, kvass, peas.
  • Milk, sir.
  • Olive Oliya.
  • Spices – basil, oregano etc.
  • Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Reducing the risk of chronic illness of the respiratory system to a minimum.
  • The increase in the richness of life.

Zrazkov menu for 7 days

1st day

  • Snіdanok – 150-200 g of grain plastics and muesli with natural yoghurt, apple, bottle of juice.
  • Obid – 100 g of baked green vegetables, 150 g of sea fish, dry red wine.
  • Supper – 300 g vegetable salad, 2 bottles of low-fat siru, a bottle of tea.

2nd day

  • Food – 100-150 g of some kind of porridge with milk, a bowl of bread with cheese, green tea.
  • Lunch - salad with tomatoes and eggs, olive oil dressing, 100 g of boiled rice, some red wine.
  • Supper - 250 g of baked and boiled fish with herbs, herbs and herbal tea.

third day

  • Snіdanok - 150 g of fruit salad and low-fat kefir or natural yoghurt, a bottle of juice.
  • Dinner - 100 g of vegetable salad, 100 g of wheat pasta with seafood, smeared with olive oil, and some wine.
  • Supper – 250 g of posne meat, steamed or baked with olives and olives, green tea.

4th day

  • Food - a sandwich with 50-60 g of low-fat veal, vegetable salad with olive oil, green tea.
  • Lunch – 100 g of kelp salad, 200 g of baked squid carcass, some wine.
  • Supper – 200 g stewed rice with spices, green tea.

5th day

  • Snіdanok – omelet with 2 eggs with tomatoes, olives and herbs, herbs or herbal tea.
  • Obid – 100 g of pasta made from durum wheat with a splash of low-fat cheese and some wine.
  • Supper – 200 g sochevitsa with stewed vegetables, green tea.

6th day

  • Consumption – 150 g of oat plastics with milk and juice, orange and grapefruit, juice.
  • Obid – 200 g of vegetable soup, 100 g of seafood salad, kelikh wine.
  • Supper – 200 g of steamed sea fish, 100 g of vegetable salad, green tea.

7th day

  • Snidanok - 2 boiled eggs, a bowl of black bread with cheese, green tea.
  • Obid – 200 g of vegetable salad with chasnik and herbs, 100 g of boiled rice.
  • Supper - 100 g of stewed vegetables with pieces of baked and stewed vegetables chicken meat(100 g), green tea.

At noon you can eat an apple, an orange, some peas, drink a bottle of juice, kefir or green tea.

You melodiously noted that in the classic version it is often more common to drink large amounts of wine, and doctors recommend replacing it with a bottle of juice or unsweetened tea.

In the United States, the Mediterranean diet has been respected for nearly a decade as the primary principle of healthy eating. Vivchivshi Some children, people very early on, want to find out which option is best for eating the world's vast majority. And such a diet, of course, has become the Mediterranean diet, which is sought after for the benefit of health and to help you lose weight and eliminate unnecessary vomiting long time ago


This cannot be called a diet, but rather a simple diet that is suitable for all people, including pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

Mediterranean children and the children of Aphrodite were nurtured by many famous divas - Sophia Loren, Cindy Crawford, Penelope Cruz. These and many other celebrities look to their middle ages and are more likely to grow up loud, sophisticated and happy, which is compatible with a normally balanced diet, as the body is provided with all the necessary elements inami. Pyramid of the Mediterranean diet, essence, food rules, advantages

We must first remember that the Mediterranean diet was recognized by UNESCO as a cultural decline of the entire region of countries, where Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Morocco, Croatia and Portugal went.

  1. National cuisine These countries are based on the principles of the Mediterranean “pyramid”, as we will explain below. The food pyramid of the Mediterranean diet includes a folded menu based on the following principle:
  2. The basis of the pyramid (products that are common today) consists of bulgur, millet, rice and other grains, as well as pasta “paste” from beans, whole grain bread (wheat, wheat).
  3. The cream of garnishes is added to the mixture of fruits and vegetables that can and should be seasoned with olive oil.

The diet also includes other sweets and snacks - natural peas, ground beef, dried fruits.

Therefore, it is clear that the basis of food may be rich in carbohydrates, including cellulose and fruits. Porridge and vegetables should form the basis of each serving, followed by fruits and 3 snacks per day. Use coriander olive oil everywhere in salads, for coating toast, soups, and also for

thermal processing

products. This product saturates the body with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, and breaks down old waste deposits and fats. - 20%.

Also, the base of the pyramid transfers calcium to the body through low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, cheese.

  1. The diet contains only a few portions per day.
  2. Products for children are best purchased fresh and prepared the same day.
  3. Vegetables and fruits should not be subjected to any heat treatment, cereals should be soaked before cooking, meat and fish should be boiled, steamed or grilled.
  4. Now let's talk about the correct balance of foods during the diet.
  5. The diet consists of 5 meals, including 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
  6. Carbohydrates (the basis of the pyramid) account for up to 50% of the entire diet, fats (oil, peas, fat) - no more than 30%, protein products Basic rules of the Mediterranean diet:

Roslin hedgehogs have a variety of varieties, including extremely hot and green vegetables, city greens.

  • First of all, choose locally grown vegetables and fruits that are in season.
  • We can replace any cooking fats, oils, lard and dressings with olive oil (cold pressed).
  • Replace the salt with natural seasonings, spices, herbs and lemon juice.
  • Tsukor substitute natural honey and jam.
  • Reduces the risk of developing diseases: diabetes, breast and rectal cancer, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, bronchial disease and emphysema;
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels;
  • The menu is even more varied, rich, colorful and rational;
  • Mediterranean cuisine is available in any restaurant;
  • Helps to gradually lose weight without weight loss due to stretch marks, cellulite and re-turning of the vagina (up to 2 kg per day)

Mediterranean diet: set of products and menu options

In order to lose weight on this diet, it is not enough to simply follow the diet and follow all the rules.

  • The main thing for children is to reduce the calorie content of foods and portion sizes.
  • The “digestion” of the main products is directed lower (the prescribed dose for 1 dose cannot be overestimated):
  • Garden greens and leafy greens and vegetables - 1 bottle;
  • Thermally harvested vegetables - ½ glass;
  • Cereals, pasta, other grain side dishes - ½ glass;
  • Bobi - 1 cl.;
  • Low-fat milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt – 200 ml;
  • Boiled or steamed potatoes - 1 cl.;
  • Fruit – 1 pc.;
  • Berries - 1 cl.;
  • Seafood – 1 cl.;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Quail eggs – 4-5 pcs.;

Peas, porridge, porridge, dried fruits – up to 30 g;

  • Meat, poultry, fish for the finished product - no more than 100 g.
  • Now let's talk about products that are strictly protected during the Mediterranean diet:
  • Food additives (salt, zukor, preservatives, starch, malt additives, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, barberries);
  • Fast food and beverages;
  • Tyutyun and alcohol (cream of table red wine);
  • Cooked oils and fats, other dressings, gravies, industrial sauces;
  • Fatty dairy products, including cheese;
  • Bread not made from whole grains, licorice and other industrial drinks and licorice, fluffy substances, chemical yeasts, flavored flavors, barberries, fats, creams, oils;
  • Preservation, marinades;
  • Commercial desserts (sucker cakes, cakes, dough and others); Napoi (carbonated water, cocoa); Piece porridges (arranged
  • Vivsyan plastivtsi

, soup with chemical milk (toscho);

Smoked, fatty, oiled urchin

Now follow a balanced Mediterranean diet to lose weight for 7 days.

For lunch, prepare grilled vegetables from greens, eat a portion of steamed sea fish and wash it down with a glass of table wine;

The evening consists of walnut salad with feta, 1 boiled egg. Let's drink some grass green tea

without additives.


The food included porridge with milk, bread or butter toast with a little syre, green tea or herbal broth; Obidaemo tomato soup

with spinach, olive oil and egg.

On the other side we eat a portion of boiled rice with mussels, washed down with a glass of wine.

The evening meal consists of baked fish with lemon, greens, cheese and cabbage (250 g). We wash it down with green tea. Sereda


fruit salad

season with kefir or homemade yogurt.

Wash it down with natural herbal tea.

For lunch we prepare seafood pasta (200 g), seasoned with olive oil, as well as a green vegetable salad.

We wash it down with wine. For the evening we prepare steamed veal with olives (200 g), washed down with tea. Thursday

Before eating, prepare a sandwich made from sourdough bread, boiled chicken and cheese.

The same goes for a walnut salad, dressed with olive oil.

Drink fresh fruit.

For lunch, bake squid rings with spices and herbs (200 g).

We also prepare sea salad with kelp and carrots, washed down with wine.

At supper we are served spicy brown rice with a boiled appearance.

chicken egg . We wash it down with German tea. Friday To eat, prepare an omelet made from 2 eggs, sweet milk, tomatoes and basil.

We wash everything down with herbal broth.

We dine on pasta with cheese and shank (200 g), and drink a standard quantity of table wine.

For the evening, cook the soch with vegetables (200 g), add a couple of glasses of low-fat siru, wash down with juice.


The meal is made with a portion of sweet cheese from rodzinki (150 g). Also take 1 citrus and wash it down with tea. Ready for lunch

sheep soup

As we have already been told, diet is not time-consuming.

Shvidshe, this is a style of food, a way of living, which can and should be followed for as long as possible, which attracts a lot of celebrities and locals of the Mediterranean region.

As soon as you decided to return to the food you need after your child, you must leave it correctly.

After finishing the diet, include green cava oil in your diet.

Gradually add butter to the porridge, add gravy to the meat, and start drinking commercial juice and cocoa.

  1. If there is no need for fruits and vegetables - just increase their quantity, you can add potato products to the diet.
  2. Some dairy products can be replaced with poultry meat in the diet.
  3. Increase the yield of red meat up to 2-3 times per week or more. After only a month, you can allow yourself fatty greased meat and alcohol, pure food additives (salt, zukor), industrial malt, as this demand already arises. Short periods and contraindications for childhood
  4. The diet is called the most popular and most effective of all, it is respected by a rational and healthy food system, and it has a lot of shortcomings:
  5. This indicates a sufficient supply of basic products - not every family can afford plenty of seafood, fish, vegetables and cheese.
  6. Nowadays, the prolongation of the child’s life often results in insignificant results.

During the first week you will spend no more than 2 kg, so don’t try a diet to lose weight before going to the seaside.

Not many people are ready to take part in

The dazzling midday sun, warm pine trees, the taste of salt on the lips and the smell of iodine are all signs of protecting the Mediterranean Sea.

Dietologists of the mid-20th century paid tribute to the inhabitants of Italy, France and Spain who lingered near the Mediterranean. Mostly, they were fit, young, optimistic people who were part of the population from the central regions.

The reason for this miraculous peculiarity is the food system that developed in this region and is called the Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean diet for weight loss is based on a unique balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, without special food requirements.

The presence in the diet of a high content of antioxidant elements, vitamins, iodine, and minerals results in greater absorption and rapid “salting” of calories that are found.

  • Pasta, seafood, olive oil, vegetables and fruits, high in vitamin C, red wine and fresh meat are the main components of the meal included in this diet.
  • The original method of heat treatment of hedgehogs is: steam treatment, hot fire on the grill and boiling.
  • Baking in boiling oil is rarely used in the kitchens of the Mediterranean peoples.
  • This diet is not limited by terms, but can form the basis of proper food.
  • It’s very easy to lose weight by following these laws; the worldly goal goes unnoticed by itself.
  • The ancient Greek goddess Kohannya ta Krasi was born among the Khvils of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • That’s why the Mediterranean diet is often called “yam”, due to the respect for this guarantee of beauty
  • from the outside looking in

I'm healthy.

The principles of the Mediterranean diet can be depicted in the form of a tricupus, where at the core there are carbohydrate food products, and at the top - proteins.

Tuna, mackerel and other seafood, lean meat, eggs and licorice are available in the warehouse in two to three days.

Cowhound, pork and lamb are rare food products on the table of everyday residents, no more often than once a month.

"French" phenomenon Under the “French” phenomenon, nutritionists focus on the low level of cholesterol in the blood of people who eat less than 100% of their diet. dry wine

This is a clear, high-calorie hedgehog.

The Mediterranean diet has 1-2 kelikhs of wine and avocado at lunch and evening. Its main purpose in diet is to burn fats. Increase your respect!

"Dry red wine is the basis of the Mediterranean diet, like olive oil."

Cream of wine, transferred to enough liquid in the vista
drinking water

, tea, kavi (without cinnamon) at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

Expert's Thought Egorova Natalia Sergievna Doctor-nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

It is a good diet to follow, especially if you combine it with ketogenic diets or mono-diets.

I am particularly impressed by the “balance” itself.

People who follow the Mediterranean diet consume a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are important for the normal metabolism of speech and the functioning of internal organs. It’s wonderful that vitamins and minerals enter the body. As a result, a person maintains normal metabolism and does not suffer on the functioning of the immune system (which can be suffered when losing weight using other, more aggressive diets).

  • It’s better to ignore the fact that drinking alcohol leads to an invisible weight loss.
  • Tim more, that not every person would want to drink alcohol every day.
  • Bring wine, as (I know) it can be brown.

Therefore, the Mediterranean diet will suit your skin. We can recommend this to those who like to relax in the evening with a glass of good wine. Try to lose weight.

Mediterranean diet menu for the week

The recipes of Mediterranean cuisine are simple, appetizing and rich.

You can collapse the menu for a month, for 14 days, for a week, for 5 days or just every day.

The Mediterranean diet, which is shown in the table, allows you to formulate a menu for the day or for any other term. Table with the Mediterranean diet menu for losing weight on your skin: Name of the day of the year
Smoked, fatty, oiled urchin Catching hedgehogs Stravy
Snidanok Cereals with milk, syringe croutons, espresso
Lunch Fruit salad
Obid Gazpacho soup, tuna casserole with vegetables, green tea, dry wine
Noon Apple chips
without additives. Catching hedgehogs Supper
Snidanok Sirniki, fermented milk products
Lunch Vegetables with olive oil dressing, feta, crouton, cappuccino
Obid Mango
Noon Steam sauté with sauce, omelet with 2 eggs, red dry wine, mineral water
On the other side we eat a portion of boiled rice with mussels, washed down with a glass of wine. Catching hedgehogs Penzel grapes
Snidanok Lobio, kvasol, lemonade
Lunch Cereal garnish with dried fruits, cappuccino
Obid Raspberry milkshake
Noon Mexican chicken meatballs, salad of seasonal vegetables and greens, dressed with balsamic glaze
season with kefir or homemade yogurt. Catching hedgehogs Fresh
Snidanok Pasta with Bolognese sauce, herbal tea
Lunch Potato casserole, lettuce, espresso
Obid Fresh fruit, lemon juice
Noon Sirna puff pastry with vegetables, red wine
Before eating, prepare a sandwich made from sourdough bread, boiled chicken and cheese. Catching hedgehogs Dessert with apples and gorikhiv
Snidanok Pea puree, matsoni
Lunch Muesli with candied fruits, cappuccino
Obid Vegetables are fresh in season
Noon Yushka with white fish, asparagus, lemonade, rye wine
We also prepare sea salad with kelp and carrots, washed down with wine. Catching hedgehogs Grapefruit jelly
Snidanok Macaroni and siru, kefir
Lunch Veal medallioni, cappuccino
Obid Garbuzova casserole
Noon Sheep soup with meat broth, vinaigrette, brown rice, dry wine
We dine on pasta with cheese and shank (200 g), and drink a standard quantity of table wine. Catching hedgehogs Berry dessert
Snidanok Ochi, plastics from cereals, honey drink
Lunch Sirno-berry pudding, croutons, espresso
Obid Charlotte
Noon White fish, vegetable stew, dry wine

Midnight mousse with tops

Assorted syringe, herbal tea

When folding the menu, you need to remember the sequence of inclusion of high-calorie herbs in the menu.

Increase your respect!

“The Mediterranean diet transfers the intake of food into 5 stages throughout the day.” In this case, it is not possible to overwhelm the grass tract with a large number of hedgehogs. It is recommended not to exceed 700-800 g per day. The recipes below will help you master Mediterranean cuisine.

Mediterranean diet recipes

Remove fish and seafood from polysaturated acids and iodine, which contribute to the functioning of the immune system Cardiovascular system Cook in a place with 4 sliced ​​potatoes.

Add salt and spices until it tastes good.

Once the potatoes are boiled, add coated carrots and cybulae (1 piece each) and a bunch of chopped greens.

In a warm bowl, cook 15 peeled shrimps and pour 3 pieces of soup into the mixture.

Pour the soup into bowls and add the cooked shrimp.

Recipe for fish baked with potatoes and tomatoes

  • Cut potatoes (300 g) into slices and boil 5 pieces of bread in salted water.
  • Pour water and mix with 30 ml olive oil.
  • Place potatoes on deco, zvekhu - halves of 4 or 5 tomatoes and 30 g of green olives.

Place up to 1 kg of cleaned sea bass (or sea bass) on top of potatoes and tomatoes.

Season with salt, pour over dry white wine and bake 30 khvilins in the oven at 180 g. Serve with a prepared side dish.

There is a lot of vigor in seafood herbs that can be found in their freshness, which, of course, is present in the seaside diet.

Mediterranean diet in the minds of Russia

In Russia it is important to know the traditional Mediterranean species of fish. Vegetables and fruits, grown under the speckled sun of the day, do not compare with greenhouse berries. However, if we take the principle of the Mediterranean diet as a basis, we can successfully stagnate in the minds of the cold Russian climate.

A variety of products from the Mediterranean diet:

Mix the cheese in a blender with kefir, dill, chasnik, salt (all to taste).

Looks like an analogue of the mild Syrah "Cueso Blanco".

Spread it on toast and add it to the beast|add| a bowl of tomatoes.

Rib and vegetable salad recipe

Slice the cucumbers, pour olive oil over the tomatoes (for relish), place on a plate. Add, without mixing, canned sardine or mackerel (without oil) and a boiled egg, which is cut into two parts. Gourmet mushroom risotto recipe Heat 500-600 g of any mushrooms (mostly white ones and chanterelles) in a frying pan with 1 tbsp. l. sycotic oleum until soft. Heat 1 l chicken broth


Heat long-grained rice in a frying pan, mixing 1 tbsp. l. of the rose oil until it is completely incorporated into the rice.

  • Then gradually pour in the heated broth for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly until the rice is completely absorbed and is al dente (not completely soft).
  • Mix rice, mushrooms, grease
  • ripchasta cibulya
  • and whatever the grated one
  • hard cheese


Salt, sprinkle with green cibul.

Vegetable stew with chicken Take 200 g of eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, chicken fillet

For Russia, the availability of proteins and carbohydrates may be replaced by protein products, especially in cold weather. Otherwise, the Mediterranean diet, instead of losing weight, will lead to a positive result: an increase in weight. Instead of dry red wine, which the inhabitants of the present day traditionally drink to “burn” their fat, Russia has enough of a one-year walk around

fresh air With a temperature of -20 °C. In one hour, the body burns 300 kcal.

If you return home from a walk and get by with a light snack, the result will be achieved without an expensive drink.

  • The genius of the Mediterranean diet is that it allows you to follow a consistent and non-radical weight loss strategy.
  • The body does not perceive stress, rejecting everything that is needed for health and joy, and the absence of certain products, for example, vershkova oil, is compensated by significantly brown ones.
  • roseberry oils

, us in front of the olive tree.

Basic principles Proportionally high production of olive oil, legumes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Poultry of fish, poultry, dairy products (mainly cheese and yoghurt), as well as wine.

Low production of meat and malt.

Meal for health

Medical evidence confirms that the Mediterranean diet normalizes the system

bloody vice , helps the heart and life, and also reduces the likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's syndrome. Ideally, such a diet is a way of living for the long term, with the goal of seeing results within a few months.

Everything is on the right in a clear and varied selection of products that help the body work harder and achieve satisfaction in life. Pyramid of the Mediterranean diet The famous pyramid has remained unchanged since its publication in 1993 at a medical conference in Cambridge, and is still respected as the gold standard of healthy eating.

  • The pyramid began to “vibrate” from the 60s of the last century, when nutritionists lost their respect for the root of power
  • traditional cuisine The wet Mediterranean regions.: fruits and vegetables, potatoes, bread and grains, legumes, peas and porridge (in which case a lot of salt is added to the mixture of aromatic herbs and spices, which need to be mixed and stirred to the seasoning).
  • The emphasis is on minimal heat treatment and, where possible, the use of fresh seasonal products to maximize the amount of microelements and antioxidants.
  • Olive oil acts as the main source of fatty acids;
  • it replaces the “dirty fats” of animal production and all fats and oils after industrial processing;
  • You can see margarine and topping butter before them.
  • The calorie content of the total fat diet becomes 30 - 35 hundred thousand, and instead of saturated fats, the amount is more than 7 - 8 hundred thousand (the current diet is carried out in calories).
  • It’s better to use low-fat syruta and classic unsweetened yoghurt.
  • Two years of living in the skin of lean fish, seafood and poultry (remaining studies indicate the superiority of fish);
  • up to 7 eggs per day (including the number of those that are found to be stagnant in the population).

Fresh fruits (or dried fruits) serve as dessert;

Original malts and honey can be consumed up to several times a week. Read about the role of dried fruits for weight loss. Meat is allowed a number of times per month (the maximum quantity is up to 500 grams; it is permissible to use meat, but preference is given to breeding varieties)

The wine can be drunk in a small quantity, it is important to eat it with a drink;

up to two kelikhs of wine per day for men (250 ml) and one kelikh (125 ml) for women.

(From the point of view of immediate health protection, wine can be seen as an addition to a healthy diet; it is recommended that you drink less or less alcohol, in order to reduce the risk of possible negative effects.)

We can grow “live” vitamins from damp beds for only a few months at a time.

During the season, you have to trust what is sold in supermarkets or save the fruits of the grown crop by freezing.

As it seems, from the garden to the city straight to the freezer, our climate-conscious minds have the ideal option to guarantee the entire population access to necessary products. Bread Bread in the Mediterranean region is usually baked from whole grains and is an important part of the diet.

Throughout the Mediterranean you should eat it without any additional ingredients (without smelling fresh cheese) or soak it with olive oil - no

topping oil

or margarine, which can be used to reduce saturation or trans fats.

In addition, olive oil contains cinnamon fatty acids, which help to properly absorb all the fats that are absorbed into the body through the skin.


Peas are another theme of a healthy Mediterranean diet. It is impossible to say that peas cannot be removed from a small amount of fat, but most of the fat is cinnamon. For nursing children, once a day you can allow yourself to eat a small amount of some peas, bark, which will be more abundant, just like snacking on a pie and a cup of kava.

Crispy without pure peas, without sugar-honey caramel and salt.

Recipe: salmon with curry, salad and brown rice.

Salmon baked under the grill does not require additional oil.

To ensure a uniform golden-brown crust, do not turn the fish over halfway through baking.

To prepare it you will need at least 6-7, and no more than 10 khvilins.

Per serving: 597 calories;
45 g protein, 20 g fat, 57 g carbohydrates, 6 g cell.
Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 bottle (200 g) brown basmati rice
salt and pepper are great
1/2 head of Chinese cabbage, thinly sliced ​​crosswise
450 grams carrots, coarsely grated
2 squeezes of young leaves, crushed
1 lime plus a splinter for garnish

2 tablespoons of grape seeds

4 salmon fillets (about 300 g skin)

2 teaspoons curry powder

Bring 2 bottles of water to a boil in a large saucepan and whisk out the rice. Season with spices, cover with a lid and reduce heat to medium. Cook the rice until it gets soft, for 30 to 35 minutes.

At the same time, in a large bowl, mix the cabbage with carrots, mint, lime juice and olive oil;

add salt|salt|, pepper.

  • Mix everything and set aside.
  • Place a rack in the oven at a distance of 10 cm from the grill.
  • 10 minutes before the rice is ready, add salt to the salmon, grate it with pepper and curry, place it in a mold, cover with foil and place under a hot grill until golden brown.
  • When ready, serve the rib with slices of lime, hot rice and cabbage salad.
  • By following the Mediterranean diet program, you will soon forget not only about other children, but also about
  • zaiva vaga

with inheritances.

The people of the Mediterranean region enjoy a healthy and enviable health.

  • It is not surprising that the peculiarities of their food are taken as the basis for the treatment of low-vaga diet.
  • The Mediterranean diet is balanced and perfectly suits the diet.
  • A diet based on fresh vegetables and seafood varies by a wide range of advantages:

everything that is allowed is very tasty;

The diet is easy to tolerate;

  • she is beating the old one;
  • With this help you can overcome pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Instead of cucumber there is honey, but in general there is no obligation;
  • give the edge to the top;
  • cook on the grill, boil and stew the hedgehogs.

The diet includes head and vicorized products.

  • Nutritionists collected them from the pyramid:
  • It is based on cereals.
  • This is made from durum wheat, coarse pomelo, cereals (bulgur, brown rice).
  • Let's go today.
  • The next layer of the pyramid is vegetables (zucchini, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers) and fruits (apples, pears, citrus fruits), as well as.

This hedgehog may be on the table today.

The third ball is olive oil, cheese, fermented milk products.

First add it to the hedgehog, where necessary.

  • Smoked, fatty, oiled urchin Cheese is better than low-fat cheese, or better than yogurt or other fermented milk product. Closer to the top of the pyramid you can find seafood (mussels, squid), poultry, eggs. Eat fish up to 5 - 6 times per week, chicken, turkey - up to 4, dried fruits, porridge and peas are allowed every day, except giblets.
  • without additives. Eggs can be served up to 4 times per day, potatoes and licorice herbs - up to 3 servings per day.
  • On the other side we eat a portion of boiled rice with mussels, washed down with a glass of wine. At the top of the pyramid - pork, lamb, cowhide.
  • season with kefir or homemade yogurt. They are allowed to spend a little more than 100 rubles at a time. Make 4 portions per month. You can watch this video about the principles of the Mediterranean diet:
  • Before eating, prepare a sandwich made from sourdough bread, boiled chicken and cheese. What to include in the menu for this week
  • We also prepare sea salad with kelp and carrots, washed down with wine. To make life easier on a diet, you should think about your diet for 7 days.
  • We dine on pasta with cheese and shank (200 g), and drink a standard quantity of table wine..

For food – 2 hard-boiled eggs, a bowl of bread and cheese, tea.

For lunch, cook 200 g of seaweed with seasonings, 200 g of rice.

In the evening, cook 100 g of stewed zucchini and chicken fillet, tea.

Principles of the Mediterranean diet

Today you have 1 snack, for this you take 1 piece of fruit, some peas, 200 ml of kefir or yogurt.

As a reward, you are allowed to drink a kelikh of dry red wine.

Delicious recipes for skin day

Diet start preparing regular restaurant herbs.

There was a stench of components, but the process was awkward.

  • Gazpacho
  • For cold Italian herb you need:
  • Cut and refine the ingredients in a blender.
  • Then put in the sumish otset, with salt and oil.
  • Vegetables with pesto sauce
  • You need to take:

250 g Chinese radish;

250 g carrots;

  • 2 cibulin;
  • 200 g;
  • 2 tbsp.


vegetable or chicken broth;


The ingredients are cut and simmered in broth.

  • For the sauce take:
  • 50 g each of pine peas, basil, olive oil;
  • 20 g crushed chasnik;
  • 100 g grated parmesan.
  • Mix the ingredients in a blender.
  • Before cooking the vegetables, you need to steam a side dish of 120 g of zucchini, the same amount of kvass and 60 g of tomatoes.
  • Place it in the broth and pour the sauce over it.
  • Minestrone
  • Prepare the soup from:
  • 0.5 cibulini;
  • 1 stalk of celery;

50 g spinach;

1 carrot;

2 tomatoes;

120 g cabbage;

1 potato, slices of zucchini and eggplant;

40 g green peas;

1 chapeau for the watchmaker;

1 chili pepper;

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